The green card for superiority is finally gone? But this is not good news for the oil truck

Original, neck brother, bad review.

When the friends saw this title, they estimated that the knife had been brought up, but this was really not the nonsense of Brother Neck.

Because not long ago, Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Passenger Federation, said that the Passenger Federation has made a proposal to the relevant state departments to merge the blue and green plates of automobiles in the future.

Although it’s just a suggestion, it’s not small. Because this guy’s advice has always been accurate. For example, he suggested a little more policy support for new energy vehicles in 2016. Later, new energy vehicles ushered in explosive growth…

What does merger mean? Simply put, it is the same rights for oil and electricity.

For example, now new energy vehicles are not limited, and they can be exempted from a lot of taxes and fees without a lottery. After the merger, they will be gone. In short, they are completely equal to oil vehicles in terms of policy.

This policy is expected to be implemented in two years.

We should know that our green card policy was decided to implement at the end of 2016, and everyone complained that the green card was ugly, as if it was not long ago.

How long has it been, and why is the green card suddenly turning into a tear of the times?

Although it is indeed a bit sudden, the decrease in green card preferential policies in recent years is a clear trend.

For example, the state subsidy for new energy vehicles that has made countless brands crazy and directly promoted the development of new energy vehicles in China.

Real money supply car companies are a bit similar to when online car-hailing platforms were just starting out, spending money to encourage everyone to become drivers.

According to MIIT’s statistics, in the 13 years from 2010 to the present, the total amount of new energy national subsidies is expected to exceed 200 billion yuan. In 2018, the largest subsidy, the amount is as high as 47.11 billion yuan.

But after 2018, the national subsidy began a collapse. In 2019, it was less than 30 billion, and in 2020, there were only 15.29 billion left. Now, as we all know, it has completely returned to zero.

And in addition to cash subsidies, the license plate policy for new energy vehicles is also gradually being tightened.

Like a plug-in hybrid model, since the implementation of the green card policy, it has been the same as a pure electric model when buying a car and getting a license plate. Even in a big city like Shanghai with purchase restrictions, it is decisively given with the car. There are no restrictions on driving if you can refuel, and the fragrance is not good.

However, starting from January 1, 2023, Shanghai cancelled the licensing policy for plug-in hybrid models, with the aim of promoting the development of pure electric models. In the future, if you buy plug-in hybrid models in Shanghai, you will have to participate in the auction like an oil car, and you will feel like you have been kicked out of the new energy group chat…

There must be a friend here who said that the oil is mixed and burned, which is not a new energy source! Pure electricity is a real new energy source. Why should it have the same rights as the oil truck?

In fact, the original intention of the Passenger Association is very simple, to cool down the domestic barbaric growth of the new energy market. Because the green card policy has been implemented until now, many problems have arisen.

For example, many first-tier cities have travel restrictions. Although it is not so much for environmental protection, it is mainly to ease the traffic congestion in the morning and evening rush hour. But the green card will not be affected by the travel restrictions, and the convenience will be full, and more people will buy it.

Take Shanghai as an example. At the end of last year, Shanghai’s new energy vehicle market penetration rate has exceeded 53%. This means that one in every two people who want to buy a car wants to buy a new energy vehicle. And Shanghai’s new energy vehicles have also exceeded 940,000, accounting for almost 1/5 of the total number of cars.

So many cars do not need to be restricted, and the morning and evening rush hour must be blocked or blocked.

For example, for refueling, friends may not know that there has always been a saying of "one tank of fuel, half a tank of tax" for refueling a fuel car. That is, adding a tank of fuel to a fuel car, the value-added tax, consumption tax, urban construction tax, education surtax, etc. can add up to nearly 50%.

And because the tram doesn’t need to be refueled, the owners of the tram don’t have to pay these taxes. In this way, it really means that the oil car is refueling and raising the tram, and the owners of the oil car are naturally not happy.

Therefore, the abolition of the rights and interests of the green card is somewhat in line with the public’s will.

However, in my opinion, in addition to solving social problems, the cancellation of the green card is more because the original goal of implementing the green card policy has been basically achieved.

In 2009, MIIT released the "New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers Sending Product Access Management Rules". This thing is basically a sign of the beginning of the development of China’s energy vehicles. There is this sentence in it:

To sum up, three goals: to be environmentally friendly, to be technological, and to cultivate awesome companies. Environmental protection aside, the last two goals directly related to automobiles have actually been completed now.

Technically, the core of new energy vehicles is the battery. And CATL and BYD are now the bearers of the global battery.

Do not believe? Go to the data.

According to SNE Research statistics, these two companies together contributed nearly 50% of the global power battery market share in 2022.

As for enterprises, self-owned brand new energy vehicles have long been playing back and forth with oil trucks. For example, BYD has already hit the price of DMI hybrid within 100,000, and the final price position of fuel vehicles may not last long.

With technology and leading enterprises, domestic new energy vehicles are equivalent to successfully surviving the land reclamation period and leaving the novice village. At this time, the main task should not be to upgrade quickly, but to compete with traditional oil trucks PVP and new energy vehicles around the world.

