After the age of 30, there are five differences between runners and non-runners. What kind are you?

A few days ago, I talked with my friends about the changes over the years. Many people talked about the reunion after graduation, and the most amazing ones were the old classmates.Changes in figure.

When I was studying, I was full of energy, including physical education class, sports fields and various ball games. When I was young, my basic metabolism was also strong. Even if I had enough food every meal, I would still worry about my thin figure. Girls still have collagen all over their faces even without expensive skin care products.

After the age of 30, whether it is career or health, it will be a turning point in life.It may not take three or five years for people to pull out an insurmountable gap.

Running and not running are two completely different lives. What’s the difference in five years?

First of all,The body will be very different.

After the age of 30, the metabolism slowly decreases.About 5% to 10% every ten years.This means that even if you eat as much as you used to, you will gradually get fat. Some people say that drinking water will make you fat, and many factors are due to the decline of basal metabolism.

If you don’t exercise, with eating, drinking and having fun, many middle-aged people will unconsciously gain weight, and soon you will find that the middle-aged image is possessed, which will naturally look greasy.

On the contrary,If you can keep your exercise habits and run regularly, you can make up for the decreased basal metabolism.At least you won’t get fat so soon. You can still maintain your youthful image at the reunion 10 years after graduation. Even some friends who like fitness can practice mermaid line, vest line, peach hip and unicorn arm. This figure is really enviable.

Second, the obvious advantages of physical fitness.

After the age of 30, the secretion of growth hormone decreases. If we lack a certain intensity of exercise in our lives, our skeletal muscle will decrease by 1% to 2% every year.

The best medicine to fight aging is to keep exercising.People who run regularly have good cardiopulmonary function, tight muscles and well-proportioned figure.

Many people feel that after running for a period of time, they become less tired. In fact, this is the performance of improving their physical fitness.

The body is the capital of the revolution. The better the physical fitness, the less likely it is to get tired.When we are tired, our brain will be deprived of oxygen, and we will yawn uncontrollably. This is that our body is helping you to increase your oxygen intake.

And running can improve people’s aerobic capacity, so that the body will never lack oxygen and be full of vitality.

Under the heavy study burden and work pressure, running is the best choice if you want to keep your body full and your brain awake.

Third, the difference between face value and temperament

After the age of 30, with the growth of age, the skin gradually relaxes, and the face value will also drop greatly. I have been working in front of the computer for a long time, hunched unconsciously, keyboard player, and temperament gradually declined.

For people who insist on running for a long time, due to sweating every day and expelling toxins from the body, the skin will become tight, smooth and elastic, and people who lose their facial features will become more stereoscopic.

If you don’t exercise, you can’t enjoy the benefits of exercise. With the growth of age, the aging speed of the body will also accelerate, and the function will also decline rapidly.

Running may not have an immediate effect on your appearance, but if you keep running, you will feel happy and confident. Every time you finish running, you will sweat profusely and take a cold bath, feeling as if you have become lighter and better.

In the long run,Running regularly helps to shape your body.And a good figure is the embodiment of self-discipline. I think you will become more and more confident because of your appearance, and self-confidence will bring you a unique temperament.

Fourth, the difference of state

Runners tend to be more self-disciplined, such as going to bed early and getting up early, eating properly and exercising regularly. Because you want better exercise effect, besides the necessary running training, you need to adjust your daily diet, exercise habits and work and rest habits.

On the contrary, people who don’t exercise are not necessarily wasting their time, but they often show indulgence and laziness in their diet and living habits: playing mobile phones, indulging in games, staying up late and so on.

After a few years, the pressure of life and work will make people bow their heads. If you feel mental stress for a long time, your state will become low and your eyes will gradually dim. People who insist on running can release pressure and collect positive energy during exercise, and their mood is still full, their eyes are still transparent and their vitality is still the same.

After all, there is a big difference between running and not running, whether it is health index or mental outlook. So what kind of person would you choose to be?If you want to change yourself, you might as well start now!

After running, what do you think is different from your peers?

Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories "Love Story in Late Spring" was published: becoming Han Songluo who wrote novels.

Reporter Qu Peng
Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories in late spring, Love Story in Late Spring, was recently published by People’s Literature Publishing House. With the unique brushwork of the northwest land, it coldly observed and meticulously recorded its own stories of the times.
The six short stories in Love Story in Late Spring all revolve around "running away". Without exception, they all run away, looking for themselves or the future, or a running-away ceremony that has no purpose, no end and no answer, but must be completed.
In The Fish Tank and the Sunlight, the novel takes Li Zhiliang’s "running away" as the anchor point, and begins to exert its strength and spread outward: the low-frequency noise of the fish tank, the boredom of adolescence, and the conversation of psychologists … Finally, the ultimate fate of all people is running away, and the destination of running away is not going to prosperity or the city, but to the wilderness, madness and a long road with no return.
"Love Song for Remy Young" describes the musical memory of a generation in the 1990s. Teenagers who dream of Guangdong and small towns shrouded in prosperity, people who want to be famous and fearless. He focused on the fate of the little people. After several years, the music ensemble, can everything be the same?
In the Golden Age of Remy Young, the hero Remy Young is trapped in a dirty, chaotic and crowded family, and he is eager to break out of the shackles and build a beautiful new world. As a teacher, he entered the space of the other, which is also true and false, and also ushered in his golden age, because he investigated the students who impersonated the college entrance examination. However, after leaving the wilderness again and again, he was shocked that everyone was telling and confessing, spreading dark rumors to the world. Finally, with a sigh, return to his real world.
My Father’s House of Fantasies is a inner senses connected with the real world, which is constructed in fantastic imagination. The sudden disappearance of my father when I was young made the building he designed a fantastic space for me. With the mystery of my father’s disappearance, "I" kept searching until the appearance of "Xu Lihu", which made me find some clues …
The opening of Love Story in Late Spring is the return of Pu Yilin. Lin, who has been abducted for more than 20 years, "went home", and the joy he recovered, familiar and unfamiliar relatives and friends, guilt and hatred hung over the Pu family for an instant. After the ups and downs, mother Fengtai fell into endless assumptions: if he was shown the "White Pagoda" near his home, could he get it-his son never left home, so he didn’t have to accept everything in front of him in a hurry and panic?
"Lonely Hunter" is the twilight, when "she" dials the phone number randomly generated in her mind, her unstable mood and whispers with no fixed destination. Don’t cross the line, don’t trespass, just simply vent everything. When the "beep" sounds, I return to the scene and look around as if nothing had happened …
Han Songluo
Han Songluo was born in Xinjiang and lived in Gansu. His life for more than forty years has been based on the northwest land. He added new content to northwest writing by his own way of not sticking to traditional writing techniques and narrative skills. According to Zhang Yiwei, a writer, Han Songluo’s novels are "westerns" of China’s contemporary literature. Zhang Li, a professor at the College of Literature of Beijing Normal University, also said that Han Songluo’s writing is full of fantasy and deep sense of reality, with a distant, wild and chilly wind. He is an unforgettable writer who brings new temperament. Perhaps it is precisely because of his delicate and never lazy perception of the changes of the four seasons in the northwest and everything around him, spying, thinking and writing that his words and works were cast. "Not everyone has to sing the same song, he has his own movement", which is perhaps the best annotation for him. He lived and wrote as a shadow, dancing in the county town, Shan Ye and fantasy.
It has been nearly 20 years since Han Songluo began to write prose at the age of thirteen or fourteen and published his works in 1995. He is Han Songluo who writes columns, film reviews, music reviews and even lyrics, but he is always Han Songluo who writes prose. Han Songluo, who has written a column for eighteen years, returned to the road of novel creation after he had finished supporting his family, buying a house and obtaining financial resources. First came Night in Spring Mountain, then Love Story in Late Spring. He began to write for himself, not for anything else.
Writers Li Xiuwen and Han Songluo have been close friends for many years. He has been recommending Han Songluo’s novels to people. Those brilliant and gloomy, running away and returning, those "serial" traditions and wilderness characteristics, those mysterious pursuits and teachings under the stars have been constantly experimented and refined by Han Songluo, and finally formed a fascinating novel world. "Now, as a novelist, he has finally been seen by more people. As his friend and colleague, I am deeply proud.
Readers who are familiar with Han Songluo know that many of his works contain the word "spring". For him, "spring" is like a self-evident code word between him and words and readers. Han Songluo said that when he was young, it took great courage to say that he liked flowers. However, it is hard for people who have really lived in the northwest not to fall in love after truly feeling the spring. In the northwest, spring is the beginning of everything, and flowers are so important. Now he can finally speak out his longing for spring and his love for flowers, which is a great freedom and unspeakable happiness. Therefore, the main element of the cover design of Love Story in Late Spring is a hazy, gorgeous and blooming flower, which comes from the famous Spanish photographer Paula Codo?er.

