Henan province introduces 19 measures to support major new infrastructure buildings

  Shanghai Securities Daily China Securities Network News, according to the Henan Provincial People’s Government on August 4, the General Office of the Henan Provincial People’s Government issued the "Several Policies for Supporting Major New Infrastructure buildings in Henan Province", proposing a total of 19 measures in six aspects, including consolidating and upgrading the status of information and communication hubs, accelerating the construction of central computing power highlands, and promoting the deep empowerment of integrated infrastructure.

  Specifically, the "Several Policies" propose to establish a computing power platform operation and settlement sharing mechanism with "computing power coupons" as the core, and issue "computing power coupons" with a total scale of not more than 50 million yuan each year. Support enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to use the national supercomputing Zhengzhou Center, artificial intelligence computing centers with a computing power scale of 100P FLOPS (floating point operations per second) or more, and data centers with more than 1,000 standard racks. Reward 20% of the cost of using computing power resources, and each user unit will enjoy an annual reward of not more than 1 million yuan "computing power coupons". The required funds will be shared by the provincial and municipal finances in a ratio of 1:1.

  In terms of increasing the intensity of intelligent charging infrastructure building, the "Several Policies" propose that the land for charging infrastructure be included in the scope of land for urban public facilities business outlets, and support the construction of public charging stations by means of reconstruction and expansion of existing refueling (gas) stations; in accordance with the land supply mode of refueling (gas) stations, priority is given to the construction land for charging stations along national and provincial highways; in addition to supplying land in accordance with the way of transfer, all localities are encouraged to provide land in the form of state-owned construction land use rights as capital or shares, and cooperate with social capital to build charging infrastructure.

  The full text is as follows:

  Henan province supports several policies for major new infrastructure buildings

  In order to accelerate the construction of a high-level new infrastructure system and effectively support the high-quality economic and social development of the province, the following policies are formulated.

  First, consolidate and enhance the status of information and communication hubs

  1. Continuously promote network infrastructure building. Support basic telecommunications enterprises to continue to expand Zhengzhou’s national-level Internet backbone direct connection point transmission network, improve inter-provincial special lines, optical cables and other network facilities, and improve the quality of network interconnection with provinces and cities where the national hub node of the national integrated computing power network is located. Zhengzhou’s national-level Internet backbone direct connection point has an annual expansion of more than 300G of interconnection bandwidth, and each interconnection unit will be given a one-time reward of 2 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Provincial Communications Administration, Department of Finance)

  2. Strive to create a national-level new Internet exchange center. Support Zhengzhou City to establish a national-level new Internet exchange center, and provide guarantees in terms of capital subsidies, staffing, office space, etc. In accordance with relevant national construction review requirements and regulations, provide corresponding policy support. (Responsible units: Zhengzhou Municipal Government, Provincial Communications Administration, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Party Committee Organization, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

  Second, accelerate the construction of the central computing power highlands

  3. Support computing power applications. Establish a computing power platform operation and settlement sharing mechanism with "computing power vouchers" as the core, and issue "computing power vouchers" with a total scale of not more than 50 million yuan per year. Support enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to use the national supercomputing Zhengzhou Center, artificial intelligence computing centers with a computing power scale of 100P FLOPS (floating point operations per second) or more, and data centers with more than 1,000 standard racks. Reward 20% of the cost of computing power resources. Each user unit enjoys an annual reward of not more than 1 million yuan "computing power vouchers". The required funds are shared by the provincial and municipal finances in a ratio of 1:1. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department)

  4. Promote the construction of green data centers. For new data centers with a PUE (power usage efficiency) of less than 1.3, or existing data centers with an annual PUE reduction of more than 0.01 (or equivalent power savings of more than 1.50 million kWh), each TCE-metal rack in use will be given no more than 1,000 yuan per year. Among them, the park-level data center PUE is calculated in units of single machine rooms in the park, and the required funds will be shared by the provincial and municipal finance in a ratio of 1:1. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration, Finance Department, Power Company)

  5. Support the construction of industrial data centers. For new national or regional data centers in transportation, industry, water conservancy and other fields recognized by the state, a one-time reward of no more than 5 million yuan will be given. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance)

  6. Support the construction of energy storage facilities for computing power infrastructure. Encourage supercomputing centers, smart computing centers, new data centers, etc. to configure energy storage facilities according to local conditions to improve power self-balancing capabilities; for the construction of energy storage facilities with a scale of more than 1,000 kWh, the provincial finance will give a one-time reward. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration, Finance Department)

  III. Deeply empowering integrated infrastructure

  7. Support the construction of smart transportation. Combined with provincial financial resources, appropriate subsidies will be given to new smart transportation projects such as smart high-speed, smart ports and shipping, and multimodal transportation. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Transportation)

  8. Increase the intensity of intelligent charging infrastructure building. Include charging infrastructure land into the scope of urban public utility business outlets, support existing refueling (gas) stations to build public charging stations through reconstruction, expansion, etc.; in accordance with the land supply model of refueling (gas) stations, give priority to the construction land of charging stations along national and provincial highways; in addition to supplying land in accordance with the transfer method, encourage all localities to provide land in the form of state-owned construction land use rights or shares, and cooperate with social capital to build charging infrastructure. For newly built special charging facilities in public service fields such as public transportation, sanitation, logistics, and commuting, and new public charging facilities along expressway service areas, national (provincial) roads, and intercity expressways, provincial financial awards will be given according to 30% or 40% of the total investment in main charging equipment. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Transportation, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Electric Power Company)

  9. Speed up the construction of secondary nodes for industrial Internet identification analysis. For the construction units of new nodes, post-subsidies of no more than 1 million yuan will be given according to a certain proportion of the actual investment in software and hardware. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Communications Administration, Finance Department)

  IV. Breakthrough development of major innovation infrastructure

  10. Support major science and technology infrastructure building. For projects included in the annual plan of major science and technology infrastructure building in the province, investment subsidies will be given according to the actual construction situation according to the principle of "one matter, one discussion, shared responsibility among provinces and cities". (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission)

  11. Strengthen the pre-research of major scientific and technological infrastructure. Coordinate funds to support forward-looking leading, strategic-oriented, application-supporting and other major scientific and technological infrastructure to carry out key technology research, and provide sufficient technical and engineering reserves for project construction. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department)

  12. Promote the sharing and sharing of provincial major scientific and technological infrastructure. Support provincial major scientific and technological infrastructure to open up innovative resources such as device platforms, instruments and equipment, scientific data to the society, use provincial innovation ecological support special project funds, and provide subsidies to management units with excellent performance appraisal and eligible users according to the amount of shared and open services. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance)

  13. Promote the transformation of major scientific and technological infrastructure achievements. Use the provincial innovation ecology to support special project funds to promote the transformation of technological achievements formed by major scientific and technological infrastructure in the province; encourage relying on universities and scientific research institutes in the province to build major scientific and technological infrastructure, and implement technology transfer and transformation in Henan. A maximum of 10% of the post-subsidy will be given according to the turnover of the previous year’s technology contract, and each unit will not exceed 1 million yuan per year. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance)

  14. Support the construction of laboratories, "smart islands" and other facilities. For provincial laboratories laid out at the provincial level, according to actual needs, support for start-up fees and R & D funds during the construction period; for provincial laboratories established under the leadership of local governments, a certain amount of R & D subsidies will be given according to the investment of local governments; if the operating company issues corporate bonds for financing, a discount subsidy of up to 30% will be given, and the provincial and municipal finances will share it in a ratio of 1:1. For "smart islands" that pass the assessment after the construction period, a post-subsidy of not more than 50 million yuan will be given. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Department of Science and Technology, Development and Reform Commission)

