BYD Han EV network about the car, 70,000 km earned a net profit of 150,000! Master: 90% of my peers have bought Chinese books for two years.

> a Shenzhen BYD Han EV network car, 70,000 kilometers of net profit of 150,000 RMB! He runs in two classes, one class runs 200 kilometers, and the total runs 400 kilometers a day. This is also the similar use intensity of the old fuel taxi. It is easy to drive 70,000 kilometers a year for this "high-end car" of Han EV.

The 30-year-old online car driver in Shenzhen said that he had already suffered from lumbar disc herniation and scapulohumeral periarthritis at a young age, and driving 70,000 kilometers a year was simply to exchange his life for money.

After deducting all the electricity, maintenance, insurance, depreciation and daily expenses for 70,000 kilometers, the net income of Fu, an online car contract engineer, reached 150,000 yuan a year, which is already a very high income in today’s big environment. If we exchange our lives for money, we can at least maintain the livelihood of a family of four.

The master of BYD Han EV 600km also revealed that about 90% of his peers in the network buy BYD Han EV, and will not consider other pure electric car brands, because this car has few faults, is durable to drive, and the battery has the smallest attenuation among other cars of the same class. The 600 km standard can actually run more than 500 kilometers easily, which means that it is completely possible to charge in the middle of the night, use the cheapest peak-valley electricity price, and be hard-working and natural.

The master of BYD Hanwang’s car is most concerned about this pure electricity, which can earn 2 yuan a kilometer after deducting electricity and other expenses! If you drive 70 thousand kilometers a year, you will be able to return to your capital in two years, and you will start to make a pure profit in the third year, which is equivalent to picking up a BYD Han EV quasi-new car in vain.

Moreover, trams are different from oil trucks. For ordinary traditional oil trucks, driving more than 100,000 kilometers in two years is a "great effort", and the engine is bound to have various problems: carbon burning oil, oil leakage from the gearbox, loose chassis, aging rubber bushings, and shock absorption problems will all occur with great probability.

Oil trucks are most afraid of driving very long kilometers in a short time, and the maintenance fees and maintenance fees are also very expensive. However, the tram is completely different. The maintenance of Han EV only needs a few hundred yuan or even less, so there is no need to change the gearbox oil. Without the engine, more than half of the fault sources of the oil truck are simply saved! There is no need to worry about the strike caused by the long-term intense driving of the engine. The famous car critic has no money here: Wang Yin, in his double-car durability test of 100,000 kilometers, a 1.5T model of Honda’s pure oil car is less than 100,000 kilometers, and the CVT stepless gearbox has a "stall problem". The flagship car of Honda, a famous Japanese brand, is so reliable and durable, not to mention other turbocharged oil cars.