The appearance is the peak. BYD Yunqi system comprehensively improves the safety and stability of the whole vehicle.

  BYD recently officially released the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy — — Cloud, brush screen, the emergence of this technology directly brought BYD’s attention to an unprecedented height.

  Body control system is the most important active safety system on the vehicle, which determines the dynamic safety and stability of driving. As the latest achievement of BYD’s full-stack self-research, Yunqi is not only the world’s first exclusive intelligent body control system for new energy, but also marks that BYD has become the first China car company to master the intelligent body control system independently, breaking the long-term technical monopoly of traditional giants in the body control system.

  In the product matrix of Yunqi system, Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A and Yunqi -P have greatly improved the user’s driving experience from the dimensions of comfort, handling, safety and off-road, and better ensured the safety and stability of the whole vehicle, which not only filled the blank of China brand in the body control system, but also solved the "stuck neck" dilemma with technological innovation.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image001

  Starting from this year, Yunqi system will be installed in the flagship model of Dynasty Ocean, Tengshi, Wangwang and professional personalized brands one after another, empowering BYD to upgrade its entire brand.

  Systematically solve the problem of body control 

  The rapid development of new energy vehicles poses a new challenge to vertical direction control. At present, the general research on vertical direction control of car body mainly starts with a single technology or a single hardware. BYD, on the other hand, took a different approach and came up with a systematic solution for the vertical direction of vehicles.

  Yunqi is an intelligent body control system developed by BYD Auto for five years and costing billions of yuan. It has been developed from the aspects of system design, key parts design, software and strategy algorithm development, matching verification, etc. This key technical breakthrough has realized the decoupling control of the upper and lower bodies, and has the advantages of multi-dimensional perception, accurate decision-making, intelligent control and stable execution, which can comprehensively improve the user’s driving experience and endow the vehicle with high-quality intelligent driving.

  Yunqi intelligent body control system consists of Yunqi intelligent detection architecture, Yunqi intelligent calculation center, Yunqi intelligent control technology and key components, giving full play to the advantages of electrification and intelligence of new energy vehicles and building a complete system architecture of perception, decision-making and execution. 

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image002

  In the product matrix of Yunnian intelligent body control system, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber, and achieve "quality" improvement in driving comfort. While satisfying the extreme comfort, it also takes into account the vehicle handling, breaks the limitation of traditional passive suspension adjustment, and realizes the perfect combination of comfort and handling. 

  Yunqi -A intelligent air body control system, through Yunqi accurate sensing technology, Yunqi intelligent calculation center makes quick decisions, outputs accurate control strategies, controls air spring intake and exhaust, stiffness conversion valve, shock absorber solenoid valve and other adjustment heights, stiffness and damping, realizes dynamic adjustment of body control, and makes the whole vehicle have extreme comfort, smoothness, support and passability, setting a new benchmark for luxury.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System comprehensively upgrades the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image003

  Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system, through Yunqi precise sensing technology, and Yunqi intelligent calculation center, quickly makes decisions, outputs control strategies, and controls the oil intake of shock absorber, damping regulating valve and stiffness regulating valve to realize the dynamic adjustment of body control. Yunqi -P is the world’s first intelligent hydraulic body control system, which integrates three core technologies: mechanical, hydraulic and electronic control. It has the innovative functions of four-wheel linkage and camping adjustment, creating a new peak of off-road

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image004

  Ensure the safety and stability of the whole vehicle.

  The launch of Yunqi is another breakthrough of BYD’s safety technology after blade battery, CTB and Easy Sifang.

  Starting from the systematic control of the vertical direction of the whole vehicle, Yunxiao realized the safe dimension upgrade. Yunbi can effectively restrain the change of body posture, greatly reduce the risk of vehicle rollover and reduce the sitting displacement of drivers and passengers. At the same time, the cloud chariot system can effectively protect the car body under complex road conditions such as snow, mud and water, avoid the collision damage of the whole car caused by terrain, improve the comfort and safety of driving, and realize the double protection of people and cars.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image005

  Due to the lack of R&D in the vertical direction control field, BYD independently developed the Yunqi verification technology, which realized the whole process verification ability of the intelligent body control system, and fully ensured the safety, reliability and quality stability of the Yunqi intelligent body control system from the component level, software level, system level to vehicle level.

