Huayi Tencent Entertainment (00419) fell 5.43% to 0.087 yuan/share.

On March 13th, Huayi Tencent Entertainment (00419) fell 5.43% in intraday trading, and as of 14:16, it reported 0.087 yuan/share, with a turnover of 1,199,300 yuan.

Huayi Tencent Entertainment Co., Ltd. mainly operates two major businesses: First, Internet health services, including online health service platforms and high-end health centers; The second is the entertainment and media business, covering the investment and production of movies, animations and TV series, as well as the merger and acquisition of international entertainment companies and resource integration.

As of the mid-year report in 2023, Huayi Tencent Entertainment had a total operating income of 634 million yuan and a net profit of-40,421,400 yuan.

Aim for the first phalanx in the country! The future of Hebei rugby can be expected.

On September 24th, China team player Liao Jiuli (second from right) was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Zhenglai photo
On October 3rd, Liao Jiuli rushed to the China Women’s Rugby Team to report for duty, and began a new stage of training to prepare for the women’s rugby qualifying tournament for the Paris Olympic Games at the end of this year. This young rugby player trained in our province won the women’s rugby sevens gold medal with his teammates at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
Nevertheless, according to Tang Yu, director of the Small Ball Sports Center of the Provincial Sports Bureau, rugby is still in its infancy in our province. As a new sport, the popularity of rugby in our province is not high at present, and there is still much room for development.
It is understood that the provincial men’s rugby team was established in 2011, and this team entered the finals of the National Games for the first time in 2017. In 2015, the provincial women’s football team was established, and the results came from behind. After winning the fifth place in the National Games in 2021, it won the championship in the national rugby sevens championship in 2022.
The formation of provincial teams and their successive achievements have promoted the continuous development of rugby in our province. Especially after the annual provincial rugby championship and provincial rugby championship were held in 2015, some districts and cities in our province, such as Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and Cangzhou, have also set up municipal rugby teams. Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Qinhuangdao and Tangshan teamed up to participate in all four events in the youth football competition held in the 16th provincial sports meeting this year.
Teenagers are the new force in football. In recent years, some schools in our province have also begun to actively promote the popularization of rugby. At present, more than 10 schools, including Baoding No.7 Middle School, Shijiazhuang No.13 Middle School, Handan Weixian No.1 Middle School, Tangshan Luannan No.4 Middle School, Qinhuangdao Funing No.4 Middle School, Xingtai Shahe No.2 Middle School and Langfang Xianghe No.1 Middle School, carry out rugby training all the year round, and have made their mark in some provincial and national competitions.
"But overall, there are still not many football reserve talents in our province." Tang Yu introduced that at present, there are only more than 800 registered rugby players in our province. Due to the lack of reserve talents and coaches, the provincial women’s football team has only 18 players, which has not yet reached the normal number of players in the same level of football teams in China. Moreover, the provincial football team has not yet established an echelon, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the sport.
How to accelerate the development of rugby in our province?
"Without Bole, there will be no swift horse. How can you choose a good seedling without a good coach?" Tang Yu introduced that even the provincial teams have long faced the problem of lack of coaches because of the small number of domestic football coaches. At present, most grass-roots football coaches in our province are "half-way monks". In addition, the selection of rugby sports is not wide and the requirements for athletes’ various qualities are high, so grass-roots coaches are easy to miss good seeds when selecting materials. In addition, the number of colleges and universities recruiting rugby special students in China is relatively small, which also discourages many students who intend to engage in this sport.
"The development of rugby in China is relatively late, and there are currently less than 10 provinces that carry out rugby all the year round, which has somewhat affected the development of rugby in our province, but it is also an opportunity." Tang Yu said.
Rugby was confirmed to return to the Olympic stage in 2009, and China established the national rugby team in 2013. In 2021, the China women’s rugby team won the seventh place at the Tokyo Olympic Games, which was the first time that the China rugby team made its debut at the Olympic Games.
In order to make a difference in this Olympic project, our province has made efforts to break the bottleneck of development in recent years.
Committed to solving the problem of "who will teach", our province has vigorously carried out coach training and introduced a foreign teacher for the provincial women’s football team. "An important purpose of inviting foreign teachers is to hope that provincial athletes can learn better coaching experience, and it is fundamental to build our own team of coaches." Tang Yu said that at present, several old players in the provincial team have begun to transform into coaches. After the National Games in 2025, the provincial team will also have a group of old players retired, which is expected to become the coaches of the provincial team and the municipal team.
Focusing on strengthening the leadership of the event, our province has continuously improved the rugby tournament system. At present, the Provincial Games, the Provincial Rugby Championship and the Provincial Rugby Championship have two groups, A and B, which are aimed at high school and junior high school athletes respectively. Starting from next year, a group C under the age of 12 will be added to the provincial competitions, so that primary school students can also participate.
The China Women’s Rugby Team won the gold medal in the Hangzhou Asian Games, which will also become a booster for the development of rugby in our province. "Liao Jiuli participated in the Asian Games, and many media came to interview and report, which will greatly enhance the influence of rugby in our province." Tang Yu believes that after the Asian Games, more teenagers in our province will like rugby.
It is reported that our province has set short-term goals and long-term goals in rugby. The short-term goal is that the men’s team will strive to enter the top six in the 2025 National Games, and the women’s team will strive to win medals. The long-term goal is to popularize and lay a solid foundation, and at the same time build a team of athletes, coaches and referees, and strive to make Hebei rugby enter the first phalanx in the country as soon as possible.
(Hebei Daily, Hebei Daily client reporter Wang Weihong)
Pay attention to Hebei Daily for more authoritative information.

