The new model M5 equipped with Huawei intelligent driving system will be officially released on April 17th.

  The advanced intelligent driving version of Wenjie M5 will be officially released on April 17th. Wenjie M5 is positioned as a medium-sized SUV, providing extended-range and pure electric power systems. The price range of the current model is 259,800-331,800 yuan.

The new model M5 equipped with Huawei intelligent driving system will be officially released on April 17th _fororder_image001.

  The M5 advanced intelligent driving version of Wenjie continues the design style of the current model. The middle net adopts a banner grille, which has a large area and can provide a good heat dissipation effect. The headlight group has a sharp design, and black decorative strips are added below the front enclosure as an ornament, making the front face younger.

The new model M5 equipped with Huawei intelligent driving system will be officially released on April 17th _fororder_image002.

  The waistline of the M5 car body is sharp, which highlights the sense of strength. The new car is equipped with a hidden door handle, and the taillights are designed through and blackened, and the AITO letter logo is provided in the middle of the taillights. The advanced intelligent driving version is mainly equipped with Huawei intelligent driving system, and radar and camera are also added.

  The current model of Wujie M5 provides two power systems: extended range and pure electric. Pure electric provides two-wheel drive standard version and four-wheel drive performance version. Extended range provides four models, and rear-wheel drive standard version and two four-wheel drive models. What kind of power system is used in the advanced intelligent driving version remains to be officially announced. (Photo courtesy of the car)

The poster of the film "Hot Search" exposed "Behind Hot Spots" was released today! Five major points reveal the "network public opinion war" for the weak

Today, the film Hot Search, directed by Xin Yukun and starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin, was officially released, which was the first to open the curtain of the year-end Lunar New Year file. In the previous premieres and roadshows, the passion of fighting against the powerful and voicing for the weak in the film directly hit people’s hearts, and the film’s delicate portrayal of the realistic details also gained a lot of praise. Some viewers bluntly said that the film was "pleasantly surprised and moved" and "from God’s perspective, I saw the whole process of public opinion reversal, and director Xin Yukun told a story worthy of everyone’s deep thinking". Xin Yukun, the director, said frankly, "I hope we can see the complexity behind online public opinion and bring the power of this kind voice to everyone.".

At the same time, the film also released a set of posters behind the hot spots. Behind the constantly reversed hot topics, there is a confrontation and game between rescuers and abusers, while the victims are surrounded by topic entries like "warning lines". A "network public opinion war" for justice is about to start.

Aspect 1:

Xin Yukun sharply portrayed the "network public opinion field"

Audience: A comment can save lives or kill people.

"This is an era in which comments can save people and kill people." The film Hot Search focuses on the complex network environment and shows a fierce and realistic "network public opinion war". Faced with the "industrial chain of choosing concubines on campus" involved by the girl’s online rampage, wealthy businessmen tried to cover up the truth and reverse black and white, and how the weak used the power of public opinion to launch a counterattack. A contest between good and evil about justice became more and more fierce. In the film, the plot of "public opinion confrontation" also made the audience feel fresh and wonderful. "The conscience choice from the media, the ups and downs of the Internet, the public’s emotions influenced by public opinion, the goodness and ugliness of human nature … all these are presented one by one in the fast-paced and skillful deep expression".

Aspect 2:

Expose the "interest chain of choosing a concubine" that sends a girl from a desk to a wine table.

Audience: Pointing at reality, shocking.

In the film, a group of self-media people voiced the sexually assaulted girls, and the "campus interest chain" revealed behind the truth also made many viewers bluntly "shocking". Under the banner of charity, wealthy businessmen actually sent girls from desks to wine tables, turning public welfare schools into their own "paradise for choosing concubines". After watching the movie, many viewers said that the relevant plot of the movie reminded people of many similar real events and called "The movie shines into reality". Some viewers said, "The realistic theme is crazy again. The vitality and daring of this film is not in the visual sense, but bloody tears open some illusions, allowing you to face the most real social situation."

