The green card for superiority is finally gone? But this is not good news for the oil truck

Original, neck brother, bad review.

When the friends saw this title, they estimated that the knife had been brought up, but this was really not the nonsense of Brother Neck.

Because not long ago, Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Passenger Federation, said that the Passenger Federation has made a proposal to the relevant state departments to merge the blue and green plates of automobiles in the future.

Although it’s just a suggestion, it’s not small. Because this guy’s advice has always been accurate. For example, he suggested a little more policy support for new energy vehicles in 2016. Later, new energy vehicles ushered in explosive growth…

What does merger mean? Simply put, it is the same rights for oil and electricity.

For example, now new energy vehicles are not limited, and they can be exempted from a lot of taxes and fees without a lottery. After the merger, they will be gone. In short, they are completely equal to oil vehicles in terms of policy.

This policy is expected to be implemented in two years.

We should know that our green card policy was decided to implement at the end of 2016, and everyone complained that the green card was ugly, as if it was not long ago.

How long has it been, and why is the green card suddenly turning into a tear of the times?

Although it is indeed a bit sudden, the decrease in green card preferential policies in recent years is a clear trend.

For example, the state subsidy for new energy vehicles that has made countless brands crazy and directly promoted the development of new energy vehicles in China.

Real money supply car companies are a bit similar to when online car-hailing platforms were just starting out, spending money to encourage everyone to become drivers.

According to MIIT’s statistics, in the 13 years from 2010 to the present, the total amount of new energy national subsidies is expected to exceed 200 billion yuan. In 2018, the largest subsidy, the amount is as high as 47.11 billion yuan.

But after 2018, the national subsidy began a collapse. In 2019, it was less than 30 billion, and in 2020, there were only 15.29 billion left. Now, as we all know, it has completely returned to zero.

And in addition to cash subsidies, the license plate policy for new energy vehicles is also gradually being tightened.

Like a plug-in hybrid model, since the implementation of the green card policy, it has been the same as a pure electric model when buying a car and getting a license plate. Even in a big city like Shanghai with purchase restrictions, it is decisively given with the car. There are no restrictions on driving if you can refuel, and the fragrance is not good.

However, starting from January 1, 2023, Shanghai cancelled the licensing policy for plug-in hybrid models, with the aim of promoting the development of pure electric models. In the future, if you buy plug-in hybrid models in Shanghai, you will have to participate in the auction like an oil car, and you will feel like you have been kicked out of the new energy group chat…

There must be a friend here who said that the oil is mixed and burned, which is not a new energy source! Pure electricity is a real new energy source. Why should it have the same rights as the oil truck?

In fact, the original intention of the Passenger Association is very simple, to cool down the domestic barbaric growth of the new energy market. Because the green card policy has been implemented until now, many problems have arisen.

For example, many first-tier cities have travel restrictions. Although it is not so much for environmental protection, it is mainly to ease the traffic congestion in the morning and evening rush hour. But the green card will not be affected by the travel restrictions, and the convenience will be full, and more people will buy it.

Take Shanghai as an example. At the end of last year, Shanghai’s new energy vehicle market penetration rate has exceeded 53%. This means that one in every two people who want to buy a car wants to buy a new energy vehicle. And Shanghai’s new energy vehicles have also exceeded 940,000, accounting for almost 1/5 of the total number of cars.

So many cars do not need to be restricted, and the morning and evening rush hour must be blocked or blocked.

For example, for refueling, friends may not know that there has always been a saying of "one tank of fuel, half a tank of tax" for refueling a fuel car. That is, adding a tank of fuel to a fuel car, the value-added tax, consumption tax, urban construction tax, education surtax, etc. can add up to nearly 50%.

And because the tram doesn’t need to be refueled, the owners of the tram don’t have to pay these taxes. In this way, it really means that the oil car is refueling and raising the tram, and the owners of the oil car are naturally not happy.

Therefore, the abolition of the rights and interests of the green card is somewhat in line with the public’s will.

However, in my opinion, in addition to solving social problems, the cancellation of the green card is more because the original goal of implementing the green card policy has been basically achieved.

In 2009, MIIT released the "New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers Sending Product Access Management Rules". This thing is basically a sign of the beginning of the development of China’s energy vehicles. There is this sentence in it:

To sum up, three goals: to be environmentally friendly, to be technological, and to cultivate awesome companies. Environmental protection aside, the last two goals directly related to automobiles have actually been completed now.

Technically, the core of new energy vehicles is the battery. And CATL and BYD are now the bearers of the global battery.

Do not believe? Go to the data.

According to SNE Research statistics, these two companies together contributed nearly 50% of the global power battery market share in 2022.

As for enterprises, self-owned brand new energy vehicles have long been playing back and forth with oil trucks. For example, BYD has already hit the price of DMI hybrid within 100,000, and the final price position of fuel vehicles may not last long.

With technology and leading enterprises, domestic new energy vehicles are equivalent to successfully surviving the land reclamation period and leaving the novice village. At this time, the main task should not be to upgrade quickly, but to compete with traditional oil trucks PVP and new energy vehicles around the world.

For leading companies, how to combine price advantages with product advantages will be the most important task after the green card is cancelled. And for those car companies that are full of policy dividends but do not have core technologies, if they do not bring up hard power,

I’m afraid I’ll have to break my fingers to live.

From the perspective of buying a car, after realizing the same rights for oil and electricity, there will be no longer any difference in policy between the two. In addition, there is already news that the road maintenance fee for trams will be charged through mileage or electricity prices in the future, and the difference between taxes and car costs will soon be erased.

Whether to choose a fuel car or a tram, it will definitely become more torn in the future…

However, while this is very bad for trams in the short term, in the long run, trams will only become more and more popular.

Due to the fact that this gasoline-electric experience is approaching a unified time, it has been the technical peak of the oil car for a hundred years, but it is only the beginning of the development of the tram.

Four-wheel independent motors, an unprecedented driving method, have begun to appear, and the top technologies of the oil car era are being replaced one by one; technologies such as ultra-high voltage charging piles and solid-state batteries are gradually being rolled out, and the shortcomings in the tram experience are being filled one by one.

Some time ago, Europe passed a proposal to stop the sale of fuel vehicles in 2035. Although it was opposed by Germany, it has also shown the firm attitude of the international environment towards the withdrawal of fuel vehicles from the historical stage.

The cancellation of the green card seemed to limit the market for trams, but it also secretly pushed it to the final showdown between oil and electricity.

As for whether the winner will be the tram, it is really exciting.

Of course, if you really want to merge the blue and green cards, can you change the color scheme of the current green card design?

What about the new license plate design that was exposed before! gkd!

Written by: Deadly Empty Gun, Editor: Right Neck Twist, Cover: Huanyan

Image Source:

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The original title: "The superior green card is finally gone, but this is not good news for the oil truck…"

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