Xiaomi automobile appeared in the official and complete closed loop of "the whole ecology of people and cars"

  Our reporter Xiang Yantao

  After 1003 days of announcing its entry into the electric vehicle industry, Xiaomi Automobile officially made its debut. On December 28th, Xiaomi Group held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference in Beijing. The design, performance, battery life, safety and other details of Xiaomi SU7, the first work of Xiaomi Automobile, made its first public appearance.

  "Xiaomi decided to invest ten times, start with the underlying core technology, seriously build a good car, and through 15 to 20 years of hard work, become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world and strive for the all-round rise of China’s automobile industry!" Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said at the scene that Xiaomi Automobile is a major leap for Xiaomi Group from the mobile phone industry to the automobile industry, and it is also a key leap for the complete closed loop of "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

  Lei Jun said that from the beginning, Xiaomi Automobile insisted on starting from the underlying core technology, insisting on positive research and development, and deep self-research on key tracks. At present, Xiaomi Automobile has invested more than 10 billion yuan in the first phase of R&D, and the R&D team has more than 3,400 engineers, including thousands of top technical experts at home and abroad in key fields.

  This conference officially revealed the progress and breakthrough of five core technologies of Xiaomi Automobile, including electric drive, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and other key areas, which can be called a comprehensive display of Xiaomi’s 13-year technology accumulation.

  Among them, in the field of industrial hard technology, Xiaomi has demonstrated the scientific and technological strength of self-developed manufacturing hard core, and has the leading intelligent manufacturing strength of complete automobile industry. For example, the super motor HyperEngine V8s independently developed and produced by Xiaomi has a rotational speed of 27200rpm, ranking first in the world in terms of mass production motor speed; Xiaomi has developed the integrated battery technology of CTB, and the world’s first battery inversion technology has achieved the highest battery integration efficiency of 77.8% in the world. In order to ensure the battery performance and quality from the source, Xiaomi even built its own battery pack factory.

  In addition, Xiaomi has independently developed "9100t super large die-casting cluster" and self-developed die-casting alloy material "Titan alloy", becoming the only automobile manufacturer in China with self-developed large die-casting and die-casting materials. At present, the industry is winding up the tonnage of clamping force of large die casting. Xiaomi firmly takes the road of full-stack self-research, from self-research materials and equipment cluster systems to finished castings, and has completed the full-stack self-research of almost all links in the large die casting industry chain.

  In the field of intelligent soft technology, Xiaomi has demonstrated the unique advantages of "technology giant, eco-car-making" and promoted the integration of automobile industry, consumer electronics industry and intelligent ecology. For example, based on Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, Xiaomi intelligent cockpit has realized the bottom reconstruction, evolved for the car, and created an advanced intelligent mobile space; In the field of intelligent driving, Xiaomi industry launched three key technologies, namely adaptive zoom BEV technology, large road model and super-resolution occupation network technology.

  In addition, the comprehensive empowerment of AI has also become a new bright spot for Xiaomi Automobile to integrate cutting-edge technologies and achieve innovative breakthroughs. For example, in addition to the first road model in the industry, Xiaomi has also developed the world’s first mass-produced "end-to-end perception decision-making model" for the parking service scene of intelligent driving, which can observe and dynamically adjust the parking spaces in mechanical garages and other ultra-difficult parking spaces in real time.

  Zhang Xiang, director of Vodafone Digital Automobile International Cooperation Research Center, told the Securities Daily that Xiaomi currently adopts the mode of self-purchasing equipment and self-building factories in core areas such as batteries and die casting, which is a common practice in the current industry. For example, Weilai makes its own motors, Tesla has a battery assembly plant, and BYD has mastered the most self-developed technologies for core components. Car companies build their own factories in these fields, on the one hand, because the production capacity of some core components is not very large, the supply chain is not very mature, and outsourcing faces supply chain security problems; On the other hand, the prices of these core components are relatively high and the profits are relatively high. If you choose to build your own factory, you can enjoy the industry dividend. If you outsource it completely, the technical content and profits of Xiaomi Automobile will be greatly reduced.

  At the end of October this year, Xiaomi announced a comprehensive upgrade of the group’s strategy, from "mobile phone ×AIoT" to "people, cars and homes are all ecological", and cars have become the most important part of Xiaomi Group’s strategy. Lei Jun announced that with the addition of Xiaomi Automobile, Xiaomi’s "full ecology of people and cars" was officially closed.

  Lei Jun introduced that "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes" is a super-intelligent ecology that comprehensively opens up people, cars and homes, realizes seamless connection and real-time collaboration of hardware equipment, and drives industrial chain partners to create a people-centered and active service. Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has opened up more than 200 categories including Xiaomi Automobile. In the past 13 years, Xiaomi has laid out 12 technical fields and 99 sub-tracks. Based on the principle of "deep integration of soft and hard, comprehensive empowerment of AI", Xiaomi has formed a "fusion technology stack" to continuously empower product development and manufacturing.