  Establish and improve the incentive mechanism for new infrastructure building

  15. Strengthen incentives for new infrastructure buildings. Study and formulate evaluation standards for new infrastructure buildings and carry out evaluation work. The top 3 provincial municipalities (including Jiyuan demonstration area and airport area) with comprehensive development level will be rewarded with 5 million yuan respectively, and the top 5 counties (cities, districts) with comprehensive development level will be rewarded with 2 million yuan respectively. The evaluation results will be used as a reference for prioritizing policy funds in other digital economy fields. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission)

  Strengthen the guarantee of major project elements of new infrastructure buildings

  16. Attract social capital to increase investment. Guide government investment funds to support new infrastructure building, and encourage localities to explore the establishment of new infrastructure building funds. Support policy banks, development Financial Institution Groups and commercial banks to issue special project loans with preferential interest rates, and actively form syndicates. Improve the government-bank-enterprise docking mechanism, establish a high-quality project list, regularly carry out policy publicity and project docking activities, and support social capital to increase investment in new infrastructure building. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Zhengzhou Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

  17. Strengthen the service guarantee of land use and energy use. Incorporate communication base stations and other related facilities into land and space planning at all levels, and make overall arrangements to ensure the indicators of new construction land. Party and government organs, enterprises, institutions and public institutions at all levels and other public facilities, as well as municipal, green space, highways, railways, airports, subways and other public facilities, should be open to 5G base station construction and settle electricity bills according to direct power supply prices, reserve base station sites, communication machine rooms, pipelines and other construction space, and provide convenient passage. Support telecommunications enterprises to jointly build and share communication pipelines (pipe holes). Encourage new infrastructure building operators to participate in electricity market transactions and improve cost control capabilities. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Natural Resources, Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration)

  18. Strengthen the talent team for the operation of new infrastructure buildings. Relying on talent projects such as the "Central Plains Talent Program", increase the introduction and training of high-level talents and teams in the field of new infrastructure, and provide support in the areas of talent settlement, housing security, children’s education, medical security, and spouse employment. (Responsible unit: Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

  19. Strengthen the guarantee of capital elements. Coordinate provincial finance-related special project funds to support the construction and operation of new infrastructure projects. Actively support qualified new infrastructure building projects to apply for special project bonds, and give full play to the investment-pulling role of bond funds. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department, Development and Reform Commission)

  If the policies issued by Henan Province are inconsistent with the above policies, they will be implemented in accordance with the principle of "no duplication on the high". They have enjoyed the non-repetition support of other support policies. The above policies will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2025.

"Ip Man" premiere Li Wantong appeared in praise of Donnie Yen Hong Jinbao

Li Wantong

  China Broadcasting News on December 9, 2008, the end of the year kung fu blockbuster, reflecting a generation of martial arts guru, Bruce Lee master Ip Man’s legendary life story of the film "Ip Man" held a grand premiere in Beijing, in addition to starring Donnie Yen, Xiong Dailin, Ren Dahua and martial arts director Hong Jinbao, producer Huang Baiming and other main creators, just in the movie version of "Dream of Red Mansions" successfully played "spicy housekeeper Wang Xifeng" beautiful woman star Li Wantou and many other film and television stars were also invited to cheer for the film said to be the best-looking action movie in 2008, and claimed that it was worthwhile.

  Li Wantong, who is about to star in the kung fu blockbuster "King" with Hong Jinbao in 2009, has been working hard to practice kung fu recently. Although the film director has always emphasized that as long as there is enough, she still refuses to relax at all, saying that it is a very rare opportunity to work with such a kung fu superstar, and she must be prepared.

  In the espionage drama "The Final Contest", which is about to hit the national TV screen at the end of the year, Li Wantong plays the heroine Qin Muyao, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, who has already had a good time playing stars, but she said that those action scenes should not be comparable to the action scenes in real kung fu movies. Although the filming is also very clean, there is no very beautiful routine or very exciting action scenes in the end. She also hopes to take this opportunity to challenge herself and learn from Kung Fu kings like Hong Jinbao and Liang Xiaolong.

  For the movie "Ip Man", Li Wantong said that he had been looking forward to it for a long time, and now he finally saw it, and he was really shocked and moved. Donnie Yen, Hung Jinbao and Fan Shaohuang are all action actors he likes very much, and Ren Dahua is also an actor he admires very much. Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming are all Hong Kong directors he hopes to cooperate with very much. Their strength no longer needs to be described in words. The action movie they jointly produced will not disappoint fans. For the heroine of the film "Sister Cheng" Xiong Dailin, Wan Tong expressed his envy that she could act with Donnie Yen, and hoped that he could have such an opportunity in the future.

Li Wan Tong and Ip Man martial arts instructor Hung Jin Bao

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Comment immediately | three generations of blood is not allowed to apply. Why did the regular operation of the Tobacco Bureau go to the hot search?

  Today, a piece of news that "three generations of blood is not allowed to apply for a job as stipulated by the Tobacco Bureau in many places" went on a hot search. According to reports, the recruitment announcement of college graduates in 2023 issued by Shandong Tobacco Monopoly Bureau recently requires that candidates should not apply for positions that constitute cadres’ avoidance after employment, nor should they apply for positions in the unit system where they are husband and wife, lineal blood relatives, collateral blood relatives within three generations and close in-laws as leading members.

  Some media have found out that tobacco bureaus and tobacco companies in many parts of the country have put forward this requirement in recruitment. In fact, looking through the recruitment information of tobacco bureaus in recent years, we can find that it is a routine operation to list the avoidance system. The above provisions come from Article 11 of the Notice of China Tobacco Corporation of the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau on Printing and Distributing the Measures for the Administration of Recruitment in the Tobacco Industry, which has existed for a long time and is very clear.

  Many netizens thought that this regulation only existed this year, and even thought that these regulations were stipulated by the local tobacco bureau itself, which is actually a misunderstanding.

  It is not just the tobacco industry. Generally speaking, government departments, state-owned enterprises and institutions have similar regulations to prevent inbreeding and nepotism, and there is no lack of regulation at the institutional level. Therefore, these recruitment regulations are more emphasis on the existing rules and disciplines, and are also the basic requirements for recruitment in the public sector. The key to our discussion should be implementation and supervision.

  Many people don’t know that this is an existing rule, but it actually reflects a question: Why is something that should be common sense not popularized? This may indicate that the avoidance system has not been emphasized and implemented enough in some places and departments.

  The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once issued a document saying, "Count the patrol feedback reports from the central and local governments in recent years, ‘ Nepotism ’ ‘ Inbreeding ’ It has been mentioned many times. From the perspective of the field, it is mainly concentrated in state-owned enterprises such as finance, telecommunications, electric power and tobacco "; And a typical case is disclosed: among the 691 cadres managed by the head office of ICBC, 220 cadres’ spouses and children have 240 people working in the system.

  At the same time, this article mentioned that the way of inbreeding is also more hidden. For example, tailor the recruitment requirements according to the conditions of relatives and conduct "resume-style" recruitment; Another example is to exchange conditions and cross-arrange with other units. Try every means to evade the avoidance system, and the supervision department should also detect this kind of small mind in time, improve the sensitivity of supervision, and especially give play to the social power of mass supervision.

  It is worth mentioning that there are some voices on the internet that are dissatisfied with the "three generations of so-and-so", and the voices of the three generations of electricity, oil, tobacco and banks are endless. This counterproductive "positive propaganda" has become a typical manifestation of "low-level red". Behind the fierce public sentiment is the simple and fair demand for employment, hoping to learn the real skills and find a good job; I hope that a good job is not an internal cycle in a small circle; I hope that "background" and "resources" will no longer become obstacles to the rise of children from poor families.

  Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party pointed out, "Eliminate unreasonable restrictions and employment discrimination that affect equal employment, so that everyone has the opportunity to realize their own development through hard work". "Equal employment" and "anti-employment discrimination" first appeared in the report of the Party’s National Congress.

  Employment is the most basic livelihood, and it is also the ultimate destination and foothold of the "maximum fairness" of education fairness. This time, the public reacted so strongly to the long-standing old rule that "three generations of blood is not allowed to apply for jobs" in the tobacco system, pointing to the concern about "inbreeding" and longing for a level playing field in which people are competent and eat according to their real abilities.

The national autumn harvest is in sight.

  The autumn is cool and the rice is fragrant. Harvest China, the most beautiful picture.

  In the rice fields of Dafu Village, Zhuze Township, Ningdu County, Jiangxi Province, large harvesters are arranged in a row and rumble through the golden rice waves. "Soil testing, formula fertilization, irrigation and drainage management and protection are timely, and crops have withstood the test of high temperature. One acre has received more than 1,300 kilograms, an increase of more than 100 kilograms over previous years!" Wen Weiqing, the head of Fufeng Rice Professional Cooperative, was full of happiness.

  According to the latest agricultural dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of September 22nd, the national autumn grain harvest has reached 267 million mu, with the progress exceeding 20%, and the harvest of autumn grain is in sight.










  Strengthen the protection of farmers’ income from growing grain, the state steadily raises the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat, and improves policies such as rice subsidies and subsidies for corn and soybean producers. Not long ago, the central government allocated 10 billion yuan to support the south in resisting high temperature and drought and ensuring autumn grain, alleviating the impact of the increase in grain production caused by the increase in agricultural prices, and further enhancing farmers’ enthusiasm for growing grain. Up to now, this year, the central government has distributed a total of 40 billion yuan of subsidy funds in three batches.

  — — The effect of compound planting is good, and there is a new way to expand oil.

  "Corn does not reduce production, and a crop of beans is added. Compound planting makes the grain growers profitable!" Zhou Liuming, a large grain grower in Yangying Village, Shicaoji Township, shenqiu county City, Henan Province, said.

  This year, Yangying Village has a new harvest scene: corn and soybeans are staggered, with full corn cobs on the corn stalks, and a string of pods on the soybeans grow gratifying.

  Zhou Liuming interplanted 900 mu of corn and soybeans in the field this year. "It is estimated that more than 500 kilograms of corn and more than 100 kilograms of soybeans will be harvested per mu. According to this year’s price, including the 200 yuan subsidy per mu, it is estimated that the income per mu will be more than 2,000 yuan." In order to promote the expansion of oil, this year, shenqiu county has developed 15,000 mu of soybean-corn strip compound planting by expanding the space, increasing the brightness and keeping the plants secret.

  Expand beans and oil, and it will be effective. This year, the compound planting area of corn and soybean strip reached more than 15 million mu, and more than 40,000 new business entities in 1047 counties of 16 provinces actively promoted the compound planting of corn and soybean strip to increase oil supply.

  — — Good varieties with good technology will lead to high and stable yield of corn.

  "The yield per mu is 706.6 kilograms!" In the 1000-mu demonstration area of Hezhuang Village, Jiuxian Town, Taihe County, Anhui Province, the expert group conducted field yield measurement and acceptance of "Luyu 9105". "According to the standardized planting of corn, the effective number of ears per mu is 4195, and the number of grains per ear is 563, which is high and stable." Chang Xingduo, chairman of Changxing Planting Professional Cooperative in Taihe County, is very happy.

  A series of new technologies, such as straw returning, reasonable close planting, timely sowing, green prevention and control, and timely irrigation and drainage, have been implemented, and Taihe County has ushered in another bumper harvest year. China agricultural outlook Report (2022— 2031) It is predicted that this year’s grain output will maintain steady growth on the basis of high level, which is expected to reach 688 million tons.

  Mechanized escort in the whole process of farming and harvesting, farmers’ scientific and technological farming shows their talents

  Let farmers grow the best grain with the best technology, and the fundamental way to stabilize and increase production lies in science and technology.

  — — The big agricultural machinery in the field gallops, and the particles return to the warehouse to help increase income.

  In Dongfeng Village, Pushun Town, Dianjiang County, Chongqing, contiguous rice has matured, and two large combine harvesters shuttle through the farmland. Cutting rice, threshing and breaking stalks … … Under the rotation of the harvester, the ears of rice instantly turn into golden grains. "Large agricultural machinery escorts, all receivables are collected, and particles are returned to the warehouse!" Zhao Fei, a grain farmer, said.

  This year, Zhao Fei planted more than 30 acres of rice. He carefully calculated the income of the machine: in the past, the cost of manual harvesting was one day in 200 yuan, and two people could only harvest one acre of land a day; Now the machine can harvest an acre of 80 yuan in 20 minutes, which is good and fast.

  Agricultural machinery has become a good helper, and the particles have been rushed to increase income. During the period of "Sanqiu" this year, 30 million sets of various agricultural machinery were invested in various places, and the yield of rice, corn and soybean exceeded 94%, 80% and 82% respectively.

  — — Digital agriculture takes root to help, and autumn grain production is more efficient.

  These days, in Beitaitou Township, Wei County, Hebei Province, Wang Yaohe, a large grain grower, drives a grain harvester to harvest mature corn. Wang Yaohe said that in cooperation with Sinochem Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd., a "good nanny" was invited for corn: the seeds and fertilizers supplied were of high quality, the intelligent platform sent field management information in real time, and the management and plant protection were followed up in time, and the income from growing grain increased by an average of two or three hundred yuan per mu.

  Modern agriculture is equipped with a "digital engine", and autumn grain production is inserted with scientific and technological wings. All localities and departments promote the deep integration of new technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and cloud platforms with agricultural production, saving costs and increasing efficiency. Nine demonstration provinces of agricultural Internet of Things have been established nationwide, 100 pilot projects of digital agriculture have been built, and 426 application achievements and models of agricultural Internet of Things have been collected and published.

  — — Precision agriculture into the field "point irrigation", large-scale farming is easier.

  "Look at how full this grain is! This year’s harvest is good, and it is estimated that the yield per mu can be 1300 to 1400 Jin. " Wei Fangyue, a large grain grower in Xiaotan Village, Wangzhuang Town, Xun County, Henan Province, took a corn cob in his hand and said, "It’s all about keeping up with field management agronomy, unified fertilization, drone spraying and water-saving irrigation, and the harvest is much better than in previous years!"

  High-standard farmland projects have settled in the village, and Wei Fangyue has more confidence in growing grain: from helping several plots of land at home to planting 2430 mu of land now. "The stall is big, large-scale farming has a head start, and autumn planting and autumn harvest are easier." Wei Fangyue said.

  From knowing how to cultivate land to "wisdom" cultivation, agricultural science and technology escorted autumn grain production throughout the process. New technologies such as precision operation of agricultural machinery, soil testing and formula fertilization have been accelerated, and significant progress has been made in direct seeding of rice, mechanical harvesting of corn seeds and full mechanization of rape. The comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting in China exceeds 72%, and the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress in China exceeds 61%.

  Production is becoming better and greener, and the comprehensive benefits of agriculture are constantly improving.

  Promote agriculture by quality, promote agriculture by green, strengthen agriculture by brand, continuously improve the supply capacity of high-quality green products, and continuously improve the comprehensive benefits and competitiveness of agriculture.

  — — Green production, reduction and efficiency, and "profitable" farming.

