Double Eleven and AI "marriage": a new password to activate the second spring of e-commerce?

Text/Technology Talk

This year’s Double Eleven is coming to an end, but the situation is quite different from previous years.

Not to mention the overall sales level and too many recipes, this year’s double promotion of the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is destined to be uneventful. The head of the live streaming host is controversial, and the small and medium-sized live streaming hosts have begun to show their superpowers; originally belonging to Ali and’s "two people turn", Douyin, Pinduoduo and other heavy players have made the situation even more chaotic…

Under the surging undercurrent, there is also a pair of mysterious big hands playing an important role, that is, AI. It is concentrated in the fact that AI no longer only plays a role in a certain node of e-commerce, but is deeply integrated into the entire industrial chain. And this may be the new password for AI to activate the second spring of e-commerce.

Integration into the industrial chain: AI shows new magic

The high emphasis on AI is evident in the various performances of e-commerce platforms.

In a 20-minute speech at the 2023 Tmall Double Eleven conference, Dai Shan, CEO of Taotian Group, mentioned AI 20 times, "Taobao is a product of the last Internet technology revolution, and will also seize the next AI revolution." She said Taobao is gradually starting to test the waters of intelligence: "This year’s Double Eleven, we have prepared more than 10 AI tools for merchants to use." also did not show weakness, and made the magic of AI stand out by equipping the entire line with intelligent customer service "Jing Xiaozhi". According to data, after 10 minutes of sale, cloud intelligent customer service has accumulated more than 1.88 million consulting services.

In addition, other Internet technology companies are also trying to get a share of the pie through AI. For example, Tencent Advertising uses the Huanyuan model to support intelligent advertising production; Baidu APP launches Baidu’s preferred intelligent assistant "Xiaoyou", which acts as an intelligent shopping assistant for consumers and provides "Double Eleven Calendar" presented on all major platforms; Xiaohongshu also announced an AI intelligent note assistant to help merchants achieve one-click release of product notes.

If you look at the role of AI in Double Eleven, it is throughout – integrated into the entire e-commerce industry chain, playing an important role at every node. This is mainly due to the development of AI models, allowing AIGC’s massive tools to present infinite possibilities.

AIGC tools represented by ChatGPT continue to break through in language understanding, text creation, picture recognition, creative painting, etc., which are highly compatible with the development elements of the e-commerce industry and can empower the industry at all stages. Specifically, AIGC can assume important responsibilities in product development, marketing, after-sales and other stages.

In the product development stage, AIGC can provide design inspiration, customize product descriptions and drawings according to requirements, and analyze factors such as product prices and target groups based on market information, and provide optimization suggestions and solutions.

In the product marketing stage, AIGC can help e-commerce companies reduce costs and increase efficiency in the production of marketing content, achieve accurate product recommendations, and promote innovation and upgrading in the form of live streaming.

In the after-sales stage of products, AIGC can assume customer service functions and can also be applied to order management links such as warehousing, delivery, and logistics to help e-commerce platforms further reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Overall, AI-based AIGC can achieve all-round coverage in e-commerce scenarios such as optimizing product selection decisions, intelligent customer service work, graphic material production, intelligent advertising, accurate associated recommendation, and processing image materials. Taking marketing as an example, AIGC can deeply tap the creative potential and generate multi-modal personalized social media marketing content such as text, pictures, and videos according to the platform, product characteristics, and target audience, saving creative time and creative costs, and improving the pertinence and attractiveness of marketing content.

It can be said that AI continues to empower in the field of e-commerce to reduce costs and increase efficiency, covering multiple application scenarios, which can basically run through every link of the e-commerce industry and bring further experience improvement.

AI deeply empowers and ignites the upward engine of e-commerce

The in-depth exploration of AI is the unremitting pursuit of e-commerce platforms and players.

As early as this year’s 618 period, e-commerce platforms and brands have used AI technology in the process of big promotion. For example, Taobao and Tmall launched the "AI Eco-Partner Program" to apply AI in store opening and decoration, product image creativity, marketing planning and promotion, content organization and creation, etc., to provide merchants with intelligent generative services in the fields of content, data and customer service.

From some achievements, nearly 500,000 merchants use Alimama AI video tools "mixed cut" and "painted cut" to send more than 2.50 million short videos; AI image-text tools "intelligent pictures" and "intelligent copy" to output nearly 10 million marketing graphics. AI digital people help the transaction of goods, Client Server – Cloud launched the "Free Digital People Live Room Call" plan, and created "AI live streaming host" and "digital doppelganger" for some stores during the promotion period. According to’s battle report, during the 618 period of this year, the number of go LIVE merchants increased by more than 5 times compared with last year’s Double Eleven, helping to achieve a 246% increase in turnover compared with last year’s Double Eleven, and the cumulative consulting service volume of Cloud Yanxi intelligent customer service exceeded 700 million times.

It is worth noting that at the 2023 Global Science and Technology Explorer Conference and Cloud Summit " Technology Practice" sub-forum held on July 13 this year, the retail future brand AI RETAIL was also released. The main goal is to upgrade retail people, goods and markets based on’s AI technology capabilities. officially released a large-scale model with a parameter scale of 100 billion, focusing on retail, logistics and other industries.

At the 2023 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference held on October 31, Alibaba Cloud announced a full-stack upgrade of AI cloud computing, releasing Tongyi Qianwen 2.0 and 8 major industry models with a scale of 100 billion parameters. Many of Alibaba’s businesses are based on AI big model technology to innovate business scenarios and service models, and build future-oriented imagination.

The China Gold Research Report said that considering that the e-commerce scene is a key direction for AI to be implemented on the B-end, and Alibaba has the advantages of computing power, models, data and scenarios, it has strong confidence in the implementation of AI applications on Taobao and Tmall.

The e-commerce giant up the ante AI represented by Alibaba and Tmall is to value the strength of the latter’s deep empowerment and ignite its own upward engine. This is because AI can fully empower e-commerce and improve efficiency and quality significantly.

From the perspective of "people and freight yard", AI can empower e-commerce in all aspects, such as virtual live streaming hosting, intelligent product selection, virtual try-on, logistics performance, etc. From the perspective of e-commerce operation, AI can empower e-commerce in the full link, that is, from pre-sale product selection pricing, in-sale marketing recommendation, AI shopping guide, after-sales intelligent customer service, logistics performance, etc., to improve the quality and efficiency of the e-commerce industry.

