[Learning the New Era of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China] Gansu: beautiful countryside, the hometown of mountains and rivers, came to paint.

Daotang River in Huaqiao Village

Daotang River in Huaqiao Village

  Cctv news(Reporter Wang Xiaoying) Since ancient times, water towns in the south of the Yangtze River have carried people’s yearning for a beautiful countryside.

  Because of this, in Gansu, people always like to use "Jiangnan" to describe a place to show the greatest praise for the local ecological environment.

  Longnan and Shan Zhinan are the only areas in the Yangtze River valley in Gansu, and are known as "Longshang Jiangnan".

  From November 13th, the Network Information Office of Gansu Provincial Party Committee organized and planned in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress "New Era, New Weather, New Action" and "I Call for New Gansu" & mdash; — A large-scale interview group of Gansu online media went into Longnan to visit the construction of beautiful countryside.

  The construction of beautiful countryside here allows the elderly in the village to call; for it; Rural tourism is hot, explaining the alternative "relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to eat water"; More importantly, in the construction of beautiful countryside, they also strive to keep a secret "other world".

  The countryside has changed a lot. The old man praised his hometown.

Huaqiao Village, a well-known post station on the ancient tea-horse road (photo by Ye Manshan)

Huaqiao Village, a well-known post station on the ancient tea-horse road (photo by Ye Manshan)

  In Fenghuang Valley Village, Kang County, for 86-year-old Grandma Wan, the farthest place she has been in this life is the nearby town, and Fenghuang Valley is almost the "whole" of her life circle.

  Her ears are a bit awkward, but she always likes to hold other people’s hands and repeatedly say that her hometown is getting better and better in dialect.

  The road is good, and the village is beautiful. People used to run outside, but now people in the city are running to the countryside. In the farmhouse run by my nephew, Grandma Wan saw guests from all over the world.

Grandma Wan, 86, from Fenghuang Valley Village.

Grandma Wan, 86, from Fenghuang Valley Village.

  Great changes have taken place in Dashuigou Village, Kang County. Regarding the past, they always like to say that "sunny days are covered with soil, rainy days are covered with mud." Grandma Liu said that the front of the house was originally a vegetable field, and people were walking in muddy ditches.

  Now the stinking ditch has become a clear stream, and the stone road next to it goes straight to the entrance of the village.

  At first, they didn’t expect that waves of tourists would come to the countryside to experience life, and it was always incredible to hear that others envied their lives.

  Nowadays, when they talk about the changes in their hometown, they always laugh.

  Respecting tradition and history makes the countryside more local.

Cable Bridge in Huaqiao Village

Cable Bridge in Huaqiao Village

  The construction of beautiful countryside is by no means a big demolition, but a respect for history and tradition, making the countryside more local.

  In Zhujiagou Village, Anmenkou Town, Kang County, the Zhujiagou Courtyard, which has a history of more than 200 years, has been renovated and attracted many tourists. Hou Caiying, 65, lives in her old house, and sometimes tells the history of the old house for tourists.

  In Dashuigou Village, you can still enjoy the colorful intangible cultural relics such as "overlord whip", sheepskin fan inspiration, suona performance, book singing and native pipa playing. In 2015, Dashuigou Village won the "Cultural Heritage Award" for the most beautiful village in China in 2015.

  Lijiashan Natural Village, Zhuangzi Village, Dabao Town has a paper-making tradition since ancient times, and the hand-made paper industry has a history of nearly 300 years. In order to better protect and inherit this ancient folk art, in the construction of beautiful countryside in Zhuangzi Village, the local hand-made paper-making heritage museum and folk culture museum were rebuilt, showing a complete set of hand-made paper-making technological processes, so that visitors can see at a glance and be fascinated.

Handmade Paper Heritage Museum in Zhuangzi Village

Handmade Paper Heritage Museum in Zhuangzi Village

  Developing industries to enrich the people and making hometown a "life paradise" with guaranteed life.

There are more people visiting Dashuigou, and the yellow wine brewed by Grandma Liu is very popular.

There are more people visiting Dashuigou, and the yellow wine brewed by Grandma Liu is very popular.

  Surrounded by green mountains and green waters, the village has become beautiful. Now, efforts are being made to develop a rich industry that can retain talented people, get rich people and remember homesickness.

  In Huaqiao Village, a tourist reception center and a country hotel have been built by attracting investment, including go on road trip RV campsite and more than a dozen homestays.

  Villager Xu Dehua transformed his house into a farmhouse inn, with less than 10 rooms, almost full every weekend, with an average monthly income of 10 thousand yuan. Nowadays, there are more and more people running homestays in the village.

  Here, we have explored and improved three modes of poverty alleviation: "Association+Enterprise+Poor Households", "Leading Enterprise+Industry+Poor Households" and "Branch+Association+Poor Households", and received a total of 480,000 tourists (times), achieving a comprehensive tourism income of more than 13.1 million yuan, driving the income of 680 poor households in the village and surrounding villages. In 2016, the per capita disposable income of farmers was 8,760 yuan.

  Fenghuang Valley Village has set up a rural tourism company to develop rural tourism and aquaculture. Villagers Guo Cuifang and Yang Xuemei, who rarely go out to work, found jobs at their doorsteps: transplanting Malanhua and earning money in 80 yuan every day.

  As for the future, Guo Cuifang said that if she had enough money, she would like to open a farmhouse.

Guo Cuifang (left) and Yang Xuemei who are transplanting Malanhua.

Guo Cuifang (left) and Yang Xuemei who are transplanting Malanhua.

  The deep integration of eco-tourism, rural tourism and accurate poverty alleviation, realizing the butterfly effect of the transformation from beautiful countryside construction to rural tourism, is promoting the rapid development of rural tourism.

  Beautiful countryside also has a secret "other world"

Millennium Bodhi Tree in Huaqiao Village

Millennium Bodhi Tree in Huaqiao Village

  Under the Millennium Bodhi tree in Huaqiao Village, there is a red ribbon tied with people praying for a happy marriage.

  The Millennium willow tree in Zhujiagou Village has become a witness to the development history of Kang County.

  Under the sister ginkgo tree in Dashuigou Village, rich intangible cultural remains are staged here … …

  The best judgment of whether the environment of a place is good or not is to look at the plants here and let the animals talk. During the construction of beautiful countryside, while improving the living environment, all localities also pay attention to their living environment and protect the "other world" from being disturbed.

  Villagers in Dashuigou are familiar with wild boar. Villager Xiao Jiuqian said that in the past, sometimes wild boar could destroy all crops in one night. Later, when building a new countryside, the village simply returned the land in the deep mountains to forests to make way for wild boar.

  Zhu Yanjie, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Zhujiagou Village, told reporters that there are bears, wild boars, green deer, pheasants and golden pheasants living around, and their footprints will be seen in the mountains, and sometimes they will be met.

  Here, the secret "other world" is not disturbed because of the construction of beautiful countryside.

  In the city, the voices of human beings come and go, but the world of animals is silent. Perhaps this is the reason why more and more people like to experience life in the countryside.

Chang ‘e IV will land on the moon next year. China experts reveal how to grow potatoes on the moon.

