Beware of AI black industry chain "making yellow rumors" in batches

  P-robot has many functions. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Criminals peddle AI atlas on the Internet. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Many victims were p-pictured by criminals. Photo courtesy of respondents

  On June 27th, the Central Network Information Office issued the Notice on Launching the Special Action of "Qinglang 2023 Summer Minors’ Network Environment Renovation", and launched the two-month special action of "Qinglang 2023 Summer Minors’ Network Environment Renovation" (hereinafter referred to as "Special Action"). In particular, it is pointed out that we should pay attention to the risks of new technologies and new applications, such as the generation of vulgar pornographic pictures and videos involving minors by technologies such as "AI face changing", and we should focus on rectification.

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  Today, "AI undressing" technology has generated a black industrial chain. Upstream criminals generate pictures through AI technology, integrate these pictures, package them into an atlas, and sell them to downstream buyers through complete sets of sales. Some people set up a "paid membership group" for this purpose, which makes some innocent people and even minors fall into the whirlpool of "yellow rumors". The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network conducted an investigation and interview.

  The picture of "AI undressing" was publicly sold.

  "It’s really my face in the picture, but here I am … … Why are you naked? "

  In May this year, Li Yi (pseudonym), who was still in college, received a picture sent to her by a netizen. After reading it, she was angry and scared.

  Li is also a Cosplay blogger, who often shares photos of himself playing various anime roles on social media. Later, she and netizens found Luo Fan (net name) who made nude photos. Luo Fen admitted that he put the photos into an AI (Artificial Intelligence) software and could "take off" Li Yi’s clothes in less than a few minutes. On the Internet, Luo Fen publicly peddles pictures at the price of one in 5 yuan, claiming that 60 yuan can package and buy "nude photos" of more than 60 bloggers, including photos of minors.

  "I have never taken such a photo!" Angry Li also began to collect evidence of the other party’s illegal behavior using AI, with the intention of investigating its legal responsibility, so she added friends with Luo Fan as a buyer.

  Luo fen does not directly solicit business with the word "AI undress", but implicitly expresses that she is "changing the picture". "Little sister, here comes Cosplay ‘ Change the map ’ , 5 yuan. " When Li further asked him how to "change the picture", Luo said vaguely that he used AI technology to generate various Cosplay pictures.

  Li also found a clue from a group chat formed by Luofen. Here, Luofen not only continues to provide the service of "changing pictures", but also publishes a large number of suggestive and provocative pictures, which are publicly sold in the form of atlas, saying that 60 yuan can buy 65 pictures, and "it is estimated that a total of 300 pictures will be updated slowly through group chat".

  "Who is this?" Li also found his own "nude photos" and went to ask Luo powder to understand. "This is clotho (the character name) wearing no clothes, and the blogger himself let it be filmed like this." Luo powder replied, and hinted in a secret way, "Don’t mess around, because more than 60 bloggers involved in the set of pictures don’t agree."

  "He said it like we bloggers took large-scale photos ourselves!" Li is also very angry, revealing his identity and confronting Luo Fen.

  "I’m sorry, sister!" Luo Fen admitted that she "re-created" Li Yi’s picture. Li also said that this is not the normal scope of "secondary creation", but an infringement of her personality right.

  Luo Fen argued that these series of pictures were not made by him, "they were made by others". Luo Fen didn’t realize the seriousness of this matter and discussed with Li Yi, "My card balance is only 1200 yuan. Can you compensate you for 650 yuan’s personal settlement?"

  "It’s not about money. You have broken the law." Li Yi and other bloggers chose to call the police.

  Black industrial chain harms minors.

  Li Yi’s experience is not a case. AI technology has been abused and a black industrial chain is taking shape.

  On the internet, as long as you enter keywords, you can easily find businesses that provide "AI undressing" related technologies or services. They solicit business on social media under the banner of "AI painting" and "AI changing pictures", and guide customers to add their contact information. After one-on-one communication or private group chat, they will come up with suggestive pictures to induce netizens to buy.