"Dragon and Lion Lantern Festival in Zhangjiajie" 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition started on February 22nd.

Dragon and lion dance to make the Lantern Festival, and colorful folk customs celebrate the Spring Festival. The reporter learned that the two-day 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition will be held at 9: 00 on February 22nd in the basketball hall of He Long Sports Center. At that time, 15 dragon and lion teams will compete on the same stage, presenting a cultural feast with international elements and national characteristics for the general public and tourists.
The theme of this activity is "Dragon and Lion Lantern Festival in Zhangjiajie", aiming to meet the diverse cultural needs of the citizens through high-end sports events and actively create a festive, civilized and harmonious holiday atmosphere. Sponsored by Hunan Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee Office, Propaganda Department of CPC Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, Zhangjiajie Cultural Tourism Radio, Film and Television Sports Bureau, Zhangjiajie yongding county Committee of CPC and Zhangjiajie yongding county People’s Government, undertaken by Zhangjiajie Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee Office, Propaganda Department of CPC Zhangjiajie Yongding District Committee, Zhangjiajie yongding county Cultural Tourism Radio, Film and Television Sports Bureau, and jointly implemented by Zhangjiajie Media Center (Media Group), Zhangjiajie yongding county Cultural Center and Hunan Xiangbao Culture Development Co., Ltd.
The activity is divided into three items: the lion dance routine competition (including the Southern Lion and the Northern Lion), the traditional dragon dance competition, and the dragon lion He Chun performance. At that time, there will be 10 dragon and lion teams from all provinces and cities in China and nearly 200 members from 5 local dragon dance teams in Zhangjiajie. It is worth mentioning that this event not only shows professionalism, but also reflects internationalization. Some contestants come from South Sudan, Liberia, Morocco, Bangladesh and other countries. Among them, the winning team in the competition on February 22 will be invited to perform a dragon and lion performance in Dayong Ancient City on February 24 to have fun with the people and welcome the Spring Festival. It is reported that the 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival Dragon and Lion Competition is a sub-activity of the 2024 Zhangjiajie Lantern Festival National Tide Carnival. In order to create a festive and peaceful festival and let the general public and tourists know about Zhangjiajie’s traditional folk culture and intangible cultural heritage, a series of activities will be held during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, such as the Spring Festival Market Cultural Festival, the Lantern Festival, the first Zhangjiajie Flour Carnival and the Guoyun No.1 Art Lantern Exhibition.

China Huarong officially announced that the liquidity crisis of Sunshine City, the parent company of Sunshine City, is expected to ease.

Our reporter Li Beibei reports from Shanghai.

With the support of policies, AMC (Asset Management Company) is accelerating its involvement in the real estate industry and becoming an important force to speed up the clearing of risks.

On August 5, China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (02799.HK, hereinafter referred to as "China Huarong") published a message on its WeChat account, revealing that recently, China Huarong and Sunshine Longjing Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sunshine Group") signed the Framework Agreement on Bailout Restructuring and held a meeting on strategic cooperation in bail-out.

Gao Gan, assistant to the president of China Huarong, said: "China Huarong will give full play to its rich experience in the field of problem enterprise bail-out and non-performing assets revitalization, and help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger and be reborn."

"Help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger"

On August 5th, China Huarong posted a message on WeChat, revealing that in order to implement the relevant requirements of the state on stabilizing the real estate market, ensuring the property and stabilizing people’s livelihood, and further promoting the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry, China Huarong has comprehensively promoted the bail-out cooperation with relevant market entities. Recently, it has signed the Framework Agreement on Bailout Restructuring with Sunshine Longjing Group Co., Ltd. and held a bail-out strategic cooperation meeting. However, as for the specific content of the framework agreement and the scale of bail-out, the article did not disclose it, and the telephone number announced by China Huarong official website also showed an empty number.

"China Huarong will give full play to its rich experience in the field of problem enterprise bail-out and non-performing assets revitalization business, and help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger and be reborn." On the same day’s strategic cooperation meeting, Gao Gan, assistant to the president of China Huarong, introduced that the rescue of Sunshine Longjing Group was a concrete measure to implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and relevant departments on resolving risks in the real estate market.

Lin Tengjiao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sunshine Group, said that in the face of liquidity difficulties and debt risks caused by economic downturn and COVID-19 epidemic, Sunshine Group actively carried out self-help, and this cooperation will add more powerful motivation and confidence to the future development of Sunshine Group.

According to public information, Sunshine Longjing Group is a family business jointly held by Lin Tengjiao and his brother Lin Weimin’s wife Wu Jie, among which Lin Tengjiao holds 98% of the shares of Sunshine Longjing Group. Through Sunshine Longjing Group, Lin Tengjiao and Wu Jie have invested in 12 enterprises, among which Wu Jie enjoys about 14.03% of the ultimate beneficial shares of the listed company Sunshine City (000671.SZ) and is the actual controller of Sunshine City; Lin Tengjiao’s ultimate beneficial share is about 13.18%.

In the second half of 2021, Sunshine City began to have a liquidity crisis, and then the company began to actively resolve it.

In order to solve the company’s debt problem, Lin Tengjiao raised funds everywhere, resigned from the director of Industrial Bank, moved nearly 4 billion yuan to subsidize Sunshine City, and cashed in the equity of Wanwuyun worth 3.052 billion yuan. In May this year, he also sold about 15% of his other listed company Longjing Environmental Protection (600388.SH, Fujian Longjing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) for 1.734 billion yuan.

As of June 23, the debt situation announced by Sunshine City shows that as of the date of announcement, the total principal amount of the company’s overdue debts (including loans from financial institutions, partners’ money, open market-related products, etc.) is 37.688 billion yuan, of which: in the open market, the unpaid principal and interest of overseas open market bonds totaled 165 million US dollars, and the unpaid principal and interest of domestic open market bonds totaled 13.391 billion yuan. In April this year, the central bank called a number of banks and five national asset management institutions (AMC) to hold a meeting to discuss the rescue of real estate enterprises in danger. Sunshine City was among the 12 real estate enterprises that were rescued at that time.

As of press time, the reporter of China Times failed to obtain detailed information about the above agreement from Sunshine Longjing Group (Sunshine Holdings) and Sunshine City Group. However, before that, on July 19th, Sunshine City Group emphasized to the reporter of China Times that Sunshine City is actively promoting the resumption of production of projects in various places. In 2022, the company will no longer aim at sales, but establish "ensuring delivery and production" as the most important task of the year.

At present, Sunshine City has set up a "10W+ Delivery Special Working Group" to implement a "one plan, one policy" for projects with risky delivery, and make overall arrangements for funds to ensure the payment of important and difficult projects with fast progress, great risks and wide influence; At the same time, communicate with suppliers, creditors and project partners to avoid passive shutdown of the project; For major and difficult projects that have fallen into passive shutdown, we will mobilize superior resources to support them and strive for the resumption of work and production.

Stimulated by the good news of China Huarong’s official bail-out, on August 5, Sunshine City closed at HK$ 2.05 per share, up 3.02%.

