Generative AI stands on the cusp: Silicon Valley bets that future technology giants will shuffle?

Generative AI is getting more and more popular. Is this really a good business?

Recently, AI painting is on fire.

By inputting some words, AI can generate an image that matches the words in a few seconds. These images are wild, and some are even bizarre. For example, people have extra fingers on their hands, and their fingers bend unnaturally. Even, AI can generate some meaningless billboards and alphabets that humans have never seen before.

Although AI painting is outrageous, it has set off a wave of science and technology: the spring of generative AI has come.

David Beisel, a venture capitalist at NextView Ventures, said that in the past three months, the word "generative AI" once became a hot word. Moreover, the generative AI technology has developed rapidly and the market enthusiasm is so high that many people even quit their jobs to start a business in this field.

There is no doubt that AI has been in a prosperous stage in the past five years or so, but most of these past advances have to do with understanding the existing data-for example, the AI model has been able to quickly and efficiently identify whether there are only cats in your mobile phone photos. However, the generative AI model generates something completely new that has never been seen before. In other words, generative AI is not just about analyzing existing data, but creating.

Boris Dayma, founder of Craiyon generative AI, believes that "generative AI is not only creating old images, but also creating many new things, which are completely different from what we have seen before."

Sequoia Capital also said in a blog post on its website: "Generative AI has the potential to create trillions of dollars in economic value." Sequoia Capital predicts that generative AI may change all industries that require human beings to create original works, from games to advertising to the legal profession. It is worth mentioning that Sequoia Capital also pointed out in its blog post that this message was partly written by GPT-3 (GPT-3 is a generative AI capable of generating text).

Working principle of generative AI

In the past, deep learning technology was widely used to train the model on large data sets. When the program understands the relationships in these data, the model can be applied to actual scenes, such as identifying whether there is a dog in a picture or translating text, and so on.

The working principle of the image generator is to reverse this process. For example, instead of translating English into French, it translates English phrases into images. Specifically, it usually has two main parts, one is to process initial phrases, and the other is to convert data into images.

At first, generative AI was based on a method called GAN, that is, the generative adversarial network. In essence, this method is to make two artificial intelligence models compete with each other to better create images that meet the target.

At present, generative AI is usually based on Transformer, such as image generator DALL-E and so on. DALL-E was first created by OpenAI in 2021, and in 2022, OpenAI released DALL-E 2.

Christian Cantrell, a developer who focuses on generative AI, said: "With DALL-E 2, we can really cross uncanny valley." (The Valley of Terror theory is a hypothesis about human perception of robots and non-human objects. It was put forward by Japanese robot expert Masahiro Mori in 1970. )

Another commonly used AI-based image generator is Craiyon (formerly known as DALL-E Mini), where users can enter phrases in the browser and see the illustrations it generates within a few minutes.

According to Dayma, since its launch in July 2021, Craiyon has produced about 10 million unprecedented pictures every day, which adds up to 1 billion. Earlier this year, the use of Crayon soared, and Dayma also took Crayon as its full-time job. In addition, Dayma has created a Twitter account to post the weirdest and most creative pictures generated by Craiyon. For example, ketchup comes out of the tap on the Italian sink.

In addition, Stable Diffusion has also received wide attention. The project was released in August this year and has been open source on GitHub. Developers can run the project on computers, not just in the cloud or through programming interfaces. For example, Stable Diffusion can be integrated into Adobe Photoshop by plug-in, allowing users to generate backgrounds and other parts of images, and use layers and other Photoshop tools to operate in applications.

Cantrell, the developer of the plug-in, said, "I want to meet these creative professionals, so that they can introduce artificial intelligence into their creative work, instead of destroying their work."

It is understood that Cantrell has worked for Adobe for 20 years. After leaving in 2022, Cantrell focused on the direction of generative AI. Cantrell said that Stable Diffusion has been downloaded tens of thousands of times, and artists told him that they used this plug-in in many unexpected places, such as making Godzilla animation or creating pictures of Spider-Man.

Start-up companies get together

Some investors regard generative AI as a potentially transformative change, just like the early development of smart phones or the Internet. This kind of transformation has greatly expanded the potential market of this technology.

"Before that, artificial intelligence was not unprecedented. Before 2007, we were not without mobile devices, "said Beisel, a seed investor." But at this moment, everything came together. The final consumer can experience and see something different from before. "

Cantrell believes that machine learning is similar to a more basic technology: database. "Machine learning is a bit like a database, which opens up a whole new world for network applications. All the applications we have used in our life are built on the database. But no one cares about how the database works. People only know how to use it. "

Michael Dempsey, managing partner of Compound VC, said that in the past, it was "very rare" for laboratory technology to enter the mainstream, but at present, generative AI has attracted wide attention of venture capitalists. Nevertheless, he warned that the current generative AI may be in the "curious stage" near the peak of the hype cycle, and the companies established at this stage may fail because they don’t focus on the specific uses that enterprises or consumers are willing to pay for.

