Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The blind date stage in Kaifeng, Henan Province is on fire, and Wang Po is all over the network at once, helping many single boyfriends to solve the blind date problem and getting the support of a large number of people!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Every day, the blind date stage in Wang Po is crowded with people. Some people have been crouching for several days in order to get on the stage and end their single life.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

But where there is fire, there is traffic. I heard that many anchors ran to the stage for blind date in order to rub the traffic! Just recently, a 24-year-old handsome guy encountered such a thing.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

According to the man, I am 24 years old, and I am a chef. I stayed for 4 days and didn’t even eat lunch, just to grab the front row. It seems that this man is determined to get rid of single life, but he can’t get what he wants in the end!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

It was finally the man’s turn to take the stage. A famous woman introduced herself as a catering industry, which happened to be so speculative! This time, Wang Po wanted to fix two people, but the audience broke such a sentence!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

She’s the anchor! The audience has been shouting to let this woman step down. Is this really the anchor to rub traffic? But the woman waved her hand again and again on the stage and said that she really wasn’t!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Wang Po was shaking with fear when he walked. Wang Po was most afraid of such a thing. After all, he really did good deeds and didn’t want to be muddied by people who were rubbing traffic!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

And many people really come to blind date, really want to hold hands with the right person and live together for a lifetime! If you are here to play, there is really no need to come!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Later, the handsome guy still stepped down hand in hand with the woman, thinking it would be a beautiful love, but I didn’t expect it to be a scam. The man said that after stepping down, the woman said that she was coming to traffic, and she was the anchor! (The picture below is suspected to be the chat record of the man and the female anchor)

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Boy, the man’s heart broke into slag directly, and he waited for four days, and finally waited for such a result! You just say that anger is not irritating, and this requires men to go from here!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

The handsome guy said: if you don’t come to find someone, then why waste other people’s opportunities? This is a complete delay!

Later, the woman also sent a video to apologize, saying that everyone might have misunderstood. Now she is looking for this man herself, but she can’t get in touch, hoping to give an explanation!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Many people think that since you are not really looking for someone, don’t waste your time and traffic. To waste other people’s kindness in vain will also ruin Wang Po’s career!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

However, the anchor is also a person, as long as it is not a traffic, sincere blind date, I believe everyone must be very welcome. Just don’t have ulterior motives, after all, there are indeed many single boyfriends now!

Angry! Kaifeng Wang Po overturned again, and the man waited for four days for a blind date. When he stepped down, he learned that the woman was the anchor, which obviously rubbed the traffic.

Chang ‘e IV will land on the moon next year. China experts reveal how to grow potatoes on the moon.

  The movie "Mars Rescue" describes the plot of the protagonist trying to grow potatoes on Mars. Now, this vision is expected to be completed by China. In 2018, the popular science payload "Lunar Micro-Ecosphere" will land on the lunar surface as a special passenger on Chang ‘e IV, where potato seeds, Arabidopsis seeds and silkworm eggs will be placed. Two kinds of plants will take root and sprout within the 100-day experimental period and produce the first flower on the surface of the moon. Silkworm will also complete the complete life cycle of egg hatching, larval growth and development and cocoon breaking into butterflies.

  The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily learned that Professor Xie Gengxin, the chief designer of "Lunar Micro-Ecosphere", said that by the end of 2018, the popular science payload will "ride" Chang ‘e IV to the moon, realizing the first biological experiment on the surface of the moon. This biological experiment will be broadcast live to the whole world through a small camera.

  On June 18th, Xie Gengxin, the chief designer of "Lunar Micro-Ecosphere", was interviewed by Beijing Youth Daily, and introduced in detail the idea and process of this biological experiment, such as planting potatoes on the moon. In Xie Gengxin’s view, although many difficulties need to be overcome, this experiment is of far-reaching significance. It will be the first lunar biological experiment for human beings, which is of great significance to the future survival of human beings on extraterrestrial planets.

  The first biological experiment on the surface of the moon

  Beiqing Daily: Why was there such an experimental idea at the beginning?