  It can be said that Yunqi intelligent body control system is a super technology with extreme experience and extreme safety. It will bring subversive improvement to the driving experience with excellent genes of high intelligence, safety protection, stable driving and full coverage to ensure the safety and stability of the whole vehicle. "Even if one wheel is dropped, the vehicle can still keep running smoothly."

  It is understood that Yunqi -P will take the lead in looking up to U8; Yunxiao -A will take the first leap N7; Yunqi -C hardware has been installed on some configuration versions of BYD Han, Tang and Tengshi D9 models, and will be upgraded to Yunqi -C system through OTA.

The appearance is the peak. BYD Cloud System has comprehensively upgraded the safety and stability of the whole vehicle _fororder_image006

  Relying on the new energy technology "fish pond", BYD has continuously strengthened the technical moat, brought about subversive product innovation and continued to expand its market share. The birth of Yunqi intelligent body control system rewrote the history that body control technology relied on foreign countries, filled the technical gap in China and achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1. At the same time, Yunqi intelligent body control system has surpassed the foreign technical level, and stood in the leading position in the industry as soon as it appeared, completing the upgrade from 1 to 2. (Text: wuyue Figure: BYD)

Eating fruit indiscriminately can lead to unconsciousness? !

  □ Tadpole Jun

  From spring to summer, fruits from all walks of life come as scheduled. If someone says at this time, you may not eat fruit. Do you believe it? However, some people really get sick because they can’t eat fruit, and some even have symptoms of unconsciousness and nonsense. What’s going on here?

  Maybe you should know how to eat fruit.

  "Eating litchi will get angry" is common sense?

  Recently, litchi has been on the market. Many people love litchi and know the saying: "One litchi has three fires." Because eating too much litchi will really make you feel thirsty, and in severe cases, there will be oral ulcers, so people usually think that "eating litchi will really get angry."

  In fact, eating too much litchi will cause dry mouth or oral ulcer, not because of excessive internal heat. The main reason is that litchi is a high-sugar fruit. High sugar will make your mouth in a hypertonic state, which will make you feel thirsty. At the same time, because litchi pulp is easy to plug in the teeth, high-sugar residues will also bring nutrients to bacteria in the mouth, leading to a large number of bacteria proliferation, causing oral ulcers, and even accompanied by symptoms such as gingival inflammation and swelling and pain.

  In addition, excessive consumption of litchi can also lead to "litchi disease".

  The main clinical manifestations of "litchi disease" are hypoglycemia, accompanied by symptoms such as pallor, dizziness, palpitation, hunger, sweating and fatigue. This is because litchi contains a lot of fructose, and it takes some time for fructose to enter the body and be converted into glucose. Insulin starts to consume glucose in the blood after eating litchi, and eating too much litchi increases satiety and affects the intake of other foods, resulting in hypoglycemia.

  If you have mild symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue and sweating after eating a lot of litchi in a short time, you can take glucose water or white sugar water first, and then go to the hospital in time.

  Therefore, doctors will suggest that adults should not consume more than 10 lychees a day, and 5-6 lychees are enough for children. Don’t eat too much.

  Eating sugar cane without drinking water, almost insane?

  During the Spring Festival last year, it suddenly became popular to eat sugar oranges. It was reported that a short video anchor showed off a basket of sugar oranges bought by her mother and ate them all, but he was delirious and was taken directly to the hospital.

  Not long ago, another news about mental disorder caused by eating oranges and sugar cane was hotly searched: a 40-year-old long-distance truck driver in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, ate a lot of sugar cane every day for a week to quench his thirst. As a result, he was delirious and had symptoms of gibberish. His family rushed to the hospital for treatment. Fortunately, due to timely treatment, the man was fine.

  According to the doctor’s description, the man suffered from the above symptoms due to eating a lot of high-sugar fruits, insufficient drinking water during long-distance running, and excessive loss of water in his body, which led to his body being in a state of high sugar and hyperosmotic.

