"In unison" Zhang Shaohan’s golden melody singing program changes to sing, the song has positive energy to change itself and fans

"I know, I have always had a pair of invisible wings that take me to fly and give me hope." This masterpiece of Zhang Shaohan is also her impression to the public. Zhang Shaohan, who has been out for 17 years, has always brought dreams and strength to those who love her. Her musical works also attract audiences of all ages with different styles.

In the ninth episode of Priya’s "One Talk" broadcast last week, Zhang Shaohan dedicated 8 songs to the audience in a row, and the melody carrying memories triggered a chorus. Not only that, she also shared with the audience the changes brought to her by "Invisible Wings".

Zhang Shaohan’s golden songs are broadcast to "sing" "Invisible Wings" with positive energy to change herself and her fans

The "Zhang Shaohan Special" broadcast on Saturday is divided into two parts: "Fast Song Zhang Shaohan" and "Slow Song Zhang Shaohan". Such a link setting fully meets the different needs of the audience. In the program, Zhang Shaohan sang 8 classic songs such as "Aurora", "Perfume Lily" and "Invisible Wings" in a row, bringing the audience back to the youthful youth. For the audience, the excitement is like watching a single song by Zhang Shaohan.

The song "Invisible Wings" that Zhang Shaohan is most familiar with the public also has a special meaning for her. The song has a beautiful melody, the lyrics are not only easy to remember, but also full of upward energy. With Zhang Shaohan’s delicate and warm voice, it gives people stability and strength, and it has a high flow in the student group. The 2009 Beijing college entrance examination composition title was also adapted from this song. In this regard, Zhang Shaohan said that when she heard the news, she still couldn’t believe it, but because of this, she knew another meaning of music. It turns out that singers can not only sing happily, but also learn about other people’s stories and bring strength to others through songs. Good works are not just a few minutes of melody enjoyment, but have a deeper meaning for their own lives. A member of the guessing panel at the scene said that he was in a desperate situation of being injured or even facing paralysis, and was deeply inspired by Zhang Shaohan’s song, and finally the "miracle" came to him. Zhang Shaohan said that she has always maintained this original intention. Every time she chooses a song for an album, she will try her best to choose some positive songs, because she believes that while the song moves her, it will also touch more people. I hope that people who like me can have the courage to move forward on the road of growth and become better people for each other.

Zhang Yu revealed that he was tortured by Zhang Shaohan’s song "Feng Timo sang with his idol and shed tears on the stage

Zhang Shaohan is deeply loved by the audience because of her playful, cute and clear voice. The scene of the program has also become a confession meeting for Zhang Shaohan. But Zhang Yu, a member of the guessing team, said that Zhang Shaohan’s "Invisible Wings" had tortured him all night. It turned out that he once stayed up all night to edit the song backing track for his son’s singing competition at school. Zhang Yu more bluntly said that he was familiar with this song and knew every word of the lyrics sung in a few minutes and seconds, which once again proved the popularity of Zhang Shaohan’s songs on campus.

Another member of the guessing group, Feng Timo, is also a loyal fan of Zhang Shaohan. She usually likes to sing Zhang Shaohan’s songs, and she also volunteered to become a model singer. After the first round of songs were successfully sung, she was praised and imitated by the idol Zhang Shaohan. At the same time, the model singing also won the support of the members of the star guessing group. She, who gambled on the opportunity to sing with her idol, was particularly emotional in her singing. Although she lost in the second round, she couldn’t help but love her feelings and confessed to Zhang Shaohan affectionately, saying that her songs brought more motivation to her dream. Feng Timo couldn’t help but cry, and finally moved Zhang Shaohan to get the chorus opportunity with his true feelings. The two had never rehearsed before, singing "Rain and Go" with a sweet voice and a very tacit understanding. After the song ended, the two girls who cherished each other hugged each other and moved the audience.

Priya’s "One Voice" has been broadcast for nine episodes, and the original singers who came to the show all represent the love and youth of audiences of all ages. In future shows, Luo Dayou, a favorite of mothers born in the 1960s and 1970s, and Zhang Jie, Zhang Bichen, Chen Li and other original singers who are loved by the post-80s and 90s, will also be invited to share music stories with everyone. This "family fun" music journey will also continue to set sail.

