BYD Han EV network about the car, 70,000 km earned a net profit of 150,000! Master: 90% of my peers have bought Chinese books for two years.

> a Shenzhen BYD Han EV network car, 70,000 kilometers of net profit of 150,000 RMB! He runs in two classes, one class runs 200 kilometers, and the total runs 400 kilometers a day. This is also the similar use intensity of the old fuel taxi. It is easy to drive 70,000 kilometers a year for this "high-end car" of Han EV.

The 30-year-old online car driver in Shenzhen said that he had already suffered from lumbar disc herniation and scapulohumeral periarthritis at a young age, and driving 70,000 kilometers a year was simply to exchange his life for money.

After deducting all the electricity, maintenance, insurance, depreciation and daily expenses for 70,000 kilometers, the net income of Fu, an online car contract engineer, reached 150,000 yuan a year, which is already a very high income in today’s big environment. If we exchange our lives for money, we can at least maintain the livelihood of a family of four.

The master of BYD Han EV 600km also revealed that about 90% of his peers in the network buy BYD Han EV, and will not consider other pure electric car brands, because this car has few faults, is durable to drive, and the battery has the smallest attenuation among other cars of the same class. The 600 km standard can actually run more than 500 kilometers easily, which means that it is completely possible to charge in the middle of the night, use the cheapest peak-valley electricity price, and be hard-working and natural.

The master of BYD Hanwang’s car is most concerned about this pure electricity, which can earn 2 yuan a kilometer after deducting electricity and other expenses! If you drive 70 thousand kilometers a year, you will be able to return to your capital in two years, and you will start to make a pure profit in the third year, which is equivalent to picking up a BYD Han EV quasi-new car in vain.

Moreover, trams are different from oil trucks. For ordinary traditional oil trucks, driving more than 100,000 kilometers in two years is a "great effort", and the engine is bound to have various problems: carbon burning oil, oil leakage from the gearbox, loose chassis, aging rubber bushings, and shock absorption problems will all occur with great probability.

Oil trucks are most afraid of driving very long kilometers in a short time, and the maintenance fees and maintenance fees are also very expensive. However, the tram is completely different. The maintenance of Han EV only needs a few hundred yuan or even less, so there is no need to change the gearbox oil. Without the engine, more than half of the fault sources of the oil truck are simply saved! There is no need to worry about the strike caused by the long-term intense driving of the engine. The famous car critic has no money here: Wang Yin, in his double-car durability test of 100,000 kilometers, a 1.5T model of Honda’s pure oil car is less than 100,000 kilometers, and the CVT stepless gearbox has a "stall problem". The flagship car of Honda, a famous Japanese brand, is so reliable and durable, not to mention other turbocharged oil cars.

How to tell an "ideal" story in 30 minutes is a coup for the brothers.

Source | film and television monologue

Author | Pomegranate

In the picture, an ordinary old man and an ox are guarding the tomb, and they go to Qiu Lai in spring, where flowers bloom and fall.

He is Zhang Jueqian, the father of Zhang Renya, the guardian of the first party constitution. In order to entrust his son, he made up a story of "the son died outside" and hid the communist party Declaration in his son’s cenotaph, and guarded it for more than twenty years.

People guess whether he guards the treasure, but few people know that he guards his son and his faith.

In the unit "Guarding" of TV series "Ideal Shines on China", Zhang Jueqian’s ordinary and great life reappears in front of the audience.

Ideal Shines on China is an important theme creation to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Unlike many TV series with grand propositions, the topic selection of Ideal Shines on China avoids familiar high-profile figures and is mostly unfamiliar faces of the audience.

This is the case with Guardian, and so is the fifty-fifth letter.

Recently, the film and television monologue interviewed two directors, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi, and reviewed this wonderful experience with them and looked forward to the new direction in the future.

Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi are with the general director Dongyu Fu.

Of the 40 stories in Ideal Shines on China, Guardian and Fifty-fifth Letter are two units with slow rhythm and few conflicts.

