Tencent Music -SW rose more than 5%, continuously refreshed high profitability, steadily increased online music revenue and accelerated growth.

  Tencent Music -SW(01698) rose more than 5%, reaching a new high of HK$ 47.2. As of press time, it rose by 5.74% to HK$ 46.95, with a turnover of HK$ 6.6897 million.

  In the news, Tencent Music recently released its annual results for 2023, and the group achieved a total revenue of 27.75 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) during the period. The profit attributable to equity holders of the company was 4.92 billion yuan, up 33.8% year-on-year. Among them, online music service revenue increased strongly by 38.8% year-on-year, reaching 17.33 billion yuan (US$ 2.44 billion). Bank of America Securities pointed out that Tencent Music’s performance in the last quarter was stable, exceeding market expectations, driven by the increase in the number of music paying users and the promotion of ARPU. It is expected that the growth of its core music business will remain strong this year.

  Goldman Sachs said that Tencent Music has been one of the best performing companies in the China market in the past six months, and predicted that the company will continue to perform well in 2024. Mainly because of the operating leverage generated by the high incremental profits of the company’s music subscription and advertising, it further promotes the upward adjustment of the company’s profit forecast; After the New Year promotion, the average income per paying user (ARPPU) recovered, which led to the further growth of the company’s music service income; At the same time, the structural improvement of music payment tendency is driven by the continuous improvement of monetization strategy of Tencent Music.

Rewinding music, Tencent music and cloud music all need more thought.

Wen | Entertainment Business Observation Tehran

According to the consulting report, the online music market in China will increase by 33.1% year-on-year to 32.2 billion yuan in 2023, and it is expected to reach 49.5 billion yuan in 2025, and the corresponding social and entertainment industries derived from music are expected to exceed 110 billion yuan.

China’s online music market is growing into one of the hot market targets that attract worldwide attention and focus on watching. What’s more, Netease Cloud Music, as one of the two leading platforms, completed a gorgeous turn last year.

According to the financial report, Netease Cloud Music climbed out of the quagmire with a loss of over 9 billion yuan in five years, and turned losses into profits for the first time in 2023, and achieved a profit of 734 million yuan from a loss of 221 million yuan in 2022, and the gross profit margin increased significantly from 14.38% to 26.73%.

However, the spring breeze is still mixed with the coldness and chill of winter.

On the one hand, the profit of Netease Cloud Music has a lot of luck factors, including the restriction of exclusive copyright at the policy level, which makes the authorized price of music in the market return to rationality and the higher interest rate of US dollar deposit, which also indicates from another side that there is uncertainty in the future of the online music business that has become the core.

On the other hand, as I predicted in the second quarter of last year, Tencent Music was slightly overwhelmed by the income of social entertainment services that continued to decline.

In 2023, Tencent Music’s revenue from social entertainment services and other businesses decreased by 34.2% year-on-year to 10.43 billion yuan, while the Group’s annual revenue in 2023 decreased by 2.1% year-on-year to 27.75 billion yuan.

The initial heart of retiring music

It’s not just Tencent Music.

Faced with the pressure of strong supervision and content rectification from the policy side, it was the consensus of the entire online music market last year to actively shrink and transform the social entertainment service business, including Netease Cloud Music.

According to the financial report, in 2023, the revenue of Netease Cloud Music decreased by 12.5% year-on-year to 7.867 billion yuan, of which the revenue of social entertainment services and other businesses decreased by 33.6% year-on-year to 3.516 billion yuan, and its proportion in total revenue fell from 59% in 2022 to 44.7%.

Not only that, although the number of monthly paying users of this business increased by 20.3% year-on-year to 1.6 million, the monthly income per paying user dropped from 326 yuan in 2022 to 178.6 yuan.

The shift of business focus will inevitably lead to "pain", and from the perspective of financial indicators and user data, Tencent Music is in an advantageous position in the new competition driven by social live broadcast to music members’ payment.

In 2023, the total revenue of Tencent Music was about 3.5 times that of Netease Cloud Music, and its net profit was about 8.5 times. In terms of "revenue pillar"-online music service revenue, Netease Cloud Music (accounting for 55.3%) increased by 17.6% year-on-year to 4.35 billion yuan, and Tencent Music (accounting for 62.3%) increased by 38.8% year-on-year to 17.33 billion yuan, nearly four times that of Netease Cloud Music.

In terms of user data, in 2023, the number of monthly active users of Netease Cloud Music online music service increased by 8.7% year-on-year to 206 million, and the number of monthly paying users increased by 15.3% year-on-year to 44.12 million. Benefiting from this, the membership income of the platform increased by 20.2% to 3.65 billion yuan compared with 2022.

It seems to be thriving, but in fact it is under a lot of pressure.

Compared with the data released by the platform in the first half of 2023, the number of monthly active users of online music service of Netease Cloud Music basically stood still in the second half of the year, and the number of monthly paid users only increased by 2.37 million, and the monthly income per paid user did not change much year-on-year, only from 6.6 yuan to 6.9 yuan.

On the other hand, although the number of monthly users of online music of Tencent Music decreased by 4.2% year-on-year to 576 million, the average monthly income of a single paying user increased for seven consecutive quarters, reaching RMB 10.7 by the end of 2023. At the same time, the number of online music paying users increased by 20.6% year-on-year to 106.7 million, reaching a new high.

Behind a rise and a fall

The formation of the gap is traceable, and the most obvious one is undoubtedly the income of paying users.

According to the consulting data, the number of online music users in China in 2023 was 744 million, with a year-on-year increase of only 3.7%. Among them, users accounted for 54% after 90 and 00.

The scale of paid members of online music service is growing close to the ceiling, and it is difficult to have explosive growth. However, for overseas music platforms such as Spotify, the membership payment space of Tencent Music and Netease Cloud Music is still considerable.

Tencent Music is indeed making efforts in this direction.

At the beginning of December last year, QQ Music recently sent a "reminder on the price change of renewal service" to WeChat users, announcing that from 0: 00 on January 9 this year, the automatic renewal price of QQ Music Green Diamond Deluxe Edition members will all be brought to 15 yuan/month.

Two price increases during the year, and Netease Cloud Music reduced the price of platform student members to 5 yuan/month shortly after the official announcement of the second price increase. Tencent Music’s move not only made QQ music members lose their price advantage, but also caused themselves to fall into a word-of-mouth crisis, and was criticized by many users on social platforms for "eating ugly".

For this result, Tencent Music can’t be unexpected. After all, as early as 2022, Tencent Video, which belongs to the Tencent Department, also attracted a "squeaky sound" because of the continuous price increase of its members during the year, and even led to the loss of its members.

Tencent’s financial report shows that the number of paid members of the platform decreased by 2.4% year-on-year and 1.6% quarter-on-quarter in Q2 2022 when Tencent Video announced the second price increase.

However, there are priorities. Between the overall revenue trend and the maintenance of membership scale, Tencent Music must give priority to the burning eyebrows.

Coincidentally, Netease Cloud Music is doing the opposite, and it is also trying to make online music services provoke a heavier burden.

