Deep Mathematics: Give full play to the advantages of digital technology platforms to help Linyi Mall develop new formats and models

"Modern Logistics City, as a complex with thousands of business scenes, itself has huge data value and connectivity." In the Linyi coverage, the chairperson of Deepin Mathematics Group Quanchuanxiao described the overall ecology of Linyi Mall.

With the rapid development of digital technology, "digitalization" and "intelligence" have gradually penetrated into all walks of life. Under this opportunity, in order to adapt to this rapidly changing environment, enterprises should also continue to innovate, optimize their operation models, and improve service quality. Linyi Mall, as the core area of the business and logistics industry, is also an integral part of Linyi’s economy. Through the effective collection and application of massive data such as its small commodity city, furniture city, and logistics city, it will become a breakthrough point for Linyi Mall to move towards the modern logistics industry.

At this stage, the implementation of the first good strategy of trade and logistics, and the acceleration of the construction of "four malls" of digital mall, international mall, green mall and chain mall, the construction of Linyi modern logistics city bears the new transformation and upgrading of trade and logistics. To meet new opportunities and challenges, and to create new advantages of trade and logistics, the construction of modern logistics city is even more duty-bound.

Big DataSupport the new business model of the mall

Quan Chuanxiao, chairperson of Deepin Digital Technology Group, continued to emphasize in an interview with Linyi News that "we need to continuously tap the potential of these [mall enterprises] data to provide better digital transformation and innovation services for enterprises in the mall." Linyi, as the largest market cluster and commodity distribution center in the north of China, has also been known as the "famous business city" and "logistics capital".

Among them, the healthy development of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises in the mall also continues to affect the four beams and eight pillars of Linyi’s economy. Therefore, how to promote the sustainable development of major core enterprises and mall merchants, and make the industrial chain and supply chain in the mall more resilient and faster has become an urgent issue for the entire mall.

As a local enterprise in Linyi and a leading digital technology enterprise in the domestic service bill market, Deepin Digital Group’s digital technology strength and its natural affinity between its "bill" business and enterprises have become a natural advantage to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the mall with digital transformation.

It is understood that promoting the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy, grasping the direction of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, promoting the digitalization of manufacturing, service industries, agriculture, and other industries, and using new Internet technologies to carry out all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries have been the focus of Deepin Digital for a long time. For many merchants in the mall, Deepin Digital Group can use big data and artificial intelligence and other technologies to help merchants connect upstream and downstream, and use legal massive data for modeling and analysis, and then by mining the information of consumer behavior and market demand behind the data, so as to provide more accurate marketing strategies and decision support for small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to better improve the value of the supply chain, and expand business opportunities for enterprises and stimulate market vitality.

Digital technology empowers new business models

As a supply chain and digital technology enterprise that has grown up relying on Linyi Mall, Deep Digital Group is also a carrier to improve the modern supply chain system of Linyi Mall. In the digital exhibition hall of Deep Digital Group, there is a digital cloud map of the enterprise network that can be demonstrated on the spot. Every time an enterprise node is clicked on, the map can easily and quickly find the upstream and downstream supply chain relationships of the enterprise, and achieve accurate docking of supply and marketing needs, so that enterprises can implement digital supply chain management, achieve transparency and real-time monitoring of procurement, production, sales and other links, and improve the efficiency of full-link work.

Quan Chuanxiao Zaizhong, chairperson of Deepin Digital Group, said, "In the later stage, we will also give full play to our technological advantages and advantages to continuously improve the construction of the mall database, and build the mall’s characteristic index system and application mechanism." It is understood that in order to further promote the healthy development of the mall with digital technology, Deepin Digital Group also provides supply chain management cooperation for logistics enterprises in Linyi Mall. By building intelligent logistics infrastructure and Internet-based logistics information, it realizes online and intelligent logistics services, so as to provide its enterprises with more convenient and efficient logistics services, while reducing logistics costs and improving service quality.

As Chairperson Quan Chuanxiao said in the introduction, "The relevant measures of the group are designed to provide accurate industry operation status data support for enterprises in the mall, so as to solve the problems of information asymmetry in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, and further promote information sharing and cooperation among enterprises in the mall. Let Linyi Mall continue to remain competitive in the competition of new formats and new models." In the future, under the leadership of Chairperson Quan Chuanxiao, the group will pay attention to its own development, and will also actively participate in the construction of commercial logistics, continue to provide digital services for small and medium-sized enterprises, and "chain" new development momentum.

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Xiaomi automobile appeared in the official and complete closed loop of "the whole ecology of people and cars"

  Our reporter Xiang Yantao

  After 1003 days of announcing its entry into the electric vehicle industry, Xiaomi Automobile officially made its debut. On December 28th, Xiaomi Group held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference in Beijing. The design, performance, battery life, safety and other details of Xiaomi SU7, the first work of Xiaomi Automobile, made its first public appearance.

  "Xiaomi decided to invest ten times, start with the underlying core technology, seriously build a good car, and through 15 to 20 years of hard work, become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world and strive for the all-round rise of China’s automobile industry!" Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said at the scene that Xiaomi Automobile is a major leap for Xiaomi Group from the mobile phone industry to the automobile industry, and it is also a key leap for the complete closed loop of "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

  Lei Jun said that from the beginning, Xiaomi Automobile insisted on starting from the underlying core technology, insisting on positive research and development, and deep self-research on key tracks. At present, Xiaomi Automobile has invested more than 10 billion yuan in the first phase of R&D, and the R&D team has more than 3,400 engineers, including thousands of top technical experts at home and abroad in key fields.

  This conference officially revealed the progress and breakthrough of five core technologies of Xiaomi Automobile, including electric drive, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and other key areas, which can be called a comprehensive display of Xiaomi’s 13-year technology accumulation.

  Among them, in the field of industrial hard technology, Xiaomi has demonstrated the scientific and technological strength of self-developed manufacturing hard core, and has the leading intelligent manufacturing strength of complete automobile industry. For example, the super motor HyperEngine V8s independently developed and produced by Xiaomi has a rotational speed of 27200rpm, ranking first in the world in terms of mass production motor speed; Xiaomi has developed the integrated battery technology of CTB, and the world’s first battery inversion technology has achieved the highest battery integration efficiency of 77.8% in the world. In order to ensure the battery performance and quality from the source, Xiaomi even built its own battery pack factory.

  In addition, Xiaomi has independently developed "9100t super large die-casting cluster" and self-developed die-casting alloy material "Titan alloy", becoming the only automobile manufacturer in China with self-developed large die-casting and die-casting materials. At present, the industry is winding up the tonnage of clamping force of large die casting. Xiaomi firmly takes the road of full-stack self-research, from self-research materials and equipment cluster systems to finished castings, and has completed the full-stack self-research of almost all links in the large die casting industry chain.

  In the field of intelligent soft technology, Xiaomi has demonstrated the unique advantages of "technology giant, eco-car-making" and promoted the integration of automobile industry, consumer electronics industry and intelligent ecology. For example, based on Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, Xiaomi intelligent cockpit has realized the bottom reconstruction, evolved for the car, and created an advanced intelligent mobile space; In the field of intelligent driving, Xiaomi industry launched three key technologies, namely adaptive zoom BEV technology, large road model and super-resolution occupation network technology.

  In addition, the comprehensive empowerment of AI has also become a new bright spot for Xiaomi Automobile to integrate cutting-edge technologies and achieve innovative breakthroughs. For example, in addition to the first road model in the industry, Xiaomi has also developed the world’s first mass-produced "end-to-end perception decision-making model" for the parking service scene of intelligent driving, which can observe and dynamically adjust the parking spaces in mechanical garages and other ultra-difficult parking spaces in real time.

  Zhang Xiang, director of Vodafone Digital Automobile International Cooperation Research Center, told the Securities Daily that Xiaomi currently adopts the mode of self-purchasing equipment and self-building factories in core areas such as batteries and die casting, which is a common practice in the current industry. For example, Weilai makes its own motors, Tesla has a battery assembly plant, and BYD has mastered the most self-developed technologies for core components. Car companies build their own factories in these fields, on the one hand, because the production capacity of some core components is not very large, the supply chain is not very mature, and outsourcing faces supply chain security problems; On the other hand, the prices of these core components are relatively high and the profits are relatively high. If you choose to build your own factory, you can enjoy the industry dividend. If you outsource it completely, the technical content and profits of Xiaomi Automobile will be greatly reduced.

  At the end of October this year, Xiaomi announced a comprehensive upgrade of the group’s strategy, from "mobile phone ×AIoT" to "people, cars and homes are all ecological", and cars have become the most important part of Xiaomi Group’s strategy. Lei Jun announced that with the addition of Xiaomi Automobile, Xiaomi’s "full ecology of people and cars" was officially closed.

  Lei Jun introduced that "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes" is a super-intelligent ecology that comprehensively opens up people, cars and homes, realizes seamless connection and real-time collaboration of hardware equipment, and drives industrial chain partners to create a people-centered and active service. Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has opened up more than 200 categories including Xiaomi Automobile. In the past 13 years, Xiaomi has laid out 12 technical fields and 99 sub-tracks. Based on the principle of "deep integration of soft and hard, comprehensive empowerment of AI", Xiaomi has formed a "fusion technology stack" to continuously empower product development and manufacturing.


Laugh till you get angry! CCTV’s "Everyone loves made in China" home appliances live broadcast "explosion point" constantly.

  What is the painting style of the three giants of color TV "forcibly" in the same frame? The "blind box" lottery to bring goods is not awkward and a little happy? Xiao Ni and Yi Yi, two hosts, one is the bad COP and the other is the bad COP. What’s the matter with bargaining and cutting the boss’s nerves?

  On the evening of June 7th, CCTV’s "Everyone Loves Made in China" brand helped Gome.A 3-hour live webcast created a sales volume of over 720 million, a cumulative viewing volume of over 60 million, and a topic reading volume of 380 million in Weibo.