The ancient "New Year’s Day" originally meant this! Too knowledgeable.

New Year’s Day in ancient times and New Year’s Day today,
Is it the same meaning?
"New Year’s Day" is the first day of January in the solar calendar every year, which is a traditional New Year in China and many countries in the world. But in ancient China, the meaning of the word "New Year’s Day" was very different from today.
Zhuan Xu (zhuān xū, the legendary ancient emperor) started the lunar calendar, with the first month as the yuan and the first day as the denier. But since then, the New Year’s Day dates of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han are not consistent. According to Historical Records,New Year’s Day is the first day of the first month in Xia Dynasty, the first day of December in Shang Dynasty, the first day of November in Zhou Dynasty and the first day of October in Qin Dynasty. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty resumed the summer calendar, the first day of the first month was still regarded as New Year’s Day, which is now our "Spring Festival".
On the first day of the first month, we now call it "Spring Festival" or "Chinese New Year", but in ancient times it was called "New Year’s Day".
However, different dynasties still have different names:
The pre-Qin period was called "Shang Yuan", "Yuan Ri", "Gai Nian" and "Xian Nian". During the Han Dynasty, it was called "Three Dynasties", "Sui Dan", "Zhengdan" and "Zhengri". Wei and Jin Dynasties were also called "Yuan Chen", "Yuan Ri", "Fuehrer" and "Sui Dynasty". During the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, it was called "New Year’s Day", "Yuan Day", "New Zhengs" and "Singapore Dollars". In the Qing Dynasty, it was always called "New Year’s Day" or "Yuan Day".
From the appellations of the above dynasties, we can see that the most commonly called Spring Festival in ancient times was "January Day" or "New Year’s Day".In other words, the New Year’s Day they are talking about is not the first day of January in the solar calendar we are talking about now.
"New Year’s Day" is a compound word. According to a single word, "Yuan" is the "head" of people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which means beginning and first."January Day" is the first day of the New Year, and "Book Shun Dian" says: "The moon is on January Day, and Shun Ge is in the same position as Wen Xiang Zu." Kong Chuan: "The moon is positive, the first month; January, last day. " "Tokyo Fu": "So Meng Chun won the day, and the group was next to it." There are also the famous poems "Tian Jia Yuan Ri" by Meng Haoran in Tang Dynasty and "Yuan Ri" by Wang Anshi in Song Dynasty, etc. The "Yuan Ri" in the poems is our present "Spring Festival".
"Dan" means dawn.Shuowen Jiezi holds that "Dan" means "seeing from the sun, seeing from the ground". "Dan" is a pictograph, which means that the sun has just risen from the horizon, which means morning. Then, the word "New Year’s Day" together is the first morning of the New Year.
As far as the word "New Year’s Day" is concerned, it originated from the poem "Jieya" written by Xiao Ziyun, a poet in the Southern Dynasties: "New Year’s Day with Four Spirits, long life." In the Song Dynasty, Wu Zimu also explained "New Year’s Day" in "Dream Liang Lu": "The first month of the first month is called New Year’s Day, and the custom is called New Year’s Day."
Fang Xuanling also said in the Book of Jin:
Zhuan Emperor took March in Meng Chun as the yuan, which was the spring of New Year’s Day.
There are also New Year’s Day poems written by Tang people and New Year’s Day poems written by Lu You, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, etc. The "New Year’s Day" here means "Spring Festival".
Other names and sources will not be introduced one by one.Before the disappearance of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese New Year was not called Spring Festival, but mostly called New Year’s Day. In other words, the previous "New Year’s Day" was not the first day of January in the solar calendar..
Every edited Wang Jiaqi
This article is transferred from Yangguang News (comprehensive)
Tianjin Daily, Xinhuanet,, etc.
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Running away from Baidu, he became a scientist and entrepreneur! Zeng said that scientists should start their business from the future.