The former is aimed at Zhang Renya and Zhang Jueqian, the father and son’s lifelong waiting and guarding, while the latter starts with the letters of Chen Yian and Li Zhiqiang, the husband and wife, showing the feelings of people who are dedicated to the revolution. Both stories are told, hitting the hearts of the audience in the spring breeze and rain.

In fact, this is also the effect pursued by the two directors.

On the topic selection, Dongyu Fu, the general director, gave the director great autonomy. After watching the whole prototype story, each director can submit five target topics, and finally pick out two of the five topics that are the most sparking and touching.

In this respect, the goals of Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi are clear from beginning to end: text first, theme second, emotion first.

In Xiaoou Zhao’s view, theme creation is not a shackle for them, but a positive theme orientation. He hopes that there will be a breakthrough in the form of expression. "When a director shoots a work, the first thing he needs to look at is the perspective. From different angles, the story will show different styles. After reading 40 topics, we set a standard, that is, we hope that this story is good-looking and worthy of refinement. Because only by looking good can the audience understand what the story wants to express. "

Zhao Xiaoxi on the left and Xiaoou Zhao on the right chat with actor Lin Yongjian.

On this premise, Guardian and Fifty-fifth Letter came into the sight of Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi.

Without a strong narrative style, these two topics are more in line with the China population’s "great voices are heard, elephants are invisible" and "like a cup of tea, it can make the audience taste slowly, and the taste will have stamina in the end. You will know the weight of the phrase’ Red China will definitely appear’ that the people in the play have been saying. " This is the goal that Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi are eager to achieve.

But after the choice, the problem really came.

If the audience watched TV dramas like reading novels before, the impression of Ideal Shines on China is like a poem. Each episode is about 30 minutes long, with concise length and light weight, and tells a long or short story of the times.

Although the form is novel, it also brings a big problem to the two directors: how to tell a person’s decades in half an hour? How to make every minute of the play have enough information to output? How to make the plain story firmly grasp the audience’s sight?

"I think that the most important thing to tell a story that spans several decades is to firmly grasp the motives, motivations and goals of the characters, and try not to talk about the side details." In Zhao Xiaoxi’s view, the shorter the space, the stricter the requirements for narrative structure and logic.

Therefore, although there are regrets, trade-offs are essential.

In the first edition of the script, whether it is Guardian or Fifty-fifth Letter, the writers Chen Xuan and Hu Yating are full and true in the details of their lives. For example, the separation of Zhang Jueqian and his second son in Guarding, the villagers’ comments on Zhang Jueqian’s behavior, and the fifty-fifth letter in which Li Zhiqiang made a cot and clothes for his children, as well as the sacrificial Zhang, are all described in detail.

However, after comprehensive consideration, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi decided to reluctantly give up what one favours and delete some "branches and leaves". "Because" Ideal Shines on China "is not like a TV series, many relationships can be discussed, so we just need to tell a character or a story thoroughly."

The story can flow smoothly, but in terms of details, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi hope to give the audience enough detailed and thorough feelings.

"We chose the story before the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In fact, the shooting process is more complicated than modern drama." In Zhao Xiaoxi’s view, although there was more room to play before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, all kinds of historical details had higher requirements than modern dramas. "If the props and details of the era are wrong, it will be difficult for the audience to have a sense of substitution in that era."

Therefore, even a 25-minute short play, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi did no less research, data collection and on-the-spot investigation than a long TV play.

"When filming Guardian, I went to Zhang Renya Memorial Hall. It is not only to understand his life experience, but also to examine some details of that era. Including what kind of leaflets Zhang Jueqian saw at that time, I went to the historical materials museum to check a lot of samples for reference. What version of the communist party Declaration is buried under the tombstone, what kind of blood has just been obtained, and what it is like to dig out from the tomb, we must verify it. "

If the preparatory work for Guardian is a primary edition, then the preparatory work for Fifty-fifth Letter is an advanced edition.