Others in the industry believe that startups that can apply new technologies such as generative AI today may challenge technology giants such as Google, Meta and Microsoft in the future.

At present, many companies applying generative AI technology have already received large amount of financing, and their valuations have also risen. For example, earlier this year, Hugging Face was valued at $2 billion after receiving investments including Lux Capital and Sequoia Capital; OpenAI has also received more than $1 billion from Microsoft and Khosla Ventures.

In addition, according to Forbes, Stability AI, the developer of Stable Diffusion, is negotiating with investment institutions to raise up to $1 billion in venture capital.

Cloud vendors and chip vendors will benefit.

Besides start-ups, cloud service providers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google can also benefit from it, because generative AI may require a huge amount of computation.

Meta and Google have also taken action and started recruiting talents. In September of this year, Meta released an artificial intelligence application called "Make-A-Video", which can generate videos, which makes the generative AI technology a step further.

"This is a great progress," Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, posted on his Facebook page. "It is much more difficult to generate videos than photos, because besides correctly generating each pixel, the system must also predict how they will change over time."

Recently, Google matched with Meta and released a program code called Phenaki, which can also convert text into video and generate several minutes of footage.

This craze may also boost chip manufacturers such as Nvidia, AMD and Intel, because the advanced graphics processors produced by these companies are ideal for training and deploying artificial intelligence models.

At a recent meeting, Huang Renxun, CEO of Nvidia, emphasized that generative AI is the key use of the company’s latest chip, and he said that this kind of program may "revolutionize communication" soon.

At present, there are not many uses of generative AI that can generate commercial benefits. Many exciting breakthroughs today come from free or low-cost experiments. For example, some writers have tried to use image generator to generate images for articles. An example of Nvidia is to use a model to generate new 3D images, including people, animals, vehicles or furniture, which can be filled into the virtual game world.

Ethical issues can not be ignored.

While generating AI excites the industry, the ethical issues it brings are also worthy of attention.

The first is employment. Compared with professional illustrators, generative AI is obviously cheaper. Therefore, generative AI is likely to rob artists, video producers and other people engaged in creative work of their "rice bowls".

In addition, there are complex problems in originality and ownership of the content created by generative AI.

Generated AI is trained on a large number of images. Therefore, it is still controversial whether the creator of the original image has copyright requirements for the generated new image.

Some time ago, an artist won an art competition in Colorado, and his winning image was created by a generative AI named MidJourney. After winning, the artist said in an interview that he selected one image from hundreds of images generated by himself and post-processed it in Photoshop.

It is worth mentioning that some images generated by Stable Diffusion are watermarked, which indicates that some of the original data sets are copyrighted. Previously, Getty Images (a picture trading company based in Seattle, USA) announced that it was forbidden for users to upload generated AI pictures to its picture library, because the company was worried that there might be some copyright problems in such pictures. .

With the improvement of image generation software, generative AI may also deceive users, make them believe false information, or display images or videos of events that never happened.

In addition, developers must also deal with the possibility that models trained on a large amount of data may have biases related to gender, race or culture contained in the data, which may cause the models to show such biases in their outputs.

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Source: AI Frontline, author: Kif Leswing. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.

Science fiction come true? In the future, mankind will sleep in the meta-universe.

People don’t seem to care much about the future world described in the sci-fi movie The Matrix, but a recent news released on the Meta platform has made people curious about the future world. According to Forbes, a virtual community named Game Free is building a virtual world-"Metauniverse". It has been established for more than ten years, but it is relatively simple compared with the world in the Matrix. What is the magic of meta-universe? Has it become a reality now?

I. Future Society
The idea of "Metauniverse", first put forward by Meta Company, is an expression way to turn people’s vision of the future society into reality. In the setting of X-Men, Professor X has special devices and abilities in real life, and can breathe and move freely, but he can’t turn his control into a real society. The reality is not infinitely close, but gradually close to the ideal society. That is to say, the "infinite approach" pursued by the X-Men is not realistic in real life: it is impossible to turn one person into another; Unable to control human behavior; Unable to control the direction of people’s actions in reality … eventually led to the X-Men being abandoned by the world. If the X-Men movies are sorted out, it is found that the movies have a clear vision for the future society, then the meta-universe will be closer to the real state in reality: on the one hand, the meta-universe, as a virtual space, can be infinitely connected to the real world; On the other hand, Metauniverse will become the key "cornerstone" for building the infrastructure of human society … So what will human society become in the future?