Aspect 3:

Zhou Dongyu plays an "imperfect rescuer" to speak for the weak.

Song Yang Justin’s role is full of viewers sighing "what a surprise"

This time, Zhou Dongyu changed her old screen image and played an "imperfect rescuer", with a sharp side and a soft side, which was commented by the audience. "The good is not pure, and the evil is not pure. The dark side and the bright side make her a three-dimensional character." Song Yang and Justin also broke the comfort zone in the past and boldly challenged the new role boundaries. Song Yang plays a "middle-aged social animal" trapped by interests in the film, and the complexity of human nature is vividly displayed in him. Yuan Hong blessed devil wears prada, who played an evil role in the end with gold-rimmed glasses, and did whatever he wanted with power. His wonderful interpretation of the villain also received a lot of hot comments, which was "too annoying".

Aspect 4:

Complex human nature is intriguing, and hidden details are everywhere.

Audience: It’s worth two brushes to savor.

After the premiere and the road show, the delicate and complicated group images in the film also aroused the audience’s strong realistic resonance. The "self-media squad" who speaks for justice all the way, the victim girl who helps each other, the principal who does evil in the name of good, the mother who gives in to reality, and the secretary who becomes an accomplice from the victim ….. Each character in the film reflects different aspects of human nature, which is thought-provoking. The various details hidden in the film also attracted a lot of discussion after the screening, such as the metaphor of coffee, the mirror setting of the relationship between characters, the music played in the office, and the appearance of the behind-the-scenes bosses ….. which made many viewers bluntly say that it was "worth pondering".

Aspect 5:

Every time you make a sound, it has a vital force.

Audience: Defending the truth is defending conscience.

At the seminar held before the film, Hot Search also won unanimous praise from experts, such as "being close to reality", "showing network power" and "calling for rational voice". In an era when online public opinion can be either a dagger or a sword, everyone is prone to get caught up in the whirlpool of public opinion and lose their direction. Some viewers also said with their hearts, "Thanks for the movie ‘ Darkness ’ Exposed to ‘ Sunshine ’ Next, take us to see the whole picture of the online world, and also take us to find the direction of justice. " Self-media people who speak out for justice in movies have also constantly brought strength to everyone, igniting the passion of the audience to speak out for justice. "Defending the truth means defending conscience, and even weak resistance will condense into a storm."

The film "Hot Search" is produced by iQiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing Polymerization Film Culture Media Co., Ltd., Oriental Meizhi (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Zhongming Shengshi (Shenzhen) Film Group Co., Ltd. and Phoenix Legend Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Baina Qiancheng Film Co., Ltd., Zhongjing E-sports Entertainment Co., Ltd., Wushuang (Shenzhen) Film Co., Ltd., Junze Film (Ltd. Oriental Meizhi (Beijing) Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Juyinglian Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Iqiyi Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. issued, Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Taobao Film Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. jointly issued, and the film is being shown.

In the first half of the year, the property market was regulated more than 300 times. Will it be relaxed in the future? The report says so.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net, Beijing, July 13 (Reporter Ma Changyan) In the first half of this year, the national real estate regulation and control policies have exceeded 300 times. How will the real estate regulation and control go in the second half of this year? Will the real estate regulation be relaxed in order to further stimulate economic recovery in the future? On July 9, China Renmin University China Macroeconomic Forum released a special report, pointing out that with the epidemic basically under control, all walks of life have resumed production and work in an all-round way, the real estate market is recovering rapidly, and the super-differentiation pattern has been further strengthened. Under the super-differentiated market structure, structural risks are more prominent, and the determination of regulation and control and the requirements for accuracy are further improved. In the future, China’s real estate market industry will show the characteristics of "super-differentiation of the market and firm regulation of policies" for a long time.

  The market is recovering well.

