10 o’clock in the middle of the night! Foreign media broke the controversy. Neymar was carnivated all night after serious injuries, and fans criticized it!

In the 15th round of the French Lixion, Paris, who fought away, pulled three goals in a row first, and finally defeated Saint Etien with 3-1, scored 3 points. But after the game, many fans of Paris are not happy, because the superstar Neymar in their team is seriously injured, and he will be absent from 6-8 weeks. Neymar’s curtain performance in 2021. When everyone was still regretting Neymar, the Spanish "World Sports News" recently broke out a controversial news, and the wind direction of the fans has gradually changed from blessings to criticism!

At 10 o’clock in the middle of the night on November 29th, Beijing time, Spain’s well -known media "Daily Sports News" broke the news that Neymar was immediately treated with a brief treatment after being injured and leaving the scene. Participants listened to music, smoking smoke, and playing poker together. They kept carnival until 6 o’clock in the morning. And singer JOTTAPE also posted a photo of the two on social media early in the morning, which has also become the best evidence of the matter!

After seeing this news, many of the fans who were still worried about Neymar turned their faces directly and began to severely criticize the Brazilian foot on the Internet. Some fans left a message: "I was very distressed by Neymar. Now seeing this news, I can only say that it deserves it. Perhaps he wants to participate in the party more than the stadium." And the fans said: "After all, the fans said:" After all, the fans said: "After all It is a Brazilian, you can understand. The examples of Xiaoluo and Ade are all in front. "However, some fans made suggestions for Neymar:" I hope he will learn more from the elder brother Alveis and extend as much as possible as possible. In his career, if he retire early, it is a huge loss for Brazil and fans! "

In fact, there has been no interruption on the lace news of Neymar’s field. He loves to visit the nightclub and likes to open the party. It is almost well known in the Paris team. His swaying behavior has also recruited a lot of doubts, but Neymar disagreed with this. He had publicly recovered the reporter at the press conference: "Why can’t I go to the nightclub? You will definitely live like me like this. I will go to the nightclub in the future. I think this is not a problem! "

In the season, Neymar played 14 games for the Paris team, contributed 3 goals and 3 assists, creating a new low since landing in Ligue 1. This "third person in the world" that was once inferior to Mero, if he could not focus all of his attention on football, then his career would be missed with the Golden Globe.

[Looking for coaches] How is the proportion of the correct motivation? That’s it! -The table tennis national ball exchange

Find a coach+ask the Ma Kaixuan coach to guide it to see if there is any problem with the front and back action? thanks

Coach Ma Kaixuan Answers

Boys, right -handed horizontal board, single -line exercises on the front and backhand.

1. Positive hand. The plate shape is stable, the hitting time is reasonable, and the proportion of impact and friction is quite good. The first thing that needs to be adjusted is the shape, the big arm is started, and now it is too close to the body’s torso, causing the big arm tension, and the continuous shoulders are raised.

It is best to swing with bare hands to solve it. At the same time, the front arm is opened horizontally a little more. In this way, the focus of the exchange is adjusted together. My legs, but I estimate that the distance between my feet is close. That is to say, we comprehensively govern during waving,Open your feet properly, the knee is slightly bent, and the structure will be much more reasonable.It is best to use multi -ball to adjust the action with more effort. It is not impossible to use a single ball. The requirements for the sparrows are relatively high. Of course, you can do a single ball.

2. Affairs. This video is shot well, and there are angle changes, and it will be much more comprehensive.

The child is stable and the action structure is quite stable. The proportion of playing and rubbing in the ball is quite good. This coach is a bit level, at least, it is quite satisfactory. You can stand some properly at your feet, and the sense of stability will be much better.

In addition, there is a detail that he must stand in front of him with his left foot. Sometimes he comes out of his right foot. At the same time, the left foot heel is twisted on the ground. This is not possible. Can you remind him that when hitting the backhand, the left forearm of the left arm is placed near the left waist, and the height on the table is very helpful to the body balance.

