After the age of 30, there are five differences between runners and non-runners. What kind are you?

A few days ago, I talked with my friends about the changes over the years. Many people talked about the reunion after graduation, and the most amazing ones were the old classmates.Changes in figure.

When I was studying, I was full of energy, including physical education class, sports fields and various ball games. When I was young, my basic metabolism was also strong. Even if I had enough food every meal, I would still worry about my thin figure. Girls still have collagen all over their faces even without expensive skin care products.

After the age of 30, whether it is career or health, it will be a turning point in life.It may not take three or five years for people to pull out an insurmountable gap.

Running and not running are two completely different lives. What’s the difference in five years?

First of all,The body will be very different.

After the age of 30, the metabolism slowly decreases.About 5% to 10% every ten years.This means that even if you eat as much as you used to, you will gradually get fat. Some people say that drinking water will make you fat, and many factors are due to the decline of basal metabolism.

If you don’t exercise, with eating, drinking and having fun, many middle-aged people will unconsciously gain weight, and soon you will find that the middle-aged image is possessed, which will naturally look greasy.

On the contrary,If you can keep your exercise habits and run regularly, you can make up for the decreased basal metabolism.At least you won’t get fat so soon. You can still maintain your youthful image at the reunion 10 years after graduation. Even some friends who like fitness can practice mermaid line, vest line, peach hip and unicorn arm. This figure is really enviable.

Second, the obvious advantages of physical fitness.

After the age of 30, the secretion of growth hormone decreases. If we lack a certain intensity of exercise in our lives, our skeletal muscle will decrease by 1% to 2% every year.

The best medicine to fight aging is to keep exercising.People who run regularly have good cardiopulmonary function, tight muscles and well-proportioned figure.

Many people feel that after running for a period of time, they become less tired. In fact, this is the performance of improving their physical fitness.

The body is the capital of the revolution. The better the physical fitness, the less likely it is to get tired.When we are tired, our brain will be deprived of oxygen, and we will yawn uncontrollably. This is that our body is helping you to increase your oxygen intake.

And running can improve people’s aerobic capacity, so that the body will never lack oxygen and be full of vitality.

Under the heavy study burden and work pressure, running is the best choice if you want to keep your body full and your brain awake.

Third, the difference between face value and temperament

After the age of 30, with the growth of age, the skin gradually relaxes, and the face value will also drop greatly. I have been working in front of the computer for a long time, hunched unconsciously, keyboard player, and temperament gradually declined.

For people who insist on running for a long time, due to sweating every day and expelling toxins from the body, the skin will become tight, smooth and elastic, and people who lose their facial features will become more stereoscopic.

If you don’t exercise, you can’t enjoy the benefits of exercise. With the growth of age, the aging speed of the body will also accelerate, and the function will also decline rapidly.

Running may not have an immediate effect on your appearance, but if you keep running, you will feel happy and confident. Every time you finish running, you will sweat profusely and take a cold bath, feeling as if you have become lighter and better.

In the long run,Running regularly helps to shape your body.And a good figure is the embodiment of self-discipline. I think you will become more and more confident because of your appearance, and self-confidence will bring you a unique temperament.

Fourth, the difference of state

Runners tend to be more self-disciplined, such as going to bed early and getting up early, eating properly and exercising regularly. Because you want better exercise effect, besides the necessary running training, you need to adjust your daily diet, exercise habits and work and rest habits.

On the contrary, people who don’t exercise are not necessarily wasting their time, but they often show indulgence and laziness in their diet and living habits: playing mobile phones, indulging in games, staying up late and so on.

After a few years, the pressure of life and work will make people bow their heads. If you feel mental stress for a long time, your state will become low and your eyes will gradually dim. People who insist on running can release pressure and collect positive energy during exercise, and their mood is still full, their eyes are still transparent and their vitality is still the same.

After all, there is a big difference between running and not running, whether it is health index or mental outlook. So what kind of person would you choose to be?If you want to change yourself, you might as well start now!

After running, what do you think is different from your peers?

Foreign tourists came to Shanghai to play, and after seeing the "financial center", DRAM: This design is strange

The old man Qiu continued to send, and Shanghai will welcome the most popular starting day! We all know that Shanghai is a very prosperous city. There are also many beautiful scenery in Shanghai. When the holiday is here, many people will go to Shanghai.

In addition to domestic tourists, Shanghai also ushered in many foreign tourists. Some foreign tourists arrive in Shanghai to play and see ShanghaiAfter the financial center, I was surprised. The design of this building is really strange.

This building surprises many foreign tourists in Shanghai Global Financial Center. I know this name knows that the building is higher. Shanghai’s global financial center is very high. Looking at many places in Shanghai, you can see the figures of this structure.

This building is high492.Instrument, all104.The floor has three floors underground. The location of this building is Pudong Century Avenue. The reason why this building surprised everyone is mainly because of its shape, especially, the roof part looks like a bottle cap with a beer.

If the distance is far away, the Shanghai Global Financial Center seems to be relatively small. At that time, I felt that I was a bottle of beer.

Because this building looks different, it is easy to notice this, so this building has also become a local iconic building. Although some people seem to understand, the building has also received various awards. It can also be seen that although the building looks a bit incredible. But there are their own unique.

This building looks like a beer bottle bottle. This design is surprised and will feel bright. This building is very good. Around the prosperity of the business, there are still many people who stand through the windows through the window. You can see that the Huangpu River is not far away. Some people think that this building is novel and shows us the charm of the building. Some people think that if the building can repair our common commercial buildings, the building area is more.

The strange shape of this architecture left a deep impression of many people. Maybe people will take photos of the Shanghai Global Financial Center after Shanghai Global Financial Center. Because this is nearby500.The rice high building is really easy to find. When you look up, I can see it. Now this building is very famous, so there are many people taking pictures as the background.

Shanghai is a very good tourist city. It is more suitable for bad tourism. This strange architectural style is only one of the many beautiful landscapes in Shanghai. The reason why Shanghai is suitable for poor tourism is because there are many attractions here that can be released to everyone freely. The quality of the scenic area is very good.