From scientist to entrepreneur, Yu Kai is not the first person to "run away" in the field of artificial intelligence.

Despite the previous achievements in scientific research, joining in entrepreneurship means facing the reality of bone feeling.

In March 2015, Yu Kai said in an interview: "If a business can get the resources it deserves to do what it wants, then choose to start a business; If you join a big platform and have more resources to do one thing, then join a big platform. " Sure enough, three months after that, he left Baidu and founded Horizon.

Yu Kai

From the initial "no one pays the bill" to October this year, Horizon successfully won the investment of 2.4 billion euros from Volkswagen, setting the largest single investment record for Volkswagen in the past 40 years, and establishing a joint venture company with audi ag’s software company. The transformation of Yu Kai’s identity can be described as unsuccessful.

Before becoming the founder of Horizon, Yu Kai’s label was the top international scholar in the field of machine learning and the main promoter of deep learning technology in China. His published papers were cited more than 20,000 times, and he won the silver award for the best paper in ICML-2013 International Machine Learning Conference. He himself also served as the domain chairman of ICML and NIPS, two major conferences of machine learning.

Yu Kai’s achievements in the academic field go far beyond this.

NEC Research Institute of the United States was once one of the major centers of international machine learning research. During his tenure, Yu Kai established a highly prestigious technology research and development team in Silicon Valley. This team is one of the earliest and most active teams in the field of deep learning in the world. A series of technologies led and developed by him have pushed image object recognition to a new level worldwide, and won many international famous awards.

After joining Baidu in 2012, the voice technology team, deep learning technology team and image technology team led by Yu Kai won the "Baidu’s highest award" three times in succession, creating records of various technical and business teams within Baidu.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yu Kai at that time, both academically and professionally, was smooth sailing.

But at this time, he chose to start a business.

Yu Kai’s reason is straightforward: "In the past three years, what I have done at Baidu is to promote artificial intelligence in the cloud. But I think there will be a bigger trend in the next few years that I have to do: from artificial intelligence in the cloud to artificial intelligence around everyone. "

Therefore, Yu Kai, who has always believed in "doing things is the most important thing", founded Beijing Horizon Information Technology Co., Ltd. in July 2015, focusing on edge computing in the field of artificial intelligence.

From the moment the company was founded, in his own words: First of all, I will forget that I am a scientist more and more.

To be a scientist, you can put the mainexperienceDo research and write papers, but as an entrepreneur, you should focus more on business and customer needs.

Yu Kai has always wanted to grasp some "truth" things in this process, for example, things that can really create long-term value. With this idea in mind, at the beginning of Horizon’s establishment, he played the slogan of "making brains for machines", and avoided the edge of the field giants, took the edge computing route, and insisted on making AI chips.

It was really hard at first.

