The counter-attack of "Hidden into the Dust" is expected to exceed 100 million at the box office, and Tik Tok’s literary films with "goods" have reached a new peak?

Author | Wang ruoye

Edit | Mingming

On July 6, 2022, "Hidden into the Dust" was officially released, with a box office of 349,000 on the first day of release, accounting for only 2.3% of the films.

At that time, the cumulative box office predicted by Cat’s Eye for this film was 565,000, and the final box office prediction of the film by the public remained at around 2 million. As a rural literary film, even Ruijun Li, the director of Into the Dust, once mentioned in an interview that he was worried that this film would become cannon fodder for the summer file.

On August 9, 2022, "Hidden into the Dust" was webcast and landed on many video platforms such as Youku, Tencent and iQiyi. According to past experience, it is inevitable that the box office will decline after a movie is launched on the online video platform. However, Into the Dust unexpectedly broke the inherent cognition of the public.

52 days after its release and 21 days after its online broadcast, Into the Dust miraculously fell to 3.662 million box office in a single day, reaching the highest single-day box office at present. It is predicted that the box office will soar from more than 50 million to more than 80 million again, and the single-day box office is expected to soar from more than 3 million to more than 5 million. Even many netizens boldly said that they are optimistic about the box office of the film. The cat’s eye also resumed on August 30th.predictThe total box office of "Hidden into the Dust" in mainland China will break 102 million.

After the cinema films are broadcast online, it is rare that the box office increases instead of falling, so that it feeds back the film market. It is urgent for the market to find out what makes the long tail effect of the film so strong, and it is also urgent to know whether the box office decline of "Into the Dust" can be repeated.

Word of mouth solidly improves box office performance


"Hidden into the Dust" Douban scored 7.8 points, and now it has risen to 8.5 points, ranking first in Douban’s real-time hot book audio-visual list.Not only has it become the first Chinese cinema film with a Douban score of 8 this year, but it is also the Chinese cinema film with the highest Douban score this year.

The official Weibo, who opened the movie "Into the Dust", has only a few more than 1,000 fans. Of the 103 articles published in Weibo, only a few in Weibo have turned over 100 praises and comments. All this makes the announcement of this film seem to have a sense of "big hidden in the city".

The most famous story in the previous film was the behind-the-scenes shooting story told by Christina. Many netizens called that story "The Chocolate Factory in Christina", and this stalk of Christina even replaced "You are my God", which was very popular. However, the popularity of the stars themselves has not been transferred to movies.Before "Into the Dust" went online, the box office was in a downturn.

According to the box office trend chart of "Into the Dust", it can be seen that the box office trend in the picture presents a strange V-shape, but it grows more rapidly after the webcast goes online. On the one hand, the literary film itself is a niche film, and the number of films given in the early stage of the cinema is not enough, which leads to the decline of the box office after the release; On the other hand, webcasting enabled more viewers to see the film, and word of mouth drove the cinema box office.

It is not only "Hidden into the Dust" that still chooses to be put in the cinema after webcasting goes online.

In 2019, the popular animated film "Nezha, The Devil Child Came to the World" was launched on October 11 before it was released on October 26. However, according to the box office trend of "Nezha, The Devil Child Came to the World", the box office of the film continued to decline after it was launched. In 2021, the "520" movie "Decisive Battle Against the Black" was also launched on the online platform on May 29th, while releasing the notice of key extension. This also led to the final box office score of "Decisive Fight Against the Black" of only 405 million.

Can be like "Hidden into the Dust", there are few films that have fallen strongly after webcasting. Searching for the film reviews of "Into the Dust" on social platforms, many people choose to continue Amway with their friends after watching the movie. Many of them decided to go to the cinema to get another ticket after watching the movie on the video platform. Since the audience is willing to go to the cinema for support, the demand for films has increased for cinemas, and it is natural to increase the mutual benefit of film arrangement.

After the number of films in "Into the Dust" increased, the attendance rate was also guaranteed. This is also the effect that high reputation can bring.High word-of-mouth and high box officeThis simple sentence has been truly verified in "Into the Dust".

Short video platform helps box office rebound


The propaganda achievements of "Into the Dust" can go to a higher level.The short video platform also contributed.

