Qin L DM-i, a brand-new mid-level car of BYD Dynasty, appeared at Beijing Auto Show.

DM-I, a brand-new mid-size car of BYD Dynasty, made its world debut in auto china in 2024, leading the new trend of mid-size cars in an all-round way with its beauty, leading technology, brand-new platform and excellent intelligence.


Sword and finger intermediate: the layout of large and small Qin cars completes the map of dynasty cars

The length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm/1900mm/1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. It is a standard mid-level car. In the car matrix of the current dynasty, the Qin family is a compact crown and has the right to speak in the family car; The Han family is a medium-sized and large-scale sales champion, ranking first in the mainstream mid-to high-end market, and the Qin L sword refers to the intermediate level, which just fills the matrix gap between the two cars. Upward, attack the joint venture intermediate car headed by Han; Downward, with the formation of a large and small Qin double-car pattern, radiating the A+ market, improving the product layout of Wangchao. com in the mainstream car market.


Design guidance: dynasty is the tide of the country, showing cultural self-confidenceAs a brand-new mid-level sedan of the dynasty, Qin L was built based on the brand-new orientation of "mainstream, quality and new national tide", drawing strength from Chinese excellent traditional culture, and embodying the perfect integration of national tide culture and future technology. Qin L adopts "the aesthetics of new national tide and dragon face", which melts the dragon and dragon face into the car body, and the dragon face evolves to show the weather of Daqin. The "Dragon’s front face" is majestic, with slender and elegant sides, and the ultra-wide rear shoulder design at the tail, which makes the whole car show a "wide body and low squat" posture, domineering and dynamic.


The garage is between mountains and seas, and people are in Traveling in a pictorial world. Qin l’s interior is inspired by Chinese painting, creating a "landscape painting cockpit" with high style. The integrated center console slowly unfolds around the rotating big screen, like a long scroll of the East floating on the instrument panel of the sapphire case, creating a strong sense of encirclement. With luxurious space, exquisite materials, ergonomic spacious and comfortable seats, and front McPherson rear multi-link independent suspension, Qin L is beautiful, spacious, comfortable and stable, making driving enjoyable.


Technology Leading: "Big and Economical" has become the new trend of mid-size cars.

The most anticipated is the technical parameters of Qin L. Previously, Qin L will have a major breakthrough in fuel consumption and battery life. Although the official did not "hammer" at this auto show, it said that Qin L will subvert the stereotype of "fuel consumption" of mid-level cars and lead the breakthrough through technology, making "big and economical" a new trend of mid-level cars.


Platform leading: the new mainstream of the definition of the strength of a new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platforms

With the acceleration of electrification, the vehicle platform is accelerating innovation. Qin L is based on BYD’s new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platform, and integrates a number of forward-looking technologies, which is designed for plug-in, more efficient, safer and more interesting, and promotes the new energy platform to become the mainstream!


Leading by intelligence: enjoy the convenience of car life and create a sensory experience of taste

In the era of intelligence, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving assistance are indispensable. Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit, which is equipped with 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspension Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key, full-scene intelligent voice, etc. It is smart and easy to control. DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions, comprehensively improves driving safety. With the spacious and luxurious cockpit, quiet space and immersive concert hall, the car life is full of wisdom and taste.


The arrival of Qin L will lead the new trend of mid-level cars in an all-round way, provide the mainstream families with the choice of upgrading the quality of cars, and provide young people with the one-stop choice of buying cars. It is reported that Qin L will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to start selling at 120,000 yuan, which is worth looking forward to!

What do you think of the random inspection of papers written in ChatGPT?

  Recently, Gu Jun, director of the Supervision and Evaluation Department of the Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu Province, said when he was a guest on a media program that he would organize self-examination and active spot check of published papers by scientific and technological personnel, and conduct ethical review of science and technology to guide scientific and technological personnel to improve their integrity awareness. Gu Jun said that ChatGPT can generate coherent and logical articles, which provides convenience, but it may also be used to avoid the problem of duplicate papers, or even list fictitious reference lists, leading to academic misconduct.