AMC stepped up admission

Official website showed that China Huarong was established on November 1, 1999. It is one of the four state-owned financial asset management companies established in response to the Asian financial crisis, defusing financial risks, and promoting the reform of state-owned banks and extricating state-owned enterprises from difficulties. It was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of October 2015. The company’s main businesses include non-performing assets management, financial services business, and asset management and investment business, among which non-performing assets management is the core business of China Huarong.

According to public information, China Huarong has given a lot of support to real estate enterprises in danger during the year: before reaching a strategic cooperation with Sunshine City, China Huarong participated in the debt restructuring of Fantasia, and its Jiangsu branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zhongnan Construction (000961.SZ) in May this year to support the company’s transformation and development; On August 2, China Huarong Beijing Branch reached a settlement with Xinhualian (000620.SZ) and its subsidiaries on two restructuring debts totaling 1.274 billion yuan.

In fact, since the end of 2021, regulators including China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Central Bank, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have voiced their support and encouraged AMC to resolve real estate financial risks by directly purchasing bank claims of housing enterprises in difficulty. In January 2022, the financial management department convened a meeting of several financial AMCs to study AMC’s participation in asset disposal, project mergers and acquisitions and related financial intermediary services of venture real estate enterprises in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law.

Encouraged by the policy, AMC, including China Huarong, is accelerating its entry into the ranks of housing enterprises.

According to the statistics of Kerry Real Estate Research Center, under the guidance of policies, China Cinda, China Huarong and Great Wall Assets have participated in the rescue of housing enterprises. "As a professional non-performing asset disposal institution, AMC’s entry is obviously beneficial to asset revitalization, liquidity improvement and debt risk resolution in the real estate industry. At the same time, the increase in the demand for disposal of non-performing assets has also brought more business opportunities to AMC. " Kerry Real Estate Research Center pointed out.

For example, on March 14 this year, Great Wall Assets, one of the four national AMCs, issued 10 billion yuan of financial bonds for real estate financial risk resolution; In April, Great Wall Assets signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Communications Group. The two sides will cooperate in the fields of state-owned enterprise reform and restructuring, real estate industry risk resolution, "two non-two-capital" divestiture and disposal, and non-performing assets revitalization.

Kerry Real Estate Research Center emphasizes that in addition to national AMC, local AMCs will also accelerate their entry. For example, on July 19th, Zhengzhou Real Estate Group and Henan Assets jointly established Zhengzhou Real Estate Relief Fund, which participated in the relief work such as revitalizing the problem real estate and rescuing the housing enterprises in difficulty through asset disposal, resource integration and restructuring of consultants.

However, it is worth noting that some insiders pointed out that because many of their businesses are related to real estate, some AMC’s real estate risk exposure is not small. For example, in the 2021 annual report, China Huarong revealed that "the Group mainly conducts special opportunity investment business based on non-performing assets through subsidiaries such as Huarong Rongde. In 2021, Huarong Rongde’s net loss was RMB 661.6 million, mainly due to the deterioration of the operation and financial situation of some real estate enterprises’ customers and the decline of their performance ability. Huarong Rongde confirmed a large credit impairment loss in the current period. "

In the research report, Kerui Real Estate Research Center also pointed out that the cooperation process with AMC is still slow due to the uneven assets of real estate enterprises in danger and the complicated debt and creditor’s rights problems, and most of them remain in the agreement stage: "On the whole, the effect of the ‘AMC+ real estate enterprises in danger’ model remains to be further seen. In the period of exploring the way out, the industry still has to give priority to self-help, and survive the difficult period by means of debt extension, asset sale and other conventional means. "

Bai Wen Xi, chief economist of IPG China, bluntly told the reporter of China Times that the premise for AMC to give full play to the advantage of "disposing and sorting out non-performing assets" is to obtain the asset management right of the real estate enterprises in danger. "AMC can only become a supporting role and resource provider for these real estate enterprises to save themselves, but can’t become the leader of asset disposal, which naturally extends the actual effective period after AMC’s appearance." Bai Wenxi said.

Editor in Charge: Zhang Bei Editor in Chief: Zhang Yuning


Being away from the sun can make you look twenty years younger.

Being away from the sun can make you look twenty years younger.

Forget glugging countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun.
Stop being crazy about drinking water and sleeping beauty sleep. There is actually only one secret to staying young: staying away from the sun.

A study of hundreds of women has revealed that those who avoided the sun’s rays looked up to 20 years younger than they actually are.
After investigating hundreds of women, a study found that those women who stay away from the sun’s radiation look 20 years younger than their actual age.

However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion, from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to hold back the hands of time.
Other universally recognized principles of maintaining youthful appearance, such as drinking more water, sleeping beauty sleep and exercising regularly, can’t stop the ruthless years from leaving marks on the face.

Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasn’t possible, made a difference, the American Academy of Dermatology’s annual conference will hear today.
The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology will announce this discovery: only by staying away from the sun, or wearing sunscreen when you have to be exposed to the sun, can you resist the years for several rounds.

The intriguing finding comes from a study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed about their lives, including whether they were sun-worshippers.
This interesting discovery comes from a study of 231 women of all ages. The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey on their living habits, including whether they like to bask in the sun.

When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US – commissioned by skincare firm Olay – guessed how old the women were, they found those who took care in the sun tended to have aged more slowly.
Subsequently, commissioned by Olay, a skin care company, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital estimated the age of these women and found that women who took sunscreen measures aged more slowly.

A lucky four had so few wrinkles and age spots, and such a glowing complexion, that they appeared to be a full two decades younger than they really were.
Four of them have almost no wrinkles and age spots, so radiant that they look twenty years younger than their actual age.

Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball, a professor of dermatology, said the popular perception that we drink lots of water to stay healthy is a myth and the body is ‘pretty good’ at judging how much we need.
Researcher Dr. Alex Kimble, a professor of dermatology, said that the popular view that drinking more water can keep you healthy is nonsense, and our bodies can accurately judge the amount of water we need.

Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a similar conclusion.
Previously, the British Nutrition Association’s research also reached a similar conclusion.

Experts there said: ‘Just drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect on improving the appearance of skin.’
Experts from the association said: "Drinking water for the sake of drinking water really won’t improve the skin."

It isn’t clear why the women who slept well didn’t have younger-looking skin. But it may be that the question they were asked was too narrow and didn’t take into account their long-term sleep patterns.
As for why women with good sleep quality can’t have younger skin, the reason is not clear. However, this may be because the coverage of the questionnaire is too narrow and the long-term sleep patterns of the subjects are not taken into account.

A second study, also by Olay, suggested that low-level day to day exposure to the sun is more ageing that occasional, intense blasts.
The second study initiated by Olay Company shows that frequent exposure to low-intensity sunlight is more likely to make people aging than occasional exposure.

Finally, DNA examination of tiny samples of the women’s skin gave some insight into the damage done by the sun.
Finally, the researchers conducted genetic testing on female skin samples, which gave us a general understanding of the damage caused by sunlight to the skin.

A gene called CDKN2A was more active in facial skin that is exposed to the elements than on samples taken from the buttocks.
The researchers found that the gene named CDKN2A is more active in facial skin exposed to sunlight than hip skin away from sunlight.

This gene was also more active in women who said they loved the sun – and in those who looked older.
The gene is also more active in women who love sunshine-and these women look older.

Dr Kimball said CDKN2A activity is a sign that a cell is ‘tired out’ and urged women should protect their skin year round and not just when on a beach holiday.
Dr. Jin Bo said that the activity of CDKN2A gene means that cells are actually in distress, so she called on women to take skin care measures all year round, instead of waiting for a beach holiday to think about sun protection.

Dr Frauke Neuser, principal scientist at Olay, which has used the research to develop its latest face creams, said: ‘This research gives us a detailed picture of the effect of sun exposure on skin ageing and illustrate the importance of protection on a daily basis.’
Dr. flock Neuhser, the leading scientist of Olay, used these research findings to develop the latest cream. He said: "This study gives us a detailed understanding of the effects of sunlight on skin aging, indicating that daily skin care is very important."

