When the world is without fuel cars…



In 10 minutes, my car will be destroyed. The sun will rise tomorrow as usual, and there will be no gasoline cars in this world.

Many years ago, countries introduced countdown watches for fuel vehicles one after another, but people at that time did not take it seriously. They optimistically estimated that it was impossible to completely eliminate fuel vehicles, and at most, fuel and electricity were mixed. But this day has not only come, but also is very thorough, very crisp, and even a little cruel.

I am the last people in the world who still own a gasoline car. We are the car nails of this era. We will die sooner or later, and it will only take time. The world around us is already electric. My wife, my eldest daughter, my youngest daughter, although she is only 14 years old, she already has her own car, because the driverless mode does not require her to be an adult, nor does she need a driver’s license.


Back then, my driving coach was a middle-aged frustrated man, very thin and tall, who didn’t talk much. He didn’t have the habit of scolding people, and he wouldn’t ask students for Chinese cigarettes, but I still bought him every few practice sessions because I thought he was lonely.

I am also lonely.

At that time, I was unemployed and lovelorn, and every day I had a stone stuck in my heart, causing trouble with the world. In the hot June, no one at the driving school practiced driving, so I decided to practice. When I got dizzy from the sun, the coach drove the car to the shade, and we smoked one by one.

The driving school is gone. Where has the coach gone?


The reverse parking that tormented me is still tormenting me hilariously.

After the large-scale application of electric vehicles, there is a reversing mode in the car, and the computer can help the owner to park accurately, which directly leads to companies, shopping malls, and even residential areas to reduce the parking space to a little bit. Refusing to park automatically, like me, I used to reverse the car and put a rudder directly into the warehouse, but now I have to turn the steering wheel several times. It almost brought me back to the terrifying moment when I took the driver’s license test more than ten years ago.


Six minutes to go. Six minutes to myself.

Ever since I have a car, what makes me most happy is not the pleasure of driving, but the feeling of sitting in the car in a daze. Turn off the engine, the car becomes quiet, and I can hear the crunch of leather when I move my body.

The car became a container for me to be alone, without fuel, rice, oil and salt, without intrigue, and the highly concentrated energy after driving was released in an instant. It also became my only unscrupulous place to cry. Sitting in the car wrapped in steel, I was like a baby, and it didn’t matter if I cried.

No more.

The accurate positioning notification of the smart electric car allows my wife to know that I have arrived at the door as soon as possible. If I don’t go home in time, it will attract her attention. Sorry, this gaze is the burden of my speechless look back.


But I can’t say I’m not happy, and people who are dependent and needed have no right to be unhappy.

From the moment I formed a family with my wife, I vowed to be someone who would bring her happiness as well as my own.

I still remember the first time I went on a date with my wife. I was waiting for her downstairs in my second-hand car. I was afraid that she would dislike my car, so I wiped it well before going, and even the floor mats were dusted, trying my best to be spotless.

The first date was a success, if not for the wife throwing up before getting out of the car.

The second-hand car had many problems. The door rattled, the brakes were stepped on for a meal, and the most important thing was that the gasoline smell was heavy. The wife said that she wanted to vomit when she got in the car.


I am the 367th person in the world to still own a gasoline car.

Owners of fuel vehicles have a separate cloud community, each with their own virtual coordinates. When someone switches to an electric vehicle, their coordinate indicator will no longer light up.

More and more lights are going out around the world.

It is said that at midnight tonight, there will be intelligent machines controlling public order towing my car.

Friend asked me, why do you stubbornly drive a fuel car? Are you refusing to move forward and want to go against the trend?

And at that moment, I had the answer: I don’t want to go against the world; I just simply don’t want one choice. The tide pushes us forward, but it shouldn’t take away the right to choose.

I like the smell of gasoline, I like the feeling of not so smooth at the beginning, I like to sit in the driver’s cabin in winter and wait for it to wake up. It is my memory, it is an era.


I hastily opened the door and strode home.

Goodbye, fuel truck.

This article is purely fictional

The story takes place in 203X. At that time, the fuel cars in the world completely disappeared. I am grateful for the time when gasoline cars accompanied human beings. The author boldly imagines how people’s lives, work, emotions, etc. will change in the virtual future, and whether those constant warmth and pursuit are also worthy of our occasional reflections today… In the next issue of "After the World Without Fuel Vehicles…", we will continue to walk into your/my/his future car world.