This also means that AI is expected to improve the efficiency of e-commerce. It can optimize its conversion rate and repurchase rate while reducing costs, promote the quality and efficiency of the e-commerce industry, and make the industry develop steadily and healthily, or even achieve huge breakthroughs.

New inflection point! E-commerce will completely break through the shackles

Under the influence of AI, the e-commerce industry is approaching a new turning point and entering a new stage of development, which is expected to open up new growth space.

Without a doubt, the e-commerce industry will become an important showcase for AI in the future. With the continuous iteration of AI models, the technical reserves are more sufficient, and a variety of applications can be implemented, and the scenarios are richer.

From a technical point of view, taking ChatGPT as an example, it has launched multi-modal functions and introduced voice and image interaction capabilities. Taking ERNIE Bot as an example in China, it has been updated to version 4.0 after several rounds of iterations. According to Li Yanhong, the latest version 4.0 model is "comparable to GPT-4" in general capabilities.

From this perspective, the iterative upgrade of AI models can support the improvement of the actual effect of AI-related tools and applications, and naturally provide better performance and experience for the e-commerce industry.

Let’s take the C-end and B-end scenarios as examples to briefly list several practical cases where AI can help the e-commerce industry break free.

Facing the C-end, AI shopping guide and AI display content generation are particularly outstanding. Many overseas and domestic e-commerce platforms have launched AI shopping guide functions – understanding users’ vague needs through text interaction, and recommending specific products to them, ultimately improving the product turnover rate.

AI display content production is based on text comments, image effects, videos, 3D renderings, etc. to form a rich presentation effect, including AI try-on, AI home decoration renderings and other interesting and practical functions, with the ultimate goal of optimizing the shopping experience and improving the order conversion rate.

For the B-end, AI is mainly to improve the efficiency of marketing and store operations, and to reduce costs, improve quality and increase efficiency for sellers. For example, AI can easily realize online store management, providing sellers with intelligent product release and management, market analysis, customer reception, enterprise management and other functions, which is convenient for product management and customer management.

This year marks the 15th year of the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the first Double Eleven of the first large-scale application of AI in the e-commerce industry. It is very certain that the powerful capabilities of AI will revolutionize the way consumers interact with e-commerce platforms, as well as the operating models of platforms and merchants.

And with this as a key development time node, with the strong support of AI, the e-commerce industry will be completely broken and reborn.

Daily Interaction Fang Yi: Dig deep into the value of data elements, and use digital intelligence to help improve the efficiency of urban transportation governance scientifically | Love Analysis Inter


"Green wave belt is a concept that has existed in the transportation industry for a long time. Daily interaction relies on its long-term technical accumulation in big data and artificial intelligence. By fusing and calculating its own data, traffic control department data and third-party data, it integrates cycle time, surrounding scenes, road traffic direction, driving speed and other factors. The algorithm is used to calculate the best signal and control parameters, quickly form an urban green wave scheme, and can be dynamically adjusted according to the real-time traffic flow and road conditions on the road. In the case of having as little impact on the surrounding traffic as possible and making maximum use of the existing transportation infrastructure, the complexity of green wave signal control coordination and optimization is greatly reduced, allowing the traffic control department to dispatch and manage the traffic flow of the road network with a click of the mouse, so that "Photoshop" can be turned into "Meitu Xiuxiu" in seconds. At the same time, it helps the urban traffic control department to build a digital traffic management system at a very low cost, and quickly improves the fine and intelligent water of urban road traffic signal control. Realize "100 times efficiency" with "100% rate", help the construction of a transportation power, and create a safe, orderly, smooth and civilized road traffic environment for the masses to travel. "

Special thanks to the Hangzhou traffic police. Hangzhou is the first city where our number of smart green waves have landed. It is also under the trust and professional guidance of the Hangzhou traffic police that we have really polished this product and continuously optimized it. Since October last year, we have co-created and strengthened the construction of green wave belts with the traffic police brigades of Hangzhou districts, changing the original mode of setting up long-distance green wave belts, turning 3-5 intersections into a group, turning lines into faces, and increasing the speed by about 20%. At present, there are more than 200 green wave belts built in Hangzhou, with a mileage of more than 300 kilometers, all over the urban area of Hangzhou. In their daily travel, Hangzhou citizens have unknowingly enjoyed the smooth convenience brought by the green wave belt.

Yesterday, Fang Yi, founder and CEO of Daily Interactive, accepted Love’s analysis and systematically shared his views and successful practices on urban traffic congestion management.

Fang Yi

Founder and CEO of Daily Interactive

Outstanding graduate of Zhu Kezhen College of Zhejiang University. Winner of the 4th "Youth May 4th Medal" and winner of the 10th "Youth Entrepreneurship Award".

The current executive committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the National Association for Science and Technology, the National Youth Federation, the Vice of Young Entrepreneurs, the National Information Security Standardization Technology Association, the Vice of Zhejiang Youth Federation, the Vice of Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce (Provincial Chamber of Commerce), the Vice of Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, the Vice of Hangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the Hangzhou CPPCC. The founded Daily Interactive successfully landed in the growth enterprises market in 2019 (code: 300766), becoming the first data intelligence enterprise in China to list on class A shares.

01 Urban traffic congestion management is the world’s most prominent problem in urban diseases, and daily interactions seek new breakthroughs in solutions

Love Analysis: Big report, we need to speed up the construction of a transportation power and figures, and improve urban water governance. Traffic congestion, as the most prominent and most global problem in "urban diseases", is very realistic and challenging to manage. At present, what are the common painpoints in the traffic control department in optimizing urban road condition management and serving citizens’ travel?