  Qin Hong, a senior researcher at the National Development and Strategy Institute of Renmin University of China, a major member of the China Macroeconomic Forum (CMF) and former director of the Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, released a special report on CMF China’s macroeconomics on behalf of the forum. Qin Hong pointed out that China’s real estate market is recovering rapidly after the epidemic, and the performance of relevant indicators is relatively good.

  The cumulative year-on-year decline in the transaction scale of new houses continued to narrow, and prices rose steadily. In terms of transaction volume, from January to April, the national real estate sales area decreased by 19% and the sales volume decreased by 13%, but the decline in sales area narrowed by 7 percentage points compared with that in January-March. The transaction scale of urban commercial housing continued to improve, and the transaction scale of some cities in May has achieved positive growth year-on-year. In terms of price, according to the 100-city price index of the Central Finger Research Institute, the price of new residential buildings in 100 cities increased by 0.31% in May, and increased by 0.74% from January to May, which was 0.34 percentage points lower than the same period of last year. The cumulative increase was still the lowest in the same period of the past five years, and the price showed the characteristics of steady and rising.

  The land market is shrinking in volume and rising in price, and continues to heat up. From January to May, the supply and demand scale of residential land in 300 cities nationwide decreased year-on-year. Among them, the supply and demand of residential land in first-tier cities have increased significantly, and the transaction scale of second-tier and third-and fourth-tier cities has declined. The heat of the land market has obviously increased, and the average floor price and premium rate have reached a stage high. From January to May, the average floor price of homestead transactions increased by 20.9% year-on-year.

  The growth rate of real estate development investment is better than that of fixed assets investment and infrastructure investment. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the national fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) decreased by 10.3% from January to April, of which infrastructure investment decreased by 11.8%, manufacturing investment decreased by 18.8% and real estate development investment decreased by 3.3%. Overall, the resilience of the real estate investment side still exists.

  Show a pattern of super differentiation

  "After the epidemic, differentiation is not enough to describe the changes in the real estate market, and there has been a pattern of super differentiation in the real estate market." Qin Hong said.

  The report shows that after more than 20 years of development after the reform of the urban housing system, the sales scale of the real estate market has increased from 100 million square meters in 1998 to 1.7 billion square meters in 2019, an increase of 16 times. At the same time of the total growth, the real estate market has been divided, and the market share of enterprises, financing costs, land reserve pattern, corporate profitability and real estate markets in different cities have all been divided. Under the epidemic, this differentiation is further intensified.

  In terms of real estate enterprises, the intensification of differentiation appeared in 2015. From 2016 to 2019, the proportion of sales of the top 100 enterprises increased by 24.8% in four years, which is increasing at an average annual rate of 6%. Under the influence of the epidemic, the sales area and sales volume of the national real estate market were still negative in the first half of the year, but the threshold value of the top three real estate enterprises increased by 8.85 points, and that of the top ten real estate enterprises increased by 5.2 percentage points.

  From the perspective of enterprise financing scale, the financing scale of overseas debt and credit debt of the top 30 real estate development enterprises accounted for 64% of the top 100 enterprises in the first half of this year; From the perspective of financing cost, taking the cost of credit bonds issued by real estate enterprises in April as an example, the financing cost of enterprises with the lowest cost and enterprises with the highest cost is five times worse; Judging from the land market, the number of land acquired by the top 30 real estate enterprises in the first half of this year accounted for 85% of the top 50 enterprises. The larger the enterprise scale, the lower the floor land price; The smaller the enterprise scale, the higher the floor land price. There is also a very obvious gap in the cost of land acquisition for enterprises.

  There are also obvious differences in the performance of real estate market in different cities. From the perspective of cities, the land acquisition of the top 100 real estate enterprises in the first half of this year was mainly concentrated in five urban agglomerations, accounting for 60% of the land acquisition scale, of which one urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta accounted for 30% of the land acquisition scale of the top 100 enterprises. Judging from housing prices, more than half of the top 20 cities in the first half of this year are concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta region. Not only between cities, but also within cities. In addition, there is super differentiation between residential real estate and commercial real estate, real estate demand in different lots and inventory of different housing enterprises.

