"In unison" Zhang Shaohan’s golden melody singing program changes to sing, the song has positive energy to change itself and fans

"I know, I have always had a pair of invisible wings that take me to fly and give me hope." This masterpiece of Zhang Shaohan is also her impression to the public. Zhang Shaohan, who has been out for 17 years, has always brought dreams and strength to those who love her. Her musical works also attract audiences of all ages with different styles.

In the ninth episode of Priya’s "One Talk" broadcast last week, Zhang Shaohan dedicated 8 songs to the audience in a row, and the melody carrying memories triggered a chorus. Not only that, she also shared with the audience the changes brought to her by "Invisible Wings".

Zhang Shaohan’s golden songs are broadcast to "sing" "Invisible Wings" with positive energy to change herself and her fans

The "Zhang Shaohan Special" broadcast on Saturday is divided into two parts: "Fast Song Zhang Shaohan" and "Slow Song Zhang Shaohan". Such a link setting fully meets the different needs of the audience. In the program, Zhang Shaohan sang 8 classic songs such as "Aurora", "Perfume Lily" and "Invisible Wings" in a row, bringing the audience back to the youthful youth. For the audience, the excitement is like watching a single song by Zhang Shaohan.

The song "Invisible Wings" that Zhang Shaohan is most familiar with the public also has a special meaning for her. The song has a beautiful melody, the lyrics are not only easy to remember, but also full of upward energy. With Zhang Shaohan’s delicate and warm voice, it gives people stability and strength, and it has a high flow in the student group. The 2009 Beijing college entrance examination composition title was also adapted from this song. In this regard, Zhang Shaohan said that when she heard the news, she still couldn’t believe it, but because of this, she knew another meaning of music. It turns out that singers can not only sing happily, but also learn about other people’s stories and bring strength to others through songs. Good works are not just a few minutes of melody enjoyment, but have a deeper meaning for their own lives. A member of the guessing panel at the scene said that he was in a desperate situation of being injured or even facing paralysis, and was deeply inspired by Zhang Shaohan’s song, and finally the "miracle" came to him. Zhang Shaohan said that she has always maintained this original intention. Every time she chooses a song for an album, she will try her best to choose some positive songs, because she believes that while the song moves her, it will also touch more people. I hope that people who like me can have the courage to move forward on the road of growth and become better people for each other.

Zhang Yu revealed that he was tortured by Zhang Shaohan’s song "Feng Timo sang with his idol and shed tears on the stage

Zhang Shaohan is deeply loved by the audience because of her playful, cute and clear voice. The scene of the program has also become a confession meeting for Zhang Shaohan. But Zhang Yu, a member of the guessing team, said that Zhang Shaohan’s "Invisible Wings" had tortured him all night. It turned out that he once stayed up all night to edit the song backing track for his son’s singing competition at school. Zhang Yu more bluntly said that he was familiar with this song and knew every word of the lyrics sung in a few minutes and seconds, which once again proved the popularity of Zhang Shaohan’s songs on campus.

Another member of the guessing group, Feng Timo, is also a loyal fan of Zhang Shaohan. She usually likes to sing Zhang Shaohan’s songs, and she also volunteered to become a model singer. After the first round of songs were successfully sung, she was praised and imitated by the idol Zhang Shaohan. At the same time, the model singing also won the support of the members of the star guessing group. She, who gambled on the opportunity to sing with her idol, was particularly emotional in her singing. Although she lost in the second round, she couldn’t help but love her feelings and confessed to Zhang Shaohan affectionately, saying that her songs brought more motivation to her dream. Feng Timo couldn’t help but cry, and finally moved Zhang Shaohan to get the chorus opportunity with his true feelings. The two had never rehearsed before, singing "Rain and Go" with a sweet voice and a very tacit understanding. After the song ended, the two girls who cherished each other hugged each other and moved the audience.