SAM series serialized micro-novels, creator profile


Ye QianqianArtist and designer, born in China, now lives in San Francisco, USA. The artist has emerged from an architectural background and explores the complexities of human-computer interaction. His works cover a variety of mediums such as architectural design, new media, and ink painting. His latest solo exhibition "Alone Not Alone" recently opened at the Landry Gallery in San Francisco. The artist has been active on the social software Instagram for a long time, personal account: @44ian.


There are billions(Pen name), a freelance writer, who likes all kinds of new and interesting things, loves the way of "opening your mind and opening your eyes", tears and laughter are both low, and you like to get into the movie theater that is smeared with black paint, giggle or cry, and bring your own tissues.


Original production by Shanghai Automobile Museum, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Follow the Shanghai Automobile Museum and explore fun and interesting car stories together (WeChat official account: shqcbwg).

Ask the new M5 to open the reservation channel.

  Huawei Terminal announced that the new M5 in the world opened the reservation channel. At the first anniversary node of the release of the intelligent driving version of the M5, Yu Chengdong said that the new M5 would be released on April 23rd, and it would be upgraded in an all-round way, making a stunning appearance with a younger and more fashionable image, bringing consumers a brand-new experience of "super-beautiful, super-easy to open, super-intelligent and super-safe". Previously, the M5 version of Zhijie was trusted by consumers for its outstanding performance in the fields of intelligent driving and safety.

There are flowers in bloom, and I’m going to run to this spring date ~

Wenlv Changsha

A blessed spring

Spring is full of flowers everywhere.

Take a stroll in Martyrs Park and Moon Lake.

Climb to the top of flowers and linger between flowers and lakes.

Smell the flowers and listen to the birds.

Feel the gentle care of nature

When the wind comes, it’s better to chase flowers ~

Changsha Garden Ecological Park is blooming ~

Yumeiren, Xilincao, Ranunculus and Rhododendron are open for the second time.

Walk into the real Monet Garden

Who can refuse the feeling of spring ~

Xiaohongshu @ wo Xi ya ya

zi feng park profile

Rows of creepers covered the viaduct.

This is a romance that belongs to nature alone.

The Wizard of Oz Reality Edition Secret Land

Little Red Book @ Cousin Long Legs

There is an appointment in spring, and the flowers are not mistaken.

Haitang is brilliant, with clouds and snow piled up.

Yuehu Park all loves

The fatigue of the week has dissipated.

Xiaohongshu @ Mu Zi ~ Smile Rainbow

Does every school have a wisteria trellis like this?

Herun Garden Farm takes you back to your schooldays.

Chatting with memory at the foot of spring about school time.

Xiaohongshu Herun Garden

In an amusement park

You can see all the flowers that represent spring.

Changsha window of the world celebrates spring.

Who doesn’t rush here ~

Xiaohongshu Steel Li Dafa

Hang one’s head, look up, stop ……

This spring

Xiaobian takes you to unlock the new little red book popular flower chasing posture.

Let’s play something new.

@ Star Caroline

@ toothpaste Soda

Love the nipple of peach

It’s just across the garden

@ Taotao Pipiwan

Who said that taking flowers can only go to crowded places?

It’s also good to shoot downstairs!

Spring came to my downstairs during my lunch break.

Going downstairs is spring ~

Xiaohongshu @YANGY @ Leave me alone @ Everyday as usual @1 orange @ Brother Fei is the coolest.

Cut through thorns, flowers come in person

Let’s spend this spring.

Measure the fragrance of flowers with your feet.

Record the beauty of flowers with a lens

Right now.

If you shoot flowers, you will send flowers.

Only in the new year will there be "money to spend"

Open the little red book, search for [Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders], and enter the activity page to get practical contents such as the popular flower viewing places in Kaifu District and the recommendation of flower viewing seats with one click.

We also hope that you will share the beauty in front of the camera with Changsha citizens, take notes with the topic # Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders # Flowers all the way to see happiness and carve up 10 million exclusive traffic! There are also 100 customized spring chasing glasses and 220 tickets for Huahai waiting for you ~

Join the flower chasing team

Explore the footprints of spring together

Feel the most beautiful April of Kaifu!

Original title: "There are flowers in bloom, I will run to this spring date ~"

Read the original text

"China Vitality" in the data | The export of new energy vehicles reached a new high, with a year-on-year increase of 97.4%.

CCTV News:"China Vitality in Data" series reports that today (September 30th) we will pay attention to the export data of new energy vehicles. According to the data from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first eight months of this year, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 97.4% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles are becoming a new business card of China Intelligent Manufacturing.