  Firmly control the policy direction.

  In order to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, since the beginning of this year, the central government has repeatedly set the tone for the real estate policy. In April, the the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting mentioned that "houses should be used for living, not for speculation, so as to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market". In May, the government work report emphasized that "the house should be used for living, not for speculation, so as to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market."

  According to the statistics of the Central Plains Real Estate Research Center, the number of policies issued nationwide to stabilize the property market in the first half of this year was 304, up 21% year-on-year, setting a new historical record for the number of regulation in half a year. From January to April this year, the number of real estate regulation and control reached 238. With the stability of the real estate market, the number of real estate regulation and control decreased significantly, 35 times in May and 31 times in June.

  The report pointed out that maintaining the stability of housing prices is crucial to China’s economic and social stability and financial security. In the medium and long term, China’s current housing prices are at a high level, and the fundamental contradiction in the real estate market has not been substantially resolved. The super differentiation of the real estate market makes it more difficult for real estate to regulate and deal with risks.

  In this context, the report believes that the real estate market still needs to be firmly regulated in the future, and it is necessary to maintain "five invariants" in the direction of policy. First, the strategic positioning of "housing and not speculating" remains unchanged. The key to the policy is the word "speculation" to prevent the rebound of real estate speculation. Second, the supply system of "renting and selling at the same time" remains unchanged. The key to the policy is the word "rent" to develop the housing rental market. Third, the regulation mechanism of "policy by city" remains unchanged. The key to the policy is the word "city", and the city government takes overall responsibility for the stability of the local real estate market. The fourth is to achieve the goal of "three stabilities". The key to the policy is "stability" to prevent the market from ups and downs. Fifth, the real estate financial policy remained stable. The real estate market has always been highly sensitive to monetary policy, and the key to the policy is to stabilize the mortgage interest rate.

  In view of the development status of China’s real estate market, Qin Hong put forward five suggestions on behalf of the forum research group: First, we should still take the goal of stabilizing housing prices, take measures according to the city, and grasp the pace of real estate development. The second is to coordinate the development and regulation of real estate with the metropolitan area as the scope. The third is to guide the transformation and upgrading of the real estate industry with urban renewal as the starting point. The fourth is to control risks as the bottom line and reserve policies and measures for various camera decisions. Fifth, systematic market monitoring is carried out with indicators such as quantity, price and finance as the core.

Christmas in Siheyuan —— Changes of foreign festivals in China in the past 30 years

  Beijing, China Broadcasting Network, December 25 th When the traditional Christmas atmosphere in the West is getting stronger and stronger, the courtyard of No.35 Xitangzi Hutong, a famous quadrangle in Dongcheng District of Beijing, has been particularly busy these days. In this traditional courtyard in China, which was built in Yongzheng period of Qing Dynasty and once lived by Zuo Zongtang, an important official in the late Qing Dynasty, someone is organizing a lively Christmas party.

  Through the long corridor, rockery and garden full of China traditional culture in this courtyard, people feel a different kind of feelings when they look at Santa Claus in red and red hat and Christmas tree with lights on.

  Pride and prejudice: celebrating the foreign festival is to worship foreign things and flatter foreign countries.

  "After hard work and study for a year, Christmas at the end of 2008 is the time for us to relax and celebrate this festival together! Exchange each other’s gifts in beautiful songs, bring joy to everyone in self-made programs and get beautiful gifts, get together in various interesting games and dance in exciting music … "This is the advertisement for the Christmas party to be held in No.35 Courtyard of Xitangzi Hutong.

  In China 30 years ago, this Christmas call, which was imbued with many elements such as joy, reunion and commercial speculation, was unimaginable. Until the early 1980s, overseas festivals in China were almost equated with the word "worshipping foreign things and obsessing foreign things".