Priya’s "One Voice" has been broadcast for nine episodes, and the original singers who came to the show all represent the love and youth of audiences of all ages. In future shows, Luo Dayou, a favorite of mothers born in the 1960s and 1970s, and Zhang Jie, Zhang Bichen, Chen Li and other original singers who are loved by the post-80s and 90s, will also be invited to share music stories with everyone. This "family fun" music journey will also continue to set sail.

This Saturday night at 21:10, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "Unison", listen carefully.

Congratulations to the Super League! The two giants confirmed their continued investment and shattered the rumors of dissolution! The Football Association can rest assured.

The financial difficulties of China Football Super League have always been a topic of great concern. In recent years, the Super League has been hit by a serious economic crisis, which has led to the situation that some clubs have to be dissolved. This situation once triggered people’s concerns about the future development of the Super League.

However, in the latest news, two established clubs, Shanghai Harbour and Beijing Guoan, gave a positive reply, saying that they will continue to invest money for the team and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition. This is undoubtedly an exciting news, but also let the China Football Association breathe a sigh of relief.

As China football clubs with a long history and great reputation, Shanghai Port and Guoan have been reported to be unstable in operation and possibly even dissolved in the past few years. This series of rumors has further weakened people’s problems about the sustainable development of the Chinese Super League.

However, it seems that Shanghai and Guoan have not given up their responsibilities. According to relevant reports, the parent companies behind the two clubs have made it clear that they will continue to invest and support the team’s operation. This decision not only shows the courage and confidence of the two giant clubs, but also adds a touch of bright color to the future of the Chinese Super League.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Zhonghe, the parent company of Beijing Guoan Club. Although the company faces a huge deficit, it has no intention of quitting the club. This shows that China and China have a deep understanding of football and its influence, and are willing to shoulder their responsibilities in it. Similarly, no organization has proposed the intention of transferring Guoan Club.

Of course, in today’s economic situation, many enterprises are under pressure and challenges, and the football industry is no exception. Compared with the past, Shanghai and Zhonghe may invest less in the club. However, this can’t hide their contributions in supporting the development of strong teams and ensuring the treatment of players.

In fact, with the joint efforts of China Football Association and other relevant stakeholders, in recent years, Super League has taken a series of measures to solve the financial difficulties and gradually promote the professional development. For example, increase marketing efforts and introduce more business partners. These measures have provided more development opportunities for the Super League and injected new vitality into the club.

Generally speaking, although the Chinese Super League has experienced some financial difficulties and dissolution rumors in recent years, the decisions of Shanghai and Guoan once again prove that the giant clubs have deep feelings and responsibilities for China football. They will continue to invest and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition, which brings infinite expectations to people. Similarly, with the joint efforts of all parties, I believe that the Chinese Super League can overcome difficulties, develop continuously and make greater achievements.

Extended topic: In addition to the economic problems faced by the Super League, there are a series of issues related to football in China that deserve our attention. The first is the construction of youth training system. How to cultivate more outstanding young players is one of the long-standing problems in China football. Only through a sound and efficient youth training system can we ensure the future worship strength of China football.

Secondly, the adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy. In recent years, it has played an important role in introducing overseas top stars to improve the level of domestic professional leagues. But equally, whether the restrictions on the amount and salary of foreign aid are reasonable has always been a controversial topic. What kind of policies should be adopted to balance the competitive relationship between domestic players and foreign aid, which can not only improve the level of the league, but also do no harm to the development of local players.

To sum up, there is still great potential to be tapped in the development of China football market. In recent years, top European clubs have marched into China, and made active attempts in business operation and brand promotion. How to further expand the scale of the football industry and increase the profit model has also become an important proposition.

Generally speaking, in the context of solving the financial difficulties, the continued investment of super league giants has brought hope to people. However, in addition, China football still needs to be reformed and innovated from many levels. Only by developing and expanding in all aspects can we realize the historical mission that the "green field" should shoulder in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

Youth training system construction: China football has been seeking to improve its international competitiveness, and a sound youth training system is indispensable. China football needs to invest more resources to train young players and provide them with high-quality training and competition opportunities to ensure that more local stars will emerge in the future. This may require improving infrastructure, hiring more professional coaches, and cooperating with schools to train football teenagers.

Adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy: foreign aid has played a key role in improving the level of the league, but it has also caused some controversy. China Football Association needs to carefully weigh the amount and salary of foreign aid to ensure that domestic players have enough opportunities to participate in the competition and promote the growth of local players. This may require more attractive policies to attract international stars to play in China and encourage clubs to train more local young players.

Football market development: China football market has great potential, but it needs further development. More and more international football clubs have realized the value of China market, but China football can also expand the scale of football industry in various ways, including developing football tourism, promoting football education and providing more entertainment activities. This will help to improve the popularity and attractiveness of the Super League.

Cooperation and win-win: The problem of football in China needs the cooperation of all parties. Government, Football Association, clubs, fans and enterprises can all play a role in promoting the development of football in China. Partnership, investment and common vision will help solve financial problems and other challenges.

To sum up, China football faces a series of challenges, but it also has great opportunities. The commitment of the super league clubs has brought a glimmer of light to China football, but to achieve sustained success, we need to carry out reforms and innovations in many aspects, including youth training, foreign aid policies, market development and the establishment of cooperative partnerships. Only through all-round efforts can China football realize its ambition and realize the historical mission of football in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

Please contact us immediately to delete or modify any content that causes controversy or involves copyright or personal rights.

A quick tutorial on football, which teaches you to become an elegant girl who knows the ball.

Recently, football fans have celebrated the Spring Festival again.

The Spanish national derby has begun again!

It is always difficult for girls to understand such things as football.

Why is it so attractive to boys!

So today, Brother Hunzi will tell you something about football (especially my sister paper who doesn’t know the ball).

# Football # # World Cup # # Football rules # # Football play # # Spanish national derby #

Running away from Baidu, he became a scientist and entrepreneur! Zeng said that scientists should start their business from the future.

From scientist to entrepreneur, Yu Kai is not the first person to "run away" in the field of artificial intelligence.

Despite the previous achievements in scientific research, joining in entrepreneurship means facing the reality of bone feeling.

In March 2015, Yu Kai said in an interview: "If a business can get the resources it deserves to do what it wants, then choose to start a business; If you join a big platform and have more resources to do one thing, then join a big platform. " Sure enough, three months after that, he left Baidu and founded Horizon.

Yu Kai

From the initial "no one pays the bill" to October this year, Horizon successfully won the investment of 2.4 billion euros from Volkswagen, setting the largest single investment record for Volkswagen in the past 40 years, and establishing a joint venture company with audi ag’s software company. The transformation of Yu Kai’s identity can be described as unsuccessful.

Before becoming the founder of Horizon, Yu Kai’s label was the top international scholar in the field of machine learning and the main promoter of deep learning technology in China. His published papers were cited more than 20,000 times, and he won the silver award for the best paper in ICML-2013 International Machine Learning Conference. He himself also served as the domain chairman of ICML and NIPS, two major conferences of machine learning.

Yu Kai’s achievements in the academic field go far beyond this.

NEC Research Institute of the United States was once one of the major centers of international machine learning research. During his tenure, Yu Kai established a highly prestigious technology research and development team in Silicon Valley. This team is one of the earliest and most active teams in the field of deep learning in the world. A series of technologies led and developed by him have pushed image object recognition to a new level worldwide, and won many international famous awards.

After joining Baidu in 2012, the voice technology team, deep learning technology team and image technology team led by Yu Kai won the "Baidu’s highest award" three times in succession, creating records of various technical and business teams within Baidu.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yu Kai at that time, both academically and professionally, was smooth sailing.

But at this time, he chose to start a business.