What are the 55 letters of Chen Yian and Li Zhiqiang in the play? Has the handwriting changed? What were Chen Yian’s clothes like in different wars? How did it change before and after joining communist party? Although these shots are all a flash, the weight of history is on them, and Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi dare not be careless.

In addition to verifying props, before filming "The Fifty-fifth Letter", Xiaoou Zhao and screenwriter Hu Yating also visited Chen Yian’s descendants in depth to learn about his life. "What kind of house does the mother live in, how did her mother bring him up, and what is the father in her mother’s mouth?"

Even the drama of Chen Huangming, the son of the opening credits, looking for the restorer Lao Yuan with old photos is a true story that he and the screenwriter learned in the investigation of collecting wind. Later, at the suggestion of Liang Zhenhua, the chief screenwriter, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi took this scene as a breakthrough point to connect the past with the present and look back on the past from the perspective of modern people.

This has also become a design widely praised by the audience. Compared with the story of Gao Dan, I just want to take a look at the story of my father’s son, which is ordinary but very substitutive.

In fact, this kind of treatment also contains some selfishness of Zhao Xiaoxi. For a long time in the past, he was partial to Yu Hua’s Living. The narrative that tells the story of an ordinary person’s life has touched him greatly. Therefore, he also hopes that through this opportunity, he will tell the sufferings and joys of ordinary people in that era.

This point is also shown in "Guardian". For example, when entrusted by his son, Zhang Jueqian’s first reaction was to care whether he was injured. Before sending my son away, I want to put four eggs on him; In the long wait year after year, the ox who accompanied him was only left with a bell …


"In fact, these two units are all about concretizing beliefs into emotions. Zhang Jueqian chose to guard the communist party Declaration because of the affection between father and son. Because of love, Li Zhiqiang and Chen Yian chose revolution and waiting in turbulent times. They all have human feelings before they can rely on their beliefs. "

Draw nutrients from the most solid soil, so that Guardian and Fifty-fifth Letter can stand firmly on the balance pole of documentary and drama. In this regard, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi feel gratified, but also very grateful for the support and help of the team behind them.

"It is a very happy thing that everyone can agree with a goal and then continue to contribute to it." Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi always believe that the production of a good drama needs all the trust on the professional basis.

"Our screenwriters are very supportive of our changes, and they have also given us great help. For example, Hu Yating, the screenwriter of "The Fifty-fifth Letter". Her brushwork is exquisite, and her desk work is fully done. She has written many small details that have not been photographed in the play. We have held many creative meetings together and solved the problem bit by bit, and finally we presented such a work. "

Such a creative concept is also what Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi long for. Therefore, they chose to reach a strategic cooperation with Hello Youth Media led by Liang Zhenhua, the chief screenwriter of Ideal Shines on China.

"After the cooperation of" Ideal Shines on China ",I am very happy to cooperate with companies with original ability and production ability, hoping to combine our advantages and create better works for everyone in the future."

This will be a win-win cooperation. Based on creation, all things can be born.


China stepped into the "traffic society" and consumed nearly 10 billion g of mobile traffic in the first half of the year.

  CCTV News:Whether it’s work, daily life, or leisure and entertainment, people can see the scene of holding their mobile phones and brushing their heads.

  According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics,In the first half of the year, the cumulative usage traffic of China’s mobile Internet users reached 8.89 billion G, up 136.8% year-on-year. It is expected that it will exceed 10 billion G by the end of the year.. Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology show that ChinaAmong the 1.17 billion mobile Internet users, the average access traffic per household was nearly 1.6g in June.It is more than four times that of the same period in 2015.

△ Figure/vision china

  With the increasing correlation between mobile data traffic and life, traffic not only brings convenience to life, but also promotes the development of emerging industries, profoundly changes the social form and affects people’s daily life. 

  How much traffic do you use every month?

  China has fully stepped into the "flow society"

  Nowadays, many people’s days start like this: calling a car to work online, paying for lunch delivery by mobile phone, communicating with social networks at any time, playing drama on their mobile phones after work, and video chatting with friends in the evening … … Mobile payment, mobile entertainment and mobile office, data flow has become an important support of social information flow.. 