  "At that time, most people were very sensitive to overseas festivals, because there was always public opinion accusing China of having so many traditional festivals, why did it have to be overseas? Are foreign festivals better than those in China, and the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China? Damn it! Too worshipful of foreigners! " Yin Yungong, director of the Institute of Journalism of China Academy of Social Sciences, said, "This kind of emotion was normal at that time, because we were relatively closed and exclusive at that time, which was a kind of arrogance and prejudice in another sense.".

  This "arrogance and prejudice" made foreign festivals have no market in China before the 1990s. Occasionally, there were some commercial or spontaneous activities to celebrate western festivals in some coastal cities, and they were often criticized. Some foreigners who entered China in the early days of reform and opening up will generally choose to go back to China for holidays or go to neighboring countries such as Japan and the Philippines for holidays when festivals such as Thanksgiving and Christmas come.

  Tolerance and appreciation: crossing the foreign festival generously.

  Even though there were many refusals and rejections, in the early days of reform and opening-up, China, which opened its doors, gradually began to re-examine and treat foreign festivals differently, even from the bud of timidity.

  Allan Zeman, the boss of Hong Kong Lan Kwai Fong, felt the changes in China at that time. At the end of 1980, Allan Zeman went to Hangzhou for business, and the foreign-related hotel where he stayed held a small-scale "Christmas party" for the guests. Allan Zeman said with emotion: "This is my first Christmas in China, which shows that China is really open."

  Just as the reform and opening up started in the special zones and coastal areas, China people’s attitude towards foreign festivals is also "the south wind gradually spread to the north". At first, Guangdong, Shanghai and other regions broke through the imprisonment in understanding, and then began to gradually affect the whole country.

  Around the 1990s, businesses in Guangdong and other places began to actively play up pure western festivals such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Valentine’s Day for commercial purposes, and gradually formed a trend. More and more people in China began to celebrate foreign festivals generously.

  "On the surface, the start of foreign festivals in China seems to be a purely commercial promotion, but its origin is the openness and tolerance of China people’s mentality formed with the reform and opening up, and foreign cultures are no longer blindly excluded." Zhang Yu, general manager of caeg Company, said: "Learning to appreciate with tolerance is a major change for China people to treat foreign festivals."

  In fact, China people, who were just curious at first, gradually discovered the positive factors of foreign festivals from the perspective of cultural level and psychological needs, such as mother’s day, father’s day, Thanksgiving and other grateful feelings, such as the candor and expression of love on Valentine’s Day.

  In 1998, Ms. Chen Zinan, who returned from overseas, returned to Beijing. She liked quadrangle culture and opened a western private restaurant called "Chief of Autumn". Since its opening, Valentine’s Day and Christmas are the best prime time for business here. "Apart from foreigners, more and more people from China have come here for Christmas and Christmas dinner in recent years."

  Reason and Emotion: Traditional festivals in China are the main theme.

  In the 21st century, foreign festivals have blossomed everywhere in China. Nowadays, whenever Valentine’s Day, Christmas and other foreign festivals come, waiters wearing little red riding hood can be seen in many cities in China, and news that roses are seriously out of stock can be heard. The foreign festival economy spawned by foreign festivals has become a gimmick for merchants to attract customers, and foreign festivals have also become a fashion.

  However, in the hot atmosphere of the festival, the decline of traditional festivals in China has gradually caused China people to worry about the protection and inheritance of their traditional culture.

  On the eve of Christmas in 2006, 10 doctors from Peking University, Tsinghua, Nankai University and other universities issued a joint signature proposal, calling on netizens to be cautious about Christmas. They believe that the reason why Christmas is popular in China is that Chinese people are in a state of collective unconsciousness in culture-indifference and indifference to their own traditions is the reason why foreign festivals are popular.

  Therefore, after foreign festivals prevailed in China for more than 10 years, China people began to think about them from the perspective of reason and emotion.