According to the statistics of cat’s eye data, the topic broadcast volume of Into the Dust in Tik Tok has reached 2.1 billion, and it has been listed on the hot search list of Tik Tok for many times. On August 30, 2022, the number of likes on the official account of "Into the Dust" in Tik Tok has also exceeded 81.49 billion. Compared with thousands of fans in Weibo’s official account, nearly 200,000 fans in Tik Tok’s official account are really huge.

In addition to official accounts, "tap water" bloggers on the short video platform have also emerged after the webcast of "Into the Dust".Major film bloggers and online celebrity bloggers in different fields have started to publish relevant contents of "Into the Dust".

July was a smash hit, and Dong Yuhui, who has many fans, also talked about "Hidden into the Dust" in the selection live room in the East. Judging from the volume of fans in the East’s selection live broadcast room, there are not a few potential box office supporters. On August 22nd, in Tik Tok’s hot search "What’s the stamina of hiding in the dust?", the film published by online celebrity blogger Kongkong Diary with 4 million fans was praised by nearly 500,000 people. In the video, Kongkong Diary explained his feelings of watching movies, and many netizens began to post the classic lines in this video comment area. Another part of netizens who haven’t seen "Into the Dust" spoke in the comments, saying that they had been arrived by Amway and would go to the cinema to see the film.

On the one hand, among the audience groups of short video platforms such as Tik Tok, there are more rural users in third-and fourth-tier cities and counties.As a rural film, Hidden into the Dust, especially the huge display of farming culture in the film, easily resonates with netizens in Tik Tok.

And according to the cat’s eye data, the local box office growth of "Into the Dust" is concentrated in the Central Plains region where the farming industry is relatively developed, such as Shaanxi and Henan. Based on this, it is found that it is a correct and beneficial strategy to choose short video platforms such as Tik Tok to announce the content in the later stage of "Into the Dust". In the early stage, "Into the Dust" made accurate publicity for the audience of literary films in developed areas such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen. The main creators ran several rounds of roadshows, but the results were minimal.

The news of being shortlisted for Berlin Film Festival failed to make literary film lovers take "Into the Dust" out of the circle, but a rural blogger on a short video platform made "Into the Dust" successfully enter more people’s horizons.

On the other hand, the second creation and editing of "Into the Dust" on the short video platform is mainly based on the output of film reviews, which is very inflammatory.The expression of netizens’ true feelings can drive more people to express their views on this film and arouse everyone’s interest in this film.

Breaking the inherent circle of literary films, "Hidden into the Dust" is still accumulating after the online broadcast. How to make good use of the audience of the short video platform so that webcasting is no longer a "box office springboard" may be a new thought brought to the film market by "Into the Dust".

Can "Into the Dust" be reproduced?


In recent years, the only film short-listed in the three major European competitions, Hidden into the Dust, was also withdrawn in February 2022.

Due to various reasons, the film market remained sluggish in the first half of this year, and "Into the Dust", which was released in July, did not expect that the film with minority theme was expected to become a phenomenal domestic literary film. It is not a simple matter to reproduce the success of "Into the Dust".

First of all, from the perspective of subject matter, although "Into the Dust" is a literary film, its content is close to the northwest countryside, which coincides with the audience of the short video platform.With the help of short video platform, the box office can take off directly.Secondly, after the webcast was launched, the number of second-generation videos on the short video platform increased.However, different from the ordinary plot explanation, the second creation video of "Into the Dust" is mostly an emotional film review, which extends from the story of the film to the emotional expression of the group and can impress the audience to watch the movie.

There is also the support of the cinema for "Into the Dust".As early as the beginning of the film’s release, the general manager of Jinan Belle Palace Cinema once sent a message to Weibo, saying, "Into the Dust" has been streamed, but I am still arranging films for it, because I firmly believe that the sound effects on the big screen are more attractive to fans than computer screens and mobile phones. " On August 30, 2022, "Into the Dust" won the highest attendance rate on that day, which did not live up to the expectations of many cinemas.

But most importantly, we have to return toThe quality of "Into the Dust" itself passed the test.Therefore, it can be full of stamina.