When recalling the initial stage of starting a business and determining the development direction, Yu Kai mentioned: At that time, we were predicting a far future, a future that might take 20 years as its dimension. From computers to smart phones, and beyond, what is a bigger computing platform than these? At that time, they were sure,beRobot computing platform. AI chip is the indispensable key to realize this calculation.

Now that we hear about AI chips, it’s needless to say its importance. But when Horizon was founded, not every investor could understand the "blueprint" in Yu Kai’s eyes. As a direct result, the horizon was once unsustainable. Until smart cars become "robots"calculate"The first and biggest landing scene at present, everyone began to understand that Yu Kai had bet on it.

In 2020, smart cars ushered in an outbreak period. As a result, there is a global "lack of core" in the automotive industry.question.

A chip with excellent computing power, like a smart brain, can accurately control the behavior of the vehicle. A series of functions, such as environmental awareness, route planning, driving assistance and so on, advertised by smart cars all need to rely on chips to be realized.

This is also consistent with what Yu Kai has always wanted to do. He has always believed that the real significance of artificial intelligence is not to survive and develop as the opposite of human life, but to support people’s decision-making and enhance their ability. Once the smart car scene is broken down, this ability will definitely spill over to others.floatApplication scenario of robot.

In August 2019, Horizon announced the mass production of China’s first car-class AI chip "Journey 2";

In September 2020, Horizon officially launched the AI chip "Journey 3";

In July, 2021, Horizon released "Journey 5", a high-performance and large-computing, full-scene intelligent central computing chip for the whole vehicle.


Yu Kai once said, "The course of a scientist’s entrepreneurship is not based on business opportunities,FromStart in the future. "

This cooperation between Horizon and Volkswagen may be the next future in Yu Kai’s plan.

Urban governance rule of law: take the "Shanghai Domestic Waste Management Regulations" as an example

Since the reform and opening up, the urban management of Shanghai can be divided into three stages: the initial stage of reform and opening up to 2000, the construction management is cracked by solving the "three difficulties" (difficulty in transportation, housing difficulties, and environmental difficulties). With people -oriented, management as the first, safety as the first, to welcome the "Expo" event and consolidate "comprehensive management" as the main task; since 2017, it has entered refined management to make good use of the "three hearts and one needle" (embroidery -like " Carefulness, patience, excellence, and embroidery needle), build four beams and eight pillars.

After more than forty years of practice and exploration, Shanghai has accumulated rich experience in the process of dealing with various complex problems operating in large cities, and conducted a comprehensive exploration in the refinement of urban management.

In 2021, the Shanghai Housing and Urban -Rural Development Management Committee organized the writing "Exploration and Practice Series of the Construction of" People’s City "in the New Era". Strengthen the refined work of urban management and promote the exploration and practice of people’s urban construction. The book uses the four main "needle methods": rule of law, standardization, intelligence, and socialization (fourizations), combined with cases to detailed how Shanghai performs refined management.

In the chapter of the "rule of the rule of law" the "warning line" of urban management, the writing group cuts in from the legislative, revision, law enforcement and law popularization of the city management field in Shanghai, analyzes the application of the rule of law thinking in the management process, and confirms the construction of the rule of law. Fundamental role in urban management. We have edited some of the contents of this chapter, explained the necessity of rule of law in urban management, and selected one of the most representative cases in order to readers.

For a long time, Shanghai has always regarded the rule of law as an important cornerstone of the construction of governance systems and governance capabilities, based on the management needs of oversized cities, and continuously refining and optimizing the guarantee of legal systems.

In early 2021, driving into the Fenhu Daokou of the G50 Shanghai -Chongqing High Speed ??Speed ??and entering the boundary of Shanghai, Mr. Lin, who was sitting in the co -driver, received a text message- "The Regulations on the Administration of Shanghai Public Health Emergency" will be implemented on November 1, 2020. Everyone is responsible for preventing and controlling and controlling it according to law. Strengthen self -health management, strengthen self -protection awareness, wash hands, divide hands, use public chopstick spoons. Enter the airport, railway station, bus, subway and other public places to wear masks as required to maintain social distance ""

"It is illegal to wear a mask in Shanghai in public places." Mr. Lin turned his head and told his friends and took out the mask from his pocket.