Yu Kai’s reason is straightforward: "In the past three years, what I have done at Baidu is to promote artificial intelligence in the cloud. But I think there will be a bigger trend in the next few years that I have to do: from artificial intelligence in the cloud to artificial intelligence around everyone. "

Therefore, Yu Kai, who has always believed in "doing things is the most important thing", founded Beijing Horizon Information Technology Co., Ltd. in July 2015, focusing on edge computing in the field of artificial intelligence.

From the moment the company was founded, in his own words: First of all, I will forget that I am a scientist more and more.

To be a scientist, you can put the mainexperienceDo research and write papers, but as an entrepreneur, you should focus more on business and customer needs.

Yu Kai has always wanted to grasp some "truth" things in this process, for example, things that can really create long-term value. With this idea in mind, at the beginning of Horizon’s establishment, he played the slogan of "making brains for machines", and avoided the edge of the field giants, took the edge computing route, and insisted on making AI chips.

It was really hard at first.

When recalling the initial stage of starting a business and determining the development direction, Yu Kai mentioned: At that time, we were predicting a far future, a future that might take 20 years as its dimension. From computers to smart phones, and beyond, what is a bigger computing platform than these? At that time, they were sure,beRobot computing platform. AI chip is the indispensable key to realize this calculation.

Now that we hear about AI chips, it’s needless to say its importance. But when Horizon was founded, not every investor could understand the "blueprint" in Yu Kai’s eyes. As a direct result, the horizon was once unsustainable. Until smart cars become "robots"calculate"The first and biggest landing scene at present, everyone began to understand that Yu Kai had bet on it.

In 2020, smart cars ushered in an outbreak period. As a result, there is a global "lack of core" in the automotive industry.question.

A chip with excellent computing power, like a smart brain, can accurately control the behavior of the vehicle. A series of functions, such as environmental awareness, route planning, driving assistance and so on, advertised by smart cars all need to rely on chips to be realized.

This is also consistent with what Yu Kai has always wanted to do. He has always believed that the real significance of artificial intelligence is not to survive and develop as the opposite of human life, but to support people’s decision-making and enhance their ability. Once the smart car scene is broken down, this ability will definitely spill over to others.floatApplication scenario of robot.

In August 2019, Horizon announced the mass production of China’s first car-class AI chip "Journey 2";

In September 2020, Horizon officially launched the AI chip "Journey 3";

In July, 2021, Horizon released "Journey 5", a high-performance and large-computing, full-scene intelligent central computing chip for the whole vehicle.


Yu Kai once said, "The course of a scientist’s entrepreneurship is not based on business opportunities,FromStart in the future. "

This cooperation between Horizon and Volkswagen may be the next future in Yu Kai’s plan.

AGV handling robot-a new star of unmanned warehousing logistics in the future-wood ant robot

In recent years, with the promotion of market demand, AGV handling robot has gradually matured. The continuous maturity of Beidou navigation and the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence in China have greatly improved the efficiency of AGV handling robots, provided great conditions for saving manpower, and made AGV handling robots gradually become the choice for automation upgrading of major factories in various industries.

In today’s era, with the continuous development of world trade, transnational logistics and logistics in various industries can’t do without handling. With the wide application of the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, intelligent automated unmanned AGV handling robots are constantly developing and innovating, which promotes the continuous upgrading of China’s logistics industry and reforms the current industrial form.

With the growing manufacturing industry in China, China has introduced new measures to promote the development of intelligent industrial robots through the cooperation of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and enterprises, in order to enhance the strength of the manufacturing industry and cultivate competitive advantages. Unmanned AGV handling robot is one of them.

Nine -ball, Pan Xiaoting is more than 1 billion, now 39 years old is still single or yellow flower girl

"Nine -ball Queen" Pan Xiaoting, the value of more than 1 billion is conservative. Today, the age of 39 is still single and is still a big daughter of Huanghua.

She once announced her own spouse selection criteria:

1. The face value is high, and the height cannot be lower than 1 meter 76;
2. Mature and stable, you must have your own career;
3. To pursue her actively, if you don’t take the initiative, you would like to miss it;
4. Don’t have filial piety.