  The movie "Mars Rescue" describes the plot of the protagonist trying to grow potatoes on Mars. Now, this vision is expected to be completed by China. In 2018, the popular science payload "Lunar Micro-Ecosphere" will land on the lunar surface as a special passenger on Chang ‘e IV, where potato seeds, Arabidopsis seeds and silkworm eggs will be placed. Two kinds of plants will take root and sprout within the 100-day experimental period and produce the first flower on the surface of the moon. Silkworm will also complete the complete life cycle of egg hatching, larval growth and development and cocoon breaking into butterflies.

  The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily learned that Professor Xie Gengxin, the chief designer of "Lunar Micro-Ecosphere", said that by the end of 2018, the popular science payload will "ride" Chang ‘e IV to the moon, realizing the first biological experiment on the surface of the moon. This biological experiment will be broadcast live to the whole world through a small camera.

  On June 18th, Xie Gengxin, the chief designer of "Lunar Micro-Ecosphere", was interviewed by Beijing Youth Daily, and introduced in detail the idea and process of this biological experiment, such as planting potatoes on the moon. In Xie Gengxin’s view, although many difficulties need to be overcome, this experiment is of far-reaching significance. It will be the first lunar biological experiment for human beings, which is of great significance to the future survival of human beings on extraterrestrial planets.

  The first biological experiment on the surface of the moon

  Beiqing Daily: Why was there such an experimental idea at the beginning?

  Xie Gengxin: Actually, growing organisms on other planets is an area that many countries are studying. China’s previous exploration has landed on the moon, and this experiment is another innovation in the exploration process.

  Beiqing Daily: Who is conducting this experiment?

  Xie Gengxin: This project is a popular science load led by Chongqing University. It has been an experiment for more than two years. In addition to Chongqing University, Hunan University, Beihang University, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group and other universities and enterprises have also participated in it, involving multiple R&D teams with interdisciplinary subjects such as machinery, control, environment, biology, optics and energy. There are more than twenty staff members at the core of the team.

  Beiqing Daily: What is the "lunar micro-ecosystem"?

  Xie Gengxin: This is a cylindrical device, with a height of 18 cm and a diameter of 16 cm. It is made of aluminum alloy, and the national flag of China and the signs of Chongqing University and Research Center are affixed on the surface. The weight of the whole popular science load lunar micro-ecosystem is 3 kg, but its cost is more than 10 million yuan, and the camera alone is 600 thousand yuan.

  Beiqing Daily: Compared with other countries, what is the international position of this exploration?

  Xie Gengxin: This exploration in our country is the first biological experiment on the moon, which is ahead of the United States, Russian and other countries. This exploration will also prove that among many countries in the world, our country’s space exploration is changing from the previous follow-up to the leading and leading stage.

  Different from the first flower in outer space opened by NASA space station in the United States last year, our experimental location is 380 thousand kilometers away from the earth, which is much farther than that of the International Space Station, which is more than 300 kilometers away from the ground.

  Planting with large temperature difference and strong radiation on the moon faces many challenges.

  Beiqing Daily: What are the difficulties to overcome this time?

  Xie Gengxin: On the moon, it is 14 consecutive days of daylight and then 14 consecutive days of darkness. The high temperature can reach more than 100 degrees Celsius, and the low temperature drops to more than 100 degrees Celsius below zero.

  In addition, the ultraviolet rays on the moon have not been filtered, and the survival of animals and plants needs to face harsh environments such as high radiation and microgravity. This is far from the living environment on earth. These are all difficult problems to overcome.

  Beiqing Daily: What do potatoes, Arabidopsis and silkworms live on?

  Xie Gengxin: Our "lunar micro-biosphere" is actually simulating the living environment of animals and plants on the earth. The device will contain water and equipped nutrient solution, and the temperature in the jar will be kept between 1℃ and 30℃ through certain technology, and the humidity and nutrients inside will be controlled well.

  In addition, the photosynthesis of animals and plants is carried out by absorbing the natural light of the moon, and there is no light in the whole device. The light pipe in the "jar" absorbs the natural light on the surface of the moon for photosynthesis, and the released oxygen is absorbed by silkworm eggs, and then the silkworm eggs discharge carbon dioxide and domestic garbage for plant seeds.

  Beiqing Daily: How can animals and plants carry Chang ‘e to the moon to overcome the overweight problem?

  Xie Gengxin: A difficult problem in the experiment process is how to fix the seeds and silkworm babies in a "jar" so that they will not be scattered due to overweight and other pressures during launch.

  We have repeatedly calculated the design and weight of the container, for example, because the soil is too heavy and the utilization efficiency is not high, we chose nutrient solution, and the seeds and silkworm babies have also been fixed under overweight conditions through technology.

  Potatoes are expected to be a food for human beings to survive in space.

  Beiqing Daily: Why did you choose potato, Arabidopsis and silkworm?

  Xie Gengxin: First of all, from the biological conditions, the selected plants and organisms should be relatively resistant to high and low temperatures, and the growth cycle should not be very long. After experiments, these three kinds of animals and plants are relatively qualified.

  In addition, the choice of potato is also to provide support for the next step of human survival in space. At present, many countries and research institutions in the world regard potato as the main food for human survival in space.

  Secondly, the choice of animals and plants will also be close to the life of ordinary people and conform to the cultural tradition of China. Potatoes are the most common food, and silkworm babies are cute. There is also a step of breaking cocoons into butterflies in the growth cycle, which has a good moral and symbolizes the progress and innovation of China in space exploration.

  Beiqing Daily: Is the potato cultivated in the later period expected to become human food?

  Xie Gengxin: It’s a possibility. We will conduct experiments on the earth at the same time and under the same conditions, and compare and analyze the data of the two. Through experiments, it is possible that the quality and yield of potatoes planted on the moon are relatively high, but this needs further research.

  Beiqing Daily: Is it possible for humans to survive on the moon in the later period?

  Xie Gengxin: If plant seeds can germinate, grow and bloom in this environment, silkworm eggs can hatch normally, larvae can grow and develop, and break cocoons into butterflies, which shows to some extent that it is not a dream for human beings to live on the moon.

  If the experiment is successful, it will provide technical support and lay a foundation for human beings to carry out the survival of extraterrestrial planets. Just as the micro-ecological circle on the moon is infinitely large, theoretically, human beings can also live on the moon.

  Text/reporter Zhang Xiangmei Intern reporter Zhang Cong

Help in the end | Blue cat died of cat plague after sterilization, and the animal hospital compensated the owner for the operation fee.

Sun Zeyu, a journalist with extreme eyes

Intern Hu Keqing

Ms. Lan, a citizen of Wuhan, has a beloved pet cat. In February this year, her cat suddenly developed gastrointestinal diseases after sterilization. What Ms. Lan never expected was that she died of cat plague not long after she sent the cat to the animal hospital for treatment, which made Ms. Lan unacceptable.

After sterilization, blue cats vomited and diarrhea.

Recently, Ms. Lan, a citizen of Wuhan, called the Jimu news hotline to report that her pet cat died of cat plague only half a month after sterilization. In this regard, Ms. Lan is very sad and can’t accept this fact.

In January this year, Ms. Lan, who lives in Wuhan Donghu High-tech Zone, accepted a 5-month-old blue cat presented by a friend. When she brought it home, this lovely cat lived with her day and night, which made her very fond of it. In February of this year, Ms. Lan wanted to sterilize this blue cat, so she searched for an animal hospital with a high online rating near her home.