At this age, the practice of training, and the number of training hours, the ball skills will rise very fast.

Do you want to ask too? Native

Ma Kaixuan, former Beijing team member. In 1990, he went to work in the United States and many students were selected as the U.S. National Team. Its table tennis resumes are colorful and unique and have rich teaching experience. He is currently a technical consultant of Ping Pong World Magazine and National Ball Exchange.

The most really likes is "watching" in the lower right corner

48 hours have passed, why haven’t the community unblocked yet?Shanghai Jinshan response

Recently, some netizens asked at the "I Jinshan" WeChat public account of "I Jinshan" in the Jinshan District Rong Media Center, Shanghai, and asked: "Xiaobian, Xiaobian, 48 hours have passed, why hasn’t the community notified notification?"

In this regard, "I Jinshan" replied: "The region management and control investigation is a dynamic adjustment process, and it is not said that it will be automatically unblocked in the community in 48 hours. Only when all personnel in the region control the community have been detected twice within 48 hours, and the resultIt is normal. After the comprehensive research and judgment of the previous epidemic prevention and control department can be issued, the unblocking instruction can be issued. Once the nucleic acid test results in the region are controlled abnormal, the control time will be extended accordingly. "

"I Jinshan" added: "The number of nucleic acid detection has soared in the near future, and the test report time is relatively prolonged, which affects the time and control time. The current situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated.The principle of less contact and less gathering "promotes home online office."

Shanghai Tourism Guide -iconic architecture


1. Oriental Pearl TV Tower

Located in Lujiazui, Shanghai, Pudong New District, full name Dongzhu Radio and TV Tower, 467.9 meters high, nearby Huangpu River, perspective with the Bund. The TV tower is the third tallest tower in Asia -and the third tallest tower in the world. Secondly, the Canadian National Television Tower and the OSTROKELET TV Tower in Russia, it is the iconic building of Shanghai -. Every year, the number of tourists and tourism revenue is second, and there are world -renowned tourist attractions. The sightseeing layer overlooks the scenery of the Huangpu River. The rotating restaurant can taste the food, and the space hat can be seen from 3D movies.


Business hours are 8: 30-21: 30, buses 81, 82, 583, 774 are like roads. Tickets are charging at a high level, and the price is very high.

2. Jinmao Building

Also known as Jinmao Building, located on the banks of Huangpu River, Shanghai, Pudong New District, echo and Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower, the building height is 420.5 meters. The eighth high building in the world. Shanghai’s business card, the structure of the Chinese and Western -style pagodas, especially from the ground 340.1 meters of 88th floor. For China’s second high sightseeing layer, more than 1 can accommodate 000 visitor. Looking around, extreme appearance, Shanghai’s new appearance is full of eyes. There are also various shopping, restaurants, hotels and other places in the building. If you are lucky, you can meet the challenges such as high -altitude skydiving.

Tip ●

The business hours are 10: 00-22: 00. Under the Lujiazui Station of Metro Line 2, bus 96, 119, 583, 607, 630 is available.

3. Shanghai Global Financial Center

Located in Lujiazui, Shanghai, completed on August 29, 2008. 492 meters high, 101 floors above the ground. It is currently the second largest building in China, the third building in the world, and the highest Pingding skyscraper in the world. It is one of the modern landmarks in Shanghai.

4. New paradise and earth

Located on NO. 181, Taicang Road, Luwan District renovated in the old district of Shanghai Shixoumen Building. This is the collection, business, entertainment, and culture of the catering industry. The history and cultural style of urban tourist attractions and leisure pedestrian streets and Shanghai.


Meituan takeaway "Quality Big Big Big Carnival" is launched in Shanghai to go online with multiple discounts to eat all over the city.