Congratulations to the Super League! The two giants confirmed their continued investment and shattered the rumors of dissolution! The Football Association can rest assured.

The financial difficulties of China Football Super League have always been a topic of great concern. In recent years, the Super League has been hit by a serious economic crisis, which has led to the situation that some clubs have to be dissolved. This situation once triggered people’s concerns about the future development of the Super League.

However, in the latest news, two established clubs, Shanghai Harbour and Beijing Guoan, gave a positive reply, saying that they will continue to invest money for the team and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition. This is undoubtedly an exciting news, but also let the China Football Association breathe a sigh of relief.

As China football clubs with a long history and great reputation, Shanghai Port and Guoan have been reported to be unstable in operation and possibly even dissolved in the past few years. This series of rumors has further weakened people’s problems about the sustainable development of the Chinese Super League.

However, it seems that Shanghai and Guoan have not given up their responsibilities. According to relevant reports, the parent companies behind the two clubs have made it clear that they will continue to invest and support the team’s operation. This decision not only shows the courage and confidence of the two giant clubs, but also adds a touch of bright color to the future of the Chinese Super League.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Zhonghe, the parent company of Beijing Guoan Club. Although the company faces a huge deficit, it has no intention of quitting the club. This shows that China and China have a deep understanding of football and its influence, and are willing to shoulder their responsibilities in it. Similarly, no organization has proposed the intention of transferring Guoan Club.

Of course, in today’s economic situation, many enterprises are under pressure and challenges, and the football industry is no exception. Compared with the past, Shanghai and Zhonghe may invest less in the club. However, this can’t hide their contributions in supporting the development of strong teams and ensuring the treatment of players.

In fact, with the joint efforts of China Football Association and other relevant stakeholders, in recent years, Super League has taken a series of measures to solve the financial difficulties and gradually promote the professional development. For example, increase marketing efforts and introduce more business partners. These measures have provided more development opportunities for the Super League and injected new vitality into the club.

Generally speaking, although the Chinese Super League has experienced some financial difficulties and dissolution rumors in recent years, the decisions of Shanghai and Guoan once again prove that the giant clubs have deep feelings and responsibilities for China football. They will continue to invest and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition, which brings infinite expectations to people. Similarly, with the joint efforts of all parties, I believe that the Chinese Super League can overcome difficulties, develop continuously and make greater achievements.

Extended topic: In addition to the economic problems faced by the Super League, there are a series of issues related to football in China that deserve our attention. The first is the construction of youth training system. How to cultivate more outstanding young players is one of the long-standing problems in China football. Only through a sound and efficient youth training system can we ensure the future worship strength of China football.

Secondly, the adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy. In recent years, it has played an important role in introducing overseas top stars to improve the level of domestic professional leagues. But equally, whether the restrictions on the amount and salary of foreign aid are reasonable has always been a controversial topic. What kind of policies should be adopted to balance the competitive relationship between domestic players and foreign aid, which can not only improve the level of the league, but also do no harm to the development of local players.

To sum up, there is still great potential to be tapped in the development of China football market. In recent years, top European clubs have marched into China, and made active attempts in business operation and brand promotion. How to further expand the scale of the football industry and increase the profit model has also become an important proposition.

Generally speaking, in the context of solving the financial difficulties, the continued investment of super league giants has brought hope to people. However, in addition, China football still needs to be reformed and innovated from many levels. Only by developing and expanding in all aspects can we realize the historical mission that the "green field" should shoulder in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

Youth training system construction: China football has been seeking to improve its international competitiveness, and a sound youth training system is indispensable. China football needs to invest more resources to train young players and provide them with high-quality training and competition opportunities to ensure that more local stars will emerge in the future. This may require improving infrastructure, hiring more professional coaches, and cooperating with schools to train football teenagers.

Adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy: foreign aid has played a key role in improving the level of the league, but it has also caused some controversy. China Football Association needs to carefully weigh the amount and salary of foreign aid to ensure that domestic players have enough opportunities to participate in the competition and promote the growth of local players. This may require more attractive policies to attract international stars to play in China and encourage clubs to train more local young players.

Football market development: China football market has great potential, but it needs further development. More and more international football clubs have realized the value of China market, but China football can also expand the scale of football industry in various ways, including developing football tourism, promoting football education and providing more entertainment activities. This will help to improve the popularity and attractiveness of the Super League.

Cooperation and win-win: The problem of football in China needs the cooperation of all parties. Government, Football Association, clubs, fans and enterprises can all play a role in promoting the development of football in China. Partnership, investment and common vision will help solve financial problems and other challenges.