According to the data released by China Automobile Manufacturers Association recently, this year’s 1-mdash; In August, China exported 1.817 million vehicles, up 52.8% year-on-year. Among them, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, and the contribution rate to the growth of automobile exports reached 26.7%. In 2021, China’s automobile exports reached 2.138 million, surpassing 2 million for the first time, making it the third largest automobile exporter in the world after Japan and Germany.

Some experts in the industry said that in terms of structure, the export of automobile industry is shifting from commercial vehicles to passenger cars represented by new energy vehicles. In addition, in the export area, China’s automobile exports also focus on new energy vehicles, which are mainly from Asia, Africa and Latin America in the past, and are expanding to mainstream markets such as Europe.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:Our current export of new energy vehicles is mainly in the European market. Last year, 49% of our new energy vehicle exports were exported to the European market, and our automobile export situation is very gratifying.

In terms of models, the export models represented by new energy vehicles are more advanced. In the past, they were mostly low-end models, and now many enterprises have begun to cut into the market with high-end cars. In addition, in terms of export strategy, from passive in the past to active now, in addition to local factory building and cross-border brand cooperation, we have also adopted self-built sales channels and customized development of new models through shared technology to open up the international market.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:Different from the past, car companies have built their own marketing channels abroad and continued to build brands, and new energy vehicles have initially achieved a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation.

The export of new energy vehicles has maintained a good momentum in the first eight months of this year. In September, the export momentum has not diminished, which will drive China’s automobile exports to a new high this year.

On September 13th, in Shanghai, the largest batch of pure electric vehicles in China was shipped at Haitong Wharf and exported to the European market. This time, 10,000 pure electric vehicles of SAIC were exported to the European market.

On September 26th, in Wuhan, the first batch of new energy vehicles of Dongfeng Group went to sea in Norway. At the export ceremony, Norwegian dealers were full of confidence in this new energy vehicle made in China.

Norwegian distributor Sven Arid yangsi Gard:At first glance, the market response (in Norway) is very positive, and consumers are very satisfied with the products.

In Beijing, near the "Eleventh", workers in this bus factory are stepping up production. By the end of October, this factory will have produced a total of 1022 pure electric buses for export to Chile.

Han Dong, Executive Vice President of New Energy Bus Company:This list is a record for the export of pure electric vehicles (buses) in China. The single order is more than 1000 units, which is a high-quality order in the domestic bus industry.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, since 2020, despite the impact of the epidemic, China’s automobile exports have generally shown a rapid growth momentum. In 2021, China exported 2.138 million vehicles, which doubled year-on-year, achieving a historic breakthrough. Among them, the export of new energy vehicles exceeded 400,000, a year-on-year increase of nearly three times.

Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this process of transformation, China’s innovation, industrial chain construction and market cultivation have reached the forefront of the world. The rapid growth of new energy vehicles (sales volume) in China has also led to a historic breakthrough in China’s automobile export, ending the situation that it has been hovering around 1 million vehicles (export volume) for more than ten years.

       The head of China Automobile Industry Association said that this year, driven by the strong export momentum of new energy vehicles, China’s automobile exports will reach 3 million, reaching a new high, and it is expected to become the second largest automobile exporter in the world.

In the interview, the reporter also noticed that after years of development, the technical level of China’s new energy vehicles has been significantly improved, and the core technologies of key components have reached a higher level. It is the innovation of the whole industry chain that has helped new energy vehicles become a new business card for intelligent manufacturing in China.

The reporter walked into this new energy automobile enterprise in Anhui, and the production line was busy, and the order had been placed for three months. The person in charge of the enterprise told the reporter that the secret of the rapid growth of the sales of new energy vehicles in enterprises lies in persisting in innovation.

Xu Youzhong, Vice President of Automotive Engineering Technology R&D Institute of Automobile Enterprises:Taking research and development as the top priority, we have established 38 technical committees, including a set of forward development process systems with 38 systems and 22 performance dimensions.

In the past 10 years, this company has invested more than 7% of its sales revenue in R&D every year, mastered a number of key core technologies such as the fifth-generation engine with the maximum effective thermal power of 44% and the world’s first gearbox with nine modes of switching, and applied for 18,500 patents. At present, there are nearly 10,000 R&D personnel.