Second, intelligent hardware
The universe is not only a game world, but also a technology. In MetaUniverse, through various virtual carriers such as games and videos, MetaUniverse players can be immersed in it, which is not only a space for games and entertainment, but also an interactive space for knowledge, skills and contacts. There is a kind of meta-universe in a special sense, which is a "virtual life" mode in which the virtual world and the real world merge, influence, blend, promote and expand with each other. It is a place where people can exchange and interact with each other, acquire knowledge and skills and cultivate friendship in this virtual world. For users, Metauniverse makes itself a "human" character-this is the experience they need in games and the real world. For hardware equipment manufacturers, it is the performance of the product itself besides ensuring entertainment, interaction and other functions.

Third, artificial intelligence
As the core of scientific and technological innovation, artificial intelligence will gradually get more applications in the meta-universe. With the help of human beings, artificial intelligence has developed from relying on single software and single function in the past to the present artificial intelligence. In the future, artificial intelligence will be more dependent on computing power. For example, driverless cars are an attempt to realize barrier-free travel in the meta-universe. Starting from the progress in the field of driverless cars, this paper explores the possible forms that driverless cars may appear in the meta-universe, hoping to provide more exploration space for the meta-universe. It is foreseeable that artificial intelligence will play an important role in the meta-universe in the future.

IV. Conclusion.
With the rise of meta-universe, virtual world has been given more and deeper meanings, and the application of science and technology by human beings has changed from passive acceptance to active creation. At the same time, the lifestyle and experience provided by the virtual world in the meta-universe have greatly enriched human thinking and feelings, and made people interested in a new thing. However, with the development and innovation of technology, this trend will gradually become stable. But we believe that technology is always a double-edged sword. It can bring convenience and benefits to human beings, but it may also bring harm to human beings. Like the future world described in science fiction movies, human beings are sleeping in a dormant warehouse made of machines, and their brains are linked to the meta-universe world, so they live falsely.

Running away from Baidu, he became a scientist and entrepreneur! Zeng said that scientists should start their business from the future.

From scientist to entrepreneur, Yu Kai is not the first person to "run away" in the field of artificial intelligence.

Despite the previous achievements in scientific research, joining in entrepreneurship means facing the reality of bone feeling.

In March 2015, Yu Kai said in an interview: "If a business can get the resources it deserves to do what it wants, then choose to start a business; If you join a big platform and have more resources to do one thing, then join a big platform. " Sure enough, three months after that, he left Baidu and founded Horizon.

Yu Kai

From the initial "no one pays the bill" to October this year, Horizon successfully won the investment of 2.4 billion euros from Volkswagen, setting the largest single investment record for Volkswagen in the past 40 years, and establishing a joint venture company with audi ag’s software company. The transformation of Yu Kai’s identity can be described as unsuccessful.

Before becoming the founder of Horizon, Yu Kai’s label was the top international scholar in the field of machine learning and the main promoter of deep learning technology in China. His published papers were cited more than 20,000 times, and he won the silver award for the best paper in ICML-2013 International Machine Learning Conference. He himself also served as the domain chairman of ICML and NIPS, two major conferences of machine learning.

Yu Kai’s achievements in the academic field go far beyond this.

NEC Research Institute of the United States was once one of the major centers of international machine learning research. During his tenure, Yu Kai established a highly prestigious technology research and development team in Silicon Valley. This team is one of the earliest and most active teams in the field of deep learning in the world. A series of technologies led and developed by him have pushed image object recognition to a new level worldwide, and won many international famous awards.

After joining Baidu in 2012, the voice technology team, deep learning technology team and image technology team led by Yu Kai won the "Baidu’s highest award" three times in succession, creating records of various technical and business teams within Baidu.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yu Kai at that time, both academically and professionally, was smooth sailing.

But at this time, he chose to start a business.

Yu Kai’s reason is straightforward: "In the past three years, what I have done at Baidu is to promote artificial intelligence in the cloud. But I think there will be a bigger trend in the next few years that I have to do: from artificial intelligence in the cloud to artificial intelligence around everyone. "

Therefore, Yu Kai, who has always believed in "doing things is the most important thing", founded Beijing Horizon Information Technology Co., Ltd. in July 2015, focusing on edge computing in the field of artificial intelligence.

From the moment the company was founded, in his own words: First of all, I will forget that I am a scientist more and more.

To be a scientist, you can put the mainexperienceDo research and write papers, but as an entrepreneur, you should focus more on business and customer needs.

Yu Kai has always wanted to grasp some "truth" things in this process, for example, things that can really create long-term value. With this idea in mind, at the beginning of Horizon’s establishment, he played the slogan of "making brains for machines", and avoided the edge of the field giants, took the edge computing route, and insisted on making AI chips.

It was really hard at first.