This Saturday night at 21:10, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "Unison", listen carefully.

There are flowers in bloom, and I’m going to run to this spring date ~

Wenlv Changsha

A blessed spring

Spring is full of flowers everywhere.

Take a stroll in Martyrs Park and Moon Lake.

Climb to the top of flowers and linger between flowers and lakes.

Smell the flowers and listen to the birds.

Feel the gentle care of nature

When the wind comes, it’s better to chase flowers ~

Changsha Garden Ecological Park is blooming ~

Yumeiren, Xilincao, Ranunculus and Rhododendron are open for the second time.

Walk into the real Monet Garden

Who can refuse the feeling of spring ~

Xiaohongshu @ wo Xi ya ya

zi feng park profile

Rows of creepers covered the viaduct.

This is a romance that belongs to nature alone.

The Wizard of Oz Reality Edition Secret Land

Little Red Book @ Cousin Long Legs

There is an appointment in spring, and the flowers are not mistaken.

Haitang is brilliant, with clouds and snow piled up.

Yuehu Park all loves

The fatigue of the week has dissipated.

Xiaohongshu @ Mu Zi ~ Smile Rainbow

Does every school have a wisteria trellis like this?

Herun Garden Farm takes you back to your schooldays.

Chatting with memory at the foot of spring about school time.

Xiaohongshu Herun Garden

In an amusement park

You can see all the flowers that represent spring.

Changsha window of the world celebrates spring.

Who doesn’t rush here ~

Xiaohongshu Steel Li Dafa

Hang one’s head, look up, stop ……

This spring

Xiaobian takes you to unlock the new little red book popular flower chasing posture.

Let’s play something new.

@ Star Caroline

@ toothpaste Soda

Love the nipple of peach

It’s just across the garden

@ Taotao Pipiwan

Who said that taking flowers can only go to crowded places?

It’s also good to shoot downstairs!

Spring came to my downstairs during my lunch break.

Going downstairs is spring ~

Xiaohongshu @YANGY @ Leave me alone @ Everyday as usual @1 orange @ Brother Fei is the coolest.

Cut through thorns, flowers come in person

Let’s spend this spring.

Measure the fragrance of flowers with your feet.

Record the beauty of flowers with a lens

Right now.

If you shoot flowers, you will send flowers.

Only in the new year will there be "money to spend"

Open the little red book, search for [Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders], and enter the activity page to get practical contents such as the popular flower viewing places in Kaifu District and the recommendation of flower viewing seats with one click.

We also hope that you will share the beauty in front of the camera with Changsha citizens, take notes with the topic # Changsha Flower Chasing Raiders # Flowers all the way to see happiness and carve up 10 million exclusive traffic! There are also 100 customized spring chasing glasses and 220 tickets for Huahai waiting for you ~

Join the flower chasing team

Explore the footprints of spring together

Feel the most beautiful April of Kaifu!

Original title: "There are flowers in bloom, I will run to this spring date ~"

Read the original text

Being away from the sun can make you look twenty years younger.

Being away from the sun can make you look twenty years younger.

Forget glugging countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun.
Stop being crazy about drinking water and sleeping beauty sleep. There is actually only one secret to staying young: staying away from the sun.

A study of hundreds of women has revealed that those who avoided the sun’s rays looked up to 20 years younger than they actually are.
After investigating hundreds of women, a study found that those women who stay away from the sun’s radiation look 20 years younger than their actual age.

However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion, from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to hold back the hands of time.
Other universally recognized principles of maintaining youthful appearance, such as drinking more water, sleeping beauty sleep and exercising regularly, can’t stop the ruthless years from leaving marks on the face.

Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasn’t possible, made a difference, the American Academy of Dermatology’s annual conference will hear today.
The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology will announce this discovery: only by staying away from the sun, or wearing sunscreen when you have to be exposed to the sun, can you resist the years for several rounds.

The intriguing finding comes from a study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed about their lives, including whether they were sun-worshippers.
This interesting discovery comes from a study of 231 women of all ages. The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey on their living habits, including whether they like to bask in the sun.