Not only insist on innovation, China new energy automobile enterprises are generally enhancing their product adaptability and building a "global car". The reporter noted that these new energy vehicles exported to Norway have generally developed the trailer hook function to adapt to the cold and snowy scenes in northern Europe. Another batch of vehicles exported to the British market, including the work of changing the left steering wheel to the right steering wheel, invested more than 100 million yuan in adaptive development.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:New energy vehicle is a new business card of intelligent manufacturing in China. We must grasp this window period well. We must be able to form a standard pool with Europe or America, and we can recognize each other’s standards together and compete under the same standard platform.

The person in charge of China Automobile Industry Association said that the high export growth of new energy vehicles in China is the inevitable result of years of industrial accumulation. In the past 10 years, China government’s support policy for the new energy automobile industry has been continuously strengthened, and China automobile enterprises have actively responded to the policy call, and the overall strength of the new energy automobile industry has been continuously improved, which can meet the global diversified market demand in terms of product appearance, quality, R&D and production capacity.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this round of global automobile transformation to electrification and new energy, we have occupied a commanding height and led the global automobile industry to transform to new energy and electrification.

These days, "Chao Wen Tian Xia" has continuously broadcast "China Vitality in Data", and a series of data are dizzying. There is a digital economy in these data, which has greatly liberated and developed productive forces and changed the underlying logic of industrial production. There are also key points in the data. An "excavator index" allows us to see how many points to focus on when stabilizing the economy.

There are market players in the data, and their vitality comes to the fore through vivid data. There are services in the data, and the vitality of market players comes from their own efforts, as well as from intimate public policies and targeted services. There are transformations in the data, new technologies, new products, new formats, and how many old trees are blooming. There is also a future in the data, and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc. are releasing amazing potential.

The data is like a rigorous brush, which gives us a picture of China’s economic development. These data are not easy to get, and there are gratifying achievements in the data, and there is a process of tackling difficulties. China’s vitality in the data is, in the final analysis, created by hundreds of millions of resilient, creative and enterprising people. The vitality of China in the data actually tells the story of China people’s innovation in the data.

Cool weekend "summer" Fengxian Bihai Jinsha and Jinshan city beach play strategy is coming.

Hot summer day

Go barefoot to the seaside to blow the sea breeze and step on the sea water.

It is the best way to cool off in summer.


Fengxian Bihai Jinsha and Jinshan City Beach

Has been opened to the outside world

Small body has prepared a play strategy for you.

Help you cool down for a summer!

Bihai Jinsha

No.6 Haihan Road, Fengxian District

I. Opening hours

From July 2nd to September 12th, 8: 30-21: 00 (admission will be closed at 19: 30).

From September 13th to October 7th, 8: 30-17: 00 (admission will be closed at 16: 00).

From October 8th to December 31st, 8: 30-16: 30 (admission will be closed at 15: 30).

Note: The swimming period is from July 2nd to September 12th, and the non-swimming period is from September 13th to December 31st. The operation time of the scenic spot will be adjusted due to uncertain factors such as weather and renovation. The above information is for reference only, which is subject to the actual publicity information of the scenic spot on that day.

Second, the way to purchase tickets

Tickets can be booked through WeChat WeChat official account "Bihai Jinsha" and major online platforms (Meituan, Ctrip, Mama Donkey, etc.).


1. Amusement items in the scenic spot are all second-generation items, which need to be purchased separately.

2. Please reasonably participate in high-risk tourism projects such as high altitude, high speed, water, diving and exploration according to your own conditions, so that the safety of happy travel comes first.

Once the ticket is sold, it is not transferable.

Iii. preferential policies for tickets

1. Free of charge

Children: under 1.3m (inclusive).

Old people: 70 years old or above, with an old age card or ID card, need to be accompanied by family members to enter the park.

Disabled people: they need to be accompanied by their families to enter the park with their valid certificates (disability certificates).

Servicemen and disabled soldiers: Hold my valid Military Officer’s Card or Soldier’s Card.

Fire rescue personnel: with valid certificates.

2. Half-price ticket

Children: children over 1.3 meters tall buy discount tickets.

Students: Minors aged 6 to 18, students with full-time undergraduate education or below can buy discount tickets with their student ID cards.

Old people: 60 years old (including 60 years old) to 70 years old (excluding 70 years old) buy discount tickets with ID cards.

Soldiers: Ex-servicemen buy discount tickets with their retirement certificates, families of active servicemen, survivors of martyrs, survivors of soldiers who died in the line of duty, and survivors of deceased soldiers with valid certificates.