Compared with Tencent Music, which has entered the scale of 100 million paying users, the penetration rate of Netease Cloud Music still has room for further improvement. The platform also stressed after the announcement of the financial report that this year, it will further focus on scale growth, steadily enhance the profitability of the platform, and promote the ecological and healthy development of Yuncun.

On this basis, like all industries, the choice of young people also determines the future of the music market. At present, in order to cope with the rising cost of living and economic pressure, more and more young people begin to downgrade their consumption and pay more and more attention to cost performance.

Therefore, not only playing "low-priced cards", Netease Cloud Music has really put a lot of thought into meeting the personalized needs of users and improving the quality of platform services.

In January this year, Netease Cloud Music App officially announced a new revision, and released an open letter to users on the same day, apologizing to users for a large number of problems unrelated to music in the past, and at the same time, by changing the brand Slogan back to the 2013 version-"Discover good music", emphasizing that the new version will return to its original heart.

It is worth mentioning that QQ Music also has student members, and the platform clearly emphasizes that "student members are not affected" when the price is raised for the second time.

However, compared with Netease Cloud Music, the student members of QQ Music also have no price advantage, but the age setting range is wider, supporting users aged 13-24 (inclusive), and the benefits are more diversified.

Hard work may not be rewarded

"Fortunately, I didn’t follow the experience", "I thought I entered QQ music", "It’s cumbersome and I always make mistakes", "Change the soup without changing the medicine" …

Netease Cloud Music showed sincerity, but not all users bought it. To sum up, the official propaganda is just a slogan, which even destroys the experience of some users. At the same time, the advertisement does not seem to have a "-1 point". Many users will suddenly pop up advertisements on the homepage of the song when they feedback.

On the other side of the story, we are asking for higher prices to increase Tencent music, and we have not fully figured out how to persuade users to pay for the increased expenses.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, although the year-on-year growth rate of online music service revenue of Tencent Music rebounded, there was still a significant gap compared with 47.6% in the second quarter of last year.

With the extension of this idea, the profitability of Tencent Music is rising, and it is not all due to online music.

According to the financial report, in 2023, the operating cost of Tencent Music decreased by 8.2% year-on-year, and the total operating expenses decreased by 9.7% year-on-year, among which the sales and marketing expenses continued to drop by 21.6% year-on-year.

No matter how well the payment habits are cultivated, the price increase will still provoke the most sensitive nerves of users. On the other hand, although it is the present situation and will be the long-term trend in the future that the number of young people who spend cautiously and flock to the low-price belt increases, what they value is the low price with quality and value.

In other words, it is not a long-term solution to innovate at low prices and increase prices and income. The real competition between the two companies returning to music is to improve the user experience and service quality on the basis of continuously enriching the basic resource of copyright and build their own core competitiveness.

Both Tencent Music and Netease Cloud Music need continuous thinking and exploration on how to be practical and excellent. While the blade continues to move inward, the two companies must also be alert to market encroachment from the outside.

According to the 2023bilibili Music Ecology Report, in 2023, more than 152 million people watched music videos in bilibili, and the total number of broadcasts exceeded 57.3 billion times. In 2023, the number of video contributors to bilibili music scene doubled, and the total number of submissions soared by 189% year-on-year; In the whole year, the big coffee musician ×UP main cross-border planning exceeded 100 times, and the live music activities cooperated over 1100 times; More than 1,500 global star singers have settled in bilibili, and nearly 30,000 new MV songs have been launched.

On the other hand, according to QuestMobile’s data, ByteDance’s "Soda Music" is the fastest growing digital music product in 2023, with a monthly activity of 40 million in the third quarter, an increase of 400%. In response, before the press release, the APP has captured more than 30 million downloads on iOS, occupying the TOP1 of the AppStore music free app list.

Regarding the repeatedly mentioned AI, we can easily feel the determination and persistence of the two companies from the financial report.

The problem is that from the current reality, neither the embracing logic of Tencent Music’s enhanced interactive experience nor Netease Cloud Music’s playing from the ecological advantages of the community has aroused much splash at the user end.

Things change, rivers and lakes float and sink.

For Tencent Music and Netease Cloud Music, music can’t completely act as an antidote to anxiety for the time being. And how far it will go to embrace AI is full of unknowns and possibilities.

How about the acting skills of the young actors in this year’s Chinese film in Cannes?

Author: Twenty-two Island Owners

Compared with previous years, this year’s China films in Cannes can be described as a comprehensive return. Face of china films were shortlisted in the main competition, a kind of attention, bi-weekly directors, film critics week and other units.

However, for the general audience, people are more concerned about the performance of China stars on the red carpet and China actors who are shortlisted for the film, and whether it is possible to win the prize. This year, two short-listed films, Mistakes by the River and Burning Winter, both star in young filmmakers who have a high popularity in China, which has become the focus of public concern.

In the movie "Mistakes by the River", Zhu Yilong plays the role of Ma Zhe, a criminal policeman. Neither the film nor the original work focuses on the detection of the case and the truth about who the murderer is, but focuses on depicting how Ma Zhe, as an obsessive person, is constantly fiddled with the unspeakable truth and gradually falls into absurd, uneasy and confused moments and memories. On the basis of the original work, the film enriches some pre-history and relationships for Ma Zhe. For example, he seems to have made a third-class merit and is proud of it; I am very loving with my wife, but I have a disagreement on the issue of the upcoming child; The director thinks highly of him, but sometimes he feels that he is one-track-minded and somewhat out of place with this system …

The enrichment of these details provides a starting point for Zhu Yilong’s performance. As a male-dominated drama, almost every scene of the film has the appearance of Ma Zhe, but there is no emotional drama that is particularly exposed on the whole, and most of them are silent inner dramas and dialogues with people around them. In the film, there is a scene in which Ma Zhe falls into a dream, which is an ingenious stroke of the film. In this scene, the audience cuts in from the first perspective of Ma Zhe, and as he experiences something that seems to be true and unreal, these scenes need to be established through Zhu Yilong’s performance in the previous performance to establish the audience’s emotional connection with Ma Zhe.

At this point, Zhu Yilong can be said to have completed it successfully. As a criminal policeman in the movie, when he appeared, he was dressed in leather, unshaven and disheveled. Whether walking or smoking, it has the feeling of ordinary criminal police at the end of last century. According to Zhu Yilong, for this role, he lived in the county town for a month and a half, and especially observed the living habits of some policemen who are now middle-aged. Because of his thin figure, he gained weight for his role to nearly 160 Jin, which was not specifically required by the crew, but after chatting with these old policemen, he found that these people were generally overworked because of staying up late and being too nervous. In the second half of the film, as Ma Zhe fell into a trance, his weight plummeted, and he wore tired dark circles every day. Zhu Yilong then lost weight according to the changes of the characters in the shoot. It can be said that at least in appearance, Zhu Yilong stood still, and upheld the consistent breakthrough in styling since The Event of Life.