The "Regulations on the Administration of Public Health Emergency" clearly stipulates that during the popularity of respiratory infectious diseases, entering public places should be worn in accordance with the requirements and maintain a social distance. Today, wearing a mask in public places is not only a civilized habit, but also a legal obligation that Shanghai citizens should adhere to.

How to use the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to regulate the public order of the city, so that the law can be dependent on, and the law is based on the law. It is an inevitable requirement and important content of the construction and management of modern cities. From the perspective of the refined goals of urban management, the accuracy and effectiveness of management methods should meet the basic requirements of standardized implementation, and the standardization of the means requires the establishment, sound, and perfect legal and regulatory system to enhance the particle size and refinement of legal resources With high rigorous rules and the spirit of the rule of law, it provides a solid institutional foundation and exquisite behavioral guidance for the efficient operation of urban management. On the one hand, we can rule the people and the people in accordance with the law, and use laws and regulations to restrict the behavior of citizens; on the other hand, in accordance with the right to rule, govern officials, regulate the behavior of government agencies and their public officials, and use laws and regulations to control the exercise of public power. It can be said that the process of continuous improvement of the rule of law in urban management itself is an important practice of the concept of "the people of the people’s city and the people’s city for the people".

The standardization of management methods is also conducive to overcoming the disadvantages of sports and empirical governance, and improving the long -term and stability of urban governance. The content of the standardized management methods also includes the clear division of the rights and obligations of various types of public affairs and the supply of public services, and the determination of organizational management and operating rules provides behavioral specifications for various governance subjects, and provides public rights of the public. Standards and basis, guide urban management laws and regulations to become social consensus and behavioral rules.

For the government, the rule of law of management methods lies in clarifying its responsibilities and their behavioral standards, accelerating the transformation of government functions, and promoting the original inherent leadership decision -making government to the legal decision -making government through the construction of the rule of law. For citizens, as the main body of the city, citizens have the right to also obliges to improve the literacy and legal awareness of the rule of law, can establish reasonable expectations for administrative processes and management effects, and achieve effective supervision of public administration. It can be seen that the rule of law is the core symbol of urban competitiveness and the dazzling business card for urban governance.

The ideal state of rule of law is "the law can be prohibited, and the law is prohibited without authorization." To achieve this goal, the lack of legislation, law enforcement, and law general law is indispensable. Especially for Shanghai with the inheritance of sea -faction culture, its regional culture itself has a basis for contract civilization.

Shanghai is the first city in the country to implement garbage classification. From July 1, 2019 to the present, it has formed a situation of Shanghai demonstration and onlookers in the country. For Shanghai, legislation is both the task required by superiors, but also the endogenous demand generated by garbage classification to a certain stage. Up to now, the "Regulations on the Management of Shanghai Municipal Lomitic waste" have been implemented for more than two years, and the garbage classification has entered the daily life of each Shanghai person. It shows the civilization of the city.

Case: Fine Management -Taking the "Regulations on the Management of Shanghai Municipal Links" as an example

From 2005 to 2010, the average annual growth rate of Shanghai’s domestic waste was about 3%, the average annual growth rate from 2011-2017 was 4%, and the annual growth rate after 2014 reached 5%. And the traditional garbage treatment method, whether it is incineration or landfill, will bring obvious problems: occupying tens of thousands of acres of land, mosquito flies fly chaotic, sewage overflows, smells of the sky, seriously pollute the soil and groundwater environment … The number of garbage is still threatening the lives of various wild animals, and the garbage in rivers and oceans invades the habitat of aquatic creatures, causing them to die by mistake and even species extinction. At the same time, the two evils brought by the waste incineration are one of the most deadly toxic substances on the earth. After the incineration is discharged and discharged, it can diffuse from a long distance. Once the pollutants enter the human body, they will stay for a long time and eventually cause cancer. "Garbage siege" has been "under the city."