For leading companies, how to combine price advantages with product advantages will be the most important task after the green card is cancelled. And for those car companies that are full of policy dividends but do not have core technologies, if they do not bring up hard power,

I’m afraid I’ll have to break my fingers to live.

From the perspective of buying a car, after realizing the same rights for oil and electricity, there will be no longer any difference in policy between the two. In addition, there is already news that the road maintenance fee for trams will be charged through mileage or electricity prices in the future, and the difference between taxes and car costs will soon be erased.

Whether to choose a fuel car or a tram, it will definitely become more torn in the future…

However, while this is very bad for trams in the short term, in the long run, trams will only become more and more popular.

Due to the fact that this gasoline-electric experience is approaching a unified time, it has been the technical peak of the oil car for a hundred years, but it is only the beginning of the development of the tram.

Four-wheel independent motors, an unprecedented driving method, have begun to appear, and the top technologies of the oil car era are being replaced one by one; technologies such as ultra-high voltage charging piles and solid-state batteries are gradually being rolled out, and the shortcomings in the tram experience are being filled one by one.

Some time ago, Europe passed a proposal to stop the sale of fuel vehicles in 2035. Although it was opposed by Germany, it has also shown the firm attitude of the international environment towards the withdrawal of fuel vehicles from the historical stage.

The cancellation of the green card seemed to limit the market for trams, but it also secretly pushed it to the final showdown between oil and electricity.

As for whether the winner will be the tram, it is really exciting.

Of course, if you really want to merge the blue and green cards, can you change the color scheme of the current green card design?

What about the new license plate design that was exposed before! gkd!

Written by: Deadly Empty Gun, Editor: Right Neck Twist, Cover: Huanyan

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The new license plate style looks N times better! Finally, you don’t need to hang the blue plate.

The number of new energy vehicles in Shanghai reached 710,000, accounting for nearly 16% of the total number of vehicles.

Shanghai new energy license-free policy with the penetration rate and adjustment

"New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers and Product Access Management Rules 2009"

The third extension of the new energy vehicle purchase tax exemption market share may reach 36%.

National supplement withdrawal, 200 billion abacus

In less than three years, it has risen to the top in the world in terms of market share! Why did China’s hybrid cars explode?

The original title: "The superior green card is finally gone, but this is not good news for the oil truck…"

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Looking forward to the car U8/U9/U7 gathered at the Beijing Auto Show, Yunnian -Z made a heavy start.

The Beijing Auto Show kicked off, looking forward to the car carrying U8, U9 and U7 at the W1 Hall, and all the products attracted the attention of the audience. On the opening day, I look forward to the official launch of the U8 cross-country player version, with a starting price of 1.098 million yuan; At the same time, the million-class new energy flagship sedan looks to U7 to complete its offline debut. It is worth noting that Yunqi -Z, a revolutionary technology carried by U7, made its debut, further expanding the Yunqi technology family.

Looking forward to the car U8/U9/U7 gathered at the Beijing Auto Show, Yunnian -Z made a heavy start.

Looking up, since its establishment, we are determined to create high-end brands with cutting-edge technology and bring unprecedented product experience to consumers. The brand relies on six core technologies, namely Easy Sifang, Yunqi, Blade Battery, Super Body, Intelligent Cockpit and Intelligent Assisted Driving, to build a look-up architecture, and through flexible combination, it has created a variety of high-end products covering hard-core off-road, performance supercar and flagship car for different application scenarios.

Looking forward to the car U8/U9/U7 gathered at the Beijing Auto Show, Yunnian -Z made a heavy start.

On the first day of the auto show, Yunqi -Z technology was shocked and released, and it was first applied to look up at U7. This revolutionary technology replaces the traditional hydraulic shock absorber with four highly integrated suspension motors, and the response speed is increased to 10 milliseconds, which is several times faster than the traditional active suspension. Abandoning the oil medium, the energy transmission loss is significantly reduced, and the suspension motor can directly generate electricity, realize energy recovery and charge the battery. The appearance of Yunnian -Z marks that the suspension has entered the era of "electricity", which has achieved a revolutionary leap in adjustment speed and accuracy, bringing unprecedented super-stable and super-safe driving experience to users.

Looking forward to the car U8/U9/U7 gathered at the Beijing Auto Show, Yunnian -Z made a heavy start.

With the release of Cloud -Z technology, we hope to add new members to Cloud-Z technology family. Looking up to U7 as a million-class flagship car, it is the first to take Yunqi -Z technology, bringing users a ride comfort beyond the maglev train. Looking up to U9 as the first pure electric performance supercar equipped with Yunxiao -X, it breaks the performance boundary between track and street, and has the ultimate control and daily driving comfort. The new energy hard-core cross-country looks up to U8, and the first vehicle is equipped with Yunqi -P, which makes the vehicle have both urban driving comfort and cross-country crossing ability. Looking forward to the deep integration of Yunqi intelligent body control system and Yifangfang technology, we can realize the only accurate control of vertical and horizontal three-dimensional body posture in the world, break the product scene restrictions and bring unprecedented car experience to users.

Looking forward to the car U8/U9/U7 gathered at the Beijing Auto Show, Yunnian -Z made a heavy start.