Of course, in The Mistake by the River, we can not only see the difference of Zhu Yilong’s modeling, but also feel the change of his performance style. Although "Life Events" doesn’t have many scenes or plots to express inner feelings with eyes, it can be seen that he has been using his eyes to convey inner subtext, so when the film was released, there were many comments praising Zhu Yilong as a veritable "eye skill school"; But in The Mistake by the River, it can be clearly seen that he uses his eyes less, but also uses some micro-expressions and external actions, such as smoking, pacing, meditation, etc., and the director rarely gives him close-ups, which adds a bit of mystery to this character. It can be said that Ma Zhe was originally a puzzle solver, but through Zhu Yilong’s interpretation, he also became a part of the puzzle.

Of course, due to the difficulty of adaptation, the film can’t fully present the original appearance. In the second half of the original, Ma Zhe has undergone amazing changes. If that part of the passage can be played by Zhu Yilong, I believe it will be a greater blessing for him to win the prize. At present, the overall impression is still a little dull. However, from "Life Events" to "She Disappeared" and then to "Mistakes by the River", I have to admire Zhu Yilong’s team’s vision in choosing roles. These characters are complex and not single, and they are highly compatible with Zhu Yilong’s own temperament, which is very valuable.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Zeng Mei Hui Zi, who plays Ma Zhe’s wife in The Mistake by the River, is equally eye-catching. In a limited number of scenes, he has constructed a forbearing and strong wife image. Unfortunately, there are too few scenes. If we can give this character more space, I believe it will enrich the play.

Compared with the hero’s main play "The Mistake by the River", the three leading roles in "Burning Winter" are relatively even, and they all have a lot of room to play. Nana, Haofeng and Han Xiao are very ordinary, so they seem to have no personality, so they need actors to return to themselves completely, perform and interpret their roles with the state of life.

Zhou Dongyu is the core figure in the film. He cooperated with director Anthony Chen for the second time, and also cooperated with another starring Haoran Liu for the second time, which can be said to have a certain bond. In recent years, Zhou Dongyu’s works rarely appear in cinemas. Most of the films such as King of the Sky, Nightlife in Changsha, You are My Spring, Hug You Through the Winter are special appearances or guest appearances. As the first female starring, Flame on the Plain was unexpectedly withdrawn. This time, Burning Winter can be said to be her best screen performance in these years, which once again proves her strength as a three-gold winner.

Liu Haoran needs a breakthrough even more. He once wrote an article summarizing the difficulties faced by the new generation of actors. Haoran Liu’s biggest problem is that he also succeeded in Tang Tan and lost Tang Tan. His personal box office is basically supported by three Tang Tan, and there is no particularly impressive screen role in recent years. The role of "Haofeng" appeared at the right time, which not only stepped out of Haoran Liu’s personal performance comfort zone, but also provided a relatively novel character image for the current China big screen.

Qu Chuxiao’s performance in the film is also quite amazing and full of powder. In fact, we can see from "I want us to be together" that he is more suitable to play this kind of contemporary urban/small-town youth, because he has a kind of "dejection", but when he pulls himself together, he can also burst into a kind of "burning energy", which are more valuable qualities in him than actors of the same age.

As mentioned above, these roles need actors to return to self-acting, so Anthony Chen also provides them with some favorable conditions, such as the names of characters come from actors, Zhou Dongyu’s nicknames Nana and Haoran become Haofeng and Chu Xiao become Han Xiao, etc., and the role settings are all from the actors’ own hometown, Hebei, Henan and Sichuan, which makes it easier for actors to enter.

Nana in the film is a tour guide and the first person to appear in the film. From the moment she appeared, the real life breath came to my face. In the interview, Zhou Dongyu said that she specially observed the speaking habits of the tour guides, and combined with Anthony Chen’s lines full of life, she presented the image of a girl who was careless on the surface but fragile and sensitive inside to the audience from the beginning.

In terms of performance methods, we can actually see that the three actors are not limited to men or women. Haofeng and Daxiao will have a delicate and soft side, while Nana will also have a strong and self-reliant side. It can be said that in this film, there is no "actor" or "actress" in a complete sense. Everyone is just playing people who are trying to live, and they all have two sides of their personalities. This is also the state that director Anthony Chen deliberately tries to blur some gender.

Generally speaking, Burning Winter allows the audience to see Zhou Dongyu, Haoran Liu and Qu Chuxiao that they have never seen before. At present, many comments focus on the erotic scenes of Zhou Dongyu and Haoran Liu, which is actually somewhat biased. If you really see several erotic scenes in the film, I believe it will prove our previous point: the actors in this play are highly unified with the characters, and all the plot settings are also for the characters.

This year, the main faces of Chinese actors in Cannes Film Festival are above the standard, which is gratifying and worth looking forward to. After all, I sincerely hope that in the future, more and more young China filmmakers, whether directors or actors, can bring their works to the temple of this film, instead of just rubbing the red carpet and making some short-lived exposure. After all, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

A large truck in Guangxi rushed to primary school students, causing 3 deaths and 2 injuries. The accident vehicle was suspected of being overloaded.

  Cctv newsOn March 26, the reporter learned from the traffic police detachment of Guigang Public Security Bureau that on March 24, a large truck collided with students crossing the road after school in Guangren Village, Mule Town, Guiping City, causing one girl to die on the spot, two girls died after being rescued, and two others were injured. After the accident, governments at all levels in Guigang and Guiping, public security traffic police and other departments carried out follow-up investigation and handling work, and it has been determined that the truck involved was suspected of being overloaded. 

  The truck was suspected of being overloaded.

  According to the investigation by the Traffic Police Brigade of Guiping Public Security Bureau, the driver Liang was from Luchuan County, Guangxi. At 11 o’clock on the morning of March 23, Liang drove a heavy van of Gui K brand to carry sugar from a sugar factory in Longan, Baise to Guangzhou, stopping for three times, and stopping for dinner in Shizui Town, Guiping City before the incident. After the accident, the traffic police department checked the vehicle situation and found that the approved load mass of the truck was 40 tons, while the sugar loaded on the truck was 58 tons. At present, the public security organs have criminally detained Liang, and the traffic police department has also sent the accident vehicle to the judicial technical appraisal department for various performance tests.

  The traffic facilities in the accident section are perfect.

  After on-the-spot investigation by the accident handling police, the road section is 304 provincial highway, and the whole line is equipped with large-scale car speed limit signs. There is a crosswalk (zebra crossing) at the accident site, with clear markings, a speed bump 230 meters away from the zebra crossing, and a warning sign to avoid children and students 77 meters away.

  Carry out investigation and rectification to prevent problems before they happen

  After the accident, Huang Weijing, vice chairman of the government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, gave instructions to attach great importance to it and quickly organize forces to deal with it. On March 25th, the joint meeting on road traffic safety in Guigang issued a notice to the offices of the joint meeting on road traffic safety in counties, cities and districts, as well as to all member units, to deploy and carry out the major investigation and rectification of traffic safety hidden dangers around the campus.

  The traffic police department of Guigang City quickly investigated and rectified the hidden dangers around the campus for all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in its jurisdiction, focusing on the establishment and integrity of signs and markings such as traffic warning signs, zebra crossings and speed limit signs along the national and provincial roads around the campus. Understand the daily work style of the school when organizing students to go to school and cross the road, and urge the school to learn the lessons of the 3.24 traffic accident in Guiping and attach importance to the safety guidance of students to go to school and cross the road.