  Xie Gengxin: Actually, growing organisms on other planets is an area that many countries are studying. China’s previous exploration has landed on the moon, and this experiment is another innovation in the exploration process.

  Beiqing Daily: Who is conducting this experiment?

  Xie Gengxin: This project is a popular science load led by Chongqing University. It has been an experiment for more than two years. In addition to Chongqing University, Hunan University, Beihang University, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group and other universities and enterprises have also participated in it, involving multiple R&D teams with interdisciplinary subjects such as machinery, control, environment, biology, optics and energy. There are more than twenty staff members at the core of the team.

  Beiqing Daily: What is the "lunar micro-ecosystem"?

  Xie Gengxin: This is a cylindrical device, with a height of 18 cm and a diameter of 16 cm. It is made of aluminum alloy, and the national flag of China and the signs of Chongqing University and Research Center are affixed on the surface. The weight of the whole popular science load lunar micro-ecosystem is 3 kg, but its cost is more than 10 million yuan, and the camera alone is 600 thousand yuan.

  Beiqing Daily: Compared with other countries, what is the international position of this exploration?

  Xie Gengxin: This exploration in our country is the first biological experiment on the moon, which is ahead of the United States, Russian and other countries. This exploration will also prove that among many countries in the world, our country’s space exploration is changing from the previous follow-up to the leading and leading stage.

  Different from the first flower in outer space opened by NASA space station in the United States last year, our experimental location is 380 thousand kilometers away from the earth, which is much farther than that of the International Space Station, which is more than 300 kilometers away from the ground.

  Planting with large temperature difference and strong radiation on the moon faces many challenges.

  Beiqing Daily: What are the difficulties to overcome this time?

  Xie Gengxin: On the moon, it is 14 consecutive days of daylight and then 14 consecutive days of darkness. The high temperature can reach more than 100 degrees Celsius, and the low temperature drops to more than 100 degrees Celsius below zero.

  In addition, the ultraviolet rays on the moon have not been filtered, and the survival of animals and plants needs to face harsh environments such as high radiation and microgravity. This is far from the living environment on earth. These are all difficult problems to overcome.

  Beiqing Daily: What do potatoes, Arabidopsis and silkworms live on?

  Xie Gengxin: Our "lunar micro-biosphere" is actually simulating the living environment of animals and plants on the earth. The device will contain water and equipped nutrient solution, and the temperature in the jar will be kept between 1℃ and 30℃ through certain technology, and the humidity and nutrients inside will be controlled well.

  In addition, the photosynthesis of animals and plants is carried out by absorbing the natural light of the moon, and there is no light in the whole device. The light pipe in the "jar" absorbs the natural light on the surface of the moon for photosynthesis, and the released oxygen is absorbed by silkworm eggs, and then the silkworm eggs discharge carbon dioxide and domestic garbage for plant seeds.

  Beiqing Daily: How can animals and plants carry Chang ‘e to the moon to overcome the overweight problem?

  Xie Gengxin: A difficult problem in the experiment process is how to fix the seeds and silkworm babies in a "jar" so that they will not be scattered due to overweight and other pressures during launch.

  We have repeatedly calculated the design and weight of the container, for example, because the soil is too heavy and the utilization efficiency is not high, we chose nutrient solution, and the seeds and silkworm babies have also been fixed under overweight conditions through technology.

  Potatoes are expected to be a food for human beings to survive in space.

  Beiqing Daily: Why did you choose potato, Arabidopsis and silkworm?

  Xie Gengxin: First of all, from the biological conditions, the selected plants and organisms should be relatively resistant to high and low temperatures, and the growth cycle should not be very long. After experiments, these three kinds of animals and plants are relatively qualified.

  In addition, the choice of potato is also to provide support for the next step of human survival in space. At present, many countries and research institutions in the world regard potato as the main food for human survival in space.

  Secondly, the choice of animals and plants will also be close to the life of ordinary people and conform to the cultural tradition of China. Potatoes are the most common food, and silkworm babies are cute. There is also a step of breaking cocoons into butterflies in the growth cycle, which has a good moral and symbolizes the progress and innovation of China in space exploration.