  There are many victims of "AI undressing", even harming minors. A seller claimed that he was "rich in resources" and sent a complete set of price lists, which divided the atlas into such categories as "stars", "online celebrity", "models" and "cartoons" in detail. In the sample pictures he sent, there were even high school students in school uniforms. He claimed that if there is no favorite type, customers can send photos of "single picture customization" for two yuan each, and "all pictures on the Internet can be used as material".

  Another seller also invited customers to join the group by membership, saying that at present, "there are already two or three hundred atlases in the group", and as long as you spend 30 yuan to join the group, you can enjoy free continuous updates. When the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network further questioned the source of his atlas, he faltered that his resources were downloaded from a website, "I didn’t do it myself".

  "In fact, as long as you master the relevant technology, people can use AI to make these pictures." Algorithm engineer Lantian, a senior reporter, told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Net that the "AI undressing" algorithm is called "DeepNude" and has been removed from the shelves in the United States because of ethical problems, but it is not excluded that some people train machines through other AI algorithms to achieve the same effect.

  In a communication software, an AI robot has gained many users. It doesn’t need the user to master the complicated algorithm knowledge, but only needs to follow its prompts to complete the operations of "changing face" and "undressing" for photos. This robot also has detailed fine settings, which can adjust the parameters of the picture like a beauty camera.

  This robot needs to be used for a fee. After clicking the "recharge" button, the user will be guided to a card recharge website for online payment. However, users do not pay merchants, but individuals, so it is difficult to track the operating subject of the robot. According to its price list, a strip photo can be generated at a minimum of two yuan.

  "The machine is neutral, just give it ‘ Hello ’ With enough human body structure maps, the machine can redraw the whole map by recognizing features such as face and body, and generate a ‘ Stripping photos ’ 。” Blue sky said that the machine "only cares about the generation of photos" and will not take into account the wishes of the people in the photos and ethical and legal issues such as whether they are adults.

  "According to the perspective of technology instrumentalism, technology is neutral and harmless, but this understanding ignores the moral relevance that technology should have." Xie Ling, an associate professor at the School of Criminal Investigation, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and a tutor for master students, believes that there are differences between technologies, and the consequences of the abuse of some new technologies, such as deep forgery technology, are hard to predict, and their ethical and legal issues are more complicated.

  Constructing network security rules from the principle of "most beneficial to minors"

  Lawyer Yao Zhidou, a partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, has been exposed to many cases of infringement of minors’ rights and interests due to the abuse of new technologies. In a case, a criminal used the "AI Face Change" software to replace the facial information of a large number of underage students collected from Internet channels, made a false face-changing obscene video, and then sold the video for a fee. "This not only infringes on the portrait rights and mental health of underage students, but also is suspected of spreading obscene articles for profit."

  "To cope with the risks of new technologies and new applications, we need to learn from ‘ Most beneficial to minors ’ Principles and ‘ Children’s rights ’ To build security rules from the perspective of. " Guo Kaiyuan, an expert in juvenile legal research at China Youth Research Center, believes that in view of the risks brought by new technologies and new applications, it is necessary to grasp the dynamic balance between the special protection of minors and the application of new technologies. Relevant departments should set up rules to protect children, respect privacy and set up special protection as soon as possible, especially the rules of grading management according to age standards and the rules of informed consent of guardians.

  Xie Ling called for the classification and evaluation of the application risks of new technologies, the establishment of an institutional barrier for the regulation of new technologies, and the definition of the boundaries of rational use of technologies. If there is no barrier against technology abuse, the networking application of this kind of high-risk new technology should be strictly regulated, because "new technology is very likely to lead to new illegal behaviors in the future".

  Yao Zhidou said that it is difficult to supervise cybercrime. The evidence of cyber crime is mainly stored in the network server, and it is difficult to obtain evidence in the face of complex and diverse electronic data. In addition, it is difficult to determine the identity of the offenders, and some criminals are abroad, which brings challenges to the jurisdiction of the case.

  In fact, in view of the risks brought by new technologies and applications on the Internet, relevant departments have stepped up efforts to rectify them.

