Tencent makes another move! 101 repurchases during the year

In the past two trading days, Tencent Holdings in the Hong Kong stock market has conducted the 100th and 101st repurchase operations of the year.

On November 22, Tencent Holdings disclosed that it repurchased 1.23 million shares on the same day at a cost of 401 million Hong Kong dollars. This is the 100th time Tencent has repurchased this year. On November 23, Tencent Holdings repurchased 1.23 million shares again. Since the beginning of this year, Tencent Holdings has repurchased 113 million shares, and the cumulative repurchase amount 37.382 billion Hong Kong dollars.

As of the close on November 23, Tencent’s share price was HK $329.2 per share, a cumulative rebound of about 17% from the phased low set on October 25. Based on the total repurchase price/cumulative number of repurchases, the average repurchase price of Tencent during the year was HK $332.03 per share, slightly higher than the current price.

All repurchased shares have been cancelled in the first three quarters

Statistics show that since last year, Tencent’s average daily repurchase amount has gradually increased. From the end of August last year to the end of May this year, Tencent’s daily repurchase amount was about 350 million Hong Kong dollars. But since June this year, Tencent’s average daily repurchase amount has increased to about 400 million Hong Kong dollars, evolving into "four hundred million".

In February 2021, Tencent’s share price reached a peak of HK $704.6/share, but due to the reduction of major shareholders, changes in international financial marekt and market concerns about the slowdown in the company’s growth rate, Tencent’s share price has been under pressure. At the end of October 2022, Tencent’s share price once fell to HK $187.29/share. Since then, Tencent’s share price has bottomed out and rebounded. In March this year, the share price was close to HK $400/share, and then continued to fluctuate. As of the close of November 23, Tencent’s share price was HK $329.2/share.

Since October 25, 2022, Tencent’s share price has risen by nearly 70%, which is related to the favorable policies of the Internet sector, the improvement of its own performance, and the spare efforts to repurchase.

Tencent Holdings disclosed in the 2022 annual financial report that in 2022, Tencent repurchased about 107 million shares, which cost more than 33.80 billion Hong Kong dollars. Since 2023, Tencent has repurchased 113 million shares, which cost 37.382 billion Hong Kong dollars. This means that the amount of repurchases this year has exceeded that of last year.

The general manager of a private equity firm in Shenzhen said that Tencent is a company with strong cash flow. In the past, Tencent bought many high-quality company assets through foreign investment, which drove the growth of the company’s revenue and total profit. Since the second half of 2021, Tencent’s foreign investment has declined, and its huge operating cash flow has been concentrated in share buybacks.

Tencent’s buyback partly hedged a sell by Prosus, South Africa’s largest shareholder.

On June 27, 2022, Tencent announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company’s major shareholders, Prosus and Naspers, announced that they would start a long-term, open-ended repurchase plan, and the repurchase funds would be obtained through the orderly small sale of Tencent shares by the South African newspaper group.

"In April this year, Prosus deposited 96 million shares of Tencent into the Hong Kong clearing system. It is estimated that Prosus reduced its holdings of Tencent by about 1 million shares per day, accounting for about 4% of Tencent’s average daily turnover. This is roughly equivalent to Tencent’s average daily repurchase of about 1.20 million shares," said Zang Hailiang, director of investment at Yide Wealth.

Regarding the arrangement of share repurchase, Tencent said in the third quarter of this year’s performance report that in the third quarter of 2023, Tencent bought back 47.519 million shares at a total consideration price of about 15.30 billion Hong Kong dollars (excluding expenses) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and these shares have been cancelled. In previous performance reports, Tencent also released similar content.

As of November 23, Tencent’s total share capital had fallen to 9.508 billion shares, close to the total share capital in May 2019. "According to the rules, the repurchase of US and Hong Kong stocks has to be cancelled, thereby reducing the total share capital, which can increase earnings per share while the profit remains unchanged. Over time, the value of the shares in the hands of Tencent’s remaining shareholders will increase," said a senior market person in Hong Kong stocks.