English source: Daily Mail
Translator: Zhao Xiaoyi
Revising & Editing: Dany

Group map+video 丨 strong confrontation! Lingao Volleyball Championship kicks off with passion.

Original title: group picture+video, strong confrontation! Lingao Volleyball Championship kicks off with passion.

Click to view more videos.

New Hainan client, Nanhai net February 18 news (reporter Wang Chengxian) strong confrontation! On the afternoon of February 18th, 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Competition (hereinafter referred to as Lingao Volleyball Competition) was held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. Four strong volleyball teams from Ding ‘an, Haikou, Lingao and Chengmai will compete fiercely for three days, which will blow the battle to win the championship. As one of the great volleyball events in the opening year of Lingao, Lingao Volleyball Championship has attracted many excellent players from the island, and it is also another important event in western Hainan after the "Village BA" in the East. In 2023, in the first men’s nine-player volleyball classic in China, Hainan team won the championship with a 3:1 victory over Guangdong Taishan team, which made Hainan volleyball quickly become popular on the Internet. The competition system also adopts the rules of men’s volleyball nine-a-side, with three wins in five games in each game, and the top four teams finally decide the ranking according to the total score.

No.2 player of Haikou team struggled to smash. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

On the afternoon of February 18th, 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Championship was held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lin ‘gao Volleyball Championship Competition Site. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lin ‘gao Volleyball Championship Competition Site. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

The referee enters. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

The referee’s representative swore an oath. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship started with blood, and the leading guests present kicked off. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team serves. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship attracted many citizens to watch. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship Live Wonderful Program Performance. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship Live Wonderful Program Performance. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo (Wang Chengxian)

Comments | Hometown Zodiac … are all reasons for rejection! How to break the discrimination in job hunting?

  CCTV News:Entering the graduation season, many fresh college students are on the road to job hunting, but the road to job hunting is not easy. Recently, China University Media Alliance conducted a questionnaire survey for 605 fresh graduates from more than 100 universities. The results showed that,75.7% of the respondents said that they had been treated unfairly when looking for a job.

  Girls encounter relatively serious employment discrimination.

  Chen Ning is a fresh graduate majoring in English in a university in Zhejiang. She had a dream of being a teacher since she was a child. She set her ideal unit in a middle school early, but when applying for the job, she found that many schools treated male and female candidates differently. Some indicate "male priority", while others require in disguise that "female graduates should be in the top 10% of the whole department, while male graduates should only be in the top 30%".

  According to the survey results of China University Media Alliance, 33.06% of the respondents said that they had encountered gender discrimination in employers, and most of this phenomenon happened to female graduates.

  985, 211 into a fixed label

  In addition, whether it comes from a prestigious school or not has also caused some graduates to express their helpless feelings of "losing at the starting line of employment".

  Chen Weihao, a student from a university in Fujian, said, "I participated in a campus recruitment activity held in Fuzhou University, and many different companies came to recruit. At that time, I thought a Shenzhen enterprise was not bad, but before I sat down, the interviewer asked, ‘ Are you a student in 985 and 211 universities? ’” Such a direct question made Chen Weihao eat a bowl of "closed doors" that was caught off guard. He said frankly: "I didn’t even have time to hand in my resume, so I was ruthlessly rejected."

  According to the survey results of China University Media Alliance, 42.15% of the respondents were hindered by the lack of school grades.

  Hometown, animal sign, constellation, etc. also become rejection factors.

  Lin Chengqi is a recent graduate of a university in Zhejiang, and his household registration is in Hebei. Having participated in major job fairs in Zhejiang Province, he concluded: "Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other places have strict restrictions on household registration." He also found that many recruitment posters of enterprises and institutions with good reputation read "local household registration is preferred", and some even emphasized that "only graduates with local household registration or nearby areas are recruited".

  The survey results of China University Media Alliance show that recent graduates not only face unfair employment treatment in the above aspects, but also some people say that their "face value" is not high enough, which makes it difficult to find a job, and 4.3% of the respondents have encountered discrimination such as horoscope and zodiac. These uncontrollable factors have actually become obstacles in the employment process of some fresh graduates.

  The Ministry of Education clearly and resolutely opposes any form of employment discrimination in the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Graduates of National Colleges and Universities in 2017", and it is strictly forbidden to publish discriminatory information including limited institutions, gender and nationality in all campus recruitment activities. Nevertheless, enterprises still regard whether they graduate from a prestigious school as an implicit condition, and examples of employment discrimination abound. All kinds of survey results are enough to show that employment discrimination has not been improved on the whole, but there is still a long way to go to achieve employment equity. Can this social ills be solved?

  CCTV comment: Anti-employment discrimination, find a more effective system outlet.

  Anti-employment discrimination needs the thrust of society.

  Society is always comparing, screening and discriminating, which may be the nature of human society; Discrimination as a screening in the economic sense is also doomed to exist. But the existence may not be reasonable. Advocating equality and opposing discrimination are also connected with the process of human civilization. As the saying goes, "there has never been real equality in human history, which does not hinder our pursuit of equality", and opposing employment discrimination constitutes an important level to promote equality for all. And like all efforts against discrimination,The relationship between anti-employment discrimination and employment discrimination is also like a pressure spring. The greater the social force, the discrimination will shrink back. If society is indifferent or lets go, discrimination will rebound.

  How to oppose implicit discrimination isMore important proposition

  However, discrimination is not necessarily blatant and blatant.With "not discriminating on the table" becoming a new political correctness, a more important proposition is how to oppose implicit discrimination.One of the most common concerns is that even if there is no corresponding discrimination clause in the recruitment notice, will the personal likes and dislikes of the recruiter not be reflected in the real recruitment process? Another example is that the Ministry of Education issued a ban as early as four years ago, "It is strictly forbidden to publish recruitment information containing the words" 985 colleges and universities, 211 colleges and universities ",but the ban did not really prevent 985 and 211 from becoming the screening conditions for recruitment.

  Anti-employment discrimination: we can’t stop at advocating ideas and need more institutional supply.

  This also reminds us that today’s opposition to employment discrimination can no longer simply stay in concept advocacy, but needs more effective institutional supply. For example, why the Ministry of Education’s ban on 985 and 211 can’t really stop the "universal atmosphere" lies in the formal ban without substantive review. The lack of substantive review is precisely because there is no rigid system. "Even if I discriminate, what can you do with me?" Therefore, some experts believe that the scope of application of today’s anti-employment discrimination legislation is too narrow, and "a basic law against employment discrimination is needed".

  Of course, "the life of law lies not in logic but in experience", and opposing employment discrimination is doomed to be a long process. For example, in the 1960s, the United States Congress passed the Fair Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act to regulate the issue of equal pay for equal work between men and women. However, after more than 50 years of implementation of the law, the annual salary of female employees in the United States has increased from 59% to 79% of that of men, but it is still far from equal pay for equal work. Even some studies have shown that if the law enforcement is too rigid in a short time, forcing equal pay for equal work may hurt women’s employment. Today, China is more or less facing the same situation, and the protection of women has fallen into a paradox: the longer maternity leave is extended and breastfeeding leave is advocated, the more likely women are to face the risk of "no interview opportunities".

  It is better to explore the way of enterprise cost socialization than to simply criticize it.

  Therefore, it is not enough to build a truly effective anti-discrimination system framework with ideas, but also to dig deep into effective systems.Specifically, discrimination is always accompanied by issues of economic rationality and cost sharing. For example, "985, 211" is used as a condition to screen resumes. Indeed, there is an advantage for famous school students, and it is understandable that human resources management departments want to recruit graduates from famous schools, but they cannot reject the choice rights of non-key university graduates across the board. For example, discrimination against women in employment, from the employer’s point of view, it is not unreasonable to worry that women will leave their jobs too soon because of childbirth, thus raising the cost of employing people.