Recently, in order to promote the rapid recovery of Shanghai’s economy and provide consumers with higher quality takeaway services, Meituan takeaway and 500 high -quality supply brands, including 300 must -list the city’s must -order brands, and jointly linked by multi -category and multi -business formats In the form of a quality meal carnival in Shanghai. During the event, each person can receive a maximum of 1,000 yuan consumer coupons per day, allowing consumers to enjoy a affordable, delicious and rich quality meal.

Multi -category consumer coupons, catering brands are online, open high -quality carnival feast

From June 18th to July 3rd, users log in to the "Meituan Takeaway" or "Meituan" APP, search for "takeaway consumer coupons" to enter the event page. In the "Coupon Receive Zone", users can receive three quality food consumer coupons of "over 60 yuan minus 10 yuan", "over 80 yuan minus 15 yuan", "over 100 yuan minus 20 yuan"; in addition, users can still use the same page, which can also Receive different types of consumer vouchers such as category coupons, brand coupons, and quality daily life coupons, which can receive a maximum of 1,000 yuan per day. Among them, the popular coffee milk tea consumer coupons, "less than 25 yuan minus 7 yuan", "less than 40 yuan minus 20 yuan", "less than 99 yuan minus 30 yuan", the number is limited, first come first served.

It should be noted that the same user ID is limited to the same value consumption coupon. The coupons cannot be used, but it can be superimposed with other preferential activities of the platform or merchant.

In addition to the rich and diverse quality consumer coupons, Meituan takeaway also links Cai Lan’s snacks, Xiao Yang Shengzheng, Lao Shengchang, Red Armor, KFC, Starbucks, TIMS, Manner, Ruixing Coffee, Hi Tea and other high -quality brands. Bring a rich quality meal. The hot air’s raw fried buns, the delicious soup, the delicious flavor, the spicy and delicious crayfish, etc., can be sent to the user through the takeaway, with a variety of fancy milk tea and coffee, so that many Shanghai citizens who have been in home for a long time to live in their homes tolerate the forbearance I ca n’t hold the index finger, and I place an order to buy.

"Since I received a 80-15 consumer coupon on Meituan, I have been thinking about how to use it. As a result, the child said that I want to eat soup bags. Of course, the first choice for Lao Shengchang," Ms. Wu, who lives in Minhang District, Shanghai, opened Mei The group takeaway said, "Fresh meat soup bag, crab powder soup bag, shiitake mushroom snow bamboo shoot noodles, green onion grilled rows of egg noodles, plus refreshing small dishes, almost a family’s dinner is enough, very affordable"

The city’s must -order brand has joined, so you can enjoy high -quality takeaway without leaving the house

It is worth mentioning that 300 must -list brands in the city also participated in this quality meal carnival. This gang, Cantonese cuisine, Beijing cuisine, French cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Mexican cuisine, Brazilian cuisine and other domestic and foreign cuisine are available. Pujianghui and Jingxihui and other high -end catering are also among them. These high -quality brands are launched by the "Single Meal" of "Small Little Persons" characteristics of takeaway, allowing users to enjoy high -quality food products at more cost -effective prices, setting off a new climax of the upgrading of catering experience.

It is understood that Meituan takeaway in Shanghai’s first nationwide "city must -order list", according to the consumer takeaway dining experience, taste, evaluation, quality and other comprehensive dimensions, set up a batch of restaurants, and then well -known old chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs. Cooking cuisine master, gourmet enthusiasts and other local experts composed of local experts composed of compulsory list review committees. They are anonymous to try as an ordinary consumer. From the perspective of dishes taste, takeaway services, etc. The evaluation, eventually selected the most quality TOP300 catering brands in the local area.

Not only that, the "Cast City Must -Point List" has also greatly expanded the service scope and depth of quality meal and carnival through the design of "visibility" and the farthest city distribution service, which helps more users. You can enjoy high -quality cuisine throughout the city without leaving home.