  One of the seven focuses of the special action of the Central Network Information Office is the risk of new technologies and applications, including the use of technologies such as "AI face changing", "AI drawing" and "AI one-button undressing" to generate vulgar pornographic pictures and videos involving minors; Use the so-called "burn after reading" secret chat software to trick minors into providing personal information and induce illegal activities; Using generative artificial intelligence technology to produce and publish harmful information about minors.

  "This has released the signal that the state has stepped up efforts to rectify the network environment and effectively strengthen the network protection for minors." Xie Ling pointed out that this special action is aimed at the vulnerable characteristics of minors’ body and mind, aiming at preventing minors from using the Internet badly, and preventing them from becoming "tools" of new network illegal and criminal activities. It is also a concrete manifestation of implementing the law on the protection of minors and the relevant legal protection measures of the law on the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

  Now, Li has also stepped out of the psychological shadow. She said, "I can’t stop loving life because of these things."

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang Trainee Reporter Liu Yiheng Reporter Xian Jiejie

There are more than 90 million unmarried women of school age in China, and the "leftover women" are a shame. Family members: they are guilty if they don’t get married

Master’s degree, doctor’s degree and executive, all of which were synonymous with social elites, but once they became female masters, doctors and executives, it was a bit meaningful.

Especially those who are highly educated and devote themselves to their careers,Thus, women who missed the so-called "traditional" best age for marriage were crowned as "leftover women" by some netizens.

The word "leftover women" means being chosen and rejected, which is a malicious expression for unmarried women.

Nowadays, with the progress of society and the improvement of women’s education level, more and more women have new requirements for their future life and their other half.

Some people think that,It is better to get married than to abuse it. Since there is no suitable partner, why not enjoy the chic of being single?

Obviously, marriage is not the only need for women to grow up. Today, there are more than 90 million single women in China, who have chosen independence and career at the age of marriage.

However, it is not easy to stick to this choice.

The documentary "The Leftover Women in China" reveals the struggle and helplessness of the intellectual women in China between freedom and secularism.

According to the introduction of the film, single intellectual women in China, if27 years oldIf you are not married in the future, you will be crowned."leftover women"The name of.In the marriage and love market, such women are often the object of criticism.

They are single for different reasons, but they are similar.Have a career that can make you independent, and all have very high academic qualifications.

Higher education, independent economic base,It is decided that in the matter of marriage, they will not make haste.And what this documentary shows us is moreThe dilemma faced by single women.

The main characters of this documentary are three mature women from big cities. They all have enviable jobs, but they are not married in their late thirties for various reasons.

Under the pressure of society and family, some of them choose to compromise, some choose to resist, and some choose to be silent.

Hua Mei, a young lawyer, is a child who came out of the countryside through the college entrance examination. She has worked hard in big cities for many years, and her views on marriage are very different from those of her parents and family.

As the most promising child in the family, she was once the pride of her parents.But now it has become the most unpromising person in the family mouth.

Huamei was born in the countryside, and her parents’ ideas are very old. Their times are catching up with family planning, and a family is basically one or two children.

Huamei’s home is her two daughters with her sister. Because she has no son, her parents have suffered from the gossip of the villagers.

However, parents are very kind to the two sisters and are not influenced by outsiders. The father is even more determined to let his children study hard and be admitted to the university, so as to show outsiders that girls can also make a difference.

My family conditions are limited, and my sister’s study is really not good. My sister who didn’t go to college got married very early.

And Huamei became the hope of parents.A few years after she was admitted to the university, her parents were really proud.

After graduating from college, Huamei stayed in Beijing on her own and became the envy of everyone, and she became the pride of her family.However, as Huamei got older, the family began to urge marriage.

Huamei’s lawyer work is very busy, and my personality is also very independent and strong, which is caused by various reasons.She remained single until she was thirty-four.

My sister’s children have run all over the place, but Huamei has not found a suitable object yet, and her parents are extremely anxious.She also changed from the pride of her family to the shame of her family.

Sister Hua Mei

Family think, don’t marry an old maid to stay at home is very shameful, my sister even said:"If you don’t get married, you should go to jail."