  Beiqing Daily: Is the potato cultivated in the later period expected to become human food?

  Xie Gengxin: It’s a possibility. We will conduct experiments on the earth at the same time and under the same conditions, and compare and analyze the data of the two. Through experiments, it is possible that the quality and yield of potatoes planted on the moon are relatively high, but this needs further research.

  Beiqing Daily: Is it possible for humans to survive on the moon in the later period?

  Xie Gengxin: If plant seeds can germinate, grow and bloom in this environment, silkworm eggs can hatch normally, larvae can grow and develop, and break cocoons into butterflies, which shows to some extent that it is not a dream for human beings to live on the moon.

  If the experiment is successful, it will provide technical support and lay a foundation for human beings to carry out the survival of extraterrestrial planets. Just as the micro-ecological circle on the moon is infinitely large, theoretically, human beings can also live on the moon.

  Text/reporter Zhang Xiangmei Intern reporter Zhang Cong

What are the novel tweet authorization platforms? Novel tweet white paper for you to interpret

With the prosperity of online literature and the popularity of social media, the novel tweet authorization platform has gradually emerged, providing a brand-new cooperation opportunity for novel writers and tweets. These platforms not only help authors to expand the influence of their works, but also provide a way for tweeters to gain income. Recently, the novel tweeting agency "Xingzi Booster" released the "White Paper on Novel Tweeting Industry in 2024", which explained in detail the characteristics and operation mode of these novel tweeting authorization platforms for us. Through the industry ecological map in the novel tweet white paper, we can see the important platform and function of each link.
As the first-level authorized organization of novel platforms such as Zhihu, Tomato, UC, Starting Point, Headline, Tik Tok Story, Far Right, Story Meeting, etc., "Xingzi Boost" has carefully interpreted the opportunities and development trends of novel tweet industry from the perspective of the industry. If you want to join the novel tweet industry or an organization/studio that is already in the novel tweet industry, you are also welcome to cooperate with wenlaoshi008.
The White Paper on Novel Tweet Industry in 2024 gives us a detailed interpretation of the main novel tweet authorization platforms in the current market. As a well-known institution in these platforms, Xingzi Boost provides novel writers and tweets with new opportunities for cooperation, helping them to expand the influence of their works and gain benefits. When choosing a platform, tweeters need to make comprehensive consideration according to their own needs and conditions, and choose a platform suitable for them to cooperate. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, we expect that the novel tweet authorization platform in the future can provide more innovative services and cooperation modes, and create more value for novel authors and tweets.

The National Rugby Sevens Championship kicked off.

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, June 2 (Reporter Cao Yibo) On the 2nd, the "Charm Hangzhou" 2023 National Rugby Sevens Championship kicked off at the Cangqian Campus Stadium of Hangzhou Normal University.
The tournament lasted for three days, and was co-sponsored by the National Olympic Sports Center and the Chinese Rugby Association, hosted by Hangzhou Normal University and co-organized by Yuhang District People’s Government. A total of 19 teams (10 men’s teams and 9 women’s teams) participated in the tournament.
During the 50 games, as the rugby venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, all the events of the stadium in Cangqian Campus of Hangzhou Normal University will be deployed at the level close to the Asian Games in accordance with the Asian Games process to test the progress of the Asian Games preparations and the level of the venue operation team.
Rugby events in the Olympic Games and the Asian Games all adopt the sevens system. Seven people from each side play in the rugby sevens game. The game is divided into the first half and the second half, with 7 minutes in each half and no more than 2 minutes in the intermission. After the start of the game, all players can touch the ball with any part of their bodies, such as catching the ball with their hands or feet, passing the ball, kicking the ball, saving the ball, running with the ball, catching it, shouldering it, and hugging the opposing players with the ball, participating in the group competition for the ball, pressing the ball to touch the ground, etc., but in the game, players can only pass the ball backwards or sideways in parallel, but can’t pass the ball forward, and can’t fall forward when catching the ball.
The China Women’s Rugby Team won the silver medal at the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and the seventh place at the Tokyo Olympic Games, which made the national team the best Olympic result in this event. The best achievement of China men’s rugby team in the Asian Games was the bronze medal in the Doha Asian Games in 2006.
Hangzhou Asian Games rugby sevens will produce two gold medals. (End)