Performance returns to a high-growth track

This year, Tencent returned to the high growth track. Recently, Tencent disclosed the third quarter of 2023 financial report, revenue 154.625 billion yuan (both in RMB, the same below), an increase of 10%; non-international general accounting standards under the net profit of 44.921 billion yuan, an increase of 39%. In the previous two quarters, Tencent’s revenue and net profit growth were also double digits.

Tencent has gradually built up a diverse range of business segments, including value-added services, online advertising, financial technology, and enterprise services.

In the third quarter of 2023, Tencent’s value-added service business revenue was 75.748 billion yuan, an increase of 4% year-on-year, accounting for 49% of total revenue; online advertising business revenue was 25.721 billion yuan, an increase of 20%, accounting for 16% of total revenue; financial technology and Enterprise Services business revenue was 52.048 billion yuan, an increase of 16%, accounting for 34% of total revenue.

"In the third quarter of 2023, we achieved solid and high-quality revenue growth, significant margin improvement, and structured operating leverage. Emerging businesses such as WeChat Channels and Mini Games contributed to our high-margin revenue streams," said Pony Ma, chairperson and chief executive of Tencent.

In light of the development trend of the technology industry, Tencent’s focus is on laying out the AI model. "We are shifting our focus from businesses with less room for development to businesses with higher growth potential," said Pony Ma. "We are investing more in artificial intelligence models to give our products new functions and improve the ability to accurately recommend content and advertising. We are not only committed to positioning our leading artificial intelligence capabilities as a multiplier for our own business development, but also to create value for our corporate customers and society as a whole."

As of November 22, southbound funds held Tencent’s total market value of HK $2958.49 billion, accounting for 9.59% of the issued ordinary shares. However, with the continuous rebound of Tencent’s share price, southbound funds have recently been on the trend of picking up and selling shares in Tencent.

Still that smell BYD’s brand-new Qin EV official map was released.

  [Aika Auto Domestic New Car Original]

  Previously, the official released several brand-new (|) local official maps. Today, BYD’s brand-new official Qin EV map was officially released, and the new car still adopts the Dragon Face family-style front face. The overall design is not very different from the cash (|), which is dynamic and fashionable.



  Judging from the official map released, the new car still adopts the latest Dragon Face family-style front face, and this design language has been well received by consumers. The headlight group has a higher degree of integration with the front middle net, and the overall sense is very strong. In addition, the headlight group adopts matrix design and contains five independent light sources, which makes it more recognizable.



  In the rear part, the taillight group of the new car does not use the penetrating taillight that BYD is good at, but is connected with a chrome-plated decorative strip at the top, which is highly recognizable. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4675/1770/1500mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2670mm. As for other relevant information, it has not been disclosed yet, and Aika will continue to pay attention.

  Editor’s comment:(|) The sales volume of this model has always been very good, and its reputation among consumers is also commendable. Now the replacement model is coming, and I believe it will have better performance after listing in the future.

Lintongwa won the first Golden Boy Award and the Best Child Actor Award at the Macau International Children’s Film Festival.

On December 13th, Du Xuguang, the actor of the local film "There is a Good Place in the Tree" in Lintong District, won the "Best Children’s Actor Award" at the award ceremony of the first "Golden Boy Award" Macau International Children’s Film Festival 2023.

This year’s film festival has received more than 280 films from 19 countries and regions, including France, Norway, Mexico and Peru. Du Xuguang, the star of "There is a good place in the tree", won the "Best Children’s Actor Award" at the first "Golden Boy Award" Macau International Children’s Film Festival. This is also Du Xuguang’s second "Best Actor" award after winning the "International Little Actor" at the 24th Schlinger International Children’s Film Festival in Germany. At the same time, director Zhang Zhonghua was nominated for the Best Director Award in this film festival.


Du Xuguang, the winner, said in an interview: "Thank you for your love and support for the film" There is a Good Place in the Tree ".This honor is the reward paid by all the crew and the testimony of the good life memories of the crew. I will continue to study hard and strive to present more good works to you."