  The so-called hyperglycemic hyperosmotic state refers to the syndrome that the blood sugar is greater than 33.3mmol/L, accompanied by high plasma osmotic pressure and severe dehydration without obvious ketosis tendency. Hyperglycemia and hyperosmotic state is also called nonketotic hyperosmotic diabetic coma in clinic. It refers to the patient’s body is under stress, and the insulin secretion in the body is relatively insufficient. At this time, the insulin anti-regulation hormone secretion is greatly increased, and the liver sugar is released rapidly, resulting in severe hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia leads to hypertonic hyperglycemia, which will lead to mental abnormality, which is also one of the serious acute complications of diabetes, and even has the risk of death.

  This kind of emergency usually requires a lot of fluid replacement, intravenous application of insulin and sedatives and other rescue and treatment measures. Therefore, doctors remind "sugar friends" that the daily intake of fruits and types should be strictly cautious. Once symptoms such as dry mouth, excessive drinking and emaciation appear, blood sugar changes should be monitored in time.

  Distinguish between "high sugar" and "low sugar"

  Fruit is obviously beneficial to the human body, but why does it hurt the body?

  Based on the problem of sugar content, let’s first get a general understanding of the classification of fruits and how we should "eat fruits scientifically".

  Fruits can be divided into low-sugar fruits and high-sugar fruits. Low-sugar fruit refers to the fruit with less than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit. Including lemon, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, peach, plum, apricot, loquat, pineapple, strawberry, cherry, cucumber, tomato, etc., the lowest sugar content is lemon; High-sugar fruits refer to fruits with a sugar content of more than 10 grams per 100 grams of fruits, and can be divided into the following two categories: fruits with a sugar content of 11-20 grams per 100 grams of fruits, including bananas, pomegranates, melons, oranges, apples, pears, grapes, lychees, mangoes, etc. Fruits with sugar content higher than 20g per 100g of fruit include persimmon, cantaloupe, winter jujube and hawthorn.

  Research shows that the sugar content in sugar orange is about 10%-11%, that is to say, every 100 grams of sugar orange contains about 10-11 grams of sugar. The sugar content of sugarcane is even higher, which is 17%-18%. Therefore, both of them are high-sugar fruits.

  How to eat fruit scientifically?

  In fact, the sugar mentioned here is mostly sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc. This kind of sugar is easily digested and absorbed by the body, so people’s blood sugar will increase significantly in a short time after eating. Therefore, how to grasp the amount, time, types of fruits and ways of eating is very knowledgeable.

  So how do you eat fruit?

  The first is to grasp the time of delicious fruit. Generally speaking, it is better to eat fruit between two meals (such as 10 am or 3 pm), so as to avoid overloading the pancreas with too much carbohydrates at one time. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to eat fruit immediately before or after meals.

  The type of fruit you eat should also be selected according to your physical condition. For example, if people with sugar control needs (diabetics), they should choose fruits with relatively low sugar content and slow blood sugar increase; If you are hypoglycemic, you can eat more high-sugar fruits to supplement your body’s sugar. For details, please refer to the above fruit classification.

  The second is the amount of fruit eaten. No matter how delicious the fruit is, it should be controlled. Don’t stop eating it. According to the Dietary Guidelines for China Residents published in 2021, the specific values of fruit intake of each age group are as follows: the intake of children aged 1-3 is 100-150g/day; The intake of children aged 4-6 is 150g/day; The intake of children aged 7-10 is 150-200g/day; The intake of children and adolescents aged 11-14 is 200-300g/day; The intake of teenagers aged 14-17 is 300-350g/day; The intake of adults over 18 years old is 200-350g/day; The intake of the elderly over 65 years old is 200-300g/day. Eating properly according to this amount should be relatively healthy.

  Finally, the way to eat fruit is suggested not to juice as much as possible, and it is better to eat fresh fruit directly. After the fruit is squeezed into juice, on the one hand, many nutrients will be lost during the juicing process, for example, vitamin C will be destroyed by oxidation, and on the other hand, a lot of dietary fiber and minerals will be wasted if the pomace is lost. So drinking juice looks healthy, but it’s not.

  Of course, the most important thing to remind everyone is that everything should adhere to the principle of moderation. This should be the secret of staying healthy forever.

  (Source Tadpole Staff)

Multinational Enterprises in China | L ‘Oreal: Technology Empowers Beauty and Expects More Innovation Sparks.