  A bumper harvest is in sight in the granary of Northeast China, and a bumper harvest of 4,000 mu of rice is just around the corner in September Feng Family Farm, Yongji County, Jilin Province. For a long time, Jianbo Xiao, the head of the farm, insisted on unified prevention and control and green prevention and control to promote the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase efficiency.

  Speaking of the benefits of green grain growing, Jianbo Xiao started the conversation: "Plant protection drone operation can prevent rice blast, saving water by 90%. Green prevention and control can reduce the application of chemical pesticides by one or two times; Returning straw to the field promotes the reduction and efficiency of chemical fertilizers, and reduces chemical fertilizers by 20% on the farm. "

  Autumn grain production has a stronger green background. All regions and departments have promoted the green development of agriculture, promoted scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, green prevention and control and other cost-saving and efficient technologies. The utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has exceeded 40%, and the usage has been negative for many years, which has effectively promoted the increase of production and efficiency. At present, more than 150 sets of green prevention and control models have been integrated and promoted nationwide, and the national green prevention and control area has reached 1.2 billion mu, and the coverage rate has increased by 4 percentage points.

  — — Ecological breeding, "double harvest in one field".

  The demonstration base of rice, fish and breeding in Liujiahu Village, Ziyang District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, is full of smiles for men, women and children. "The masses are ecologically planting and raising cultivated land, and the grain yield per mu is expected to exceed 1,000 kilograms, increasing the income by 1,000 yuan." Xie Wei, director of Ziyang District Natural Resources Bureau, introduced.

  Since the beginning of this year, in order to tap the potential of increasing the income of cultivated land, the local villagers have been encouraged to explore the modes of "fish rice, shrimp rice, frog rice, etc." in restoring cultivated land. Xie Shao said that at present, Ziyang District has achieved a steady increase in cultivated area and grain production capacity by promoting this method.

  In 2021, the comprehensive planting area of rice and fishery in China was 39.66 million mu, the output of rice was about 20 million tons, and the output of aquatic products was 3.56 million tons, which drove farmers to increase their income by more than 60 billion yuan.

  — — Products are of high quality, and the value of agricultural products is unusual.

  "Boom … …” Recently, Fang Yefu, a villager, was shelling the newly harvested rice with mechanical equipment at Weimin Rice Factory in Gaojiping Village, Ziyang Township, Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province. Here, selenium-enriched ecological rice has become a brand rice sold in bags after processing.

  "Good ecology produces good rice, with ‘ Golden hill for the people ’ Brand, the price of our rice is unusual, which is 2.5 times higher than that of ordinary rice per catty, and the fine selenium-enriched rice is sold to 38 yuan per catty. " Fang Yefu said that relying on good quality, the organic rice produced today has received orders from airlines.

  All localities have made all-round efforts in variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production, accelerated the filling of logistics shortcomings, developed grain processing, extended the grain industry chain, promoted the development of agriculture by quality, strengthened agriculture by brands, and encouraged more farmers to drum up "money bags". At present, the qualified rate of routine monitoring of agricultural products quality and safety in China is stable at over 97.5%, and the cumulative number of green, organic and geographical indication agricultural products reaches 62,000.

What are the novel tweet authorization platforms? Novel tweet white paper for you to interpret

With the prosperity of online literature and the popularity of social media, the novel tweet authorization platform has gradually emerged, providing a brand-new cooperation opportunity for novel writers and tweets. These platforms not only help authors to expand the influence of their works, but also provide a way for tweeters to gain income. Recently, the novel tweeting agency "Xingzi Booster" released the "White Paper on Novel Tweeting Industry in 2024", which explained in detail the characteristics and operation mode of these novel tweeting authorization platforms for us. Through the industry ecological map in the novel tweet white paper, we can see the important platform and function of each link.
As the first-level authorized organization of novel platforms such as Zhihu, Tomato, UC, Starting Point, Headline, Tik Tok Story, Far Right, Story Meeting, etc., "Xingzi Boost" has carefully interpreted the opportunities and development trends of novel tweet industry from the perspective of the industry. If you want to join the novel tweet industry or an organization/studio that is already in the novel tweet industry, you are also welcome to cooperate with wenlaoshi008.
The White Paper on Novel Tweet Industry in 2024 gives us a detailed interpretation of the main novel tweet authorization platforms in the current market. As a well-known institution in these platforms, Xingzi Boost provides novel writers and tweets with new opportunities for cooperation, helping them to expand the influence of their works and gain benefits. When choosing a platform, tweeters need to make comprehensive consideration according to their own needs and conditions, and choose a platform suitable for them to cooperate. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, we expect that the novel tweet authorization platform in the future can provide more innovative services and cooperation modes, and create more value for novel authors and tweets.

There are more than 90 million unmarried women of school age in China, and the "leftover women" are a shame. Family members: they are guilty if they don’t get married

Master’s degree, doctor’s degree and executive, all of which were synonymous with social elites, but once they became female masters, doctors and executives, it was a bit meaningful.

Especially those who are highly educated and devote themselves to their careers,Thus, women who missed the so-called "traditional" best age for marriage were crowned as "leftover women" by some netizens.

The word "leftover women" means being chosen and rejected, which is a malicious expression for unmarried women.

Nowadays, with the progress of society and the improvement of women’s education level, more and more women have new requirements for their future life and their other half.

Some people think that,It is better to get married than to abuse it. Since there is no suitable partner, why not enjoy the chic of being single?

Obviously, marriage is not the only need for women to grow up. Today, there are more than 90 million single women in China, who have chosen independence and career at the age of marriage.

However, it is not easy to stick to this choice.

The documentary "The Leftover Women in China" reveals the struggle and helplessness of the intellectual women in China between freedom and secularism.

According to the introduction of the film, single intellectual women in China, if27 years oldIf you are not married in the future, you will be crowned."leftover women"The name of.In the marriage and love market, such women are often the object of criticism.

They are single for different reasons, but they are similar.Have a career that can make you independent, and all have very high academic qualifications.

Higher education, independent economic base,It is decided that in the matter of marriage, they will not make haste.And what this documentary shows us is moreThe dilemma faced by single women.

The main characters of this documentary are three mature women from big cities. They all have enviable jobs, but they are not married in their late thirties for various reasons.

Under the pressure of society and family, some of them choose to compromise, some choose to resist, and some choose to be silent.

Hua Mei, a young lawyer, is a child who came out of the countryside through the college entrance examination. She has worked hard in big cities for many years, and her views on marriage are very different from those of her parents and family.

As the most promising child in the family, she was once the pride of her parents.But now it has become the most unpromising person in the family mouth.

Huamei was born in the countryside, and her parents’ ideas are very old. Their times are catching up with family planning, and a family is basically one or two children.

Huamei’s home is her two daughters with her sister. Because she has no son, her parents have suffered from the gossip of the villagers.

However, parents are very kind to the two sisters and are not influenced by outsiders. The father is even more determined to let his children study hard and be admitted to the university, so as to show outsiders that girls can also make a difference.

My family conditions are limited, and my sister’s study is really not good. My sister who didn’t go to college got married very early.

And Huamei became the hope of parents.A few years after she was admitted to the university, her parents were really proud.

After graduating from college, Huamei stayed in Beijing on her own and became the envy of everyone, and she became the pride of her family.However, as Huamei got older, the family began to urge marriage.

Huamei’s lawyer work is very busy, and my personality is also very independent and strong, which is caused by various reasons.She remained single until she was thirty-four.

My sister’s children have run all over the place, but Huamei has not found a suitable object yet, and her parents are extremely anxious.She also changed from the pride of her family to the shame of her family.