When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US – commissioned by skincare firm Olay – guessed how old the women were, they found those who took care in the sun tended to have aged more slowly.
Subsequently, commissioned by Olay, a skin care company, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital estimated the age of these women and found that women who took sunscreen measures aged more slowly.

A lucky four had so few wrinkles and age spots, and such a glowing complexion, that they appeared to be a full two decades younger than they really were.
Four of them have almost no wrinkles and age spots, so radiant that they look twenty years younger than their actual age.

Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball, a professor of dermatology, said the popular perception that we drink lots of water to stay healthy is a myth and the body is ‘pretty good’ at judging how much we need.
Researcher Dr. Alex Kimble, a professor of dermatology, said that the popular view that drinking more water can keep you healthy is nonsense, and our bodies can accurately judge the amount of water we need.

Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a similar conclusion.
Previously, the British Nutrition Association’s research also reached a similar conclusion.

Experts there said: ‘Just drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect on improving the appearance of skin.’
Experts from the association said: "Drinking water for the sake of drinking water really won’t improve the skin."

It isn’t clear why the women who slept well didn’t have younger-looking skin. But it may be that the question they were asked was too narrow and didn’t take into account their long-term sleep patterns.
As for why women with good sleep quality can’t have younger skin, the reason is not clear. However, this may be because the coverage of the questionnaire is too narrow and the long-term sleep patterns of the subjects are not taken into account.

A second study, also by Olay, suggested that low-level day to day exposure to the sun is more ageing that occasional, intense blasts.
The second study initiated by Olay Company shows that frequent exposure to low-intensity sunlight is more likely to make people aging than occasional exposure.

Finally, DNA examination of tiny samples of the women’s skin gave some insight into the damage done by the sun.
Finally, the researchers conducted genetic testing on female skin samples, which gave us a general understanding of the damage caused by sunlight to the skin.

A gene called CDKN2A was more active in facial skin that is exposed to the elements than on samples taken from the buttocks.
The researchers found that the gene named CDKN2A is more active in facial skin exposed to sunlight than hip skin away from sunlight.

This gene was also more active in women who said they loved the sun – and in those who looked older.
The gene is also more active in women who love sunshine-and these women look older.

Dr Kimball said CDKN2A activity is a sign that a cell is ‘tired out’ and urged women should protect their skin year round and not just when on a beach holiday.
Dr. Jin Bo said that the activity of CDKN2A gene means that cells are actually in distress, so she called on women to take skin care measures all year round, instead of waiting for a beach holiday to think about sun protection.

Dr Frauke Neuser, principal scientist at Olay, which has used the research to develop its latest face creams, said: ‘This research gives us a detailed picture of the effect of sun exposure on skin ageing and illustrate the importance of protection on a daily basis.’
Dr. flock Neuhser, the leading scientist of Olay, used these research findings to develop the latest cream. He said: "This study gives us a detailed understanding of the effects of sunlight on skin aging, indicating that daily skin care is very important."

English source: Daily Mail
Translator: Zhao Xiaoyi
Revising & Editing: Dany

A quick tutorial on football, which teaches you to become an elegant girl who knows the ball.

Recently, football fans have celebrated the Spring Festival again.

The Spanish national derby has begun again!

It is always difficult for girls to understand such things as football.

Why is it so attractive to boys!

So today, Brother Hunzi will tell you something about football (especially my sister paper who doesn’t know the ball).

# Football # # World Cup # # Football rules # # Football play # # Spanish national derby #

Ouyang Zhongshi: What is culture? What is the core of culture?

What is culture? There are many experts who have defined it. There are hundreds of kinds in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad. Everyone always talks about a certain aspect of "culture", but it has not been fully summarized, so it is more troublesome to define it. Modern Chinese Dictionary explains culture as the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical development. If we understand it according to this definition, there is probably nothing that is not cultural, good or bad, and almost everything we can see can be classified into the category of culture. As for how culture came into being, why it came into being and why it came into being, there is no answer. Now, let’s analyze and study the word "culture".

Culture is the pursuit of beauty by human beings.

To make all kinds of things in society have a good meaning is called "taking culture as its foundation"; Let it become beautiful and make it "beautiful". This is called "culture". Starting from good wishes and pursuing practical actions, we finally get a good result, which must be the crystallization of "culture".

From the beginning of existence, human beings always hope that the present will be better than the past, and tomorrow will be better than today. It can be seen that the pursuit of beauty is the desire of human beings and the goal that human beings will always pursue. It is human nature to pursue a beautiful desire. This desire for beauty is not only human, but also common animals, such as monkeys, cats, rabbits and dogs. Therefore, we say that this is a kind of nature of species, that is to say, this is an inevitable pursuit of the survival of a "living thing". However, this desire is limited by nature and bound by heaven and earth. From the nature, everything between heaven and earth exists objectively, regardless of human will, and they have their own operating rules. Living in nature, human beings should also obey some laws in nature, and form some laws and rules that everyone abides by in social life. In the Book of Changes, it is said that "the sky is strong and the terrain is Kun". This has summed up everything in nature. Kun means Shun. Heaven and earth are constantly running. The sky should be strong and the earth should be smooth. Everything on the earth, including human beings, requires "smoothness". Heaven and earth require "harmony", and if human beings want to be beautiful, they must also "harmony". Find a word to describe "beauty" and "harmony", and we in China will find the word "Wen". Literature is the meaning of beauty and harmony.

What is the word Wen? The Book of Changes says: "The phases are mixed, so it is called Wen." "Za" was originally written as "Fu" (we simplified it as "Za"), with the word "Yi" on the left and the word "Ji" on the right. In terms of word-making, it means that there are many birds flying on a tree and wearing all kinds of clothes, which are very beautiful, that is, "味味". In other words, a variety of appearances and things are gathered together and colorful, which is called "Wen". In addition, there is another explanation, which says in the Book of Rites: "Five colors are written." All colors are gathered together, which is "Wen". All kinds of colors are gathered together, but they are not randomly piled up, but have their own rules, so we also say "articles". All kinds of things get together, and they are not chaotic and organized. This is called "Wen", which is a beautiful symbol.

To make all kinds of things in society have a good meaning is called "taking culture as its foundation"; Let it become beautiful and make it "beautiful". This is called "culture". All material wealth is created by people, and our spiritual wealth also appears for beauty, so we use a word "Wen" to describe it. Can we understand that all the beautiful things (whether material or spiritual) created by human beings, as well as all the efforts made to achieve beauty and all the ideas for development towards beauty, are all cultures? Therefore, a good wish is culture; Pursuing beautiful practical actions is also culture; Starting from good wishes and pursuing practical actions, we finally get a good result, which must be the crystallization of "culture".

In this way, all the wishes, actions and results of people’s lives, which are getting better day by day, can be covered in culture. Therefore, the meaning mentioned in the dictionary can be interpreted as: in the historical process of human society, all material wealth and spiritual wealth belong to culture, or culture can be said to be the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth. I think my understanding may depend on a little spectrum, or at least touch a little edge.

Having said that, I also want to make an important explanation: after "beauty", the word "harmony" must be added. Since culture is the pursuit of beauty. You also pursue, I also pursue, he also pursues, it should be said that this is a common pursuit of all mankind. Since it is the common pursuit of all mankind, it is inevitable that they will collide with each other. In order for everyone to get "beauty", we should make a code of conduct to ensure that everyone can get "beauty". This norm must ensure that everyone is "beautiful", which requires everyone to live in harmony, and everyone should be humble, tolerant, tolerant and respectful.

Chinese culture is developed.

Chinese culture is increasingly rich, novel, thick and huge. But the general direction that runs through the center will never change, which is the core of Chinese culture-beauty and harmony, eliminating evil. I hope that all mankind will move towards the most ideal and beautiful harmony together.

The world, from the beginning of human beings, is pursuing beauty. What is created and formed in the process of pursuit, whether material or spiritual, is the crystallization of the pursuit of beauty. So, how to understand Chinese culture? Analysis, in Chinese culture, some of them are native to China, or are inherent, such as our "classics" and "transmission". There is also a part that comes with the historical development of society. For example, we didn’t have a fire, we didn’t know how to use it, and we didn’t eat cooked food. Later, we gradually found that food tastes better when cooked, and the use of fire is wide, so we can keep warm and cook. We have also built many houses and planted crops, which are our material wealth. In the ideological and spiritual field, there are many books, music and paintings, which are our wealth. These are all created and developed by our Chinese nation. Everyone knows that Chinese culture is profound and profound, because we have a long history and a large population. On the land of China, our wisdom has naturally condensed into a set of cultural characteristics suitable for ourselves in the continuous progress. To put it bluntly, we Chinese sons and daughters have enough ability to pursue beauty and harmony step by step! Our long history has proved this. In the long historical process, our ability has gradually accumulated with the development of society. Since the pre-Qin period, the growth of new content has never stopped. No matter the Han, Wei, Six Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, or even modern and contemporary times, every era has its unique contribution and a little fresh knowledge has grown up.That is to say: in addition to the original inherent culture, with the progress of the times, a large part of the cultural accumulation has increased.

Part of our culture is absorbed from the outside, or introduced from the outside. Even if it came from the outside, we absorbed it, transformed it and developed it. Especially after the Ming Dynasty, foreign cultures from other regions poured in, which added new contents to our long-term self-developed culture. China people are not afraid of wealth, and China people do not refuse foreign wealth. They first introduce it, then combine it, and then "transform" it, and finally it is no longer easy to distinguish it clearly. For example, after Buddhism in India and Zen in Indian Buddhism spread to China, China people conducted research and development, resulting in the formation of Chinese Buddhism. China’s Zen is a fusion and has become a part of Chinese culture. It is precisely because our Chinese culture has such tolerance, absorption and digestion, and it is precisely because we have such a trilogy of "introduction, combination and melting" with foreign cultures that our Chinese culture has formed a life force with its own characteristics, which is developing at any time and is good at integration. Therefore, Chinese culture is becoming more and more huge, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, profound and profound. Inherent, developed and integrated, these three aspects make our Chinese culture more comprehensive. Of course, the status and emphasis of these three aspects in Chinese culture are not exactly the same in different times, but in the final analysis, these integrated cultures are still harmonious, which constitutes our Chinese culture.

Some people say that our cultural development is not fast enough or advanced enough, is that right? I think the progress of Chinese culture is by no means slow! Gunpowder was invented by China people, and it was also the most advanced at that time, but we didn’t develop it later. Is it because China people are not smart? I don’t think so, because we in China simply don’t want to make a weapon with powerful lethality. The pursuit of Chinese culture is to avoid war and misfortune. The pursuit is to move forward more steadily. Therefore, I feel that Chinese culture is firmly grasping the "beauty" and "harmony" and moving forward. I would rather take one step slowly and take one step less than those inappropriate paths.

Therefore, the Chinese nation has formed its own inherent culture, which is a very complete system. With the development of history, it is constantly developing and expanding, and it is also constantly absorbing and melting with the development of the world. Chinese culture is increasingly rich, novel, thick and huge. But the general direction that runs through the center will never change, which is the core of Chinese culture-beauty and harmony, eliminating evil. I hope that all mankind will move towards the most ideal and beautiful harmony together.

What is the core of Chinese culture?

The words "benevolence, virtue, courtesy, law, culture and harmony" summarize the core content and basic characteristics of our Chinese culture, and the common pursuit of all nationalities and people in the world is nothing more than this. Knowing this, we will understand the vitality of Chinese culture.

Chinese culture pursues beauty, and all its development is towards "better and more harmonious day by day". Therefore, I think beauty and harmony are the core requirements of culture and Chinese culture. It is difficult to get along fairly and harmoniously like this, and to achieve the beautiful harmony of all mankind without a common agreement and a common norm. Our sages have long known this problem, and they put forward some requirements and norms. We can analyze it through a few Chinese characters.

The first is "benevolence". "Benevolence" occupies an unshakable core position in Chinese traditional culture. If you take the word "benevolence" apart, it is two people. People should love each other, and this "benevolence" is love.

Followed by "virtue"; The word "virtue" should be written straight on the right side except the heart, so the ancients often said that "straight heart is virtue" "Straight" is integrity, and upright is "virtue". "Virtue" requires a lot. Adding the word "heart" is to explain thoughts, and adding "worry" is to explain actions. That is to say, integrity is required in both thoughts and actions. This is the meaning of "virtue". "Virtue" has been mentioned in Zhuangzi, which means "virtue". Things are born, which is called virtue. Morality is a special power. Although it is not a thing, it is a very unusual internal energy force. This kind of power will make things grow and make things successful. Visible is a power that can enhance life and promote success. How can we explain this power? I realize that it is a kind of "strength", and it seems easier to understand that it is an "opportunity". In the language of ordinary people, especially in Beijing dialect, there is a saying: "Come on!" Sometimes it is reduced to one word: "Yes!" Just saying: ok! It’s done! Everything was successful and reached a very "suitable" situation. This statement is exactly the true meaning of "de". It must also be explained that this "gain" refers not only to one aspect, but to all aspects. It is the requirement of "getting" that is suitable in any way. In order to ensure a comprehensive "win", all aspects must follow certain principles, which falls on this "virtue".

On the winter solstice, it was also called "Germany and Japan" in ancient times. From this day on, the days became longer, which is the law of celestial bodies. "Yin declines and Yang rises", and everything began to grow. This day is also called "prosperous day", that is, it begins to grow. Therefore, "things can be born"-if things have "virtue", they begin to grow; "Things can be done"-things can be successful. "Virtue" is a good word to help people and things grow vigorously.

How can a beautiful "text" achieve a comprehensive "culture"? We must rely on "virtue". Chinese culture can have such vitality and cohesion, which is inseparable from the word "virtue". It can also be said that virtue is an essential core in Chinese culture.

We pay attention to "benevolence" in order to ensure a comprehensive "beautiful and harmonious" requirement. It can be said that "benevolence" is the core of Chinese culture. In order to ensure the normal development of "benevolence" and "morality", we need to do standardized activities and then make it a system, which leads to "ceremony" and "law"

How can people achieve "benevolence" and "virtue" and move into a standardized system? There is a way-that is "transformation". The word "Hua" is amazing. No matter how you look at it, there are two people, one is upside down and the other is red-handed. In this way, the word can’t be inverted, and everything is correct. This "transformation" can be both negative and positive, that is to say, it can be reconciled and dissolved, and it can be established in all cases. This should be a channel to a better state. There are many things that can be solved as long as they are "transformed".

We have been using and following the law of "transformation", or this principle. Why is Chinese culture more and more extensive, more and more profound, with a long history and enduring prosperity? First of all, because it is the pursuit of all mankind, it represents the common and beautiful aspirations of all mankind; Secondly, it is the strong inclusiveness and integration, culture and power of Chinese culture. Because in the process of cultural development, it is impossible without collision. The fear of collision lies in coordination and how to solve it. It boils down to two kinds, one is to let and the other is to rob. Rob no good results, today’s winner, tomorrow may be a loser, today’s loser may be a winner tomorrow. Fighting and looting is not a good way to solve the problem, and it is not as good as a word "Hua". Through a word "Hua", we can resolve, harmonize and transform and move forward in harmony. We have "transformed" many things, and by "transforming", we have formed a big multi-ethnic family.

All this comes down to one word-"harmony", which is the highest realm that people pursue. This "harmony" is not that "combination" Harmony is two things, or many different things are very harmonious and harmonious, such as various musical instruments, which play and sing to form a beautiful melody, but it is not that two different things have lost themselves. For example, people’s wishes and demands are varied, but it is indeed possible to achieve unity. Unity here does not mean synthesizing "one", but achieving agreement, that is, achieving harmony. Combination is to add two different things together, dissolve them and lose yourself. "Harmony" is the fusion of two different things, each with its own characteristics and living in peace. Everything in the world is different, and everyone is different, so we should advocate harmony. Only harmony can last.