  "When China people flock to celebrate Christmas, people will have some worries." Zhang Yiwu, a professor of Chinese literature in Peking University, said: "The root cause of anxiety lies in China people’s fear that the younger generation will lose enthusiasm for their traditional festivals and forget the foundation of their own culture. Of course, we don’t exclude foreign cultures, but our foundation should be our own traditional culture, so we must make it clear that China Festival is the main theme of our festival. "

  Some scholars wrote that we should not persuade people to stay away from or even resist the proliferation of foreign festivals, but should objectively examine the exchange and mutual accommodation between Chinese and Western cultures with the broad mind of the Chinese nation and a heart without cultural prejudice. While paying attention to and accepting western culture, we should pay more attention to how to revitalize our own traditions and culture, reform and enrich the connotation of these traditional festivals, and make them more attractive.

  In fact, the China government has begun to consciously guide people to pay attention to their traditional festivals. It is a positive and clear signal that Tomb-Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival have become legal holidays.

Editor: Liu Li

Greenland Kangmei Valley 丨 Official Website | Fengxian Greenland Kangmei Valley | Real estate details 丨 Shanghai Fengxian [Kangmei Valley] Welcome

Shanghai Fengxian "Greenland Kangmei Valley"

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If you have any questions, please inquire, make an appointment to enjoy the discounts of buying a house, and the professional one -to -one enthusiastic service, so that you can use a professional perspective to buy a house.

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Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 Buy a house in Shanghai. First of all, you must choose the right location, especially just need! It is especially important to buy more valuable sectors at the same price. This not only affects the quality of life and living, but also the decisive factor in the value of real estate in the future.

From the perspective of policy -oriented, the preferred choice of Shanghai is undoubtedly five new cities. These five areas are defined as an important growth pole in Shanghai in the future.

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334

The most worth mentioning is that it was announced at the just -concluded "" Cloud Investment Promotion "and" Cloud Signing "Conference in Fengxian District, Shanghai in 2022." Line 15 of Shanghai is about to start. According to the planning diagram, it can be determined. There are two stations in the core area of ??Duan Oriental Miyu, and Fengxian travels will be more convenient.

In addition, there are 9 universities in Line 15, with a total of 10 campuses and 3 national science and technology parks. This line is really full of talents. Not only that, Line 15 is also a proper transfer king.

This means,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 is located in Fengxian South Bridge. The strongly built international medical and healthy life service complex, with a total price of 900,000, is under hot sales …

Nanqiao City

About 130,000 square meters of international health community

Platinum service -type apartment

Launched the building about 45-100㎡ apartment houses

Unlimited purchase, the total price is 900,000 from 900,000

"Greenland · Kangmei Valley" renderings

1 international health life service complex

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 occupies the core of Nanqiao, with a single set of about 45-110 square meters. At the same time, relying on the big brand effect of Greenland Group, after purchasing, you can also directly entrust the brand of platinum hotels to uniformly manage and operate, one -stop hosting services, can be transferred and can be transferred.

Real view of business clubs

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 is a giant system for Greenland Group, with about 130,000 square meters of international health life service complex. The project covers a variety of formats such as international medical rehabilitation centers, commercial centers, clubs, hotels, platinum service apartments and other diversified formats. It will create new landmarks in the South and Shanghai portals, new kinetic energy and green physical and mental habitats in the regional beautiful health industry.

In addition, in this complex, there is also a platinum service apartment provided by Greenland Hotel Tourism Group with a four -star hotel -type exclusive service.

Greenland Platinum Hotel, this is a very well -known luxury four -star hotel in the industry. To enjoy one night of services, they often need to pay thousands of yuan.

Even so, there are still many home buyers. When they need to resolve the pressure of life and need to restart their work inspiration, they will firmly punch the platinum and the luxury hotel. Because the services here can instantly heal your body and mind that you are tired of life.