Netizens shouted directly: It’s too difficult to take off the order!

There is a saying in the billiard industry called "Men have Ding Junhui, and women have Pan Xiaoting."

Pan Xiaoting is the first player to win the World Championship in my country’s billiard industry. He is the holder of the 9 -ball World Championship, which is therefore called the "Nine Ball Hou".

Pan Xiaoting was born in Jining, Shandong in 1982. His father was a billiard enthusiast and opened a bill for a bill. Due to the excellent ball skills, it is called "Pan Yi".

In Pan Xiaoting’s childhood, he did not show any interest in billiards, but was interested in painting.

She drew perseverance, and one painting has been for several years. Art has also become her dream.

Until college, Pan Xiaoting rarely played billiards. Occasionally, Pan Xiaoting was in a bad mood because of conflicts with his classmates.

As soon as home, she picked up the club of the table to vent her emotions.

What she and her father did not expect was that although Pan Xiaoting had not practiced, she scored several balls at hand.

This is obviously a talented player.

However, at the time, Pan Xiaoting didn’t think too much, and his father only hoped that his daughter could grow up happily and did not deliberately train billiards, but occasionally played.

During the college entrance examination, Pan Xiaoting, who has always liked painting, applied for art colleges. Unexpectedly, it was fell on the list.

For a while, Pan Xiaoting lost his direction in the future and doubted himself.

Fortunately, after repeated consideration, Pan Xiaoting decided to learn billiards with his father.

For her daughter’s future, her father began to train her strictly.

Regardless of the winter or cool summer, Pan Xiaoting play billiards for more than seven hours a day. For a month, it can only take a break, sometimes only half a day.

What makes Pan Xiaoting feel more hard is that in the summer, even the hottest weather, the fans are not opened during training. Pan Xiaoting often sweats hotly and has to continue training.

In winter, even if your fingers are frostbite, you still have to practice.

For her, occasionally wanting to be lazy, she is not allowed.

A boy is even difficult to endure this training intensity, and it is a flower girl.

During that time, Pan Xiaoting thought more than once that her father didn’t love her, so she had a hard time to eat her so much.

Fortunately, Huang Tian lived up to the painstaking people, and Pan Xiaoting’s dedication got the return.

In 1998, Pan Xiaoting’s father, Pan Jian, took Pan Xiaoting to Beijing to participate in the first nine -ball women’s opening game.

In Beijing for a month, in order to save money, the father and daughter lived in a 15 -dollar air -raid hole, eating 10 yuan of fish flavor shredded, and life was very difficult.

Fortunately, the two were not very bad. Pan Xiaoting won the championship in one fell swoop and won 4,000 bonuses.

My father was proud of his daughter, and asked what his daughter wanted to eat?

Pan Xiaoting said excitedly:

"Dad, I want to eat Beijing roast duck!"

Pan Jian Shuang agreed quickly and immediately took her to Quan Jide.

As a result, the father and daughter opened the menu and looked at them immediately!

A roast duck, it costs 156 yuan!

Although the fragrance of roast ducks made Pan Xiaoting sorrowful, she still felt very distressed and pulled her father’s corner and said: "

"Dad, let’s forget, let’s take a look elsewhere."

Pan Jian said to his daughter:

"Girl, eat it when you come, let’s order half!"

So Pan Xiaoting ate it quickly. At that moment, Pan Xiaoting felt her father loved her again.

In order to make parents live a better life, Pan Xiaoting worked harder to train. And on the road of billiards, she also opened all the way.

In 2000, Pan Xiaoting won the championship again in the national sports competition. In the same year, she won 6 national championships.

Since then, Pan Xiaoting has opened a journey to win.

In 2007, Pan Xiaoting won the world championship in the World Championship final and became China’s first billiards world champion.

In addition to getting bonuses, Pan Xiaoting also made a lot of advertisements and received a lot of endorsements. It is estimated that the value is conservative!