This Beijing Auto Show, looking forward to U8 Deluxe Edition and Off-road Player Edition, looking forward to U9, looking forward to U7 being exhibited on the same stage for the first time, concentrated on showing a million-level high-end product matrix based on Yifangfang and Yunxiao technology.

Looking forward to the car U8/U9/U7 gathered at the Beijing Auto Show, Yunnian -Z made a heavy start.

Looking forward to the launch of U8 Off-Road Player Edition, the price is 1.098 million yuan, which has attracted much attention for its excellent off-road performance, distinctive off-road style and attributes. This model is based on two subversive technologies: Easy Sifang and Yunqi-P. It is equipped with unique configurations and functions such as full-scene vehicle-mounted satellite communication, near-far infrared night vision system, and the world’s first deeply integrated vehicle-mounted UAV system, which refreshes the off-road experience standard and sets a new benchmark for off-road safety.

Looking up to U8 cross-country player edition provides users with security beyond their peers. The standard vehicle-mounted satellite communication scheme ensures that users can maintain external communication in areas without signal, and can also use it normally while driving without manually searching for satellite signals. In addition, the near-far infrared night vision system equipped on the vehicle can sense the road conditions around the clock in complex environments and lighting conditions such as sandstorm, smog and backlight, and has collision warning function to provide users with all-round security.

Looking up to the U8 off-road player version, you can choose the world’s first deep-integrated vehicle-mounted UAV system, and the optional price is 100,000 yuan. The deep integration of vehicles and drones significantly simplifies the operation difficulty of drones, supports functions such as "one-button take-off, intelligent follow-up", and allows users to easily enjoy the novel shooting perspective and driving pleasure brought by on-board drones.

Looking up to the U8 cross-country player version, while maintaining 1200 horsepower, it comes standard with a wading throat, with a maximum wading depth of 1.4 meters. It has the ability of emergency floating and calmly responds to the wild wading environment. At the same time, the approach angle, departure angle and longitudinal passing angle of the vehicle are optimized to reach 37.5, 38 and 26.5 respectively, which greatly improves the off-road trafficability. In addition, this model provides 17+1 driving modes, which effectively enhances the all-terrain conquest ability.

Compared with the Deluxe Edition, Wangwang U8 Cross-country Player Edition adopts a more wild and practical exclusive interior and exterior design, providing more personalized modification space. The interior adopts black and green color matching, showing off-road atmosphere; The appearance is available in two colors: sandstone green and obsidian black. 20-inch cross-country forged wheels and AT tires are standard, and various optional kits such as loading kit, trailer kit and luxury comfort kit are provided.

Looking forward to the first show under the U7 line, as a million-class flagship car, it is equipped with the leading-edge Yifangfang technology and revolutionary Yunqi -Z technology, supplemented by the "Eye of the God" advanced intelligent driving assistance system, which ensures driving safety all the time and brings unprecedented extreme driving experience to users.

Looking up to U7 equipped with easy Sifang technology, the horsepower of the whole vehicle is as high as 1,300 horsepower, and the acceleration of 0-100km/h takes only 2.9 seconds. At the same time, it can easily control the urban road conditions, and at the same time, it can independently adjust the four-wheel torque in milliseconds, calmly cope with the change of road adhesion, successfully challenge Yabuli’s ice and snow platform, and show the strong control of easy Sifang on the body posture. The revolutionary suspension technology Yunqi -Z replaces the traditional hydraulic shock absorber with four suspension motors, which actively eliminates the road force and creates a ride comfort beyond the maglev train for users. In addition, U7 comes standard with the high-performance carbon ceramic brake disc independently developed by BYD, and combined with the excellent electric braking ability of Yifangfang, the braking distance of 100-0km/h is 33 meters.

It is particularly worth mentioning that under the test standard of 120km/h, the drag coefficient of U7 is as low as 0.195, which is the lowest record of mass production vehicles in the world, and the seating space is not sacrificed, ensuring a spacious and comfortable rear row space. In August, 2023, Wangwang U7 was certified by the authoritative organization as the advanced technology model of automobile aerodynamics in 2023 (C-STAA model).

Looking forward to the U7 design, it follows the family language of "dimension door", blends modern design with traditional inspiration, and shapes the unique aesthetic style of the flagship car with millions of new energy in the new era. Simple and elegant body lines and innovative aerodynamic design constitute its distinctive recognition characteristics, giving the flagship car a brand-new luxury attribute under the new form and proportion. Combining elegance and technology, we hope U7 will hit a new high at the top of the flagship and lead the aesthetic trend of new energy flagship cars in the new era.

Since the first exhibition at the Shanghai Auto Show in 2023, I hope that the brand will continue to expand its product and technology matrix in one year, and the whole lineup will be unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show in 2024. Looking forward to always adhering to the belief of building high-end brands with the ultimate technology, and continuing to promote the development of new energy automobile industry to a higher dimension with the most cutting-edge technology applications, the most forward-looking technology ideas and the deepest vertical integration. Facing the future, looking forward to giving "electricity" unlimited imagination, we will continue to carry out pioneering exploration and scene innovation with top aesthetic, performance and engineering capabilities, and inject the ultimate product strength into its models.