  Enter the passenger and freight enterprises in the jurisdiction, urge the person in charge of the enterprise to strengthen management, investigate the hidden performance hazards of trucks and vehicles and traffic violations, organize freight drivers to carry out traffic safety publicity and education activities, improve drivers’ awareness of civilized and safe driving, and prevent traffic accidents from the source. Intensify efforts to rectify road traffic violations of key vehicles such as trucks, buses and dangerous goods transport vehicles, and strictly investigate serious traffic violations such as overloading, overcrowding, illegal modification, illegal overloading and transportation, license-related, drunk driving, and fatigue driving.

  It is reported that the traffic police department of Guigang City will also convene relevant departments to hold a road traffic safety contact meeting in the near future to study the traffic safety management around the campus and explore the establishment of a long-term management mechanism for traffic safety around the campus. (CCTV reporter Fu Qien Ryson Ho)

2016 Movie Market Big Data Report from Mermaid to Billy Lynn

As of December 31st, 2016, the box office figure of China in the past 16 years has been fixed at 45.521 billion yuan.

At the beginning of the year, "The Mermaid" triumphed all the way, giving people the illusion that it was another year of explosive box office growth, but the market quickly gave a negative answer. Each schedule was cold one after another, and the "small goal" of 60 billion box office at the beginning of the year became far away.

But just as the technological revolution brought by Billy Lynn makes people realize another possibility of film, mainland filmmakers may also need an opportunity to re-examine their creations and calmly think about what went wrong in the mainland film market.

So instead of complaining or belittling, it is better to review the China film market in 2016 and see the market truth behind the figures.

The growth rate of box office slowed down, and the development of film market entered a new stage.

As of December 31, 2016, the cumulative box office of mainland cinemas throughout the year.45.521 billion yuanFor the 16th consecutive year, the box office increased and the number of screenings broke through.74.79 million gamesThe number of people watching movies surpassed North America for the first time.1.374 billion person-timesThe strong force of the 16-year-old Lunar New Year movie led to the early completion of the 10 billion box office task in the whole year. On February 23, 16, the national box office had exceeded the 10 billion mark, 40 days earlier than in 15 years.

Behind the data being refreshed,The box office growth rate has slowed down obviously, and the explosive growth is no longer.The audience is becoming more and more rational and the market development has entered a new stage.

Released films and over 100 million films reached new heights.

The total number of films released in 16 years has reached468 departmentThere are 86 films over 100 million, but the number of films released is inversely proportional to the box office growth rate. More and more "small films" have to face the fate of "one-day trip to the cinema", and even a large number of films cannot be released in the cinema. The hard way to solve this dilemma is to upgrade the overall film quality and flexible and diversified film arrangement.

existOf the 86 films over 100 million, 41 are foreign films.Occupy half of the country, domestic films still face severe market competition. The only film that broke through the 3 billion mark was the New Year blockbuster "Mermaid", which became the only film above the box office of 2 billion. According to the standard of 1 billion box office as an "explosive" blockbuster, there are 9 box office blockbusters in 16 years, only one more than last year.

Watching movies in the New Year has become fashionable, and summer files are short of blockbusters.

Throughout the whole year of 16 years, the box office of domestic films exceeded that of imported films in 7 months, accounting for 58.14% of the box office, which was slightly lower than that of 61.26% in 15 years, and the average box office of a single film was also significantly different from that of foreign films.

February, when the Lunar New Year file is located, is the most popular time for the national audience to enter the cinema.Entering the cinema during the Spring Festival has become a new trend.. The movie market entered a dull period in the second quarter after the Lunar New Year movie craze faded. Compared with Speed and furious 7 released in the same period of 15 years, the popularity of the IP blockbuster Warcraft released in the same period of 16 years quickly subsided after a movie craze, and the film quality was not too hard and non-game fans paid less attention to it, which limited the box office potential of the film, and the market lacked real super blockbusters to support the rapid growth of the box office.

The topic caused by the "National Film Corps" in the summer file is obviously not as good as that in the same period of 15 years. The Big Fish Begonia, which was released in early July, has a mixed reputation and failed to replicate the miracle of The Return of the Great Sage. The quality of "To Youth 2" is not too hard, and the acting skills of Wu Yifan, a small fresh meat, are questioned; The comedies such as "The Jedi Escape" and "Lu Yao Know Ma Li" failed to continue the box office miracle of goodbye mr. loser last year; Released in August"Tomb Raider Notes" became the only blockbuster in the summer file with a box office of over 1 billion..

In February, the attendance rate reached the highest of 27.14% in the whole year, and at this time, the average ticket price also increased in due course. As the audience’s attitude towards the movie market turned cold, the average ticket price dropped sharply when the attendance rate dropped again and again. The exception was that the average ticket price in June, which had the lowest attendance rate in the first half of the year, reached 34.6 yuan, the second highest in the whole year, because many foreign films released in June, such as Warcraft, Independence Day 2 and X-Men: Apocalypse, were released in 3D format, which raised the ticket price. The attendance rate and the number of people attending the movie show the audience’s attitude towards the movie market intuitively. 

The box office of the top ten films has shrunk

There are 5.5 films made in China in the top ten box office in the year (Kung Fu Panda 3 was co-produced by China and the United States), with a total box office of 13.01 billion yuan, which is significantly smaller than the total box office of 15.265 billion in the top ten films 15 years ago.There are 7 films with box office above 1.3 billion in 15 years.And only three in 16 years.

In terms of types,Fantasy films have sprung up in the film market in the past 16 years.Among the top ten films, The Mermaid, zootopia, Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon, etc., there are many genre elements of fantasy films, compared with comedy films, which have obviously regressed.

Animation and fantasy are popular in the market, but romance is cold.

In terms of genre, there are as many as 99 romantic films with low cost, but the cumulative box office is only 4.325 billion yuan, and the average box office of a single film is far lower than other types except thrillers; leadingAlthough there are only 19 fantasy films, the box office returns are as high as 12.116 billion yuan.This kind of film focuses on the trump card of dazzling visual effects, and often takes into account comedy, adventure and other types of elements, making it easier for viewers to choose.

Action types have a relatively fixed audience, and the box office receipts of 64 films and 12.446 billion films are also considerable;Cartoons have gradually become the new favorite of the film market.Films such as "Big Fish Begonia" and "zootopia" have become hot topic movies. The story plot suitable for all ages, accurate film arrangement strategy and long-term box office income brought by word-of-mouth fermentation all make them feel at home in the film market.

Compared with the same period of 15 years, the three periods included in the New Year’s Eve file have increased greatly.Mermaid, Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon and storm riders of Macau have become the engines of the film market.However, each schedule fell into a continuous downturn, with only a small increase compared with the same period of 15 years, and even a small decline in the Women’s Day schedule. In the second half of the year, the film market was weak, and the three periods of the summer file lacked the support of large-scale films such as goodbye mr. loser and Hong Kong Long, and the National Day file and Christmas file were not as good as the same period last year.

The film market in the first, second and third lines is becoming saturated, and small-town cinemas are boosting the film market.