To sum up, China football faces a series of challenges, but it also has great opportunities. The commitment of the super league clubs has brought a glimmer of light to China football, but to achieve sustained success, we need to carry out reforms and innovations in many aspects, including youth training, foreign aid policies, market development and the establishment of cooperative partnerships. Only through all-round efforts can China football realize its ambition and realize the historical mission of football in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

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"The biggest source of chaos in the world"

Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War … Today, let’s briefly review many wars launched by the United States after World War II to see what kind of war crimes this "world’s biggest source of chaos" has committed.

Korean War

Overview-On June 25th, 1950, Korean Civil War broke out. The Truman administration of the United States brazenly intervened with its Cold War mentality and ambition to dominate the world and contain communism, and rallied the so-called "United Nations forces" to launch an all-out war against the DPRK. On July 27, 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, and the three-year Korean War ended.

Loss-Although the Korean War was short but extremely bloody, more than 3 million civilians died and about 3 million people became refugees. According to the statistics of the DPRK, the war destroyed about 8,700 factories, 5,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals and 600,000 families, and 2 million children under the age of 18 were displaced by the war.

According to the data, the US military secretly carried out germ warfare in northern Korea and parts of northeastern China. O ‘Neill, a prisoner of the US Air Force, said in his confession: "The US military chose to start germ warfare in winter … to test the cold-resistant germ weapons we made in a special laboratory. The ultimate goal is to use these bacterial weapons in germ warfare against countries with cold climates such as the Soviet Union and people’s democratic countries. "

Voice-"This is a wrong war with the wrong enemy at the wrong place and time." Omar bradley, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said.

This is a Korean child who was injured in the Korean War. Xinhua news agency

Vietnam War

Overview-In 1955, the Vietnam War broke out. During the war, the United States fostered the pro-American regime in South Vietnam against North Vietnam. On May 14th, 1961, American "Special Operations Forces" invaded South Vietnam. On April 30, 1975, the last US helicopter left Saigon.

Losses-The Vietnam War killed 2 million civilians and displaced more than 3 million refugees. The US military is throwing about 20 million gallons of defoliants (orange agent), resulting in 400,000 Vietnamese deaths and 2 million Vietnamese suffering from cancer or other diseases. The US military is still leaving behind about 350,000 tons of explosive bombs and mines, and it is estimated that it will still take 300 years to completely remove them.

In March 1968, American soldiers slaughtered more than 500 people, including men, women and children, in Mylai village, Vietnam’s generalized province. This was the Mylai village massacre that shocked the world. According to the Los Angeles Times, in addition to the massacre in Mylai Village, there were at least 320 other incidents in which American troops massacred Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam War, killing nearly 700 civilians.

Voice-In his speech in front of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in 2012, former US President Barack Obama said that the cost of war is huge, and it will cause serious casualties among innocent civilians. War itself is not glorious and should be rejected.

This is the wreckage of the US b-52 bomber displayed at the Vietnam Military Museum in Hanoi, Vietnam. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Gao Mengjin)

Kosovo War

Overview-On March 24th, 1999, NATO led by the United States brazenly bombed Yugoslavia without the authorization of the United Nations, under the banner of "preventing the humanitarian crisis in Kosovo", and the Kosovo war broke out. In June, NATO signed an armistice agreement with Yugoslavia, and Kosovo was temporarily entrusted by the United Nations.

Losses-The war killed more than 2,000 innocent civilians, injured more than 6,000 people, displaced nearly 1 million people, and lost more than 2 million people’s livelihood, resulting in economic losses of more than 200 billion US dollars to Yugoslavia. According to statistics, NATO troops used at least 31,000 depleted uranium bombs, which led to a sharp increase in the incidence of cancer and leukemia in this region and had a long-term disastrous impact on the local and European ecological environment.

Voice-German writer Michael Luders once wrote in his book that after the Kosovo War in 1999, NATO went beyond the principle of collective self-defense and launched a military operation against Yugoslavia, causing civilian casualties in the name of humanitarianism. This shows that in the eyes of the United States and the European Union, human rights are only a secondary concern, especially when human rights standards are only applied to non-allies.

On February 19, 2008, in the center of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, pedestrians walked past a building destroyed by air strikes during the Kosovo war. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Xiaoling photo

Afghanistan War

Overview-After the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001, the United States and its allies launched a military strike against Afghanistan in early October of that year on the grounds that the Taliban in Afghanistan refused to hand over Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, and quickly overthrew the Taliban regime and stationed troops for a long time. On August 30, 2021, local time, the last US military transport plane took off from Kabul International Airport. This "longest war in American history" ended in the sudden withdrawal of the US military.

Losses-According to statistics, 47,245 Afghan civilians and 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan soldiers and policemen unrelated to the "September 11th" incident were killed and more than 10 million people were displaced. The United Nations World Food Program warned in 2021 that about 98% of Afghans do not have enough food, and Afghanistan is facing "avalanche hunger and poverty".