Tell you quietly, one more lead can become so powerful, wild fishing is invincible

During the usual fishing, lead pendants are on the sub -line and eight -character ring, that is, the position of the leading leather seat of the pendant fishing. However, the water love is different, and the method of fishing for fishing must be changed. The reason why the master caught more than you is actually not much secret. The key is a "change" word. What fishing method never uses, nor is it obsessed with single lead or double lead, or some magical bait. For example, in order to increase the fishing nature of fish, we will move the lead, increase the length of the sub -line in disguise, and make the sub -line swinging the amplitude larger. Have time to eat bait.

Good people will have a heart of Barna Haichuan, can tolerate, tolerate, allow it, and help. Good people will have good thoughts. When they see others in trouble, they will reach out to help; when they see the weak are bullied, they will come forward. Good people always think too much for others. If you encounter something, you will think about it. I would rather lose myself, be aggrieved, and do not go to win or lose with others. Kind people, because they are not afraid of suffering, they will not suffer. There will be cause and effect in the world. Good and evil God will judge that you will pay back you will double you in the future. Good people, we, we must learn to understand the change of red dust, to understand calmness all the way; we, we must learn to forgive the imperfections of life, cherish, treat them well

In addition, in order to prevent the small fish from making a nest or a large flow of water, lead pendants are usually increased, and the space beans with fixed lead pendants are opened, which is what we often call fishing and running. Let the bait to the end quickly and use the stability of the large lead to reduce the effect of water flow on float. Through the above two examples, we will find a very interesting thing: it seems that there can be fishing anywhere in the online group, the position of the lead pendant is different, and the effect is different.

This is only the usage of single -lead pendants. In fact, in actual fishing, double -lead or even more lead fishing methods will be used many times. For example, when we fishing and running lead, although the weight of the lead pendant is greater than the buoyant of the float, the lead pendant itself has the entire buoyancy of the float. state. At this time, we must not only bear the buoyancy of the float, but also overcome the rubbing of the lead and the friction of the line group and the lead. The fishing is too blunt.

But at this time, if a double lead pendant, that is, two lead pendants are installed on the main line. First, use the lead pendant above to drift normally, such as adjusting 3 meters. Then use the lead pendant to run for lead. At this time, the lead pendant can only be exposed with a burden, which can be ignored, so the lead pendant will lie flat at the bottom of the water, but it is similar to the anchor -like fixation. effect. The line group can also slide easily in the lead leather seat, and the fish can swallow the bait into the mouth with only smaller strength, which will be much more sensitive than a single large lead pendant fishing and running lead.

In addition, if there is a sauce layer at the bottom of the water, we usually raise the fishing low. In order to prevent the bait from getting into the mud, we will also adjust the proportion of the bait very lightly. However, there will be a problem at this time, and there is no way to push the floats into the water when the double -hook bait hangs. For example, if we adjust the 6 meters, we will be exposed to the water surface after hanging the double bait. But at this time, what should I do if I want to get a bait suspended and the bottom of the bait? It is very simple. You can install a bite on the lower hook. This lead pendant does not need to consider the weight at all. The purpose is to let the lower hook bottom. However, at this time, the hook is still suspended. In this case, there is no need to consider the problem of drift. Fishing 1 or 2 mesh, the state of the bait in the bottom of the water must be a hook suspended and the bottom.

Even if you fish normally in the static waters, you can use double lead. For example, put a small lead pendant under the floating feet, so that the float can be quickly turned over. Make floating drift easier to find signals and positioning fishing points. However, when using a multi -lead pendant, you must consider the leading weight when bleaching, and you cannot interfere with the role of other lead pendants. The general principle is that whether it is a single lead or a double -lead pendant, it is adjusted according to the water and fish feelings. Don’t think that the double lead is tall, and the single lead will be out of date, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

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