In our thoughts and actions, we should respect morality, etiquette and law, and finally reach the realm of "harmony" through "culture". Therefore, I believe that the words "benevolence, morality, courtesy, law, culture and harmony" summarize the core content and basic characteristics of our Chinese culture, and the common pursuit of all nationalities and people in the world is nothing more than this. Knowing this, we will understand the vitality of Chinese culture.

Transferred from Ouyang Zhongshi’s "Culture Man Tan"

Shanghai’s tragic accident caused 1 death and 1 injury case details announcement

Cao Moumou, a male, male, born in 1995 ** 被 被 被, citizenship number: 4290041995 **********, Han nationality, junior high school culture, before the incident, online car driver, household registration in Hubei Group of Xian Tao City ** Village, temporarily lived in Room **, ** Road ** Road ** of Yangpu District, Shanghai. On March 31, 2021, the Chongming Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau was criminally detained in accordance with the law for suspected traffic accidents.

The case was ended by the investigation of the Chongming Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and was transferred to the court on January 17, 2022 to the court for review and prosecution by the non -prosecutor Cao Moumou. After the acceptance of this court, the next day, it was informed that the non -prosecutor had the right to entrust the defender and the legal consequences that the penalty could be caused. The close relatives of the victim had the right to entrust the lawsuit to the lawsuit, and questioned the non -prosecutor in accordance with the law and listened to it. The opinions of the victim’s family reviewed all case materials.

After review by law:

At 5:35 on March 31, 2021, the brand that was not leased by Cao Moumou was Shanghai AF **** small sedan.时,因其驾驶机动车未靠道路右侧通行且违反文明驾驶规定而分别与对方向在道路东侧由南向北被害人沈某甲骑驶的号牌为上海67****电动自行车及The victim Huang Moumou’s number plate was a collision of Shanghai 38 **** electric bicycles, causing damage to the vehicle, Huang Moumou’s injury, Shen Moujia died on the spot. After determining the accident of the traffic police detachment of the Chongming Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, Cao Moumou’s total responsibility for the accident, Shen Moujia and Huang Moumou did not bear the responsibility of the accident.

After the accident, Cao Moumou’s initiative to report to the police, waiting for the scene and actively rescued the wounded. After the case, the above -mentioned criminal facts were truthfully confessed. A few days ago, the victim Huang Moumou had received Cao Moumou’s compensation RMB 55,000 (the following currencies are RMB); 38.6668 million yuan and Cao Moumou compensated 49,000 yuan (the remaining 60,000 yuan has been negotiated with Cao Moumou and the victim Shen Moujia’s family membership payment). Cao Moumou has been understood in writing by the above -mentioned victims and family members of the victims.

The evidence of identifying the above facts is as follows:

1. The one -click search for super search information, ID card copy, and criminal suspect’s illegal crime information verification form from the Shanghai Public Security Bureau confirmed that the non -prosecutor Cao Moumou had reached legal and completely criminal responsibility age when he committed the crime. Identity information and no prevalence.

2. The Shanghai Public Security Bureau’s case (event) issued by the public security organs receiving a report, the registration form, the case of the case, the 110 incident registration form, and the call for details. A traffic accident occurred near the Panlong Highway and the intersection of the construction of the North Road and the electric bicycle. Cao Moumou, who was not prosecuted, took the initiative to call the police, waited for the scene and truthfully confessed the above criminal facts.

3. The results of the test form of the drug driving (urine test) and the exhalation alcohol tester confirmed that Cao Moumou was not toxic and drunk driving.

4. Driving license information, motor vehicle driving license, photocopy of driver’s license, vehicle detailed information, motor vehicle traffic accident liability for compulsory insurance policy, commercial insurance policy, Shanghai taxi operating license confirmed, Cao Moumou’s driving license and rental car Related conditions such as the driving card is complete.

5. Shanghai Public Security Bureau’s population business inquiry management system information, ID card copy, a copy of the temporary resident ID card, and basic information of the vehicle have confirmed that the victim Shen Moujia, Huang Moumou’s identity information and two electric bicycles are related.