  Cctv news Lancome, Saint Laurent YSL, helena rubinstein HR, Armani … these well-known brands are all owned by L ‘Oreal Group. On the morning of February 21st, "New Era and New Opportunities — — The online theme promotion activity of "Multinational Enterprises in China" came to the headquarters of L ‘Oré al North Asia. In an interview, Fabry, President of L ‘Oré al North Asia and CEO of China, said that L ‘Oré al has been close to consumers for 25 years and is looking forward to more sparks with the consumer market in China.

  Fashion and beauty combine the feast of sight and smell.

"Floating in Time and Space" in Shanghai Exhibition Center: the world's first exhibition of Armani Gaoding's private fragrance

"Floating in Time and Space" in Shanghai Exhibition Center: the world’s first exhibition of Armani Gaoding’s private fragrance

  "Floating in time and space — — The first exhibition of Armani Gaoding Fragrance in the world was recently exhibited in the West Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center. In this limited-time feast of fashion and beauty, several sets of rare Armani haute couture fashions were presented, which complemented the perfume bottles with corresponding smells.

  It is reported that the exhibition receives 2,000-2,500 visitors every day, and the exhibition will last until February 26th, and then move to South Korea, France and other places to continue the "global tour".

  Fabry said that in the past few years, L ‘Oré al has made due contributions to the recovery and development of China’s consumer market. The world premiere of Armani in Shanghai not only reflects the strong resilience of China’s economy, but also reflects L ‘Oré al’s confidence and determination to develop in China.

  "We will continue to create beauty, move China consumers and enlighten the world."

  Technology empowerment seizes the new opportunity of personalized beauty.

  Less than 500 meters away from the exhibition is the headquarters building of L ‘Oré al Group in North Asia. Since L ‘Oré al entered the China market in 1997, it currently operates 31 brands in China.

  Fei Borui said that diversification is the next development trend of the beauty industry. Consumers are not limited to "one thousand people" who only choose a single product. In the future, more diversified choices and expressions will realize "one person and one thousand faces". How to meet the needs of consumers more accurately will bring great business opportunities to the development of L ‘Oré al beauty and technology.

L 'Oré al staff demonstrated the intelligent colorimeter of "lipstick printer"

L ‘Oré al staff demonstrated the intelligent colorimeter of "lipstick printer"

  It is understood that L ‘Oré al has made its debut in China International Import Expo(CIIE) for five years in a row, exhibiting 16 new international brands and a number of personalized beauty technologies, and its influence on new products is constantly expanding to the whole country.

  Investment overweight is full of confidence in Shanghai’s development.

  "Shanghai naturally has some of the most cutting-edge characteristics of beauty consumption." Fei Borui said that Shanghai has good prospects in innovation, consumption and economic growth, and he is full of confidence in Shanghai’s development.

Fabry (right), President of L 'Oré al North Asia and CEO of China, was interviewed.

Fabry (right), President of L ‘Oré al North Asia and CEO of China, was interviewed.

  Over the years, L ‘Oré al has witnessed the continuous development and evolution of Shanghai, and in the process, L ‘Oré al has also deeply felt the strong support of the Shanghai government and relevant institutions. L ‘Oré al has always maintained close cooperation with the government and received a lot of support from the policy level, thus bringing more innovation to consumers. At the China International Import Expo(CIIE) in 2019, L ‘Oré al demonstrated the personalized service of Xiuliko Essence. In this year’s pilot project in Pudong, the personalized service of Xiuliko Essence will be listed in China; In 2022, the clean workshop of L ‘Oré al Suzhou Factory was officially launched, and the foundation stone of the world’s first self-built intelligent operation center was launched in Suzhou, which is expected to be officially put into operation in September this year; In addition, L ‘Oré al also set up its first investment company in China market — — Shanghai Meicifang Investment Co., Ltd. will strengthen co-creation with China’s industry partners.

  "The fields that China is developing are in perfect harmony with the fields that L ‘Oré al can contribute to," Fabry said. L ‘Oré al has been witnessing the opening of the market and the demand for policies. During the gradual recovery of the consumer market in China, L ‘Oré al is very much looking forward to colliding with Shanghai for more innovation sparks.

