2,700 layoffs, losses 6 billion, NIO has no future?

By the end of 2022, NIO had a total of 26,763 employees. On November 3, NIO Chairperson and CEO Li Bin said in a letter to all NIO employees that about 10% of positions would be reduced, meaning that about 2,700 people would be laid off.

On August 29, 2023, NIO announced the second quarter financial report. The financial report shows that the revenue decreased by 14.8% year-on-year to 8.7717 billion yuan, the gross profit decreased by 93.5% year-on-year to 87 million yuan, the net loss 6.0558 billion yuan increased by 119.6% year-on-year, and the adjusted net loss was 5.4457 billion yuan, an increase of 140.2% year-on-year. (Normally, NIO will release the third quarter financial report of 2023 around November 9, but as of the date of publication, it has not been seen for a long time, and the estimated data is not optimistic.)

As of October this year, NIO’s total sales were 126,067 vehicles, ahead of XPeng Motors’ 101,445 vehicles, but far below Li Auto’s 284,647 vehicles.

The level of sales is the bedrock of a car company’s economy, and a series of data suggest that NIO’s life in 2023 will indeed be difficult.

Although NIO’s sales and profits are average, it is also quietly doing big things.

As of November 1, NIO has built 2,079 power stations and 19,579 charging piles around the world, including more than 2,000 power stations in China and more than 600 high-speed stations. At the same time, NIO’s overseas and domestic stores are also increasing, with 25 new stores added in October.

The layout of NIO’s charging and swapping network and stores has undoubtedly improved the car experience of NIO owners and expanded the influence of NIO, but many people believe that the construction and operation costs of NIO swapping stations are too high, and the global rollout takes up a lot of money.

If the cost of a power station 3 million (including land, personnel, battery loss, etc.), the NIO 2000 power stations need at least 6 billion to support. More importantly, NIO power stations only serve NIO owners, and NIO promises to owners that there will be free power changes every year, so the profitability of NIO power stations is about equal to none compared with 6 billion.

In addition, with the rapid development of overcharging technology and battery technology, the charging time has been greatly shortened, the battery life of pure electric vehicles has also been greatly improved, and the advantage of fast power station replacement has been gradually weakened.

Writing here, the author wants to apologize for the NIO power station replacement.

The author has personally experienced the second and third generation of NIO power station, and the average power change time is only 3-5 minutes. No matter how fast the overcharge speed is, it is impossible for them to fully charge a 75KW/h and 100KW/h battery within 3 minutes at this stage, and the charging time will even be extended due to the instability of the charging pile voltage. If there is no revolutionary breakthrough in power battery technology, the charging speed of the power station cannot be shaken.

The power station takes up most of NIO’s resources, but it also brings a lot of convenience to users, and at this stage, the power station and the overcharge complement each other, and it is far from the day when the winner will be decided.

NIO’s predicament today is mainly caused by high prices and low sales.

At present, NIO’s product system has covered many aspects such as cars, SUVs, coupe SUVs, station wagons, etc. It is the car company with the most models and the widest layout among the three car companies of "Wei Xiaoli". Friends who are familiar with NIO know that the price of its models is generally high. If it were not for the price reduction of NIO ES6 and NIO ET5 and ET5T, NIO’s cars would not be lower than 300,000 at all, especially NIO ES8 high-end models. Correction is approaching 600,000.

The advantage of many models and high prices is that it has cut into a more subdivided market, stabilized NIO’s high-end brand perception, but also entered the sphere of influence of traditional luxury brands and emerging brands such as Tesla.

NIO ET5 and ET5T priced at 29.8-356,000 yuan have no advantage over Tesla Model 3 and BMW 3 Series in price, and belong to the level of half a catty to eight taels in control and comfort. The biggest advantage is that ET5T has design advantages in order to stabilize the monthly average of 5000 vehicles (ET5 and ET5T), which can be compared with BMW 3 Series and Tesla Model 3 with an average of 1-20,000 units.

In fact, NIO has tasted the sweetness brought by the price reduction, in June NIO all models down 30,000 yuan, although the cancellation of free power exchange and other parts of the rights and interests, but NIO new ES6, ET5T, ET5, ES8 and other models sales or a significant increase, its July sales is the first time in the year to break through the 20,000, especially the new ES6 of 11118 vehicles, become the absolute main force of NIO.