Promoting garbage classification can effectively improve the efficiency of garbage treatment, reduce treatment costs, reduce land consumption and environmental pollution, drive circular economy, save resources, and turn waste into treasures, and have the benefits of social, economic and ecological aspects. However, in order to do a good job of domestic waste, we must change people’s behavior habits and require a long -term process. Refined governance of domestic garbage in other countries often go through decades or even longer efforts. Therefore, the legislative work of the garbage classification is not only the need to mobilize the entire force, but also the most powerful education and guidance of this work and the most powerful education and control.

On the basis of a large -scale questionnaire survey and full review, Shanghai people have reviewed and approved the "Shanghai Municipal Home Wurns Management Regulations" greater than January 2019. It is announced that it will be officially implemented on July 1, 2019. Enter the "hard constraint" era.

The legislation clarified several priorities in Shanghai’s garbage classification work. One is how to divide it? Shanghai has been exploring garbage classification since the 1990s. After several changes, in 2011, it was determined to be recyclable, harmful garbage, wet garbage, and dry garbage. During the review of the regulations, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress designed a set of questionnaires for the general public, and the results showed that most citizens expressed their recognition of the "four -point method".

Shanghai domestic waste classification and launch guide

Who will control it? At the three levels of the city, district, and streets, the regulations stipulate the management model of "combination and block", and clarify the work content of the street office and the township people’s governments. One by one. For example, units and individuals who generate domestic waste are the responsible subjects of classification and distribution. They should put domestic waste to the corresponding collecting containers; each launching point shall establish a classification and distribution management responsible person to clarify their rights and obligations; For garbage, the receiving unit can refuse to receive it. If it does not make corrections within the time limit, it can be fined.

The third is how to do the source reduction? The regulations include specific matters including promoting product packaging materials and reduction of express packaging. For example, hotels must not take the initiative to provide disposable daily necessities, catering service providers and catering distribution service providers must not proactively provide free disposable chopsticks, puffing and other tableware. In Shanghai, when using APP such as "Hungry" or "Meituan", each merchant must provide special tableware options and give reminders to "provide on -demand".

Fourth, how to achieve "closed loop" management? The regulations strictly standardize and transport and transport, and clarify that the receiving units must use special vehicles and ships to implement closed transportation. Realization of the whole process.

After the "Shanghai Municipal Domestic Waste Management Regulations" was officially implemented, a public account article entitled "A picture to understand Shanghai’s domestic garbage classification" was crazy "swipe the screen" in the circle of friends. Someone teased that the "magic people" was "mad" by the garbage classification. Every morning, when they went out, they had to accept the soul torture of "what garbage was".

Mobilization and ridicule, but if you go to the community and ask "whether the garbage classification is good", even the seventh or eighty -year -old grandma will answer you: "Okay! Now the environment is so serious, Allah is obliged to contribute to environmental protection." Since the implementation of more than two years, garbage classification has entered the daily life of every Shanghai people. Everyone is proud of "division", ashamed of "indiscriminate".

Observing all corners of Shanghai, you can find many places that are changing because of garbage classification: Located on the coast of the East China Sea and 70 kilometers from the southeast of the city center -this "digestion" of about 50%of the domestic garbage terminal treatment in Shanghai The landfills have become the ecological protection display window of green surroundings; Xinyixiu Village, which has achieved "wet garbage cannot be out of the community", Aunt Hou voted to the wet garbage in the community’s trash tank, and the intensive processing of intelligent equipment was treated with concentrated treatment 4 hours later, it became organic fertilizer, and was taken home by Aunt Hou to raise flowers. At the Century Lianhua Luban shop after the "Plastics Limit Order", the counter was carefully prepared on the counter. Packing for customers to use …

Shanghai Old Port Ecological Environmental Protection Base is the world’s largest waste incineration plant and medical waste disposal facility

Xinyu Liu Village "Wet garbage does not get out of the community"

The changes that occurred in factories, communities, supermarkets, and landfills are the true portrayal of the participation and control of the whole people. As of the end of 2020, Shanghai has initially established a full -process classification system to achieve 100%harmless treatment of domestic garbage. Both residential and unit domestic waste classification standards have doubled more than 95%, and the recycling rate of domestic waste resources has reached 38%. Garbage classification makes Shanghai more livable and more temperature.Please clickhereOr scan the code to buy to understand the exploration of refined city management in Shanghai: