People’s body talk: the charm of football and grassroots feelings

Source: People’s Daily Online-Viewpoint Channel Original Draft

On November 17th, in the second round of the 2022 Chinese Football Association Cup, the Chinese champion team Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated the Chinese Super League team Beijing Guoan 7:5 in a penalty shootout and advanced to the top 16. This game surprised many people. Losing to a semi-professional team as a traditional strong team in the Super League may be caused by various reasons, but it also made many people know more about the current situation of football in China and look forward to the development of grass-roots football.

The FA Cup is an independent knockout cup outside the football league in China, and it is also the only opportunity for low-level teams and high-level teams to compete together. Jingchuan Wenhui eliminated Beijing Guoan from penalty. Although there were accidental factors, from the process of 2:2 draw in regular time, the strength of the two teams was close, and Jingchuan Wenhui team even got the upper hand slightly. Two goals were remarkable. The players on the field were thunderous, calm and confident, and had a degree of attack and defense. In a game in which the strength is very different and there is no suspense, the audience felt the long-lost charm of competitive football.

Aside from the mobilization, cohesion and team fighting capacity before the game, we can find details that are easily covered up by victory from the voice of the head of Jingchuan Wenhui after the game. Jingchuan Wenhui said that the main reason for winning the game was that the opponent was negligent and could not use foreign aid. He attributed the opponent’s defeat to accidental factors and external uncontrollable rules. Compared with the simple ceremony of "accepting and accepting", he was polite, modest and humble, which was quite the bearing and pattern of Chinese traditional culture. Brutalizing its physique, civilizing its spirit, an unexpected game, let us see the momentum and indomitable feelings of grassroots football.

Football is round. The competitive characteristics and rules of the game make football not only have the integrity, antagonism and appreciation shared by collective ball games, but also have the variability of technical and tactical coordination and the contingency of game results.

"The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce generals must be sent to the pawn." According to the results of post-match interviews and data disclosure, there are 152 players in Jingchuan Wenhui Football Club, more than 70 of whom are local doctors, policemen, teachers and other amateurs from all walks of life, and 40% of the players participating in the FA Cup are semi-professional players. Jingchuan Wenhui Club is integrated with Beihai Jichi Club, co-built and shared with Jingchuan County key amateur sports schools, and has a champion team, an U19 echelon, an U17 echelon and an amateur team, which reflects the effectiveness of Jingchuan County Football Association reform. The development of grass-roots football in Jingchuan presents a good trend, which is not only the component of football professionalization reform, but also supported by the three-level training network of competitive sports national system, and the association, sports school and club cooperate and form a joint force. The deepening reform and practice of county-level individual associations, the development of county-level football clubs and the modernization process of amateur sports schools are all key and difficult points in the construction of a strong sports country and the development of grass-roots sports organizations. For the government and an effective market, it may be the internal logic of the wonderful performance of this grassroots counterattack.

If the road is long, the line will come, but it is difficult and more brave. We expect the society to pay more attention and support to grass-roots football, and we expect that the sports lifestyle with football as the carrier can meet the needs of more people for a better life!

Quanchan is no longer modest! Frankly speaking, now that I have overcome the 207C movement, I will jump well in the World Cup.

Since the end of the World Swimming Championships in Budapest in 2022, China’s national diving team, which has won a great victory, has never slackened, and still devoted itself to intense training. In three months, the whole team, from coaches to players, are training hard, and they will also take part in the diving world cup in Berlin, Germany on the 20th of this month.

At present, the diving team of China has announced its participation in the 2022 Diving World Cup. In the most attractive women’s 10m platform single and double events, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi will still join hands in the battle. These two men have become absolute kings of this event, and they won four gold medals in Tokyo Olympic Games and World Championships. In the more concerned solo events, this pair of partners on the field and good sisters in life each won once. Quan Hongchan won the Olympic gold medal, while Chen Yuxi won the world championship.

Some netizens said that whether Quanhongchan can win the World Cup single event depends on her performance in 207C. In fact, Quanhongchan won the world record in Tokyo Olympic Games because of her outstanding performance in 207C. At the World Championships, she lost to Chen Yuxi because she failed to play her due level in 207C. Therefore, 207C has become the most critical hurdle for all-red Chan’s achievement. If she can overcome this action, she will raise herself to a new height.

Quan Chan knows this well, so in the past few months, under the training of Chen Ruolin, the coach in charge, she strictly controlled her weight, and on the other hand, she practiced hard in a very targeted way. Now, Quan Hongchan has made great progress in the 207C movement. Even she has always been modest and cautious, and she says she has become more stable now. She is looking forward to showing you her training results in the World Cup. We are also very much looking forward to seeing her wonderful performance in the World Cup.