Because of the problem of being single, Huamei began to be reluctant to go home, and even tried to arrange things for herself on holidays. At this time, in the eyes of the family,Not getting married is like being inferior. Not getting married is unfilial and violates social morality.

These shackles in the name of family make Huamei breathless. I used to have an enviable job, high income and good welfare, but I became a sinner in the eyes of my parents just because I didn’t get married.

Parents’ attitude and sister’s harsh words all hurt the heart of this strong and independent girl since childhood.

Facing the camera, she couldn’t help crying. At this point, the home has become a thorn bush full of thorns. Every time I come home, I’m scarred,She can only choose to escape.

The second hero is Xiao Min, a radio anchor, a native of Shanghai who has a car and a house. He has been in love several times and ended up dead.

Xiaomin’s family conditions are much better than Huamei’s, but she is also deeply troubled by urging marriage, and the biggest pressure also comes from her family.

She is the only daughter in the family. Since childhood, her parents have arranged everything for her, and her mother’s personality is relatively strong, so she has developed her weak personality.Everything is habitually subject to the opinions of parents.

Especially when it comes to getting married,Parents’ request is to find a good financial condition.,Those who are suitable and not registered in Shanghai will not be considered, nor will those with poor economic conditions be considered.

But what is often shown is that,Those with good conditions despise Xiao Min, while those with poor conditions despise each other. They have been picking and choosing for many years, and finally they have not found a suitable one.

In the eyes of parents, economic conditions always come first. It doesn’t seem so important whether my daughter likes it or not. In my mother’s words"I’m doing it for your own good" and "Can I still harm you?".

Xiaomin, who has been habitually obedient since childhood, has little say in his lifelong events.

In fact, she has talked about boyfriends several times before, but once parents and boyfriends have conflicts, she often stands on her parents’ side. At this point, there may be a big reason why many times I fell in love with her ended in vain.

Without your own opinions and knowing how to fight for yourself, the road to marriage is doomed to be difficult. Marriage is a matter between two people, and marriage is not only about material conditions, but also about feelings.

Perhaps what Xiaomin lacks is the courage to fight for himself, and what he likes is the most appropriate. Marriage is not a negotiation, a business, or a price negotiation between two parties.Feelings are never things that can be clearly priced.

If we don’t figure this out, marriage is bound to be very difficult. Even if you are barely together, there will be various contradictions in your marriage life.

The third protagonist is Gaiqi, who is also over 30 years old. Gaiqi, who has been in love for several times, has never found her other half.

Gaiqi, who was born in the countryside and had a heavy family burden, became an assistant professor at the Film Academy through her own efforts. She is financially independent and lives a leisurely life. At her age, it is very good to have such achievements.

However, she was overwhelmed by various problems at home. Without the burden of family, Gaiqi can live well on her own.

However, the real blow made her really unable to bear the economic pressure and the responsibility of taking care of her parents.

Three people, three different families and three different lives are the most true portrayal of the living conditions of contemporary older women.

China has been a human society since ancient times. Up to now, almost no one can get rid of society and exist. Being single or not is not just your own business.

China people pay attention to inheritance. They want grandchildren when they have sons, and great grandchildren when they have grandchildren.People are getting old in the expectation of this generation.

Children are not only the blood inheritance of parents, but also their hopes for the future. Most children are also dependent on their parents in their old age.

No Country for Old Men is a very serious matter for China people.Therefore, many people advocate more children and more happiness.

This means that,If you want to stay single, you have to fight against the vast majority of people and the inheritance of the Millennium.

As long as you are older than.Twenty-five years old, even just in his early twenties,There will be all kinds of relatives and friends to introduce you to the object. If you are single and don’t accept other people’s kindness, then you are waiting for others’ complaints or even insults.

In the movie "If You Are the One", Shu Qi once asked:"Is it illegal to be single?"

Even if she plays a single and independent stewardess in the play, she will be ridiculed by others and even intimidated by her family.

Yes, for older single women,Being single is an urgent problem to be solved.

Wang Manni in Nothing But Thirty has a decent job and a high income, but he still hopes to live the life of a master through marriage.