On February 16th, Ms. Lan took Blue Cat to this animal hospital on the date of appointment in advance, and prepared for sterilization. The operation went smoothly, and Ms. Lan took the blue cat home that day and took good care of it. But what Ms. Lan didn’t expect was that her beloved blue cat had problems the next day after one night.

"In those two days, the blue cat has been suffering from diarrhea, vomiting all day, and can’t eat food. It looks very distressing." Ms. Lan told Jimu journalist that on February 19th, she came to the animal hospital again with her blue cat. The doctor told her that it was a normal reflection that the cat’s resistance would decrease after sterilization. This blue cat may have gastroenteritis and needs intravenous drip for anti-inflammation.

After receiving hospital treatment, on February 20th, Blue Cat’s physical condition improved obviously.

The owner is sad to die of cat plague.

Unfortunately, a week later, Ms. Lan found that the blue cat had symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and inability to eat. On February 27th, Ms. Lan took Blue Cat to the animal hospital again. After being examined by the animal doctor, Blue Cat suffered from cat plague. The next day, Blue Cat was admitted to this animal hospital for treatment.

However, just one day later, the bad news came from the animal hospital: the blue cat was dying and had to undergo blood transfusion to continue observation and treatment. Ms. Lan told reporters that the animal hospital said on March 1 that there was no other treatment except blood transfusion.

On the same day, Ms. Lan immediately picked up the blue cat and prepared to be transferred to hospital for treatment. But what she never expected was that on the morning of March 2, Blue Cat was on the way to hospital for treatment and died unfortunately. In the days that followed, Ms. Lan cremated and buried the blue cat, which was extremely sad.

"I can’t figure out what I did wrong half a month after Blue Cat was sterilized." In an interview with a reporter, Ms. Lan questioned this animal hospital. "During the hospitalization of Blue Cat, the information provided by the doctor was very unclear. She only sent me some videos of it and told me that Blue Cat was in poor health."

Ms. Lan said that when she heard the news of Blue Cat from the doctor for the last time, she was seriously ill and needed blood transfusion treatment, which was like a clear sky, which made her suddenly unacceptable. "If the doctor clearly informed me of every step of the treatment process, I would also have the opportunity to transfer Blue Cat to a more professional hospital for treatment, and this life might be saved." Ms. Lan said.

Pets must be hospitalized separately.

At the same time, Ms. Lan told reporters that she was very dissatisfied with the actions of the animal hospital during the hospitalization of the blue cat after suffering from cat plague. Not only in the process of physical examination of the blue cat, it is not carried out separately from other pets in the hospital, but also the blue cat is placed in a house with sundries for hospitalization, which will increase the risk of blue cat infection with cat plague.

Recently, Jimu journalists went to the animal hospital with Ms. Lan. The doctor said that Ms. Lan did not conduct antibody testing with them before sterilization of the blue cat. In this regard, Ms. Lan said that she had vaccinated the blue cat two months ago. She believed that the blue cat probably suffered from cat plague in the animal hospital.

With the intervention of a high-profile journalist, on the same day, the animal hospital agreed that the doctor at that time would compensate Ms. Lan for the 2,000 yuan treatment fee she had paid before.

Afterwards, a journalist interviewed Wuhan Small Animal Protection Association. The staff of the association said that for pets, the incubation period of cat plague is long, unlike some surgical diseases, which is convenient for anatomical judgment. Therefore, animal medical institutions must treat and maintain pets separately according to whether they have diseases or similar diseases.

The staff also said that there is a risk of infection in animal medical institutions, and owners must conduct antibody testing or vaccination in a timely and comprehensive manner before sending their pets to medical institutions for surgery or treatment. In addition, the owner is also requested to choose a regular animal medical institution for his pet as far as possible.

For more exciting information, please download the "Jimu News" client in the application market. Please don’t reprint it without authorization. Welcome to provide news clues and pay them as soon as they are adopted.


The secret of wild animal breeding industry chain: some people collect fur and send it to the slaughterhouse.

  In the past few days, many departments have repeatedly issued announcements prohibiting any form of wildlife trading. Many places have also isolated places for raising and breeding wild animals. However, according to the first financial reporter, there are still loopholes in "refusing to eat game".

  A number of people in the industry reported to the First Financial Reporter that over the years, wild animal bodies such as fox meat, mink meat and raccoon meat from farms have been sent to slaughterhouses or small workshops to be processed into roast sausages or ham sausages. In some professional journals, there are even experts who guide how to process the meat of these wild animals into delicious food and sell it on the market.

  Secrets in the industry?

  Changli County, Hebei Province has nearly 30 years of fox, raccoon dog and mink breeding foundation, and the fur industry has become a local characteristic industry. The total number of breeding remains at around 8 million, accounting for one tenth of the country, and the total output of raccoon dogs ranks first in the country.

  Changli County is also the largest fur trade center in China, with an annual trade of 15 million fur and 500,000 live animals, with an annual output value of 8 billion to 10 billion yuan. Changli County was awarded the title of "China fur industry base" and "China raccoon dog breeding hometown" by the Specialty Society of China Agricultural Society. The county has formed a complete industrial chain of mink and raccoon breeding, improved seed breeding, feed and veterinary drugs, commerce, processing and logistics.

  When the first financial reporter interviewed in the local area, a person in charge of a farm said: "Some people bought fur and some people wanted meat, and sent it to the meat joint factory." When the reporter asked further, the other party seemed a little nervous and just said, "This is a secret that everyone in the industry knows."

  A person in charge of a group farm in Hebei told the First Financial Reporter that each raccoon skin can be sold around 500 yuan, and the breeding cost of each raccoon is about 200 yuan, and the benefits are still good. However, if there is a problem in the breeding process, the quality of the leather is not good, and some people do not make money.

  Bad leather does not affect the sale of meat.

  According to public reports, in June 2014, the Food and Agricultural Products Testing Center of Shandong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau showed the mutton products containing fox meat and mink meat detected by the center.

  On a food investment website, the first financial reporter also inquired that mink meat and raccoon meat were for sale. The wholesale price of raccoon meat is 2.2 yuan per kilogram, which is far lower than the price of pork and beef.

A food business network sells information about mink meat and related meat grinding equipment.

A food business network sells information about mink meat and related meat grinding equipment.

  There is even a medical science popularization WeChat official account who issued a document saying, "For 2 yuan, if you want to eat beef sausage or pork sausage, it is basically impossible." "A more formal manufacturer will use chicken. Generally, the main ingredients are chicken breasts, chicken skin and duck skin, and then the main flavoring substances — — Pork essence, monascus red pigment, preservative, and filler starch to reduce cost. Some manufacturers may use fox meat, mink meat and so on. Because these meats come from farms, as long as the farms are fur, the meat is generally free. "

  On a professional website containing various academic journals, the First Financial Reporter inquired about many papers such as Development and Utilization of Raccoon Meat, Development of Cumin Raccoon Meat Enema, Study on Comprehensive Utilization of Raccoon Byproducts: Utilization of Raccoon Carcass Meat, etc.

  Among them, it is mentioned that "raccoon dogs are an important wild animal resource in northeast China, and in recent years, there are many artificial breeding in various places." "Most wild animal farms, after slaughtering and skinning, some smash raccoon meat as feed for fur animals, some dispose of it at a very cheap price, or even discard it", and "processing it into food can create higher profits for farms (households)".