Sister Hua Mei

Family think, don’t marry an old maid to stay at home is very shameful, my sister even said:"If you don’t get married, you should go to jail."

Because of the problem of being single, Huamei began to be reluctant to go home, and even tried to arrange things for herself on holidays. At this time, in the eyes of the family,Not getting married is like being inferior. Not getting married is unfilial and violates social morality.

These shackles in the name of family make Huamei breathless. I used to have an enviable job, high income and good welfare, but I became a sinner in the eyes of my parents just because I didn’t get married.

Parents’ attitude and sister’s harsh words all hurt the heart of this strong and independent girl since childhood.

Facing the camera, she couldn’t help crying. At this point, the home has become a thorn bush full of thorns. Every time I come home, I’m scarred,She can only choose to escape.

The second hero is Xiao Min, a radio anchor, a native of Shanghai who has a car and a house. He has been in love several times and ended up dead.

Xiaomin’s family conditions are much better than Huamei’s, but she is also deeply troubled by urging marriage, and the biggest pressure also comes from her family.

She is the only daughter in the family. Since childhood, her parents have arranged everything for her, and her mother’s personality is relatively strong, so she has developed her weak personality.Everything is habitually subject to the opinions of parents.

Especially when it comes to getting married,Parents’ request is to find a good financial condition.,Those who are suitable and not registered in Shanghai will not be considered, nor will those with poor economic conditions be considered.

But what is often shown is that,Those with good conditions despise Xiao Min, while those with poor conditions despise each other. They have been picking and choosing for many years, and finally they have not found a suitable one.

In the eyes of parents, economic conditions always come first. It doesn’t seem so important whether my daughter likes it or not. In my mother’s words"I’m doing it for your own good" and "Can I still harm you?".

Xiaomin, who has been habitually obedient since childhood, has little say in his lifelong events.

In fact, she has talked about boyfriends several times before, but once parents and boyfriends have conflicts, she often stands on her parents’ side. At this point, there may be a big reason why many times I fell in love with her ended in vain.

Without your own opinions and knowing how to fight for yourself, the road to marriage is doomed to be difficult. Marriage is a matter between two people, and marriage is not only about material conditions, but also about feelings.

Perhaps what Xiaomin lacks is the courage to fight for himself, and what he likes is the most appropriate. Marriage is not a negotiation, a business, or a price negotiation between two parties.Feelings are never things that can be clearly priced.

If we don’t figure this out, marriage is bound to be very difficult. Even if you are barely together, there will be various contradictions in your marriage life.

The third protagonist is Gaiqi, who is also over 30 years old. Gaiqi, who has been in love for several times, has never found her other half.

Gaiqi, who was born in the countryside and had a heavy family burden, became an assistant professor at the Film Academy through her own efforts. She is financially independent and lives a leisurely life. At her age, it is very good to have such achievements.

However, she was overwhelmed by various problems at home. Without the burden of family, Gaiqi can live well on her own.

However, the real blow made her really unable to bear the economic pressure and the responsibility of taking care of her parents.

Three people, three different families and three different lives are the most true portrayal of the living conditions of contemporary older women.

China has been a human society since ancient times. Up to now, almost no one can get rid of society and exist. Being single or not is not just your own business.

China people pay attention to inheritance. They want grandchildren when they have sons, and great grandchildren when they have grandchildren.People are getting old in the expectation of this generation.

Children are not only the blood inheritance of parents, but also their hopes for the future. Most children are also dependent on their parents in their old age.

No Country for Old Men is a very serious matter for China people.Therefore, many people advocate more children and more happiness.

This means that,If you want to stay single, you have to fight against the vast majority of people and the inheritance of the Millennium.

As long as you are older than.Twenty-five years old, even just in his early twenties,There will be all kinds of relatives and friends to introduce you to the object. If you are single and don’t accept other people’s kindness, then you are waiting for others’ complaints or even insults.

In the movie "If You Are the One", Shu Qi once asked:"Is it illegal to be single?"

Even if she plays a single and independent stewardess in the play, she will be ridiculed by others and even intimidated by her family.

Yes, for older single women,Being single is an urgent problem to be solved.

Wang Manni in Nothing But Thirty has a decent job and a high income, but he still hopes to live the life of a master through marriage.

At the age of thirty, she had to accept the arrangement of her parents and make blind dates with civil servants in small cities. Although the blind date didn’t succeed in the end, she was still very anxious about being single and eager to marry herself quickly.

Drama comes from life, and the discussion on the problem of leftover women in countless movies and TV dramas is all verified.Older single women, how unfriendly this society is.

Similarly, at the end of the documentary, the aforementionedUnder the pressure of life, the three protagonists had to make a choice.

Hua Mei, a female lawyer, chose to study abroad. She didn’t want to live in a dispute with her family, and the pressure was too great.

Not getting married is like a crime, and my sister’s words are circulating in her mind all the time.This has seriously affected her normal life.

Choosing to go abroad is just to escape temporarily.Maybe she can find someone who appreciates herself in a foreign country.

It seems helpless to be forced to move away from home, but this time Huamei is not alone, and her stubborn father supported her this time, which made her feel somewhat comforted.

Radio anchor Xiaomin didn’t want to put up with her mother’s strength any more. She began to reflect on her own problems and hoped that her mother would let her decide her own life.

Although her resistance caused her mother’s strong dissatisfaction, and even the two had a fierce argument, after all, she took the first step, hoping that in the future, she could firmly maintain her own opinions.

For children, it is also a compulsory course in life for parents to learn to let go. Excessive intervention by parents leads to children’s excessive dependence on their parents, which makes them unable to have independent ideas.

The most important sign of maturity is independence. I am still a child, so I can’t talk about starting a family and being someone else’s parents.

However, unlike Hua Mei and Xiao Min, Gai Qi finally chose to compromise.It took her a year to get married..

Her husband met on a blind date, and his family is also in the countryside. Gaiqi said that she had already owed too much foreign debt for her parents. Getting married can relieve her stress.

However, Gaiqi’s age was rejected by her husband’s family, because her husband was younger than Gaiqi. My mother-in-law has said many times that she is too old.Tell her not to tell her real age to her relatives and friends.

Even so, after one year of marriage, Gaiqi had her own children. Now her family of three is full of vitality because of the arrival of children.

At this point, who can say that Gaiqi is unhappy?Isn’t that how most of us get here?

From this documentary, we see the three protagonists struggling with life.It is not easy for single women to survive in society.

Being single certainly has many conveniences,Life is more free and there are fewer disputes in the process of getting along, but staying single requires great pressure.

One of the biggest pressures is from the family, which can make parents accept being single.It is the biggest challenge for the "leftover women".

A woman who is urged to get married

In this regard, some netizens think that being single does not mean failure. On the contrary, being able to bravely choose being single is the brave embodiment of modern independent women, and single women should be respected and protected.

The higher the degree of social development, the higher people’s economic level, and the less dependence on their families.

This is why high-end people, entertainment stars, and the elites of these societies are the "hardest hit areas" for leftover women.

Because they don’t have to rely on anyone, they can live a good life. Being single even saves them a lot of trouble in human relations. They can choose to raise children or not, which is not a problem for them.

They enjoy the convenience and freedom brought by being single. If marriage can’t bring happiness and make their life better, why choose to get married?

Faye Yu, 52, is still single, and she doesn’t think marriage is necessary. She enjoys being single very much.

And she firmly believes that staying single can make her life more free and exciting, and she can enjoy life better.

Single women like Faye Yu are even more independent and strong than ordinary men.

Therefore, age can’t be a limiting factor for a person. Some people may get married at the age of 20, and some people may still be elegant single women at the age of 60, and marriage is not the only choice.

