Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The blind date stage in Kaifeng, Henan Province is on fire, and Wang Po is all over the network at once, helping many single boyfriends to solve the blind date problem and getting the support of a large number of people!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Every day, the blind date stage in Wang Po is crowded with people. Some people have been crouching for several days in order to get on the stage and end their single life.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

But where there is fire, there is traffic. I heard that many anchors ran to the stage for blind date in order to rub the traffic! Just recently, a 24-year-old handsome guy encountered such a thing.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

According to the man, I am 24 years old, and I am a chef. I stayed for 4 days and didn’t even eat lunch, just to grab the front row. It seems that this man is determined to get rid of single life, but he can’t get what he wants in the end!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

It was finally the man’s turn to take the stage. A famous woman introduced herself as a catering industry, which happened to be so speculative! This time, Wang Po wanted to fix two people, but the audience broke such a sentence!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

She’s the anchor! The audience has been shouting to let this woman step down. Is this really the anchor to rub traffic? But the woman waved her hand again and again on the stage and said that she really wasn’t!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Wang Po was shaking with fear when he walked. Wang Po was most afraid of such a thing. After all, he really did good deeds and didn’t want to be muddied by people who were rubbing traffic!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

And many people really come to blind date, really want to hold hands with the right person and live together for a lifetime! If you are here to play, there is really no need to come!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Later, the handsome guy still stepped down hand in hand with the woman, thinking it would be a beautiful love, but I didn’t expect it to be a scam. The man said that after stepping down, the woman said that she was coming to traffic, and she was the anchor! (The picture below is suspected to be the chat record of the man and the female anchor)

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Boy, the man’s heart broke into slag directly, and he waited for four days, and finally waited for such a result! You just say that anger is not irritating, and this requires men to go from here!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The handsome guy said: if you don’t come to find someone, then why waste other people’s opportunities? This is a complete delay!

Later, the woman also sent a video to apologize, saying that everyone might have misunderstood. Now she is looking for this man herself, but she can’t get in touch, hoping to give an explanation!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Many people think that since you are not really looking for someone, don’t waste your time and traffic. To waste other people’s kindness in vain will also ruin Wang Po’s career!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

However, the anchor is also a person, as long as it is not a traffic, sincere blind date, I believe everyone must be very welcome. Just don’t have ulterior motives, after all, there are indeed many single boyfriends now!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The national autumn harvest is in sight.

  The autumn is cool and the rice is fragrant. Harvest China, the most beautiful picture.

  In the rice fields of Dafu Village, Zhuze Township, Ningdu County, Jiangxi Province, large harvesters are arranged in a row and rumble through the golden rice waves. "Soil testing, formula fertilization, irrigation and drainage management and protection are timely, and crops have withstood the test of high temperature. One acre has received more than 1,300 kilograms, an increase of more than 100 kilograms over previous years!" Wen Weiqing, the head of Fufeng Rice Professional Cooperative, was full of happiness.

  According to the latest agricultural dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of September 22nd, the national autumn grain harvest has reached 267 million mu, with the progress exceeding 20%, and the harvest of autumn grain is in sight.










  Strengthen the protection of farmers’ income from growing grain, the state steadily raises the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat, and improves policies such as rice subsidies and subsidies for corn and soybean producers. Not long ago, the central government allocated 10 billion yuan to support the south in resisting high temperature and drought and ensuring autumn grain, alleviating the impact of the increase in grain production caused by the increase in agricultural prices, and further enhancing farmers’ enthusiasm for growing grain. Up to now, this year, the central government has distributed a total of 40 billion yuan of subsidy funds in three batches.

  — — The effect of compound planting is good, and there is a new way to expand oil.

  "Corn does not reduce production, and a crop of beans is added. Compound planting makes the grain growers profitable!" Zhou Liuming, a large grain grower in Yangying Village, Shicaoji Township, shenqiu county City, Henan Province, said.

  This year, Yangying Village has a new harvest scene: corn and soybeans are staggered, with full corn cobs on the corn stalks, and a string of pods on the soybeans grow gratifying.

  Zhou Liuming interplanted 900 mu of corn and soybeans in the field this year. "It is estimated that more than 500 kilograms of corn and more than 100 kilograms of soybeans will be harvested per mu. According to this year’s price, including the 200 yuan subsidy per mu, it is estimated that the income per mu will be more than 2,000 yuan." In order to promote the expansion of oil, this year, shenqiu county has developed 15,000 mu of soybean-corn strip compound planting by expanding the space, increasing the brightness and keeping the plants secret.