Fang Yi: Big, to accelerate the construction of a transportation power and digital, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Science and Technology have also jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Transportation Power Driven by Scientific and Technological Innovation" and the Outline of the Medium and Long-term Development Plan for Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Transportation Field (2021-2035). The development of the strategy and related policies has provided a good policy environment for the development of our data intelligence field and pointed out the development direction.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, our country’s economy will transition to high-quality development, and the volume of passenger and freight transportation will continue to grow. The main problems facing transportation governance are poor traffic flow in the core areas of cities and insufficient smart transportation coordination. According to official statistics, the number of cars in 70 cities in our country has exceeded 1 million. Traffic congestion is the most common, most frequent, most prominent and most world-wide problem in urban diseases, and its governance is very realistic and challenging. According to field observations and industry exchanges, we found that the current traffic control departments generally have the following pain points in optimizing urban road condition management and serving citizens’ travel:

First of all, the number of urban cars in our country, the number of drivers surged, the urban population continues to increase, traffic facilities gradually complex, but the city’s intersections, road sections of the digital construction is still not high, the lack of intelligent traffic coordination, data sharing system has not yet formed, resulting in the city’s overall road conditions online monitoring and analysis is difficult, single point intersection timing intelligent low, many intersections often empty or congestion phenomenon.

At the same time, traffic control departments are mostly based on manual experience, lack of big data support, and the effect of intersection signal timing after manual adjustment cannot be quickly and accurately verified. Closed-loop iterative optimization is difficult to achieve, and there is a lack of sufficient coordination between different intersections and regions. It is difficult to cope with the complex traffic conditions that change in real time throughout the region. Unreasonable single-point green signal ratio settings will have a significant impact on the traffic efficiency of intersections.

At present, many cities commonly use Australia’s SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) and Europe’s SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimizing Technique) system, its timing capabilities, adaptive capabilities, although very powerful, but data collection through urban roads coil or geomagnetic induction to achieve, its ground sensing equipment is often due to urban road planning adjustment, perennial traffic flow and frequent damage failure, and SCATS and SCOOT system is not "intelligent", timing personnel need "code level" ability, through the input of complex code scripts for timing, the use of high threshold, and the system for traffic police repeated temporary adjustment without "memory ability", it is difficult to precipitate experience, the formation of "reuse", can not flexibly respond to the ever-changing urban traffic conditions.

Finally, the investment in transportation infrastructure in various cities is huge, with hundreds of thousands of intersections at every turn. It is difficult to get through the data of different suppliers. The cost of "one game of chess" transportation intelligence in the entire city and region is high, and the hardware investment is large and the effectiveness is small.

In view of the above situation and pain points, Daily Interactive hopes to use cutting-edge technologies to assist in the innovation of traffic management concepts, management methods, and management models, and to improve the modernization, informatization, and intelligent water of traffic governance. This year, Daily Interactive has created a "Digital Smart Green Wave" product (hereinafter referred to as "Digital Smart Green Wave") for the field of smart transportation. This product can help the traffic police department to efficiently complete the intelligent timing of signal lights and the intelligent coordination and optimization of green wave routes, and realize the digital construction and intelligent scheduling management of road network traffic flow, better serve citizens’ travel, and improve the traffic management water in various cities.

In early 2022, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province plans to build (Wenzhou) Data Intelligence and Security Service Innovation Park (ie "Shu’an Port"). Daily Interactive has been deeply involved in it in the early days. When Shu’an Port is completed and operated, "Smart Transportation" happens to be released as Scenario 001. We hope that by relying on the establishment of Shu’an Port, we can make full use of our massive and vivid mobile Internet big data and capabilities, and deeply integrate multi-party dynamic data from traffic management departments, map service providers, and third-party data intelligence service providers for joint calculation, build a localized business system, and provide traffic management tools for traffic control departments to carry out intelligent application in the field of smart transportation.

Love Analysis: Compared with the traffic lights and manually coordinated green wave belt solutions of the traditional timing scheme, what innovations and breakthroughs have been made in solving the above pain points of the traffic control department by the "digital intelligence green wave" advocated by Daily Interactive?

Fang Yi: The so-called green wave belt is not a new concept, but a concept that has existed in the field of transportation for a long time. It refers to the fact that on a designated traffic line, when a vehicle travels at a specified speed, the signal controller adjusts the green light start time of each intersection that the traffic flow passes through according to the distance of the road section, so as to ensure that when the traffic reaches each intersection, it just encounters the "green light", thereby improving the overall traffic efficiency of the traffic line.

Our "digital intelligence green wave" product will use big data intelligent means to analyze the comprehensive traffic flow at intersections, optimize the single-point green signal ratio, improve the utilization efficiency of intersections under large traffic flow, and screen out the traffic arterial intersections suitable for the construction of green wave belts. By considering factors such as cycle time, surrounding scenes, road traffic direction, and driving speed, the algorithm is used to calculate the best signal and control parameters, increase the green wave coordination control, and ensure the smooth passage of vehicles on regional arterial roads by accurately segmenting the timing of intersection signals, thereby reducing delays and stopping times, and achieving the goal of "stop at most once".

The biggest feature of the daily interactive "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product is to connect and connect the data layer, and conduct data mining and analysis of traffic scenes such as traffic flow distribution, signal control characteristics, intersections and road characteristics, providing traffic distribution, green wave recommendation, green wave optimization and other service components, and then support specific operations such as intersection/road network visualization configuration and intersection coordination relationship research and judgment in specific traffic management applications, so as to achieve "data characterization, feature serviceization, and service application", allowing urban traffic control departments to analyze, respond to, and monitor road conditions in real time, especially for traffic police to quickly and dynamically adjust the timing of intersection lights under their jurisdiction according to real-time road conditions.

Compared with the traditional timing scheme, the "digital intelligence green wave" product can be quickly optimized according to the traffic flow data of the road surface, rather than the "fixed" scheme under the traditional timing, which is more practical and flexible; compared with the manually coordinated green wave scheme, the "digital intelligence green wave" product is supported by traffic flow data and intelligent algorithms, reducing the heavy dependence on expert experience, and the operation is simpler. There is no need for the front-line traffic police to master complex codes. After only one hour of simple training, the front-line traffic police can master the system proficiently, and can realize the one-click configuration of the green wave scheme. It can also be used to fine-tune single intersections and road sections by dragging and dragging. At the same time, digital intelligence green wave can be based on the overall coordination and control of the entire region to avoid the overall inefficiency of regional traffic caused by the lack of systematic thinking and local optimization of various intersections and road sections.

02 Daily interactive "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" products help urban transportation upgrade from "manual transmission" to "automatic transmission"

Love Analysis: What is the general working principle of the "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product? During this process, what core resources and technical capabilities have been mobilized by Daily Interaction to ensure the intelligence, efficiency and safety of the "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product?