At the same time, the film "Tomorrow’s Battle" was ridiculed on the short video platform for "selling badly", and the box office just passed 600 million after 27 days of release. Ruijun Li, the director, also said in an exclusive interview with Zumu News that he understood the choice of film arrangement in cinemas and cinemas in the early stage. "The audience has the freedom to choose what to watch, and the cinemas have the freedom to choose what to arrange. Even if we want to talk about feelings, the premise is to let the market operate first. Now the cinema has been’ hungry’ for a long time, let the cinema fill its stomach first, and then take care of art movies. "

It is gratifying that the market has now clearly perceived the value of the art film "Into the Dust". On September 30, 2022, "Hidden into the Dust" was postponed to September 30 after it was announced on August 2 that the key was postponed to September 12. In addition to the key extension, the proportion of cinema films is also rising, reaching 10%. Compared with the release volume of about 0.2% in the early stage, the box office data of "Hidden into the Dust" in September should be more impressive.

It can continue to ferment word of mouth after webcasting, and the box office in a single day has exceeded 4 million, and the total box office has reached 37 million.This is a miracle of a film, and it also indicates new opportunities in the film market.

Guangdong announced that the minimum admission score for the spring college entrance examination is 150 for ordinary higher vocational colleges.

  On March 3rd, the Guangdong Provincial Admissions Committee announced the minimum admission scores for the spring college entrance examination of ordinary colleges and universities in our province in 2022 (unified examination for graduates of secondary vocational schools in ordinary colleges and universities, and admission for higher vocational colleges according to the results of ordinary high school level examinations). Among them, the total score of undergraduate colleges recruiting secondary vocational graduates is 260 points, and the total score of general vocational education is 150 points.

  Specifically, in view of the unified examination for recruiting secondary vocational school graduates in ordinary colleges and universities, undergraduate colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 260, higher vocational colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 100, higher vocational colleges recruit retired soldiers with a total score of 85, and higher vocational colleges recruit mainland Tibet Xinjiang secondary vocational school candidates with a total score of 90.

  Candidates enrolled in higher vocational colleges according to the results of the ordinary high school academic level examination have a total score of 150 for general culture, 130 for sports, 170 for sports, 130 for music (including musicology, music performance-vocal music, music performance-instrumental music), 155 for music, 130 for art, 155 for art and dance.

Multi-level financial service system of Bohai Bank helps the construction and development of Tiankai Garden.

  In 2023, the Central Financial Work Conference clearly put forward "five major articles on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance". Among them, technology and finance, as the first of five great articles, was entrusted with an important mission. China Bohai Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bohai Bank") closely follows the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, puts financial empowerment technology enterprises in a prominent position, and makes steady progress on the road of helping high-quality development.

  As one of the "Ten Actions" important measures related to the long-term development of Tianjin in the next five years, Tianjin Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park (hereinafter referred to as "Tiankai Park"), which plays a key role in promoting independent innovation, officially opened in May this year. Bohai Bank insists on basing itself on and serving Tianjin, deeply investigates the financial service needs of science and technology enterprises in the park, tries every means to enrich science and technology financial products, improve service quality and build a multi-level financial service system. Up to now, it has granted Tiankai Park a credit of more than 110 million yuan, providing financial services to more than 10 science and technology enterprises and more than 50 science and technology talents, highlighting the political responsibility of Tianjin local financial state-owned enterprises and the effectiveness of efficient and agile science and technology services.

  Multi-level service system nourishes science and technology "seedlings" with "living water"

  Relying on Nankai University, Tianjin University and other more than 50 colleges and universities in Tianjin, Tianjin Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park has continuously improved the transformation and industrialization level of scientific and technological achievements with the innovative development model of "discipline+talent+industry". At present, more and more innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights and core competitiveness have gathered here.

  Faced with the differentiated needs of different types of scientific and technological enterprises at different stages of development, Bohai Bank gives full play to the advantages of local legal entities and national financial institutions, and leads local branches to provide wide-channel, multi-level, full coverage and sustainable financial services for science and technology enterprises with the life-cycle service model.