From the geographical perspective, there are 16 provinces with box office exceeding 1 billion mark, which is the same as that in 15 years.There is no doubt that Guangdong Province won the national box office championship again.; Judging from the city level,Box office and box office share in first-and second-tier cities have declined.The cumulative box office in first-tier cities is less than 10 billion, and the cumulative box office in third-tier cities has also shrunk significantly compared with 15 years. The downturn in these cities is the main reason why the development of the film market in 16 years is not as expected.


On the other hand, the box office of cities below the third line has increased substantially, accounting for 26.79% of the box office, with an increase of 74.36%, which has become the real engine for the market to maintain growth in 16 years. If this growth rate continues,Cities below the third line are expected to surpass second-tier cities and become the largest film market in China in 17 years.

As of December 31, 16 years of domestic filmsA total of 3,742 films were approved, put on record and publicized.In a few months, the number of project films even exceeds the number of films released in the whole year. Although there are many "cannon fodder" films with worrying quality, there will also be some excellent domestic films in the next few years, including runaway comic film, Made in the sky, One like you, The Three Doors, The Hidden Man, The Wandering Earth and Catch the Demon 2, which are worth looking forward to.

Wanda won the box office championship in cinema.

The biggest winner of the mainland box office market in 16 years is still Wanda Cinema, with a box office income of 6.088 billion yuan, which is only 2% higher than that of 5.965 billion yuan in 15 years. Guangdong land rose from the third place in 15 years to the second place, while Zhongying Xingmei in the second place in 15 years slipped to the fourth place.

Looking at the distribution of box office of 48 cinemas in China, we can see thatThe top 6 cinemas accounted for 50.44% of the box office.There are still 12 cinemas with a box office of less than 100 million yuan, an increase from 15 years.

The top10 cinemas in the national box office are all in the four major ticket warehouse cities in the north, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, but the growth rate of the 16-year ticket market is not as good as expected, and the number of new cinemas in the whole year is as high as 1418.The number of cinemas and screens continued to increase by a large margin, and the average box office of cinemas declined.As a result, last year, no cinema grossed over 100 million yuan, and the number of cinemas with less than 10 million yuan increased by 140 compared with 15 years.

In 16 years, the number of domestic screens increased by 9,290, with an increase of 29.37%. The proportion of box office and the total number of people contributed by 3D screens are still the highest.Audiences like the 3D visual experience in the cinema.It is not difficult to understand why there are so many 3D films in the later stage.

Online ticketing subverts the habit of purchasing tickets.

Compared with 15 years, the ticket sales space at the counter has been further compressed in 16 years. Although the subsidy for online ticket sales has dropped from several billion in 15 years to more than one billion in 16 years, the proportion of tickets issued is still as high as 75.66%. The transaction mode of O2O has completely subverted the consumption habits of the audience, and its advantages of flexible operation, no queuing and low price are irreplaceable.

Throughout the world, North China ranked as the world’s largest film market with 10.572 billion yuan. In recent years,’s film market has entered the fast lane and is constantly narrowing the gap with the former. At present, the box office market is firmly ranked second in the world. In addition to the rising box office market, the mainland film market still has great potential in developing derivative industries and image licensing.

In 16 years, 97 films were released.Hollywood films account for 85.88% of the box office of imported films.. It is worth noting that the choice of the film side is more diverse. Japan’s secondary culture has a wide influence among the post-90s and post-90s groups, and many filmmakers have also set their sights on this audience. In 16 years, there were 11 Japanese films released in China, most of which were animated films. Even the live-action film Parasitic Beast was adapted from the animation of the same name. Although famous cartoons such as Dragon Ball, Crayon Shinchan, Conan and Naruto are well-known in China, most of them have a mediocre box office."Your name. "Crazy 569 million yuanThe excellent quality and accurate marketing of the film is the only magic weapon to ensure the box office.

Overseas market development has a long way to go.

Domestic films with a comprehensive improvement in production level have made great strides in China, which also gives more and more domestic films the confidence to go abroad and accept the test of the international market. In the highly competitive North American market, domestic films have to face cultural differences, difficulties in arranging films, language and other obstacles, and they have to confront Hollywood films with perfect genre and higher industrialization level, so it is still difficult for these films to make a breakthrough in the international market at present, and the only blockbuster "Escape from the Jedi" has a face familiar to North American audiences like Jackie Chan, so it is reasonable to succeed. The film "The Great Wall" directed by Zhang Yimou has been released in 68 countries since December 29th. Whether it can achieve success in overseas markets is worth looking forward to.

In 2016, a total of 17 foreign films were released simultaneously overseas and in the Mainland, butThe overseas box office of most films far exceeds the domestic box office.The only two exceptions are the game-adapted movie Warcraft and the movie Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk directed by Chinese director Ang Lee.

The former set off a game craze in China as early as 2003, and then the online games of the same series have been popular in China for decades. At that time, the game teenagers were the main force of consumption in the mainland film market, and it is reasonable for domestic audiences to realize online culture as a movie box office. There are many reasons for the great contrast of the latter, such as the low reputation of the film in North America, the mistake of Sony’s distribution strategy, and the high cost of transforming the old cinema for high frame rate technology, which all restrict the "North American War" of Billy Lynn.

The imported film Disney is the only one.

In 2016, 97 imported films were released, with a cumulative box office of 19.054 billion yuan, accounting for 41.86% of the box office. amongDisney’s nine blockbusters monopolized 15.226 billion yuan.Its traditional animation and fantasy family movies are most popular with the audience, and zootopia and Fantasy Forest are the representatives of this type of movies.

After the acquisition of Lucasfilm in 12 years, the sci-fi genre has also become Disney’s trump card, and the most influential sci-fi classic "Star Wars" series in North America has made Disney Film even more powerful. In addition to Star Wars 7, which made 800 million box office in the mainland film market, Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange, which cooperated with Marvel Comics, also made rich box office returns.

"Mermaid" made model worker of the year.

Congratulations to Deng Chao for becoming a screen model for 16 years! This year, the two films starring him, The Mermaid and Passing Through Your World, have a gratifying box office. The former has set a new box office record for domestic cinemas, while the latter is the best-selling love movie in 16 years.

When it comes to the new box office record created by The Mermaid, Jelly Lin, the heroine of the film, has naturally become the most attractive actress in the past 16 years, with a cumulative box office of 3.571 billion yuan. Even though she didn’t star in another film, Grand Prix, the box office brought by No.1 mermaid still stabilized the national goddess Fan Bingbing and became the most marketable actress in the film market in the past 16 years.

Judging from the city data, many audiences in Guangzhou and Shenzhen may not understand the popularity of zootopia by Beijing and Shanghai audiences, while Warcraft, which Shenzhen audiences are less eager to see, has gained more attention in the other three places, while Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon on a Journey to the West is generally unpopular with the audience in these four ticket-holding cities, and its audience is more concentrated in the second, third and fourth tier cities.

The most expensive cinema in China is naturally the first "private film" synchronized with the cinema in China.Cinema yaolai chenglong international film city huamao branchAmong ordinary cinemas, the local cinema is the Sanlitun store of Meijia Studios in Beijing, while the most expensive city is Changdu City in Xizang Autonomous Region, with an average price close to 70 yuan.