Fang Yi: Our "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product, combined with Internet big data, provides personalized green wave signal control solutions in time periods, and conducts regular monitoring of green wave road sections, and makes decision-making and timing for green wave solutions that meet requirements, so as to realize the digitalization of road network traffic flow and intelligent scheduling management. Specifically, it can be understood from the following aspects:

Figure: Schematic of the solution architecture of the daily interactive "digital intelligence green wave"

Digital intelligence green wave architecture diagram, the latest .png

Our "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product uses big data joint computing as the underlying infrastructure to maximize the security of data flow computing. This is because, although the massive data of daily interaction is given to the system at the statistical level under the green scene, which fully complies with the requirements of the Personal Information Protection Law, Data Security Law and other relevant regulations, it also needs to integrate the data of the traffic control department and even third parties. Therefore, it needs to enter the private network through the border and integrate the data in the private network for computing to provide services for upper-level applications. In order to ensure product and data security, all the data are put on the state-owned big data joint calculation for joint calculation, to ensure that the original data source can enter and exit, can be counted and not recognized, can not be used, the algorithm is transparent and easy to supervise, and the calculation is safe and efficient.

In terms of basic capabilities, Digital Intelligence Green Wave connects with rich data sources, and uses a powerful system inside Daily Interactive – "DiOS Data Intelligent Operating System" for data governance and fusion calculation, generating signal control scheme suggestions. We use our own big data to perceive real-time traffic flow data on the road, and at the same time, under the coordination of the traffic control department, we will also access the traffic control department’s road network basic data (such as traffic lights, lane lines, etc.), traffic police business data, infrastructure sensing data, etc. for fusion calculation and cross-validation. In the future, it may even be integrated with more third-party maps and data from travel service providers, so that the traffic control department can make a more three-dimensional judgment on traffic flow and road conditions. So how do we manage and calculate so many sources of complex data? This requires the use of the DiOS data intelligent operating system. DiOS can fully mobilize the company’s core capabilities in digital modeling, security computing, visual intelligence, intelligent transportation, etc., perform fusion calculations on the basis of data governance of all parties, and "scene" all kinds of traffic data. It is used to analyze and mine the traffic flow characteristics and travel OD characteristics of various intersections, road sections, and regions, so as to generate corresponding signal control scheme suggestions, and provide simulation components to facilitate the simulation and prediction of the effects of different signal control schemes.

In terms of business applications and empower, our digital intelligence green wave is connected with SCATS and other systems through API and RPA, so as to carry out real-time transmission and execution of signal control solutions and support automatic delivery. At the same time, based on the regional and road network traffic characteristic data, the daily interaction provides functional modules such as road network housekeeper, signal control optimization, green wave, cockpit, operation monitoring, etc., which can perceive, analyze, and dynamically adjust and optimize the information control measures of the road network. Based on the above functional modules, the urban traffic control department can easily implement three-dimensional business applications such as macro-urban planning suggestions to mid-scale road network construction guidance and digital intelligence green wave services through self-filtering maps, green wave design, program delivery, effect prediction and optimization.

It is worth mentioning that the digital intelligence green wave can also carry out the overall coordination and system optimization of regional traffic in a "game of chess" style. In order to avoid the green wave belt in a certain direction destroying the traffic efficiency of the road crossing it, when the horizontal road is made into a green wave belt, our "digital intelligence green wave" product supports a traffic light intersection as the center, and all intersections in the area are aligned with it, so that the intersecting routes and directions can be matched into green wave belts to carry out the overall optimization of regional traffic "game of chess". Of course, traffic is impermanent, and traffic flow is constantly changing in real time. Therefore, the digital intelligence green wave must have the ability to respond to emergencies and continuously iterate and optimize. In the actual traffic management process, it is not realistic to pursue green lights at all intersections. Here, the traffic control department needs to make value judgments. In order to prevent the situation of "snakehead biting snake tail", Digital Intelligence Green Wave also supports "temporary solutions". Once a temporary emergency such as a traffic accident occurs at an intersection or road section, the signal light control can be quickly restored to the original state. When the temporary emergency is over, it can be restored to the green wave state, thereby eliminating traffic pressure. In addition, Digital Intelligence Green Wave can also use technologies such as short-term flow forecasting and variable lanes to make intelligent iterations of the green wave solution and build a closed-loop urban traffic management business.

Finally, it comes to the specific use level. One of the major advantages of our digital intelligence green wave products is the ease of use. The horizontal axis is a road, and the vertical axis is the time axis. When the left signal light phase is selected, the right signal light phase can be automatically aligned with one button. Through this relative alignment, the regional green wave band scheme can be quickly realized. With the assistance of the machine, the difficult "photoshop" can be changed into "Meitu Xiuxiu" in seconds, which greatly reduces the complexity of green wave signal control coordination and optimization, allowing the traffic control department to dispatch and manage road network traffic flow with a click of the mouse.

Love Analysis: What are the core values of "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" products for urban traffic management and people’s livelihood? What kind of cities and road sections are they mainly suitable for?

Fang Yi: From the working principle above, you can see that our "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product is based on the Internet-side big data fusion calculation, and builds urban green wave belts at a very low cost to help urban traffic control departments build digital traffic management systems, perceive and analyze road profiles in real time, and provide rational construction suggestions to quickly improve the fine and intelligent control of urban road traffic signals, creating a safe, orderly, smooth and civilized road traffic environment for the masses to travel.

It is worth mentioning that our "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product does not waste any sensors, but makes maximum use of the existing existing facilities and aggregates the data together to achieve "cross-domain data fusion" to provide mutual verification for the urban traffic control department. For example, in case of some extreme situations, the daily interactive traffic flow data changes rapidly, and the traffic control department can use its own data to calibrate the daily interactive traffic flow data; similarly, the daily interaction can also infer the unreasonable traffic facilities data of the traffic control department, and then complete it.

Figure: The main advantages of the daily interactive "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product

Digital Intelligence Green Wave Advantage.png

From the perspective of the scope of application, as long as it is a road section that has realized online control, it has the application basis of "digital intelligent green wave". At the same time, the daily interactive "digital intelligent green wave" product has its own set of metrics, such as the repetition rate of the number of vehicles entering a certain intersection and leaving the intersection, etc. We will make a comprehensive judgment based on the location of the road section and surrounding facilities. For example, we find that a road section is equivalent to a tunnel, and the repetition rate of cars entering and leaving is very high. Then we consider this road section to be a commuter road and suitable for green wave belts.