  The gratifying data is only one aspect. What’s more interesting is that the live content is constantly exploding, which can be said to be a "mudslide" with live goods!

  "Explosion point" 1: The three giants of color TV love each other and kill each other "forcibly" in the same box.

  Hisense, Skyworth and TCL, three famous brands in China color TV industry, account for more than 50% of the domestic market. For decades, the three giants fought hand to hand, and you chased me, which can be said to be the romance of the Three Kingdoms in Wei Shuwu.

  Our program planning director, "Evil is born with courage": What will happen if these three families are put together at a table?

  So there was this style of painting:

  Hisense said: My laser tv represents the next generation of technology, which is eye-protecting, authentic and vivid in color. Even Van Gogh’s famous paintings can be confused with the real ones.

  Skyworth said: My OLED TV is second to none, and it is most suitable for watching shopping programs. I can clearly see the red number.

  TCL said: My TV is not only a TV, but also an intelligent robot. I don’t need hands for voice dialogue and film selection.

  You see, everyone praises himself, and no one obeys anyone. However, when Wang Junzhou, president of Gome Retail, talked about the history of the rise of household appliances in China, the three giants shed tears at the same time, and sent out the same feeling: China’s household appliances enterprises were not easy, and they started to imitate from the 1980s. At that time, when we looked around, they were all dominated by European, American, Korean and Japanese brands.However, China’s household appliances people are not discouraged, and they are catching up bit by bit. Now, they have not only topped the world in terms of output and sales, but also stood in the forefront of the world in technology, and some technologies are still ahead of the world.

  As the saying goes: the Big Three love each other and kill each other, and once they get together, they will forget their enmity.

  "explosion point" 2: "blind box" brings a lot of joy.

  Can there be a new way to play live with goods? On June 7th, during the live broadcast of "Everyone loves Made in China", our program planner came up with a coup: "blind box" with goods.

  What is a "blind box" with goods? This link includes the boss’s all-in-one cooker, Jiuyang soymilk machine, Angel water purification system and Cobos sweeping robot. Just as the bosses of four enterprises prepared a set of self-boasting words, they were eager to try. Wait a minute, I have four cards here, and I have written four products. Whoever draws which card will bring the goods for that product.

  The four bosses looked at each other: Why not follow the script?

  A dramatic scene appeared — — In the process of drawing lots, it was a strange coincidence that all four people got their own products, and the four bosses secretly rejoiced: It was just to scare us.

  The boss of Boss Electric Appliance was about to burst into tears. The host was quick-eyed and grabbed the card and exchanged it with the card in the hand of another boss next to him: Sorry boss, you can’t bring goods for yourself yet.

  … …

  An interesting delivery actually gave birth to the story of "civet cats for princes".

  As the saying goes: the blind box is a strange move, and the ups and downs of the story depend on it.

  "Burst point" 3: ruthless and ruthless, really bargaining.

  The three-hour live broadcast sold 720 million, relying on real discounts. There is a tacit cooperation between "Wang Yidao", "Counting Nihao" and "Iraqi Ruthlessness".

  Wang Junzhou, president of Gome Retail, is a veteran of the home appliance industry. This live broadcast can gather more than 10 BOSS delegations, which largely reflects the appeal of Wang Junzhou. Unexpectedly, an expected "Friends"-style warm-hearted drama turned into a "western" with pleasure and enmity.

  In the white electricity link, the "old enemies" of Haier and Midea were manipulated by Wang Junzhou, causing sparks.

  Haier took out the maternal and child refrigerator and washing and drying kit at the bottom of the closet, while Midea offered a wall-breaking machine and windless air conditioner with high cost performance. Although the products didn’t play hardball, in terms of price concessions, they still couldn’t stand the shock of Wang Junzhou and dived in succession.

  Li Huagang, the chief experience officer and vice president of Haier Group, is also a veteran, but under the haggling price of his old friend Wang Junzhou, he even forced out a great discount on buying a casarte refrigerator to send the latest Huawei P40 mobile phone.

  Wu Haiquan, president of Midea Group in China, also failed to recruit Wang Junzhou’s step by step. An air conditioner dropped 700 yuan and a sweeping robot was given 800 yuan.

  Different from Wang Junzhou’s big talk, the hosts Nigmat and Yi Yi played a "double spring".

  Xiao ni deserves to be the four-character brother of CCTV boys, and the goods are too stable! The business leaders were cut to the death by bargaining. Boss doesn’t give cheap? Turn your head and go! After lowering the price, it is necessary to "threaten" Boss— — "If it’s not the lowest price in the whole network, I’ll really go to your house and dismantle the water purifier" … …

  Yiyi even gave everyone "grinding soybean milk" and "taking a group photo" to continue to strive for overweight benefits for the audience.

  As the saying goes: hard and soft are applied without mercy, and the big brother is defeated. A live broadcast with both benefits and fun, and a gathering of "fireside night talk" have added many topics to CCTV’s "Everyone loves Made in China" brand boosting action. This is the beginning, and we will bring you more interesting and affordable programs.

  Everyone loves to make it in China. Don’t you make it yet?

The Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government held a press conference on "Re-promotion of Power Business Environment" of State Grid Mengdong Power.

On March 16th, the Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government was held.State Grid Mengdong Electric Power "Power Business Environment Upgrade Again"press conference.Luo Yongzhi, spokesperson, deputy chief engineer and director of development planning department of State Grid Mengdong Power,Zhang Chengsong, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of State Grid Mengdong Power, delivered a keynote address. Du Ping, Deputy Chief Engineer and Director of Power Dispatching and Control Center of State Grid Mengdong Power, and Li Shufeng, Director of Power Marketing Department of State Grid Mengdong Power, attended the conference.

Speech at the Press Conference of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power "Power Business Environment Upgrading Again"

Luo Yongzhi, spokesperson, deputy chief engineer and director of development planning department of State Grid Mengdong Power Company.

Optimizing the business environment is a soft power to promote high-quality economic and social development, and the party Committee and government of the autonomous region attach great importance to it. State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Research issued a three-year work plan of "Re-improving the business environment of electric power", put forward 10 commitments and arranged 20 measures to help the autonomous region to continuously and comprehensively optimize the business environment.

First, stick to the initial heart of the people and add color to the economic and social development and the people’s better life.

State Grid Mengdong Electric Power has always adhered to the initial mission of "People’s Electric Industry for the People", resolutely implemented the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and Government of the Autonomous Region and the Party Group of State Grid Corporation of China, and always adhered to customer-centered and market-oriented, systematically built a modern power supply service system and consolidated the organizational foundation of power supply services. Streamline customer application materials, deepen online electricity service, promote the interconnection of government and enterprise information, and make customers worry more about electricity. Change the internal service process, strengthen professional collaboration, and save time for customers to run electricity. We will launch the "three zero" electricity service for small and micro enterprises with zero door-to-door, zero approval and zero investment, so that customers can save more money by running electricity. We will fully implement the phased electricity price reduction policy, and during the epidemic, we will implement intimate services such as non-stop power outages due to arrears and slow payment of electricity bills by small and medium-sized enterprises, benefiting 628,000 enterprises and reducing electricity bills by 440 million yuan. Innovate and implement the fund package of industrial expansion project, saving investment of 29.6 million yuan for small and micro enterprise customers.

Two, announced ten commitments, take the initiative to fulfill the mission responsibility.

In order to comprehensively improve the service capacity and service level, and effectively meet the needs of economic and social development and people’s energy consumption for a better life, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power officially announced to the public ten commitments to optimize the power business environment, and took the initiative to accept supervision from all walks of life. First, the power supply is more reliable, with the average power supply reliability of urban power grids reaching 99.9% and that of rural power grids reaching 99.8%. Second, it is more economical to obtain electricity, and actively extend the investment interface of power grid, so that customers can run electricity at the lowest cost. Third, it is more time-saving for customers to run electricity. The time for small and micro enterprise customers to run electricity will be reduced to less than 20 and 15 working days in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Fourth, inform customers in time of power failure and power limitation, inform customers or make an announcement 7 days in advance of planned maintenance and power failure, notify important customers in advance of temporary maintenance and power failure, and release information in time of failure and power failure. Fifth, quick repair and timely power reply, 45 minutes in urban areas, 90 minutes in rural areas and 2 hours in special remote areas. Sixth, the price and fee policy is standardized and open, and customers are informed of the occurrence and balance changes of electricity charges in time through various channels, and electronic invoices and bills are provided to ensure transparent consumption of customers. Seventh, the meter responds abnormally quickly. After accepting the customer’s application for checking the billing watt-hour meter, the test result will be issued within 5 working days. After the customer proposes that the meter data is abnormal, verify and reply within 5 working days. Eighth, the channel service is rich and convenient. Through the power supply business premises, 95598 hotline, online State Grid App and other channels, it provides consulting, electricity, payment, repair, energy saving, electric vehicles and other services.Ninth, the new energy service is transparent and efficient, and the new energy cloud platform is applied to provide one-stop services such as power grid service, electricity price subsidy and technical consultation for new energy projects. The tenth is to deal with service complaints quickly. After accepting customer complaints, contact customers within 24 hours and reply to handling opinions within 5 working days.

Three, the implementation of twenty measures to promote the power business environment.

It is more convenient for customers to do electricity:

1. Implement full-line service for power supply, handle business online and sign contracts online, so that customers can do power supply without leaving home.

2. Promote the government to share license information such as business license and property right certificate, streamline the types of customer application materials, and realize "one license to run electricity" for enterprise customers.

3. Promote the government to implement the "real estate+electricity meter" joint transfer mode, so that customers do not need to go through the electricity meter transfer procedures separately after the real estate transfer.