△ The first multi-type "mobile payment" bus in China

  Yu Jianing, director of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, "Traffic itself is data and information, but the content it carries also includes social value. China has fully entered ‘ Traffic society ’”。 According to statistics, in 2016, China’s mobile Internet users accessed 9.36 billion g, an increase of 8.48 billion g over 2012, with an average annual growth rate of 80.6%. 

  The era of 10 billion G traffic has arrived, experts said.Flow economy is the performance of digital economy. Digitalization and digital technology are transforming life and all walks of life.. Online shopping, mobile phone ordering, mobile payment, etc. make mobile phones closely integrated with the real economy. As online payment companies enter overseas markets, people can gradually enjoy the convenience brought by offline payment of mobile phones when traveling abroad.

Citizens are using unmanned express vehicles.

  According to the 40th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China just released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of June this year,The number of netizens in China reached 751 million, and the number of mobile phone netizens reached 724 million.The proportion of mobile Internet access continues to increase. In the first half of the year, the number of users of various mobile phone applications continued to rise, among whichMobile phone take-out applications grew the fastest, with the number of users reaching 274 million, an increase of 41.4% compared with the end of 2016.;The number of mobile payment users reached 502 million.,463 million netizens use mobile phones to pay when they spend offline.. 

△ Figure/vision china

  "Sharing" the new format, the income of the top 100 Internet companies exceeded one trillion.

  What leads to the arrival of the traffic era is not only the expansion of user scale, but also the development of new formats. More precisely, the relationship between the traffic era and the new format is mutually reinforcing. Since the second half of last year, the industry in bike-sharing has achieved rapid development.As of June this year, the number of users in bike-sharing has reached 106 million, accounting for 14.1% of the total netizens.The business coverage has penetrated from the first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen to the second, third and fourth-tier cities, and some bike-sharing brands have begun to go international.

  Live broadcast, flash, maker, online car, bike-sharing, mobile phone takeaway … … These new occupations based on mobile Internet have opened up new space for industrial development.According to incomplete statistics, in 2016, the number of take-away riders registered in China’s take-away platform has exceeded 10 million.. 

  According to the list of "Top 100 Internet Enterprises in China" in 2017,In 2016, the total revenue of Internet business of the top 100 Internet companies reached 1.07 trillion yuan, up 46.8% year-on-year, breaking through the trillion mark for the first time.Among them, there are nearly 50 enterprises related to the field of big data and nearly 20 enterprises related to artificial intelligence.

  Wen Ku, director of the Communication Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the rapid development of the mobile Internet has spawned many new occupations and formats. Many enterprises provide diversified and personalized services to the majority of mobile communication users in combination with their own characteristics and advantages, meet people’s different needs, promote market competition, improve social efficiency and stimulate market vitality.

  Intelligent industry develops 5G network to promote "Internet of Everything"

  Based on the rapid growth of traffic scale, intelligent industries such as Internet of Things and VR industry will usher in rapid development in the future. 

△VR equipment helps middle school classrooms

  Experts believe that with the approaching of the 5G era, the explosive growth of traffic will bring more changes that are worth looking forward to. “It takes one hour for 4G to download a high-definition Blu-ray movie, but it may only take a few minutes for 5G. The powerful transmission capacity will allow more formats to carry traffic express trains."

  In June this year, China Information and Communication Research Institute released the White Paper on the Economic and Social Impact of 5G, proposing thatThe 5G network will provide at least ten times the peak rate of 4G, millisecond transmission delay and hundreds of billions of connection capabilities.Open a new era of extensive interconnection of everything and deep interaction between man and machine.

  5G will comprehensively build the key infrastructure for economic and social digital transformation, from online to offline, from consumption to production, from platform to ecology, and push China’s digital economy to a new level. For telecom operators, the rapid growth of traffic consumption has brought huge opportunities, but it also means that there is more room for speeding up and reducing fees, so as to achieve benign development.

The star street brand overturned again? Joker Xue clothing brand down jacket failed, and once sold goods in Xiao Yang Ge’s live broadcast room.

On January 2nd, Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau announced two batches of unqualified down jacket products, among which, Shanghai Yanxun Trading Co., Ltd. sold "DANGEROUS PEOPLE" brand short down (model specification: 175/88al; ItemNo.: 22410DJ287N), the filler nonylphenol+octylphenol+nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether+octylphenol polyoxyethylene ether does not meet the standard requirements.

Alkylphenol (AP) and alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether (APEO) are environmental hormones. The unqualified project will easily affect the normal hormone secretion of the human body.

It is understood that this brand is a menswear brand launched by artist Joker Xue.

In 2015, Joker Xue launched the men’s wear brand Dangerous People ("DSP" for short). According to the online merchants in the world, Joker Xue once said in an interview that he didn’t want to make his brand a product of fan economy. "I want more people outside the fan group to accept this brand. I don’t want people to follow suit, but I still have to stick to myself. " On the homepage of DSP Tmall flagship store, "Joker Xue DSP Down Jacket" is the first best seller list of men’s trendy down jackets, with a monthly sales of 10,000+.

On December 12th, 2023, Joker Xue and Xiao Yang Ge wore DSP sweaters and broadcast live together. Joker Xue pulled Xiao Yang Ge’s collar to show the quality of clothes. Brother Xiao Yang praised Joker Xue for "not only singing well, but also doing a good job in business", and the latter then gave a brief overview of the brand of DSP. In the 18th minute of the live broadcast, the DSP sweater started to be linked. After one minute, the sales volume exceeded 10,000.

Reporter Li Shu

(Source: xiaoxiang morning herald)

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The ancient "New Year’s Day" originally meant this! Too knowledgeable.

New Year’s Day in ancient times and New Year’s Day today,
Is it the same meaning?
"New Year’s Day" is the first day of January in the solar calendar every year, which is a traditional New Year in China and many countries in the world. But in ancient China, the meaning of the word "New Year’s Day" was very different from today.
Zhuan Xu (zhuān xū, the legendary ancient emperor) started the lunar calendar, with the first month as the yuan and the first day as the denier. But since then, the New Year’s Day dates of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han are not consistent. According to Historical Records,New Year’s Day is the first day of the first month in Xia Dynasty, the first day of December in Shang Dynasty, the first day of November in Zhou Dynasty and the first day of October in Qin Dynasty. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty resumed the summer calendar, the first day of the first month was still regarded as New Year’s Day, which is now our "Spring Festival".
On the first day of the first month, we now call it "Spring Festival" or "Chinese New Year", but in ancient times it was called "New Year’s Day".
However, different dynasties still have different names:
The pre-Qin period was called "Shang Yuan", "Yuan Ri", "Gai Nian" and "Xian Nian". During the Han Dynasty, it was called "Three Dynasties", "Sui Dan", "Zhengdan" and "Zhengri". Wei and Jin Dynasties were also called "Yuan Chen", "Yuan Ri", "Fuehrer" and "Sui Dynasty". During the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, it was called "New Year’s Day", "Yuan Day", "New Zhengs" and "Singapore Dollars". In the Qing Dynasty, it was always called "New Year’s Day" or "Yuan Day".
From the appellations of the above dynasties, we can see that the most commonly called Spring Festival in ancient times was "January Day" or "New Year’s Day".In other words, the New Year’s Day they are talking about is not the first day of January in the solar calendar we are talking about now.
"New Year’s Day" is a compound word. According to a single word, "Yuan" is the "head" of people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which means beginning and first."January Day" is the first day of the New Year, and "Book Shun Dian" says: "The moon is on January Day, and Shun Ge is in the same position as Wen Xiang Zu." Kong Chuan: "The moon is positive, the first month; January, last day. " "Tokyo Fu": "So Meng Chun won the day, and the group was next to it." There are also the famous poems "Tian Jia Yuan Ri" by Meng Haoran in Tang Dynasty and "Yuan Ri" by Wang Anshi in Song Dynasty, etc. The "Yuan Ri" in the poems is our present "Spring Festival".
"Dan" means dawn.Shuowen Jiezi holds that "Dan" means "seeing from the sun, seeing from the ground". "Dan" is a pictograph, which means that the sun has just risen from the horizon, which means morning. Then, the word "New Year’s Day" together is the first morning of the New Year.
As far as the word "New Year’s Day" is concerned, it originated from the poem "Jieya" written by Xiao Ziyun, a poet in the Southern Dynasties: "New Year’s Day with Four Spirits, long life." In the Song Dynasty, Wu Zimu also explained "New Year’s Day" in "Dream Liang Lu": "The first month of the first month is called New Year’s Day, and the custom is called New Year’s Day."
Fang Xuanling also said in the Book of Jin:
Zhuan Emperor took March in Meng Chun as the yuan, which was the spring of New Year’s Day.
There are also New Year’s Day poems written by Tang people and New Year’s Day poems written by Lu You, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, etc. The "New Year’s Day" here means "Spring Festival".
Other names and sources will not be introduced one by one.Before the disappearance of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese New Year was not called Spring Festival, but mostly called New Year’s Day. In other words, the previous "New Year’s Day" was not the first day of January in the solar calendar..
Every edited Wang Jiaqi
This article is transferred from Yangguang News (comprehensive)
Tianjin Daily, Xinhuanet,, etc.
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People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

How a 40-year-old woman can wear a sense of fashion, master four points of wearing, and copy it is beautiful.

With the growth of age, women must accurately control their own style of dressing to ensure that their styling is dignified and decent at all times. After women are over 40 years old, they often find it difficult to dress and match. They should wear dignified clothes without being too old-fashioned, and they should wear a sense of youth without being too act young. If they want to have both, they can learn from the following blogger’s experience and master four key points of matching. It is beautiful for ordinary people to copy and copy.

1, the rational use of bright color system

Many women start to wear very conservative clothes after they are 40 years old, especially in the dark black and gray color matching. In fact, many women still keep their figure in their twenties even when they are 40 years old. If you have such a figure advantage, you can try to start with color matching, and don’t completely refuse colored clothes. Sometimes, if you try colors boldly, your mood will be much better.

2. Different ways of dressing

The second starting point can start from the way of dressing. Starting from the way of dressing, we can break the traditional concept of wearing, and also let the conventional clothing wear more points of view, especially when wearing some basic clothing. Breaking the traditional collocation barriers can make people shine.

For example, when we wear a shirt, we don’t need to tie the buttons all over the body, so the feeling presented by the whole way of fastening will be very rigid. When we untie the two buttons at the position of the hem or the neckline, the whole collocation will be different in an instant. When we wear a shirt, we can also carry it on our hands, or tie it on our shoulders or waist, and open another collocation way of the shirt.

3. Pay attention to matching.

Third, effective wearing also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the overall combination. For example, the skirt and the headband on the head are of the same color, and the matching method of the same color and the same paragraph is used to wear the overall sense of harmony, or the color of the hat on the head is consistent with the color of the shorts on the lower body, so as to wear a visual echo in the overall matching.

In summer, hats, sunglasses, belts, bags, etc. are all accessories with very high upper body rate. You can choose one or two of these accessories, and don’t stack all kinds of accessories together. Too many accessories will often appear cumbersome.

4, the finishing touch accessories use

The last point is to learn to play the important role of accessories. Only by matching accessories with the finishing touch can we give full play to the effective role of accessories. For example, when we wear a simple solid color coat, we can decorate it with a long chain necklace, especially with a round neck coat. The lines of the neck can be made more slender by matching long chain necklaces.

Although this fashion blogger is 40 years old, she can’t see her real age at all. A simple black T-shirt with a long white dress is refreshing and natural, with a earth tone fisherman’s hat on her head, full of holiday style, and a taro purple shirt with basic white wide-leg shorts, which is fashionable and foreign.