6. The first aid case, the medical certificate of the resident death, the guarantee, the cremation of the remains, the thermalization certificate of the body of the residents, and the thermalization of the body, and the Judicial Appraisal Opinions of the Judicial Appraisal Center of the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University confirmed that on March 31, 2021, the victim Shen Moujia was on the spot due to a traffic accident on the spot. Death, the cause of death is in line with road traffic accidents, causing injuries to the whole body. In addition, ethanol composition was found in the blood.

7. Notice of injury testing and the outpatient medical records of the Chongming Branch of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine confirmed that the victim Huang Moumou had eyeballs due to the accident.

8. Household registration copy, copy of ID cards, civil judgments, civil jets, civil mediation letters, receipt, understanding, and Didi company transfer vouchers confirmed that Cao Moumou has conducted with the victim Shen Moujia’s family on the economic compensation of the accident. Civil litigation and later reached a mediation agreement. A few days ago, the victim Shen Moujia had received a compensation of 1.182 million yuan in insurance companies, 386.668 million yuan paid by Didi Company and 49,000 yuan for Cao Moumou. Payment). The family members of the victims have been understood by Cao Moumou.

9. Transportation accident understanding, people’s mediation agreement, and road traffic accident economic compensation voucher confirmed that it has been compensated by the victim Huang Moumou for the victim of the victim, and was written in writing.

10. The "Road Traffic Accident Confix" issued by the Transportation Police Detachment of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and the situation of Shen Moujia’s electric bicycle after being drunk, which is confirmed by the situation of the responsibility of the accident. Cao Moumou’s responsibility for the accident; Shen Moujia drunk riding electric bicycles does not work on traffic accidents and the consequences of damage. The two victims had no fault in the accident. Responsibility for the accident.

11. Shanghai Fenglin Judicial Appraisal Co., Ltd.’s judicial appraisal opinions confirmed that the safety technical status of the car involved in the case is in line with the relevant provisions of GB7258-2017 "Technical Conditions for Motor Vehicle Operation Safety"; the safety technical status of the two electric bicycles involved in the case meets GB17761-2018 " The requirements of the Safety Technical Specifications of Electric Bicycles; at the time of the accident, the license plate is "Shanghai 67 ****" electric bicycle carried by people to carry people’s traffic behavior. A collision of electric bicycles can be established.

12. On -site pictures of road traffic accidents, surveys of road traffic accidents, photos, photos, CD -ROM confirmations, car accidents and other related situations.

13. The statement of the victim Huang Moumou confirmed that at 5:35 on March 31, 2021, when the electric bicycle was driving along the east side of the Pinglong Highway from south to north to the south side of the south side of the river bridge, about 200 meters, It was suitable for a sedan to drive quickly from the middle to southeast along the middle road to the southeast, and it avoided it westward. Later, it felt like a electric bicycle or a car colliding.

14. Witnesses Shen Mou’s testimony confirmed that it was the son of Shen Moujia. On March 31, 2021, Shen Moujia drove an electric bicycle and collided with a small sedan on the way along the Pinglong Highway. His mother said that Shen Moujia went to the construction site from his home when he was at the time of the incident.

15. The confirmation of the confession of the non -prosecutor Cao Moumou was confirmed that at 5:35 on March 31, 2021, the driving number was Shanghai AF **** small sedan, and it was driving north to south along the Dragon Highway in this area to the south to the shoulder. The road milestone hit two electric bicycles at 6.7 kilometers, resulting in related facts such as one death and one injury.

The court believes that Cao Moumou, who was not prosecuted, implemented the behavior stipulated in Article 133 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, but the circumstances of the crime were mild. And its close relatives made financial compensation and obtained written understanding, according to the provisions of Article 67, paragraph 1 and 37 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, can be exempted from criminal punishment. According to the provisions of Article 177 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, it was decided not to prosecute Cao Moumou.

Three seized CD -ROM returned to the Chongming Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.

If the non -prosecutor’s decision, if he does not accept the decision, he can appeal to the court within seven days after receiving the decision.

If the victim’s close relatives do not accept the decision, they can appeal to the Second Branch of the Shanghai People’s Procuratorate within seven days after receiving this decision, and ask for a public prosecution; they can also filed a self -prosecution directly to the Shanghai Chongming District People’s Court of Shanghai.