At the age of thirty, she had to accept the arrangement of her parents and make blind dates with civil servants in small cities. Although the blind date didn’t succeed in the end, she was still very anxious about being single and eager to marry herself quickly.

Drama comes from life, and the discussion on the problem of leftover women in countless movies and TV dramas is all verified.Older single women, how unfriendly this society is.

Similarly, at the end of the documentary, the aforementionedUnder the pressure of life, the three protagonists had to make a choice.

Hua Mei, a female lawyer, chose to study abroad. She didn’t want to live in a dispute with her family, and the pressure was too great.

Not getting married is like a crime, and my sister’s words are circulating in her mind all the time.This has seriously affected her normal life.

Choosing to go abroad is just to escape temporarily.Maybe she can find someone who appreciates herself in a foreign country.

It seems helpless to be forced to move away from home, but this time Huamei is not alone, and her stubborn father supported her this time, which made her feel somewhat comforted.

Radio anchor Xiaomin didn’t want to put up with her mother’s strength any more. She began to reflect on her own problems and hoped that her mother would let her decide her own life.

Although her resistance caused her mother’s strong dissatisfaction, and even the two had a fierce argument, after all, she took the first step, hoping that in the future, she could firmly maintain her own opinions.

For children, it is also a compulsory course in life for parents to learn to let go. Excessive intervention by parents leads to children’s excessive dependence on their parents, which makes them unable to have independent ideas.

The most important sign of maturity is independence. I am still a child, so I can’t talk about starting a family and being someone else’s parents.

However, unlike Hua Mei and Xiao Min, Gai Qi finally chose to compromise.It took her a year to get married..

Her husband met on a blind date, and his family is also in the countryside. Gaiqi said that she had already owed too much foreign debt for her parents. Getting married can relieve her stress.

However, Gaiqi’s age was rejected by her husband’s family, because her husband was younger than Gaiqi. My mother-in-law has said many times that she is too old.Tell her not to tell her real age to her relatives and friends.

Even so, after one year of marriage, Gaiqi had her own children. Now her family of three is full of vitality because of the arrival of children.

At this point, who can say that Gaiqi is unhappy?Isn’t that how most of us get here?

From this documentary, we see the three protagonists struggling with life.It is not easy for single women to survive in society.

Being single certainly has many conveniences,Life is more free and there are fewer disputes in the process of getting along, but staying single requires great pressure.

One of the biggest pressures is from the family, which can make parents accept being single.It is the biggest challenge for the "leftover women".

A woman who is urged to get married

In this regard, some netizens think that being single does not mean failure. On the contrary, being able to bravely choose being single is the brave embodiment of modern independent women, and single women should be respected and protected.

The higher the degree of social development, the higher people’s economic level, and the less dependence on their families.

This is why high-end people, entertainment stars, and the elites of these societies are the "hardest hit areas" for leftover women.

Because they don’t have to rely on anyone, they can live a good life. Being single even saves them a lot of trouble in human relations. They can choose to raise children or not, which is not a problem for them.

They enjoy the convenience and freedom brought by being single. If marriage can’t bring happiness and make their life better, why choose to get married?

Faye Yu, 52, is still single, and she doesn’t think marriage is necessary. She enjoys being single very much.

And she firmly believes that staying single can make her life more free and exciting, and she can enjoy life better.

Single women like Faye Yu are even more independent and strong than ordinary men.

Therefore, age can’t be a limiting factor for a person. Some people may get married at the age of 20, and some people may still be elegant single women at the age of 60, and marriage is not the only choice.

With the increasing tolerance of our society, perhaps in the future,"Leftover women" is no longer the object of discrimination or crusade.

The higher the civilization of society, the more diverse society will be. There is not only one choice for people’s lifestyle.Marriage is only an option, but not choosing marriage does not mean that our life is unhappy..

The social system will be more and more perfect, medical care will be more and more convenient, and old-age care will no longer be a problem. You can live a good life by your own personal accumulation.

Without secular standards, perhaps feelings will become more pure, and people’s happiness index will certainly be higher and higher.