  In order to vigorously support the innovation and entrepreneurship of science and technology enterprises, Bohai Bank, with Tianjin as the key fulcrum, strengthened investment and loan linkage with many fund companies, increased financial support for science and technology enterprises in Tiankaiyuan, and aimed at the investment and cultivation of key areas, key industrial chains, key projects, seed stage and initial stage enterprises, provided entrepreneurial guidance services in equity financing, consulting, market positioning, team management and resource integration, and hatched a series of star projects and products, thus realizing "fertile soil". Up to now, the bank has approved more than 80 million yuan of credit funds for Tiankai Group and enterprises in the park, and provided financial services for more than 10 science and technology enterprises.

  Talent is an important traction and support for innovation and development, and it is the core element of series industrial chain and innovation chain. Bohai Bank plays the role of boosting financial resources, starting with talents, supports the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and carries out in-depth cooperation with Tiankai Park. According to the idea of "granting credit to the whole park, all grants should be made", Bohai Bank actively provides personalized and diversified financial support for professional high-end scientific and technological talents in the park by means of centralized time, white list access and rapid active credit granting, and establishes a comprehensive and comprehensive financial service system for high-end talents in Tiankai Park. Under this model, Bohai Bank has actively granted credit of more than 30 million yuan to 56 high-end talents such as project leaders, university professors and academicians of Tiankaiyuan enterprises.

  In order to provide enterprises with more diversified financial service products, accurately serve the development of enterprises in the park, and realize the "two-way empowerment" of diversified service levels between bank outlets and the park, Bohai Bank has also actively promoted the site selection and preparation of financial outlets in Tiankaiyuan. According to the relevant person in charge, Tiankaiyuan Sub-branch officially opened to the public on November 1, 2023, and has provided financial services such as account opening and settlement for 41 enterprises in the park. After the opening of Tiankaiyuan Sub-branch, it actively cooperated with Nankai District Government Affairs Office to hold the "Tiankaiyuan Enterprise Financial Service Activity" for enterprises in the park, and timely delivered comprehensive service policies such as fee reduction and profit reduction and credit financing to enterprises. The completion of Tiankaiyuan Sub-branch will further provide diversified and relay-style personal financial services for science and technology enterprises and the vast number of scientific and technological talents in the whole life cycle, continue to strengthen the "soft power" of service innovation enterprises, strengthen the driving and supporting role of financial assistance in the integration of production, education and science and education, and help the high-quality development of Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park.

  Covered by the multi-level financial services in the fields of enterprises, talents and outlets built by Bohai Bank, since the opening of Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park, the bank has granted more than 110 million yuan of credit to Tiankai Park, providing financial services to more than 10 science and technology enterprises and more than 50 science and technology talents, and has been continuously empowered in the process of helping to build Tianjin’s future "science and technology innovation source", "scientific research achievement incubator" and "science and technology service resource gathering area" and achieved initial results.

  Building a nest attracts a phoenix, and flowers and butterflies come. The development of Tiankai Garden is changing with each passing day, and it will also turn Tianjin’s rich science and technology resources "cornucopia" into a "power source" for innovation and development, and continue to promote the coordinated development of major national strategies in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Under the guidance of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Tianjin, Bohai Bank led the municipal financial institutions and Haihe Industrial Fund to successfully hold the first phase, and continued to participate in the follow-up series of activities on the theme of "100 enterprises enter Tiankai". High-growth science and technology enterprises from all over the country in the fields of information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and biomedicine were invited to enter Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park. Understand the determination and strength of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to build scientific research platform gathering area, business incubation demonstration area, innovation policy source leading area, reform and opening-up experimental area and innovation and entrepreneurship vitality area, know the development planning and support policies of Tiankai Garden, and understand the methods of banks, funds, securities, trusts and other financial institutions to serve science and technology enterprises, so as to help Tianjin develop with high quality.

  Adhering to the development strategy of "based in Tianjin, serving Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and radiating the whole country", Bohai Bank will take the lead in serving Tianjin’s development, truly integrate into Tianjin’s development, persist in being "specialized", "refined", "special" and "close", constantly innovate its financial service system, promote a virtuous circle of "science and technology-industry-finance" and build a business that meets the needs of enterprises.