Box Office, Person-time and Number of Plays all set new records. Analysis of "the strongest May 1st file"

Special feature of 1905 film network It’s May Day again. After the "strongest Spring Festival file" and "the strongest Qingming file" in history, this year’s May 1st file once again set a new box office record. According to the statistics of M Big Data of 1905 Movie Network, the box office of May 1st movie in 2021 has exceeded 1.67 billion by May 5th, an increase of 9.4% compared with the same period in 2019.

This year’s May 1st file is known as "the most crowded May 1st file". During a short five-day holiday, more than ten movies were arranged. And the types of movies cover almost all popular types, such as love, suspense, spy war, police and bandits. In this May Day film, the top three at the box office are,, and.

This year’s May 1st file handed in such a satisfactory report card. Zhang Jinfeng, the deputy editor-in-chief of China Film Newspaper invited by this issue, mentioned that the May 1st box office results are inseparable from these three effects.

Holiday effect

The publisher probably expected that more people would choose to walk into the cinema during this short holiday than when they were away from home!

@ Zhang Jinfeng: Especially after the epidemic, it has become a common phenomenon for the film market to choose holidays to enter the cinema in the process of recovery. Moreover, in the absence of imported blockbusters this year, the number of people watching movies has increased by 25.9%, which can explain the effect of holidays.

Head effect

The May 1st movie should be My Love and Above the Cliff. The box office of the two films has reached more than 60% of the total box office, which is a big cake at the box office of May 1st.

@ Zhang Jinfeng: My Love may still have a gap in the quality of creation, but this film wins by accurately grasping its mainstream audience — — Young female audience. And it still has comedy and touching plot settings, which has a good connection with the target audience of the film in terms of emotion.

@ Zhang Jinfeng: Speaking of Above the Cliff, all aspects of this film actually reflect a creative level of China-style films, which should be regarded as the first choice of the market audience.

Word of mouth effect

Although the pre-sale of My Love reached more than 74 million, it could not escape the ultimate judgment of film quality — — Word of mouth. My Love didn’t get a good reputation in the later word of mouth, and the Douban score was only 5.1.

In just five days, two films have achieved box office counterattack through good word of mouth.

Above the Cliff, the first runner-up, won a good reputation because of its solid output. The box office of the film Above the Cliff has been on the rise since May 1, and the cumulative box office has reached 627 million, surpassing My Love and ranking as the box office champion.

In addition, another film with a good reputation is "Decisive Fight Against the Black", which is more grounded. Many real cases are adapted to face the ills of corruption, and the interpretation of powerful actors such as,, and so on adds points to the film.

At present, although it didn’t get a box office jump in the initial stage, its high reputation contributed to the continuous benefit of the film, which jumped from the humble sixth place on the first day of release on May 1 to the third place at this week’s box office, with a cumulative box office of 146 million.

Many movies have seen the holiday effect of May 1st, thinking that getting together may be able to gamble on attention. Now, the May 1 ST file is over, and some people are happy and worried on the report card. It is true that intercepting the short-term box office cannot be used as a yardstick for judging a film, but the word-of-mouth gained in five days is enough to show the quality of the film.

After all, the success of the film is not limited to the box office.

Today’s film reviewDirector’s observation:The rare issue is not a summary program from the beginning to the end. The guests did not praise the "strongest May 1st file in history" in a routine way, but raised hidden dangers and problems under the high box office, and analyzed and discussed the phenomenon of excessive contrast between the previous holiday box office and the weekday box office. I hope that after reading it, I can have more understanding of the schedule arrangement of the current China film market, and I also hope that I can see high-quality domestic movies not only during the holidays, but also on weekdays. (Director of Ma Hongyu’s Today’s Film Review)

"China Vitality" in the data | The export of new energy vehicles reached a new high, with a year-on-year increase of 97.4%.

CCTV News:"China Vitality in Data" series reports that today (September 30th) we will pay attention to the export data of new energy vehicles. According to the data from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first eight months of this year, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 97.4% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles are becoming a new business card of China Intelligent Manufacturing.

According to the data released by China Automobile Manufacturers Association recently, this year’s 1-mdash; In August, China exported 1.817 million vehicles, up 52.8% year-on-year. Among them, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, and the contribution rate to the growth of automobile exports reached 26.7%. In 2021, China’s automobile exports reached 2.138 million, surpassing 2 million for the first time, making it the third largest automobile exporter in the world after Japan and Germany.

Some experts in the industry said that in terms of structure, the export of automobile industry is shifting from commercial vehicles to passenger cars represented by new energy vehicles. In addition, in the export area, China’s automobile exports also focus on new energy vehicles, which are mainly from Asia, Africa and Latin America in the past, and are expanding to mainstream markets such as Europe.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:Our current export of new energy vehicles is mainly in the European market. Last year, 49% of our new energy vehicle exports were exported to the European market, and our automobile export situation is very gratifying.

In terms of models, the export models represented by new energy vehicles are more advanced. In the past, they were mostly low-end models, and now many enterprises have begun to cut into the market with high-end cars. In addition, in terms of export strategy, from passive in the past to active now, in addition to local factory building and cross-border brand cooperation, we have also adopted self-built sales channels and customized development of new models through shared technology to open up the international market.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:Different from the past, car companies have built their own marketing channels abroad and continued to build brands, and new energy vehicles have initially achieved a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation.

The export of new energy vehicles has maintained a good momentum in the first eight months of this year. In September, the export momentum has not diminished, which will drive China’s automobile exports to a new high this year.

On September 13th, in Shanghai, the largest batch of pure electric vehicles in China was shipped at Haitong Wharf and exported to the European market. This time, 10,000 pure electric vehicles of SAIC were exported to the European market.

On September 26th, in Wuhan, the first batch of new energy vehicles of Dongfeng Group went to sea in Norway. At the export ceremony, Norwegian dealers were full of confidence in this new energy vehicle made in China.

Norwegian distributor Sven Arid yangsi Gard:At first glance, the market response (in Norway) is very positive, and consumers are very satisfied with the products.

In Beijing, near the "Eleventh", workers in this bus factory are stepping up production. By the end of October, this factory will have produced a total of 1022 pure electric buses for export to Chile.

Han Dong, Executive Vice President of New Energy Bus Company:This list is a record for the export of pure electric vehicles (buses) in China. The single order is more than 1000 units, which is a high-quality order in the domestic bus industry.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, since 2020, despite the impact of the epidemic, China’s automobile exports have generally shown a rapid growth momentum. In 2021, China exported 2.138 million vehicles, which doubled year-on-year, achieving a historic breakthrough. Among them, the export of new energy vehicles exceeded 400,000, a year-on-year increase of nearly three times.

Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this process of transformation, China’s innovation, industrial chain construction and market cultivation have reached the forefront of the world. The rapid growth of new energy vehicles (sales volume) in China has also led to a historic breakthrough in China’s automobile export, ending the situation that it has been hovering around 1 million vehicles (export volume) for more than ten years.