It is understood that in recent years, Lintong District Party Committee and District Government have devoted themselves to the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and industries, paid attention to and encouraged the development and growth of local films from various aspects such as policy support, service support and base construction, and children’s theme films have achieved fruitful results. The Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and other relevant departments took the initiative to take the lead in docking, focused on building a platform for resource integration and sharing, focused on building a chess game development pattern of the cultural industry, fully coordinated the shooting venue, and provided security services to ensure that the film was released on schedule.

In addition, the children’s film "The Art Teacher’s Shepherd’s Class" directed by Zhang Zhonghua has been broadcasted solo on the whole network of iQiyi this year, and works such as "There is a Good Place by the River" directed by him and "Sparrow Ditch" directed by Wang Qiang, a native director of Lintong after 1990s, will soon meet the audience.

(correspondent Yan Yongchun)

Can’t you catch tickets for global studios? You can also come here to interact with other "top flow"!

Already worried


Rainbow base

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The 2021 China International Services Trade Fair ("Service Association") is about to be launched. Beijing Global Studio, Beijing Global Studio, will be unveiled in the Beijing sub -center.

According to reports, after the official launch, Kung Fu Panda, the "top flow" of the global studio, and so on. It will also come to the scene and the audience in advance.

Beijing Universal Studios is located in Tongzhou District, Beijing. In the 20 years of construction, 7 years of construction, this year, after the opening, "double", today, I finally started trial. It will be officially opened on September 20.

As the world’s largest global studio, what is mysterious here? Shanghai Securities Journalists take you to explore.

Harry Potter, Xiaoyang and other top traffic collection

VR dazzling technology immersion experience

A reporter from Shanghai Securities and Magazine came to Beijing Global Resort in Tongzhou District, Beijing, early.

It is very convenient to take the subway. Both Beijing Metro Batong and Line 7 are global resorts. The volume of the station is equivalent to three times the total railway station. There are 4 safety entrances 82.

From the subway, the west side of the station is the urban avenue, restaurant and theme store of the global resort, about 700 meters again. You can reach the resort.

Global studios have the magic world of Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda Glass, Xiaoyang Paradise, Transformers, Jurassic World Nubra Island, Hollywood Avenue, Future Water World, and so on. 7.

In the park, first of all, this is a milestone building in Hollywood. On Hollywood Avenue, you can play a monster, Maryline Monroe, and take a group with them. In a film -specific product factory, you can experience the effect of photoelectric mixed. Experience the entire movie production process.

Hollywood Avenue is not far from the right. It is currently the largest little yellow garden in the world. Visitors can enter Super Mengle Island on a huge pier. Experience the stimulus of the roller coaster, or sit at a bird’s -eye view of the Menci Rose Vortex 360 ° Island.

In Nubra, Jurassic World, experience the "Jurassic World Adventure", adopt a complete terrain luxury automatic system (Atlas) into the wilderness of Nubra Island and meet dinosaurs.

"Global resort is full of technology. Many projects are real scenes and 3D virtual scenes. Visual art enjoyment is very good." Tourists told reporters.

In the "Future Water World" theme scenic spots, the feeling of immersion continues various details. Even a hair dryer can be heard in the bathroom. It is shocking to accelerate the technology of water gasoline, accelerate, and bullets. Until the plane crashed & hellip; & hellip; various stunt performances made tourists scream again, it seemed to be in a wonderful "water war".

The largest and most exciting roller coaster in the park- "DABA Tiger Roller Trolley", 4. Within 5 seconds, it can be accelerated from a static state to 104 kilometers.

Except for playing, I can’t eat, drink, drink and various products! There are 80 restaurants and 30 retail stores. Ice cream from Xiaohuang people and other themes, butter beer to signature & hellip; & hellip; various novels diet, of course, the price is also "unforgettable"!

The fare has not yet been announced

Beijing or enter the Mid -Autumn Festival domestic tourism is the hottest

Beijing Global Studio fare? The recent testing and test operation tests have been fired thousands of yuan. But the official fare has not been announced.

