When the world is without fuel cars…



In 10 minutes, my car will be destroyed. The sun will rise tomorrow as usual, and there will be no gasoline cars in this world.

Many years ago, countries introduced countdown watches for fuel vehicles one after another, but people at that time did not take it seriously. They optimistically estimated that it was impossible to completely eliminate fuel vehicles, and at most, fuel and electricity were mixed. But this day has not only come, but also is very thorough, very crisp, and even a little cruel.

I am the last people in the world who still own a gasoline car. We are the car nails of this era. We will die sooner or later, and it will only take time. The world around us is already electric. My wife, my eldest daughter, my youngest daughter, although she is only 14 years old, she already has her own car, because the driverless mode does not require her to be an adult, nor does she need a driver’s license.


Back then, my driving coach was a middle-aged frustrated man, very thin and tall, who didn’t talk much. He didn’t have the habit of scolding people, and he wouldn’t ask students for Chinese cigarettes, but I still bought him every few practice sessions because I thought he was lonely.

I am also lonely.

At that time, I was unemployed and lovelorn, and every day I had a stone stuck in my heart, causing trouble with the world. In the hot June, no one at the driving school practiced driving, so I decided to practice. When I got dizzy from the sun, the coach drove the car to the shade, and we smoked one by one.

The driving school is gone. Where has the coach gone?


The reverse parking that tormented me is still tormenting me hilariously.

After the large-scale application of electric vehicles, there is a reversing mode in the car, and the computer can help the owner to park accurately, which directly leads to companies, shopping malls, and even residential areas to reduce the parking space to a little bit. Refusing to park automatically, like me, I used to reverse the car and put a rudder directly into the warehouse, but now I have to turn the steering wheel several times. It almost brought me back to the terrifying moment when I took the driver’s license test more than ten years ago.


Six minutes to go. Six minutes to myself.

Ever since I have a car, what makes me most happy is not the pleasure of driving, but the feeling of sitting in the car in a daze. Turn off the engine, the car becomes quiet, and I can hear the crunch of leather when I move my body.

The car became a container for me to be alone, without fuel, rice, oil and salt, without intrigue, and the highly concentrated energy after driving was released in an instant. It also became my only unscrupulous place to cry. Sitting in the car wrapped in steel, I was like a baby, and it didn’t matter if I cried.

No more.

The accurate positioning notification of the smart electric car allows my wife to know that I have arrived at the door as soon as possible. If I don’t go home in time, it will attract her attention. Sorry, this gaze is the burden of my speechless look back.


But I can’t say I’m not happy, and people who are dependent and needed have no right to be unhappy.

From the moment I formed a family with my wife, I vowed to be someone who would bring her happiness as well as my own.

I still remember the first time I went on a date with my wife. I was waiting for her downstairs in my second-hand car. I was afraid that she would dislike my car, so I wiped it well before going, and even the floor mats were dusted, trying my best to be spotless.

The first date was a success, if not for the wife throwing up before getting out of the car.

The second-hand car had many problems. The door rattled, the brakes were stepped on for a meal, and the most important thing was that the gasoline smell was heavy. The wife said that she wanted to vomit when she got in the car.


I am the 367th person in the world to still own a gasoline car.

Owners of fuel vehicles have a separate cloud community, each with their own virtual coordinates. When someone switches to an electric vehicle, their coordinate indicator will no longer light up.

More and more lights are going out around the world.

It is said that at midnight tonight, there will be intelligent machines controlling public order towing my car.

Friend asked me, why do you stubbornly drive a fuel car? Are you refusing to move forward and want to go against the trend?

And at that moment, I had the answer: I don’t want to go against the world; I just simply don’t want one choice. The tide pushes us forward, but it shouldn’t take away the right to choose.

I like the smell of gasoline, I like the feeling of not so smooth at the beginning, I like to sit in the driver’s cabin in winter and wait for it to wake up. It is my memory, it is an era.


I hastily opened the door and strode home.

Goodbye, fuel truck.

This article is purely fictional

The story takes place in 203X. At that time, the fuel cars in the world completely disappeared. I am grateful for the time when gasoline cars accompanied human beings. The author boldly imagines how people’s lives, work, emotions, etc. will change in the virtual future, and whether those constant warmth and pursuit are also worthy of our occasional reflections today… In the next issue of "After the World Without Fuel Vehicles…", we will continue to walk into your/my/his future car world.