4. The office window is fully stationed in the government service hall, realizing "one window for acceptance and one chain for handling" of administrative examination and approval.

5. Strengthen the service capacity of the business hall, realize "one cabinet for all" and "one-stop service", and improve the convenience of customers in handling electricity.

Customers can save money by running electricity;

6. Resident customers, small and micro enterprises of 160 kW and below in urban areas, and small and micro enterprises of 100 kW and below in rural areas will have "zero investment" in electricity supply, and the power supply enterprises will bear the purchase and construction costs of meter boxes and above. In 2022, small and micro enterprises of 160 kW and below will have "zero investment" in urban and rural areas.

7. Optimize the power grid access mode, give priority to public line power supply, and reduce customer investment from the source.

8. Guide customers to standardize the construction of self-built projects, improve the versatility of equipment, help customers reduce the project cost and reduce the subsequent operation and maintenance costs.

Customers run electricity more efficiently:

9. Promote the government to connect with information channels, so that power supply enterprises can obtain project information in advance and connect with customers in advance to realize "electricity and other projects".

10. Simplify the process of power supply for customers, implement logistics display of power supply progress, and enhance customers’ sense of power acquisition.

11. Deepen the on-site operation of portable equipment and reduce the response time of power supply scheme.

12. Optimize the internal management process, implement the contract system for construction projects, and ensure that customers use electricity in time.

13. Promote the government to simplify the examination and approval procedures for road occupation and excavation, so that the project can start one day earlier and customers can use electricity one day earlier.

It is more intimate for customers to do electricity:

14. Dig deep into the value of power big data and provide free value-added services such as energy efficiency bills and energy consultation.

15. Publicize information such as service processes, charging items and standards to protect customers’ right to know.

16. Actively accept social supervision, strengthen internal service control, and ensure that customer demands are resolved in the first time.

Customers use electricity more reliably:

17. Increase investment, resolutely control the problem of low voltage and frequent power outages, and continuously improve the quality of power supply.

18. Strengthen lean management of equipment, realize active operation and maintenance, active maintenance and active repair of distribution network, and reduce the failure rate of power grid.

19. Reasonably arrange the power outage plan, and comprehensively promote non-power outage operation, zero-point operation and joint operation to ensure the minimum power outage range, the shortest power outage time and the least number of power outages.

20. Strengthen equipment condition monitoring, hidden danger diagnosis and prevention, and fault traceability evaluation, so as to achieve "four in place" of inspection, notification, filing and service, and continuously improve the health level of the power grid.

"The business environment is not the best, but only better". State Grid Mengdong Electric Power will adhere to demand orientation and problem orientation, actively plan and make steady progress, resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region and State Grid Corporation of China, promote the reform measures of the power business environment, and strive for the further improvement of the power business environment.

Speech at the Press Conference of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power "Power Business Environment Upgrading Again"

Zhang Chengsong, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company

Good morning everyone! First of all, please allow me, on behalf of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power, to express my heartfelt thanks to all the guests and friends in the press conference!

On February 18th, the autonomous region held a conference on optimizing the business environment, proposing that we should resolutely fight hard to optimize the business environment, and provide strong guidance and strong guarantee for unswervingly taking a new path of high-quality development oriented to ecological priority and green development. Just now, we issued "Ten Commitments" and "Twenty Measures" to optimize the power business environment. This is the solemn commitment of State Grid Mengdong Power to serve the local economy and the people’s livelihood, and it is the concrete practice of sticking to the initial intention of serving the people and practicing the power grid mission. ?

1. Looking back on the road we have traveled, we have taken the initiative to show the responsibility of central enterprises and earnestly practice the corporate purpose of "people’s electricity industry for the people"

Since the establishment of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company, under the strong leadership of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region and the party group of State Grid Corporation of China, it has worked hard and played an important role in safeguarding national economic development, promoting social progress and improving people’s living standards.

First, vigorously optimize the power business environment and enhance the people’s sense of power acquisition. Adhere to customer-centered and market-oriented, and strive to improve the response speed and convenience of power supply services and reduce the cost of running electricity. Improve the convenience of "access to electricity", carry out "sunshine industry expansion" in depth, promote "three zero" and "three provinces" services, and save investment of 29.6 million yuan for small and micro enterprise customers. Change the internal service process, and the average time for small and micro enterprises to receive electricity is no more than 10 days. Take the initiative to visit local governments and power consumption enterprises, and coordinate and promote a number of large customers such as Bishi Group, Qilu Pharmaceutical, Ningbao Metallurgy and Wulan Chemical to receive electricity and reach production. The quality of power supply service has been greatly improved, and the modernization of power supply service system has been promoted by strengthening the front line, connecting the middle station and the big backstage. Actively integrate into government services, vigorously promote online electricity, and "online office, online office, fingertip office" has become the new normal. Special rectification ignored the problem of infringing on the interests of the masses and introduced differentiated service measures for elderly customers. The anti-epidemic situation ensured strong power supply support, adhered to people-oriented and life-oriented, and organized 1,490 people in party member to fight for the front line of "joint prevention and control" in the community. During the critical period of epidemic prevention, an average of 1,700 power conservation personnel, 356 emergency vehicles, 30 emergency power generation vehicles and 78 generators were put into the front line of epidemic prevention and control, ensuring the safe and reliable use of electricity by 54 designated hospitals, 118 fever clinics and 167 important users. We will implement the preferential electricity tariff policy of 15% discount, and reduce the electricity consumption cost for users by 365 million yuan. During the epidemic period, we will implement intimate services such as arrears and uninterrupted power supply, and small and medium-sized enterprises will delay the payment of electricity tariffs.Benefiting 628,000 enterprises and reducing electricity charges by 440 million yuan.

The second is to speed up the construction of UHV power grid and help the development of energy bases in the autonomous region. The UHV project of "four connections and three direct connections" (Ximeng-Shandong, Mengxi-Tianjinnan, Ximeng-Shengli, Mengxi-Jinzhong exchange, Ximeng-Taizhou, Shanghai Temple-Shandong, Zhalute-Qingzhou DC) has been completed, with an UHV delivery capacity of 46 million kilowatts, an UHV supporting power supply connected to the grid of 15.24 million kilowatts, and a cumulative delivery capacity of 129.8 billion kWh.

The third is to speed up the construction of platform power grid and promote the fair and open power market. The accumulated investment is more than 110 billion yuan, the main grid has been upgraded from 220 kV to 500 kV, and the line length and substation capacity of 66 kV and above have been increased to 3.6 times and 5.6 times respectively. Key projects such as 500 kV Yimin-Xing ‘an-Wulanhaote-Zalut will be completed, and a 500 kV unified power grid will be formed in Hulunbeier, Xing ‘an and Tongliao areas, which will greatly improve the power grid’s ability to optimize the allocation of resources, and the platform power grid will be initially completed. With an open mind, we will promote the transformation of the company-based shareholding system and the platform transformation of the power market trading institutions. The unit price of large industrial catalogues was completely abolished, and the inverted ladder transmission and distribution price was implemented. All large industrial users entered the market to conduct transactions, and the degree of market openness was greatly improved. Through market transactions, the electricity cost of users was reduced by 3.559 billion yuan.

Fourth, actively serve the development of new energy and promote green and low-carbon energy production. We implemented 32 measures to serve the development and consumption of new energy, and implemented one-stop grid-connected access service, with a cumulative access to new energy installed capacity of 21.09 million kilowatts, accounting for more than 40% of new energy installed capacity. Actively promote the delivery of new energy through UHV channels, and promote the deep integration of the peak shaving auxiliary service market and the spot power market. In 2020, the power generation of new energy will exceed 31 billion kWh, up by more than 11 percentage points year-on-year, and the utilization rate of new energy will reach 97.9%, up by 1.47 percentage points year-on-year, achieving both power generation and utilization rate.

The fifth is to focus on national key tasks and fully serve poverty alleviation. All the poverty-stricken areas were electrified, and 5.409 billion yuan was invested to transform and upgrade the power grid in poverty-stricken areas to solve the problems of unpowered electricity and low voltage in poor villages. Invested 505 million yuan to complete the task of "two flags and one district" power grid transformation and upgrading, and served the three ethnic groups to get rid of poverty. Invested 13.4 million yuan to complete the power supply to 13 poor villages. Helping the ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation, investing 26.43 million yuan to serve the construction of supporting power grids for ex situ relocation, benefiting 8,300 poor people relocated by immigrants. Vigorously carry out consumption poverty alleviation, and purchase more than 1.75 million yuan of agricultural products from poverty alleviation points at all levels through online and offline channels to ensure the stable income generation of more than 5,000 poor households. The assistance in the village has achieved remarkable results. A total of 78 poverty alleviation cadres have been sent to help 5932 poor households get rid of poverty. Comrade Yu Zhibao, resident secretary of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company, was named as an advanced individual in poverty alleviation in China.

2. Looking ahead, we should cultivate new opportunities, promote green transformation and help the autonomous region to "give priority to ecology and develop green".

This year’s two sessions, "peak carbon dioxide emissions, carbon neutrality" was written into the government work report for the first time, and the clean and low-carbon transformation of energy development became inevitable. The new pattern, new stage and new concept have given the power grid company a new mission and task. State Grid Mengdong Power will resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region and the party group of the State Grid Corporation, and make good use of electricity, energy, services and responsibilities to ensure a good start in the 14 th Five-Year Plan.

First, accelerate the construction of green power double cycle in Inner Mongolia. Deeply understanding the spirit of "Three Innovations" of the Central Committee, and actively responding to the expectation of high-quality development in Inner Mongolia, this paper puts forward to build a double cycle of green power in Inner Mongolia, which is mainly based on the advantages of energy resources in Inner Mongolia, facing the two markets inside and outside the region, strengthening the two industrial chains of transmission service and power supply service outside the region, so that the energy resources in Inner Mongolia can be integrated into the two economic cycles inside and outside the region, and "the wind in Inner Mongolia should not only light up the lights in Beijing, but also heat the kang in Inner Mongolia" to realize the two cycles.

The second is to help rural and pastoral areas revitalize and build agricultural and livestock products bases. We will continue to increase investment in power grids in agricultural and pastoral areas, implement power grid upgrading projects in agricultural and pastoral areas, and comprehensively enhance the power grid support capacity in agricultural and pastoral areas. Promote rural electrification projects with high quality, improve the electrification level of agriculture and animal husbandry production, rural industries and rural life, and help the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and the construction of agricultural and livestock products bases. Accelerate the filling of shortcomings in power supply services in agricultural and pastoral areas and promote the equalization of power supply services in urban and rural pastoral areas. Reduce the cost of electricity connection for customers in agricultural and pastoral areas, and realize "zero investment" in electricity connection for small and micro enterprises in agricultural and pastoral areas of 160 kW and below in 2022.

The third is to promote the business environment of electricity. We will fully implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region on optimizing the business environment, immediately put forward a three-year work plan of "Re-improving the business environment of electric power", continue to build a service brand of "Sunshine Industry Expansion", and strictly implement ten commitments and twenty measures. Further deepen the "three zero" and "three provinces" power services, gradually expand the scope of "three zero" services, further simplify business processes, promote the integration and sharing of government and enterprise information, expand online intelligent services, minimize links, reduce time and reduce costs. Further deepen information disclosure, announce service processes, charging items and standards, and information inquiry on power outage through online and offline channels, and effectively protect customers’ right to know. We will further maintain fair and open markets, focus on the three key points of "marketization, transparency and high efficiency", and resolutely put an end to the "three designations". Seriously punish issues such as relying on electricity to eat electricity and eating cards. Further improve the quality of power supply, build a modern urban and rural distribution network, carry out a three-year action plan to solve distribution network problems, focus on solving hot issues of concern to the masses, such as frequent power outages, low voltage, and insufficient power supply capacity, strengthen equipment operation and maintenance management, and implement active fault repair to ensure that customers use electricity more reliably, economically and safely.




Zhang Chengsong:The goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Neutralization" has released a strong signal to accelerate the clean and low-carbon energy transformation. State Grid Mengdong Power’s proposal of green power dual cycle is an inevitable choice to implement the central spirit and actively participate in "four revolutions and one cooperation", a strategic measure to help Inner Mongolia’s "ecological priority and green development", a characteristic practice of State Grid Corporation’s development strategy in Inner Mongolia, and a realistic need for the high-quality development of State Grid Mengdong Power. Internal circulation is the optimal allocation of energy and electricity in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which makes the current energy and electricity industry longer, stronger and greener. External circulation is to optimize the allocation of energy and electricity in Inner Mongolia nationwide and participate in the national energy economy cycle. To build a green power double cycle in Inner Mongolia, it is necessary to rely on the energy bases in Mengdong and Mengxi (Inner Mongolia is the largest new energy, coal-fired power base and the largest power guarantee base in China) and use two kinds of resources (renewable resources such as coal resources and scenery). Based on two power grid platforms (Inner Mongolia UHV transmission power grid and Mengdong power grid), it faces two power markets (inter-regional and inter-provincial, Mengdong region). Smooth, extend and strengthen two industrial chains, namely, transmission service outside the region and power supply service inside the region, and two types of energy and power flows, so as to create two types of value flows, help peak carbon dioxide emissions outside the region to be carbon neutral, and promote the clean and low-carbon industrial transformation in Inner Mongolia.

First, promote the transformation and upgrading of the power grid and accelerate the construction of the energy Internet. Relying on the rich advantages of clean energy resources in Inner Mongolia, based on UHV, building a large power grid, developing a large base and integrating into the big market, we will accelerate the transformation of traditional power grid into an energy internet platform centered on electricity, and smooth the great cycle of energy cooperation with large power grids. Build a "two vertical and eight horizontal" interconnected platform power grid as soon as possible, and use three years to focus on solving the problems of power supply "stuck neck" and low voltage.

The second is to promote the optimization of power supply structure and clean energy supply. Firmly implement the clean, low-carbon, green and efficient transformation of energy and electricity, and fully promote "cleanliness" on the power generation side of the energy and electricity supply side. By 2025, the installed capacity of new energy in Mengdong area will be 37.5 million kilowatts, accounting for no less than 53%, and the power generation of new energy will be 82 billion kWh, accounting for no less than 40%. The installed capacity of new energy collected by UHV transmission terminal is 18 million kilowatts, accounting for not less than 40%, and the power generation of new energy is 43 billion kWh, accounting for not less than 30%.

Third, vigorously implement electric energy substitution and promote electrification of energy consumption. On the demand side and consumption side of energy and electricity, we will fully promote the electrification of energy consumption, replace coal with electricity, replace oil with electricity, and replace gas with electricity, greatly increasing the proportion of electric energy in terminal energy consumption and the proportion of green electricity consumed locally. By 2025, the proportion of electric energy in Mengdong area will not be less than 30%, and the proportion of new energy consumption in Mengdong power supply business area will reach more than 50%.

The fourth is to actively promote the transmission of Mongolian electricity and integrate into the national energy market. Based on the national important energy and strategic resource base and the new energy base of 10 million kilowatts, we will give full play to the price advantage and location advantage of Mongolian power transmission, expand the scale of transmission, consolidate the receiving market, and provide safe, clean and reliable power supply for load centers in North China, East China and Northeast China.

The fifth is to develop a smart energy system to digitally support energy transformation and upgrading. Accelerate the construction of a new energy industry platform based on hub business, promote the deep integration of advanced information technology and traditional business, and develop a new smart energy model with wide information perception, wide service coverage and wide participation of users. By 2025, the digital development index will reach 75%.

Inner Mongolia DailyReporter:At the two sessions this year, Premier Li Keqiang proposed that what measures will be taken by State Grid Mengdong Power to continue to promote the reduction of general industrial and commercial electricity prices?

罗永志:In implementing the national price reduction policy. In order to promote the development of the real economy and effectively reduce the energy cost of enterprises, in 2018 and 2019, the state reduced the general industrial and commercial electricity price by 10% twice, and the average per kWh of users in Mengdong Power Grid decreased by 7.87 points and 8 points respectively; In 2020, in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic and support enterprises to resume work and production, the state successively issued supportive policies of two-part electricity price, non-stop payment of arrears and phased reduction of enterprise electricity cost. At the same time, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power issued ten measures to fully resume construction and help enterprises resume work and production, and used WeChat, Weibo and mobile phone clients to carry out online and offline extensive publicity to help power customers understand the electricity tariff policy in time and adjust production plans in time. Receive all kinds of consultation 24 hours a day, and solve all kinds of questions and suggestions in the process of policy implementation in time. Through the above measures, from 2018 to 2020, the electricity consumption cost of industrial and commercial users has been reduced by 2.548 billion yuan, including 2.31 billion yuan for general industrial and commercial users.

In terms of implementing the policy of the same network and the same price. In order to speed up the economic and social development and the improvement of people’s livelihood in Mengdong, in 2017, in accordance with the unified deployment of the autonomous regional government, the electricity price of general industrial and commercial electricity to households decreased by 5.31 points on average per kWh compared with that before the same price in 2016. By the end of 2020, the average industrial and commercial enterprises have reduced the electricity cost of users by 1.144 billion yuan at the same price on the same network.

In this year’s two sessions of the National People’s Congress, Premier Li Keqiang proposed in the government work report that "we should continue to promote the reduction of general industrial and commercial electricity prices". State Grid Mengdong Electric Power will pay close attention to the adjustment of the national general industrial and commercial electricity price policy, strictly follow the national unified work deployment, do a good job in policy adjustment and implementation, and support the development of the real economy. Expand the scope of industrial and commercial users to participate in market transactions, and all industrial and commercial users who meet the trading conditions will be included in the power market to participate in transactions. Cooperate with the price supervisor and market supervision department to carry out special investigations, clean up and standardize the transfer of power supply to increase prices. We will intensify the transformation of "one household, one meter", and realize direct power supply, metering and service to households as soon as possible for those who meet the transformation and reception conditions, and effectively transmit the price reduction dividend to end users.

China News Service reporter:The quality of power supply is related to the production and life of the masses. With the development of economy and society, customers’ expectations for power supply quality are getting higher and higher. What measures will State Grid Mengdong Power take to improve the quality of power supply?

Du Ping:The quality of power supply has always been one of the priorities of State Grid Mengdong Power. In the future, we will continue to attach great importance to it and take various measures to strictly control the scope of power outage, shorten the power outage time and reduce the number of power outages.

First, with the strong support of State Grid Corporation of China and the government of the autonomous region, State Grid Mengdong Power has continuously increased its investment in power grid and continuously improved its power grid structure under the condition of long-term serious losses. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the accumulated investment in power grid was 35.3 billion yuan, up 34% compared with the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", and 10,338.4 kilometers of lines with 35 kV and above were put into operation, with a substation capacity of 14,474,300 KVA, and 500 kV substation (converter) was completed. At present, the power grid of 220kV and above in Mengdong has basically met the "N-1" requirement, and the single component fault will not affect the stable operation and normal power supply of the power grid. In the future, State Grid Mengdong Power will continue to strengthen power grid construction and eliminate the weak links of power supply at all voltage levels.

Second, continue to deepen maintenance management, optimize and adjust the operation and maintenance system, and improve the operation and maintenance capacity of power grids at all levels. In March, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power started the spring inspection, and conducted a large-scale, full-coverage and no dead angle patrol inspection of all power grid equipment, promptly found equipment and operation problems, promptly eliminated defects and improved the stable operation capacity of equipment. We fixed such large-scale maintenance five times a year. Before the arrival of such bad weather as the severe sandstorm in the past two days, we will closely contact the meteorological department, carry out special inspections in advance, make emergency reserves, and make every effort to ensure the safety of power supply. Hulunbeier genhe city is known as the "cold pole of China", and the maintenance staff often have to "fully armed" to carry out line inspections in the low temperature of MINUS 30 degrees. In the next step, we will further improve the overall optimization of annual and monthly maintenance plans, arrange maintenance operations lean, and achieve "one stop and multiple uses" to prevent repeated power outages and large-scale and long-term power outages; Deeply optimize the power outage operation scheme, and try to adopt the working methods of subsection construction, day stop and night delivery, etc., to further reduce the power outage time and continuously improve the power supply quality.

"Northern New Newspaper" reporter:Document No.1 of the Central Committee makes it clear that the power supply area in Mengdong area will reach 470,000 square kilometers by comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization. What measures will State Grid Mengdong Power take to serve the last mile and help rural revitalization?



During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power will continue to intensify the construction and transformation of rural power grids, plan to invest 14.6 billion yuan, implement rural power grid consolidation and upgrading projects, make up shortcomings and strong and weak items, consolidate the achievements of tackling poverty, promote rural electrification, give full play to the responsibility and mission of central enterprises and big countries, be a good power pioneer, and fully serve the economic and social development and rural revitalization of the autonomous region.

Inner Mongolia Radio and Television reporter:To optimize the business environment, electricity is the key factor. What measures will State Grid Mengdong Power take to help corporate customers and residential users use electricity early and well in their production and life?

Li Shufeng:Let customers "use electricity early" mainly in two aspects: "early" and "fast". In the aspect of "early", we should optimize business processes, cooperate with relevant government departments, open up information interconnection channels, obtain project information in advance, connect with customers in advance, master information such as energy consumption planning and production arrangement, and start the preliminary work of supporting power grid projects in advance to realize "electricity and other projects". In the aspect of "fast", relying on information technology to realize the online operation of electricity business, "online application of business, online circulation of information, online inquiry of progress and online evaluation of service", which is convenient for customers to "do it at their fingertips" and realize "don’t run once" for simple business and "run once at most" for complex business. In terms of internal links, it mainly changes the internal management process, strengthens professional collaboration, and realizes the shortest time for customers to run electricity through measures such as limited time system for engineering construction and contract system for customers’ power transmission time.

Making customers "use electricity well" is mainly reflected in two aspects: "less power outage" and "high quality". In terms of less power outage, it is mainly through strengthening the operation and maintenance of the power grid, rationally arranging the power outage plan, and comprehensively promoting non-power outage operation, zero-point operation and joint operation to ensure the smallest power outage range, the shortest power outage time and the least number of power outages. In terms of high-quality power supply, Mr. Du has just elaborated. Mainly through technical means and management means, the reliability of power supply is further improved, the problem of low voltage is solved quickly, and customers are ensured to use electricity well. At present, we are building a distribution network awareness system. Through this system, we can accurately control the power supply situation of power supply terminals and clients, quickly diagnose and accurately locate all kinds of power supply problems, and effectively improve the reliability and quality of power supply.

Rewinding music, Tencent music and cloud music all need more thought.

Wen | Entertainment Business Observation Tehran

According to the consulting report, the online music market in China will increase by 33.1% year-on-year to 32.2 billion yuan in 2023, and it is expected to reach 49.5 billion yuan in 2025, and the corresponding social and entertainment industries derived from music are expected to exceed 110 billion yuan.

China’s online music market is growing into one of the hot market targets that attract worldwide attention and focus on watching. What’s more, Netease Cloud Music, as one of the two leading platforms, completed a gorgeous turn last year.

According to the financial report, Netease Cloud Music climbed out of the quagmire with a loss of over 9 billion yuan in five years, and turned losses into profits for the first time in 2023, and achieved a profit of 734 million yuan from a loss of 221 million yuan in 2022, and the gross profit margin increased significantly from 14.38% to 26.73%.

However, the spring breeze is still mixed with the coldness and chill of winter.

On the one hand, the profit of Netease Cloud Music has a lot of luck factors, including the restriction of exclusive copyright at the policy level, which makes the authorized price of music in the market return to rationality and the higher interest rate of US dollar deposit, which also indicates from another side that there is uncertainty in the future of the online music business that has become the core.

On the other hand, as I predicted in the second quarter of last year, Tencent Music was slightly overwhelmed by the income of social entertainment services that continued to decline.

In 2023, Tencent Music’s revenue from social entertainment services and other businesses decreased by 34.2% year-on-year to 10.43 billion yuan, while the Group’s annual revenue in 2023 decreased by 2.1% year-on-year to 27.75 billion yuan.

The initial heart of retiring music

It’s not just Tencent Music.

Faced with the pressure of strong supervision and content rectification from the policy side, it was the consensus of the entire online music market last year to actively shrink and transform the social entertainment service business, including Netease Cloud Music.

According to the financial report, in 2023, the revenue of Netease Cloud Music decreased by 12.5% year-on-year to 7.867 billion yuan, of which the revenue of social entertainment services and other businesses decreased by 33.6% year-on-year to 3.516 billion yuan, and its proportion in total revenue fell from 59% in 2022 to 44.7%.

Not only that, although the number of monthly paying users of this business increased by 20.3% year-on-year to 1.6 million, the monthly income per paying user dropped from 326 yuan in 2022 to 178.6 yuan.

The shift of business focus will inevitably lead to "pain", and from the perspective of financial indicators and user data, Tencent Music is in an advantageous position in the new competition driven by social live broadcast to music members’ payment.

In 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music was about 3.5 times that of Netease Cloud Music, and its net profit was about 8.5 times. In terms of "revenue pillar"-online music service revenue, Netease Cloud Music (accounting for 55.3%) increased by 17.6% year-on-year to 4.35 billion yuan, and Tencent Music (accounting for 62.3%) increased by 38.8% year-on-year to 17.33 billion yuan, nearly four times that of Netease Cloud Music.

In terms of user data, in 2023, the number of monthly active users of Netease Cloud Music online music service increased by 8.7% year-on-year to 206 million, and the number of monthly paying users increased by 15.3% year-on-year to 44.12 million. Benefiting from this, the membership income of the platform increased by 20.2% to 3.65 billion yuan compared with 2022.

It seems to be thriving, but in fact it is under a lot of pressure.

Compared with the data released by the platform in the first half of 2023, the number of monthly active users of online music service of Netease Cloud Music basically stood still in the second half of the year, and the number of monthly paid users only increased by 2.37 million, and the monthly income per paid user did not change much year-on-year, only from 6.6 yuan to 6.9 yuan.

On the other hand, although the number of monthly users of online music of Tencent Music decreased by 4.2% year-on-year to 576 million, the average monthly income of a single paying user increased for seven consecutive quarters, reaching RMB 10.7 by the end of 2023. At the same time, the number of online music paying users increased by 20.6% year-on-year to 106.7 million, reaching a new high.

Behind a rise and a fall

The formation of the gap is traceable, and the most obvious one is undoubtedly the income of paying users.

According to the consulting data, the number of online music users in China in 2023 was 744 million, with a year-on-year increase of only 3.7%. Among them, users accounted for 54% after 90 and 00.

The scale of paid members of online music service is growing close to the ceiling, and it is difficult to have explosive growth. However, for overseas music platforms such as Spotify, the membership payment space of Tencent Music and Netease Cloud Music is still considerable.

Tencent Music is indeed making efforts in this direction.

At the beginning of December last year, QQ Music recently sent a "reminder on the price change of renewal service" to WeChat users, announcing that from 0: 00 on January 9 this year, the automatic renewal price of QQ Music Green Diamond Deluxe Edition members will all be brought to 15 yuan/month.

Two price increases during the year, and Netease Cloud Music reduced the price of platform student members to 5 yuan/month shortly after the official announcement of the second price increase. Tencent Music’s move not only made QQ music members lose their price advantage, but also caused themselves to fall into a word-of-mouth crisis, and was criticized by many users on social platforms for "eating ugly".

For this result, Tencent Music can’t be unexpected. After all, as early as 2022, Tencent Video, which belongs to the Tencent Department, also attracted a "squeaky sound" because of the continuous price increase of its members during the year, and even led to the loss of its members.

Tencent’s financial report shows that the number of paid members of the platform decreased by 2.4% year-on-year and 1.6% quarter-on-quarter in Q2 2022 when Tencent Video announced the second price increase.

However, there are priorities. Between the overall revenue trend and the maintenance of membership scale, Tencent Music must give priority to the burning eyebrows.

Coincidentally, Netease Cloud Music is doing the opposite, and it is also trying to make online music services provoke a heavier burden.

Compared with Tencent Music, which has entered the scale of 100 million paying users, the penetration rate of Netease Cloud Music still has room for further improvement. The platform also stressed after the announcement of the financial report that this year, it will further focus on scale growth, steadily enhance the profitability of the platform, and promote the ecological and healthy development of Yuncun.

On this basis, like all industries, the choice of young people also determines the future of the music market. At present, in order to cope with the rising cost of living and economic pressure, more and more young people begin to downgrade their consumption and pay more and more attention to cost performance.

Therefore, not only playing "low-priced cards", Netease Cloud Music has really put a lot of thought into meeting the personalized needs of users and improving the quality of platform services.

In January this year, Netease Cloud Music App officially announced a new revision, and released an open letter to users on the same day, apologizing to users for a large number of problems unrelated to music in the past, and at the same time, by changing the brand Slogan back to the 2013 version-"Discover good music", emphasizing that the new version will return to its original heart.

It is worth mentioning that QQ Music also has student members, and the platform clearly emphasizes that "student members are not affected" when the price is raised for the second time.

However, compared with Netease Cloud Music, the student members of QQ Music also have no price advantage, but the age setting range is wider, supporting users aged 13-24 (inclusive), and the benefits are more diversified.

Hard work may not be rewarded

"Fortunately, I didn’t follow the experience", "I thought I entered QQ music", "It’s cumbersome and I always make mistakes", "Change the soup without changing the medicine" …

Netease Cloud Music showed sincerity, but not all users bought it. To sum up, the official propaganda is just a slogan, which even destroys the experience of some users. At the same time, the advertisement does not seem to have a "-1 point". Many users will suddenly pop up advertisements on the homepage of the song when they feedback.

On the other side of the story, we are asking for higher prices to increase Tencent music, and we have not fully figured out how to persuade users to pay for the increased expenses.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, although the year-on-year growth rate of online music service revenue of Tencent Music rebounded, there was still a significant gap compared with 47.6% in the second quarter of last year.

With the extension of this idea, the profitability of Tencent Music is rising, and it is not all due to online music.

According to the financial report, in 2023, the operating cost of Tencent Music decreased by 8.2% year-on-year, and the total operating expenses decreased by 9.7% year-on-year, among which the sales and marketing expenses continued to drop by 21.6% year-on-year.

No matter how well the payment habits are cultivated, the price increase will still provoke the most sensitive nerves of users. On the other hand, although it is the present situation and will be the long-term trend in the future that the number of young people who spend cautiously and flock to the low-price belt increases, what they value is the low price with quality and value.

In other words, it is not a long-term solution to innovate at low prices and increase prices and income. The real competition between the two companies returning to music is to improve the user experience and service quality on the basis of continuously enriching the basic resource of copyright and build their own core competitiveness.

Both Tencent Music and Netease Cloud Music need continuous thinking and exploration on how to be practical and excellent. While the blade continues to move inward, the two companies must also be alert to market encroachment from the outside.

According to the 2023bilibili Music Ecology Report, in 2023, more than 152 million people watched music videos in bilibili, and the total number of broadcasts exceeded 57.3 billion times. In 2023, the number of video contributors to bilibili music scene doubled, and the total number of submissions soared by 189% year-on-year; In the whole year, the big coffee musician ×UP main cross-border planning exceeded 100 times, and the live music activities cooperated over 1100 times; More than 1,500 global star singers have settled in bilibili, and nearly 30,000 new MV songs have been launched.

On the other hand, according to QuestMobile’s data, ByteDance’s "Soda Music" is the fastest growing digital music product in 2023, with a monthly activity of 40 million in the third quarter, an increase of 400%. In response, before the press release, the APP has captured more than 30 million downloads on iOS, occupying the TOP1 of the AppStore music free app list.

Regarding the repeatedly mentioned AI, we can easily feel the determination and persistence of the two companies from the financial report.

The problem is that from the current reality, neither the embracing logic of Tencent Music’s enhanced interactive experience nor Netease Cloud Music’s playing from the ecological advantages of the community has aroused much splash at the user end.

Things change, rivers and lakes float and sink.

For Tencent Music and Netease Cloud Music, music can’t completely act as an antidote to anxiety for the time being. And how far it will go to embrace AI is full of unknowns and possibilities.

How to pay for the insurance when the car is flooded in a rainstorm? Don’t do it!

BEIJING, Beijing, August 2 (Reporter Zuo Yukun, Zhang Ni) Recently, under the influence of Typhoon Du Surui, extreme rainfall occurred in many areas. Under the heavy rain, many vehicles were trapped in the water, flooded or even washed away directly.

  According to the Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, as of 8: 00 a.m. on July 31, the property insurance industry in Beijing had received 978 related insurance reports and rescued 65 vehicles and personnel in distress, and the follow-up insurance reporting and handling work was still in progress.

  For car owners, can their vehicles be compensated if they are flooded? How to protect personal and property safety to the greatest extent?

  If the vehicle is soaked in water, will the insurance pay?

  Regarding the question of whether the flooded car can get compensation, the owner who bought the car damage insurance can rest assured.

  According to the relevant provisions of motor vehicle loss insurance (hereinafter referred to as motor vehicle damage insurance), if the direct loss of motor vehicles caused by natural disasters and accidents is not within the scope of compensation exemption, compensation can be made in accordance with the agreement. Among them, in terms of natural disasters, the scope of compensation includes hail, lightning strikes, storms, rainstorms, floods and many other common natural disasters.

  Many old drivers may claim "water-related insurance" when their cars are flooded. Wang Guojun, a professor at university of international business and economics Institute of Insurance, told the reporter of Sino-Singapore Finance and Economics: "Now there is no water-related insurance, and it is all in the car damage insurance. Whether the engine of a traditional car is flooded or the battery of a new energy vehicle is damaged, it is counted in the car damage insurance. "

  Specifically, the Guiding Opinions on Implementing Comprehensive Auto Insurance Reform, which was officially implemented on September 19, 2020, has carried out major reforms in China’s auto insurance. As long as the new insurance users and renewal insurance users after the above time point have included additional risks such as water-related insurance in the car damage insurance, they do not need to be insured separately. Insurance can pay for vehicles wading and soaking in water.

  The Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau also issued a reminder on July 31: After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance started, the coverage of vehicle loss insurance has covered the losses caused by natural disasters such as rainstorm and typhoon. If the vehicle suffers related losses, please call the insurance company to report the case in time to confirm whether the relevant insurance is insured, and go through the follow-up claim settlement procedures under the guidance of the staff.

  Will the claim be affected if the car is washed away?

  Heavy rains lead to flooding, and sometimes the vehicles are directly washed away. If the car search is unsuccessful, can I pay for it?

  Wang Guojun believes that there is no need to worry at all: "First of all, where the car was rushed can basically be judged by positioning; If it is true that the vehicle is completely washed away and cannot be recovered, the insurance company will generally presume a total loss to make a claim. "

  From the specific operation point of view, the settlement of claims for lost vehicles requires the intervention and assistance of public security organs. After the car can’t be recovered eventually, the owner of the motor vehicle needs to issue a certificate of loss to the local public security organ, then go to the vehicle management office to cancel the vehicle, and finally go to the insurance company to make claims.

  However, it should be noted that the engine is turned off after the vehicle is flooded, and the engine must not be started again, otherwise it will cause engine damage. If the engine is damaged by "secondary ignition" in the water, the insurance company generally thinks that it belongs to the "loss expansion" exemption situation and will not claim compensation.

  What should I do after the vehicle is flooded?

  What should the owner do if the vehicle is flooded? Zhongxin Finance consulted the customer service staff of several property insurance companies.

  The customer service staff of PICC P&C said: If the vehicle is flooded, you should apply for compensation as soon as possible, but the specific amount of compensation is subject to the opinions of the adjuster, and it should be accounted according to the actual value of the vehicle and relevant circumstances.

  Sunshine Insurance staff said: If the vehicle is soaked, it is necessary to contact the insurance company as soon as possible, and the staff should investigate the site, otherwise the site will be difficult to identify after the water recedes.

  It is worth noting that in principle, insurance companies have a time limit for reporting claims. However, Wang Guojun pointed out that in the face of special circumstances such as rainstorm, insurance companies will also handle it as appropriate. The staff of the insurance company also said that the actual situation does not necessarily have to be applied on the same day, but it should be applied as soon as possible.

  "In case of special circumstances, the owner and the personnel on board must first ensure personal safety, and the car should be abandoned; In the case of purchasing car damage insurance, report the case to the insurance company in time, and then handle it according to the insurance company’s process. " Wang Guojun emphasized that insurance companies may now release reminders such as moving cars to customers according to big data before risks, and pay attention to this.

  Will it trigger the overall premium increase?

  Property losses caused by extreme weather will naturally bring some pressure to insurance companies’ claims. According to the data previously disclosed by the government, in 2021, the rainstorm disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, it is estimated that the final amount of auto insurance claims in the entire insurance industry may reach 7 billion yuan.

  Recently, some people in the insurance industry said that the recent heavy rain has caused the claims rate of various insurance companies to rise linearly, and the subsequent insurance prices are likely to increase. After the rainstorm, can cars that are not out of danger also usher in an increase in premiums?

  A senior insurance practitioner told Zhongxin Finance: Usually, the increase in claim rate will lead to an increase in premium, but this should have been taken into account when designing insurance products.

  "In recent years, several rainstorm disasters have also reported the loss of many vehicles. It is impossible for insurance companies to issue existing blister vehicles this year to apply for claims due to meteorological disasters. When designing products, these car damages will be taken into account in the calculation model. The premium of general auto insurance is comprehensively calculated based on factors such as the service life of the vehicle, the number of accidents, and the age of the insured. " The above practitioners believe that.

  In addition, the reporter consulted a number of insurance company staff and got a reply saying that if the vehicle is really out of danger, the subsequent premium increase is normal; For vehicles that are not in danger, we have not received the notice of adjusting the premium yet. However, some insurance company sales staff said that if the flood is serious, the premium may be fine-tuned, but there is no precedent for a big increase before.

  Wang Guojun also said that there is indeed the possibility of premium increase in the future. "This rainstorm has increased the overall risk, and insurance companies will increase the proportion of catastrophe risk in actuarial terms in the future, otherwise they may lose money when they encounter the same disaster in the future." However, he believes that the overall premium should not rise too much.

  Wang Guojun also reminded that because the car damage insurance is purchased voluntarily by the owner, some people will feel that their daily car damage is not big, instead of buying car damage insurance, they only take three liability insurance. "Considering the special circumstances such as wading and spontaneous combustion, car damage insurance is still necessary, especially for relatively new and high-value cars."

Party member cadres should be diligent and good at learning.

  "Industry is good at diligence, and it is barren in play." The improvement of quality and the growth of ability are based on diligent study. In this new era of development, the speed of knowledge change is getting faster and faster, and the requirements for people’s quality are getting higher and higher. In order to keep pace with the times, party member cadres must study hard and really hard.

  Learning is a renewal process. Due to the acceleration of economic development, the speed of knowledge replacement is getting faster and faster. As time goes by, if you don’t learn new knowledge, you will eventually be eliminated by the times. However, learning does not require hard work and rote memorization, but lies in mastering the thinking and methods. party member cadres should be able to master the learning skills, have divergent thinking, and "simplify the complicated and simplify the complicated", and always think well.

  Learning is a process of accumulation. "If you don’t accumulate a thousand miles, you can’t become a river without accumulating a small stream." Learning pays attention to perseverance, perseverance, and party member cadres must never dabble in the learning process and give up halfway. The "one exposure and ten cold" learning is only self-moving, and it is difficult to learn deeply and thoroughly. Don’t be impetuous in the process of learning. Only when you can be calm and calm can you put knowledge into your mind. Faced with the boring and complicated learning content, some cadres in party member have chosen piecemeal learning, and it is impossible to achieve learning results by patchwork. Cadres in party member should be able to sit still, pay attention to step by step, from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, dare to drill and squeeze, and pay attention to "slow fire and slow stew", so that they will be able to achieve self-breakthrough in the long run.

  Learning is a process of heart. "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." There is no shortcut to success, and learning needs hard work. In Learning Games, Mencius once said that learning must be absorbed and not half-hearted. No matter how hard a person studies, no matter how good a teacher teaches him, party member cadres should be able to combine learning with thinking, think deeply, analyze problems from time to time, grasp the key points and main contradictions, and master the essence of learning content.

  Learning is a practical process. Only practice can transform knowledge into ability, and learning without practice is empty. party member cadres should be able to learn by doing, learn by doing, and promote learning by doing, and integrate knowledge with practice. Contradictions in reality are much more complicated than imagined. party member cadres should be brave enough to face contradictions, solve practical problems with their own knowledge and theories, and master new theories and methods in the process of solving problems. Only by studying and practicing can they really improve their abilities.

  Learning is a hard and long process, and party member cadres should take learning as a habit and a kind of consciousness, realize little by little accumulation, and finally achieve great things. (Hu Zhuxin, Yancheng Street, Jingyan County, Sichuan Province)

Source: Zhongxin Net Jilin

How a 40-year-old woman can wear a sense of fashion, master four points of wearing, and copy it is beautiful.

With the growth of age, women must accurately control their own style of dressing to ensure that their styling is dignified and decent at all times. After women are over 40 years old, they often find it difficult to dress and match. They should wear dignified clothes without being too old-fashioned, and they should wear a sense of youth without being too act young. If they want to have both, they can learn from the following blogger’s experience and master four key points of matching. It is beautiful for ordinary people to copy and copy.

1, the rational use of bright color system

Many women start to wear very conservative clothes after they are 40 years old, especially in the dark black and gray color matching. In fact, many women still keep their figure in their twenties even when they are 40 years old. If you have such a figure advantage, you can try to start with color matching, and don’t completely refuse colored clothes. Sometimes, if you try colors boldly, your mood will be much better.

2. Different ways of dressing

The second starting point can start from the way of dressing. Starting from the way of dressing, we can break the traditional concept of wearing, and also let the conventional clothing wear more points of view, especially when wearing some basic clothing. Breaking the traditional collocation barriers can make people shine.

For example, when we wear a shirt, we don’t need to tie the buttons all over the body, so the feeling presented by the whole way of fastening will be very rigid. When we untie the two buttons at the position of the hem or the neckline, the whole collocation will be different in an instant. When we wear a shirt, we can also carry it on our hands, or tie it on our shoulders or waist, and open another collocation way of the shirt.

3. Pay attention to matching.

Third, effective wearing also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the overall combination. For example, the skirt and the headband on the head are of the same color, and the matching method of the same color and the same paragraph is used to wear the overall sense of harmony, or the color of the hat on the head is consistent with the color of the shorts on the lower body, so as to wear a visual echo in the overall matching.

In summer, hats, sunglasses, belts, bags, etc. are all accessories with very high upper body rate. You can choose one or two of these accessories, and don’t stack all kinds of accessories together. Too many accessories will often appear cumbersome.

4, the finishing touch accessories use

The last point is to learn to play the important role of accessories. Only by matching accessories with the finishing touch can we give full play to the effective role of accessories. For example, when we wear a simple solid color coat, we can decorate it with a long chain necklace, especially with a round neck coat. The lines of the neck can be made more slender by matching long chain necklaces.

Although this fashion blogger is 40 years old, she can’t see her real age at all. A simple black T-shirt with a long white dress is refreshing and natural, with a earth tone fisherman’s hat on her head, full of holiday style, and a taro purple shirt with basic white wide-leg shorts, which is fashionable and foreign.

The blogger’s figure is very good. Although he is over middle age, he has no difficulty in controlling this expansive color. A clean white dress with a woven straw hat is very suitable for taking pictures when he is on vacation at the seaside. The basic white shirt with denim shorts and flat-bottomed white shoes on his feet are clean and playful, and he can wear the effect of age reduction without bright colors.

Summary:After women are over 40 years old, they should not only wear clean and simple clothes, but also wear a decent feeling. If you can’t find a way to wear them, you might as well learn from the fashion blogger above, which is simple and easy to use, both feminine and playful.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Summer wear # # Summer life punch season #

With 4 gold medals and 4 silver medals, the China Badminton Team achieved gratifying results in the Youth Tournament, but the problem of An Xiying remained unsolved.

On December 3rd, the Youth Badminton International Challenge held in South Korea ended, and the China Badminton Team achieved gratifying results.

This competition is divided into four age groups, namely U19, U17, U15 and U13. Among them, the China Badminton Team only participated in the competition of U19 age group.

Happily, China U19 badminton players joined the finals of men’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles, and won the first and second place in these four events.

In the final, Wang Zijun 2-1 Pan Yinlong won the men’s singles championship; Hu Keyuan/Lin Xiangyi 2-0 Chen Yongrui/Chen Zhehan won the men’s doubles championship; Chen Fanshu/Jiang Peixi 2-0 Liao Lizhen/Liu Yuanyuan won the women’s doubles championship; Hu Keyuan/Liu Jiayue 2-1 Lin Xiangyi/Liu Yuanyuan won the mixed doubles championship. Among them, Hu Keyuan won two championships and Liu Yuanyuan won two runner-ups.

However, U19 is also the epitome of the adult team. An Xiying, the women’s singles player of South Korea’s adult team, dominated the world in 2023. In U19 team, the women’s singles player of South Korea still dominated, and their Kim Min-hyun 2-1 Japanese player Yasukawa Shachuan won the women’s singles championship.

For the China Badminton Team, the problem of how to beat An Xiying has still not been solved. U19 players also lost to South Korean players, which means that it is impossible to defeat An Xiying by promoting young people.

In other age groups, the winners are basically Korean, Japanese and China Taipei players.

"New Time and Space", "New Model", "New Experience" 2020 Shanghai Tourism Festival to produce beautiful responses

Shanghai, September 27th (Gong Li SHA) On September 27, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a press conference. An introduction of effectiveness, deputy director of the Cultural and Tourism Cheng Meihong City Bureau, Deputy Director of Liu Min City Commercial Committee, Minister Lu Xiaohui, Propaganda Department of Xuhui District Committee, Changlong Wanlong, Jing’an District, deputy district, and deputy head of the Chujie Yan District of Songjiang District attended the meeting.

Create a "new space" everywhere for the tourist scene

Shanghai is a well -known tourist city. This is an excellent tourist city "king is everywhere and should be accessed from time to time." The journey of this Tourism Festival has adhered to Jiangsu, the city of festivals, excavating tourism landmarks, new carriers, and new methods to fully stimulate the vitality and release of the city, in order to better serve the development of the Yangtze River Delta.

First, the tourist destination that focuses on promoting shows the Yangtze River Delta. In the context of promoting the development of high -quality cultural tourism integration in the Yangtze River Delta, strive to take the lead in traveling in the "same city effect" in tourism. In some cities in the Yangtze River Delta, the original "good neighbors" to the current "family." This year’s tourist festival, our first time, our first tourism festival. Four items of implementation. The first group of the Yangtze River Delta Tourism Festival was at the Nantong venue, Wenzhou, Huangshan, and three cities launched nearly 100 theme activities. It attracted the participation and attention of more than 8 million people. Through the first time to go to the night market culture, business activities, gourmet punch, self -driving tour, people who have been driving, such as the Yangtze River Delta city, showed some new boutique space for cultural tourism.

At the same time, at the main venue of the opening ceremony of the tourist festival, there is no cultural tourism Yangtze River Delta with rich TV network broadcast resources. The first batch of Shanghai -Huzhou City, Zhejiang’s boutique tourism line "living room from Huangpu River to the world", and the first batch of Shanghai citizens and tourists embarked on a wonderful journey of Shanghai Lake. For the first time, we launched 17 joint Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta cities. The products launched only 12 days, and it sold more than 20,000 copies.

The second feature of the new space is the dotted line of Shanghai urban cultural tourism strings. Shanghai Red Culture, Shanghai Culture, and Southern Cultural Resources are very rich. In the tourist festival, we carefully sort out and integrate, the integration of the focus will not work, provide the public to the public, and lead tourists to participate in a high -quality experience life. Essence At the Tourism Festival, the 16 district government’s cultural tourism enterprises, including our business business, and so on. Then it launched 156 events and nearly 500 fine lines of fine lines, covering three cultures, one river and one river, and buildings can be read. All aspects of online celebrities photography, shopping, food, and so on. The network involves thousands of red punching points.

"The road of sailing, listening to Shanghai Wei," The sound of cultural activities in Shanghai, Shanghai launched 100 red tourism routes; the "Charm Binjiang" event across the river area, released the theme and product line of the five major theme 104 seaside linkage; The introduction of "Building can read", a good place in Shanghai on 16 nights, 103 micro -structures; the golden autumn tourism shopping season to create eight shopping integration, tourism, CultureConsumer’s wonderful destination, to provide consumers with various green business for consumers Travel joint document; "Good Shanghai? Garden Life" launched the theme park line of the five nations for the theme of the five nations; "Magic City Model Young 2020 Youth Travel Experience Award", launch the 15 -week youth journey Deep official website of recruitment experience.

Third, the wave of C -disc in Shanghai is the latest demonstration of punching. During the tourist festival, adapting to the new needs of urban life, the trend of young people, Shanghai launched many recent waves of red networks, punching and best movie photography points, and continue to cultivate "platform+merchants", "boxing line grass grass grass grass grass grass +Offline, "text travel consumption model. The top ten "best movie points" and 12 "best stamping red dots" were launched by Yangpu River in Yangpu District; Hongzhuang District launched four best photography in the eight o’clock and the most beautiful landmarks; Minhang District , Launched "Treasure Hunting Minxing? Minhang Hongfa Ten Nets," He "traveling Minhang called" Book Competition Minhang Road; Xuhui District Celebrating the Vitality of the Holidays, Public Speaking of Music and Wonderful Charm Construction Cross -border Integration; Putuo District Organization; The three lines were packaged on the ground camps to play the two parties in Suzhou to expand the new space of hydrological tourism on the Suzhou River.

Establish a "new model" for integration and interaction in all places

Tourism is a comprehensive industry, and has the effect of "100 % of the industry". In the normal context, prevent control, the tourism festival adheres to leading innovation, initiative to change, respond to new new needs, create new demand for new supply, online and offline interaction, and the complementary platform content. In order to better serve the new development model Essence

Provide and demand and promote each other. The epidemic prevention and control in the background of the standardization, the travel method and destination to the public have changed a lot. Forcing the text tour, we need to improve the quality For the service series, leading public tourists choose new local tourism depth. During the Tourism Festival, the integration of iterative upgrades of the "micro -Shanghai" project of the text tour, Daren Punch and the best movie photography point of photography in Shanghai, listening to the story of urban cultural researchers tell the story of the old house, listening to a wonderful opera chanting, has become Shanghai’s’s in Shanghai City walking line.

So far, the spring travel company has organized more than 50, and 10,000 people participated in Micro Shanghai tourism products. In the next step, it will also strongly support the wishes of local farming Shanghai Cultural Tourism Company, increase the supply of product content, improve service quality, and meet the new needs of public tourist tourists. September 27th is World Tourism Day. This morning, a good place was found in the suburbs of Shanghai-2020 World Tourism Day to see Shanghai activities. Shanghai travel consumer market recovers.

Hug each other online and offline. In the Internet economy, she gave birth to "New Online Text Brigal" as a new concept, "Online Tour", and "the next holes" has become a new cultural tourism experience model. Through the online platform, a new urban cultural tourism business card is realized, the competitiveness of the global market of Shanghai cultural tourism industry has been enhanced, and the new allocation of regional tourism resources is highly created.

The first "Cloud Tourism" platform of the Tourism Festival this year brought together hundreds of high -quality tourist festivals on the live line. Hundreds of articles covering Shanghai’s key business districts, tourist attractions, and cultural sites theme lines.新华社, 伦敦, 美国特派团评论, 携程, 驴母亲旅行, 巡回赛上海应用程序, 颤音, 百度, 丁东买食物, 获取物理应用程序, 达达集团和其他公司,旅游节发射特殊窗口, 特征, List online to show the theme of the tourist festival, and the tourism festival provides exclusive rewards and trends.

According to statistics, the "Cloud Tourism" platform clicks a total capacity of 1.017 million people. In the comments from participating in the statistics of Midea Group, from September 12th to 25th, the amount of food and beverages increased by 56.6 % year -on -year, leisure and entertainment expenditure increased by 39.8 %, bed expenditure increased by 33.9 %, 90 % of 90 % , Sales of Travel Ticket Sales at the same time.

Mutual assistance interactive platform and content. The services of the Yangtze River Delta and even the whole country are set up to the masses. Passengers in Shanghai are mission. Through the connected platforms and contents, they will continue to strengthen exchanging cultural tourism and tourism to combine the country’s resources to improve quality and promote literary promotion effects.

On the day of the visit, the city jointly established the Yangtze River Delta Tourism Promotion Alliance in Sanxue and Zhejiang Province. The Yangtze River Delta will work together to host various tourism promotion activities. The team builds a tourism marketing network to cover the entire media. Jointly developed a tourist boutique line shared by the Yangtze River Delta, information sharing, product push, and transmitting each other, creating a new image of the Yangtze River Delta integrated tourism destination. This year’s tourism festival has also become the best time to focus on Shanghai and Shanghai. According to statistics, there are remote markets, such as nearly 40 tourism promotion activities in Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Shandong and Yangtze River before and after tourism.

All local Wenxiao departments through literary performances, food activities, shopping mall road shows, and so on. Babies, beautiful scenery, cultural folk customs, food specialty, and so on. Let the citizens enjoy the great riverside of the beautiful motherland at the door. The 2020 Shanghai (China) Conference and Business Tourism and Domestic Tourism Direct Transactions have established a series of conference industry exchanges and interactive activities, sharing conferences awards and the current situation and development trend of the business tourism industry, and strengthened industry exchanges and improvements.

Share "new experience", so that a beautiful life is everywhere

Tourism is a good time to live in a beautiful life of the people. The tourist festival adheres to the concept of people’s urban development, and vigorously promotes the integration of tourism, urban life, and city experience, so that citizens and tourists will be tourism, fully experience "cities, make life better", and let the book "people city" read. , I can see it, you can see it.

"Cross -border integration" "Travel+ N". The epidemic suffered unprecedented impact. How to seek opportunities from the needs of CRISISFROM in adversity, it is necessary to seek new cross -border integration of the upstream industrial chain. The cooperation between the various departments this year is a highlight. This launched a series of "travel+" products and activities. The opening ceremony of the Tourism Festival merged with Nanjing Road East Tower. It only takes 20 minutes to sell the "self -sufficient flow" of the tourist festival and the two IP addresses of Nanjing Road. The overall effect of the opening of the Championships has formed a geometric factor growth.

According to statistics, on September 12, at 8:00 pm, the instantaneous traffic of Nanjing Road was 3.60,000 people, and the tourist festival almost turned over last year. The Municipal Commerce Commission has led the autumn tourist peak season shopping. It has created eight business travel lounges. The integration of 644 is famous. The famous, famous restaurant, the name of this street. Autumn is the harvest season. The Municipal Agricultural Committee and the Municipal Transportation Commission launched 18 rural boutique tourism routes to propose comprehensive suburbs of Shanghai’s most beautiful villages. Shanghai Film Group has held nearly 50 well -known brand business travel of the "Worry -Free Calcium Marathon Party" text brings exquisite cultural and creative and interactive activities, attracting tourists to participate in the public to participate in the public.

The 3rd China (Shanghai) International Health Tourism Expo has become an important platform for the pharmaceutical industry to gather tourist attractions, cross -border integration of sports and health, promoting a win -win cooperation between the health tourism industry, prosperity and development. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has launched the theme of the debit card theme happy Yangtze River Delta. You can buy the Yangtze River Delta text brigade voting, and 18 has been released. 40000.

The cultural connotation of "show depth". "Shanghai urban tourism resources cannot be separated from red culture, Shanghai culture and southern culture empower power, and show the depth of cultural connotation for the" cultural soul "of tourism in the tourism industry. The text brigade provides a better experience for public visitors. Reading the content of the "Tourism Festival, the second meeting of the cultural and creative market, Shanghai will become the resource characteristics of the" building possible "cultural creative product, so that public visitors will be stronger and more intuitive to understand the city’s city’s History, the taste of urban culture.

According to statistics, a total of 62 cultural and creative enterprises in the city’s 16 districts have 929 cultural and creative product exhibitions. Shanghai People’s Broadcasting Station, "The road of sail, listening to the Shanghai" plan ". Without the voice of Shanghai Red Culture, Red Tourism provides a new experience for the people. On September 14th, "early 990 news" listened to 3.13 %, an increase of 37.89 %, and the number of 55 years per day. 70,000.

The world holds the theme activity of the "traditional city center" and gives full play to the advantages of the comprehensive effect of art world performance art. The Yangtze River Delta has created the theme of IP IP in the non -heritage music festival. 16 days of tourist festival, Shanghai’s colorful culture and performance art market, the world’s main performance art performances 51 and 152 on -site projects, with an average of nearly 10 games per day, the number of major performance projects increased by 59 %, and the on -site growth rate was 55 %.

Consumption upgrade "Enable power." Continuous innovation supporting markets, high -quality products of consumers, and launching many high -quality products in the tourist festival of organizational activities, promoting consumption, and leading public tourists pursuing the quality of life. According to statistics, the sales of the businessmen along the Nanjing Road along the Tourism Festival have increased significantly, and the new world of Deman Department Store in Dim Province. Sales of Family Fashion Store. 080,000 yuan, Rose 54 % subway: September 12-13 days, 1388 entire network traffic. 60,000 people, the ring on weekends -more than 5 % (September 6) increased.

On September 12, the passenger flow of Nanjing East Road Station was 11.560,000 passengers, which usually increased by 16 % on weekends. According to statistics, during the tourist festival, the sales of the four districts of the city increased by 5.2 %, and the sales of Huangpu District increased 26 times. 6 %. Fireworks Shanghai Food Season Activities attracted nearly 13 million people to participate; the "Southern Food" section "on -site" on -site participation was more than 50 years old, 10,000, and sales of nearly 200 million.

(Edit: Tang Xiaoli, Han Qing)