  Expand beans and oil, and it will be effective. This year, the compound planting area of corn and soybean strip reached more than 15 million mu, and more than 40,000 new business entities in 1047 counties of 16 provinces actively promoted the compound planting of corn and soybean strip to increase oil supply.

  — — Good varieties with good technology will lead to high and stable yield of corn.

  "The yield per mu is 706.6 kilograms!" In the 1000-mu demonstration area of Hezhuang Village, Jiuxian Town, Taihe County, Anhui Province, the expert group conducted field yield measurement and acceptance of "Luyu 9105". "According to the standardized planting of corn, the effective number of ears per mu is 4195, and the number of grains per ear is 563, which is high and stable." Chang Xingduo, chairman of Changxing Planting Professional Cooperative in Taihe County, is very happy.

  A series of new technologies, such as straw returning, reasonable close planting, timely sowing, green prevention and control, and timely irrigation and drainage, have been implemented, and Taihe County has ushered in another bumper harvest year. China agricultural outlook Report (2022— 2031) It is predicted that this year’s grain output will maintain steady growth on the basis of high level, which is expected to reach 688 million tons.

  Mechanized escort in the whole process of farming and harvesting, farmers’ scientific and technological farming shows their talents

  Let farmers grow the best grain with the best technology, and the fundamental way to stabilize and increase production lies in science and technology.

  — — The big agricultural machinery in the field gallops, and the particles return to the warehouse to help increase income.

  In Dongfeng Village, Pushun Town, Dianjiang County, Chongqing, contiguous rice has matured, and two large combine harvesters shuttle through the farmland. Cutting rice, threshing and breaking stalks … … Under the rotation of the harvester, the ears of rice instantly turn into golden grains. "Large agricultural machinery escorts, all receivables are collected, and particles are returned to the warehouse!" Zhao Fei, a grain farmer, said.

  This year, Zhao Fei planted more than 30 acres of rice. He carefully calculated the income of the machine: in the past, the cost of manual harvesting was one day in 200 yuan, and two people could only harvest one acre of land a day; Now the machine can harvest an acre of 80 yuan in 20 minutes, which is good and fast.

  Agricultural machinery has become a good helper, and the particles have been rushed to increase income. During the period of "Sanqiu" this year, 30 million sets of various agricultural machinery were invested in various places, and the yield of rice, corn and soybean exceeded 94%, 80% and 82% respectively.

  — — Digital agriculture takes root to help, and autumn grain production is more efficient.

  These days, in Beitaitou Township, Wei County, Hebei Province, Wang Yaohe, a large grain grower, drives a grain harvester to harvest mature corn. Wang Yaohe said that in cooperation with Sinochem Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd., a "good nanny" was invited for corn: the seeds and fertilizers supplied were of high quality, the intelligent platform sent field management information in real time, and the management and plant protection were followed up in time, and the income from growing grain increased by an average of two or three hundred yuan per mu.

  Modern agriculture is equipped with a "digital engine", and autumn grain production is inserted with scientific and technological wings. All localities and departments promote the deep integration of new technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and cloud platforms with agricultural production, saving costs and increasing efficiency. Nine demonstration provinces of agricultural Internet of Things have been established nationwide, 100 pilot projects of digital agriculture have been built, and 426 application achievements and models of agricultural Internet of Things have been collected and published.

  — — Precision agriculture into the field "point irrigation", large-scale farming is easier.

  "Look at how full this grain is! This year’s harvest is good, and it is estimated that the yield per mu can be 1300 to 1400 Jin. " Wei Fangyue, a large grain grower in Xiaotan Village, Wangzhuang Town, Xun County, Henan Province, took a corn cob in his hand and said, "It’s all about keeping up with field management agronomy, unified fertilization, drone spraying and water-saving irrigation, and the harvest is much better than in previous years!"

  High-standard farmland projects have settled in the village, and Wei Fangyue has more confidence in growing grain: from helping several plots of land at home to planting 2430 mu of land now. "The stall is big, large-scale farming has a head start, and autumn planting and autumn harvest are easier." Wei Fangyue said.

  From knowing how to cultivate land to "wisdom" cultivation, agricultural science and technology escorted autumn grain production throughout the process. New technologies such as precision operation of agricultural machinery, soil testing and formula fertilization have been accelerated, and significant progress has been made in direct seeding of rice, mechanical harvesting of corn seeds and full mechanization of rape. The comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting in China exceeds 72%, and the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress in China exceeds 61%.