At this stage, many car companies are deliberately setting the price of new cars for sales, such as Zhiji LS6, Xiaopeng G6, Xiaopeng G9, etc., and the effect is quite positive. Xiaopeng G6’s October sales are 8,741 units, Xiaopeng G9 is listed for 15 days, and Zhiji LS6 is 28,000 units.

Now NIO really don’t have to hold it for high-end brand perception. It is the most practical to cancel part of the rights and interests to give consumers real money discounts in order to sell sales. What about the future of NIO? Layoffs and losses are just a small episode in its growth process. Even if Li Jiebin picks it up, with the scale of NIO charging stations and stores, as well as the annual sales of 150,000 vehicles, capital and major car companies will not give up easily. (Text/Youshi Auto, forward)

Note: The pictures are from the Internet, and the rights belong to the original author. Thank you together! This article only represents the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Youshi Auto.

How does the Central Radio and Television General Station report on anti-epidemic disease?

  Author | Gao Xiaohong

  来源 | 中国广播杂志(ID:zggbzz)

  当前,我国正面临新型冠状病毒肺炎(英文简称NCP或COVID-19,中文简称新冠肺炎)肆虐的严峻挑战。新冠肺炎疫情是一场特别重大的突发公共卫生事件,极大地威胁着人民群众的生命健康安全。截至2月18日,全国已累计确诊72530例,重症 11741 例,死亡1870例。




  Unblocked information:

  Give full play to the authority and professionalism of mainstream media

  1, timely, open and accurate report on the progress of the epidemic

  The report of unexpected events refers to the news media’s integration of media resources in the process of the occurrence and development of events, and their reporting and evaluation of various situations related to events to the society and the public. After the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, a major public health event, the whole society paid close attention to the epidemic information and the progress of epidemic prevention and control. China quickly launched a Class I response to major public health emergencies, and the National Health and Wellness Commission and the health and wellness commissions of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government announced the epidemic information of infectious diseases in their respective administrative regions to the public. The information on epidemic situation of infectious diseases should be published in a timely and accurate manner. At the same time, the news media should also report the true information of emergencies in a timely and accurate manner according to the law, protect the people’s right to know, and contribute to the handling and aftermath of public emergencies.

  Since the outbreak of the war of resistance against the epidemic, the general station has released authoritative information in time and continuously spread the epidemic situation around the clock. The News 1+1 column of CCTV, the general station, has been arranged as a whole and specially planned, and has continuously reported the COVID-19 epidemic since January 20th.

  On January 20th, this column was connected with Academician Zhong Nanshan, the leader of National Health Commission high-level expert group, to introduce the basic situation of COVID-19 epidemic, which played a role of "setting the tone" in the information dissemination of COVID-19 epidemic. Since January 26th, CCTV News Channel of the General Station has launched "Special Report on the War Epidemic", with the theme of fighting the epidemic, continuously focusing on the national situation of fighting the epidemic, and releasing the latest data of the epidemic in time, so that people can know fairly well. It also connected with reporters from the front-line general station of the anti-epidemic in real time, showing the good mental state of all regions and departments in fighting the epidemic with one heart and one mind. At the same time, we will give full play to the advantages of the platform and share the program resources. From January 29, CCTV will broadcast CCTV programs simultaneously from 10: 00 to 11: 00 and from 15: 00 to 16: 30 every day.

  In the reporting of major public health emergencies, the openness and transparency of information is very important. As a bridge connecting the government and the people, the mainstream media should disclose authoritative information at the first time and occupy the first place in the public opinion field.

  From January 26th, the press conference of the State Council Press Office, National Health Commission Press Conference and the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism will be broadcast simultaneously by CCTV’s comprehensive channel and news channel, and broadcast simultaneously by China Voice. Every day, through the live broadcast of the press conference on epidemic prevention and control, the prevention and control information in COVID-19 can be disseminated openly and transparently, and the people’s right to know is fully respected and guaranteed. At the same time, speaking in a timely, active and rational manner has also curbed the spread of online rumors.

  2. Interview authoritative sources and release authoritative information on epidemic prevention and control.

  After the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, the spread of all kinds of information, especially the spread of new media space on the Internet, is very active, which makes the people contact with a lot of information every day, and the phenomenon of information overload appears. At the same time, the people are very concerned about the spirit of the central government and the policies, methods, and prevention and control process of epidemic prevention and control. Therefore, the mainstream media need to exert their authority and credibility and master the leading power of public opinion. This is also an initiative to set the agenda and master the right to publish, define and interpret issues. As the authoritative mainstream media in China, the reception desk gathers the advantages of interview resources by releasing official authoritative information at the first time, interviewing authoritative experts and frontline workers against the epidemic, and carefully sets the media agenda for fighting the COVID-19 epidemic.