Guarding Shanghai

On April 19, a courier rider was delivered to Jiujiang Road, Bund Street. Two buss had just pulled away a close contact with a group of new crown pneumonians from here and sent them to Hangzhou, Zhejiang. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 14, a "head" of the community group purchase of community group purchases was inspecting the group purchase list, which was in front of her soybean products. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

Photography report | | Li Qiang

This spring, because of the new crown pneumonia, "Magic Capital" Shanghai encountered some problems. For a modern metropolis, in the face of stores and pharmacies, it is difficult to solve the problem of 25 million people to eat and see a doctor in the face of the closing of stores and pharmacies. Conservation has become a big thing.
A citizen living in Yangpu District, Shanghai said that she set up three different platforms to grab the food alarm clock every day: at 12 o’clock in the night, grabbing Sam or US cuisine, at 6 am, and 8 o’clock in the Hema. Nevertheless, she was always "not snatched." The daily greetings of people’s daily greetings are, "Today, have you grabbed the dishes?" The young people who were accustomed to shopping online were tossed online and tossed, and those who had not learned to use smartphones could only be Waiting for assistance.
At the press conference on April 16, Liu Min, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commercial Committee, said that for some time, the problem of difficulty in shopping on online shopping in Shanghai was mainly because many takeaway riders were sealed in the community. Temporarily closed due to the requirements of epidemic prevention, which allows e -commerce to protect the supply ability. In addition, due to the upgrading of the epidemic situation in some places, the land transportation and logistics in some areas are not good, and some living and production materials are blocked on the road, which also affects Shanghai’s confession.
In order to send materials to the people, a company guaranteed enterprises to transfer 160 experienced and professional employees to support warehouse operations from Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Kunming and other places. In this warehouse for enterprises, the reporter saw a truck sending vegetables. The packant was packed into a box after disinfection of vegetables and transferred to the delivery staff. There are many people who have been temporarily changed to join the delivery team. Some of them were online car drivers, some were driving a photography studio, and some people just came to Shanghai from Inner Mongolia to find a job, but happened to encounter the epidemic.
The rider who was trapped in the community also came out to solve the problem of "last mile". Although they were informed that they could not go back after being out of the community, they still chose to go to the streets to deliver life and medical supplies for citizens. The rider who could not solve the problem of accommodation had to sleep on the street at night. Now on the empty streets of Shanghai, they are the busiest people. They buy fruits, vegetables, meat, and medicines, take pets for pets, and then distribute them in time. On the street electric vehicles, various living materials bags are often hung.

On the evening of April 9th, there were many riders who were waiting to buy goods in Huangpu District, Huangpu District, Shanghai. When a citizen passed by, he looked down curiously. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On the evening of April 9, a fruit shop opened the door for a half -door business. Many riders were waiting to pick up the order to buy fruit, drinks, and eggs for customers. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 12, two takeaway riders were resting on the street. They came from Baotou (left) in Inner Mongolia (left) and Kashgar (right) in Xinjiang. In the early days of the epidemic, they were sealed at home. On April 7, they went out of the rented community to deliver takeaway to deliver life and medical supplies for citizens. Since the community no longer allows to enter, they have to temporarily live on the street. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 19, a rider walked out of the street’s residence. After going out, because the community was not allowed to enter again, many riders who had nowhere to stay had to choose to temporarily live on the street. The rider used a cloth to separate a piece of space in front of a snack bar. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 12, Huangpu District, Shanghai, was divided into Yuyuan Street, which was divided into a preventive area. A business shop counter was filled with medicine waiting for delivery. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 12, Huangpu District, Shanghai, was divided into Yuyuan Street, which was divided into a preventive area. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 14th, in front of Huangpu District, Shanghai, a rider received a pet medication for customers on behalf of the customer. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 11, a large number of orders waiting for delivery were placed in Songjiang District, Shanghai, Shanghai, Songjiang District, Shanghai. The staff told reporters that after returning to business, the online orders quickly "exploded". Due to limited manpower, each time they dared to turn on the system for a few seconds. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 17, in Qingpu District, Shanghai, a courier company’s warehouse was full of epidemic prevention supplies that were about to be sent to various communities in Shanghai. This is a group of enterprises donated 10 million yuan of epidemic prevention materials. It will be sent to nearly 200 residential (village) committees and 200,000 families in Shanghai. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 10, Pudong New District, Shanghai, a warehouse in Shanghai’s supply enterprise was stored in government group purchases, and was ready to send it. The guarantee enterprises have dispatched 160 experienced logistics professional employees to support Shanghai from Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Chengdu, Kunming and other places to support Shanghai, so that the warehouse matching system can continue to operate. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 10th, a truck was provided in the warehouse of the enterprise in Pudong New District, Shanghai, and a truck was sent to vegetables, including radishes and cabbage. When unloading, each bag of vegetables need to be disinfected. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 10, in the Pudong New District of Shanghai, a provider was inside the enterprise warehouse, and a distributor dragged the packed living materials outside the door to prepare to load the car. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 10, the Pudong New District of Shanghai, a certain guarantee in the enterprise warehouse, the delivery staff were resting. Many of these distributors are temporarily changed. They originally came from all walks of life. Some people were previously online car drivers. Some people drove a photography studio. Some people just came to Shanghai from Inner Mongolia to find a job. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 19, a rider was driving near the street near the Bund. Not far away is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, which has been suspended.