  This is not a new problem. Almost since the birth of ChatGPT, the controversy has never stopped around its possible impact on education and science and technology. Compared with those who advocate "no ChatGPT intrusion" and those who advocate "actively embracing new technologies",An increasingly accepted consensus is that it is necessary to clarify the application scenarios and boundaries of ChatGPT, draw the bottom line and clarify the rules, so as to maximize ChatGPT’s positive role and limit its negative impact.Take the papers published by scientific and technological personnel as an example. Although this is not the only yardstick to evaluate the academic research level of scientific and technological workers, it is still one of the important standards to test academic achievements and evaluate the quality of scientific research. It is still an insurmountable red line to ensure the originality, innovation and writing independence of the papers.

  Through self-examination and irregular spot checks, the procedures and standards for handling academic misconduct can be updated, which can strengthen the "physical examination" of published papers from technical means, judge the authenticity and originality of papers, and make scientific and technological personnel dare not and cannot take a slant; Carrying out ethical review of science and technology and guiding scientific and technological personnel to improve their sense of integrity will seize the core element of personnel using new technology, strengthen education from ideological consciousness, and make them truly stay away from academic misconduct from the heart.In the current context, strengthening the integrity education of the core population and improving the supervision mechanism by technical means are two important aspects to prevent scientific and technological personnel from using ChatGPT to write papers.

  At present, many universities at home and abroad have opened related courses such as ChatGPT, and students are encouraged to use it to complete some homework. However, it is forbidden to use ChatGPT to write papers without exception. Jinan University’s Journal of Jinan (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) and Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Basic Education Edition) clearly stated that articles signed separately or jointly by any large language model tools such as ChatGPT will not be accepted for the time being. The same is true of many top academic journals. For example, Nature magazine stipulates that any large language model tools such as ChatGPT are prohibited from becoming paper authors, and it is suggested that researchers who use these tools should specify the use of AI in their manuscripts; "Science" magazine clearly stated that it does not accept the papers generated by ChatGPT and does not allow ChatGPT to be the author of the papers. The papers generated by ChatGPT are equivalent to plagiarism.

  It can be seen that from universities to top authoritative journals, from teaching staff to all scientific and technological personnel, their governance logic is consistent:Carefully accept and strictly limit the use.No matter from the perspective of ensuring the innovative value of papers, maintaining the fair competition of scientific researchers, or ensuring that scientific research results truly serve social progress, this strict and standardized management is of due significance.

  Although China has not officially introduced measures to deal with the problems caused by ChatGPT, it does not mean that there is no relevant management. For example, in March last year, the Central Office and the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Ethical Governance of Science and Technology, taking artificial intelligence as one of the key areas that need to be strengthened. In April this year, the National Internet Information Office issued the "Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (Draft for Comment)", which intends to stipulate that intellectual property rights and business ethics should be respected when providing generative artificial intelligence products or services; Pre-training and optimized training data used for generative artificial intelligence products should not contain any content that infringes intellectual property rights.

  In particular, on August 28th, the draft law on academic degrees was submitted to the 14th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) for deliberation. Among them, the corresponding legal responsibilities are clarified for the acts of degree winners using artificial intelligence to write dissertations: the degree-granting unit decided to revoke the degree certificate after deliberation by academic degree evaluation committee. The signal conveyed by this is obvious:With the majesty of law, resolutely defend the dissertation from being "invaded" by artificial intelligence.

  Today, as a powerful and widely used new technology, ChatGPT should not be rejected and avoided blindly, but in the final analysis, it is still a tool created by human beings and serves human beings, and it is neutral in itself. How to use it depends on ourselves. It is believed that with the passage of time, the relevant institutional measures of management and governance will become more and more perfect, and finally ChatGPT will give full play to its advantages and serve the development and progress of human beings and society on the basis of following the rules of various fields and industries such as science and technology ethics, intellectual property rights and serious academic authority.

Lenovo-Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Laboratory officially signed a contract to unveil, focusing on intelligent devices and artificial intelligence.

In addition to the two joint laboratories, at the signing ceremony, Dr. Wang Qianying, Vice President of Lenovo Group and General Manager of Technology Strategy and Innovation Platform of Lenovo Research Institute, said that at present, 15 sub-topics have been identified in the research cooperation between Lenovo and Jiaotong University. Other laboratories of Lenovo Research Institute, such as enterprise cloud computing and car computing laboratories, and other R&D departments of Lenovo, including intelligent equipment group and solution service business group, are also important participants in these research topics. The cooperation covers the schools of electronic information, mechanical power, artificial intelligence and chemical engineering of Jiaotong University. The subject is also very extensive, involving battery, chip and other component technologies, new materials such as aluminum and magnesium alloys, speech and large scene video processing, complex robot systems and DNA storage.

There are 3 5A 5A tourist attractions in Shanghai. Which three do you know? How to plan your travel?

# 304 All list the 5A Scenic Area # Shanghai (called Shanghai, Shen) is the central city of China, Central City, Hangzhou China. This is an international economy, finance, trade, transportation, and technological innovation center. It is the first batch of open cities along the coast.

1. There are three national 5A tourist attractions in Shanghai, from:Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower, Shanghai Wildlife Park, and so on. The specific location is displayed in the figure.

2. Self -driving tourNational 5A -level Tourist Scenic Area Stroke route:Shanghai Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower -Shanghai Science and Technology Museum -Shanghai Wildlife Park -Return.

3,Self -driving tourNational 5A -level Tourist Scenic Area Arrangement:

On the first day, Shanghai -Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower

Shanghai Self -driving Tour Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower Traffic route:Shanghai -Nanjing West Road -Tibet Middle Road -Yan’an East Road -Yan’an East Road (Auxiliary Road) -Dincheng Middle Road -Garden Shiqiao Road -Lujiazui Circle -Phoenix Road -Oriental Pearl Broadcasting TV Tower. 4.8 kilometers in length and 10 minutes by car.

Play Oriental Pearl Broadcasting Tower throughout the day. Close to the hotel at night and Neil or representative.

[Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower]Located in no. Avenue of the 1st century, Pudong New District, Shanghai, is a national 5A tourist attraction. It is one of the landmarks and cultural landscapes in Shanghai.

Suggested playback length: 1-3 hours. Open hours: 8: 00-21: 30. Bill reference: the first goal is 100 yuan/person, the second goal+the exhibition hall is 135 yuan/person, and the three -ball ticket is 150 yuan/person.

Recommended Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Hotel: Shanghai Pudong Riton Callon Hotel, Oriental Binjiang Hotel, etc. Recommended restaurants near the Shanghai Technology Museum: Shanghai Xiaonan Township (Congress Building), old Shanghai restaurant (Oriental Pearl), and so on.

The next day, Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower -Shanghai Science and Technology Museum -Shanghai Wild Zoo -Return.

Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower Bicycle to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Transportation route:Eastern Pearl Radio and Television Tower -Lujiazui Ring Road Century Avenue -Dingxiang Road -Shanghai Technology Museum. 5.6 kilometers in length and 15 minutes by car.

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum’s autonomous driving to Shanghai Wild Zoo traffic direction:Shanghai Science and Technology Museum -Pudong New Area -Shanghai Liyu Expressway -Shenjiahu Expressway -Nanxun Road -Shanghai Wildlife Park. 33.1 kilometers in length and 41 minutes by car.

In the morning, play the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. Play the Shanghai Wild Zoo in the afternoon and return to the afternoon or evening.

【Shanghai Science Center】Located in no. In 2000, Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, a national 5A tourist attraction. The landlord covers an area of ??6. More than 80 years old, 000 square meters, and a building area of ??9.80,000 square meters. It is divided into 11 format theme exhibition areas, 4 high -tech special cinemas, 3 ancient and modern Chinese and foreign scientists and their footprints, art Promenado, and a few of them, and a few. Temporary exhibition hall. They are shame, vividly explain the eternal theme of "nature", people, and technology "for tourists.

Suggested playback time: 4-8 hours. Open hours: 9: 00-17: 15. Bill reference: 45 yuan/person.

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Recommended: Oriental Hotel, Overwhelming Ice Wine Store Apartment Shop. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum near a restaurant is recommended: Shanghai People’s (Huidian), Donglingchun Fortune (Dingxiang International), and so on.

[Shanghai Wild Zoo]No. 178, Nanton Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, is a national 5A tourist attraction. The park is a theme park, exhibition, breeding, and science education for wildlife breeding.

Suggested playback time: 3-6 hours. Open hours: 8: 30-16: 30, 8: 00-17: 00 of the pendant opening time. Ticket reference: 130 yuan/person.

The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum recommends hotels: Shanghai Shangtai International Hotel, family hotel (Shanghai South Road Wildlife), and so on. It is recommended that a restaurant near the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum: Tang Niu (Tang Nu Nanhui Wildlife), Nanmen Meat (Nanmeng Road), and so on.

The above is for reference only.