  Instead of simply criticizing, it is better to explore a way to truly socialize the cost of enterprises. Can we further expand the scope and time of maternity insurance? Can the government subsidize enterprises to run their own kindergartens? Can the husband’s maternity leave be improved, so as to share the reproductive cost of women? In a word, it is more important to establish an effective cost sharing mechanism than just shouting.

   Equality, as a great idea, is that it transcends the simple jungle law of the jungle. In this era, more and more people believe in "everyone can succeed" and pay more and more attention to equality of opportunity, so it is possible to achieve real employment equity than in any era. It is the direction that the whole society should make constant efforts to ensure every worker’s equal employment rights and help everyone grow into a successful person.

  Wen Yi, the Mountain of Special Contributions for CCTV Comments

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  How to protect rights when encountering employment discrimination?

  Anti-employment discrimination is an international action. China’s Employment Promotion Law, which was formally implemented in 2007, also clearly stipulates the opposition to employment discrimination. If you are looking for a job again, how should you protect your rights?

  First of all, after encountering gender discrimination, job seekers should pay attention to collecting evidence and demanding rights protection. Including recruitment brochures, articles in advertisements, or other relevant emails and information that are not hired on the grounds of gender, can be retained as evidence.

  At the same time, Article 62 of the Employment Promotion Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that workers who violate the provisions of this law and commit employment discrimination may bring a lawsuit to the people’s court.

A civil servant in Zhengzhou: I also want to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high.

Original title: Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory recruits workers in the first-line production and operation posts, and 30% of them are masters and highly educated talents. Why do they get together in the assembly line?
Source: Dahe Daily
Tian Yuchen Li Xiaoling Feng Lin
In the past few days, Henan China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Henan China Tobacco") released a public list of candidates to be recruited by college students in 2021, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens.
Among them, the company recruited a total of 149 people. Among the 135 people admitted to the "first-line production operation post", in addition to the "985" "211" or "double-class" universities such as China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University and Henan University, it also attracted master students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
According to statistics, among the 135 students, 41 have master’s degrees, accounting for 30% of the total enrollment. Do assembly line workers in front-line production and operation posts need such a high degree?
Tucao assembly line admits workers, and 30% of them are graduate students. Is it "overqualified"?
In late April this year, Henan Zhongyan published the "List of College Students to be Recruited in 2021" on the official website, which attracted the attention of netizens with the arrival of graduation season.
The reporter found that in 2021, Henan Zhongyan plans to hire a total of 149 people. Among them, 14 people are employed in professional management positions, technology research and development positions and marketing positions, all of whom have master’s degrees, and nearly half of them are from foreign universities, such as Glasgow University, Sydney University, Nottingham University and Durham University.
The remaining 135 people were admitted to the "first-line production and operation positions" of seven cigarette factories, including Jinye Manufacturing Center, Xuchang, Anyang, Nanyang, Zhumadian, Luohe and Luoyang under the jurisdiction of Henan Zhongyan. Among them, in addition to China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University, Henan University and other "985", "211" or "double-class" universities, it has also attracted graduate students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to the statistics of the reporters, among the 135 people, 41 have a master’s degree, accounting for 30.37%.
"A graduate student or even a’ returnee’ master goes to a cigarette factory as an assembly line worker. Is this’ overqualified’? To do this kind of work, you don’t need a high degree at all. " A netizen said. The reporter noticed that the focus of netizens’ attention mainly focused on the strong contrast between the graduation school, academic qualifications and the "first-line production and operation positions" of the candidates on the list.
According to the unified requirements of Henan Zhongyan, the candidates for technical research and development, marketing and professional management posts must practice in the Golden Leaf Manufacturing Center for one year after being hired. After being hired, the candidates for the first-line production and operation positions in each cigarette factory must work in the first-line production and operation positions in the workshop for more than 3 years. Even if the relevant functional departments and offices and workshop management posts of each cigarette factory are short of posts, those who have worked in front-line production and operation posts for less than 3 years cannot be transferred to management posts.
It is understood that according to the introduction of official website, Henan Zhongyan, the company has seven cigarette factories under its jurisdiction, with more than 8,700 employees in its main business, producing and selling more than 3 million boxes of cigarettes annually, ranking fourth in the national tobacco industry, with total assets of nearly 40 billion yuan. Official website shows that in 2020, it is estimated that the sales revenue will reach 51 billion yuan and the total tax and profit will reach 35.7 billion yuan.
Explain that the requirement is bachelor degree or above, but the master’s degree is too much, so you can only choose the best one.
A front-line staff member of Henan Zhongyan introduced that the first-line production operations of cigarette factories mainly include "silk making" and "wrapping", both of which are done by operators. Generally speaking, no matter which position, as long as you enter the cigarette factory, you must first start from the front-line workers and understand the tobacco-making process. The main job is to make tobacco leaves into cigarettes for foreign sales.
Generally speaking, cigarette production is also divided into low peak seasons. Because of the particularity of tobacco products, it belongs to planned production. Every tobacco factory and each cigarette category are produced according to the planned and allocated quota. Once the task is completed, there will be no work to do. But sometimes in order to catch up with production tasks, overtime will also occur. "Now, the weather is hot. Take our factory as an example. The production task has also been completed, and the factory has begun to have a holiday."
The staff member said that in the past, most of the front-line workers were junior college and undergraduate, but in recent years, the education of workers has indeed been greatly improved. And this change has a lot to do with the good wages and benefits of cigarette factories. Due to the quota production system of cigarette factories and good welfare benefits, many famous universities and even highly educated people compete for each other. Generally speaking, the recruitment ratio is about 1: 60, and some positions are even higher.
An 8-year-old staff member of Xuchang Cigarette Factory told reporters that not all cigarette factories have good wages. Generally speaking, local cigarette factories that produce tobacco leaves have sufficient raw materials, large cigarette quotas, large production tasks, good benefits and high wages for workers. For example, cigarette factories in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xuchang and other places have relatively good benefits and workers’ income will naturally be high. In these profitable cigarette factories, the wages of workers in front-line production positions are often higher than those of relevant functional departments and offices of the company. "The main reason is that workers have more work and higher wages." Take Xuchang Cigarette Factory as an example. Soon after entering the factory, the wages of front-line workers can get 100,000 yuan a year.
On July 14 and 15, the reporter called the human resources department of Henan Zhongyan many times, but no one was connected. However,
Another staff member of Henan Zhongyan, who asked not to be named, revealed that in addition to individual positions such as technology research and development, marketing and professional management posts, their company requires a master’s degree or above, and the recruitment requirements for first-line production and operation positions are all undergraduate or above. When recruiting, it is required to be an undergraduate, but many graduate students have also signed up. Of course, they are selected on the basis of merit. " According to him, some jobs in the tobacco industry are even more difficult to test than civil servants because of their high wages and good treatment.
Take a cigarette manufacturer in Zhengzhou as an example, the wages of front-line production workers can get more than 10,000 yuan per month, and the welfare benefits are better. Therefore, it is welcomed by many college students. "Although it is a front-line worker, the equipment has been automated, and it is basically an assembly line operation. Unlike the previous need for big bags and small bags of tobacco leaves, the work is relatively easy. As long as the production task is completed, you can rest. "
The result of expert market selection reflects the change of talent market structure.
On July 15th, the reporter contacted a graduate student of Henan University, who was admitted to the "first-line production operation post" of a cigarette factory in the province this year. He introduced that he just reported for 2 days, and the company is training them in a unified way, and the time schedule is particularly tight. When asked why he wanted to sign up as a "factory assembly line worker", he said that he signed up after hearing from his family that the salary of the cigarette factory was good and he didn’t think much. When asked about "future plans", he said: "The cost of living is too high now. As long as you can earn money, let’s talk about it first, and then see what promotion channels are available."
"If there is an opportunity, I also want to go to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high. It must be very comfortable." A civil servant in Zhengzhou said that due to the particularity of the tobacco industry, cigarette factories have always been regarded as an ideal "iron rice bowl", especially in a populous province like Henan, where the pressure of employment competition is great, making it one of the first choice units for college students to find jobs.
A sociologist of Zhengzhou University also believes that the first-line production and operation positions of Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory are favored by highly educated talents, which is also very normal and the result of market choice. At present, the enrollment of graduate students is relatively large, and there is even a surplus of highly educated talents, which also leads to the depreciation of academic qualifications. Take Zhengzhou University as an example. Every year, there are more than 10,000 undergraduate graduates and about 7,000 graduate students, accounting for 41% of the total number of graduates. The proportion of graduate students who graduated from other schools is also increasing. Therefore, it is normal that 30% of the frontline workers admitted by cigarette factories are graduate students. The reason why this information is concerned by netizens is that it is considered as "overqualified". This also reflects the change of talent structure in China, and the number of highly educated talents is increasing. Some people think that this is a waste of human resources, but others think that regardless of the level of work, it is best to suit yourself.
At the same time, the expert also reminded that when choosing a job, college students should consider personal hobbies, future career planning and life planning in addition to salary, and should not only focus on the immediate future, but also ignore the long term.