With the increasing tolerance of our society, perhaps in the future,"Leftover women" is no longer the object of discrimination or crusade.

The higher the civilization of society, the more diverse society will be. There is not only one choice for people’s lifestyle.Marriage is only an option, but not choosing marriage does not mean that our life is unhappy..

The social system will be more and more perfect, medical care will be more and more convenient, and old-age care will no longer be a problem. You can live a good life by your own personal accumulation.

Without secular standards, perhaps feelings will become more pure, and people’s happiness index will certainly be higher and higher.

What do you think of "leftover women"? Let’s share it in the comments section ~

(The pictures and story materials are all from the Internet. Unauthorized reprinting is prohibited! ) # Summer Creation Competition #

-End of full text-

How will technology "recreate" the beauty industry in the post-epidemic period?

When it comes to the beauty industry, few people associate it with the traditional high-tech industry. But behind the beauty industry, it is indeed constantly colliding and merging with high technology. With the continuous deepening and application of high-tech such as big data and AI, the relationship between them has gradually become prominent.

Not long ago, L ‘Oré al held a cloud conference to announce the official launch of the first "BIG BANG Beauty Technology Creation Camp" in China. It is understood that this "Creation Camp" is in the form of a start-up challenge, and "Cloud invites" national technology start-ups to participate in exploring and incubating revolutionary beauty technology solutions. This is the first cross-border collision between the domestic beauty ecosystem and the science and technology ecosystem, but can beauty giants really have fun when they get involved in the field of science and technology? Why does the high-tech circle attach importance to the beauty industry?

First, it is not the "technology factor" added to beauty cosmetics, but the return to "the truth of technology"

In which direction science and technology grow, it depends on demand; How much room to grow depends on the market.

The consumer industry has always been a necessity for people’s lives, and beauty cosmetics is one of the industries with the highest innovation vitality and the most stable demand. In recent years, China’s beauty industry has developed rapidly, and the market scale has been expanding. The internationally renowned brands that settled in China in the early years and the rising local brands in recent years have, to a certain extent, shared the dividends of the overall rapid development of the industry.

As consumers become more and more mature, their preferences in product use, ingredients and brand positioning are also more subdivided. Concepts such as hydrating, moisturizing, whitening, protection, anti-aging, firming and cosmetic feeling will be more and more recognized by consumers, and subdivided products including eyes, lips, cheeks and neck will be closer to the needs of consumers. At the same time, the transformation of consumer core groups, the rise of Z generation consumption power, the awakening of men’s skin care awareness, and healthy living have all injected new strength into the domestic beauty industry market and promoted the development and improvement of the industrial chain.

According to the latest retail data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first quarter of 2019, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 9,779 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3% year-on-year. Judging from the retail sales of cosmetics, the national retail sales of cosmetics in the first quarter of 2019 was 75.3 billion yuan, an increase of 10.9% compared with the same period last year. It can be said that the current domestic beauty market has a very broad development space. Both the consumer’s choice and the new opportunities brought by consumption upgrading have promoted the expansion of the beauty market in China.

In addition, the continuous upgrading of beauty consumption affects not only the beauty industry, but also the emerging industries associated with it when the consumer demand of users is infinitely diversified, personalized and rapidly changing and the market activity is high. You know, the vast majority of consumers are not beauty experts. They need to know more about their skin condition and product information quickly, so as to choose the products that suit them, and they should wait for them. Therefore, the future beauty industry will not only provide a single beauty product, but also provide an overall solution of product+service+experience. For example, AI skin care programs help consumers analyze skin needs and formulate skin management programs; Beauty brands regulate the balance of skin micro-ecology through biotechnology to enhance the efficacy of skin care products; Technology companies develop hand-held beauty equipment with electromagnetic pulse to help skin care products penetrate the skin better.

The beauty industry is constantly moving towards technology, digitalization and convenience, which can drive the development of new technologies such as biotechnology, agricultural technology and entertainment technology around it and broaden the industry. In recent years, the beauty market share of international brands is rising sharply, and the domestic beauty market is gradually becoming high-end. It can be seen that it will be the core trend of the beauty industry in the future to help people with professional skin care, health and beauty with scientific and technological means and concepts.

Moreover, in a sense, beauty care itself is based on scientific practice, but in the era of underdeveloped technology, it is more like "experience talk." Nowadays, after thousands of years of development, mature technical means have not only solved many "skin care mysteries", but also greatly helped more people, especially those who don’t know much about beauty care, how to conveniently put on makeup and healthy skin care. Therefore, to be more precise, it is not the "technology factor" that is added to the beauty industry, but the return of the beauty industry to the "technology truth".

It can be predicted that the beauty industry will bring broad market space and application scenarios for innovative technology, and the deep integration of technology start-ups and beauty will "explode" unlimited potential for its own development, the development of the beauty industry and the lives of consumers.

Although we know that innovative technology is promising in the beauty market, how to integrate these two "different styles" elements and open up a road of sustainable development is still very challenging for beauty companies.

Since last year, beauty KOL live broadcast has become increasingly popular. Whether it’s Li Jiaqi, the "first lipstick brother", Viya, the "one product links 80,000 orders", or tens of thousands of cosmetics KOL behind them, they are all guiding consumers’ purchasing orientation greatly. Interestingly, beauty technology seems to have little to do with beauty KOL, but in essence, it helps consumers to judge whether the product is suitable for them by explaining the product in detail and "trying it" in advance, except that beauty KOL is an anchor real person trial, and the increasingly popular virtual color test application allows consumers to match independently through technical means such as AR and AI.

After a thorough study, the analysis results detected by the senior scientific research team with the help of big data, AR and other high-tech technologies are, to a great extent, more professional and valuable reference data than many cosmetic KOL trials, but at present, the influence of cosmetic technology on consumer decision-making is not as good as that of cosmetic KOL. This has to make beauty companies think deeply. On the road of beauty technology transformation, in addition to improving the technological attributes of products, whether it is necessary to think more about transformation strategies, user connections and technological depth.

Second, beauty technology needs intensive cultivation and a global vision.

Imagine that if a company defines itself as a "beauty enterprise", its entire corporate image, products and beauty attributes will be greater than the scientific and technological attributes; However, if you define yourself as a "beauty technology enterprise", then the two attributes must be "equally divided". For example, Xiaomi, although it originated from the Internet mobile phone, has always been an innovative technology enterprise, not a mobile phone brand.

Therefore, to improve the scientific and technological content of products, we must first improve the scientific and technological content of enterprises, that is, to achieve a 360-degree comprehensive transformation in the fields of research and development, marketing, operation and management.

On January 5, 2020, at CES in Las Vegas, L ‘Oré al first demonstrated a brand-new beauty technology equipment called Perso. This AI-supported home system developed by L ‘Oré al Technology Incubator can complete the on-site formula of skin care products and make-up products through a concise four-step process, and it can become smarter with the increase of usage times over time, and truly realize the direct delivery of personalized technology to consumers.

Before Perso, L ‘Oré al also introduced the first portable skin environment detector "Small Needle Probe" without batteries, Lancome’s new generation of small black bottles, customized liquid foundation and customized essence formulator, and other high-tech and even cross-border innovative products.

In addition, L ‘Oré al also organized a C2B "Zero Cream" campaign with consumers. This activity, aimed at exploring consumers’ reverse channel innovation, adopted an innovative mode of user demand-led and technology-assisted output. It took 59 days and 1,000 consumers participated, and more than 100,000 products were sold on the same day.