2016 Movie Market Big Data Report from Mermaid to Billy Lynn

As of December 31st, 2016, the box office figure of China in the past 16 years has been fixed at 45.521 billion yuan.

At the beginning of the year, "The Mermaid" triumphed all the way, giving people the illusion that it was another year of explosive box office growth, but the market quickly gave a negative answer. Each schedule was cold one after another, and the "small goal" of 60 billion box office at the beginning of the year became far away.

But just as the technological revolution brought by Billy Lynn makes people realize another possibility of film, mainland filmmakers may also need an opportunity to re-examine their creations and calmly think about what went wrong in the mainland film market.

So instead of complaining or belittling, it is better to review the China film market in 2016 and see the market truth behind the figures.

The growth rate of box office slowed down, and the development of film market entered a new stage.

As of December 31, 2016, the cumulative box office of mainland cinemas throughout the year.45.521 billion yuanFor the 16th consecutive year, the box office increased and the number of screenings broke through.74.79 million gamesThe number of people watching movies surpassed North America for the first time.1.374 billion person-timesThe strong force of the 16-year-old Lunar New Year movie led to the early completion of the 10 billion box office task in the whole year. On February 23, 16, the national box office had exceeded the 10 billion mark, 40 days earlier than in 15 years.

Behind the data being refreshed,The box office growth rate has slowed down obviously, and the explosive growth is no longer.The audience is becoming more and more rational and the market development has entered a new stage.

Released films and over 100 million films reached new heights.

The total number of films released in 16 years has reached468 departmentThere are 86 films over 100 million, but the number of films released is inversely proportional to the box office growth rate. More and more "small films" have to face the fate of "one-day trip to the cinema", and even a large number of films cannot be released in the cinema. The hard way to solve this dilemma is to upgrade the overall film quality and flexible and diversified film arrangement.

existOf the 86 films over 100 million, 41 are foreign films.Occupy half of the country, domestic films still face severe market competition. The only film that broke through the 3 billion mark was the New Year blockbuster "Mermaid", which became the only film above the box office of 2 billion. According to the standard of 1 billion box office as an "explosive" blockbuster, there are 9 box office blockbusters in 16 years, only one more than last year.

Watching movies in the New Year has become fashionable, and summer files are short of blockbusters.

Throughout the whole year of 16 years, the box office of domestic films exceeded that of imported films in 7 months, accounting for 58.14% of the box office, which was slightly lower than that of 61.26% in 15 years, and the average box office of a single film was also significantly different from that of foreign films.

February, when the Lunar New Year file is located, is the most popular time for the national audience to enter the cinema.Entering the cinema during the Spring Festival has become a new trend.. The movie market entered a dull period in the second quarter after the Lunar New Year movie craze faded. Compared with Speed and furious 7 released in the same period of 15 years, the popularity of the IP blockbuster Warcraft released in the same period of 16 years quickly subsided after a movie craze, and the film quality was not too hard and non-game fans paid less attention to it, which limited the box office potential of the film, and the market lacked real super blockbusters to support the rapid growth of the box office.

The topic caused by the "National Film Corps" in the summer file is obviously not as good as that in the same period of 15 years. The Big Fish Begonia, which was released in early July, has a mixed reputation and failed to replicate the miracle of The Return of the Great Sage. The quality of "To Youth 2" is not too hard, and the acting skills of Wu Yifan, a small fresh meat, are questioned; The comedies such as "The Jedi Escape" and "Lu Yao Know Ma Li" failed to continue the box office miracle of goodbye mr. loser last year; Released in August"Tomb Raider Notes" became the only blockbuster in the summer file with a box office of over 1 billion..

In February, the attendance rate reached the highest of 27.14% in the whole year, and at this time, the average ticket price also increased in due course. As the audience’s attitude towards the movie market turned cold, the average ticket price dropped sharply when the attendance rate dropped again and again. The exception was that the average ticket price in June, which had the lowest attendance rate in the first half of the year, reached 34.6 yuan, the second highest in the whole year, because many foreign films released in June, such as Warcraft, Independence Day 2 and X-Men: Apocalypse, were released in 3D format, which raised the ticket price. The attendance rate and the number of people attending the movie show the audience’s attitude towards the movie market intuitively. 

The box office of the top ten films has shrunk

There are 5.5 films made in China in the top ten box office in the year (Kung Fu Panda 3 was co-produced by China and the United States), with a total box office of 13.01 billion yuan, which is significantly smaller than the total box office of 15.265 billion in the top ten films 15 years ago.There are 7 films with box office above 1.3 billion in 15 years.And only three in 16 years.

In terms of types,Fantasy films have sprung up in the film market in the past 16 years.Among the top ten films, The Mermaid, zootopia, Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon, etc., there are many genre elements of fantasy films, compared with comedy films, which have obviously regressed.

Animation and fantasy are popular in the market, but romance is cold.

In terms of genre, there are as many as 99 romantic films with low cost, but the cumulative box office is only 4.325 billion yuan, and the average box office of a single film is far lower than other types except thrillers; leadingAlthough there are only 19 fantasy films, the box office returns are as high as 12.116 billion yuan.This kind of film focuses on the trump card of dazzling visual effects, and often takes into account comedy, adventure and other types of elements, making it easier for viewers to choose.