Analysis of the shipment volume, market size and market competition pattern of China smart speaker industry in 2022 [Figure]

Analysis of industrial chain, market demand potential and enterprise layout of domestic smart speaker industry in 2022 [Figure]

Smart speaker, the product of a speaker upgrade, is a tool for home consumers to surf the Internet by voice, such as ordering songs, shopping online, or knowing the weather forecast. It can also control smart home devices, such as opening curtains, setting the refrigerator temperature, warming up the water heater in advance, etc.

Basic functions of intelligent speakers

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

Intelligent speaker industry chain includes traditional acoustic-related OEM/ODM suppliers, chip suppliers, voice technology service providers, content providers and channels.

Intelligent speaker industry chain

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

In 2019, China’s smart speaker market experienced explosive development, with the shipment of smart speakers reaching 45.89 million units, up by 109.7% year-on-year. In 2020, affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the sales volume of smart speakers reached 36.76 million units, with a cumulative decrease of 8.6%. In 2021, the market shipment of smart speakers contracted by 2.50% year-on-year, dropping slightly to 35.841 million units.

2018-2021 China Smart Speaker Market Shipment Trend

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

In 2021, China’s smart speaker market was 7.885 billion yuan, up by 14.99% year-on-year. With the continuous integration and improvement of intelligent speaker artificial intelligence technology, the potential of smart speaker consumption market in China will be released in the future, and the industry is expected to usher in rapid growth.

2018-2021 China Smart Speaker Market Scale Trend

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

At present, the main functions of smart speakers in China are voice interaction, content service and home control. Voice interaction is a voice interaction technology based on voice recognition and semantic understanding, which provides a more natural man-machine interaction mode. Content service and life service are streaming media resources such as high-quality music and audiobooks, and third-party service resources such as take-out and taxi service. Home control is connected to the cloud through networking, becoming a home control center and interconnected with other smart home products. With the development of voice interaction technology, smart speaker products can not only provide content entertainment services and life services, but also connect to smart homes, realize scene intelligent control, and become the control center of smart homes. In the future, the Internet of Things will take voice as its population, resulting in a new business model.

Domestic layout smart speaker manufacturers can be divided into five categories.

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

What is the market prospect of smart speaker industry? The 2023-2029 China Smart Speaker Market Survey and Investment Strategy Report published by Gongwang has analyzed in detail the relevant definitions of smart speaker industry, the global smart speaker industry market development status, the development environment of smart speaker industry in China, the operation of smart speaker industry in China, the monitoring of the operation data of smart speaker industry in China, the market structure of smart speaker in China, the demand characteristics and trends of smart speaker industry in China, China smart speaker industry regional market situation, China smart speaker industry competition, China smart speaker industry development prospect analysis and forecast, China smart speaker industry development strategy and investment suggestions, etc., to help enterprises and investors understand the smart speaker industry market investment value. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the smart speaker industry or invest in the smart speaker industry, this report is your indispensable and important tool.

[Poetic and painting] column: "Su Xin Yan" was officially broadcast

The column of "Poetry and Painting" originated from the sudden outbreak in March 2022. It aims to use the power of art to inspire people’s hearts. I look forward to the success of early resistance and the beautiful scenery of the chest. The aesthetic mood of music to express people’s longing for a better life and pay tribute to classics.

[Poetry and painting] column: "Su Xin Yan" was officially broadcast by the column of this episode by the American artist Cao Jun and the chairman of the Shanghai Recitation Association Lu Chenglie, so stay tuned. Essence Essence

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[Poetic and painting] column: "Su Xin Yan" was officially broadcast

(Watch horizontally)




Cao Jun painting · Poetry / Lu Cheng recitation

The heart is eight, not climbing;

Watching Liuhe, endless.

Zi Jiu Youyun,

Poetry should be lonely, painting should be quiet.

I send a bird in the soil and soil,

Look up to see the sentient beings,

Low eyebrows.

The so -called Zen,

It is the realm of quietness and net.

How many mixed life,

A few hustle and bustle,

Find a quiet and elegant situation,

Being alone,

A book, a piece of song, a line of small characters, poetry rhyme.

In the cozy, a pond of water, a lotus, Zen also.