When recalling the initial stage of starting a business and determining the development direction, Yu Kai mentioned: At that time, we were predicting a far future, a future that might take 20 years as its dimension. From computers to smart phones, and beyond, what is a bigger computing platform than these? At that time, they were sure,beRobot computing platform. AI chip is the indispensable key to realize this calculation.

Now that we hear about AI chips, it’s needless to say its importance. But when Horizon was founded, not every investor could understand the "blueprint" in Yu Kai’s eyes. As a direct result, the horizon was once unsustainable. Until smart cars become "robots"calculate"The first and biggest landing scene at present, everyone began to understand that Yu Kai had bet on it.

In 2020, smart cars ushered in an outbreak period. As a result, there is a global "lack of core" in the automotive industry.question.

A chip with excellent computing power, like a smart brain, can accurately control the behavior of the vehicle. A series of functions, such as environmental awareness, route planning, driving assistance and so on, advertised by smart cars all need to rely on chips to be realized.

This is also consistent with what Yu Kai has always wanted to do. He has always believed that the real significance of artificial intelligence is not to survive and develop as the opposite of human life, but to support people’s decision-making and enhance their ability. Once the smart car scene is broken down, this ability will definitely spill over to others.floatApplication scenario of robot.

In August 2019, Horizon announced the mass production of China’s first car-class AI chip "Journey 2";

In September 2020, Horizon officially launched the AI chip "Journey 3";

In July, 2021, Horizon released "Journey 5", a high-performance and large-computing, full-scene intelligent central computing chip for the whole vehicle.


Yu Kai once said, "The course of a scientist’s entrepreneurship is not based on business opportunities,FromStart in the future. "

This cooperation between Horizon and Volkswagen may be the next future in Yu Kai’s plan.

Analysis of the shipment volume, market size and market competition pattern of China smart speaker industry in 2022 [Figure]

Analysis of industrial chain, market demand potential and enterprise layout of domestic smart speaker industry in 2022 [Figure]

Smart speaker, the product of a speaker upgrade, is a tool for home consumers to surf the Internet by voice, such as ordering songs, shopping online, or knowing the weather forecast. It can also control smart home devices, such as opening curtains, setting the refrigerator temperature, warming up the water heater in advance, etc.

Basic functions of intelligent speakers

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

Intelligent speaker industry chain includes traditional acoustic-related OEM/ODM suppliers, chip suppliers, voice technology service providers, content providers and channels.

Intelligent speaker industry chain

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

In 2019, China’s smart speaker market experienced explosive development, with the shipment of smart speakers reaching 45.89 million units, up by 109.7% year-on-year. In 2020, affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the sales volume of smart speakers reached 36.76 million units, with a cumulative decrease of 8.6%. In 2021, the market shipment of smart speakers contracted by 2.50% year-on-year, dropping slightly to 35.841 million units.

2018-2021 China Smart Speaker Market Shipment Trend

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

In 2021, China’s smart speaker market was 7.885 billion yuan, up by 14.99% year-on-year. With the continuous integration and improvement of intelligent speaker artificial intelligence technology, the potential of smart speaker consumption market in China will be released in the future, and the industry is expected to usher in rapid growth.

2018-2021 China Smart Speaker Market Scale Trend

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

At present, the main functions of smart speakers in China are voice interaction, content service and home control. Voice interaction is a voice interaction technology based on voice recognition and semantic understanding, which provides a more natural man-machine interaction mode. Content service and life service are streaming media resources such as high-quality music and audiobooks, and third-party service resources such as take-out and taxi service. Home control is connected to the cloud through networking, becoming a home control center and interconnected with other smart home products. With the development of voice interaction technology, smart speaker products can not only provide content entertainment services and life services, but also connect to smart homes, realize scene intelligent control, and become the control center of smart homes. In the future, the Internet of Things will take voice as its population, resulting in a new business model.

Domestic layout smart speaker manufacturers can be divided into five categories.

Source: Collation of Common Research Network.

What is the market prospect of smart speaker industry? The 2023-2029 China Smart Speaker Market Survey and Investment Strategy Report published by Gongwang has analyzed in detail the relevant definitions of smart speaker industry, the global smart speaker industry market development status, the development environment of smart speaker industry in China, the operation of smart speaker industry in China, the monitoring of the operation data of smart speaker industry in China, the market structure of smart speaker in China, the demand characteristics and trends of smart speaker industry in China, China smart speaker industry regional market situation, China smart speaker industry competition, China smart speaker industry development prospect analysis and forecast, China smart speaker industry development strategy and investment suggestions, etc., to help enterprises and investors understand the smart speaker industry market investment value. If you want to have a systematic understanding of the smart speaker industry or invest in the smart speaker industry, this report is your indispensable and important tool.

Do you still need a structural biologist with AI? Wait for the top experts in Shi Yigong to see it this way.