Fourth, the admission notice

1. Before entering the park, visitors must hold a negative nucleic acid certificate within 72 hours; When entering the park, you must show your health code and cooperate with the staff to take temperature measurement. Visitors whose temperature exceeds 37.3℃ are refused to enter the park.

2. After entering the park, visitors must wear masks all the time. Specific requirements and precautions for prevention and control have been set up at the eye-catching position of the main entrance of the park, so visitors are requested to cooperate and abide by them.

3. All the items in the scenic spot except those included in the big ticket are self-funded items, and the specific items are subject to the on-site presentation of the scenic spot (for example, due to force majeure factors such as weather, electricity, equipment, epidemic situation, etc., for safety reasons, the merchants may change, delay or cancel the opening of some play items without prior notice, and no change or refund measures will be implemented. Please forgive me! )

Jinshan City Beach

No.7555, Huhang Highway, Jinshan District

I. Opening hours of swimming period

July 2 to September 10, 8:30-21:30

Second, the ticket price

1. Swimming period: ticket to 30 yuan on weekdays and 50 yuan on holidays and weekends.

2. Non-swimming period: ticket to 10 yuan on weekdays and 20 yuan on holidays and weekends.

Iii. preferential policies for tickets

1. Free tickets

Officers (for servicemen with valid certificates, disabled soldiers, survivors of martyrs, survivors of servicemen who died in the line of duty, survivors of deceased servicemen and families of servicemen).

On-the-job, retired, disabled firefighters (including full-time government firefighters) and fire rescue college students (with their valid certificates).

Disabled persons shall hold the "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card" issued by the Disabled Persons’ Federation.

Any elderly person over 65 years of age (with my valid certificate).

Children under 1.3 meters in height.

Visitors who enjoy free tickets (except children) must first go to the ticket office to exchange tickets for scenic spots with valid certificates. When entering the scenic spots, they should also show their tickets and their valid certificates to check in.

Children under 1.3 meters (inclusive) will be issued admission tickets after their height is confirmed by the ticket office.

2. Half-price ticket

Students in full-time schools (with student ID cards).

Every elderly person aged 60 (inclusive) -64 (inclusive) is limited to one (with an old-age card or ID card). When entering the scenic spot, he must present a half-price ticket and his valid certificate at the same time, and check the ticket to enter the park.

Children 1.3m-1.5m in height.

Fourth, the admission notice

The scenic spot will strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as "peak shifting, reservation and flow restriction" and place code, application code, travel card and "four codes" of nucleic acid detection information, and strictly implement quota reservation management according to the carrying capacity and actual situation of the scenic spot.

1. You must wear a mask regularly, consciously accept the temperature test, provide the application code, travel card, negative proof of nucleic acid test within 72 hours, take the initiative to be verified by digital sentry or scanning place code, and the staff can confirm before entering the park.

2. Visitors can purchase tickets online through "Jinshan City Beach" WeChat, WeChat official account, Meituan and other online platforms, or they can purchase tickets at the artificial window.

3 tourists consciously keep a safe distance of more than 2 meters, do not gather, do not stay in crowded areas for a long time, and do not engage in group activities.

4. Tourist attractions that do not wear masks, do not listen to dissuasion, and do not meet the requirements for entering the park will be persuaded to return.

Visitors are requested to strictly follow the epidemic prevention requirements, abide by the epidemic prevention regulations in the scenic spot and follow the guidance of the staff in the scenic spot to ensure a pleasant play. For more details of opening, please pay attention to the official WeChat official account of the scenic spot. The actual opening situation is subject to the notice of the scenic spot.

Small body warm reminder, in recent hot days, please do a good job in heatstroke prevention and sun protection when going out, and try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods. If you have symptoms of heatstroke, you should quickly enter a cool and ventilated place and seek medical advice in time.

Source: Bihai Jinsha, Jinshan City Beach official WeChat official account


Ministry of Finance: In 2023, the national sales of sports lottery tickets totaled 385.255 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39.3%.

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance announced the national lottery sales in December 2023.

  In December, the national lottery sales totaled 53.284 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.565 billion yuan or 13.8%. Among them, the sales of sports lottery institutions was 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly due to the high base of the pulling factors of the football World Cup in the same period last year.

  Compared with the same period in 2022, in December 2023, the lottery sales in different provinces in China were mixed, among which Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Xinjiang increased more, while Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Sichuan decreased more.

  From January to December, the national lottery sales totaled 579.696 billion yuan, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of sports lottery institutions was 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%. Compared with the same period in 2022, lottery sales in all provinces in China have increased, with Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong increasing more.