Love Analysis: It is understood that the daily interactive "Digital Intelligent Green Wave" products have been launched in Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Huzhou and other cities, and have received good feedback. So, can you systematically introduce the company’s construction ideas when helping urban traffic control departments implement the "Digital Intelligent Green Wave" project?

Fang Yi: From a physical perspective, the construction ideas of our Digital Intelligence Green Wave project can be divided into the following steps to achieve a closed loop from concept communication, diagnosis, design planning to scheme optimization and solidification.

The first is the concept submission. We will first throw out our understanding of urban traffic management, fully discuss with the traffic control department, and promote the two sides to reach an agreement on the concept; then, we will clarify the daily interaction based on the underlying data to empower the front-end business with intelligent algorithms, emphasizing the traffic control department, especially the front-line traffic police as the user experience, from the traditional industrial control field thinking mode to the Internet-oriented C-end thinking mode, improve the ease of use of the front end, and do not need to change any of the original urban traffic construction plan, which can be completed at a very low cost.

The second step is to start planning and design. The daily interactive "Digital Intelligence Green Wave" product uses the data of mobile Internet big data, traffic police departments and map service providers to automatically jointly calculate and generate roads suitable for green wave construction in cities, and supports manual intervention of recommended green wave road sections, which can be added, deleted and modified according to the actual situation. For example, in the Hangzhou Green Wave Belt project, we found more than 700 kilometers of roads suitable for green wave construction in Hangzhou based on our own measurement standards, and submitted their distribution map to the Hangzhou traffic control department for review and discussion.

The next step is to configure the green wave. Digital Intelligence Green Wave can combine road network data and data such as the speed and flow of corresponding road sections and intersections to intelligently recommend a number of road sections that are most suitable for the construction of the green wave belt, and calculate detailed green wave configuration plans to assist in the final green wave belt construction decision. The traffic police department can select specific road sections for the "green wave scheme" effect experience according to our recommendation results. Then, we use visual intersection stewards to achieve comprehensive input and visual display of green wave construction information such as signal infrastructure, channelization, and flow; at the same time, the road network stewards will integrate information such as road section length, historical vehicle speed, and road section characteristics to generate intelligent recommended vehicle speeds, providing speed guidance for the design of the green wave scheme and ensuring the green wave effect.

Next is the division of time periods and scheme design. Speaking of which, we have to mention the great advantage of our smart green wave products that are easy to use. Smart green wave supports the adjustment and optimization of green wave bands by simple dragging on the time and distance diagram. It can be adjusted individually according to different scenarios (schools, scenic spots), different time periods (morning, evening peaks, daytime peaks), different periods (working days, weekends), etc., and multiple green wave scheme designs for specific intersections and road sections can be carried out. The optimal green wave scheme can also be selected according to the monitoring data and control experience of the traffic control department on specific road sections.

Single-point optimization is also very valuable. In this link, we can combine intersection flow data, intersection characteristic data and intersection signal control data, and accurately optimize the single-point signal control scheme of all intersections in the area to produce a single-point recommended timing scheme divided by time period, which can be automatically or manually issued, or sent to the signal light control system after manual intervention of the single-point recommended timing scheme.

Finally, to the practice running and program optimization, solidification link. We will assist the traffic control department to optimize the overall and single-point green wave scheme in the selected road section for partial or comprehensive practice running, and real-time operation monitoring of the program effect, according to the actual regional, road network program application and then optimized, submitted to the city traffic control department for confirmation, so as to achieve the solidification of the green wave scheme for different intersections and different time periods.

Figure: Daily interactive intelligent green wave belt construction idea schematic

Project flowchart, update.png

In addition, from the perspective of specific service methods, the daily interactive "digital intelligence green wave" project construction process includes four steps of pilot mode, deployment, product use training, and product optimization and upgrading. During the pilot period, the daily interaction can provide some selected road sections of green wave belt construction and promise corresponding results, providing free training and free product iteration and upgrade services during the maintenance period.

Love Analysis: Can urban transportation be graded with reference to autonomous driving? What is the significance of this in helping smart city governance upgrade?

Fang Yi: Just as autonomous driving can be divided into five levels according to the degree of autonomy from "fully manual to fully automated", we believe that the degree of digital intelligence in urban traffic can also be graded according to the degree of intelligence in the control of traffic lights at various intersections in the city. Therefore, we have developed the "Smart Transportation 6L" classification concept.

Figure: Daily interactive "Smart Transportation 6L" grading concept

6L concept map.png

Level L1 means that there are signal lights at the intersection, which can be used for basic traffic control. Level L2 means that the signal lights at the intersection are connected to the Internet, and the traffic police can issue instructions remotely for single-point regulation. Level L3 is based on L2, and can perceive digital information such as the queue length and speed at the intersection through radar, cameras, geomagnetism and other equipment installed at the intersection, as well as big data on the Internet. Level L4 can analyze and model the data uploaded at the intersection to form a dynamic, data-guided closed-loop control. Level L5 is based on L4 to realize intelligent coordination of multiple intersections, such as the construction of "digital intelligence green wave belt". Level L6 is to achieve intelligent road management and control, that is, based on data modeling and analysis of regional road characteristics, business districts, schools, etc., it can achieve fine coordinated control of multiple intersections and comprehensively improve regional road functions.

The development process and scale of cities in our country vary greatly, and the investment progress of transportation infrastructure varies widely. Even in some relatively developed cities in the south, a large number of signal lights in the city may still be single-point level and have not been networked. Through the "Smart Transportation 6L" grading concept, the daily interaction can be based on the same language and measurement system with local traffic control departments to help cities find the specific coordinates of different intersections and road sections, and combine the urban transportation construction plan and budget of the year to communicate the upgrade plan of different intersections and road sections, such as upgrading from L1 to L2, or directly skipping to L3. At the same time, based on the agreed upgrade path, the daily interaction can complete the intelligent upgrade of urban transportation facilities at designated intersections and road sections within a certain period of time as agreed, and cooperate with cities to flexibly arrange the upgrade progress. This can greatly reduce the pressure on fiscal expenditure in each year, making the intelligent upgrade of urban transportation visible, controllable, and low-cost. It is expected that the daily interactive "digital intelligence green wave" products will initially be centered on the Yangtze River Delta and then rolled out nationwide.