Recently, Yan Ning, a famous structural biologist, announced that he would resign from Princeton University and set up the Academy of Medical Sciences in Shenzhen. In response to the latest research that she will focus on when she returns to China, she said that the discovery of structural biology is of great significance to the pharmaceutical industry, including the research on the interaction between drugs and hormones, which has more implications for drug development and disease treatment.

Yan Ning said, for example, that through the method of structural biology, scientists saw for the first time that two commonly used drugs used protein as a "scaffold", which directly "side by side" affected the normal function of protein.

Technological change promotes the development of structural biology.

Protein, as the scaffold and main substance of human tissues and organs, plays an important role in human life activities. In the cell, a large number of protein elements form the molecular machines, which performs important molecular processes in the cell through the interaction of protein, including the cell’s response to the external environment and the internal environment, and also forms a signal transduction network system with the interaction of protein as a link.

Structure By studying the three-dimensional structure, dynamic process and biological function of biological macromolecules, biology can provide more details of protein interaction and real-time dynamic process, thus helping scientists to understand molecular mechanism and explore the pathogenesis of diseases related to macromolecular dysfunction.

The development of biology not only contributes to the discovery of drugs, but also affects the research fields of life sciences including biochemistry, cell biology, genetic development, neurobiology, microbiology and pathopharmacology.

The development of science and technology has been promoting the progress of structural biology. In 2017, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to cryoelectron microscopy, which can greatly improve the efficiency of analyzing the atomic resolution three-dimensional structure of large protein complexes; Moreover, researchers can freeze biomolecules in motion and visualize their motion process.

This breakthrough has brought a perfect storm to the field of structural biology. In recent years, important breakthroughs have been made in the field of life sciences. The work of China scientists such as Cheng Yifan, Shi Yigong, Yang Maojun and Liu Zhengfeng has also benefited from this technology. They have analyzed the important complex structure of atomic resolution. In addition, the enzyme that produces the protein that leads to Alzheimer’s syndrome was analyzed by cryomicroscope.

In August, 2015, Shi Yigong’s research team published an article in Nature, reporting the three-dimensional electron microscope structure of human γ -secretase with a resolution of 3.4 angstrom, and studying the function of the pathogenic mutant of γ -secretase based on the structure analysis, which provided an important foundation for understanding the working mechanism of γ -secretase and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

In February, 2020, after the outbreak of COVID-19, the research team of West Lake University successfully analyzed the full-length structure of novel coronavirus receptor ACE2 for the first time by using cryo-electron microscopy, which helped the research and development of drugs in COVID-19.

What does AI predict protein folding change?

With the help of artificial intelligence technology, DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google, recently announced 220 million kinds of protein structures predicted by AlphaFold software, which shocked the field of structural biology, because it indicates that artificial intelligence enterprises have begun to "truly hand over the power of Al to scientists all over the world".

Scientists compare the significance of this disruptive breakthrough with the human genome project. In the 1990s, when the Human Genome Project began to take shape, scientists realized that it was not enough to master the base arrangement of genes, but also to know the protein, the product of genes.

Shi Yigong, academician of China Academy of Sciences, structural biologist and president of West Lake University, commented on AlphaFold’s work: "Its accurate prediction of protein structure is the greatest contribution of artificial intelligence to the scientific field, and it is also one of the most important scientific breakthroughs made by mankind in the 21st century."

Shi Yigong once told China Business News: "AlphaFold represents the world’s leading artificial intelligence protein organization prediction system." At the same time, he said, China’s high-tech enterprises are catching up, expecting to bring surprises to the world in the near future.

He also said that the improvement of the accuracy of protein structure prediction will greatly benefit the pharmaceutical industry. "Artificial intelligence prediction of protein structure provides an important foundation for drug design and optimization. The structure of drug target proteins combined with all small molecule drugs can almost be wiped out by AlphaFold. " Shi Yigong said.

In the opinion of some scientists, although AlphaFold’s work is shocking, the accuracy of drug research and development prediction is not enough. Professor Liu Zhijie, executive director of iHuman Institute, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, told the First Financial Reporter: "It has been a long time to predict the protein structure. Now the accuracy of the prediction is definitely getting higher and higher, but it still hasn’t reached the precision of crystal structure."

Liu Zhijie First Financial News told the reporter that the crystal structure is the most accurate, and now artificial intelligence can predict the protein folding with the accuracy of electron microscope and nuclear magnetic resonance. In addition, because there are thousands of structures in protein, the difficulty of analysis is different. "If some protein sequences are similar to the known structure of artificial intelligence, it is easier to predict." Liu Zhijie said.

However, he still believes that with the continuous improvement of the prediction accuracy of protein folding, it will play a more important role in the field of life sciences in the future. "If the current prediction can reach the accuracy of electron microscope, some drugs can already be designed. Drug design is the biggest application field of artificial intelligence protein folding prediction." Said to Liu Zhijie First Financial Reporter.