During the war, U.S. warplanes bloodbath Laccagni village in Panjiwai district of Kandahar province and launched air strikes against it, killing 63 villagers, including a family of 17 people, and injuring dozens. The day before the complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, the U.S. military fired missiles at a white car parked in the courtyard of a family in Kabul, killing a family of ten people, including seven children.

Voice-"The killing of civilians, including children, by the US military in air raids has exposed the hypocrisy of the so-called human rights defenders in the United States. The international community should condemn the US for trampling on human rights and bring the criminals to justice." A villager in Laccagni village expressed such anger.

On December 16, 2003, the US military patrolled Wardak province in central Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan, which lasted for nearly 20 years, became the longest war in American history. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Lei photo

Iraq War

Overview-In March 2003, the United States and its western allies invaded Iraq, bypassing the UN Security Council, on the grounds that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, despite the strong opposition of the international community. On August 18, 2010, the last US combat brigade left Iraq, marking the end of US military operations. On December 15, 2011, the United States officially announced the end of the US military mission in Iraq.

Loss-The war left the land that gave birth to the civilization of the two rivers riddled with holes, resulting in the death of about 200,000 to 250,000 civilians, of which more than 16,000 were directly killed by the US military. According to statistics, the total number of depleted uranium bombs exploded in Iraq exceeded 3,400 tons. Today, there are still about 25 million mines and other explosive remnants to be removed in Iraq. The Iraq war also broke the balance between the political forces in the Middle East after the Cold War, making the people’s livelihood in the region miserable and chaotic.

In November 2003, the Iraqi citizen Ala Karim Ahmed was arrested and imprisoned by the US military. In prison, American soldiers used police dogs, whips and shackles to force him to confess. According to Alla Karim Ahmed, at that time, the prison was often attacked by mortars from anti-American armed men. The US military could hide in bunkers, and the detainees had to resign themselves to fate. A shell landed in the prison, killing 37 people and injuring 104 others. In 2004, the photos of American soldiers abusing prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were exposed, which shocked the world.

Voice-The website of American Atlantic Monthly once published: "Americans never really understand the cost of war, but they continue to fight. Only Iraqi civilians know the geometry of the cost of war."

A citizen of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, once said sadly: "The United States has set Iraq back for 100 years."

On April 14th, 2003, dozens of American Black Hawk and Apache helicopter gunships arrived in Kuwait to take off from the port of Kuwait City to reinforce the Iraqi front. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaoguo photo

[Syrian War]

Overview-When the civil war broke out in Syria in 2011, the United States and its western allies strongly supported the opposition armed forces and tried to overthrow the Syrian government. In September 2014, the United States initiated the formation of an international alliance to combat the extremist organization "Islamic State", expanded the scope of air strikes against the target of "Islamic State" from Iraq to Syria, and established several military bases in eastern Syria. Since 2017, the United States has launched an air strike against Syria on the grounds of "preventing the Syrian government from using chemical weapons."

Loss-From 2016 to 2019, there were 33,584 recorded civilians who died in the war in Syria. Among them, 3833 people were directly killed by the bombing of the United States-led Coalition forces, half of whom were women and children. According to the American public television network, the so-called "most accurate air strike in history" launched by the US military alone killed 1,600 Syrian civilians. The war has caused the people’s livelihood in Syria to wither. According to a survey conducted by the World Food Program in April 2020, about one-third of Syrians do not have enough food, and 87% of them have no savings.

Voice-Syrian political activist Wada Issa once said: "They (the United States) steal our resources here, create chaos and wreak havoc, and even have the nerve to call themselves the’ savior’ of the suffering Syrian people."

On September 1, 2016, several Syrian children sat in front of the Harjele refugee camp in the southern suburbs of Damascus, the Syrian capital. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Yushe

According to the data of the "War Cost" project of Watson Institute of Brown University in the United States, the total number of military and civilian deaths caused by the war launched by the United States in the "post-9.11 era" is as high as 929,000, and at least 38 million people have been displaced, and this is only a "very conservative estimate", and the actual number may be between 49 million and 60 million.

In addition to directly launching or participating in wars, the United States frequently interferes in other countries’ internal affairs by directly or indirectly supporting proxy war, inciting other countries’ civil wars, providing weapons and ammunition, and training anti-government armed forces, which seriously damages the social stability, public safety and healthy economic development of the countries concerned.

"The biggest source of chaos in the world", the United States deserves its name!

Editor-in-Chief: Gu Wanquan, Zhang Wu

Text Editor: Song Hui

Author: Xinhua News Agency client

MUSA’s hardware and software are upgraded in an all-round way, and Moore Thread releases a new multifunctional GPU Chunxiao.