At present, L ‘Oré al China has set up "3S" and "3D" directions in product frontier research and development. "3S" means Green Science, Material Science and Life Science, and "3D" means digitalization, instrumentation and Diagnosis.

It is easier to understand that technology empowers R&D, so how can technology empower production, operation and management?

In recent years, L ‘Oré al has upgraded pillar departments such as information technology, operation, finance and human resources to strategic departments, and started to carry out technological and digital transformation. Develop and apply the most suitable brand-new solutions for each business field, including 3D printing, artificial intelligence, collaborative robots, virtual reality, Internet of Things and so on.

For example, L ‘Oré al applied software robots to financial reconciliation and online shop operation, and completed a lot of repetitive work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using artificial intelligence technology to assist the retail team in store location; Reduce inventory and shorten the overall supply chain time by 30%; A new networked production line has been developed and a new method combined with the Internet of Things platform has been implemented, which can switch from the production of one product to another in a few minutes. At present, five factories are already using this networked production line technology, and another 20 new production lines will be installed and used in factories all over the world.

L ‘Oré al has naturally put a lot of effort into the most intuitive consumer experience scene of scientific and technological attributes display. Maybelline 360-degree AI intelligent color selection, exclusive "virtual hair dyeing and color testing" by L ‘Oré al Paris Salon, and "multifunctional intelligent detection application of scalp hair quality" by Paris Karsch ….. For girls who love beauty, the advent of these intelligent technology products not only enriches their own shopping experience, but also greatly simplifies the process from selection, makeup trial to purchase, and greatly solves the problem of choosing makeup.

In addition to the digital upgrade in the external business chain, L ‘Oré al has also adopted a new way of working internally, releasing the speed and efficiency of innovation.

L ‘Oré al has previously established a global multipolar organization, namely, three global centers in France+six regional hubs (China, Japan, India, South Africa, Brazil and the United States) +21 R&D centers. Mobile office and digital applications are widely used in the company. During this epidemic, the internal IT system of L ‘Oré al supported the telecommuting of nearly 3,400 users every day, including sending and receiving emails, accessing the company’s intranet resources, and video and audio conferences. The evolution of IT team’s working style is rapid iteration and continuous delivery, and all IT services have not been affected by this special situation. In addition, terminal sales data such as online and offline retail, virtual makeup test, software robot, chat robot and retail location with artificial intelligence are all stored in L ‘Oré al China Hybrid Cloud. This platform can support more than 2200 servers, 1800T of data, and more than 400 application systems, websites and small programs running on it.

Wu Sheng, founder of Scene Lab, said: "L ‘Oré al’s transformation of beauty technology running through the whole value chain inside and outside just represents the practice of’ scientific brand’ driven by data science, process science and value science. When L ‘Oré al is committed to the innovation of beauty technology, it believes in the digital beauty of this era and accelerates the digital life of this era. This essential change requires the evolution of ideas and also calls for a larger-scale co-creation. I look forward to L ‘Oré al becoming a real’ beauty infrastructure’, empowering and achieving each other with innovators. "

The three dimensions of scientific brand mentioned here, data science represents the power of data analysis and application technology such as big data and cloud computing; Process science refers to the transformation of 360-degree full value chain and the establishment of internal and external ecological circle; Value science represents the responsibility of science and technology to be good. For example, since 2007, L ‘Oré al has been working hard to reduce the impact of cosmetics packaging on the environment, and jointly developed the first environmentally-friendly paper tubular packaging with the upstream packaging company Albéa a.

Nowadays, beauty companies are constantly exploring in the direction of science and technology, and many technology companies have also set their research direction in the field of beauty and skin care. But in any case, the benefits of "beauty+technology" can only be the vast number of consumers. At present, the beauty technology of most enterprises is still in the stage of auxiliary tools, so it is necessary to truly regard technological transformation as the "top-ranking project", let more innovative technologies flood in, integrate into the strategic transformation thinking with a more overall view, and more thoroughly open up the internal and external ecological circles, so as to provide solutions that are more in line with the immediate needs of consumers and make "beauty+technology" a road of sustainable development.

Third, the next step: build an ecological circle and make the beauty infrastructure.

As a company with a history of 100 years, L ‘Oreal, a French beauty giant, has always advocated open innovation and strong alliance with many start-up technology companies.

Cooperation as the axis, technology as the wheel.

In 2016, L ‘Oré al invested in five beauty technology companies, which have core technologies in private customization, smart manicure and Internet content marketing. In 2018, L ‘Oré al Group acquired Canadian digital supplier Modify, which integrated AR technology into beauty retail and launched black technologies such as virtual makeup test and hair color test. Then the venture capital fund BOLD was launched. The first investment target was French startup Sillages Paris, an Internet company that mainly used artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to create customized perfume. In addition, at the same time, L ‘Oré al has established open cooperation website prices with start-ups around the world. By 2018, 23 start-ups have been supported under the framework of L ‘Oré al’s cooperation with Founders Factory and Station F.

At the 2019 Paris Viva Technology Exhibition, L ‘Oré al and Alibaba Group jointly released the first mobile artificial intelligence detection application for acne-EFFACLAR SPOTSCAN in la roche-posay. Effica can help consumers who are troubled by acne skin but can’t ask for help, carry out professional skin self-test anytime and anywhere, and get personalized scientific nursing plan. Wu Hanwen, chief digital marketing officer of L ‘Oré al China, once said at the exhibition: "Open innovation will help us effectively explore the application potential of cutting-edge technology in the field of beauty."

At present, China has the most demanding and sophisticated consumer groups in the world, and the most dynamic technology and innovation ecosystem in the world, which together constitute the original intention and foundation of L ‘Oré al’s first "Beauty Technology Creation Camp".

"One battalion creates more" and "one person has thousands of faces"

L ‘Oré al’s "BIG BANG Beauty Technology Creation Camp" has opened three tracks, namely, playing with new beauty experience, leading new operation and foreseeing new production and research, focusing on three key areas of beauty technology innovation, namely, consumer experience, supply chain operation, and future products with new forms, new effects and new experiences.

"We look forward to working together with technology start-ups to achieve common transformation and transformation, create more high-tech and beautiful consumption solutions for consumers, create new growth points for the vigorous development of the beauty industry, and contribute beautiful innovation to the prosperity of the consumer market in China and even the world in the post-epidemic era." Fabry, President and CEO of L ‘Oré al China, said: "The Beauty Technology Creation Camp is also the first step for L ‘Oré al to build a beauty technology ecosystem in China, and it is our co-creation and tolerance in implementing the new strategy of ‘HUGE Good Plan. We are confident that China will surely become a leader in the new round of global beauty technology explosion. "

From the perspective of participating enterprises, the "Creation Camp" horizontally covers the key links of the beauty industry chain, and the short-listed start-up technology enterprises can get different forms of win-win cooperation and support from L ‘Oreal at different stages of development. Such as market insight, product positioning, marketing strategy, media communication, incubation budget and other all-round support. L ‘Oré al, which covers more than 130 countries and has more than 110 years of experience in beauty operation, can provide a strong enough operating platform to accelerate the incubation, commercialization and scale of innovative achievements, and provide promotion opportunities and market landing in other markets around the world based on local applications in China.

Previously, in 2014, L ‘Oré al and Canada’s artificial intelligence augmented reality technology company Modify jointly created a virtual makeup trial technology, and Modify provided professional technology. L ‘Oré al can give more than 100 years of professional experience in beauty to help Modify fine-tune each makeup trial effect, and gradually from small to large, from the initial virtual makeup trial scene, it was successfully extended to virtual hair color and skin detection. At the same time, L ‘Oré al has a local team in each country to customize the planning, so that product technology can quickly land in the local market.