Visiting relatives from prison during the Spring Festival and seeing off his father-in-law and father, he has no regrets in life/figure

  Li Linping (a pseudonym), a prisoner, never imagined that he had the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival this year. Having a reunion dinner, seeing off my elderly father-in-law and looking after my seriously ill father … Li Linping said that the experience of visiting relatives made him very excited. "I just want to make a good transformation, get out of prison as soon as possible and live a good life again." It is understood that this year’s Spring Festival, 42 prisons in the province organized a total of 274 prisoners to leave prison to visit relatives. Recently, all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives returned to prison on time.


  Leave prison: to leave prison freely.

  Li Linping, who is over 40 years old, is visiting relatives for the second time. Compared with the previous experience of visiting relatives, he felt very deeply that he was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption and abuse of power: "This time it is a reward, which is different from visiting relatives outside the prison. There is no full monitoring, and his psychology is very relaxed, and at the same time he has a sense of responsibility."

  In 2004, Li Linping’s mother-in-law died of illness, and he was granted a special leave from prison to visit relatives. From 3 pm to 6 pm that day, Li Linping, led by two policemen, returned to his hometown Qingbaijiang. After knocking on the head several times in front of her mother-in-law’s spirit and hastily comforting her wife and family, Li Linping reluctantly embarked on the way back to prison.

  At the beginning of February this year, Li Linping was pleasantly informed by Jintang Prison that he was on the list of people who left prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival! It turned out that because of his good performance after he was imprisoned, Li Linping was given the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives. At 9: 00 a.m. on February 5, Li Linping dressed up completely and excitedly appeared in front of his wife, sister, brother and other relatives. Accompanied by them, he confidently stepped up and walked out of the prison gate for the first time.

  Home: My father-in-law finally waited for him.

  In the morning, Li Linping went to his father-in-law’s house first. The 82-year-old father-in-law was seriously ill in bed. Li Linping came to the old man’s bed and took his hand tightly: "Dad, I came back to see you. Who am I?" After several calls, the old man raised his hand excitedly and said in a trembling voice, "Are you a son-in-law …" "He has been waiting for me, and now he finally sees me." Li Linping said that at noon the next day, the old man finished his life peacefully.

  Youth League Year: For the first time in many years

  At noon on the first day of returning home, a large family had a reunion dinner at their wife’s home. The family kept raising their glasses to bless the New Year and Li Linping. "For so many years, I went home for a reunion dinner for the first time. I am so happy to see a family in harmony. " Li Linping enjoyed this meal so much that he drank a little wine happily, even though he didn’t drink much at ordinary times.

  Filial piety: taking care of father before bed

  Li Linping, accompanied by his family, rushed to the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region to visit his 84-year-old father almost every day. Because of his careless fall, his father wearing a ventilator could not speak. "Dad, I’m coming to see you. If you know, blink your eyes." Father moved and really blinked a few times slowly.

  "I finally saw the old man for the last time, but I also regretted that I could not be filial." Li Linping said that just after he returned to prison for half a month, his father quietly stopped breathing. He is very grateful to the prison for giving him the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives, so that he can see the two old people for the last time.

  Significance: Carrying out humanized management.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Provincial Prison Administration that all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives had returned to prison within the specified time, and there was no incident of supervision safety accident and criminals who left prison to visit relatives disturbing social order. Among them, Liu, a criminal in Chengdu Juvenile Delinquency Center, took the initiative to participate in local rescue and relief activities during his visit from prison, and the local town government sent a special letter of commendation.

  "Under the premise of strict standards,’ sunshine’ approval and ensuring safety, visiting relatives outside prison is an important means to improve the quality of criminal reform, which is the embodiment of the criminal policy of’ tempering justice with mercy’ and also conforms to the current advanced execution concept." Li Xinmin, Party Secretary of the Provincial Prison Administration, said.

  Liu Zhicheng, director of the Provincial Prison Administration, said: "Visiting relatives after leaving prison is an important measure to implement humanized management in prisons and an important embodiment of the prison policy of’ reforming people’. We will strengthen the summary, strive to improve and constantly advance." (Reporter Yang Qin)

Editor: Jufu

Fashion is not superstition, but a compulsory course in life!

In the stream of time, we always walk through the intersection of the past and the future. Clothing, like a symbol of time, carries our choices and decisions at every step. Sister pomelo tells history takes you into a wonderful journey through time and space.