Action types have a relatively fixed audience, and the box office receipts of 64 films and 12.446 billion films are also considerable;Cartoons have gradually become the new favorite of the film market.Films such as "Big Fish Begonia" and "zootopia" have become hot topic movies. The story plot suitable for all ages, accurate film arrangement strategy and long-term box office income brought by word-of-mouth fermentation all make them feel at home in the film market.

Compared with the same period of 15 years, the three periods included in the New Year’s Eve file have increased greatly.Mermaid, Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon and storm riders of Macau have become the engines of the film market.However, each schedule fell into a continuous downturn, with only a small increase compared with the same period of 15 years, and even a small decline in the Women’s Day schedule. In the second half of the year, the film market was weak, and the three periods of the summer file lacked the support of large-scale films such as goodbye mr. loser and Hong Kong Long, and the National Day file and Christmas file were not as good as the same period last year.

The film market in the first, second and third lines is becoming saturated, and small-town cinemas are boosting the film market.

From the geographical perspective, there are 16 provinces with box office exceeding 1 billion mark, which is the same as that in 15 years.There is no doubt that Guangdong Province won the national box office championship again.; Judging from the city level,Box office and box office share in first-and second-tier cities have declined.The cumulative box office in first-tier cities is less than 10 billion, and the cumulative box office in third-tier cities has also shrunk significantly compared with 15 years. The downturn in these cities is the main reason why the development of the film market in 16 years is not as expected.


On the other hand, the box office of cities below the third line has increased substantially, accounting for 26.79% of the box office, with an increase of 74.36%, which has become the real engine for the market to maintain growth in 16 years. If this growth rate continues,Cities below the third line are expected to surpass second-tier cities and become the largest film market in China in 17 years.

As of December 31, 16 years of domestic filmsA total of 3,742 films were approved, put on record and publicized.In a few months, the number of project films even exceeds the number of films released in the whole year. Although there are many "cannon fodder" films with worrying quality, there will also be some excellent domestic films in the next few years, including runaway comic film, Made in the sky, One like you, The Three Doors, The Hidden Man, The Wandering Earth and Catch the Demon 2, which are worth looking forward to.

Wanda won the box office championship in cinema.

The biggest winner of the mainland box office market in 16 years is still Wanda Cinema, with a box office income of 6.088 billion yuan, which is only 2% higher than that of 5.965 billion yuan in 15 years. Guangdong land rose from the third place in 15 years to the second place, while Zhongying Xingmei in the second place in 15 years slipped to the fourth place.

Looking at the distribution of box office of 48 cinemas in China, we can see thatThe top 6 cinemas accounted for 50.44% of the box office.There are still 12 cinemas with a box office of less than 100 million yuan, an increase from 15 years.

The top10 cinemas in the national box office are all in the four major ticket warehouse cities in the north, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, but the growth rate of the 16-year ticket market is not as good as expected, and the number of new cinemas in the whole year is as high as 1418.The number of cinemas and screens continued to increase by a large margin, and the average box office of cinemas declined.As a result, last year, no cinema grossed over 100 million yuan, and the number of cinemas with less than 10 million yuan increased by 140 compared with 15 years.

In 16 years, the number of domestic screens increased by 9,290, with an increase of 29.37%. The proportion of box office and the total number of people contributed by 3D screens are still the highest.Audiences like the 3D visual experience in the cinema.It is not difficult to understand why there are so many 3D films in the later stage.

Online ticketing subverts the habit of purchasing tickets.

Compared with 15 years, the ticket sales space at the counter has been further compressed in 16 years. Although the subsidy for online ticket sales has dropped from several billion in 15 years to more than one billion in 16 years, the proportion of tickets issued is still as high as 75.66%. The transaction mode of O2O has completely subverted the consumption habits of the audience, and its advantages of flexible operation, no queuing and low price are irreplaceable.

Throughout the world, North China ranked as the world’s largest film market with 10.572 billion yuan. In recent years,’s film market has entered the fast lane and is constantly narrowing the gap with the former. At present, the box office market is firmly ranked second in the world. In addition to the rising box office market, the mainland film market still has great potential in developing derivative industries and image licensing.

In 16 years, 97 films were released.Hollywood films account for 85.88% of the box office of imported films.. It is worth noting that the choice of the film side is more diverse. Japan’s secondary culture has a wide influence among the post-90s and post-90s groups, and many filmmakers have also set their sights on this audience. In 16 years, there were 11 Japanese films released in China, most of which were animated films. Even the live-action film Parasitic Beast was adapted from the animation of the same name. Although famous cartoons such as Dragon Ball, Crayon Shinchan, Conan and Naruto are well-known in China, most of them have a mediocre box office."Your name. "Crazy 569 million yuanThe excellent quality and accurate marketing of the film is the only magic weapon to ensure the box office.

Overseas market development has a long way to go.

Domestic films with a comprehensive improvement in production level have made great strides in China, which also gives more and more domestic films the confidence to go abroad and accept the test of the international market. In the highly competitive North American market, domestic films have to face cultural differences, difficulties in arranging films, language and other obstacles, and they have to confront Hollywood films with perfect genre and higher industrialization level, so it is still difficult for these films to make a breakthrough in the international market at present, and the only blockbuster "Escape from the Jedi" has a face familiar to North American audiences like Jackie Chan, so it is reasonable to succeed. The film "The Great Wall" directed by Zhang Yimou has been released in 68 countries since December 29th. Whether it can achieve success in overseas markets is worth looking forward to.