On November 3, 2022, Beijing-Moore Thread 2022 Autumn Conference was successfully held today in Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, Beijing. At the press conference, Moore Thread launched the new multifunctional GPU chip "Chunxiao", the industry’s first national tide graphics card MTT S80 based on MUSA architecture, MTT S3000 for server applications, and the meta-computing integrated machine MCCX. This is another leap in the iterative innovation of Moore Thread’s multifunctional GPU products after a lapse of 7 months.

Not only hardware, Moore Thread also released a series of GPU software stacks and application tools around MUSA, including MUSA Developer Suite, cloud native sGPU technology and Metauniverse platform MTVERSE, etc., aiming at building an overall solution from the bottom chip to the upper development and application, and realizing the comprehensive upgrade of Moore Thread’s innovative mode of multi-functional GPU software and hardware integration.

At the conference site, Moore Thread also demonstrated more than 40 rich applications based on its multi-functional GPU, covering PC games, AI, digital people, digital twins, physical simulation, 8K multimedia display, cloud games, cloud desktop, digital office and other scenes. Partners such as AOC, Dell, Philips, Gujia, Tsinghua Tongfang, Inspur, Great Wall and Haier provided equipment support for application display, fully demonstrating Moore Thread’s powerful product applications.

GPU is a systematic project, involving hardware architecture, driver development, software ecology, sales and application, etc., with high R&D barriers and long industrial chain. The current GPU ecosystem, after decades of changes, has become huge and complex. If a GPU is to complete the commercial application from R&D to market, it can’t do without the continuous investment in hardware and software, and it can’t do without the strong support of ecology.

In March this year, Moore Thread officially released the first multifunctional GPU chip "Su Causeway", which has been recognized by many markets and ecology. The number of partners of Thread PES Perfect Experience System Alliance is increasing, covering CPU, operating system, OEM, software service provider, cloud service provider and system software developer. Based on the "Su Causeway" chip, Moore Thread and OEM partners have successfully launched a number of personal computers, workstations and data center server products, which are applied in business scenarios such as daily office, digital twinning, artificial intelligence training and reasoning; At the same time, we have joined hands with cloud service vendors to provide GPU cloud computing capabilities for users in different industries, paving the way for the application of Moore Thread GPU in many industries. China Mobile Cloud Capability Center has signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Moore Thread to carry out extensive cooperation in the fields of cloud computing, cloud applications and accelerated computing; China Telecom Research Institute and Moore Thread will jointly explore the new infrastructure and local ecology of Metauniverse around intelligent computing, scientific research and development, application scenarios, etc., and promote the application of Metauniverse technology in key business scenarios.

Zhang Jianzhong, founder and CEO of Moore, expressed his gratitude to all partners and users on the spot, and further said: "GPU entrepreneurship is a long-term undertaking, full of challenges, and we know the importance of ecology. Based on the advanced MUSA architecture, Moore Multi-functional GPU continuously builds a complete software stack and application ecosystem, aiming at creating friendly support and experience for the open ecosystem. Only when we get together with eco-partners and industry users can we really exert the computing power of Moore Thread and provide the core power for the meta-universe and digital economy. "

Keeping the pace of the speed of light, Moore Thread officially released the second multifunctional GPU chip "Chunxiao", which integrates 22 billion transistors, has built-in MUSA architecture general-purpose computing core and tensor computing core, and can support FP32, FP16 and INT8 computing precision. Compared with the previously released "Su Causeway" chip, the four built-in computing engines of "Chunxiao" have been fully upgraded, which has brought about significant performance improvement: the graphics rendering capability has increased by 3 times on average; The coding ability is increased by 4 times, and the decoding ability is increased by 2 times; ; On average, the acceleration of AI is increased by 4 times, and the performance of physical simulation is increased by 2.5 times. At the same time, new technology is introduced to support narrow-band HD, saving bandwidth by more than 30%.

The newly released Moore thread MTT S80 is based on "Chunxiao" GPU chip, and it is also the first national tide graphics card for gamers. With 4096 programmable MUSA cores, it can provide 14.4TFLOPS single-precision floating-point computing power at 1.8GHz. At the same time, MTT S80 is also the first graphics card product equipped with PCIe Gen5 interface in the industry. With 16GB GDDR6 large-capacity high-speed video memory, supplemented by 8K ultra-high definition and 1080P 360Hz high refresh rate display output capability, it can bring the ultimate game vision and operation experience to gamers.

The successful launch of MTT S80 makes Moore Thread the first GPU company in China to support Windows environment and DirectX graphic interface. Its powerful 3D graphics rendering capability will be able to bring users a smooth operation experience in 4K resolution in Windows DirectX games. At present, the Windows driver of MTT S80 has built-in MUSA DirectX Driver module, and has been adapted to dozens of mainstream games such as diablo 3, League of Legends and Crossing the Firewire.

At the press conference, Moore Thread demonstrated the smooth game running effect brought by MTT S80. At present, Moore Thread is cooperating with game engine developers such as Unreal and Unity, as well as top domestic game developers such as tencent games, Netease Games, Xishanju, Perfect World, and 360 Games (in no particular order), so as to provide better and faster support for game engines and game products, and enable players to get a continuously updated 3A-level game experience. In the future, Moore Thread will continue to update Windows drivers and MUSA DirectX versions to achieve more game compatibility and performance optimization.

Moore Thread announced on the spot that MTT S80 graphics card has completed the first batch of production and stocking, and will start limited sales in JD.COM e-commerce platform on November 11th, 2022.

The newly released MTT S3000 is based on Moore Thread MUSA architecture, and it is also the first multifunctional server GPU product based on Chunxiao. The diverse computing power of Moore MTT S3000 can provide universal intelligent computing power support for AI reasoning and training, cloud games, cloud rendering, video cloud, digital twinning, digital content creation and other scenes with the help of the complete MUSA software stack covering graphics rendering, video processing and deep learning. It aims to build a solid computing power foundation for the construction of data centers, intelligent computing centers and meta-computing centers, and help the innovation and landing of diverse applications in the meta-universe.

Mts3000 contains 4096 MUSA stream processing cores and 128 dedicated tensor computing cores, with a transistor scale of 22 billion, an operating frequency of 1.9GHz and a memory bit width of 256bit;. With 32GB GDDR6 video memory, the bandwidth is 448gb/s; It supports FP32, FP16, INT8 and other kinds of calculation accuracy, among which the calculation power of FP32 can reach 15.2TFLOPS

Thread MTT S3000 and its supporting software and hardware products can cover the whole process from algorithm model to application deployment, and can provide friendly and rich package solutions for AI users. With the blessing of MUSA computing platform, MTT S3000 has multi-dimensional advantages such as ease of use, scalability and compatibility in deep learning training. In the aspect of deep learning reasoning, MTT S3000 supports mainstream AI models in many fields, such as vision, speech, natural speech comprehension and multimodal. At the same time, with the help of CUDA ON MUSA compatibility scheme developed by Moore Thread, users can seamlessly migrate the code developed on CUDA to MTT S3000. Moore also deeply optimized the performance of MUSA software stack and launched TensorX, a self-developed AI reasoning engine.

Ecology is crucial to the promotion of AI applications. At present, MTT S3000 is compatible with many mainstream deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, PaddlePaddle, Jittor, etc., and has accelerated dozens of AI models such as Transformer, CNN and RNN. Moore Thread also announced strategic cooperation with Baidu PaddlePaddle, Luchen Technology, Jittor, OpenMMLab and Zhiyuan Research Institute (in no particular order) to jointly prosper the AI ecosystem.

Software ecology is the key to promote the popularization of GPU computing. With MUSA architecture as the core, Moore Thread released a complete MUSA software stack to serve the vast number of developers and end users. MUSA software stack includes functional modules such as graphics rendering, multimedia, artificial intelligence, physical simulation, general computing, etc. It will cover from the bottom driver to GPU acceleration library, and then to application development kits customized for different industries. It is dedicated to meeting the application development needs in various industry scenarios.

MUSA development kit:Including MUSA general computing driver, MUSA compiler, AI operator library, general computing library, performance analysis tools, etc. Through the MUSA development kit, the majority of MUSA developers can develop, optimize and deploy various applications on desktop PCs, workstations, enterprise data centers, cloud platforms and distributed computer clusters based on Moore Thread multifunctional GPU.

CUDA ON MUSA:Moore Thread has developed a set of CUDA ON MUSA compatibility scheme for users who use CUDA language. Through two steps of compilation and running, CUDA source code can be run on Moore Thread MUSA architecture GPU.

MUSA user software:For the vast number of users, it provides multi-level series of software, including: drivers of different system platforms, PES and other platform software series; MUSA-based adaptive and deeply optimized AI framework, AI operator library, general computing library, optimization tools, containerized deployment runtime library, flexible split scheduling, etc. And cloud computing and application software series such as Digital Man, MT OCR and MT Smart Stream.

In order to make it easier for developers to obtain Moore Thread series software stacks, application solutions and technical support, Moore Thread Developer Website (https://developer.mthreads.com/) is officially launched. This website will be the MUSA software product release and download site, and also the MUSA technology exchange community. Moore Thread will build an open application and developer ecosystem around MUSA platform, and promote the prosperity and development of GPU ecology.

GPU is the key computing power needed by the current data center, and the application of cloud native technology in cloud computing, cloud desktop, cloud games and other fields is becoming more and more common. Therefore, Moore Thread released a series of GPU cloud native solutions based on Moore Thread’s innovative MT Mesh 2.0.

MT Mesh 2.0 can automatically allocate GPU computing and memory resources according to the cloud center application load, and realize the flexible expansion of GPU computing power. It can not only divide a GPU into multiple containers or virtual machines at will, but also support one container or virtual machine to schedule multiple GPUs.

Flexible containerized GPU (sGPU): Based on Kubernetes ecology, MT Mesh 2.0 is used to flexibly and effectively allocate containerized GPU resources.

Virtual GPU(vGPU): Using MT Mesh 2.0, it pioneered the resource elastic segmentation technology in the industry, which can dynamically allocate and modify GPU virtualization resources without restarting, and realize the on-demand call, dynamic expansion and release of computing power. The new "time-space split" feature is introduced, which supports hardware virtualization (SR-IOV), secure physical partitioning, up to 32-way virtualization, Windows cloud desktop GPU virtualization, and GPU pass-through of Unified Communications and Kirin operating systems.

Android container cloud acceleration technology ACX: Using GPU Android container transparent transmission technology and rendering coding integration technology can accelerate Android cloud mobile phone solution, reduce application delay and increase the number of concurrent channels. By natively supporting OpenGL ES, OpenGL rendering framework, and hardware acceleration of Android game material compression algorithms such as ETC/ETC2, better rendering effect and compatibility of Android cloud games can be provided.

Cloud and cloud games are important application scenarios of GPU in the cloud. Moore Thread has cooperated with many cloud desktop eco-partners to provide cost-effective cloud desktop solutions, serving the vast number of users in education, office, finance, geographic information and other industries. In the field of cloud games, Moore Thread and Tencent Pioneer have jointly created a leading cloud game solution for Android, and jointly created an excellent cloud game solution for PC with C-TREK Times, and are committed to bringing high-quality and smooth cloud game experience to the majority of game lovers.

At this conference, Moore Thread also released the MTVERSE Metauniverse platform and many software and hardware products specially built for Metauniverse applications, including the MCCX Metacomputing All-in-One Machine based on MTT S3000.

Based on Moor Thread MUSA GPU cluster, MTVERSE provides users with computing infrastructure services, including big data, AI training and reasoning, graphics rendering and physical simulation. It provides full-stack solutions from hardware cluster, software infrastructure to SDK tool chain, covering many core elements such as people, scenes and content in meta-universe. On the other hand, the massive SDK tools on the upper layer can help developers and applications conveniently call these capabilities, and realize a series of functions such as digital people, document understanding, speech recognition, visual recognition, natural semantic understanding, dialogue interaction, physical simulation, AIGC content generation, etc., further simplifying the development cycle and difficulty of applications and solutions.

Upgrade of AlphaCore physical simulation engine:Two new physical simulation products are added, including Flood Dynamics, a liquid interactive simulation tool, and Storm System;, a meteorological and cloud dynamics simulation tool; The effect and efficiency of gas and fluid simulation tool CatalystFX and cloth hair making tool VeraFiber have been comprehensively improved. Moore announced the deep integration with RaysEngine, the cloud native rendering engine, to realize digital twin real-time 3D rendering and physical simulation, and to make more realistic digital scenes.

DIGITALME digital person solution upgrade:Build a complete production line of digital people, including Nuwa’s digital life maker, Painted Skin’s expression driving engine, Suiying’s digital people’s action driving engine, and on-demand digital people’s dialogue system.

AIGC content generator ma Liang:It supports bilingual graphic generation and editing in Chinese and English, provides users with a zero threshold AIGC creation platform, and helps the integration of science and technology and humanities. Moore also cooperated with Yunnan Arts University to provide end-to-end "computing power and algorithm" solutions for artists, jointly set up "AI Art Creation Laboratory of Design Institute", and set up Maliang course to train design students and help artistic creation.

MCCX all-in-one computing machine:The purpose is to provide powerful and easy-to-use meta-computing power. For the meta-computing power application scenarios such as AI, rendering, coding and decoding, MCCX has designed a reasonable system architecture and resource ratio to provide users with cost-effective meta-computing power hardware solutions; By means of integrated delivery of software and hardware, a complete basic software stack, development environment, AI and rendering framework are preset, which supports one-click application deployment and upgrade, and realizes out-of-the-box meta-computing computing power.

For many years, this virus has come again!The number of popular rolling consultations in many provinces has increased!What is the situation in Shanghai?

The Shanghai Health and Health Commission released news:

June 25 (yesterday) at 0-24 o’clock

No new local new coronary pneumonia

No new local infected infection

After the day before yesterday

Yesterday, Shanghai was another new day of zero

Although Shanghai has not been added for two days

But in addition to the new crown virus

We cannot ignore other infectious diseases

No, no,

The anti -seasonal influenza is quiet again

June 17th

The latest weekly report released by the National Influenza Center shows

When the southern provincePositive rate of influenza virus detection

continuously rising

Some provinces enter the high incidence of summer

Mainly A (H3N2) subtype influenza virus

Look at the specific data

Outpatient cases reported by the Southern Provincial Honor Hospital:

Influenza sample case5.8% of the proportion (ILI)It

Higher than the level of the previous week(5.1%);

The level of the same period from 2019 to 2021(4.4%, 3.0%, and 4.3%).