From the perspective of industry and market, in the post-epidemic period in China, technological innovation is an important engine to promote consumption recovery, and then promote market and economic recovery, as well as the beauty industry. Technology start-ups are the birthplace of innovative technology and the backbone of economic recovery in the post-epidemic era. Led by L ‘Oré al, a beauty company of a magnitude, bringing these forces together to achieve common growth and transformation will not only help a new round of "big outbreak" in the beauty industry, but also contribute to the market and economic prosperity after the epidemic.

The broad voice platform and efficient operation platform can provide more commercial guidance and added value for technology start-ups, and also make the overall solution of L ‘Oré al’s products+services+experiences more mature. When more and more technology companies are deeply integrated with beauty, more potential of the beauty industry will be stimulated, and the era of "one person and thousands of faces" may not be far from us.

Shanghai to Zhejiang self -driving travel detailed route


      First, drive an elevated road along Humin Road. 6 kilometers from exit to enter Shanghai to Kunming highway

  Second, in Shanghai to Kunming Highway

  1) Drive 430 meters along the Shanghai -Kunming Expressway. Hangzhou/G60/Ningbo/Xinzhuang direction, open a small right

  2) Continue along Shanghai to Kunming Expressway 27. 6 kilometers straight into the Hangzhou Bay Ring Road Expressway

  Third, Hangzhou Bay Wound Highway Expressway

  Travel 52 along Hangzhou Bay Ring Road. 7 kilometers, go directly to Hangzhou, open a little bit of Shanghai to Kunming highway

  Fourth, in Shanghai to Kunming Expressway.

  Travel along Shanghai to Kunming highway. 3 kilometers, go directly to Hangzhou/ Qiandao Lake/ S2, and turn to Hangzhou -Ningbo Expressway

  Fifth, Hangzhou -Ningu Highway

  1) Drive along Hanging Highway 21. 9 kilometers directly to Hangzhou/Desheng Road, and it becomes a little bit of Disheng

  2) Walk 610 meters along Desheng Road, and open a small right

  Sixth, Zhejiang driving plan

  1) Continue to run 840 meters along De Sheng, enter Disheng Fast from the entrance

  2) Drive 680 meters along Desheng quickly, leave the slope from the airport exit

  3) Drive 360 ??meters along the ramp and go straight into Dusheng East Road

  4) 580 -meter driver along the Sheng Dong Road, turn left in front to enter the airport road

  5) 3 drivers along the airport road. 7 kilometers, in the direction of the Chengdong Bridge Stadium, rotate the bridge slightly

  6) Travel along the bridge 1. About 60 meters after 2 kilometers from the Hangzhou Criminal Investigation Building, go straight into the field

  7) 2 drivers along the stadium road. Turn left to the ancient Xinhe Bridge at 9 kilometers and enter Western Road

  8) 530 meters along the West Road of the Ring City, open the provincial roads and bridges into the provincial government

  9) Drive 280 meters along the provincial government. Arrive at the end (on the right side of the road)

Mobile phone access Shanghai local treasure first page

Meituan takeaway "Quality Big Big Big Carnival" is launched in Shanghai to go online with multiple discounts to eat all over the city.

Recently, in order to promote the rapid recovery of Shanghai’s economy and provide consumers with higher quality takeaway services, Meituan takeaway and 500 high -quality supply brands, including 300 must -list the city’s must -order brands, and jointly linked by multi -category and multi -business formats In the form of a quality meal carnival in Shanghai. During the event, each person can receive a maximum of 1,000 yuan consumer coupons per day, allowing consumers to enjoy a affordable, delicious and rich quality meal.

Multi -category consumer coupons, catering brands are online, open high -quality carnival feast

From June 18th to July 3rd, users log in to the "Meituan Takeaway" or "Meituan" APP, search for "takeaway consumer coupons" to enter the event page. In the "Coupon Receive Zone", users can receive three quality food consumer coupons of "over 60 yuan minus 10 yuan", "over 80 yuan minus 15 yuan", "over 100 yuan minus 20 yuan"; in addition, users can still use the same page, which can also Receive different types of consumer vouchers such as category coupons, brand coupons, and quality daily life coupons, which can receive a maximum of 1,000 yuan per day. Among them, the popular coffee milk tea consumer coupons, "less than 25 yuan minus 7 yuan", "less than 40 yuan minus 20 yuan", "less than 99 yuan minus 30 yuan", the number is limited, first come first served.

It should be noted that the same user ID is limited to the same value consumption coupon. The coupons cannot be used, but it can be superimposed with other preferential activities of the platform or merchant.

In addition to the rich and diverse quality consumer coupons, Meituan takeaway also links Cai Lan’s snacks, Xiao Yang Shengzheng, Lao Shengchang, Red Armor, KFC, Starbucks, TIMS, Manner, Ruixing Coffee, Hi Tea and other high -quality brands. Bring a rich quality meal. The hot air’s raw fried buns, the delicious soup, the delicious flavor, the spicy and delicious crayfish, etc., can be sent to the user through the takeaway, with a variety of fancy milk tea and coffee, so that many Shanghai citizens who have been in home for a long time to live in their homes tolerate the forbearance I ca n’t hold the index finger, and I place an order to buy.

"Since I received a 80-15 consumer coupon on Meituan, I have been thinking about how to use it. As a result, the child said that I want to eat soup bags. Of course, the first choice for Lao Shengchang," Ms. Wu, who lives in Minhang District, Shanghai, opened Mei The group takeaway said, "Fresh meat soup bag, crab powder soup bag, shiitake mushroom snow bamboo shoot noodles, green onion grilled rows of egg noodles, plus refreshing small dishes, almost a family’s dinner is enough, very affordable"

The city’s must -order brand has joined, so you can enjoy high -quality takeaway without leaving the house

It is worth mentioning that 300 must -list brands in the city also participated in this quality meal carnival. This gang, Cantonese cuisine, Beijing cuisine, French cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Mexican cuisine, Brazilian cuisine and other domestic and foreign cuisine are available. Pujianghui and Jingxihui and other high -end catering are also among them. These high -quality brands are launched by the "Single Meal" of "Small Little Persons" characteristics of takeaway, allowing users to enjoy high -quality food products at more cost -effective prices, setting off a new climax of the upgrading of catering experience.

It is understood that Meituan takeaway in Shanghai’s first nationwide "city must -order list", according to the consumer takeaway dining experience, taste, evaluation, quality and other comprehensive dimensions, set up a batch of restaurants, and then well -known old chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, and chefs, chefs, and chefs, and chefs. Cooking cuisine master, gourmet enthusiasts and other local experts composed of local experts composed of compulsory list review committees. They are anonymous to try as an ordinary consumer. From the perspective of dishes taste, takeaway services, etc. The evaluation, eventually selected the most quality TOP300 catering brands in the local area.

Not only that, the "Cast City Must -Point List" has also greatly expanded the service scope and depth of quality meal and carnival through the design of "visibility" and the farthest city distribution service, which helps more users. You can enjoy high -quality cuisine throughout the city without leaving home.

With the introduction of the "Shanghai Municipality Accelerating Economic Recovery and Revitalizing Action Plan", the resumed market has become the top priority of the current stage of the catering industry. Jin Peihua, deputy secretary -general of the Shanghai Catering Culinary Industry Association, said that in the environment of Shanghai’s economic recovery and boost, Meituan takeaway launching a quality meal carnival will effectively boost the consumption confidence in Shanghai’s catering industry, drive and form new consumption hotspots, and form a new consumption hotspot. While stimulating the enthusiasm for consumption of Shanghai citizens, it has promoted the high -quality development of the Shanghai takeaway industry.