  3, professional team to fulfill the responsibility and mission of news propaganda work.

  In the highly developed communication environment of online social media, the mainstream media put forward more stringent requirements for the authenticity, accuracy and security of information in this public opinion campaign against the COVID-19 epidemic. Because if the information is slightly deviated, it may cause the content to spread out of control, and then affect the credibility of the mainstream media.

  On the one hand, the main station sent a professional team to the first scene to fight the epidemic, on the other hand, it strengthened the supervision of the contents of epidemic prevention and control to ensure the foolproof dissemination of information. From January 27th, the General Station set up the "Wuhan Live Studio of War Epidemic" in Hubei Radio and Television Station, and set the studio at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. The broadcasting frequency of the main station gives full play to the emergency role of broadcasting in public health emergencies. By taking advantage of the advantages of wide broadcasting coverage, fast transmission speed and low listening threshold, the emergency reporting plan is launched at the first time, and the propaganda of epidemic prevention and control is intensified. All programs broadcast the progress of epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19 in a rolling way throughout the day. Every day from 19: 00 to 20: 00, the "Voice of China Special Report on Fighting the Epidemic" is also launched. During the week from February 3rd to 9th, there were 1,400 epidemic-related reports and nearly 7,000 written messages.













  In terms of the strength and discretion of news reports, the epidemic reports of the main station are of high frequency, high intensity and high quality, thus achieving high coverage of epidemic prevention and control information.

  According to the data of CCTV Advertising Management Center, from January 24th to February 2nd, the viewing rate of News Network increased significantly, reaching 11.72%, and the viewing rate of viewers aged 15-24 increased by 186% year-on-year. The outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic coincided with the Spring Festival. With the escalation of prevention and control measures, the extension of the Spring Festival holiday, and the implementation of personal home prevention and control measures, radio and television, as a family-accompanying media, just played a key role in spreading anti-epidemic information in families.

  In terms of the effect and actual effect of public opinion guidance, the general station boldly innovated on the new media platform by means of media integration, and achieved outstanding communication effects. For example, from 8: 00 on January 27th, CCTV News launched an uninterrupted live broadcast of the special program "Common War Epidemic", which was broadcast simultaneously on CCTV Video, CCTV News client, Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other mobile new media platforms, providing viewers with an information channel that directly hits the front line of epidemic prevention and control 24 hours a day. The reporter from the General Station visited the epidemic prevention and control site and made a comprehensive, accurate and timely report on the detection, diagnosis and treatment of patients in various regions, the work and living conditions of medical workers, and the production, supply and transshipment of medical protective equipment. The live broadcast attracted tens of thousands of viewers from all over the country to interact in real time, and "Come on Wuhan, Come on Hubei, Come on China" was screened.

  At 19: 00 on January 31st, CCTV News Network entered the "Aauto Quicker" short video community and began the normal live broadcast. Within 33 minutes of the first live broadcast, the cumulative number of viewers was nearly 20 million. Since February 1st, "News Network" has been broadcast live on Sina Weibo, with a cumulative audience of 17.658 million, with an average daily audience of 1.358 million. In addition, CCTV news official Weibo initiated the topic of "real-time broadcast of joint prevention and control of epidemic situation", which was read 3.36 billion times and discussed 374,000 times, with a maximum reading of 608 million times in a single day. The topic of "common war and epidemic" has been read 6.07 billion times, discussed 1.55 million times, and the highest reading volume in a single day is nearly 870 million times. Through the way of integrated communication, the mainstream media has exerted great influence among young people and achieved the communication effect guided by public opinion.

  3. Storytelling: Reflect the people’s determination and deeds in fighting the epidemic.

  "People-centered" is an important working principle of the party’s news and public opinion work. In the report on the fight against the epidemic in COVID-19, the reception desk pointed the lens and microphone of news reports at the people’s anti-epidemic actions. By recording touching stories and accumulating ordinary materials, it told the stories of people around us and described the greatness of ordinary people, conveyed the warmth of humanity and humanistic care behind the severe epidemic, and showed the spirit of the people of the whole country to unite as one and help each other in the same boat.