In 2016, a total of 17 foreign films were released simultaneously overseas and in the Mainland, butThe overseas box office of most films far exceeds the domestic box office.The only two exceptions are the game-adapted movie Warcraft and the movie Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk directed by Chinese director Ang Lee.

The former set off a game craze in China as early as 2003, and then the online games of the same series have been popular in China for decades. At that time, the game teenagers were the main force of consumption in the mainland film market, and it is reasonable for domestic audiences to realize online culture as a movie box office. There are many reasons for the great contrast of the latter, such as the low reputation of the film in North America, the mistake of Sony’s distribution strategy, and the high cost of transforming the old cinema for high frame rate technology, which all restrict the "North American War" of Billy Lynn.

The imported film Disney is the only one.

In 2016, 97 imported films were released, with a cumulative box office of 19.054 billion yuan, accounting for 41.86% of the box office. amongDisney’s nine blockbusters monopolized 15.226 billion yuan.Its traditional animation and fantasy family movies are most popular with the audience, and zootopia and Fantasy Forest are the representatives of this type of movies.

After the acquisition of Lucasfilm in 12 years, the sci-fi genre has also become Disney’s trump card, and the most influential sci-fi classic "Star Wars" series in North America has made Disney Film even more powerful. In addition to Star Wars 7, which made 800 million box office in the mainland film market, Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange, which cooperated with Marvel Comics, also made rich box office returns.

"Mermaid" made model worker of the year.

Congratulations to Deng Chao for becoming a screen model for 16 years! This year, the two films starring him, The Mermaid and Passing Through Your World, have a gratifying box office. The former has set a new box office record for domestic cinemas, while the latter is the best-selling love movie in 16 years.

When it comes to the new box office record created by The Mermaid, Jelly Lin, the heroine of the film, has naturally become the most attractive actress in the past 16 years, with a cumulative box office of 3.571 billion yuan. Even though she didn’t star in another film, Grand Prix, the box office brought by No.1 mermaid still stabilized the national goddess Fan Bingbing and became the most marketable actress in the film market in the past 16 years.

Judging from the city data, many audiences in Guangzhou and Shenzhen may not understand the popularity of zootopia by Beijing and Shanghai audiences, while Warcraft, which Shenzhen audiences are less eager to see, has gained more attention in the other three places, while Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon on a Journey to the West is generally unpopular with the audience in these four ticket-holding cities, and its audience is more concentrated in the second, third and fourth tier cities.

The most expensive cinema in China is naturally the first "private film" synchronized with the cinema in China.Cinema yaolai chenglong international film city huamao branchAmong ordinary cinemas, the local cinema is the Sanlitun store of Meijia Studios in Beijing, while the most expensive city is Changdu City in Xizang Autonomous Region, with an average price close to 70 yuan.

Rush to the hot search! 219 million yuan in the men’s two-color ball, and 5 million yuan in donation!

  What, someone won the lottery and donated 5 million?

  # 219 million in the men’s two-color ball donated 5 million #

  Chong chong re sou

  As we all know, under normal circumstances, the lottery prize is capped at 5 million, and just recently, someone actually donated a "first prize" for public welfare! Such a big deal is Mr. Li, a lucky man in Guangxi who just took away "two small goals" on the morning of October 24.

  Things should start with the lottery of China Welfare Lottery No.2022120 on the evening of October 20th. In the current period, there were 43 first prizes in the country, with a single prize of more than 5.48 million yuan, of which Guangxi won 40 bets! Moreover, the first prizes of these 40 bets are from betting station No.45010316 and betting station No.45016072 in Litang Town, Binyang County, Guangxi Province, with 20 bets in each station, and the betting method is single bet and 20 times bet! In other words, the 40-note prize belongs to two lottery tickets, and each lottery ticket only costs 40 yuan, winning 109.7 million yuan respectively! Both betting stations are located in Litang Town Department Store, Binyang County.

  According to past experience, the same betting method, betting station in the same place and winning the grand prize in the same period will often be won by the same person. For example, the 565 million double-color ball that we won in Xinchang, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province was bought by the lucky ones at two betting stations. This prize, which ranks second in the lottery history of China, was awarded in the No.11086 issue of the two-color ball on the evening of July 26th, 2011. The prize of 5.14 million with 110 bets was won in Zhejiang, which came from three lottery tickets sold by two betting sites in Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province. Two of the lottery tickets selected two bets with the same number and made 25 times bets respectively. The ticketing time was about 1: 50 pm on the day of the lottery, only 34 seconds apart, and the serial numbers were connected. In addition, there are 10 first prizes from another Fucai betting station about 1 km away. The winning lottery will bet 10 times on the number of one note, and the ticketing time will be 5: 30 pm on the same day. Finally, the grand prize winner appeared to redeem the prize, confirming that all three tickets were from one person, and won a total of 565 million grand prizes for the two-color ball!