What do you think of "leftover women"? Let’s share it in the comments section ~

(The pictures and story materials are all from the Internet. Unauthorized reprinting is prohibited! ) # Summer Creation Competition #

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Wang Bo is desperate! After Hu Jinqiu+Sun Minghui was completely injured, Cummings was reimbursed in the first stage. How can I fight?

Cummings’ injury involved Guo Ailun? Sunspots are everywhere. We often say that it never rains but it pours. This sentence is really appropriate when applied to Guangsha. Wang Bo’s despair is also normal. Any coach would not be in a good mood. Last season’s playoffs, Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao were injured one after another. This season, Hu Jinqiu had already suffered a fracture before taking part in the official game. In the first game, Cummings, a foreign aid, also suffered a palm fracture, which was really too difficult for Guangsha team!

Liaoning played against Guangsha in CBA, and finally the Liaoning men’s basketball team won. Cummings, a new foreign aid from Zhejiang Dongyangguang, also performed very well. He played for 35 minutes, made 8 of 17 shots, made 4 of 7 3-pointers, and scored 23 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steal from four free throws. The data is still good. Because it’s only the first game of CBA, the MVP of this European league is still not used to it. I believe that after adjustment, it will definitely play its due level.

Two yuan generals were reimbursed at the beginning of the season, which was a big loss for Zhejiang Dongyangguang and head coach Wang Bo. One is the main inside center, and the other is the newly-joined defender’s foreign aid. The two lines have been hit hard, and I’m afraid the record of the first stage will be greatly affected.

However, don’t be too depressed, Wang Bo. Injuries are also a part of the competition. The previous Liaoning men’s basketball team has experienced it, and other teams have similar situations. I believe that with the passage of time, players will recover and the team’s situation will improve. Guangsha’s fighting capacity is not weak at present, so they can lower their posture first, and spend the difficult time steadily, especially for players like Xu Zhonghao. They should pay attention to their movements in the game, and don’t be punished for malicious foul, or even expelled from the game, which will eventually lead to attrition in non-combat, which will be even more costly. Mentality is very important. I hope Wang Bo can survive.

Finally, I want to explain that Cummings’ injury has nothing to do with Caring for Aaron. Two people are fighting for each other normally, and they don’t have much physical contact. There are some regional sprays with rhythm, which is not good.

List of Shanghai Chongming New House in 2022

[Selected Real Estate 1] Chongming Sanxiang Forest Sea Shang

Real estate review

After smoking this cigarette

Let me briefly outline the advantages of the Sanxiang Forest Haishang: dual -track, Dong Community’s commercial facilities, the entire East community environment, and the quality of Sanxiang. And Sanxiang’s construction site is the most satisfied with what I currently see.

There are buses around for easy travel.

Old driver driving school

I have been to Chongming many times, not many corners, it is still a bit far from the future subway, but it can still be accepted

[Selected Real Estate 2] Blue Lake Bay

Real estate review


There are comprehensive shopping malls nearby. Lenovo Computer Stores, Lianhua Supermarket, Jinye Supermarket, Wenfeng Supermarket, Xiufang Supermarket, eating and buying vegetables are very convenient. There are 8 units, with 66.0-118.0 square meters in different areas of different areas of different areas. Choose, take what you need.


The greening rate of the community is good, the environment is beautiful, the eyes are full of green, and the living comfort is high.

Chongming is now more and more houses. To be honest, there are a few who work in Shanghai to buy that goes.

[Selected Real Estate II

Real estate review


1. The kitchen is L -shaped and has a large space area, which is convenient for cooking food and kitchen supplies. 2. The kitchen and toilet have windows, which are convenient for oil fume and odor, and the ventilation is better. 3. The master bedroom is the suite design. In addition to the independent bathroom, there is also a test room, which is convenient for the owner’s life. The privacy is better and the living comfort is high. ; 1. The depth is unreasonable, which will cause the part to be dim and need to turn on the light during the day.

The property fee is 2.5 yuan/square meter and month, and the price is acceptable. It depends on the quality of the service. The average price is about 26647 yuan/㎡.

Little Snail Nica

It is already the existing house. It is close to the Changxing Town Government, and the surrounding foundation is OK.