  On January 29th, the Voice of China, the Central Broadcasting Station, launched the special program "Diary of an Angel". The content of this program comes from angels in white who are facing the COVID-19 epidemic and racing against death. It records the daily work of front-line medical staff in the form of voice self-report and first-person perspective. Angel Diary broadcasts an episode every day, and at the same time, it is launched on Himalayan FM audio platform, and published on Voice of China Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account. The program gives full play to the voice advantage of broadcasting, and spreads the positive energy story of fighting the epidemic with a keen perspective and delicate brushwork. According to the data, its single item in Weibo received the highest praise of 19,000 person-times, and the cumulative reading volume of WeChat WeChat official account exceeded 344,000 person-times.

  In addition, since February 11th, News Network has launched a column "A Line of Anti-epidemic Groups" to report the effectiveness of joint prevention and control measures by various departments in various regions and tell touching stories about the front line of anti-epidemic. The book "Wuhan at Zero, Here are Stories You Don’t Know" by feature story of the Central Broadcasting Corporation truthfully records the voices of people in Wuhan in the middle of the night and bears witness to the determination and persistence of people from all walks of life. By reporting the great love and responsibility of front-line workers, the mainstream media has established an emotional bond for the people to overcome the difficulties together.


  Stabilizing People’s Heart: Facing the Social Concern of Major Public Emergencies

  1, timely counseling to resolve the crisis of public opinion.

  The prevention and control of the epidemic situation in COVID-19 is all-round. In the field of news and public opinion, the first problem is to face and promptly dispel the possible public opinion crisis. The so-called public opinion crisis refers to the phenomenon that public opinion is at a difficult juncture because unfavorable public opinion occupies the central position in the public opinion field. In order to avoid and prevent the public opinion crisis and smoothly resolve the contradictions and problems caused by unexpected events, it is necessary to open the way, promptly guide and master the initiative.

  After the occurrence of major public emergencies, the news media should fully predict the current public opinion environment, and make adjustments from the perspective of overall information dissemination, ensure the expression of opinions of the masses, reflect their voices, channel negative and negative public opinion, and encourage and advocate positive public opinion.

  The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic coincided with the Chinese Lunar New Year, so the festive atmosphere became heavy, and the people’s life focus shifted to preventing and controlling the COVID-19 epidemic and ensuring life safety. In this public opinion environment, the reception desk immediately made adjustments, and the 2020 Spring Festival Gala broadcasted a scenario report program "Love is a Bridge" with zero rehearsal. Through the form of scenario narration, it showed the touching scene of Wuhan people facing up to the sudden COVID-19 epidemic and the medical staff selfless treatment.

  Later, in the recording of the Lantern Festival special program, we dug deep into the first-line story of epidemic prevention and paid tribute to the "most beautiful retrograde" who silently contributed to the epidemic prevention work, showing the great cohesion of the Chinese nation and the spiritual strength of the people of the whole country to work together to overcome difficulties, which was well received by the audience.

  According to statistics, as of 10: 00 on February 5th, the epidemic news materials released by CCTV International Vision and the press conference signals held by state authorities were selected and broadcast by 1,721 overseas TV stations or channels in 112 countries and regions, including Fox and BBC, for more than 362,000 times, which won wide respect and support from the international community.

  2. Relieve public panic.

  After the outbreak of the epidemic in COVID-19, especially at the initial stage of the outbreak, the public was in a state of panic due to the fact that the focus of the epidemic has yet to be scientifically studied, the situation of epidemic spread is grim, the effect of epidemic prevention and control has yet to be observed, and the drugs for treating and preventing the epidemic have yet to be developed. The public’s panic is manifested in various ways, such as the spread of rumors and rumors, weak awareness of scientific prevention and group prevention and control, and panic buying of masks and medical supplies in some areas. During the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, it is very important for the mainstream media to play the role of public opinion guidance to alleviate public panic. Previous studies have shown that if we can correctly use the guiding function of the mainstream media, we can promote the original absurd rumors to become a "pedal" for people to understand the truth and scientific knowledge.