SAM series serialized micro-novels, creator profile


Ye QianqianArtist and designer, born in China, now lives in San Francisco, USA. The artist has emerged from an architectural background and explores the complexities of human-computer interaction. His works cover a variety of mediums such as architectural design, new media, and ink painting. His latest solo exhibition "Alone Not Alone" recently opened at the Landry Gallery in San Francisco. The artist has been active on the social software Instagram for a long time, personal account: @44ian.


There are billions(Pen name), a freelance writer, who likes all kinds of new and interesting things, loves the way of "opening your mind and opening your eyes", tears and laughter are both low, and you like to get into the movie theater that is smeared with black paint, giggle or cry, and bring your own tissues.


Original production by Shanghai Automobile Museum, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Follow the Shanghai Automobile Museum and explore fun and interesting car stories together (WeChat official account: shqcbwg).

What will the deep "bundling" with Huawei bring to Changan Automobile?

  Our reporter Feng Yuyao

  The news that Changan Automobile and Huawei jointly set up a new company has aroused widespread concern. On November 27th, the share price of Changan Automobile went up by a daily limit, which led dongan power, Hunan Tianyan and other "Changan Department" stocks to win a word board.

  On the same day, the Securities Daily reporter called the Securities Department of Changan Automobile, and the relevant staff of the company revealed to the reporter: "At present, the specific cooperation between the company and Huawei is still under negotiation, and the signing of the transaction documents is expected to be completed within 6 months."

  "After the transaction documents are signed, it will not affect the company’s business independence." The above-mentioned staff said that the new company established with Huawei this time is expected to deeply empower Aouita, Deep Blue Auto and Changan Qiyuan under the company in the future.

  Further deepen cooperation with Huawei

  Specifically, the cooperation between the two parties is as follows: Huawei, as the company of Party A, establishes a new company, whose business scope includes intelligent driving solutions for automobiles, intelligent cockpit, intelligent digital platform for automobiles, intelligent Che Yun, AR-HUD and intelligent lights, etc., and injects relevant technologies, assets and personnel dedicated to the business scope of the new company into the new company. The specific business scope and loading scheme are determined in the final transaction document. As Party B, Changan Automobile and its related parties intend to contribute to acquire the equity of the new company, with the proportion not exceeding 40%. The specific equity ratio, contribution amount and term shall be discussed separately by both parties.

  In addition, the new company will operate independently based on the principle of marketization, and adopt a market-oriented management system and salary incentive framework. Changan Automobile and Huawei are committed to long-term cooperation and strategic coordination with the new company. In principle, the components and solutions within the business scope are provided by the new company for vehicle customers.

  In the future, the new company will gradually open its equity to investors such as existing strategic partners, car companies and car companies with strategic value, and become a company with diversified equity. Regarding the time for opening the equity, the above-mentioned staff told reporters: "The specific time is still uncertain."

  Wang Peng, an associate researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told the Securities Daily reporter: "The cooperation between Huawei and Changan Automobile will bring strong technology alliance and market resource sharing, which is expected to promote the rapid development of smart cars and will have a positive impact on the automobile market."

  Accelerate the competition for new energy sources

  The establishment of a new company with Huawei is also a microcosm of Changan Automobile’s competition for the new energy track.

  In 2017, Changan Automobile launched the "Third Entrepreneurship–Innovation and Entrepreneurship Plan", which blew the horn of the transformation to a smart low-carbon travel technology company. In the same year, the company released the "Shangri-La" plan to accelerate the pace of new energy transformation in an all-round way. Today, Changan Automobile has reached a critical stage of transformation.

  Data show that in the first three quarters of this year, Changan Automobile’s revenue and net profit were 108.206 billion yuan and 9.882 billion yuan respectively, up by 26.78% and 43.22% respectively. In terms of production and sales, this year Changan Automobile set an annual target of producing and selling 2.53 million vehicles, up 7.8% year-on-year. Among them, new energy vehicles achieved the sales target of 400,000 vehicles. According to the latest data, from January to October this year, the cumulative sales volume of Changan’s own brand new energy vehicles was 364,000, an increase of 88.76% year-on-year.

  Since November, Changan Automobile has frequently pressed the "acceleration button" in the development of new energy business. Not long ago, Changan Automobile released the self-developed battery brand Changan "Golden Bell Cover" at the Guangzhou Auto Show. It plans to launch eight self-developed batteries, including liquid, semi-solid and solid, by 2030, forming a battery capacity of not less than 150GWh. On November 21, Changan Automobile signed a cooperation agreement with Weilai Automobile on battery replacement business, and plans to cooperate in promoting the establishment of battery replacement standards, the construction and sharing of battery replacement networks, and the research and development of battery replacement models.