  As expected, the first prize of Guangxi’s 40 notes was also won by one person. On the morning of October 24th, Mr. Li received a pre-tax cash check of 219 million yuan from Lan Ting, secretary and director of the General Party Branch of Guangxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center, and donated 5 million yuan on the spot to entrust Guangxi Welfare Lottery Center for public welfare.

  Mr. Li is a big fan of welfare lottery. More than ten years ago, he began to buy Fucai two-color ball lottery tickets. After four or five years, he didn’t win the grand prize. So Mr. Li considered changing a betting method and selected a group of numbers that were pleasing to the eye to start chasing the number. However, "most of them didn’t win, and occasionally they won dozens of pieces." Because of his hobbies and family members’ no objection, Mr. Li also had a normal heart about not winning the prize. "The money invested is acceptable, mainly to buy a hope."

  On October 20th, he passed a lottery betting station in Litang Department Store, Binyang County, Guangxi, and bought three lottery tickets in 160 yuan. At that time, Mr. Li played a 20-fold lottery ticket on a betting machine in the betting station. Before long, he felt that this group of numbers was very "heart-warming". When he went forward to play the ticket, the salesman was busy helping another lottery buyer to redeem the instant lottery prize, so another salesman helped him to play the same group of 20-fold lottery tickets on another betting machine in the station. Unexpectedly, these two lottery tickets actually won 109.7 million yuan each! Mr. Li said that this group of numbers, that is, the multiples bought in the last three periods, were more than expected to be so lucky. In addition, he also chose a "6+2" small double-color ball lottery, and won the 100 yuan Prize.

  On the evening of October 20, Mr. Li went to sleep before the current two-color ball lottery. It was not until the morning of the 21st that he brushed his mobile phone that he realized that Litang Town had won the first prize of 40 times the two-color ball. At first glance, it was the group number that he had kept for many years! I stayed up all night that day. On the morning of the 22nd, Mr. Li took a bus to Nanning and found a hotel to stay. "They are all sleeping in the hotel, afraid to go out and lose the lottery." He said.

  Unlike most grand prize winners, Mr. Li was very calm after winning the prize. "I didn’t tell my wife and children that they were too bloated and wouldn’t work or work hard in the future." At present, Mr. Li’s family and friends don’t know that he won the grand prize. As for the use of this bonus, Mr. Li said that he hasn’t thought about it yet, and he will slowly plan how to use it. After visiting Guangxi Welfare Lottery Culture Exhibition Hall, Mr. Li deeply realized that part of the funds for purchasing lottery tickets were used for public welfare undertakings such as "helping the elderly, helping the disabled, saving the orphans and helping the poor", so he decided to donate 5 million yuan from the prize money and entrust Guangxi Welfare Lottery Center for public welfare undertakings.

  Comprehensive: Guangxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center website, Zhejiang Fucai

Source: Guizhou Radio and Television Station

Dress in fashion, not in price.

The beauty of human beings consists of three parts, namely, innate beauty, beautiful clothes, and beautiful manners and temperament. This article focuses on the beauty of dress.

It is generally believed that people look beautiful when they wear fashion.

However, now many people have realized that wearing fashionable clothes does not necessarily mean that clothes are expensive. Wearing expensive clothes does not necessarily mean that people are naturally beautiful.

People dress in fashion.

Mainly refers to the color of clothes and fabrics, and the clothes are fashionable. The most important factor is that the clothes people wear are appropriate and suitable. Pay attention to people’s hobbies, and wear clothes suitable for their body shape, skin color, professional characteristics, communication habits, psychological personality and so on. Not a fashionable dress looks beautiful on anyone.

Dressing in fashion does not mean that clothes are expensive.

Many people think that they have little money, and wearing expensive clothes will not reflect fashion, nor will it be beautiful. This statement is biased. Some stars go out, go to the entertainment stage, and go to interpersonal public places, showing great fashion. Everyone thinks that the clothes and accessories they wear are very expensive and piled up with money.

Actually, not completely. There are many celebrities wearing clothes that are cheaper, not as expensive as people think. Dong Qing, a famous program host, once said that some clothes she wears are only 50 yuan or a hundred pieces.

We often see the host of the program, wearing ordinary clothes. In contrast, some people are bent on buying high-end clothes, spending thousands of dollars on a dress and hundreds or thousands of dollars on a scarf. Do outsiders think fashion is beautiful in others’ eyes? Not really.

How to make yourself look fashionable and beautiful.

01 Follow the trend appropriately. Dressing in fashion can pay attention to the current recognition of members of society. Look at what people tend to wear, and wear it with them.

For example, young people love to wear jeans and feel energetic. The elderly people also wear jeans, and they still have a sense of fashion. It is also fashionable that some jeans manufacturers deliberately make knees or trouser legs into "rotten whiskers".

Be creative and fashionable. It is fashionable to dress up as a style and style by your own vision and appreciation, and be imitated by others.

For example, a lady will buy a silk scarf for seven or eight yuan, and it is typical fashion to boldly appear in the street to attract admiration with a kind of tying method she imagines, which matches her self-demeanor and self-confidence.

How to make the combination of wearing and human body beautiful and attractive.