  Production is becoming better and greener, and the comprehensive benefits of agriculture are constantly improving.

  Promote agriculture by quality, promote agriculture by green, strengthen agriculture by brand, continuously improve the supply capacity of high-quality green products, and continuously improve the comprehensive benefits and competitiveness of agriculture.

  — — Green production, reduction and efficiency, and "profitable" farming.

  A bumper harvest is in sight in the granary of Northeast China, and a bumper harvest of 4,000 mu of rice is just around the corner in September Feng Family Farm, Yongji County, Jilin Province. For a long time, Jianbo Xiao, the head of the farm, insisted on unified prevention and control and green prevention and control to promote the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase efficiency.

  Speaking of the benefits of green grain growing, Jianbo Xiao started the conversation: "Plant protection drone operation can prevent rice blast, saving water by 90%. Green prevention and control can reduce the application of chemical pesticides by one or two times; Returning straw to the field promotes the reduction and efficiency of chemical fertilizers, and reduces chemical fertilizers by 20% on the farm. "

  Autumn grain production has a stronger green background. All regions and departments have promoted the green development of agriculture, promoted scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, green prevention and control and other cost-saving and efficient technologies. The utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has exceeded 40%, and the usage has been negative for many years, which has effectively promoted the increase of production and efficiency. At present, more than 150 sets of green prevention and control models have been integrated and promoted nationwide, and the national green prevention and control area has reached 1.2 billion mu, and the coverage rate has increased by 4 percentage points.

  — — Ecological breeding, "double harvest in one field".

  The demonstration base of rice, fish and breeding in Liujiahu Village, Ziyang District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, is full of smiles for men, women and children. "The masses are ecologically planting and raising cultivated land, and the grain yield per mu is expected to exceed 1,000 kilograms, increasing the income by 1,000 yuan." Xie Wei, director of Ziyang District Natural Resources Bureau, introduced.

  Since the beginning of this year, in order to tap the potential of increasing the income of cultivated land, the local villagers have been encouraged to explore the modes of "fish rice, shrimp rice, frog rice, etc." in restoring cultivated land. Xie Shao said that at present, Ziyang District has achieved a steady increase in cultivated area and grain production capacity by promoting this method.

  In 2021, the comprehensive planting area of rice and fishery in China was 39.66 million mu, the output of rice was about 20 million tons, and the output of aquatic products was 3.56 million tons, which drove farmers to increase their income by more than 60 billion yuan.

  — — Products are of high quality, and the value of agricultural products is unusual.

  "Boom … …” Recently, Fang Yefu, a villager, was shelling the newly harvested rice with mechanical equipment at Weimin Rice Factory in Gaojiping Village, Ziyang Township, Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province. Here, selenium-enriched ecological rice has become a brand rice sold in bags after processing.

  "Good ecology produces good rice, with ‘ Golden hill for the people ’ Brand, the price of our rice is unusual, which is 2.5 times higher than that of ordinary rice per catty, and the fine selenium-enriched rice is sold to 38 yuan per catty. " Fang Yefu said that relying on good quality, the organic rice produced today has received orders from airlines.

  All localities have made all-round efforts in variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production, accelerated the filling of logistics shortcomings, developed grain processing, extended the grain industry chain, promoted the development of agriculture by quality, strengthened agriculture by brands, and encouraged more farmers to drum up "money bags". At present, the qualified rate of routine monitoring of agricultural products quality and safety in China is stable at over 97.5%, and the cumulative number of green, organic and geographical indication agricultural products reaches 62,000.

Christmas in Siheyuan —— Changes of foreign festivals in China in the past 30 years

  Beijing, China Broadcasting Network, December 25 th When the traditional Christmas atmosphere in the West is getting stronger and stronger, the courtyard of No.35 Xitangzi Hutong, a famous quadrangle in Dongcheng District of Beijing, has been particularly busy these days. In this traditional courtyard in China, which was built in Yongzheng period of Qing Dynasty and once lived by Zuo Zongtang, an important official in the late Qing Dynasty, someone is organizing a lively Christmas party.

  Through the long corridor, rockery and garden full of China traditional culture in this courtyard, people feel a different kind of feelings when they look at Santa Claus in red and red hat and Christmas tree with lights on.

  Pride and prejudice: celebrating the foreign festival is to worship foreign things and flatter foreign countries.