Compared with Shanghai Disneyland, before, he had just issued a ticket adjustment plan: starting from January 9th, 2022, the conventional daily ticket adjustment was 435 yuan, the special agreement was 545 yuan, the peak day was 659 yuan, and the special peak day was 769 yuan.

After the official opening on September 20, the theme park of Beijing Global Studio needs to enter the ticket. In Beijing Global City Avenue, tourists can go to the case without buying tickets. Adjustment.

The time to open the global resort is a coincidence in the Mid -Autumn Festival. Where to analyze the main data research institute, the Mid -Autumn Festival has always been the off -season of long -distance travel. Especially in Beijing, in the Mid -Autumn Festival, there is usually a scene of "going out" instead of "entering Beijing". As the Global Resort was officially announced in the Mid -Autumn Festival, Beijing is expected to be the most popular destination of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

How to promote the Beijing economy?

It is reported that Universal Studios Beijing covers an area of ??120 hectares, plus 280 hectares of resorts. After completion, it will become the world’s largest global vast city. This is 2 times that of Osaka Global Studio, 5 times of Singapore Global Studio, and 4 times in Shanghai Disney.

The existing section of the global resort includes the theme park of Beijing Global Studio, Beijing Global City Avenue and two resorts. The second phase of planning construction includes the theme park of Chinese elements, which introduces IPS such as Chinese culture and Sun Wukong; the three -phase plan construction water park, with a total investment of more than $ 50 billion.

CITIC Jianota predicts that Universal Studios Beijing receives about 15 million to 20 million people, and the price of guests is expected to exceed 1,500 yuan. After maturity, the annual turnover is about 25 billion yuan to 30 billion yuan.

Pacific Securities believes that the global resort will directly drive Beijing’s tourism revenue by 4 % -5 %, and the annual growth rate of the industry around the tourism industry will increase by more than 100 billion yuan. the value of.

Many listed companies participate in the global studio industry chain

As an investor, the capital story behind Beijing Global Studio is more concerned about.

From the official disclosure information, Beijing Global Resort has Beijing International Resort Hotel Beijing International Resort Hotel, which is a joint venture with Beijing Ryan Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. and Kangcaster NBC Global Commercial Position And resort.

Beijing Handbiao Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. is the Beijing Municipal Government that mainly supports investment, development, operation and Beijing Global Resort. It is usually used by five Beijing state -owned enterprises. Including one of China’s largest tourism companies -Beijing Chiefs Group.

As the largest shareholder of the global studio, the first travel hotel of the first group, Wangfujing, Quanjude, the first commercial stock, and so on. This is the closest and benefited from this industrial chain.

At present, there are only two hotels in NOVOLI in the Universal Studios -Universal Studios Hotel and Resort. The number of rooms is about 1200. These two hotels are management of 50 % of the International Cay and First Tourism Group. And before December 31st, he has been committed to injecting a girl hotel, 2022. In June of this year, the hotel’s discipline announced a $ 3 billion plan. Global Studios near the theme hotel, in order to seize market opportunities.

In addition to the first time, many listed companies have recently responded to investors in Shanghai and Shenzhen. It appeared in the case of cooperation with Beijing Universal Studios.

Wangfujing said that the company produced by Wangfujing Shopping Center produced by the company is expected to be opened with the global studio scenic spot. However, in order to deal with the market tax, the company revealed that there is no specific plan to open global studio.

All the rally and delivered a speech thatthe Quanjihuzhuang is located on the city avenue of Universal Studios. The project covers an area of ??more than 15,000 square meters. The form of snacks, dinner, takeaway, terrace bar, etc. Organic combination. The store will be tested at the same time as global studios on September 1.

There is also an investor’s "adapter". Beijing Culture Group, Beijing Culture Group, Holding Bank, is one of the investors of Beijing Global Studio.

CITIC Tourism, China Youth Travel, and so on. It is a formal authorized partner of the Beijing Global Resort Tourism Channel.