There is no doubt that Pan Xiaoting is already the pride of his parents in his career. However, on personal problems, Pan Xiaoting made his parents very concerned.

At the age of 39, she is still single and is still a yellow flower girl.

During the period, although he had a scandal with Ding Junhui, Pan Xiaoting showed that he was just a good friend!

Today, Ding Junhui’s children will make soy sauce, and Pan Xiaoting is still alone.

For the other half, Pan Xiaoting also announced her request:

It seems that it is not high, but it is not found. It is also impressive. Is it really not good for a boyfriend?

In addition to the "Nine Balls" Pan Xiaoting, there is also a particularly excellent woman, which is nearly 40 years old, worth 10 billion yuan, and is still single.

She is a woman who refuses Ma Yun three times, currently the director of Yunfeng Fund, Li Ying.

Li Ying graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Because of his high IQ, he was too good, and was appreciated by Ma Yun.

However, Ma Yun invited the other party to join his company three times, but he was rejected.

Until the fourth time, Li Ying promised to serve as a director of Yunfeng Fund.

Today, this strong woman is nearly 40 years old, with tens of billions of dollars, but still single.

In this regard, some netizens said:

Such a woman is not good at climbing, and it is a kind of sadness to be stronger than no one.

Some netizens said:

If you have money, why do you have to get married? Single is cool for a while, and he has been single.

How do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message. The picture comes from the Internet, invading and deleting.

Shanghai Shanghai People’s Tourism Line+20 20 cities produced good activities

  Original title: 2020 "The people of Shanghai went to Shanghai," launched 20 special tourism routes+20 cities good events, which one do you like?

  The Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau sponsored the "Shanghai People’s Going to the Shanghai event since the month of 2020. 19. China Tourism Day starts the date of the city. Many fine lines and waste management activities. The annual activity abstract and review, and in order to better launch a new event in 2021, revealing a new one, especially the "fashion capital, Shanghai magic" 2020 "Shanghai people go to Shanghai to Shanghai "Online competition.

  Among the candidates of more than 3.00 candidates, more than 200 events. Cultural tourism experts repeatedly decided after selecting 20 special tourism routes and good activities in 20 cities. These final players will be appointed by the regional cultural travel agency in December this year. , Representing this line to participate in the speech, it has a detailed series with activities in the region. In the final jury, the media selection of the "Shanghai People’s Favorite Micro Shanghai Tourism Road" and "Shanghai’s Most Popular Cities" in 2020. "This is a good look at Shanghai’s finals and urban events. Shanghai is good!

  Special tourist route

  Baoshan District: Post -industrial fashion new way

  Many people carry the memories of the old industrial factories. The old yard sparks in industrial reorganization, becoming the most avant -garde of the landscape of the industry. 3D printing of Smart Bay Branch Park brings together the Chinese Cultural Museum, the largest 3D printing bridge in the world, the pier and other art played red dot networks; the Shanghai Glass Museum has transformed from a glass furnace workshop to a magical change, colorful crystal glass world, China, China, China It is one of the three museums, not to be missed; the third -floor bridge sports cultural park, which was previously known as the Shanghai nitrate vacuum bottle factory, has become a new generation of red tide drift fist.

  Baoshan District: Explore the villages north of Shanghai, "quiet" color

  The national characteristics of the north gate of Shanghai -Luo Jing, Tangwan Town, starfish, bonuses, new land, and Yangqiao Village will build a "five villages scalable" rural revitalization demonstration zone. Tangwan’s most beautiful rural village road. The Shanghai New Road series comes from "fields, forests, roads, rivers, houses" this is a maternal cultural park hemerocallis flower, grass prostitute troubles, golden rice fields, adopt non -genetic technology entertainment; village in the village; in the village Starfish, Jellyfish Postal House Dating "Water Elf" Bath Water System Forest Oxygen Bar Spa, looking up at the sky and star camp, "crab accidentally meet" Baoshan Lake Yangtze River Crab, enjoying leisurely and pleasant rural life.