  "After hard work and study for a year, Christmas at the end of 2008 is the time for us to relax and celebrate this festival together! Exchange each other’s gifts in beautiful songs, bring joy to everyone in self-made programs and get beautiful gifts, get together in various interesting games and dance in exciting music … "This is the advertisement for the Christmas party to be held in No.35 Courtyard of Xitangzi Hutong.

  In China 30 years ago, this Christmas call, which was imbued with many elements such as joy, reunion and commercial speculation, was unimaginable. Until the early 1980s, overseas festivals in China were almost equated with the word "worshipping foreign things and obsessing foreign things".

  "At that time, most people were very sensitive to overseas festivals, because there was always public opinion accusing China of having so many traditional festivals, why did it have to be overseas? Are foreign festivals better than those in China, and the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China? Damn it! Too worshipful of foreigners! " Yin Yungong, director of the Institute of Journalism of China Academy of Social Sciences, said, "This kind of emotion was normal at that time, because we were relatively closed and exclusive at that time, which was a kind of arrogance and prejudice in another sense.".

  This "arrogance and prejudice" made foreign festivals have no market in China before the 1990s. Occasionally, there were some commercial or spontaneous activities to celebrate western festivals in some coastal cities, and they were often criticized. Some foreigners who entered China in the early days of reform and opening up will generally choose to go back to China for holidays or go to neighboring countries such as Japan and the Philippines for holidays when festivals such as Thanksgiving and Christmas come.

  Tolerance and appreciation: crossing the foreign festival generously.

  Even though there were many refusals and rejections, in the early days of reform and opening-up, China, which opened its doors, gradually began to re-examine and treat foreign festivals differently, even from the bud of timidity.

  Allan Zeman, the boss of Hong Kong Lan Kwai Fong, felt the changes in China at that time. At the end of 1980, Allan Zeman went to Hangzhou for business, and the foreign-related hotel where he stayed held a small-scale "Christmas party" for the guests. Allan Zeman said with emotion: "This is my first Christmas in China, which shows that China is really open."

  Just as the reform and opening up started in the special zones and coastal areas, China people’s attitude towards foreign festivals is also "the south wind gradually spread to the north". At first, Guangdong, Shanghai and other regions broke through the imprisonment in understanding, and then began to gradually affect the whole country.

  Around the 1990s, businesses in Guangdong and other places began to actively play up pure western festivals such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Valentine’s Day for commercial purposes, and gradually formed a trend. More and more people in China began to celebrate foreign festivals generously.

  "On the surface, the start of foreign festivals in China seems to be a purely commercial promotion, but its origin is the openness and tolerance of China people’s mentality formed with the reform and opening up, and foreign cultures are no longer blindly excluded." Zhang Yu, general manager of caeg Company, said: "Learning to appreciate with tolerance is a major change for China people to treat foreign festivals."

  In fact, China people, who were just curious at first, gradually discovered the positive factors of foreign festivals from the perspective of cultural level and psychological needs, such as mother’s day, father’s day, Thanksgiving and other grateful feelings, such as the candor and expression of love on Valentine’s Day.

  In 1998, Ms. Chen Zinan, who returned from overseas, returned to Beijing. She liked quadrangle culture and opened a western private restaurant called "Chief of Autumn". Since its opening, Valentine’s Day and Christmas are the best prime time for business here. "Apart from foreigners, more and more people from China have come here for Christmas and Christmas dinner in recent years."

  Reason and Emotion: Traditional festivals in China are the main theme.

  In the 21st century, foreign festivals have blossomed everywhere in China. Nowadays, whenever Valentine’s Day, Christmas and other foreign festivals come, waiters wearing little red riding hood can be seen in many cities in China, and news that roses are seriously out of stock can be heard. The foreign festival economy spawned by foreign festivals has become a gimmick for merchants to attract customers, and foreign festivals have also become a fashion.

  However, in the hot atmosphere of the festival, the decline of traditional festivals in China has gradually caused China people to worry about the protection and inheritance of their traditional culture.

  On the eve of Christmas in 2006, 10 doctors from Peking University, Tsinghua, Nankai University and other universities issued a joint signature proposal, calling on netizens to be cautious about Christmas. They believe that the reason why Christmas is popular in China is that Chinese people are in a state of collective unconsciousness in culture-indifference and indifference to their own traditions is the reason why foreign festivals are popular.

  Therefore, after foreign festivals prevailed in China for more than 10 years, China people began to think about them from the perspective of reason and emotion.