Others think that with the development of artificial intelligence, there may not be so many structural biologists in the future. "Many researchers who do structural biology are actually more like technical service personnel. The more people there are, the more structures that can be analyzed. Therefore, in essence, a large part of their work depends on manpower. Now with AI, it is true that a large number of people who do structural biology have changed careers." A virus researcher told the First Financial News reporter.

However, for top structural biologists such as Shi Yigong, technology is only a powerful support for the "top brain", which can help them realize more ideas. "Every conscientious biologist should know how to make good use of the structural prediction of artificial intelligence." Shi Yigong said.

Professor Michael Levitt, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013, told China Business News: "I think many structural biologists are not only doing structural research, but also doing a lot of work on protein function and drug research and development, just like Professor Yan Ning. Artificial intelligence only liberates a part of traditional manpower, but the progress of science still needs to rely on the smartest human brain. I’m afraid that artificial intelligence alone will not work. "

In recent years, a number of AI pharmaceutical companies have also been born in China. In this regard, Ewing Nan, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Beijing Institute of Scientific Intelligence, pointed out to the First Financial Reporter: "The emergence of AI for Science research paradigm is an important historical opportunity for scientific and technological innovation, which not only expands the capability boundary of data-driven and physical model-driven models, but also is expected to promote the organic combination of the two, provide theoretical basis for further solving practical problems, and greatly narrow the distance between scientific research and practical application."

China Elevator Jianghu Fengyun Record

Li Jianguo, general manager of Midea Building Technology Elevator Company, used the human body as a metaphor to introduce the technical points of Digital Elevator: "For example, the application of AI graphic image recognition, voice acquisition technology, new infrared, millimeter wave and other human perception technology sensors, laser ranging technology, etc. is to improve the perception ability of the elevator; The application of CPU chips with higher computing power, big data analysis, artificial intelligence, deep learning, neural network and other technologies improves the calculation and analysis ability of the algorithm, which makes the elevator smarter and smarter. " It is understood that before leaving the factory, every LINVOL elevator has to undergo a total of 513 quality tests of the whole elevator and its components, such as performance, protection, structure and function. The mechanical safety protection system is combined with the electrical safety protection design, and eight safety devices, such as emergency braking system, door interlock and speed limiter, are adopted to prevent elevator accidents to the maximum extent. On the software side, we can monitor the elevator’s operation status in real time through big data and Internet of Things technology, analyze the elevator’s operation status in time through big data logic algorithm, and transmit it to the elevator management platform through the network for intelligent analysis and preventive maintenance. In addition, Midea is equipped with AI, sensors and Internet of Things technologies for every digital elevator. The camera of AI can automatically identify dangerous goods and dangerous ladder riding behaviors, and initiate corresponding measures to prevent problems before they happen. As a part of the building, intelligent elevator can also improve the operation efficiency of the building. Li Jianguo introduced,The digital platform of iBUILDING in UILDING can automatically identify passengers’ identity information through the elevator eye system, and automatically guide people on nearby floors to take a ride by robot dispatch, so that passengers can be sent to the destination floor without button contact. "It turns out that the elevator stops in the middle during the peak period of use, and the single running time is long; Now, through a series of algorithms and digital intelligent applications, the single running time of the elevator can be shortened, running more times, and delivering more people to the destination floor. " At the same time, the intelligent passenger flow analysis system can also realize the priority of dispatching elevators on peak floors, shorten the operation efficiency of elevators by about 2/3, improve the comfort, and at the same time effectively reduce energy consumption, save energy and reduce carbon.codaBorrow a passage from A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens as the conclusion of this article: This is the best time and this is the worst time; This is the age of wisdom, this is the age of stupidity; This is the period of faith, this is the period of doubt; This is a bright season; This is the dark season; This is the spring of hope, and this is the winter of disappointment … Although the rivers and lakes of elevators in China are still under the feast of foreign investment, I believe that with time, domestic elevator brands will surely rise against the trend and flourish in the wind! Each platform has the same name. If you like our story, please share, collect and forward it.

Music creation is not careless, Xunfei intelligent recorder SR302 is trustworthy.

For many young music creators, an easy-to-use intelligent recording pen has become the immediate need. In fact, Xunfei intelligent recorder SR302 has become the choice of many people. With its compact body and professional performance, it can be said that in the market of intelligent voice recorder, Xunfei intelligent voice recorder SR302 brings a different experience. This year’s Double Eleven, start this Xunfei intelligent recorder SR302, and easily complete the advanced stage!