On April 19, a rider in Huangpu District, Shanghai was driving on the South Suzhou Road. The Daba chrysanthemum beside the Suzhou River was flourishing, but there were few pedestrians on the road. Occasionally someone walked the dogs, and some people who couldn’t get out of the door leaned against the window. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

Residents are actively helping themselves in places where the outside world guarantees cannot be reached.
Community group purchases have become an important way for self -rescue of civilians. In many communities in Shanghai, "egg group", "vegetable group", "fruit group" and "milk group" appeared. In a hotel in Minhang District, Chinese and foreign lives are "head" to help everyone buy different materials. The "head of the group" sought their own supply channels and delivery riders. When people grabbing food on the Internet failed, they could always try to get the goods.
In the mutual aid group of Caojiaxiang District, Putuo District, the "Easy Protective" that disappeared from modern daily life became a normal state. Someone took out coffee and wine and replaced vegetables and eggs. In the corridor of the community, people can often see the goods packed with various bags in front of a house. After a hungry resident for many days in the group for help, other residents and volunteers of Lou Dong sent food spontaneously.
At night, some small shops on the street will quietly open the rolling door. The citizens nearby take the time to do nucleic acid testing and go to the temporary grocery store to supplement their living materials. After the riders learned that there was a good news of a fruit shop, they rushed to the shop waiting for the list to buy fruit for customers. Other shops choose to close the door. After the citizen is paid online and down, the rider will be available to the store to pick up the goods.
Some people even start buying vegetables seeds online, planting vegetables on the balcony, or digging wild vegetables on the community. An Anhui person who is a driver in Shanghai all year round becomes a community volunteer. Every day, in addition to the medical staff who sent the medical staff of the Anhui medical team to and from the nuclear acid sampling point, he will also give the extra box lunch to the rental house, and then Fellows who can’t buy life materials. Wanderers on the street can occasionally eat their extra box lunch.

On the evening of April 9th, a grocery store opened the store to provide living materials to guarantee living materials for nearby citizens. A citizen was buying drinks and wine in the store. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 12, in Xuhui District, Shanghai, in a community belonging to the seal -and -control area, residents took the car to the living materials storage point to pick up materials. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 12, a elderly person went to Yifeng Da Pharmacy in Yuyuan Street to buy medicines. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 12, a citizen in Huangpu District, Shanghai, walked out of the house to buy fruits. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 11, the takeaway transfer point in front of a supermarket door in Songjiang District, Shanghai. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 14, a community volunteer in the fourth grade of elementary school in Shanghai was instructed by an unmanned delivery vehicle to park medicine. In this community, 4 unmanned delivery vehicles solve the problem of the last 100 meters of residents’ living materials. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

On April 14th, a bicycle in Shanghai Pudong New Area, a bicycle was carrying the purchased hoe and other living materials in a closed management community. China Youth Daily · reporter Li Qiang/Photo

At the same time, Shanghai is also trying to restore capacity to promote commercial node outlets such as Datang and front warehouses in e -commerce platforms. On April 16, the press conference of the Shanghai New Crown Pneumonia’s Epidemium Prevention and Control revealed that the Shanghai e -commerce platform has been restored to 42 business. 779 are restored before the immune -related warehouse, and the number of takeaway rides is more than 18,000. The daily delivery single volume is about 1.8 million orders.
On April 20, some media learned from the Shanghai Municipal Commercial Commission that "Shanghai Vegetable Insurance Supply of the Wholesale Business Transfer Station" was established in the Jiangqiao wholesale market, encouraging and supporting vegetable wholesale operation enterprises and operating households across the country to actively organize the supply of supply, through Jiangqiao The transit station is transferred to the Jiangqiao wholesale market transaction and continues to supply the Shanghai market. The long -lasting war of this confession is gradually getting out of the predicament under the investment of officials and folk forces.