  The above-mentioned Changan Automobile staff told the reporter: "Since the’ Shangri-La’ plan was put forward, the company’s new energy business has accelerated, and a series of measures introduced this year are intended to accelerate the penetration rate of the new energy market."

  According to the plan, by 2030, Changan Automobile will strive to achieve group sales of 5 million vehicles, of which 4 million vehicles are sold by Changan brand, new energy vehicles account for more than 60%, and overseas sales account for 30%.

  According to Zhang Xinyuan, the research director of the domestic consultancy Co-Found think tank, Changan Automobile has made frequent moves in the layout of new energy this year, which shows that the company has a clear plan for the future. "The newly established company will further promote the technology research and development and product upgrade of Changan Automobile in the field of intelligence, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. At the same time, the new company will also help Changan Automobile accelerate the realization of strategic goals related to new energy vehicles and increase market share. "

The Italian-born Beijing Winter Olympics Thailand team player wants to go skiing in Xinjiang!

  [Global Times-Global Network Reporter Xing Xiaotong Wan Lin] "I want to go skiing in Xinjiang!" On the 2nd, Mark Chanloung, a skier representing Thailand in the Beijing Winter Olympics, said in a video interview with the Global Times reporter: "I usually train in Europe, and skiing in Xinjiang can personally feel the difference with Europe. This will be a great experience!"

  Altay, Xinjiang, the birthplace of human skiing, has become a skiing paradise by virtue of its unique advantages such as long snow season, high snow quality, sufficient snow volume and wide snow area. Mark Zhanlong told the Global Times reporter that he was glad that China had such excellent skiing conditions, and he would like to go to Xinjiang for a slide if he had the chance.

  The picture shows Thai skier Mark Zhanlong. The picture comes from the network.

  It is reported that the Thai delegation, including four athletes, stayed in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on January 29th. The four athletes are male cross-country skier Mark Chanloung, female cross-country skier Karen Chanloung, male alpine skier Nicola Zanon and female alpine skier Mida Jaiman.

  It is worth mentioning that Karen Zhanlong, a female cross-country skier, is the younger sister of Mark Zhanlong. She will be the flag bearer of the Thai delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Mark Zhan Long will be the first player of the Thai delegation in this Winter Olympics, and plans to participate in the cross-country skiing men’s double chase (15 km traditional technology +15 km free technology) held on the 6 th. The two brothers and sisters also participated in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 2018 on behalf of the Thai team, and their parents have been accompanying their brothers and sisters to participate in the competition.

  "I feel good. I think I can make a good start for the Thai team in the game on the 6 th." Mark Zhanlong said in an interview with the Global Times reporter, "I am very happy to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. The accommodation and food conditions here are also good." Mark’s excitement was beyond words. On the day he stayed in the Winter Olympics Village, he couldn’t wait to try out his equipment at the cross-country ski resort, and posted photos on the "Instagram" with the caption "Let’s start the Olympic adventure" (as shown below).

  Mark told the Global Times reporter that he had participated in competitions in Tianjin and Hangzhou before the outbreak in December 2019, and it was the first time to come to Beijing. Up to now, his experience in Beijing is good, and entering the closed loop has not affected his daily training. Although he is not so free, safety is more important now.

  Mark and his sister Karen are Thai-Italian hybrids. They were born in a small village in northwest Italy. They started skiing at an early age and were selected for the Italian national team. "When it comes to ice and snow sports, people usually don’t think of Thailand. Thailand is neither snowy nor cold, and it is indeed difficult to develop winter sports. " Mark told the Global Times that despite this, the level of ice and snow sports in Thailand has improved. In 2016, in order to help Thailand develop ice and snow sports and for better personal development, Mark and his brother officially joined the Thai national team, and in 2018, they represented the Thai team in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

  Mark recalled that there were only two years left before the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, and their brother and sister changed coaches and everything had to be readjusted. This time, in order to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, he and his sister prepared for four years. "I am fully prepared and confident to get good results in the competition." Mark expressed his expectation for the Beijing Winter Olympics to the Global Times reporter. He also said that the Beijing Winter Olympics also provided opportunities for skiers all over the world to communicate.

  The Beijing Winter Olympics has promoted the further development of ice and snow sports in China. Mark once met a team from China in New Zealand, and the two sides trained together for some time. He said, "I have seen the growth of many athletes in China, and I am very happy to see more countries joining the ranks of ice and snow sports.". In Mark’s view, China has excellent conditions and opportunities to develop ice and snow sports.

  The picture shows Mark Zhanlong being interviewed by the Global Times reporter.

  For young people who are keen on ice and snow sports, Mark said that it is inevitable to encounter some difficulties when they are beginners, and it will become easier and easier as long as they persist. Moreover, once you master this sport, you will enjoy it, so "don’t give up"!

  Usually, while training, Mark is also studying physical education in a university in Milan. He told the Global Times reporter that after the Beijing Olympics, he would go back to school to participate in the defense before graduation and prepare for the next competition. In addition, Rimak Zhan Long will celebrate his 27th birthday in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on February 9th. He said that there will be competitions around his birthday, and he may only celebrate with his family.

What is education? You will understand after reading these five points!

First, education is to squat down and talk to children. Education is to turn yourself into a child and turn the child into yourself.

In the journey of education, we often ignore an important detail, that is, the importance of equal dialogue with children. Squatting down to talk to children means that we should put down our posture and communicate with them in an equal manner. Only in this way can we truly understand their inner world and establish a close and trusting relationship.

Second, education is to listen to children’s voices.

Listening is an art and a kind of respect. In education, we should give children ample space to express themselves, listen to their voices and pay attention to their needs and ideas. Only by listening can we better understand children’s puzzles and problems and give them correct guidance and support.

Third, education is to let children become protagonists.

Every child is a unique individual, and they have their own interests, dreams and specialties. In education, we should respect children’s personality and make them the protagonists of learning. By stimulating their learning interest and potential, we can help them find their own advantages and values, thus cultivating confident, independent and creative individuals.

Fourth, education is companionship, not companionship.

Companionship is the most precious gift in education. In the process of children’s growth, we need to give them enough time and attention to share their happiness and difficulties with them. However, companionship is not only physical companionship, but also spiritual companionship. We should feel the emotional needs of children with our heart, give them warmth and support, and let them feel our love and care.

Fifth, education is to give children enough time to "think".

Children’s imagination is infinite, and their thinking often exceeds our imagination. In education, we should give children enough time to think and explore freely. Children can cultivate innovative thinking and problem-solving ability through "thinking in a whimsical way", thus laying a solid foundation for future development.

Education is a great cause, which concerns the growth and future of every child. It is necessary to create a loving and caring learning environment for children, so that they can thrive on the road of growth. Let’s work together to pave a bright road for the children’s future!

New NBA season East team record ranking forecast: 76 people topped the list, and Pacers continued to rot.

1,76 people (one of the favourites to win the championship. If Harris performs better, he will still have the strength to win the first place)

2. Bucks (every year is not bad, Brother Alphabet has evolved again, and his performance is still excellent, but the first three problems are not serious)

3, Cavaliers (Garland is excellent, Mitchell’s joining is worth looking forward to)

4, Celtics (last season’s runner-up, Rex Rabbit Brown just needs to be steady)

5. Eagle (Blowing Yang Murray cappella, the combination of the new Big Three, is quite optimistic about this young man Okongwu)

6, Bulls (Azan’s middle distance is steady, Raven’s play is the factor that determines the team’s upper limit, and there is definitely no problem in the playoffs)

7. Nets (Durant Owen is full of strength and appreciation, but the Nets defense is slightly poor, and there is no good chemical reaction. Simmons’ shooting is really worrying. I hope the Nets can fight for some gas this season)

8. The Heat (Rebahiro is steady every game, and there are the star Butler and veteran Lori. Although they don’t like Butler’s way, the Heat can’t be underestimated)

9, Raptors (maybe many people think that Raptors are given a low price, but this is the position of Raptors in my heart. I don’t think Raptors are fierce and will definitely play the play-offs)

10, Knicks (Barrett is gradually growing up, Miro’s inside line is also playing well, and flattening is also full of impact)

11. Wizards (the contract is a bit bigger than the boss’s, and if Poseidon is in good condition, he can enter the play-offs)

12. Hornets (it shouldn’t have been this position, and at worst, it would have played a play-off. Unfortunately, bridges can’t play, and three goals have just been injured. It’s estimated that this season is a waste)

13. Magic (Banchero has great potential, and Cole Anthony and Wagner are playing more and more mature, but they are still too young to compete with most teams, but they may play a few good games by the impact of youth)

14. Pacers (On the 6th show, Marceline did play OK, and Turner’s ability value showed a downward trend. Let’s compete for zebra this season)

15. Pistons (bagley is injured, Sadikbe is OK but unstable. Personally, I think Cunningham has a little water, which is far from Hanako’s, and it is not like the second place in the current session)

What do you think of the ranking in the East in the new season? Welcome to discuss in the comment area.