03 Daily Interaction empowers domestic traffic intelligence with data intelligence core capabilities

Love Analysis: What are the plans for daily interaction in the future in terms of digitalization and intelligent upgrading in the field of transportation?

Fang Yi: In the field of transportation, we mainly have the following two aspects of planning:

In terms of urban transportation, as mentioned earlier, daily interaction will use big data in a very convenient way to achieve initial intelligence of urban transportation. The current is the "smart green wave" solution, and in the future, daily interaction will also use Wi-Fi sensing systems or other new road condition sensing systems in a more refined way, coupled with big data to close the loop, greatly reducing the construction cost of intelligent urban transportation.

In terms of high-speed transportation, Daily Interactive is currently cooperating deeply with Zhejiang Gaoxin Technology joint stock company, a subsidiary of Zhejiang Jiaotong Investment, to help it further deepen its expressway informatization business with DiOS data intelligent operating system; at the same time, Daily Interactive also uses its own technical capabilities to create an early warning system for abnormal situations on expressways, and actively participates in the management of abnormal situations such as highway throwing. Specifically, we use the high-speed "gantry" ETC data to calculate the instantaneous speed of each vehicle entering and leaving and the interval speed between the two gantries, and according to the speed and traffic flow changes between the gantries, combined with expressway cameras, quickly find problems on specific sections of the expressway and give timely warnings to reduce the risk of expressway accidents. At present, the early warning system for abnormal conditions on expressways has been able to detect abnormal sections in about one and a half to two minutes, and inform the expressway traffic police two to ten minutes before the accident so that they can arrive at the abnormal section in advance and quickly for processing. In the future, the daily interaction will further dig into the management scene of high-speed traffic, and continue to work hard to improve the informatization of expressways and reduce the accident rate of expressways.

Love Analysis: What other perspectives do you want to share on road network digitalization, urban transportation governance, and other aspects?

Fang Yi: Now there is a new trend in traffic governance to apply radar and video, but the cost and edge computing cost of this solution are relatively high. In recent years, our domestic computing resources have been greatly improved, but the computing power is ultimately limited, and the rational use of computing power resources has become the key to reducing costs and increasing efficiency. I think that many vehicles, especially new energy vehicles, are constantly emitting various wireless signals such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. If traffic management departments build wireless signals to build sensing devices above the ground rather than underground to manage traffic, the difficulty and cost will be much lower, and it will become a new paradigm.

"Digital Intelligence Green Wave" is the result of daily interaction and innovation for people’s livelihood needs. With the general trend of accelerating the construction of a transportation power, a network power, and digital, we are on the road of data intelligence at the right time, hoping to drive more social changes with data intelligence in the future.

Disclaimer: The market is risky, so choose carefully! This article is for reference only and is not a basis for buying or selling.

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Buy a Lynk & Co 071.5T, pure honors

In the past, domestic cars have always given people the impression that they are not good at technology and can only be configured purely. With the efforts of generations of Chinese auto craftsmen, not only has there been great progress in quality and cost performance, but also progress has been made in all aspects. Today, I will arrange it for you by the way. Here is a good introduction to it.

First of all, from the appearance point of view, the front of the Lynk & Co 07 adopts a very simple design, which looks very simple. With the sharp headlights, the refinement of the whole car has been greatly improved. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing, etc. To the side, the body size of the car is 4827MM*1900MM*1480MM, the car adopts fashionable and dynamic lines, the side circumference looks very full, with large-sized thick-walled tires, the shape is quite young and fashionable. Looking back, the rear looks relatively young and personalized, and the taillights give a very hard-edged feeling. The overall shape is still very durable.

When you come into the car, the interior looks very atmospheric and rich in functions. The steering wheel of the car is very in line with the interior style. It is equipped with functions such as manual up and down + front and rear adjustment of the steering wheel, steering wheel heating, etc., which gives a good grip experience. From the central control point of view, the center console design is reasonable, making the interior design quite layered, in line with the aesthetic standards of most consumers. The dashboard and seats are also eye-catching, and the car is equipped with a clean dashboard, which looks very tough. The car has leather seats, which are wide and thick, further improving the comfort of the driver and occupant.

The Lynk & Co 07 has good trunk space and can also expand storage space by reclining the rear seats, which is sufficient for daily use. In addition, the car is equipped with fatigue reminders, anti-lock brakes (ABS), LED daytime running lights, brake assistance (EBA/BAS, etc.), braking force distribution (EBD) main driver airbags, passenger seat airbags, side aircurtains, front side airbags, and other safety features.

I wonder if you are excited about the car introduced today? If you are also interested, you might as well take a test drive, which will definitely bring you a different feeling.

Autonavi releases a good rental 3.0 to help the network integrate with sustainable development

From technology integration to business integration, taxi network integration will usher in a critical year of sustainable development. On April 25, the Taxi New and Old Business Integration Development Seminar was held in Chongqing, attended by more than 100 taxi companies and network integration platform representatives from all over the country.

At the seminar, Autonavi released the "Good Rental 3.0" mobile network integration solution, which injected market-oriented vitality into mobile network integration and promoted the sustainable development of mobile network integration through price adjustment capabilities adapted to supply and demand, win-win business models and technology-driven service guarantees.

Wang Guixin, president of Autonavi Taxi, said that technology is the booster, marketization is the power source, and ecological win-win is the ultimate goal of the new business. As a participant in the integration of the network, Autonavi hopes to help introduce and enhance more market-oriented elements to help the cruise taxi industry rejuvenate.

Chief Designer of Beidou: Navigation accuracy comparable to GPS will serve the world in 2020

  It has become a "national weapon" and has global service capabilities within four years

  On June 12, 2016, the 23rd Beidou navigation satellite was successfully launched. Today, the Beidou navigation system’s services cover one-third of the world’s land, benefiting 4 billion population in the Asia-Pacific region, and its accuracy is comparable to GPS. Xie Jun, chief designer of the Beidou navigation satellite system, said in an interview with reporters that the Beidou satellite navigation system has endless potential, and as the Beidou system has global service capabilities in 2020, it will play a greater role in development and application. "Beidou is China’s Beidou, and it is the world’s Beidou." To some extent, it can be said that the Beidou system is the most competitive representative of China in the world’s scientific and technological competition. It is also the brand spokesperson of "Made in China".