The blogger’s figure is very good. Although he is over middle age, he has no difficulty in controlling this expansive color. A clean white dress with a woven straw hat is very suitable for taking pictures when he is on vacation at the seaside. The basic white shirt with denim shorts and flat-bottomed white shoes on his feet are clean and playful, and he can wear the effect of age reduction without bright colors.

Summary:After women are over 40 years old, they should not only wear clean and simple clothes, but also wear a decent feeling. If you can’t find a way to wear them, you might as well learn from the fashion blogger above, which is simple and easy to use, both feminine and playful.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Summer wear # # Summer life punch season #

Do you have all seven skills of badminton?

Killing the ball is the most direct and effective way to score points, but it is also one of the most difficult techniques in badminton, especially the jump killing of both feet. This action requires your body to leave the ground and complete the whole killing action in the air. Good jumping and killing requires good physical coordination, super air-staying ability and abnormal explosive force, and combined with the accurate grasp of the landing point, you can basically kill with one blow.

Key words:Square ball

"Four rooms in hand, I have everything in the world", from which we can see the importance of seeking the four directions. Amateurs, who can play well in all directions without strong killing, can become the best amateurs.

Key words:Front net ball

The basic ball in front of the net includes "hook, rub, pick and rub", which uses the flexibility of the wrist to show the good feel in front of the net. Mastering the ball in front of the net when you are young will be more useful in the future as you get older.

Key words:High ball

The skill of high-distance ball is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the strength when hitting the ball. A person may have great strength, but his high-distance ball may not be in place; A person’s strength may be relatively small, but his high ball may be very backward. Therefore, it is important to master the high ball or to master the power.

Key words:Catch and kill

Catch-and-kill technique, especially doubles catch-and-kill, is very important, because there are many rounds of killing in doubles. In fact, I think catch-and-kill is the least technical, because all you have to do is block the ball.

Key words:Defensive ball

Instead of learning some offensive balls from the beginning, it is better to practice defense first. "Kung Fu is beaten first", and so is badminton beginners. Don’t always think about learning to kill the ball. First, your killing can’t kill the opponent. Second, you can’t learn without basic technical support; Third, because most of the people you have to face are battle-hardened old birds, the other side can only practice the offensive ball on you, but you can take the opportunity to practice your defensive ability.

Key words:interest

"Interest is the best teacher" can be used anywhere. Once you are interested, you are not afraid to play badly.

If you don’t play for two days, you will feel uncomfortable all over; If you don’t touch the racket several times a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over; I’m half tired after playing the ball, but I’m still excited and want to play … These are the charms of this sport!

Badminton tribe’s only official WeChat WeChat official account: Badminton Huiyou ID: (yqhy 365)

(Source: badminton fans)

Meibo Art Museum | Xu Ziyun -Listen


As the brand art exhibition of the Meibo Art Museum, the Miko Spring Art Exhibition series has been successfully held for four years, and has accumulated a group of loyal audiences and good reputation. "We tried to break through innovation again and continued the expressiveness and artistic nature of the theme art exhibition over the years. Together with the eleven contemporary art coffees and famous contemporary artists, they strive to present an art feast for the audience with their works that meet the theme of the exhibition.

This art exhibition uses the art form close to the public to extend and find the artist’s spiritual connotation, and think about whether the works and exhibition behaviors of the artist will bring collective changes. understand. The works of the ten famous contemporary artists have a good atmosphere to the Spring Meibo Art Museum. Just like the camphor forest at the Meibo Art Center, the thick vertical line has been attracted to this garden, and the scenery changes.


I am a native of Shanghai. When I shuttle on the streets of Shanghai, I look at the streets, architecture, or some other things. I will have a feeling of knowing each other. Watching these things when I was young is a different feeling.

It’s like looking at a mirror, but this mirror is projected into different spaces and different latitude, so I use the material of mirror acrylic.