  "When China people flock to celebrate Christmas, people will have some worries." Zhang Yiwu, a professor of Chinese literature in Peking University, said: "The root cause of anxiety lies in China people’s fear that the younger generation will lose enthusiasm for their traditional festivals and forget the foundation of their own culture. Of course, we don’t exclude foreign cultures, but our foundation should be our own traditional culture, so we must make it clear that China Festival is the main theme of our festival. "

  Some scholars wrote that we should not persuade people to stay away from or even resist the proliferation of foreign festivals, but should objectively examine the exchange and mutual accommodation between Chinese and Western cultures with the broad mind of the Chinese nation and a heart without cultural prejudice. While paying attention to and accepting western culture, we should pay more attention to how to revitalize our own traditions and culture, reform and enrich the connotation of these traditional festivals, and make them more attractive.

  In fact, the China government has begun to consciously guide people to pay attention to their traditional festivals. It is a positive and clear signal that Tomb-Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival have become legal holidays.

Editor: Liu Li

Save the famine! Star movie bloggers recommend good movies for you online.

Huang Xuan

As a famous "Buddhist male god of literature and art", Huang Xuan is not active on various social networking sites, but leaves more time for self-charging, including a lot of reading and watching movies.

      Huang Xuan, who starred in many literary films, also loved art films. He once revealed in an interview that michael haneke, Clint Eastwood, jim jarmusch and sean penn are all his favorite filmmakers.

      He also recommended Into the Wild, Children, A Parting, Requiem for a Dream, East of Eden and many other films that will still be revisited.

When filming The Legend of the Demon Cat, in order to make himself more poetic, Huang Xuan read The West Chamber and Wang Guowei’s Poems on Earth under the recommendation of Chen Kaige, and constantly tried to figure out the psychological state of the characters. Watching movies on weekdays is another form of precipitation and accumulation for Huang Xuan.

In Huang Xuan’s view, sharing his reading and watching movies with fans is also part of the communication between artists and fans. "It is biased towards the exchange of ideas and is also an active advocacy of a lifestyle."

Chun Li

In addition to Li Xian, Chun Li, who once played the role of Si Li in Joy of Life, and played Wei Yaowan in Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace, is also a star movie blogger who often "operates" in Weibo.

Not only that, but she also created a topic for sharing movies in Weibo: # Pure Movie Watching #, which has been launched for nearly two years and recommended more than 50 movies, with nearly 100 million readings and more than 100,000 comments.

Last year, Chun Li also won the title of "Top Ten V Judges of 2019" with a group of film critics for this topic.

In contrast, Chun Li’s film list is more grounded and popular, with both foreign literary masterpieces and a large number of cinema films and Chinese films. The recommendation is more like a "private" sharing between girlfriends than a film review.

For example, when recommending the award-winning film Girl, the director of Cannes Film Festival, Chun Li shared his experience of practicing ballet. "The familiar images evoke many memories. Becoming a ballet dancer is a transformation full of real pain … The girls who dance ballet are given a stubborn persistence. The film is like this, and so are we. "

The suspense film Searching reminds her of her subtle mentality when communicating with her parents: "I am particularly touched by the fact that my father repeatedly knocked on the keyboard and then deleted this picture. Many times when communicating with my parents, many words came to my mouth and finally swallowed back."

chen jian bin

      Chen Jianbin, a graduate of the Central Academy of Drama, is a famous "professional fan" in the circle.

      For this identity, he himself is also very recognized. He bluntly said that his interest in watching movies is "natural" and he likes all kinds of movies, not for work. "Because watching movies can make me feel particularly happy and happy."

Among them, Zhang Yimou’s Red Sorghum and Truffaut’s The Last Subway are enlightening works that lead him to the road of performance.

The rural theme of "Red Sorghum" made him see the hope that he was born in the countryside to engage in acting career. In "The Last Subway", the images of the protagonists still insisting on rehearsing in the basement of the theater during the war gave him the desire to apply for Chinese opera.

Chen Jianbin is very confident about his movie viewing volume, and once proudly said that he has never met his opponent. When studying in Chinese opera, he often locked himself in the viewing room and watched videos all night. This brushing habit has also been maintained until now.

In a life variety show, Chen Jianbin started the "viewing room" mode as soon as he arrived at the residence, and took out the long-prepared Blu-ray discs, all of which were classic old films, including butch cassidy and the sundance kid, Sunset Yellow Sand and the "Apu Trilogy" by Indian director satyajit ray.