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Cao Jun, a well -known artist in the United States, is currently co -chairman of the Academic Committee of the Museum of Art Museum in New York. He is also a visiting professor at the School of Arts of Nanjing, Renmin University of China, and Communication University of China. He has held a exhibition at the McMallen Museum of McMalon, the Chinese Art Museum, and Boston Academy in New Zealand’s Bruce Mason Art Center. His works have been invited to participate in the Louvre of the Louvre, France, the New York Armal Studius 94 Pier New York and other international art exhibitions, and was collected by dozens of art museums and museums such as the Rockefeller family. More than ten monographs on publishing arts are built with the "Cao Jun Art Museum". His artistic achievements have been reported by CCTV and "People’s Daily".

Cao Jun’s "New Song -style Chinese Painting" was included in the textbooks of higher arts academic research by many countries such as China, the United States, Austria and other countries, and was used as an academic research object.


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Lu Cheng, host of Shanghai Radio and Television Program, Editorial of National First -level Literature, Winners of the National Broadcasting Host Gold Merroscopy, President of the Shanghai Recitation Association, Vice President of the Shanghai Language Workers Association, and a member of the Shanghai Workers Association.

Cao Jun’s works appreciation

Light -luminous wings


Kamiya Baji



Small to suck the charm


New poem in the sleeve


(Watch horizontal screen)

Autumn water


In the river




Producer, total producer

Shi Yanqi

General consultant

Feng Yuan

General planning

Mao Shi’an

Art consultant in this episode

Cao Jun Lu Cheng

Title of "Poetic Love"

Wu Qianyu

Legal adviser

Zhao Jingguo




Yuan Bing Yang Qi

Color adjustment


Piece Ending

Tao Hong


Xiao Yi


Chen Xuan




China Television Travel


China Television Cultural Tourism Art Research Institute

Joint camera

Shanghai Shahu Media Co., Ltd.


China Television Cultural Tourism Research Institute

China Television Travel Poetry Research Institute

China Television Travel Art Research Institute

China Television Travel Literature and Art Research Institute

Zhongyang Cultural Communication (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai, China

China Television Travel

Relying on the Central Digital TV Channel, China Television Cultural Tourism brand is based on the inheritance and dissemination of Chinese classic culture. It will integrate the central -level media platforms to combine the advantages of new media to create a cultural communication platform of media, culture, art, and tourism. It involves media operations, art research institutes, publishing, cultural exchanges, art exhibitions, art auctions, cultural tourism, literary evening party building, art and technology, art and finance, and art cross -border brand building.

At present, it has successfully implemented the Shanghai Center of China Digital TV Chinese Studies Channel and Shanghai Center. With the joint creation of "National Cultivation", "The Moon of the Sea", "Fall in the North Bund" with the Propaganda Department of the Hongkou District Committee of the Communist Party of China, integrate it, the exhibition, the exhibition, and the cultural and creative. New style of cultural fusion.

On December 24, 2018, the first "National Academic Rhymes" Haipai Painting and Painting Master’s Academic Invitational Exhibition was held

On December 31, 2019, the first "Ocean Birth Moon" National Oil Painting Master’s Academic Invitational Exhibition was held

Life aesthetics and aesthetic application forums on January 18, 2020

On April 20, 2020, the "Covenant of the Hong Confucianism" was held in the north and south flowers and bird paintings of the north and south of the country

In November 2020, he participated in the 3rd Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Fair and held the exhibition "flowing art". The integration of art and technology

From December 2020 to July 2021, "Fall in Love with the North Bund" master sketching and creative exhibition activities

On June 17, 2021, the second "National Cultivation Art Rhyme" TOP special exhibition was held

On July 1, 2021, the "traceability is true, value consensus" encrypted digital art round table forum

In November 2021, the second "Falling in Fall in Beibu" national oil painting master sketching and creative activities

Features in the form of exhibitions and columns, explore the new forms of offline physical exhibitions and online television and network synchronous exhibitions, and strive to exhibit works from all -round three -dimensional presentation from visual impact, emotional driving, and in -depth analysis.

In 2018, China Television Cultural Tourism Art Research Institute has been established. The Academy and Food and Culture Research Institute takes artistic research, art education, and artistic creation as the development pattern, integrating expert resources and academic research.