Hey, history fans, let’s cross the long river of history, but also remember the preciousness of every moment. Clothes are not only a coat, but also a code of life and a story about us. Uncover the wonderful world outside this fashion together.

"Respect clothes before people, skin before soul." This ancient proverb is buried in our hearts like a seed of revelation. Clothes may not determine a person’s life, but it is a window into the heart. Does this mean that every choice we make affects our future destiny?

Network material

"Image must be ahead of ability, otherwise your ability will be easily overlooked and underestimated." The external image, like a bright flag, leads our internal state. Dressing appropriately is not only a respect for yourself, but also an attitude towards life and career. Let our image become a background color of life and light up the road ahead.

Network material

"Appreciating a person begins with face value, respects talent, fits in with character, lasts longer than kindness and is loyal to character." Life is like a painting, and its face value, talent and personality are like various shades on the canvas. Dressing is not only an external decoration, but also a way to show our colorful life. Let the aesthetic power dance on us, and let people feel the charm of both internal and external cultivation while seeing us.

Network material

"A person’s life will not be decided by the clothes you wear, but you can see your life state and inner world through the clothes you wear." Clothing is not only an external expression, but also a reflection of inner feelings. The netizen in this story changed his life through ten days of careful dressing. The choice of clothes has become the starting point of her fashion mood turning point. Isn’t this the wonderful power of fashion?

"Teacher Angela Chung once said:’ You dress beautifully and appropriately, and it is your people who are remembered; You wear sloppy clothes, and people will only remember your sloppy clothes.’ "Dressing appropriately is not only a kind of respect for yourself, but also a kind of respect for others. A good display of external image will lead us to the peak of life. Let proper dress become a plus item in our life, lead good luck and prevent opportunities from slipping away easily.

Network material

Dressing turned out to be a fate choice. Clothes are not only a part of our life, but also our window to the outside world. While choosing clothes, we may also be betting on every step of life. The mystery of life is hidden outside fashion, and clothing is one of our most intuitive choices every day. In the long river of time, let us lead our own destiny through clothing. Not only fashion, but also the choice of life. Dress, change your destiny, make your own decisions.

Lenovo-Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Laboratory officially signed a contract to unveil, focusing on intelligent devices and artificial intelligence.

In addition to the two joint laboratories, at the signing ceremony, Dr. Wang Qianying, Vice President of Lenovo Group and General Manager of Technology Strategy and Innovation Platform of Lenovo Research Institute, said that at present, 15 sub-topics have been identified in the research cooperation between Lenovo and Jiaotong University. Other laboratories of Lenovo Research Institute, such as enterprise cloud computing and car computing laboratories, and other R&D departments of Lenovo, including intelligent equipment group and solution service business group, are also important participants in these research topics. The cooperation covers the schools of electronic information, mechanical power, artificial intelligence and chemical engineering of Jiaotong University. The subject is also very extensive, involving battery, chip and other component technologies, new materials such as aluminum and magnesium alloys, speech and large scene video processing, complex robot systems and DNA storage.

[Poetic and painting] column: "Su Xin Yan" was officially broadcast

The column of "Poetry and Painting" originated from the sudden outbreak in March 2022. It aims to use the power of art to inspire people’s hearts. I look forward to the success of early resistance and the beautiful scenery of the chest. The aesthetic mood of music to express people’s longing for a better life and pay tribute to classics.

[Poetry and painting] column: "Su Xin Yan" was officially broadcast by the column of this episode by the American artist Cao Jun and the chairman of the Shanghai Recitation Association Lu Chenglie, so stay tuned. Essence Essence

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[Poetic and painting] column: "Su Xin Yan" was officially broadcast

(Watch horizontally)




Cao Jun painting · Poetry / Lu Cheng recitation

The heart is eight, not climbing;

Watching Liuhe, endless.

Zi Jiu Youyun,

Poetry should be lonely, painting should be quiet.

I send a bird in the soil and soil,

Look up to see the sentient beings,

Low eyebrows.

The so -called Zen,

It is the realm of quietness and net.

How many mixed life,

A few hustle and bustle,

Find a quiet and elegant situation,

Being alone,

A book, a piece of song, a line of small characters, poetry rhyme.

In the cozy, a pond of water, a lotus, Zen also.