  Some experts instructed in the paper that "because the carcass of raccoon dogs is small, it is not easy to be removed, and the meat of raccoon dogs has a slightly earthy smell, so it is made of ‘ Braised canned food ’ The process, and pay attention to adding condiments that can remove the earthy smell in the formula to improve the flavor and palatability of the product. " "In order to eliminate the odor of raccoon meat and improve its edibility, ‘ Spicy Sichuan sausage ’ The formula and its technology, the main processing steps include thawing-cleaning-removing tendons, connective tissues and fat-cutting into small pieces-soaking in clear water-mincing-seasoning-pickling-canning-steaming-smoking, etc. "

  Some experts in the industry have also calculated that the average raw material cost per kilogram of sausage is 5.98 yuan. If it is sold at 10 yuan/kg, the gross profit per kilogram can be 4.02 yuan. If 10,000 raccoon dog carcasses are processed every year, 14,737 kilograms of spicy Sichuan sausage can be produced, and the gross profit can be more than 59,000 yuan, with considerable benefits.

A raccoon and mink farm in Changli County, Hebei Province. Photography/Zhangke

A raccoon and mink farm in Changli County, Hebei Province. Photography/Zhangke

  There are hidden dangers in the wild animal meat in the farm.

  Are wild animal carcasses such as mink meat and raccoon meat from farms safe? According to insiders, unlike pork, beef and mutton, which are subject to strict inspection and quarantine, mink meat and raccoon meat are usually only used for fur, and their meat is usually not included in the range of meat food raw materials, and most of them are not inspected and quarantined.

  Experts such as Ren Qiao from the College of Animal Science and Technology of Qingdao Agricultural University introduced that on February 25, 2012, minks in a mink farm in Hongdao, Qingdao developed symptoms and then died in large numbers. The investigation found that the farm was fed with a mixed feed made by itself, and raw fish, chicken head, eggs, pig liver and puffed corn flour were mixed evenly and diluted before feeding. The symptoms of sick mink are depression, loss of appetite or no food. Most minks are paralyzed in hind limbs, with acute onset and high mortality. Through pathological autopsy and laboratory test, the initial diagnosis was Clostridium botulinum poisoning in mink.

  Ren Qiao introduced that mink Clostridium botulinum poisoning is an acute fatal poisoning caused by eating meat feed containing Clostridium botulinum toxin. Clostridium botulinum spores are widely distributed, and Clostridium botulinum is often contained in animal intestinal contents, feces, decaying corpses and decaying feed. The bacteria breed in animal carcasses, meat and feed to produce toxins. The main source of infection of Clostridium botulinum poisoning in mink is the feed contaminated by this bacterium.

  Bao Linlin, an expert from the Institute of Experimental Animals of China Academy of Medical Sciences, introduced that human H5N1 subtype avian influenza virus A/Vietnam/1203/2004 was selected to carry out artificial infection test on ferrets. The results showed that human H5N1 avian influenza virus could infect ferrets, and the mortality rate of virus titer was 33%. The virus can be isolated from the heart, liver, spleen, kidney, small intestine and brain tissues of infected ferrets, which shows that the virus can infect ferrets’ lungs, brains, livers, kidneys and other organs and cause nervous system infection, which has the same characteristics as the H5N1 avian influenza virus strain that infects people.

  In addition, some insiders told the First Financial Reporter that in order to increase the luster of mink, raccoon and other fur, farmers usually add some hormones during the breeding process, and people will do harm to their bodies after eating these animals.

  After the COVID-19 outbreak, 19 academicians and scholars jointly called for putting an end to the illegal consumption and trading of wild animals and controlling the major public health crisis from the source. According to the appeal letter, there are loopholes in the domestication and breeding of wild animals, which are often called protection, domestication or breeding. In fact, it is illegal to buy, sell and eat wild animals, laying a hidden danger for the trade and consumption of wild animals.

  According to the first financial reporter, recently, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan and other places have closed down artificial wild animal farms and breeding grounds, and prohibited wild animals from spreading, transporting and selling.

  "The trade and consumption of wild animals is mainly not a legislative issue, but more a problem of lax law enforcement." Shi Yucheng, a professor at Gansu University of Political Science and Law, said.

  Ran Jingcheng, a member of the Standardization Technical Committee of National Parks and Nature Reserves, also said a few days ago that scientific research on wildlife breeding technology should be increased, and those species that can promote economic development, poverty alleviation and rural employment should be encouraged to carry out technical research and publish technical standards. Fixed-point processing of artificially bred wild animals and strict quarantine procedures.

Beijing CDC: Rabies can be prevented, and the latest vaccination outpatient list is summarized.

People infected with rabies virus, once the disease occurs, the mortality rate is almost 100%. Therefore, it is very important to know the knowledge of rabies prevention and rabies vaccine to improve the awareness of safety prevention and self-protection.

Come and have a look ~

Rabies is an animal-borne infectious disease caused by rabies virus. Rabies virus enters the human body through bites and scratches of rabid animals, or human mucous membranes and damaged skin contact with saliva and tissues of rabid animals, causing illness.

But rabies is a preventable disease.


Which animals spread rabies?

In rabies epidemic areas, more than 99% of human rabies cases are caused by rabies virus transmitted by dogs, and very few are transmitted by cats and wild animals (such as foxes, wolves and bats). Birds, fish, insects, lizards, turtles and snakes will not be infected or spread rabies virus.


What are the main symptoms of rabies?

People suffering from rabies are characterized by high excitement, fear of water, fear of wind, paroxysmal pharyngeal muscle spasm and other symptoms. When patients see water, smell running water and drink water, they can all cause severe throat muscle spasm. Although they are too thirsty to drink, they can’t swallow even after drinking, so rabies is also called "water phobia".

The incubation period of rabies cases is mostly within 1 year, usually 1-3 months.


How to prevent rabies?

The means to prevent rabies is very simple. On the one hand, vaccinate dogs to improve their immune rate; In addition, we should also raise our awareness of self-prevention to avoid being injured by animals. Once injured, we should deal with the wound in time, see a doctor as soon as possible and get rabies vaccine.

Once bitten or scratched by a dog, don’t be lucky. Go to the rabies vaccination clinic designated by the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Commission in time for standardized wound treatment and full vaccination, and if necessary, inject rabies immunoglobulin. Before seeing a doctor, wash the wound alternately with soapy water and flowing water as soon as possible if possible.


Where are the rabies vaccination clinics?

There are more than 100 designated rabies vaccination clinics in our city. The list, address and telephone number of clinics can be found on the official website of Beijing Municipal Health and Health Commission, the official website of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or on WeChat WeChat official account of Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or you can call 12320 Beijing Public Health Hotline for consultation.


What can we do to control rabies?

It is impossible to control rabies from the source simply by dealing with people after rabies exposure. The core strategy of rabies elimination is to carry out large-scale dog immunization in an all-round way. Blocking the transmission of rabies between dogs can reduce the transmission to humans and other mammals, which is the most effective, sustainable and economical means. The international experience in areas where there is no dog-to-dog rabies has also proved that it is effective to strengthen dog management and carry out large-scale immunization of dogs.