  Wen, Guangzhou Daily reporter Xiao Huanhuan

  Serving the world in 2020

  Reporter: What is the principle of Beidou navigation?

  Xie Jun: Anyone familiar with GPS knows that satellite navigation actually determines the position information of the satellite by measuring the distance between the satellite and the ground station and determining the clock relationship between them. After knowing the position and time information of the satellite, the ground user can calculate his position after receiving the navigation signals of four satellites at the same time. This is the principle of satellite navigation and positioning.

  Reporter: After the successful launch of the eighth satellite, it was possible to navigate and locate. Why did so many satellites launch later?

  Xie Jun: In terms of navigation satellite constellation design, four factors are mainly considered: coverage, availability, integrity, and continuity. After the eighth Beidou navigation satellite is put into orbit, in principle, it can provide continuous and stable service capabilities to the regional area 24 hours a day. However, in order to improve the stability of the entire constellation, it is necessary to add some satellites, so that users can receive more satellite signals at the same time, and can more easily calculate their own positions. In addition, increasing the number of satellites can also improve the accuracy of navigation and positioning for end users.

  Reporter: What factors does the positioning accuracy of a navigation system depend on?

  Xie Jun: Positioning accuracy is the most important indicator in a navigation system. Positioning accuracy is closely related to navigation satellites, ground operation control, and user end points. Technically, there are measurement errors and clock errors in these parts, as well as ephemeris errors, atmospheric and ionospheric influences, which are all important factors affecting positioning accuracy. If these errors are corrected well, the positioning accuracy of the user machine will be high. Of course, there may be interference in the working environment of the user machine, which will also affect the positioning accuracy. There is also the geometric configuration of the satellite constellation. Good configuration is also very important to improve positioning accuracy.

  Reporter: How is our Beidou navigation system "three steps" strategy progressing now?

  Xie Jun: The overall idea of the design of the Beidou navigation system is to put the region first and then the world. Adopt a "three-step" development strategy. The first step is to establish a Beidou satellite dual-satellite positioning test system to form a regional active positioning and navigation service capability; the second step is to complete the launch of more than ten satellites in three orbits, build a regional navigation system, form a regional passive service capability, and provide positioning, navigation, timing, and short message communication services to the Asia-Pacific region; the third step is to build a Beidou global satellite navigation system composed of 5 geostationary orbit satellites and 30 non-geostationary orbit satellites, forming a global passive positioning service capability.

  In 2012, the Beidou satellite regional navigation system ushered in a 5-star intensive launch period from the eleventh to the fifteenth. Among them, the twelfth and thirteenth satellites and the fourteenth and fifteenth satellites were all launched with one arrow and two satellites. On October 25, 2012, the sixteenth Beidou navigation satellite was successfully launched, and the Beidou satellite regional navigation system completed all satellite launch tasks. So far, the space segment of the Beidou satellite regional navigation system consists of a constellation of 14 satellites distributed in different orbits, namely 5 geostationary orbit satellites, 5 tilted geostationary orbit satellites and 4 medium orbit satellites. China has fully completed the construction of the regional navigation system, forming a service capability covering most of the Asia-Pacific region.

  At present, the first two steps have been achieved, and China has become the fourth country in the world to have an independent satellite navigation and positioning system. China’s latest two Beidou navigation satellites have made a major breakthrough compared with the previous Beidou satellites. The localization rate of components has increased to 98%, and its key components such as "heart", "brain" and "iron bone" are all domestically produced. By 2020, 35 satellites will be launched and networked to provide services to global users. Beidou navigation accuracy is comparable to GPS. Reporter: You also mentioned before that our Beidou navigation system provides both active and passive positioning. This is one of our characteristics?

  Xie Jun: The service provided by GPS now is called passive positioning. It means that users can receive satellite signals for free without sending any signals to achieve their own location. The Beidou system provides two services. One is the same as GPS, allowing users to directly receive satellite signals for free in the area to achieve positioning. The other is active positioning, where users can report their location to other networks or command and control centers, and finally achieve positioning. Active positioning is widely used in dispatching systems and command systems. It can achieve rapid ground positioning, and the command and dispatch of related application industries will become easier. For example, just like the dispatching room of a bus, we can immediately know your location, and we can calculate how long you have been there in the past. This kind of active positioning is a feature of Beidou, and from the perspective of the development trend of satellite navigation, it is also something we should adhere to. One of the goals of the Beidou navigation system is to build active navigation and positioning and short message functions in 2020. This is a function that is not currently available in GPS. The short message function is that the satellite positioning end point and the Beidou satellite or the Beidou ground service station can directly transmit information in two directions through satellite signals, and GPS can only be transmitted in one direction. Compared with the first-generation binary satellite system, the Beidou satellite navigation system has begun to show more characteristics and advantages.

  Reporter: Why do we have more Beidou navigation system satellites than GPS?

  Xie Jun: Compared to the 24 satellites owned by the US GPS system, the Beidou satellite navigation system has 11 more satellites. Because it consists of three parts: the space segment, the ground segment, and the user segment. The space segment includes 5 geostationary orbit satellites and 30 non-geostationary orbit satellites. The ground segment includes several ground stations such as the main control station, the injection station, and the monitoring station. The user segment includes the Beidou user end point and the end point compatible with other satellite navigation systems. We have more satellites than GPS because the constellation design of the two systems is different.

  Beidou belongs to China and the world

  Reporter: How far is Beidou navigation compared to GPS in the United States?

  Xie Jun: In the field of satellite navigation, the United States is indeed one step ahead. Its GPS should have provided services in 1994. When our country officially launched the construction of the Beidou navigation system in 1994, it was almost 20 years later than the GPS navigation system. This is a huge pressure for us and a driving force. We only entered a fast lane in 2000. In 2004, we only had one channel for active positioning, so the number of users was very limited. Relative to the number of unrestricted GPS users, it is incomparable to them, and it may not even be one ten thousandth of them. By the end of 2012, we could basically cover most of the Asia-Pacific region, and we achieved this active and passive service in China and surrounding areas. We are still in a period of rapid development. Nowadays, in China or the surrounding areas of China, we are on par with GPS.