Being recognized by many young users, the strong strength of Xunfei intelligent voice recorder SR302 is the most critical. Among them, the professional recording function is its brightest point. In the slim body of Xunfei intelligent recording pen SR302, there is a combination of 2+4 microphones with excellent performance, which can not only achieve 15-meter long-distance pickup, but also achieve 360 dead-angle radio reception and intelligent noise reduction under the blessing of Xunfei intelligent algorithm. Whether it’s a path in the dead of night or a busy playground, Xunfei Intelligent Recording Pen SR302 can bring more satisfactory recording effects to users.

Of course, the advantages of Xunfei intelligent voice recorder SR302 don’t stop there. The free and permanent intelligent transcription service is also an important reason why Xunfei intelligent voice recorder SR302 is popular in the workplace. Based on Iflytek’s leading artificial intelligence speech algorithm, Xunfei intelligent voice recorder SR302 can show brilliant performance in 10 languages and 12 dialects. Easy transcription, accurate identification, online transcription accuracy of up to 98%, it is easy to present the recorded content in the form of words in front of users. Whether it is lyrics creation or meeting minutes, with the help of Xunfei intelligent recorder SR302, the performance can always be better.

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Lenovo-Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Laboratory officially signed a contract to unveil, focusing on intelligent devices and artificial intelligence.

In addition to the two joint laboratories, at the signing ceremony, Dr. Wang Qianying, Vice President of Lenovo Group and General Manager of Technology Strategy and Innovation Platform of Lenovo Research Institute, said that at present, 15 sub-topics have been identified in the research cooperation between Lenovo and Jiaotong University. Other laboratories of Lenovo Research Institute, such as enterprise cloud computing and car computing laboratories, and other R&D departments of Lenovo, including intelligent equipment group and solution service business group, are also important participants in these research topics. The cooperation covers the schools of electronic information, mechanical power, artificial intelligence and chemical engineering of Jiaotong University. The subject is also very extensive, involving battery, chip and other component technologies, new materials such as aluminum and magnesium alloys, speech and large scene video processing, complex robot systems and DNA storage.

Wang Fang was reused, Xiaoding sent blessings, qi zhou finally appeared, women’s basketball team Long Hudou, Liaoning’s glorious history.

Recently, the news of China Basketball Association has been continuous. The National Team Construction Committee was set up by the Basketball Association, and Yao Ming served as the director of the Committee. Xiaoding blessed the men’s basketball team, but it was ridiculed by the fans. qi zhou was afraid of missing the preliminaries because many opponents infected COVID-19. WCBA had just carried out six rounds, but it had already come to an end. Guangdong’s 11 crowns were enviable, and Liaoning fans basked in the team’s 12 crowns.

On September 26th, Beijing time, the Chinese Basketball Association officially announced that it would set up the National Construction Committee in the near future, with Yao Ming as its director and Wang Fang as its executive director. Perhaps it was because of the poor performance of China football men’s national team in the top 12 that chinese basketball association made this decision quickly. This move by the Basketball Association is intended to promote the construction of the men’s national team, improve the overall strength of the national team and strengthen the players’ awareness of winning glory for the country. In fact, this is also related to the fact that China men’s basketball team missed the Olympic Games for the first time after 17 years.

Wang Fang was the leader of Liaoning Sports Bureau before, but now he is appointed as the executive director, which shows that chinese basketball association values Wang Fang highly. Wang Fang is the mother of Liaoning team player Zhang Zhenlin. As the superior leader of Liaoning team in last season’s playoffs, Wang Fang also accompanied the team throughout the playoffs. He witnessed the growth of the players. In this year’s National Games, Wang Fang also witnessed the Liaoning National Men’s Basketball Team defending this National Games gold medal, which shows that his support for basketball is real.

Ding Yan Yuhang, a Shandong player who hasn’t updated his personal social dynamics for a long time, recently updated his personal social media. He took a big photo of the China men’s basketball team participating in this World Cup qualifier, and gave his best wishes to his friends. Originally, this was a perfectly normal dynamic, but some fans thought that Ding Yanyuhang was rubbing against the popularity of China men’s basketball team. In fact, it was a bit unfair to Ding Yanyuhang. After all, Xiaoding’s wishes for the national team and friends were sincere, and fans should not be mixed with too much personal feelings.

For Ding Yan Yuhang, some fans also very much hope that he can return to the national team. It is also a great encouragement for Ding Yan Yuhang to see that Abdul Salamu, who has suffered serious injuries like him, has already returned to the national team. Du Feng has also given all players a chance. After all, it is the greatest honor for a player to play for the national team, and it is also a very confidence-boosting thing to have the opportunity to enter the national team after a serious injury.