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Cao Jun, a well -known artist in the United States, is currently co -chairman of the Academic Committee of the Museum of Art Museum in New York. He is also a visiting professor at the School of Arts of Nanjing, Renmin University of China, and Communication University of China. He has held a exhibition at the McMallen Museum of McMalon, the Chinese Art Museum, and Boston Academy in New Zealand’s Bruce Mason Art Center. His works have been invited to participate in the Louvre of the Louvre, France, the New York Armal Studius 94 Pier New York and other international art exhibitions, and was collected by dozens of art museums and museums such as the Rockefeller family. More than ten monographs on publishing arts are built with the "Cao Jun Art Museum". His artistic achievements have been reported by CCTV and "People’s Daily".

Cao Jun’s "New Song -style Chinese Painting" was included in the textbooks of higher arts academic research by many countries such as China, the United States, Austria and other countries, and was used as an academic research object.


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Lu Cheng, host of Shanghai Radio and Television Program, Editorial of National First -level Literature, Winners of the National Broadcasting Host Gold Merroscopy, President of the Shanghai Recitation Association, Vice President of the Shanghai Language Workers Association, and a member of the Shanghai Workers Association.

Cao Jun’s works appreciation

Light -luminous wings


Kamiya Baji



Small to suck the charm


New poem in the sleeve


(Watch horizontal screen)

Autumn water


In the river




Producer, total producer

Shi Yanqi

General consultant

Feng Yuan

General planning

Mao Shi’an

Art consultant in this episode

Cao Jun Lu Cheng

Title of "Poetic Love"

Wu Qianyu

Legal adviser

Zhao Jingguo




Yuan Bing Yang Qi

Color adjustment


Piece Ending

Tao Hong


Xiao Yi


Chen Xuan




China Television Travel


China Television Cultural Tourism Art Research Institute

Joint camera

Shanghai Shahu Media Co., Ltd.


China Television Cultural Tourism Research Institute

China Television Travel Poetry Research Institute

China Television Travel Art Research Institute

China Television Travel Literature and Art Research Institute

Zhongyang Cultural Communication (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai, China

China Television Travel

Relying on the Central Digital TV Channel, China Television Cultural Tourism brand is based on the inheritance and dissemination of Chinese classic culture. It will integrate the central -level media platforms to combine the advantages of new media to create a cultural communication platform of media, culture, art, and tourism. It involves media operations, art research institutes, publishing, cultural exchanges, art exhibitions, art auctions, cultural tourism, literary evening party building, art and technology, art and finance, and art cross -border brand building.

At present, it has successfully implemented the Shanghai Center of China Digital TV Chinese Studies Channel and Shanghai Center. With the joint creation of "National Cultivation", "The Moon of the Sea", "Fall in the North Bund" with the Propaganda Department of the Hongkou District Committee of the Communist Party of China, integrate it, the exhibition, the exhibition, and the cultural and creative. New style of cultural fusion.

On December 24, 2018, the first "National Academic Rhymes" Haipai Painting and Painting Master’s Academic Invitational Exhibition was held

On December 31, 2019, the first "Ocean Birth Moon" National Oil Painting Master’s Academic Invitational Exhibition was held

Life aesthetics and aesthetic application forums on January 18, 2020

On April 20, 2020, the "Covenant of the Hong Confucianism" was held in the north and south flowers and bird paintings of the north and south of the country

In November 2020, he participated in the 3rd Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Fair and held the exhibition "flowing art". The integration of art and technology

From December 2020 to July 2021, "Fall in Love with the North Bund" master sketching and creative exhibition activities

On June 17, 2021, the second "National Cultivation Art Rhyme" TOP special exhibition was held

On July 1, 2021, the "traceability is true, value consensus" encrypted digital art round table forum

In November 2021, the second "Falling in Fall in Beibu" national oil painting master sketching and creative activities

Features in the form of exhibitions and columns, explore the new forms of offline physical exhibitions and online television and network synchronous exhibitions, and strive to exhibit works from all -round three -dimensional presentation from visual impact, emotional driving, and in -depth analysis.

In 2018, China Television Cultural Tourism Art Research Institute has been established. The Academy and Food and Culture Research Institute takes artistic research, art education, and artistic creation as the development pattern, integrating expert resources and academic research.