Also, many listed companies have participated in the project construction of global studios. For example, Jintu Group is one of the main suppliers of Beijing Global Studio Green New Building Materials; time and space technology participation in the construction of Beijing Global Studio theme park support construction (first stage) urban avenue flood lighting project construction; Yuanwang valley and valley and Beijing International Resort has signed a franchise agreement for many years.

Shanghai Securities News

"Shanghai Securities Journal" on July 1, 1991, with the establishment of the New China Securities Market, it is the first national financial daily daily that my country provides authoritative financial securities. "Shanghai Securities News" is a key newspaper, Xinhua News Agency, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission designated information disclosure newspapers.

3277 original content

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Edit: Chen Qiqi

Video production: Yang Shengwu Guan Tie (Internship)

The function on the mobile phone is finally returned, we have been waiting for 7 years.

This thing, everyone is not strange?

Yes, it is a breathing light.

It is used to remind the user to have a prompt lamp for notview information. With it, we only need to look at it, you can know if there is any information just now.

As a function of your mobile phone, the most touching function. But when it’s, it’s hard to be eaten.

At least in my impression, there is a suggestion on the Nokia function.

(Nokia E5)

In more than ten years, we don’t know, witnessed the classic cases of a lot of tips.

Like Samsung, under the on-screen panel, a secluded tips can be said to be the most traditional design.

Meizu ring breathing lights, integrating with Home, elegant and exquisite.

When there is information, the entire ring is slowly released, and slowly extinguish, like a nuclear reactor of the Iron Man chest.

In addition to the headless brand mobile phone, even hundreds of dollars of functional machines, there are also running horse breathing lights.

This, the iPhone user next door does not agree.

Some people open the iPhone, actions, and change the back LOGO to the breathing lamp.

It can be seen that people have a manner that the breathing lamp is not limited to its own function.

However, the good view is not long, with the arrival of the full screen, the border of the mobile phone is getting narrower and narrower, and the living space of the breathing lamp is squeezed.

(IPhone X Liu Haiping)

Of course, this is half a pseudo-proposition, because we can still see that there is a breath lamp in the side of the mobile phone.

At least, this tests the industrial design, and cost of the manufacturer.

(Red rice 10x breathing light built into the border)

Secondly, the presentation of the information big bombings, mobile phones have not received incoming calls and text messages, but also have to receive various app notifications.

People have also begun to change the usage habits of mobile phones. If there is something, there is nothing to illuminate, and the mobile phone almost "long" in the hands of people, the probability of missed the information is getting lower and lower.

Of course, the most deadly or the popularity of the OLED screen, let the "interest screen are always bright" into mainstream functions. Call or information will have a corresponding icon display.

This can be more intuitive than the breathing light.

This, the rice bowl of breathing lights directly.

With the function of smartphones, design homogenization, "interest screen display" is nothing, replacing the breathing lamp, has become a breakthrough in the manufacturer to show the brand identity.

With many factors, in recent years, we are more and more difficult to see, there is a breather’s mobile phone.

But many old users are unknown until they have changed new mobile phones, they found no breathing lights. Many people call online to let the manufacturers add the breathing lamp back.

However, the breathing lamp does not completely disappear, it is equipped with another form on the phone.

For example, Huawei P50 PRO is used, an electrochromic material is used. As the name suggests, it is a material that will discharmatically.

When the phone is called, the p50 Pro rear cover will energize, and the effect of breathing light is flashing.

There is also a fascinating, at this year’s Flyme9 conference, the MX2 classic circular breath lamp, and the vocal screen displayed.

But these are not real breathing lights, I want to say who play lights, or I have to read OPPO.

To say that OPPO, there is a lot of classic breathing lights. 7 years ago OPPO Find 7 skyline breathing lights, so far is the design of Find loyalty.

(OPPO Find 7 breathing light)

As well as the N3 star cyclic breathing lamp, you can get a classic breathing lamp.

(OPPO N3 breathing lamp)

This time, OPPO has brought new designs, Reno7 Pro "Star Ring" breathing lights.

This time, OPPO took the breathing lamp to the edge of the rear module.

The star cyclic ventilation light has a variety of setting options, such as charging, and the call is flashing, or even as a game atmosphere.