I use monochrome, silver, and black and white to present a conversation between the neutralized and memory and memory of the work. The metal color of silver can reflect my feelings of the development of the city in Shanghai. The form of metal and monochrome is more representative and powerful.

The mirror effect of the work allows the audience not only to see myself in the mirror (in the work), but also feel my expression of this city. This work is not only a dialogue between me and my own time and space latitude, but also allows me and viewers to communicate in different time, space, and latitude in the form of mirror.

Xu Ziyun

"Listening Series 1"

Mirror Acrylic

75 × 50cm


Xu Ziyun

"Listening Series 3"

Mirror Acrylic

75 × 50cm


Xu Ziyun

"Listening Series 4"

Mirror Acrylic

75 × 50cm



Young artists convey the creation information through the combination of multiple spaces. Each one can see the artist’s presentation of the past, the presentation of the state of survival, whether it is collective or individual, there is always an indiscriminate relationship with the environment. Xu Ziyun showed his personal feelings about growth space in the form of more novel works, thinking about the meaning of the past and the relationship between the present.

About artist

Xu? Yun

Out of 1991?

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Fine Arts in 2016


Exhibition experience:


"Early" artistic innovation in China Academy of Fine Arts? Exhibition Futurelab Shanghai? Shore Dome?

"Ming? Can the Bay Area? New Year Artist Program" Australia?

"Internal and Outside" solo exhibition Banana Art Space Nanjing


Banana Art Space 2020 Summer Group Exhibition Nanjing

"Flola’s living room" contemporary art and plant art cross -border exhibition neon art museum


"? 年 Plan for the selection exhibition of outstanding works over the years ·? New Year Artist Nomination Exhibition"

"Memory Vision? -Chayun Art Item? Exhibition" Shanghai


The 9th New Star Art Festival of the series of works "Behind the scenes"


The work "For" Lunch on the Grass "? Conjecture to participate in the" Yue? -The visual cross -border extension "Chicago, USA


The work "Festival?" "College? 2016" Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts

The work "Breathing", "Care?"

116m2+POP UP Painting Mobile Biennale Biennale


The work "Separation in the evening" and "Live? Light" won the theme award of the Inter-Youth International?

The work "Star?" "Spring is here -10cm3" San Shang Contemporary Art Museum (Hangzhou)

The work "Models?" "Gadgets -Contemporary Paper Works Exhibition" Van Geng Art Institution (Hangzhou)


The work "Spring Equinry Squiries Laying on?" "Pursue Excellence: Artists of the College ——? The Session of Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition" (National Tour)

Year 2014

The work "On the escalator? Autumn" Nanjing International Art Exhibition (Nanjing)

"Nine? · —— Zhejiang Oil Painting Works Exhibition" Ningbo Art Museum

year 2013

The work "Lu Lu" and "The Shop" "The Consciousness of Painting -Creation Research Exhibition of Oil Painting Department of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts" (Shanghai)

The work "Slim Shadow Slimming


Creative work "Jian" nationwide? The New Year’s Exhibition- "Most Painting" (Beijing)

year 2011

Creative work "Jian" 6th China Academy of Fine Arts "Century Star" China Academy of Fine Arts Museum of Fine Arts

Zhisheng: Collective upward -2022 Beauty Spring Art Exhibition

Producer: Chen Hui

Project planning: Kong Kong

Curator: Xiaojun


Chen Xiaodan, Ding Fang, Gong Xinru, Ji Wenyu+Zhu Weibing, Long Bin, Qu Fengguo, Xue Song, Xu Ziyun, Zhou Dujin, Zhou Xiaoping

Organizer: Meibo Museum

Opening time: February 26, 2022 (Saturday) at 3:30 pm

Exhibition time: February 26, 2022-March 20, 2022

Exhibition location: Meibo Art Museum, No. 88 Liming Road, Minhang District, Shanghai

| Opening time: Tuesday to Friday 9:00-17:00

Saturday Sunday 9:00-18:00 (closed Monday)

Address: Meibo Art Museum, No. 88, Liming Road, Minhang District, Shanghai