After watching the movie, I had a whim. I told my wife, Angel, that I wanted to name the unborn child Sundance (the name of the protagonist in butch cassidy and the sundance kid), and the shadow is full of true colors.

WatchingThe Phantom SewerAt that time, Chen Jianbin even brought his own commentary track. "This is notPaul Thomas AndersonThe best movie. "And then reel comments.

In an interview, Chen Jianbin once asked a reporter, "What is the first shot of American Beauty?" At that time, the other party was speechless. This has also become one of the anecdotes circulating in the circle.

Chen Jianbin said that when people often ask themselves why they can watch so many movies, he often replies, "I spend other people’s time watching movies. Even though I’m not in this industry now, I’m still an avid movie fan. “

In addition to the above four, there are many stars in the film and television circle who are hidden senior fans and movie bloggers.

Zhang YiIt has been revealed that my biggest hobby is to organize my own film library and prefix all films according to the ranking of directors, main actors, awards and douban, so as to facilitate my retrieval and study at any time.

78-year-old famous directorXie FeiUp to now, I still actively share all kinds of film reviews and drama reviews on Douban, including not only a large number of literary films and cinema films, but also online dramas such as Joy of Life, which can be described as "never too old to see old".

It is true that some people may question that the behavior of movie recommendation by stars is "setting aside people" and "showing superiority", but it is undeniable that listening, watching and feeling excellent works is one of the necessary accomplishments for actors and directors, and it will certainly help them go further and further on the road of performing arts.

Xiao Dianjun also sincerely expects that there will be more movie bloggers in the entertainment circle.

In Shanghai Metro Station, women are wearing cool, and the "pattern" on the back has become the focus.

Every legend will fade over time

Some people say that beauty is an art, not just wearing it. They are daring to act as the first person for their fashion forefronts.

Just as the "non -mainstream" and "killing Matt" pursued by the post -90s, the "Curry", "JK uniform", "Hanfu culture" pursued after 00s and so on.

From the perspective of the 90s today, the original avant -garde thought was just a legend, which had faded, and only had some naive and ridiculous memories. Those who were once considered to be mature are just alternatives in the eyes of adults. One day, maybe these post -00 children should also think the same as us.

Some people say that today’s beauty has been subtly involved, the avant -garde thought, and the "deformity" born in the times, they gradually changed the definition of beauty, no longer the innocence and natural beauty of the 70.80s, but the individuality and thoughts pursued by young people’s pursuit Open, they put the definition of "beauty" on exposed wearing, personalities, charming perfumes and luxurious decorations.

In the past, "beauty" was wore for yourself, and the current "deformity beauty" was appreciated by others. Although there were different praises, they didn’t care about this, just as the words on the Internet: "Take your own way, let others let others have others, let others make others others, let others make others others Isn’t it true of us in the past? We ca n’t appreciate others at all, and only we will appreciate it ourselves.

Women of the subway station are cool, and the "pattern" on the back becomes the focus

Some netizens published a scene located in the Shanghai Metro Station. A young and fashionable woman walked in the subway station in a cool and fashionable woman, which attracted the attention of many passers -by.

She wore a short vest on her body, and the whole back was basically in the air. It seemed that this was her real "clothes" with the entire pattern. I can’t help but want to ask if people who have tattoos like to wear clothes like this, whether men and women.

This pattern is not expected to be the focus of everyone’s appreciation. The pattern is covered with the entire back. Only a small part is blocked by the clothes behind. It is obvious that the pattern of a woman dancing at the face is obviously seen.

Her lower body is a black shorts, with two short clothes on the calf part, which should be connected with pants, but she unlocked the connected buttons to form such a shape. Essence

Her arms are two sleeves, like pants, and cut off, but this is not connected to the vest of the top.

If it is hot, wearing cool feelings, but she wears shoes, short clothes and sleeves of the arms, which really makes people really understand whether she is afraid of heat or cold.

Perhaps in her opinion, she just dedicated her to the art of behavior, not to wear warmth or cool clothes. She didn’t care about the gaze of others, and she was more self -confidence.

Indeed, she successfully attracted the attention of passers -by, and many people obviously had passed, and she couldn’t help but look back.

It may be that everyone’s circle is different, different thoughts, and behavior is different. Some women have a soft spot for their own feelings. They think this is an art, fashionable art.

Anyway, the times are developing rapidly today, and thoughts will change with this. Blind traditional thoughts are not a good thing. In this era, some avant -garde people need to open the way for us. Appreciation, this is not a unique beauty.