As a responsible host, we should:

  • Vaccinate dogs with regular and qualified rabies vaccine for animals every year.

  • Increase the awareness of responsible dog-keeping, don’t abandon it at will, and avoid abandoned dogs and stray dogs becoming the source of rabies transmission.

  • Raise dogs in a civilized way, wear a leash for your dog, and avoid the occurrence of dog injuries, and also avoid the domestic dog being injured by sick dogs.

Attachment: List of rabies vaccination clinics in Beijing

Data as of September 28th, 2022.

Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Contributed by: Institute of Immunoprevention, Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Process editor: tf008


China in Spring: In early spring and February, cherry blossoms dance and rape are dyed all over the ground.

  Cctv news: Spring returns to the earth, and everything is renewed. At this time of year, peach blossoms and willow greens, singing and dancing, and spring steps from south to north. Cherry blossoms are flying on the Songjiang mine site in Shanghai, Luoping in Yunnan is golden everywhere, bougainvillea in Haikou, Hainan is dazzling, and Shili cherry blossoms in Zhangping, Fujian are blooming all over the mountain. Come and enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

  Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden: In early spring and February, the cherry blossom dance pit site became a garden.

  In Chenshan Botanical Garden in Songjiang, Shanghai, it is warm and cold in early spring and February, and the grass is not yet green. Cherry blossoms take the lead in bringing spring. Thousands of Hejin cherry blossoms have blossomed one after another, and the cherry blossom avenue with a length of more than 600 meters has reached the most romantic season of the year. Pink cherry blossoms are covered with branches, like clouds, and walking among them is like walking into a pink dream tunnel.

  Chenshan was a quarry 20 years ago, and half of the stones on the hill have been cut off. It was once a mine site with serious soil erosion and serious vegetation degradation, and now it has turned into a beautiful urban garden. As a mega-city with a population of 24 million, Shanghai, with an inch of land, eliminated more than 500 backward enterprises through planning and land consolidation last year, took out 400 square kilometers of land and built 21 country parks. These country parks can not only purify the air, conserve water and prevent land loss, but also provide more choices for citizens to go hiking.

  Rapeseed Flower Sea in Luoping, Yunnan: Rapeseed is dyed all over the ground like a dream and a poetic spring breeze.

  In Luoping County, Yunnan Province, which is famous for its rape flower sea, 800,000 mu of rape flower fields are endless. Since the spring, there has been plenty of rain here, and rape has grown well. Even today, it is a rainy day, but although we can’t see the bright spring, we can appreciate the unique flavor of the sea of rape flowers in the fog.

  It is located in the mountainous area, and the fields are reclaimed by the mountains and stepped up, forming a unique terraced rape flower sea. The golden rape blossoms and unique geographical environment attract many tourists at this time of year, which also brings a lot of changes to the local area.

  Ao Liqiong, a villager in Shaodai Village, Luoping County, used to work in other places. Two years ago, she returned to the village to plant rapeseed. At the same time, she opened a farmhouse to entertain tourists who came to watch rapeseed. Now she doesn’t have to travel far, but her income is higher than before. In the village, more than 10 people have returned to their hometowns to start businesses like him. Rape series industry has also become a local pillar industry, taking the villagers on the road to becoming rich. Look at this golden land, this year is another bumper harvest year.

  Haikou Binhai Park, Hainan: a city with red clover and red pistil.

  In the Binhai Park in Haikou, Hainan, clusters of colorful bougainvillea bloomed in the spring, and citizens and tourists strolled in the sea of flowers, letting the sea breeze brush their faces and feel the warm spring in the south. There are nearly 90 thousand bougainvillea plants and more than 110 varieties here. During the holidays, it receives tens of thousands of citizens and tourists every day.

  Bougainvillea bougainvillea was called bougainvillea in ancient times. It can blossom all year round. The poet Shu Ting once wrote: As long as there is sunshine all the year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter are your flowering periods. Bougainvillea symbolizes the spirit of enthusiasm, perseverance and indomitable spirit. In 2013, it was designated as the flower of Hainan Province, and the colorful bougainvillea also made the enthusiasm of the tourist island more intense. With the increasing market demand for bougainvillea, the bougainvillea economy has also taken shape. In 2016, the number of bougainvillea planting enterprises in Hainan increased from 27 to 56, and the number doubled.

  Taiwan Province Farmers Pioneer Park, Zhangping, Fujian: Shili Cherry Blossom Mountain is full of tea, green cherry blossoms are red and spring is strong.

  Ten thousand mu of tea garden is full of cherry blossoms. In the Taiwan Province Farmers Pioneer Park in Yongfu Town, zhangping city, Fujian Province, more than 100,000 early spring cherry blossoms are blooming along the winding path on the lush tea mountain. From the air, they look like ribbons wrapped around the green tea mountain.

  Yongfu Town’s geographical and climatic conditions of high cold, high humidity and high altitude are very similar to those of Alishan Mountain in Taiwan Province. It belongs to a high-quality tea producing area, especially suitable for planting alpine tea in Taiwan. As early as 1996, Taiwan compatriots took root in this kind of tea, so it has the reputation of "Alishan Mountain in the Mainland". At present, Yongfu Town has more than 500 resident Taiwanese businessmen, planting more than 55,000 mu of Taiwanese alpine tea and 20,000 mu of Tieguanyin, with an annual output value of more than 600 million yuan, making it the most concentrated and largest alpine tea production base for Taiwan Province tea farmers to invest in the mainland. Since the beginning of spring, after several spring rains, the tea tree is growing vigorously, and this year’s spring tea will usher in a bumper harvest.

  In addition to planting tea, since 2006, Taiwan compatriots have also interplanted cherry blossoms in tea gardens. Today, there are more than 150,000 cherry blossoms planted here, with as many as 42 varieties. Yongfu Town from January to March every year is a magnificent scene of "ten miles of cherry blossoms blooming all over the mountain". Only during the Spring Festival holiday this year, more than 270,000 tourists came here to enjoy the flowers.

Eating fruit indiscriminately can lead to unconsciousness? !

  □ Tadpole Jun

  From spring to summer, fruits from all walks of life come as scheduled. If someone says at this time, you may not eat fruit. Do you believe it? However, some people really get sick because they can’t eat fruit, and some even have symptoms of unconsciousness and nonsense. What’s going on here?

  Maybe you should know how to eat fruit.

  "Eating litchi will get angry" is common sense?

  Recently, litchi has been on the market. Many people love litchi and know the saying: "One litchi has three fires." Because eating too much litchi will really make you feel thirsty, and in severe cases, there will be oral ulcers, so people usually think that "eating litchi will really get angry."

  In fact, eating too much litchi will cause dry mouth or oral ulcer, not because of excessive internal heat. The main reason is that litchi is a high-sugar fruit. High sugar will make your mouth in a hypertonic state, which will make you feel thirsty. At the same time, because litchi pulp is easy to plug in the teeth, high-sugar residues will also bring nutrients to bacteria in the mouth, leading to a large number of bacteria proliferation, causing oral ulcers, and even accompanied by symptoms such as gingival inflammation and swelling and pain.

  In addition, excessive consumption of litchi can also lead to "litchi disease".

  The main clinical manifestations of "litchi disease" are hypoglycemia, accompanied by symptoms such as pallor, dizziness, palpitation, hunger, sweating and fatigue. This is because litchi contains a lot of fructose, and it takes some time for fructose to enter the body and be converted into glucose. Insulin starts to consume glucose in the blood after eating litchi, and eating too much litchi increases satiety and affects the intake of other foods, resulting in hypoglycemia.

  If you have mild symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue and sweating after eating a lot of litchi in a short time, you can take glucose water or white sugar water first, and then go to the hospital in time.

  Therefore, doctors will suggest that adults should not consume more than 10 lychees a day, and 5-6 lychees are enough for children. Don’t eat too much.

  Eating sugar cane without drinking water, almost insane?

  During the Spring Festival last year, it suddenly became popular to eat sugar oranges. It was reported that a short video anchor showed off a basket of sugar oranges bought by her mother and ate them all, but he was delirious and was taken directly to the hospital.

  Not long ago, another news about mental disorder caused by eating oranges and sugar cane was hotly searched: a 40-year-old long-distance truck driver in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, ate a lot of sugar cane every day for a week to quench his thirst. As a result, he was delirious and had symptoms of gibberish. His family rushed to the hospital for treatment. Fortunately, due to timely treatment, the man was fine.

  According to the doctor’s description, the man suffered from the above symptoms due to eating a lot of high-sugar fruits, insufficient drinking water during long-distance running, and excessive loss of water in his body, which led to his body being in a state of high sugar and hyperosmotic.

  The so-called hyperglycemic hyperosmotic state refers to the syndrome that the blood sugar is greater than 33.3mmol/L, accompanied by high plasma osmotic pressure and severe dehydration without obvious ketosis tendency. Hyperglycemia and hyperosmotic state is also called nonketotic hyperosmotic diabetic coma in clinic. It refers to the patient’s body is under stress, and the insulin secretion in the body is relatively insufficient. At this time, the insulin anti-regulation hormone secretion is greatly increased, and the liver sugar is released rapidly, resulting in severe hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia leads to hypertonic hyperglycemia, which will lead to mental abnormality, which is also one of the serious acute complications of diabetes, and even has the risk of death.

  This kind of emergency usually requires a lot of fluid replacement, intravenous application of insulin and sedatives and other rescue and treatment measures. Therefore, doctors remind "sugar friends" that the daily intake of fruits and types should be strictly cautious. Once symptoms such as dry mouth, excessive drinking and emaciation appear, blood sugar changes should be monitored in time.

  Distinguish between "high sugar" and "low sugar"

  Fruit is obviously beneficial to the human body, but why does it hurt the body?

  Based on the problem of sugar content, let’s first get a general understanding of the classification of fruits and how we should "eat fruits scientifically".

  Fruits can be divided into low-sugar fruits and high-sugar fruits. Low-sugar fruit refers to the fruit with less than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit. Including lemon, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, peach, plum, apricot, loquat, pineapple, strawberry, cherry, cucumber, tomato, etc., the lowest sugar content is lemon; High-sugar fruits refer to fruits with a sugar content of more than 10 grams per 100 grams of fruits, and can be divided into the following two categories: fruits with a sugar content of 11-20 grams per 100 grams of fruits, including bananas, pomegranates, melons, oranges, apples, pears, grapes, lychees, mangoes, etc. Fruits with sugar content higher than 20g per 100g of fruit include persimmon, cantaloupe, winter jujube and hawthorn.

  Research shows that the sugar content in sugar orange is about 10%-11%, that is to say, every 100 grams of sugar orange contains about 10-11 grams of sugar. The sugar content of sugarcane is even higher, which is 17%-18%. Therefore, both of them are high-sugar fruits.

  How to eat fruit scientifically?

  In fact, the sugar mentioned here is mostly sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc. This kind of sugar is easily digested and absorbed by the body, so people’s blood sugar will increase significantly in a short time after eating. Therefore, how to grasp the amount, time, types of fruits and ways of eating is very knowledgeable.

  So how do you eat fruit?

  The first is to grasp the time of delicious fruit. Generally speaking, it is better to eat fruit between two meals (such as 10 am or 3 pm), so as to avoid overloading the pancreas with too much carbohydrates at one time. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to eat fruit immediately before or after meals.

  The type of fruit you eat should also be selected according to your physical condition. For example, if people with sugar control needs (diabetics), they should choose fruits with relatively low sugar content and slow blood sugar increase; If you are hypoglycemic, you can eat more high-sugar fruits to supplement your body’s sugar. For details, please refer to the above fruit classification.

  The second is the amount of fruit eaten. No matter how delicious the fruit is, it should be controlled. Don’t stop eating it. According to the Dietary Guidelines for China Residents published in 2021, the specific values of fruit intake of each age group are as follows: the intake of children aged 1-3 is 100-150g/day; The intake of children aged 4-6 is 150g/day; The intake of children aged 7-10 is 150-200g/day; The intake of children and adolescents aged 11-14 is 200-300g/day; The intake of teenagers aged 14-17 is 300-350g/day; The intake of adults over 18 years old is 200-350g/day; The intake of the elderly over 65 years old is 200-300g/day. Eating properly according to this amount should be relatively healthy.

  Finally, the way to eat fruit is suggested not to juice as much as possible, and it is better to eat fresh fruit directly. After the fruit is squeezed into juice, on the one hand, many nutrients will be lost during the juicing process, for example, vitamin C will be destroyed by oxidation, and on the other hand, a lot of dietary fiber and minerals will be wasted if the pomace is lost. So drinking juice looks healthy, but it’s not.

  Of course, the most important thing to remind everyone is that everything should adhere to the principle of moderation. This should be the secret of staying healthy forever.

  (Source Tadpole Staff)

Russian Film Week | Here, it is the "Northland Spring" of world movies.

Special feature of 1905 film network On September 6th, the "Russian Film Week", under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Embassy in China, the Propaganda Department of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Hunan Film Bureau, and co-sponsored by China Film Group Corporation, Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Ltd. and Russian Central Partnership Film Company, kicked off in Beijing, China, and officially launched a four-day Russian film screening activity.

AARON Li, Special Representative of China Government for Eurasian Affairs, andre Denisov, Russian Ambassador to China, Bai Yimin, Deputy Director of National Film, Mao Yu, General Manager of China Film Group Corporation and other leaders, filmmakers and other guests attended the opening ceremony of Russian Film Week.

Actor Zhang Guangbei is the director and producer of the Russian TV series of the same name. He remembers seeing the novelist Vasilyev in Moscow sixteen years ago. He said, "The experience of filmmakers from the two countries fighting side by side has made me unforgettable. As a film and television worker, it is very meaningful to contribute to the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples."

Screenshot of the TV series "The Dawn is Quiet here"

Director Jia Zhangke said that he has always been a fan of Russian military movies, and he is also looking forward to challenging the shooting of war themes one day. The younger generation of Russian filmmakers have the creative characteristics of "poetry and reality". The Chinese and Russian filmmakers have the same soul, and there will be more cooperation in the film field in the future.

In fact, as early as 2017, Jia Zhangke co-directed the first cooperative film of BRICS countries with Russian directors. Produced by Jia Zhangke, the film brought together five film directors from China, Russian, Indian, Brazil and South Africa to make a short film with the theme of "Where has the time gone?", telling their different understandings of time and emotion from their own unique perspective.

This "Russian Film Week" will be shown in Beijing and Changsha from September 6 to 10 and September 8 to 12, respectively. Six representative Russian anti-fascist works, such as The Last Frontline, Life and Death Ball Match, Highland 89 and Zoya, will show Russia’s humanistic charm and national spirit in the light and shadow world, and also bring spring to the audience in Beijing and Changsha in autumn.

spring in the north

Among the six films, T34 was shown in China on December 11th, 2020, which tells the story of heroic Soviet soldiers successfully escaping from the Germans. The film won the "Special Medal of the Iron Man Jury" and the "Best Editing Award" in the 5th International Action Film Week.

Border Fog was released in China on March 12th this year. The film tells the story that Michael used to think that his ancestors were traitors who surrendered and committed suicide in the Soviet-German battlefield, but by chance, he found the door of time. After crossing back, he found that his ancestors were all heroic soldiers … …

The Last Frontline tells the story of the heroic resistance of the students of podol Sk Infantry and Artillery School on the outskirts of Moscow in October 1941.

"Highland 89" heroically reproduces the tragic bloody battle in the Caucasus Plain, which is more epic than the classic sniper’s work, and won the Russian Golden Eagle Award and the Russian Nika International Film Festival Award in one fell swoop.

The Match of Life and Death is based on historical events: In 1942, Kiev in the Ukrainian Republic of the Soviet Union fell into the hands of German troops, and the new Kiev football team was going to play a game with the German Nazi team under fascist rule … … The film and have the same effect, and both show the cruelty of war and fascist atrocities with the help of football themes.


"Zoya" is based on the patriotic heroine of the Soviet Union: in the autumn of 1941, Zoya, a female student, voluntarily participated in a sabotage activity, but was unfortunately captured, but never gave in. She was also the first woman to win the title of "Soviet hero", and was made into a movie of the same name as early as 1945.

It is worth mentioning that these Russian films were all released after 2000, and they were all set in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, but they showed different colors from the previous films of the same theme in Russia, a big country producing war films.

In the traditional hymn of heroism, The Fog on the Border uses the art of crossing to make the dude living in modern times cross the most critical moment of the country, and realize the hardships of his predecessors and the beauty of the present from his feelings for home and country and where will you go, so as to reflect on various current thoughts.

"The Last Frontline" added the elements of campus youth to the traditional war films (and took the spy war as an excessive rhythm). When the classical romantic love encountered the most cruel war in human history, it had already predicted the flower festival of cruel youth and the demise of romance. More than 2,500 of the 3,500 cadets stayed on the battlefield forever, and the soldiers who returned home were no longer teenagers. Only in the smoke and tears could they meet with the smile of "Dawari" again … …

In The Match of Life and Death, the director voluntarily gave up the grand narrative, focused on the experience of a little person (Soviet soccer goalkeeper Nikolai Treacy), and deeply touched on the essence of war and human nature through the ultimate choice of winning the tragic and fearless game or losing at the Nazi gun.

The Nazi mass grave scene in "Life and Death Match" is shocking.

The tanks in T34 are all real T-34 and Leopard tanks in World War II. All actors trained to open tanks for 3 months and completed all actions, and invited military advisers. "89 Highland" invested 400 million yuan and used 5,000 soldiers from two divisions, 300 tanks and 200 planes to take part in the filming, which can’t help but remind people of one of the films with the most extras in film history — — Written and directed in 1966.

"War and Peace" is a war scene like an oil painting.

It can be seen that after the new century, Russian films have returned to tradition in art, to the public in value, to classics in subject matter, and integrated into the trend of film genre combination on the basis of classic narration, and practiced their own national film language with the help of the development of modern film industry.

Red romance

Speaking of film language, Soviet films have made two great contributions to world films: montage and poetic films.

In 1923, movie master published an article "Attraction Montage" in the magazine "Left-wing Literary Front", which initiated the film montage theory and the Soviet montage school. His masterpiece tells the historical story of the uprising of the warship potemkin of Odessa Navy. The "odessa steps" in the film has also become the most classic montage fragment in film history, and confirmed his famous saying with 155 shots in 7 minutes, "The juxtaposition of two montage shots is not the sum of two numbers, but the product of two numbers". Therefore, the film stood at the top of the pyramid in the golden age of Soviet movies.

The famous stroller in odessa steps.

In 1957, the director of the Soviet Union was considered as "a movie satellite launched by the Russians", which broke through the rigid framework of Soviet World War II films, skillfully formed the double metaphor of "geese flying south" through subtle emotional depiction, and led the film to a poetic film road.

The long and rotating shots with poetic beauty perfectly overlap the artistic conception of the picture with the connotation of the story, and show the sufferings of Soviet youth in the anti-fascist war with the life of a woman who has never been to the battlefield.

In "Flying South in Wild Goose", before he died, the man looked at the rapidly rotating birch treetops, and he imagined that he was married to the woman, which became a classic lens in film history.

In addition to these two world-changing films, Lenin in 1918 in the 1920s, Zoya during the Great Patriotic War, and Silent Dawn Here in the 1960s and 1970s after the war are all world-famous films, not to mention War and Peace, which were adapted from domestic classics, which made Soviet films bear extremely rich literary nourishment.

After the founding of New China, the film mode of the Soviet Union began to be used for reference by filmmakers in China, and once became a model for China’s film creation. At that time, China established a complete supporting film management system from management, production and operation, and Beijing Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studio and Bayi Film Studio were successively established, which became the main position of film setting in the early days of New China together with Northeast Film Studio, and gradually stepped out of the road of new China film with national style and modern characteristics.

In mid-2020, the director also recreated Ivan’s running on the water in Ivan’s Childhood on the ice of Lake Baikal, and showed his parents’ youth, love and the era full of faith influenced by "Big Brother of the Soviet Union" with the song "Red Berry Blossoms" sung by the "embarrassed mother" at the Red Star Theatre.

In recent years, both China and Russia are adopting the cultural strategies of "going out" and "bringing in", constantly strengthening the support for domestic films, and winning many awards in major international film festivals, thus embarking on the road of great-country films with their own national cultural characteristics and characteristics of the times. At the same time, China and Russia have also carried out film exchanges and cooperation in many fields by holding film festivals with each other regularly, co-shooting films, introducing and broadcasting excellent film and television works from both sides, which has injected new vitality into deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Russia in the new era.

As Bai Yimin, deputy director of the State Film Bureau, said at the opening ceremony of "Russian Film Week", "this" Russian Film Week "will further promote pragmatic cooperation in the film field between China and Russia, promote the common prosperity and development of the film industry between China and Russia, and write a new chapter for enhancing the exchange and mutual learning of Chinese and Russian civilizations and the traditional friendship between the people."