With the introduction of the "Shanghai Municipality Accelerating Economic Recovery and Revitalizing Action Plan", the resumed market has become the top priority of the current stage of the catering industry. Jin Peihua, deputy secretary -general of the Shanghai Catering Culinary Industry Association, said that in the environment of Shanghai’s economic recovery and boost, Meituan takeaway launching a quality meal carnival will effectively boost the consumption confidence in Shanghai’s catering industry, drive and form new consumption hotspots, and form a new consumption hotspot. While stimulating the enthusiasm for consumption of Shanghai citizens, it has promoted the high -quality development of the Shanghai takeaway industry.

Look at the returning player? Brazilian fans dislike Gaunt: Don’t come back if you join the Chinese nationality

As a naturalized player in Chinese football, Garatt has dismissed the contract with the Guangzhou team and returned to his hometown of Brazil to find a new playing opportunity. There is no exact news about whether Gaunt will retain Chinese nationality in the future. However, for the return of the former Brazilian international, many Brazilian fans have unexpectedly "interest".

Earlier, it was reported that Gaunt attracted the attention of the Brazilian Furniture, including Barona, Flaglo, and Palmeras. But in the Corinthian forum, most fans oppose the team’s introduction of Gaunt.

Some fans said: "Gaurat used to be a good player before, but now his knee cartilage has been removed. It is difficult for this player to play high -level football in the future. When I left, Parmeras was like a pig who hit the Universiade because they got rid of this high salary burden. "

There are also fans believe that since Gaunt has joined Chinese, it seems a bit awkward to play in Barn: "He used to be absent for more than five months due to injuries. And he has joined the Chinese nationality. He is equivalent to wasting a place for foreign aid. "" I don’t know what he is now. I mean, don’t he already have a Chinese state? In Brazil, he is a foreign aid, so what does it mean to come back? "

In addition to doubts about the problem of Gaurart’s nationality, more fans are not optimistic about Gaunt’s competitive status today. "Even from an optimistic perspective, Gaunt is mostly similar to the current Dordinho, and it will even be even worse. When he returned from China, his performance had begun to decline. And say. "" God bless you not sign Gaunt, he can no longer play in Brazil. Now he is no longer three years ago. "

List of Shanghai Chongming New House in 2022

[Selected Real Estate 1] Chongming Sanxiang Forest Sea Shang

Real estate review

After smoking this cigarette

Let me briefly outline the advantages of the Sanxiang Forest Haishang: dual -track, Dong Community’s commercial facilities, the entire East community environment, and the quality of Sanxiang. And Sanxiang’s construction site is the most satisfied with what I currently see.

There are buses around for easy travel.

Old driver driving school

I have been to Chongming many times, not many corners, it is still a bit far from the future subway, but it can still be accepted

[Selected Real Estate 2] Blue Lake Bay

Real estate review


There are comprehensive shopping malls nearby. Lenovo Computer Stores, Lianhua Supermarket, Jinye Supermarket, Wenfeng Supermarket, Xiufang Supermarket, eating and buying vegetables are very convenient. There are 8 units, with 66.0-118.0 square meters in different areas of different areas of different areas. Choose, take what you need.


The greening rate of the community is good, the environment is beautiful, the eyes are full of green, and the living comfort is high.

Chongming is now more and more houses. To be honest, there are a few who work in Shanghai to buy that goes.

[Selected Real Estate II

Real estate review


1. The kitchen is L -shaped and has a large space area, which is convenient for cooking food and kitchen supplies. 2. The kitchen and toilet have windows, which are convenient for oil fume and odor, and the ventilation is better. 3. The master bedroom is the suite design. In addition to the independent bathroom, there is also a test room, which is convenient for the owner’s life. The privacy is better and the living comfort is high. ; 1. The depth is unreasonable, which will cause the part to be dim and need to turn on the light during the day.

The property fee is 2.5 yuan/square meter and month, and the price is acceptable. It depends on the quality of the service. The average price is about 26647 yuan/㎡.

Little Snail Nica

It is already the existing house. It is close to the Changxing Town Government, and the surrounding foundation is OK.