US Vice President Harris was in a car accident on his way to work: Is the Secret Service still "reliable"?

According to the latest report on the 6th, US Vice President Harris suffered a car accident on his way to work on Monday, but he was not injured. However, this incident worried both Director united states secret service and the Vice President, and once again triggered doubts about the Secret Service.
According to two people familiar with the matter, a motorcade carrying Harris to work had a bicycle accident on a closed road in Washington on Monday morning local time. An SUV driven by Agent united states secret service drove Harris into the curb of a tunnel in the city center. Because the accident caused the vehicle to need to change tires, Secret Service agents had to transfer Harris to another car in the convoy before finally sending her to the White House safely.
According to reports, united states secret service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said that the cause of the accident was that the driver swerved excessively while driving.
U.S. Vice President Harris
Unexplained accident
The head of the Secret Service was "kept in the dark" for the first time.
However, because the agents in charge of driving the president and vice president’s vehicles have received high-level training, accidents in routine work like this have puzzled many Secret Service personnel, even Harris himself.
According to the report, the Secret Service personnel did not mention the key details of the incident in the official email that reported the delay of Harris Team to their superiors. The agency’s protection intelligence department only wrote in the report that during the scheduled trip to the White House, the "mechanical failure" of the lead car forced the agent to transfer Harris to another car.
A person familiar with the matter said that it was not until Monday afternoon that Secret Service Director Kim Chettle received a message from other agents, saying that the email did not accurately convey the truth. In fact, many other Secret Service agents around Harris and the White House know that Harris’s driver hit the sidewalk of the tunnel.
Guglielmi confirmed the news, saying that the agents did not disclose all the details of the problems in the vice president’s motorcade in the formal written warning at first, but later reported the situation to their superiors in person. He explained: "The initial radio communication showed that this was a mechanical failure. After the protection operation was completed, the leadership was verbally updated with additional relevant facts, that is, the vehicle hit the curb. "
A witness photographed Harris’ motorcade stuck at the tunnel entrance.
There are many "black history"
The accident once again triggered public concern about the Secret Service.
It is reported that because united states secret service has a "long and troublesome history" in covering up his mistakes and misconduct, the accident has once again aroused people’s concerns about the agency. An official of the Secret Service revealed that Kim Chettle had told people around her that she was uneasy about the inaccuracy of the Harris accident warning, and "I was relieved when I learned more comprehensive information later that day."
According to the report, united states secret service’s top officials and managers often rely on the "presidential security cloak" to cover up their weaknesses and failures. In 2011, there was a shooting incident in the White House. Under the "misleading" of the Secret Service, the American public and the first family thought that "this is a group of gang members shooting at each other". But in fact, the real information obtained by the Secret Service is that the gunman tried to kill the then US President Barack Obama.
In 2014, a veteran with mental problems successfully jumped over the fence and broke into the White House. The Secret Service tried to cover up his mistakes and provided wrong information. According to the report of the Secret Service, the man was unarmed, but in fact he was armed. The report also claimed that the man was detained by Secret Service personnel at the main entrance of the White House, but in fact he broke into the main building of the White House after subduing a Secret Service official, and was finally caught in the East Wing of the White House.
In 2015, the Secret Service was caught in a public opinion dispute because of the bomb investigation that disturbed the White House. According to reports, after drinking all night, the top agent in charge of White House security affairs and another senior executive drove into the White House, crossed the cordon and entered a scene where a bomb investigation was going on. Subsequently, the vehicle driven by the two men hit a temporary roadblock and stopped directly next to the suspicious bomb package.
According to reports, although dozens of secret service staff knew about it, no one reported it to the director at that time. Five days after the incident, Joseph Clancy, then director of the Secret Service, learned about the safety accident from a former agent and friend.
Red star journalist Xu Huan
Editor Li He Xianfeng
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2021 China Beauty Collection Store Industry Report

2021 China Beauty Cosmetics Collection Store Industry Report Original iResearch

Research report on beauty cosmetics collection shop

Core summary:

Concept definition: Beauty Collection Store is an offline retail format that integrates multi-category and multi-brand cosmetic products in one store. It provides end consumers with product display, experience and sales services including cosmetics, skin care products, personal care, perfume, sunscreen products, cosmetic instruments and tools.

Business model: The structural changes of domestic beauty consumers have spawned new demands for beauty collection stores. Compared with traditional beauty collection stores, the business model of new beauty collection stores has achieved innovative changes in people, goods and fields.

Driving factors: traditional beauty collection stores have been deeply involved in the domestic market for many years, and their large-scale store expansion has promoted market growth. The new beauty collection store has achieved rapid development in recent years under the joint drive of client, brand and capital.

Market size: In 2020, the market size of China beauty collection stores will be 41.9 billion yuan, of which the proportion of new beauty collection stores will reach 7.6%. With the transition from the embryonic stage to the stable development stage of the new beauty collection store industry, its market share is expected to increase to 15.8% in 2023, and the market scale is expected to reach 13 billion yuan.

Trend insight: the just-needed attributes of the offline beauty channels and the integration opportunities of the domestic beauty collection store industry have long-term favorable investment prospects. Optimizing the product pallet structure and choosing a healthier operation mode will become an important development direction of the beauty collection store industry in the future.

Analysis of Business Model of Beauty Collection Store

Market development background of beauty cosmetics collection store

Under the background of Yan value economy, the market scale of cosmetics industry has grown steadily.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" defined the brand creation action of China, and proposed to protect and develop Chinese time-honored brands, enhance the influence and competitiveness of independent brands, and take the lead in cultivating high-end brands belonging to China in the consumer fields such as cosmetics, clothing, home textiles and electronic products. The future development prospects of the cosmetics industry can be expected. In 2020, China’s cosmetics market will reach 430.3 billion yuan. In the next three years, the overall market size is expected to maintain a stable and sustained growth of about 10% after the epidemic is repaired, and it will reach 600 billion yuan in 2023. As the largest category in the cosmetics industry, skin care products will account for about 55% of the market in 2020, and the growth rate will tend to be stable; In contrast, cosmetics, perfumes, men’s cosmetics and other sub-categories have greater growth potential.

The domestic cosmetics supply chain has gradually matured.

The upstream of the cosmetics industry chain mainly includes raw material suppliers and cosmetics manufacturers who produce cosmetics raw materials and packaging materials. Cosmetic manufacturers mainly adopt two modes: independent production and OEM production. Most cosmetics companies don’t have independent production lines, and usually entrust foundries to produce finished cosmetics. Among them, new domestic brands adopt OEM mode for the sake of cost and new product listing efficiency. The rapid expansion of the cosmetics market and the rise of local brands have promoted the development of the domestic cosmetics OEM market. In recent years, with the gradual maturity of China’s cosmetics supply chain, head cosmetics foundries such as Northbell, Cosmeishi China and Shanghai Zhenchen have cooperated closely with many brands at home and abroad, and the market entry threshold of cutting-edge cosmetics brands has continued to decline.