What are the novel tweet authorization platforms? Novel tweet white paper for you to interpret

With the prosperity of online literature and the popularity of social media, the novel tweet authorization platform has gradually emerged, providing a brand-new cooperation opportunity for novel writers and tweets. These platforms not only help authors to expand the influence of their works, but also provide a way for tweeters to gain income. Recently, the novel tweeting agency "Xingzi Booster" released the "White Paper on Novel Tweeting Industry in 2024", which explained in detail the characteristics and operation mode of these novel tweeting authorization platforms for us. Through the industry ecological map in the novel tweet white paper, we can see the important platform and function of each link.
As the first-level authorized organization of novel platforms such as Zhihu, Tomato, UC, Starting Point, Headline, Tik Tok Story, Far Right, Story Meeting, etc., "Xingzi Boost" has carefully interpreted the opportunities and development trends of novel tweet industry from the perspective of the industry. If you want to join the novel tweet industry or an organization/studio that is already in the novel tweet industry, you are also welcome to cooperate with wenlaoshi008.
The White Paper on Novel Tweet Industry in 2024 gives us a detailed interpretation of the main novel tweet authorization platforms in the current market. As a well-known institution in these platforms, Xingzi Boost provides novel writers and tweets with new opportunities for cooperation, helping them to expand the influence of their works and gain benefits. When choosing a platform, tweeters need to make comprehensive consideration according to their own needs and conditions, and choose a platform suitable for them to cooperate. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, we expect that the novel tweet authorization platform in the future can provide more innovative services and cooperation modes, and create more value for novel authors and tweets.

Cool weekend "summer" Fengxian Bihai Jinsha and Jinshan city beach play strategy is coming.

Hot summer day

Go barefoot to the seaside to blow the sea breeze and step on the sea water.

It is the best way to cool off in summer.


Fengxian Bihai Jinsha and Jinshan City Beach

Has been opened to the outside world

Small body has prepared a play strategy for you.

Help you cool down for a summer!

Bihai Jinsha

No.6 Haihan Road, Fengxian District

I. Opening hours

From July 2nd to September 12th, 8: 30-21: 00 (admission will be closed at 19: 30).

From September 13th to October 7th, 8: 30-17: 00 (admission will be closed at 16: 00).

From October 8th to December 31st, 8: 30-16: 30 (admission will be closed at 15: 30).

Note: The swimming period is from July 2nd to September 12th, and the non-swimming period is from September 13th to December 31st. The operation time of the scenic spot will be adjusted due to uncertain factors such as weather and renovation. The above information is for reference only, which is subject to the actual publicity information of the scenic spot on that day.

Second, the way to purchase tickets

Tickets can be booked through WeChat WeChat official account "Bihai Jinsha" and major online platforms (Meituan, Ctrip, Mama Donkey, etc.).


1. Amusement items in the scenic spot are all second-generation items, which need to be purchased separately.

2. Please reasonably participate in high-risk tourism projects such as high altitude, high speed, water, diving and exploration according to your own conditions, so that the safety of happy travel comes first.

Once the ticket is sold, it is not transferable.

Iii. preferential policies for tickets

1. Free of charge

Children: under 1.3m (inclusive).

Old people: 70 years old or above, with an old age card or ID card, need to be accompanied by family members to enter the park.

Disabled people: they need to be accompanied by their families to enter the park with their valid certificates (disability certificates).

Servicemen and disabled soldiers: Hold my valid Military Officer’s Card or Soldier’s Card.

Fire rescue personnel: with valid certificates.

2. Half-price ticket

Children: children over 1.3 meters tall buy discount tickets.

Students: Minors aged 6 to 18, students with full-time undergraduate education or below can buy discount tickets with their student ID cards.

Old people: 60 years old (including 60 years old) to 70 years old (excluding 70 years old) buy discount tickets with ID cards.

Soldiers: Ex-servicemen buy discount tickets with their retirement certificates, families of active servicemen, survivors of martyrs, survivors of soldiers who died in the line of duty, and survivors of deceased soldiers with valid certificates.

Fourth, the admission notice

1. Before entering the park, visitors must hold a negative nucleic acid certificate within 72 hours; When entering the park, you must show your health code and cooperate with the staff to take temperature measurement. Visitors whose temperature exceeds 37.3℃ are refused to enter the park.

2. After entering the park, visitors must wear masks all the time. Specific requirements and precautions for prevention and control have been set up at the eye-catching position of the main entrance of the park, so visitors are requested to cooperate and abide by them.

3. All the items in the scenic spot except those included in the big ticket are self-funded items, and the specific items are subject to the on-site presentation of the scenic spot (for example, due to force majeure factors such as weather, electricity, equipment, epidemic situation, etc., for safety reasons, the merchants may change, delay or cancel the opening of some play items without prior notice, and no change or refund measures will be implemented. Please forgive me! )

Jinshan City Beach

No.7555, Huhang Highway, Jinshan District

I. Opening hours of swimming period

July 2 to September 10, 8:30-21:30

Second, the ticket price

1. Swimming period: ticket to 30 yuan on weekdays and 50 yuan on holidays and weekends.

2. Non-swimming period: ticket to 10 yuan on weekdays and 20 yuan on holidays and weekends.

Iii. preferential policies for tickets

1. Free tickets

Officers (for servicemen with valid certificates, disabled soldiers, survivors of martyrs, survivors of servicemen who died in the line of duty, survivors of deceased servicemen and families of servicemen).

On-the-job, retired, disabled firefighters (including full-time government firefighters) and fire rescue college students (with their valid certificates).

Disabled persons shall hold the "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card" issued by the Disabled Persons’ Federation.

Any elderly person over 65 years of age (with my valid certificate).

Children under 1.3 meters in height.

Visitors who enjoy free tickets (except children) must first go to the ticket office to exchange tickets for scenic spots with valid certificates. When entering the scenic spots, they should also show their tickets and their valid certificates to check in.

Children under 1.3 meters (inclusive) will be issued admission tickets after their height is confirmed by the ticket office.

2. Half-price ticket

Students in full-time schools (with student ID cards).

Every elderly person aged 60 (inclusive) -64 (inclusive) is limited to one (with an old-age card or ID card). When entering the scenic spot, he must present a half-price ticket and his valid certificate at the same time, and check the ticket to enter the park.

Children 1.3m-1.5m in height.

Fourth, the admission notice

The scenic spot will strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as "peak shifting, reservation and flow restriction" and place code, application code, travel card and "four codes" of nucleic acid detection information, and strictly implement quota reservation management according to the carrying capacity and actual situation of the scenic spot.

1. You must wear a mask regularly, consciously accept the temperature test, provide the application code, travel card, negative proof of nucleic acid test within 72 hours, take the initiative to be verified by digital sentry or scanning place code, and the staff can confirm before entering the park.

2. Visitors can purchase tickets online through "Jinshan City Beach" WeChat, WeChat official account, Meituan and other online platforms, or they can purchase tickets at the artificial window.

3 tourists consciously keep a safe distance of more than 2 meters, do not gather, do not stay in crowded areas for a long time, and do not engage in group activities.

4. Tourist attractions that do not wear masks, do not listen to dissuasion, and do not meet the requirements for entering the park will be persuaded to return.

Visitors are requested to strictly follow the epidemic prevention requirements, abide by the epidemic prevention regulations in the scenic spot and follow the guidance of the staff in the scenic spot to ensure a pleasant play. For more details of opening, please pay attention to the official WeChat official account of the scenic spot. The actual opening situation is subject to the notice of the scenic spot.

Small body warm reminder, in recent hot days, please do a good job in heatstroke prevention and sun protection when going out, and try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods. If you have symptoms of heatstroke, you should quickly enter a cool and ventilated place and seek medical advice in time.

Source: Bihai Jinsha, Jinshan City Beach official WeChat official account