The charm of people, after all, is graceful, beautiful, attractive and penetrating in interpersonal relationships, but also has personality shock and warmth.

To have this comprehensive charm, people must pay attention to their appearance. Dress neatly, pay special attention to appropriateness and collocation. We should also pay attention to the beauty of language posture.

Some people only wear expensive clothes, which are famous brands. They don’t pay attention to people’s self-cultivation. They talk too much, are rude, talk too much, dance too much, etc. Not only are they not beautiful, but they are also "ugly".

Quanchan is no longer modest! Frankly speaking, now that I have overcome the 207C movement, I will jump well in the World Cup.

Since the end of the World Swimming Championships in Budapest in 2022, China’s national diving team, which has won a great victory, has never slackened, and still devoted itself to intense training. In three months, the whole team, from coaches to players, are training hard, and they will also take part in the diving world cup in Berlin, Germany on the 20th of this month.

At present, the diving team of China has announced its participation in the 2022 Diving World Cup. In the most attractive women’s 10m platform single and double events, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi will still join hands in the battle. These two men have become absolute kings of this event, and they won four gold medals in Tokyo Olympic Games and World Championships. In the more concerned solo events, this pair of partners on the field and good sisters in life each won once. Quan Hongchan won the Olympic gold medal, while Chen Yuxi won the world championship.

Some netizens said that whether Quanhongchan can win the World Cup single event depends on her performance in 207C. In fact, Quanhongchan won the world record in Tokyo Olympic Games because of her outstanding performance in 207C. At the World Championships, she lost to Chen Yuxi because she failed to play her due level in 207C. Therefore, 207C has become the most critical hurdle for all-red Chan’s achievement. If she can overcome this action, she will raise herself to a new height.

Quan Chan knows this well, so in the past few months, under the training of Chen Ruolin, the coach in charge, she strictly controlled her weight, and on the other hand, she practiced hard in a very targeted way. Now, Quan Hongchan has made great progress in the 207C movement. Even she has always been modest and cautious, and she says she has become more stable now. She is looking forward to showing you her training results in the World Cup. We are also very much looking forward to seeing her wonderful performance in the World Cup.

The old lady of Shanghai takes pensions to constitute a crime of fraud, proving that the pension white eater is a criminal act

#270,000 elderly golden cases open##

The truth of this fact is that from 2009 to 2015, the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, would abandon the husband who lost his ability to take care of his self -care in the hospital after paying some medical expenses during the hospitalization treatment, until the husband died alone. After the death of her husband, Qian still refused to go through the relevant procedures, and at the same time, he took the husband’s pension and accounted for himself.

On June 9, 2021, a case of fraud and abandonment of Qian, a public prosecution of the People’s Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai, was held in the Minhang District People’s Court.

The truth of the case is very clear.

Some people think that pensions are in the country, and the national Tang monk meat, all Chinese citizens can eat, all of which are desirable. Therefore, it is not believed that the old lady of Shanghai Qian Mou is a criminal act. This view is particularly popular in the small and fresh meat little beauties. Because the little fresh meat and the little beauty thinks that farmers are reasonable to eat white food, everyone can not pay a penny social security, and they can be sits to share the social security provers for decades.

However, the understanding of farmers is extreme errors.

In the basic composition of pensions, all pensions of social insurance forms should belong to the private property of citizens who pay social security, and they are not owned by the whole society. In the basic pension of the national welfare form, [also known as the pension subsidy], that is, the country’s money from the city taxpayer to the farmer, the other social benefits that belong to the country to the farmers to the elderly.

Compared with the former, although it is also called pension, it is actually very different in nature. That is to say, the essence of social maintenance money is the private property of citizens who pay social security. They use their labor income to take out a part of their salary every month to invest in their future pensions, like bank savings. But more advanced than banks, these social property from citizens is managed by the state and has absolute security and insurance stability. The basic pension [also known as the pension subsidy for white hair to the farmers], the source of funds is not the citizen of the social security, but from the city’s hundreds of millions of taxpayers. Do not bear the tax responsibilities and obligations that every citizen should have, and the one billion farmers have no longer contributed a penny to the national fiscal tax for seventeen years. Therefore, these money -sweats from urban taxpayers have been distributed to farmers through the hands of the country. The money does not have the nature of private property, but has a social welfare nature.

Understanding the above principles, I understand that the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, led her died of more than 270,000 yuan. The violent object was the private property of all social security citizens.

Similarly, those who do not pay a penny for social security, and those who have to pay the social security persons for decades of social security people are divided by farmers, which are those who eat white food selfish little fresh meat and little beauty. In fact Criminal behavior, they are public robbery, because their violations are the private property of the whole society who has paid social security for decades. But it is terrible that some people have committed guilty and do not know sin. Zhen Zhen has words that he is the savior of the peasant. He has called for robbery and plundering under the banner of speaking for farmers. As criminals, they have gone far enough on the road of illegal.

These pension articles videos are full of headlines. This fully shows that a large number of cyber criminals are active on the media network. They attempted to learn ancient bandits and live on the wealth of others by robbing others.

The opening of the old lady in Shanghai should let the small and fresh meat and little beauties who advocated robbery to calm the rational and rational girls. Please do not go further and further on the road of crime.