Domestic cosmetics retail online and offline show a trend of integration, promoting the development of beauty collection stores.

In 1990s, international high-end cosmetics brands represented by L ‘Oré al and Lancome entered the China market, taking department store counters as the main channel, which gradually cultivated domestic residents’ awareness of cosmetics consumption and promoted the establishment of marketing awareness of domestic cosmetics industry. Around 2000, a group of regional distributors of foreign brands familiar with cosmetics operation skills began to establish their own domestic brands, and the embryonic forms of classic domestic products such as Marubi, Zirantang and Polaiya were born, which led to the development of traditional beauty collection stores with lower threshold and wider distribution. Around 2012, the growth rate of cosmetics industry was dragged down by weak macro demand, and the competition in offline channels intensified. Domestic and international brands touched the net one after another, and they developed with the help of two waves of dividends from traditional e-commerce and new media e-commerce. However, in recent years, with the high operating cost of e-commerce, the online traffic dividend has declined, high-end products have driven the counter-cyclical growth of the cosmetics industry, and the value of offline channels in terms of user experience and brand building has once again been valued. The channels have shown a trend of online and offline integration, and new beauty collection stores have emerged, driving the beauty collection store channel generate to show new growth vitality.

Traditional VS new business model of beauty cosmetics collection shop

The new beauty collection shop is more suitable for the needs and preferences of contemporary young consumers.

The target customers of the new beauty collection store are directed at young people, so the selection of products and the layout of scenes are all around young consumers who pay attention to experience and cost performance. On the one hand, the new beauty collection store is more tolerant of cutting-edge brands, and cooperates with many online celebrity beauty brands full of design and personality; On the other hand, the new beauty collection store provides consumers with high-value scenes that are convenient for social punching through very stylish store decoration, and at the same time adopts light BA mode to create free shopping space.

Industry insight of beauty collection store

The Driving Force for the Development of New Beauty Collection Store: Client

Consumer demand of new generation beauty users: pursuing scene experience

The business areas of offline channels such as beauty collection stores are mainly large business districts, which provide consumers with comprehensive and diverse cosmetic products through rich brand structure and product levels while satisfying convenience. On-site trial can help consumers fully feel the products in a one-stop shopping scene, and make purchase decisions that best meet their personal needs, and its strong experience attributes far exceed online channels. According to the survey data, nearly 70% of consumers choose to buy cosmetic products offline because they want to try them on the spot. Specifically, in terms of product categories, cosmetic tools, cosmetics and skin care products have the highest willingness to buy offline, and more than 90% of consumers have tried and bought these products offline. In addition, the offline purchase intention of perfume fragrance and sunscreen products has reached more than 80%.

Consumer demand of new generation beauty users: high acceptance of domestic products

Multiple factors, such as consumption upgrading and the rise of national tide, have jointly promoted the rise of local beauty brands. Many new brands have opened the market with product innovation and diversified marketing models, and achieved breakthroughs under the long-term strong brand effect of international brands. The new generation of beauty consumers, mainly young people, have a higher acceptance of new things, have a more personalized evaluation system in the choice of beauty consumption, are not obsessed with big names, and pay more attention to face value, efficacy, reputation and cost performance. According to the survey data, consumers have a high acceptance of domestic brands, and the proportion of consumers who tend to buy domestic traditional brands and emerging brands is over 40%. Another 34.3% of consumers have no obvious preference for domestic and foreign brands, and pay more attention to whether the products themselves are suitable for them.

Consumer demand of new generation beauty users: market gap of "sample economy"

Beauty product samples can make consumers invest lower trial and error costs when fully trying new brands or new products, and it is easier to make purchase decisions, so they can play a greater role in attracting new users and promoting formal dress purchase, and become an important marketing contact for brands. Samples usually reach consumers in the form of brand gifts and holiday suits, and there are few formal channels to sell samples separately in the market. The new beauty collection store captures the demand of the new generation of beauty users for sample products, and sells them as independent products in the store, which can not only attract passengers, but also generate revenue. According to the survey data, users who spend 300-500 yuan per month on cosmetics are most likely to be attracted by the samples, and then go to the new beauty collection store for consumption.

The driving factor of the development of new beauty collection store: brand end

Demand for offline channel expansion of emerging beauty brands: high operating cost of online traffic

The domestic e-commerce industry has entered a stage of rapid growth since 2010. With the mature development of e-commerce, more and more businesses are pouring into the online market, traffic competition is becoming increasingly fierce, e-commerce dividends are gradually declining, and market growth is slowing down. At present, the online platform channels are diversified, and the distribution of consumers is decentralized and the e-commerce traffic is fragmented, which makes it more difficult to obtain customers. Beauty brands, especially domestic emerging beauty brands, have been able to rise rapidly through online channels in recent years, but at the same time, they are faced with the problems of high online traffic cost and continuous increase in marketing and promotion expenses. Expanding offline sales channels and reaching consumers in multiple dimensions will become a breakthrough for beauty brands to achieve long-term development. The new beauty collection store provides a tonal matching channel for emerging beauty brands, which increases brand exposure. At the same time, on the basis of sales, it empowers the brand operation value of the channel. For example, H.E.A.T likes to provide data feedback for the brand, helping the brand to intuitively understand the consumer’s preferences and needs.

Demand for offline channel expansion of emerging beauty brands: the cost of opening independent stores offline is high.

With the rising real estate prices and labor costs in recent years, the cost of facade rent and employee expenses of single-brand beauty stores has increased, and domestic emerging beauty brands have taken on higher operational risks, especially in the initial stage of development and market grabbing. The channel model of beauty collection stores is conducive to reducing the pressure on funds, inventory and operation of emerging beauty brands. For overseas brands, the sales of brands in China are mainly based on the distribution agent model, and department stores or independent stores are mostly located in first-and second-tier cities. The distribution of offline channels in low-tier cities requires fixed costs and labor costs borne by dealers. The model of brand counters or independent stores is risky in the sinking market, and it is relatively difficult to reach. The model of beauty collection stores can alleviate the account period and inventory pressure of dealers to a certain extent, and at the same time meet the demand of consumers for overseas brands in the sinking market.

Demand for offline channel expansion of emerging beauty brands: traditional beauty collection stores have high entry barriers.

The purchasing mode of traditional beauty collection stores in China mainly includes consignment and distribution: under the consignment mode, the beauty collection stores adopt actual sales and settlement, and the goods are delivered directly by the brand; Under the distribution mode, the beauty collection store signed a batch sales order with the brand, and the ownership of the goods actually transferred. The traditional beauty collection store has obvious advantages in supply chain, stable channel sales, strong voice, high proportion of consignment mode, sales risk borne by the brand, and relatively long account period. At the same time, the traditional beauty collection store has a certain threshold for the purchase choice of emerging beauty brands because of the consideration of marketing. The purchase mode of new beauty collection stores is mainly one-time buyout, and the account period and supply discount are more friendly to the new brands of the country. On the other hand, the entry of new explosive products attracts consumers to the store, and also brings passenger flow to the new beauty collection store, realizing two-way empowerment.

The Driving Force for the Development of New Beauty Collection Store: Capital End

Players in the new beauty collection store have been favored by capital many times.

The format of the new beauty collection store keeps up with the changes in the new offline retail scene, and has become a "flow harvester" in major business districts with its strong appeal to young consumers. Therefore, it has received great attention from capital and has been frequently financed in recent years. Among them, Colorist, Plum Blossom and WOWCOLOUR have received several rounds of financing, and the financing scale has reached several hundred million yuan; In addition, rising stars such as NoisyBeauty, Hi Burning and Black Hole have also won the favor of well-known investment institutions such as Gaochun Venture Capital and Zhenge Fund. With the help of capital, the new beauty collection store industry has entered the stage of staking.

Market scale of beauty cosmetics collection store

The overall scale of the industry has grown steadily, and the proportion of new beauty collection stores has increased.