And, we can also specify the app to turn on light efficiency.

In different modes, Reno7 breathing lights have different colors.

Corresponding to the star cyclic breathing lamp, it is like a meteor shower. This back cover uses the space-grade star rain, and is precisely engraved on the star diamond glass.

Will a Dow Meteor, eternal engraved on the back cover.

Reno7 Pro uses a right angle design, only 7.45 mm thickness, the weight is controlled by 180g, which can be said to be kneaded.

OPPO is in such a thin body, it is stuffed a 4500mAh battery, and those who say that the light is not long, it can be said to be faced.

What’s more, Reno7 also supports 65W flash, and battery anxiety can be said to be worship.

The screen is a 6.55-inch OLED screen that supports 90Hz refresh rate. Due to the use of the straight screen, the screen accounts for 92.8%, and the border is only 1.55mm.

As a direct screen of the game, it is said that it is taken.

In photography, OPPO is directly to the Reno7 series, and the title of "Portrait Video Master" is not difficult to guess. The direction of this special attack is photography.

The front lens is 32 million pixels, which uses a new, sensor IMX709 customized with Sony depth.

This sensor integrates, OPPO self-developed RGBW image fusion units can have better photosensitive ability and color reducing capabilities.

Not only in the absence of light, take a gratifying self-timer, even if the backlight shooting, it can be very clear.

(Shooting shot)

Reno7 Pro is equipped with 50 million pixel main photos, and the sensor uses a new IMX766, and the effect of larger sensors is obvious.

From the main photographing photos, it can be seen that both the details or the overall brightness, Reno7 Pro has been controlled very good, and the picture color is very good.

(Main shooting)

Reno7’s super wide angle view range, reached 118.9 °, and there is still a bit worried about edge distortion at the beginning.

But actually shooting, I have more considerable consideration, Reno7 is still very good to correct the distortion.

And under the tuning of OPPO, the picture, color is consistent with the main experience.

(Super wide angle shooting)

In terms of performance, the processor of Reno7 PRO is Tianzhu 1200-Max, as well as UFS3.1 memory, LPDDR5 storage blessings.

Machine brother also tested the game of "King", after opening the ultra-high frame rate mode, half an hour’s average frame rate 88.4 fps, can be said to be very stable.

On this basis, OPPO is equipped with "Super Lightning Start 2.0", combined with "game pre-update 2.0", can directly skip the game update, one button is black.

Can’t help but say, mainly the return of the breathing light, let people live "Lan Qing back".

But as for the future, the breathing lamp will not completely disappear, I also can’t say it.

Before, there was a netizen to say why it is not invented to remove the mobile phone battery so that the mobile phone is not electricity to change the battery, saving more time.

Many old netizens, including the opportunity to see, the heart is both bitter, but also helpless.

For so many years, do you have to go far from our headphones and detachable batteries?

If the child later, I suddenly asked me: "Why light the screen can you know if there is any information. Directly install a message tips, isn’t it good?"

I may really don’t know how to return him, it is possible, this is the Renaissance …

48 hours have passed, why haven’t the community unblocked yet?Shanghai Jinshan response

Recently, some netizens asked at the "I Jinshan" WeChat public account of "I Jinshan" in the Jinshan District Rong Media Center, Shanghai, and asked: "Xiaobian, Xiaobian, 48 hours have passed, why hasn’t the community notified notification?"

In this regard, "I Jinshan" replied: "The region management and control investigation is a dynamic adjustment process, and it is not said that it will be automatically unblocked in the community in 48 hours. Only when all personnel in the region control the community have been detected twice within 48 hours, and the resultIt is normal. After the comprehensive research and judgment of the previous epidemic prevention and control department can be issued, the unblocking instruction can be issued. Once the nucleic acid test results in the region are controlled abnormal, the control time will be extended accordingly. "

"I Jinshan" added: "The number of nucleic acid detection has soared in the near future, and the test report time is relatively prolonged, which affects the time and control time. The current situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated.The principle of less contact and less gathering "promotes home online office."