Recently, there are a lot of news about China men’s basketball team, one of which makes the fans very worried. That is, when qi zhou participated in nbl preseason, many of their opponents were found to have COVID-19. qi zhou, as a close contact, is likely to be isolated and missed. However, recently, some media broke the news that qi zhou appeared in China men’s basketball team’s training abroad, which broke the previous rumor that qi zhou would miss the preliminaries. China men’s basketball team has been sent to the strongest team in the world, hoping that they can break into the final with all their might.

The second phase of the cba is about to start, and wcba has already gone through six rounds. Compared with the attention of CBA in China, there are few fans in wcba. Up to now, three teams in WCBA have maintained an unbeaten record this season, namely the defending champion Inner Mongolia team, Sichuan team and Shandong team. In the first six rounds, Inner Mongolia team beat their opponents by a big score, and their biggest competitor this season is Sichuan team, which is temporarily ranked third.

In fact, after seeing the lineups of the two teams, the fans were not surprised why the two teams competed for the championship. Together, the two teams gathered a total of 17 national players. The Inner Mongolia team gathered 9 national players including Li Yueru, Yang Liwei, Huang Sijing, Zhao Shuang, Zhang Ru, Pan Zhenqi, Ma Xueya, Wei Wei and Li Yifan, while the Sichuan team had Han Xu, Wu Di, Shao Ting, Li Meng, Sun Mengran, Li Shanshan and so on.

In today’s cba league, Guangdong men’s basketball team and Liaoning men’s basketball team are still the two strongest teams. Compared with the 11th championship of Guangdong men’s basketball team, Liaoning men’s basketball team has won the championship of cba league only once, but the runner-up has won many times, which has also been criticized by many fans. Liaoning fans who are very unconvinced listed the past record of Liaoning team, and the time goes back to the national basketball championship in 1985. As we all know, cba league only has a history of more than twenty years. Here

According to the statistics of the fans, since 1985, Liaoning men’s basketball team has won 12 championships in many competitions, such as the National Basketball Championship, the National Basketball League, the National North-South Championship, the National Games, the Asian Club Cup, cba, Extraordinary 12, etc. From this figure, it has indeed surpassed Guangdong’s 11 championships. In fact, just from the data point of view, it can’t explain too many problems. After all, the glory created by our predecessors has become.

Burst! 7 steals! Ding Yanyuhang hit the top! I waited for the CBA for 4 years …

Shanghai team is really surprising this season, spending the most money and getting the most vicious beating.

It’s understandable to say that you can’t beat the Xinjiang team, which is stronger than Ma Zhuang. Can face the CBA new army Ningbo team, once behind nearly 20 points, you have to grab the keyboard and start spraying.

As a recognized favorite to win the championship, but even a team of fish gizzards can’t beat it. Who can stand it? It is estimated that the management of the team is already swearing.

However, Li Yuanyu suddenly sprained his ankle, which became the turning point of the game, allowing the Shanghai team to seize the opportunity to launch a counterattack. In the second half, he recovered his defensive strength and finally successfully reversed, beating Ningbo team 108-99 to win the first win of the season.

There’s really nothing to say. Despite winning, it can’t hide the fact that the Shanghai team played very ugly. It’s completely unlike the top four teams last season.

In the offseason this summer, three foreign AIDS and two domestic AIDS were signed, and several talented young people were promoted to the first team, which should have killed all sides, and turned into a headwind.

Let’s talk about personal performance. Xiaoding can be said to be one of the few highlights of the Shanghai team since the start of the game. His physical condition is obviously several grades better than that of last season, and his offensive and defensive ends are very aggressive, which is quite the shadow of the peak of the 16-18 season.

In the first game against Xinjiang, he won as many as 31 minutes of substitute playing time, scored 10 points, 2 assists and 5 breaks, and won the starting position in the second game, which played a key role in chasing points. In 26 minutes, he contributed 8 points, 6 boards and 2 breaks with a 50% shooting rate.

There were a total of 7 steals in two games.Four-word foreign aid doesn’t want to add a DPOY trophy to the personal honor room, does it? This thing doesn’t even have his best gay king.

Just kidding, it is a good illustration of Xiaoding’s positive attitude and willingness to defend as an example, so he successfully won the trust of Li Chunjiang’s guidance, and the status of the team was blind and gradually improved. Now it can be said that the importance of domestic players is second only to the king.

Those who can win MVP are not only top-notch in terms of technical and physical conditions, but also have high morale, so they are naturally not afraid to compete with others.

Therefore, it’s not unusual for Xiaoding to gain a firm foothold in the Shanghai team, but he will never be satisfied with the status quo, and will continue to enhance his influence on the game to help the team get back on track as soon as possible.

Is it possible for Li Chunjiang to instruct him to give Xiaoding a core position one day and let him play like MVP?

If the Shanghai team is mired in the quagmire and foreign aid continues to fail, maybe it is really possible.

Ding+King’s inner and outer core, I didn’t dare to think before!