With the advantages of multi-brand operation and location close to consumers, the beauty collection store channel can help cooperative brands to effectively explore the market. Watsons, which is positioned in the mass market, and Sephora, which is positioned in the middle and high-end market, have gradually become the mainstream of domestic traditional beauty collection stores after years of deep cultivation, and their chain stores in China have driven the growth of the market scale of traditional beauty collection stores. Since 2019, domestic new beauty collection stores have started to develop, and innovative brands represented by colorists and plum blossoms have emerged one after another, which has had a certain impact on traditional beauty collection stores. At present, the new beauty collection store industry is in transition from the embryonic stage to the stable development stage. In 2020, the domestic new beauty collection store will account for 7.6% of the total beauty collection store market, and its market share is expected to increase to 15.8% in 2023, and the market size is expected to reach 13 billion yuan.

Industry atlas of beauty cosmetics collection shop

The beauty collection store industry is scattered and there are many players.

The head players of traditional beauty collection stores mainly include Watsons, a chain brand of beauty cosmetics and daily chemicals, and Sephora, which focuses on high-end selected brands in Europe and America and its own brands. The new beauty collection store is represented by the colorist under KK Group, WOWCOLOUR under the famous products and the plum originated from online. Colorists and WOWCOLOUR focus on cost-effective domestic and foreign beauty brands, opening hundreds of stores all over the country; Huamei and Heikong mainly sell overseas big-name and niche brands, positioning high-end, and mainly opening street stores in first-tier and new first-tier cities. Other players’ stores are more regional and smaller in scale, and their brand positioning is different. NOISYBeauty, Dongdian West Point and other players cut into the track from the sinking market.

Beauty cosmetics jihe branch industry concentration degree

Many players in beauty collection stores adopt differentiated strategies to cut into the market, and the industry tends to be integrated.

Players in the beauty collection store industry can be divided according to players’ background, brand positioning and store area. In the background of players, it can be divided into independent new brands, retail brand incubation and department store incubation, and the beauty collection stores incubated by the group may be supported in terms of capital and supply chain; In terms of brand positioning and store area, the brand stores located in the high-end niche are mainly large stores, while the players located in the cost-effective and sinking market mainly operate medium-sized stores. In terms of industry structure, the traditional beauty collection store industry developed earlier and the market concentration was higher, while the new beauty collection store is still in a period of rapid development. In the future, head players are expected to gradually increase their market share through industry integration.

Core competitive elements of new beauty cosmetics collection store

The core competitive advantages of the new beauty collection store are embodied in three aspects: people, goods and market

In order to maintain benign operation and enhance differentiated advantages, the new beauty collection store needs to optimize the service quality and professionalism of the store BA in terms of "people", and requires the management team to be forward-looking in important decisions such as selecting products and opening stores. In terms of "goods", the new beauty collection store needs to match the consumer’s demand preferences to the greatest extent in brand selection, and enhance the interaction with consumers through diversified marketing activities; Improve the supply chain capacity and quality, ensure the regularity of goods, improve the turnover efficiency and control the inventory water level. In terms of "field", new beauty collection stores are usually located in popular areas with dense traffic in key cities, while paying attention to convenient transportation and location in business districts, such as subway floors, escalators or the most conspicuous places near entrances and exits; The decoration style in the store has a strong sense of design, and at the same time, the long-term appeal to consumers is enhanced through regular adjustment of decoration and shelves.

Prospect of the future trend of beauty cosmetics collection store

Long-term challenge of new beauty cosmetics collection store

The long-term profit model needs to be verified: low customer unit price and low efficiency.

At the same time of large-scale expansion, the long-term profitability of the new beauty collection store still needs to be verified by the market, and its uncertainty is reflected in many aspects: in terms of passenger flow scale, the new beauty collection store attracts the first batch of young consumers in the city to punch in with its design-conscious store decoration and novel scene experience, but after the novelty gradually ebbs, it still needs stores to give full play to their advantages in product selection to maintain the sustainability of passenger flow; In terms of pallet structure, stores may optimize the store model by increasing the proportion of high-margin products such as cosmetics, niche brands and exclusive agency brands, but it is still uncertain whether the low-margin products and the passenger flow attracted by samples can be converted into the purchasing power of high-margin products; In terms of expenses, the location of new beauty collection stores is usually located at no cost to attract passengers and make positioning. The high rental cost for this purpose is also one of the main reasons for the low efficiency and difficulty in making profits.

Price advantage impact of other channels such as online and duty-free shops.

According to the survey data, 42.2% of the consumers who choose to shop in the new beauty collection store said that one of the main reasons is that the product prices of the new beauty collection store are cheaper than those of department stores and online official stores. Compared with the official channels where there are few discounts except shopping festivals and live broadcast rooms, the price of the new beauty collection store does have certain advantages intuitively. However, the rise of the domestic duty-free market has a certain impact on the price advantage of new beauty collection stores, even without considering the activities such as sample giving and point redemption through official channels. Take HARMAY as an example. The retail price of 30ml Hailan Mystery Essence Cream is 1292 yuan, which is 15% off the official price, while Sanya International Duty Free City is priced at only 1180 yuan. Due to the great difference in pricing between international brands at home and abroad, the pricing of Taobao Haitao purchasing stores is mostly around 800 yuan. In contrast, the price advantage of the new beauty collection store is not obvious, and it is difficult to attract price-sensitive consumers for a long time.

The opaque supply of goods and the stricter regulatory environment will make the continuous supply of products face uncertainty.

At present, the supply channels of new beauty collection stores in China mainly include: 1) purchasing in large quantities through department store counters, usually obtaining some price discounts and tying a large number of samples; 2) through the purchase of dealers or agents, merchants specializing in wholesale samples have also been formed in the process of industry development; 3) Secondary sales of large hotels, mainly care and fragrance products; 4) A small number of beauty collection stores are authorized by brands to directly purchase products, which are mainly authorized by small and medium-sized overseas brands and domestic brands, and most products are not directly authorized by brands. In addition, some new beauty collection stores take sample products as an important drainage method, which has the problem of opaque supply. With the introduction of relevant national regulatory policies and the requirements of retail platform specifications, beauty collection stores with samples as their selling points may adjust their procurement channels, and there is some uncertainty in the continuous supply of products.

Future trends of new beauty cosmetics collection stores

The operation mechanism of the big store model is healthier

At present, the operation types of new beauty collection stores in China mainly include small stores and big stores. Small-store model is conducive to expanding the market in the early stage, but the speed of opening stores is too fast, and there is a mismatch between the customer quality of some stores and the positioning of new beauty collection stores, especially in the case of limited brand building and supply chain management capabilities, consumers are not sticky enough, which affects the sales and profitability of stores and leads to the closure of stores. Comparatively speaking, the location of large stores with an area of 500 square meters or even more than 1,000 square meters is usually the landmark core business district of the city. The business district has its own high passenger flow, rich SKUs in stores, better shopping scene design experience, better floor efficiency performance of stores, and it is not easy to close stores. The "one city, one store" big store model will become an important development direction of the new beauty collection store industry in the future.

Category and brand structure tend to be diversified, and the pallet structure is optimized.

The early product layout of domestic new beauty collection stores mainly focused on make-up, which attracted consumers to enter the store to try on makeup and achieved the purpose of drainage. However, cosmetic products generally have a long use cycle and low consumption frequency, which affects product repurchase. According to the survey data, only 15.8% of users said that they bought makeup most frequently in different categories of cosmetics, while the proportion of users who chose to buy skin care products most frequently was as high as 60.1%. As a fast-growing category, the domestic demand of perfume is gradually increasing, which makes the selection strategy of new beauty collection stores inclined. The new beauty collection store will gradually adjust the category structure and increase the proportion of skin care products and perfume products. In terms of brand types, the new beauty collection store has relatively strong bargaining power and higher gross profit for domestic cutting-edge brands and overseas niche brands, and will become the future development direction of the new beauty collection store.

Original title: China Beauty Collection Store Industry Report in 2021