Influenza is more high in winter and spring

Why is there an anti -seasonal peak in the south this year?

What is the situation in Shanghai?

Know together!

Early warnings in many provinces!

recently,Fujian, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hainan, Jiangxi and other places have issued emergency warningsSome medical institutions for the past monthThe number of admission to the hot clinic has doubled,It is prompted that it has entered the period of summer influenza epidemicEssence

Guangdong Province reports that of the average 100 outpatient cases, there are 100 outpatient cases7 fever exceeds 38 ℃Essence

Shenzhen data shows 48%of the influenza -like case isPeople aged 0 to 14, the clustering epidemic occurs mainly in primary and secondary schoolsOne of the 5 -year -old children lived in the ICU due to severe influenza, and it has not been awake for 13 days.

Influenza 冒 normal colds will cause death seriously

Popular cold referred to as "influenza" is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus with a highly contagious and fast transmission speed. Because of the symptoms and colds, many people in daily life look at it at first glance

I thought the flu was a cold.Actually, the two haveThere is a big difference!


FundamentalNot the same levelof

There are about 3 million to 5 million severe influenza in the world, and the mortality rate of severe influenza cases is about 10%.

About 20%to 30%of children per year will infect seasonal influenza. In other words, almost every 4 children have a flu. Among them, the infection rate of children aged 5 to 9 is the highest.

About 30%of influenza children will occur in complications.

Children under the age of 5 and patients with chronic basic diseases are one of the main people in influenza -related hospitalization and death.

The flu itself is not terrible, the terrible thing is its complication.Once patients with influenza have complications, such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute permeable vascular coagulation, myocarditis, heart failure, encephalitis, etc. In severe cases, it may cause disability and even death.

Why is it suddenly high in summer?

Since the new crown epidemic in 2020, the continuous normalization of the new crowns and the awareness of prevention and control of residents have increased. The level of influenza in many places in the country has declined. Intersection

It is understood that the H3N2 subtype influenza that appeared this time is a common influenza subtype, which is not uncommon in summer.According to Guangdong’s illness and control, the sub -influenza has been popular in Guangdong Province in the past, such as 2015 and summer 2017.

Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Kang Min, the director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Institute, said

Currently, Guangdong has entered the peak of summer influenza

There are many main reasons

First, Guangdong does exist in the peak of previous summer influenza.

The second is that in the past two years, based on the prevention and control of the new crown, most citizens’ hygiene habits have been improved, and they will wear masks when they go out. Feeling the crowd.

Third, the popular strain H3N2, which is popular, has the characteristics of high popularity, high infection rate, and fast variation frequency.

"In the north, influenza is common in winter and spring, and in the south, influenza will appear throughout the year.But this summer has become higher in the southern region, which may have a certain relationship with climate changeEssence Wei Min, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, the Sixth Hospital of Zhongshan University, said.

influenced by

Olympic, known as the influenza "magic medicine"

There are also out -of -the -place out stock

After the reporter set the address to Fuzhou on a takeaway platform, he searched Olympic Weir, all showed that they needed to ship delivery at 2 to 4 days. After setting the address to Guangzhou, it also shows that only individual pharmacies include Oasis Veye’s original research "Dafi", and domestic drugs "Kewei" also need to ship delivery.

What is the situation in Shanghai?

Some reporters called Dai Guoxing, Director of the Emergency Department of Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, and Director Dai said,At present, there are no influenza cases in the hospital’s laboratory and popular kidneys, and the incidence of influenza in Shanghai has not increased significantly.

Speaking of the incidence of Shanghai influenza, Director Dai said that the high incidence season in Shanghai in previous years has been from October to December, not spring and summer. Affected by the new crown epidemic in recent years, everyone’s awareness of protection has increased significantly, so the influenza incidence has decreased. But for the susceptible population, you still cannot relax your vigilance.

The most effective prevention method is to vaccine

Vaccination vaccine is the most effective prevention method.Usually after vaccinating flu vaccines, it takes about 2 to 4 weeks to produce antibodies with a protective level. However, the antibody level brought by the flu vaccine gradually decreases after 6 months to 8 months, and the influenza virus is mutated every year. so,Once the flu vaccine is vaccinated once a year.

(Data map, picture source: visual China)

It is worth noting

Under the background of the new crowns

We need to pay attention to influenza

And the risk of the new crown is popular

Old people and children cannot relax your vigilance!

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