       The head of China Automobile Industry Association said that this year, driven by the strong export momentum of new energy vehicles, China’s automobile exports will reach 3 million, reaching a new high, and it is expected to become the second largest automobile exporter in the world.

In the interview, the reporter also noticed that after years of development, the technical level of China’s new energy vehicles has been significantly improved, and the core technologies of key components have reached a higher level. It is the innovation of the whole industry chain that has helped new energy vehicles become a new business card for intelligent manufacturing in China.

The reporter walked into this new energy automobile enterprise in Anhui, and the production line was busy, and the order had been placed for three months. The person in charge of the enterprise told the reporter that the secret of the rapid growth of the sales of new energy vehicles in enterprises lies in persisting in innovation.

Xu Youzhong, Vice President of Automotive Engineering Technology R&D Institute of Automobile Enterprises:Taking research and development as the top priority, we have established 38 technical committees, including a set of forward development process systems with 38 systems and 22 performance dimensions.

In the past 10 years, this company has invested more than 7% of its sales revenue in R&D every year, mastered a number of key core technologies such as the fifth-generation engine with the maximum effective thermal power of 44% and the world’s first gearbox with nine modes of switching, and applied for 18,500 patents. At present, there are nearly 10,000 R&D personnel.

Not only insist on innovation, China new energy automobile enterprises are generally enhancing their product adaptability and building a "global car". The reporter noted that these new energy vehicles exported to Norway have generally developed the trailer hook function to adapt to the cold and snowy scenes in northern Europe. Another batch of vehicles exported to the British market, including the work of changing the left steering wheel to the right steering wheel, invested more than 100 million yuan in adaptive development.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:New energy vehicle is a new business card of intelligent manufacturing in China. We must grasp this window period well. We must be able to form a standard pool with Europe or America, and we can recognize each other’s standards together and compete under the same standard platform.

The person in charge of China Automobile Industry Association said that the high export growth of new energy vehicles in China is the inevitable result of years of industrial accumulation. In the past 10 years, China government’s support policy for the new energy automobile industry has been continuously strengthened, and China automobile enterprises have actively responded to the policy call, and the overall strength of the new energy automobile industry has been continuously improved, which can meet the global diversified market demand in terms of product appearance, quality, R&D and production capacity.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this round of global automobile transformation to electrification and new energy, we have occupied a commanding height and led the global automobile industry to transform to new energy and electrification.

These days, "Chao Wen Tian Xia" has continuously broadcast "China Vitality in Data", and a series of data are dizzying. There is a digital economy in these data, which has greatly liberated and developed productive forces and changed the underlying logic of industrial production. There are also key points in the data. An "excavator index" allows us to see how many points to focus on when stabilizing the economy.

There are market players in the data, and their vitality comes to the fore through vivid data. There are services in the data, and the vitality of market players comes from their own efforts, as well as from intimate public policies and targeted services. There are transformations in the data, new technologies, new products, new formats, and how many old trees are blooming. There is also a future in the data, and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc. are releasing amazing potential.

The data is like a rigorous brush, which gives us a picture of China’s economic development. These data are not easy to get, and there are gratifying achievements in the data, and there is a process of tackling difficulties. China’s vitality in the data is, in the final analysis, created by hundreds of millions of resilient, creative and enterprising people. The vitality of China in the data actually tells the story of China people’s innovation in the data.

How to pay for the insurance when the car is flooded in a rainstorm? Don’t do it!

BEIJING, Beijing, August 2 (Reporter Zuo Yukun, Zhang Ni) Recently, under the influence of Typhoon Du Surui, extreme rainfall occurred in many areas. Under the heavy rain, many vehicles were trapped in the water, flooded or even washed away directly.

  According to the Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, as of 8: 00 a.m. on July 31, the property insurance industry in Beijing had received 978 related insurance reports and rescued 65 vehicles and personnel in distress, and the follow-up insurance reporting and handling work was still in progress.

  For car owners, can their vehicles be compensated if they are flooded? How to protect personal and property safety to the greatest extent?

  If the vehicle is soaked in water, will the insurance pay?

  Regarding the question of whether the flooded car can get compensation, the owner who bought the car damage insurance can rest assured.

  According to the relevant provisions of motor vehicle loss insurance (hereinafter referred to as motor vehicle damage insurance), if the direct loss of motor vehicles caused by natural disasters and accidents is not within the scope of compensation exemption, compensation can be made in accordance with the agreement. Among them, in terms of natural disasters, the scope of compensation includes hail, lightning strikes, storms, rainstorms, floods and many other common natural disasters.

  Many old drivers may claim "water-related insurance" when their cars are flooded. Wang Guojun, a professor at university of international business and economics Institute of Insurance, told the reporter of Sino-Singapore Finance and Economics: "Now there is no water-related insurance, and it is all in the car damage insurance. Whether the engine of a traditional car is flooded or the battery of a new energy vehicle is damaged, it is counted in the car damage insurance. "

  Specifically, the Guiding Opinions on Implementing Comprehensive Auto Insurance Reform, which was officially implemented on September 19, 2020, has carried out major reforms in China’s auto insurance. As long as the new insurance users and renewal insurance users after the above time point have included additional risks such as water-related insurance in the car damage insurance, they do not need to be insured separately. Insurance can pay for vehicles wading and soaking in water.

  The Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau also issued a reminder on July 31: After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance started, the coverage of vehicle loss insurance has covered the losses caused by natural disasters such as rainstorm and typhoon. If the vehicle suffers related losses, please call the insurance company to report the case in time to confirm whether the relevant insurance is insured, and go through the follow-up claim settlement procedures under the guidance of the staff.

  Will the claim be affected if the car is washed away?

  Heavy rains lead to flooding, and sometimes the vehicles are directly washed away. If the car search is unsuccessful, can I pay for it?

  Wang Guojun believes that there is no need to worry at all: "First of all, where the car was rushed can basically be judged by positioning; If it is true that the vehicle is completely washed away and cannot be recovered, the insurance company will generally presume a total loss to make a claim. "

  From the specific operation point of view, the settlement of claims for lost vehicles requires the intervention and assistance of public security organs. After the car can’t be recovered eventually, the owner of the motor vehicle needs to issue a certificate of loss to the local public security organ, then go to the vehicle management office to cancel the vehicle, and finally go to the insurance company to make claims.

  However, it should be noted that the engine is turned off after the vehicle is flooded, and the engine must not be started again, otherwise it will cause engine damage. If the engine is damaged by "secondary ignition" in the water, the insurance company generally thinks that it belongs to the "loss expansion" exemption situation and will not claim compensation.

  What should I do after the vehicle is flooded?

  What should the owner do if the vehicle is flooded? Zhongxin Finance consulted the customer service staff of several property insurance companies.

  The customer service staff of PICC P&C said: If the vehicle is flooded, you should apply for compensation as soon as possible, but the specific amount of compensation is subject to the opinions of the adjuster, and it should be accounted according to the actual value of the vehicle and relevant circumstances.

  Sunshine Insurance staff said: If the vehicle is soaked, it is necessary to contact the insurance company as soon as possible, and the staff should investigate the site, otherwise the site will be difficult to identify after the water recedes.