Let the owners start at about 900,000 ultra -low total price,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 can enjoy a four-star hotel-style service every day. Coupled with the comprehensive diversified and large health facilities in the composite body, such products choose a choice for the vibrant elderly people to choose a career for the new young people in the city.

The apartment facilities are configured in accordance with the four -star standard, including shared kitchen, full -time restaurants, business clubs, gym, exquisite books, etc., which brings a full range of star life enjoyment to the residents.

Gym renderings

"Greenland Kangmei Valley" club renderings

Club effect chart

From ritual service, room cleaning to intimate private assistant, etc.,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334Provide residents with meticulous care, so that every residents can enjoy a private, comfortable and exquisite star life.

2 Greenland Creation

New landmark of South Shanghai Portal

Greenland Group is the first Fortune 500 company in China with real estate as its main business.Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 has formed a diversified business pattern of "the main business of real estate, large infrastructure, large consumption, large finance, health & science and technology industry" The business spreads more than 50 countries around the world, and in 2021, the Fortune Global Enterprise 500 is 142nd.

"Greenland · Kangmei Valley" real -life picture

The most worth mentioning is the characteristics of "Greenland Kangmei Valley".Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334The riverside growth blended with the river and green space next to the Pu South Canal, and extended infinitely in the landscape space.

Through the "urban rain forest" and "cross green gallery" landscape concept, the project creates a new business card and a new style of the "three lives" in the South and Shanghai regions. At the same time, combined with the characteristics of the project’s "medical and health care", to create a "five -sensory garden" of a panoramic and open healthy life.

Especially under the design of the "urban rain forest", through the concept of "small units, large operations", it is more refined, modern, and more international.

In order to organize the community and the city organically, Greenland Kangmei Valley implanted the ecology and art into the community, and through the "social+vitality" three -dimensional dynamic line, the creation method of the "two axis and multiple groups" creates a step -by -step and blending scene. Leisure life scenes make emotions release.

The overall space structure of the apartment is square, and the superior lighting and ventilation,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334The layout of each functional area is reasonable and clear, taking into account social and private needs, and at the same time, through some superposition designs to maximize the use of spatial use, to carefully create extraordinary home lives for residents.

"Greenland Kangmei Valley"

Unit Figure Reference

Model stem effect map

Model stem effect map

Model stem effect map

3 The bustling life circle at reach

The development of each dimension of Fengxian New Town is very complete.Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 There is the 100 billion-level industry, the bustling facilities comparable to the urban area, and the planned national green ecological demonstration with the planned country as the core of Shanghai fish as the core. City area. Just waiting for all planning to land, the area will usher in the outbreak of value.

Especially the "Shanghai Fish" environment,Let people enjoy the beauty of the four seasons, the trails of water and mountains, and forest sports fields, and natural river channels that can be boiled, will become your natural back garden, pocket park, sports venue, let you go out to see the scenery, enter the garden step by step, show all the way, show all the way to show up. The beauty of square inch.

Shanghai fish

In addition, there are about 47,800 square Nanqiao Central Park (planned)Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334After completion, it will become the largest ecological green space park in Shanghai, a natural ecological oxygen bar, and infiltrate fresh oxygen at 365 days. Living here, enjoy health and gain beauty.

In terms of transportation, Line 5 Wangyuan Road Station and the south extension section of Line 15 (in China); there are many S4 Shanghai -Gold Expressway, Hongmean Road Tunnel, Daye Highway, Puxing Highway, G15 Ring Expressway, etc. Urban aortic ring.

Medical aspect,Adjacent to the Sanjia Women’s and Infant Fengxian Hospital (expected to be opened in August 2022), the Fudan Fudan Children’s Fengxian Hospital (to be launched), and Xinhua Hospital’s Fengxian Hospital District (expected to be completed in 2024) and other improved medical facilities to escort health.

Shanghai Fengxian "Greenland · Kangmei Valley"