  In terms of application, it should be said that it is not as good as GPS, but in terms of accuracy, it is already comparable to GPS. With our supporting ground augmentation system, it should be said that the accuracy is now meter-level, and some companies in individual industries have achieved a level better than meter-level. Of course, users who are willing to use Beidou can use Beidou, and who are willing to use GPS can use GPS. I believe that due to some characteristics of Beidou, there will be more and more users of Beidou in the end. Beidou is China’s Beidou and the world’s Beidou. Don’t worry about the elderly walking with Beidou.

  The Beidou navigation system is closely related to the lives of ordinary people. The concepts of "vehicle to everything", "wearable devices" and "Internet of Things" that are currently hot in the market are all inseparable from Beidou. Taking "wearable devices" as an example, domestic companies have launched products related to the Internet of Things and wireless communication technology based on the Beidou satellite positioning system. End point provides the elderly with applications such as one-click calls, one-click emergency help, voice reminders, and wireless collection of medical data such as blood pressure and ECG. After the elderly bring the end point products, they will be connected to the intelligent service platform, and their families can keep abreast of the elderly’s location and physical condition at any time. They can also set up protective circles and voice reminders to contact healthcare workers.

  In addition, Beidou has also played a role in self-driving tours, adventure tours and other tourism fields. For mountaineering enthusiasts, Beidou positioning services can ensure that they can be rescued at any time after an accident.

  Reporter: Now the United States has GPS, Russia has its own satellite navigation system, and Europe has its own system. Is it necessary to have so many navigation systems?

  Xie Jun: In fact, experts in the United States have also talked about this issue before. They said, do the world really need four major systems or several major systems? Each system requires more than 20 satellites to form its own independent network, so the four major systems will definitely be hundreds of navigation satellites in the future. Is there such a need? But later we found that in fact, countries have their own special requirements, but the ultimate benefit is the user. He can choose Beidou or GPS, which is very convenient and accurate. With a compatible foundation, users have more choices and more services.

  Reporter: Is it safer to use our own system?

  Xie Jun: We know that any system design, including the current network, has backdoors. You can use other people’s system backdoor keys to master in the hands of others. My own system should be said to be very reassuring. Before 2010, we still had to rely on foreign imports for some key components, such as some computer processing chips, some memory, and large-scale integrated circuits. But after that, some of the large components on the Beidou satellite were all developed by ourselves, such as atomic clocks, high-power amplifiers, and some precision measurement components, all of which were developed by our country’s enterprises.

  Reporter: What are the advantages of the Beidou system compared to GPS?

  Xie Jun: The first is compatibility and interoperability. This will bring many benefits to users, because users can receive more navigation satellite information at the same time, and it is more convenient to calculate their own position, speed, and time, and the accuracy is also higher. After the Beidou system is compatible with other systems, you can use Beidou when the Beidou signal is strong, and use GPS to help you correct it and help improve the accuracy of navigation services. As early as a few years ago, many companies have begun to try to manufacture receivers that can receive Beidou, GPS, and GLONASS systems. After the world’s four major satellite navigation systems reached a compatibility and interoperability agreement, the compatibility between systems is completely no problem.

  Secondly, one of the goals of the Beidou navigation system is to build active navigation and positioning and short message functions in 2020. This is currently a function that Glonass and GPS do not have.

  Reporter: What is the application prospect of the Beidou navigation system?

  Xie Jun: Since the official provision of regional services on December 27, 2012, the Beidou Navigation Regional System has been operating continuously, stably and reliably, and its services cover one-third of the world’s land, benefiting 4 billion population in the Asia-Pacific region, reflecting China’s responsibility and status.

  The implementation of the Beidou project has led to the development of satellite navigation, surveying, electronics, components and other technologies in our country. It has been widely used in the fields of transportation, communication, electric power, surveying and mapping, disaster prevention and relief in our country, and has driven industrial transformation and upgrading. Specific to the lives of ordinary people, it can provide continuous, stable and reliable navigation and positioning services for the surrounding areas of our country. We have many systems and many users, and it has unique functions in the field of transportation, geodetic surveying and mapping, and emergency disaster relief command and dispatch in agriculture and fisheries.

  For example, everyone’s car is equipped with a standard car navigation system, which is an example of the application of satellite navigation systems. At the same time, there are some watches that indicate leisure travel, and some indicators are also realized by using our satellite navigation system. In the future, we will also build a navigation system that serves the world. It can be said that the Beidou satellite navigation system has strong strength and endless potential.

Andy Lau’s 40th anniversary live broadcast, turn off the reward function, and thank fans for new songs.

1905 movie network news On July 29, a rare live broadcast on social platforms was held with the theme of commemorating the 40th anniversary of his debut. Andy Lau commented on his 40 years of debut: "40 years, celebrate, of course celebrate. But instead of celebrating a person’s 40 years of fame, it is celebrating a person’s 40 years of serious work."

On the same day, Andy Lau sang a new song "Accompanying to the End" specially written for fans. The lyrics of the lyrics "I never thought that anyone would meet me like this, and then I have no bottom line in my life. Accompanying to the end" contains a deep gratitude to the fans. With the song, Andy expressed his gratitude to the fans who have been with him for many years. Without the support of fans, he could not have come to this day. In addition to giving feedback to fans, Andy is very grateful to his comrades-in-arms who have worked with him during this period, including friends in front and behind the stage, musical partners and his good colleagues. Without everyone’s efforts, there would be no Andy Lau today. Andy promises to continue to fight side by side with everyone "Accompanying to the end" in the days to come, just like the lyrics.

During the live broadcast, Andy Lau also turned off the platform’s tipping function. When the audience sent a bullet comment asking for a gift for him, Andy said, "Look at me a few more times." The host next to him also helped to explain that he turned off the gift-giving to make everyone more attentive. This warm-hearted move immediately triggered a heated discussion on the Internet and received numerous praise.

The netizens also sent blessings to the idol Andy Lau for the first time, calling it a "well-deserved idol benchmark": "No matter how many years have passed, Andy will always be a superstar in his heart!" "It is not without reason that he can be popular for 40 years. Whether it is popularity or character, Andy is unmatched." "The live broadcast lasted nearly 3 hours, the cumulative number of viewers 100 million, and the likes 962 million, but there is no gift for a penny. Who else?"