  It is worth noting that in principle, insurance companies have a time limit for reporting claims. However, Wang Guojun pointed out that in the face of special circumstances such as rainstorm, insurance companies will also handle it as appropriate. The staff of the insurance company also said that the actual situation does not necessarily have to be applied on the same day, but it should be applied as soon as possible.

  "In case of special circumstances, the owner and the personnel on board must first ensure personal safety, and the car should be abandoned; In the case of purchasing car damage insurance, report the case to the insurance company in time, and then handle it according to the insurance company’s process. " Wang Guojun emphasized that insurance companies may now release reminders such as moving cars to customers according to big data before risks, and pay attention to this.

  Will it trigger the overall premium increase?

  Property losses caused by extreme weather will naturally bring some pressure to insurance companies’ claims. According to the data previously disclosed by the government, in 2021, the rainstorm disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, it is estimated that the final amount of auto insurance claims in the entire insurance industry may reach 7 billion yuan.

  Recently, some people in the insurance industry said that the recent heavy rain has caused the claims rate of various insurance companies to rise linearly, and the subsequent insurance prices are likely to increase. After the rainstorm, can cars that are not out of danger also usher in an increase in premiums?

  A senior insurance practitioner told Zhongxin Finance: Usually, the increase in claim rate will lead to an increase in premium, but this should have been taken into account when designing insurance products.

  "In recent years, several rainstorm disasters have also reported the loss of many vehicles. It is impossible for insurance companies to issue existing blister vehicles this year to apply for claims due to meteorological disasters. When designing products, these car damages will be taken into account in the calculation model. The premium of general auto insurance is comprehensively calculated based on factors such as the service life of the vehicle, the number of accidents, and the age of the insured. " The above practitioners believe that.

  In addition, the reporter consulted a number of insurance company staff and got a reply saying that if the vehicle is really out of danger, the subsequent premium increase is normal; For vehicles that are not in danger, we have not received the notice of adjusting the premium yet. However, some insurance company sales staff said that if the flood is serious, the premium may be fine-tuned, but there is no precedent for a big increase before.

  Wang Guojun also said that there is indeed the possibility of premium increase in the future. "This rainstorm has increased the overall risk, and insurance companies will increase the proportion of catastrophe risk in actuarial terms in the future, otherwise they may lose money when they encounter the same disaster in the future." However, he believes that the overall premium should not rise too much.

  Wang Guojun also reminded that because the car damage insurance is purchased voluntarily by the owner, some people will feel that their daily car damage is not big, instead of buying car damage insurance, they only take three liability insurance. "Considering the special circumstances such as wading and spontaneous combustion, car damage insurance is still necessary, especially for relatively new and high-value cars."

Guangdong announced that the minimum admission score for the spring college entrance examination is 150 for ordinary higher vocational colleges.

  On March 3rd, the Guangdong Provincial Admissions Committee announced the minimum admission scores for the spring college entrance examination of ordinary colleges and universities in our province in 2022 (unified examination for graduates of secondary vocational schools in ordinary colleges and universities, and admission for higher vocational colleges according to the results of ordinary high school level examinations). Among them, the total score of undergraduate colleges recruiting secondary vocational graduates is 260 points, and the total score of general vocational education is 150 points.

  Specifically, in view of the unified examination for recruiting secondary vocational school graduates in ordinary colleges and universities, undergraduate colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 260, higher vocational colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 100, higher vocational colleges recruit retired soldiers with a total score of 85, and higher vocational colleges recruit mainland Tibet Xinjiang secondary vocational school candidates with a total score of 90.

  Candidates enrolled in higher vocational colleges according to the results of the ordinary high school academic level examination have a total score of 150 for general culture, 130 for sports, 170 for sports, 130 for music (including musicology, music performance-vocal music, music performance-instrumental music), 155 for music, 130 for art, 155 for art and dance.

Create a new consumption scene. Mobile phone manufacturers accelerate the layout of artificial intelligence.

One-button parking, assisted driving and other functions have gradually matured, and automobile intelligence has led the "travel change"; Using AI to empower the whole process of diagnosis and treatment to realize the whole process of medical image AI research and improve the efficiency of medical diagnosis; UAV integrates high-precision mapping, inspection flight, cloud modeling and other functions to realize unattended power grid, energy, agriculture and forestry industries …

With the rapid development of global artificial intelligence technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an important force to accelerate the development of science and technology and industry, and has a far-reaching impact on economic and social development. How to accelerate the development of "artificial intelligence+"and empower the industry to upgrade has become a topic of great concern.

This year’s "Government Work Report" proposes to deepen the R&D and application of big data and artificial intelligence, carry out the "artificial intelligence+"action, and build an internationally competitive digital industrial cluster.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence technology has the ability of complex analysis, prediction algorithm and human-computer interaction, and is driving the digital economy engine with massive data. Promoting dynamic AI to reach all kinds of terminals, including a wide range of consumer electronic products, has become the continuous exploration and practice of major mobile phone manufacturers in recent years.

Recently, Glory held a new product launch conference to launch a platform-level AI empowerment, people-centered cross-operating system experience, a new human-computer interaction based on intention recognition, and a series of smart devices such as Glory Magic6 to Edition, Glory Magic6 RSR Porsche Design, and AI PC Glory MagicBook Pro 16, which resonate with the global industrial chain.

At the press conference, Glory’s AI strategy divides the AI of smart terminals into four layers, that is, the first layer uses AI to enable cross-system integration, allowing different operating systems to make decisions through AI, and realize seamless connection and data sharing between mobile phones, tablets, PCs and other devices; The second layer uses AI to reconstruct the operating system, so that the more you use the mobile phone, the better you understand it. The new way of human-computer interaction based on intention recognition is a typical achievement. The third layer is the application of AI on the end side, such as matting, photo rendering and summarizing documents; The fourth layer is the end cloud collaboration of AI, which presents the application of network AI big model.

"From the perspective of hardware products, mobile phones do have advantages. First of all, for consumers, AI mobile phones are trained based on users’ own data, so services will be more personalized and diversified. " Zhao Ming, CEO of Glory Terminal Co., Ltd. said that mobile phones are more convenient than PC products. Although PC products have the advantages of computing power and processors, they are also bulky, so the AI mobile phone must provide the most data. Under the cross-system and cross-terminal operating systems, notebook computing power can be used through a unified account in the future.

It is understood that the platform-level AI created by Glory empowers different devices, including mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, wearable devices and other platform-level AI capabilities across devices and operating systems, making open operating systems such as Android, Windows and IoT become the whole ecology.

"The improvement of model parameters will become part of the competition of AI mobile phones in the future, but more importantly, it is necessary to start from the usage scenario and actually improve the consumer’s experience." Guo Tianxiang, senior analyst of IDC China, said.

Experts in the industry said that in the face of the increasing trend of artificial intelligence, such as increasing scene coverage, increasing model parameters, and increasing decision-making, it is urgent for the information and communication industry to sort out technical routes, effectively optimize model costs, focus on improving model quality, promote original technological innovation, attach importance to information security and reliability, cultivate a good industrial ecology, and take the breakthrough of artificial intelligence industry as the starting point to add new kinetic energy to promote new industrialization.