  On the basis of interviewing authoritative sources and releasing authoritative information on epidemic prevention and control, the Headquarters also launched a series of promotional videos in conjunction with the Propaganda Department of National Health Commission to popularize the knowledge of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and guide the public to enhance their awareness of self-prevention. Each of these popular science videos is about 1 minute long, which effectively and conveniently spreads the practical operation and prevention and control concepts of legal prevention and control, scientific prevention and control, and group prevention and control, and the communication effect is good. Up to now, the series of public service short films have landed on nearly 400,000 digital screens in 50 cities across the country, playing circularly at major airports, stations and ports, and landing in business districts, communities, enterprises and universities in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities.

  In the communication environment of media convergence, the new comprehensive audio-visual media flagship "Central Video" 5G new media platform newly built by CCTV based on new technologies such as "5G+4K/8K+AI" was officially launched not long ago, which was put into the prevention and control propaganda of the COVID-19 epidemic. CCTV, the main station, opened up "War ‘ Epidemic ’ The topic "Frontline" includes vlog real shooting, exclusive interview, scientific inquiry, suggestions, real-time panorama and other sections. Record the true story of the "epidemic" front line, follow up the latest progress of experimental research and development, and introduce the knowledge of epidemic prevention science in the form of short video; "CCTV News" broadcasts "Common War" 24 hours a day, and works with hundreds of millions of viewers to supervise, watch, accompany and guard the cloud.

  On the evening of January 27th, CCTV opened a 24-hour live broadcast port, and started the "slow live broadcast" of the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Thunder God Mountain hospital through the 5G+ optical fiber dual Gigabit network, and multiple aircraft seats presented live real-time pictures around the clock. Without the host, commentary and editing and packaging, it attracted nearly 120 million online "cloud supervisors". The series of live broadcasts were broadcast on 11 online platforms, including Tencent News, Today’s Headlines, Phoenix News, Youku and Wo Video. The total number of viewers exceeded 15 million and the number of interactive comments exceeded 13,000. The series live broadcast and slow live broadcast are broadcast on CCTV News client, @ CCTV News Weibo, CCTV Video client and Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and Betta Fish. Among them, only the short video of "Tik Tok" was watched by more than 55 million people.




  On January 29, the Central Steering Group sent an inspection team to Huanggang City, Hubei Province, where the epidemic was serious, for supervision and verification. CCTV reporters covered the whole process. In the report, the working ability of the person in charge of the local competent department was questioned. After the news broadcast, the role and effect of public opinion supervision were produced, and the director of the health and health commission in Huanggang City was immediately dismissed. In the supervision of news and public opinion, the mainstream media always adhere to the problem orientation, which can neither make a mountain out of a molehill to cause panic, nor make a mountain out of a molehill to make the work lax. We should correctly carry out constructive public opinion supervision, meet the audience’s higher-level pursuit of information disclosure in the all-media environment, and promote the solution of problems in the prevention and control of epidemic situation in COVID-19.

  The whole people participated in the war against the COVID-19 epidemic, and the effect was obvious. With the unified and centralized leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the mobilization and participation of the whole society, and the comprehensive strengthening of prevention and control, the battle of epidemic prevention and control will surely win the final victory. At the critical stage of epidemic prevention and control, the authoritative mainstream media, represented by the Central Radio and Television General Station, adhered to the duty and mission of news and public opinion work, gave full play to the authority and professionalism of the mainstream media, grasped the principle of "time and effect" and carried out news and public opinion work "people-centered", which unblocked information, enhanced confidence and stabilized people’s hearts.

  The author of this paper is Gao Xiaohong, Minister of Journalism and Communication at China Communication University, and distinguished professor, a Changjiang Scholar at the Ministry of Education. Cai Yu is a Ph.D. student at China Communication University, originally published in the third issue of China Broadcasting in 2020.

Random talk about football

Some people may be surprised that what is the charm of football? It can be popular with so many people, regardless of race and social status. There is a shady venue, 22 people grabbing the ball and shooting under the supervision of the referee, and occasionally taking risks to send some balls to their own goals … In fact, for non-football professionals, the fantastic terms of skills and tactics are too empty. It must be admitted that the long game time of more than 90 minutes.

I think fans should be divided into several categories:

(1) professional fans. They are either professionals in the field of football or take the study of football as a profession. The biggest feature of these people is to start with the details and understand the truth inside the industry.

(2) Amateur fans. They just watch and talk about the ball as a hobby, and they have their own jobs in their daily lives. They may play a few wild games with three or two friends during the holidays, which is very informal. But they did enrich the population of football.

(3) fans who only watch the ball. As the name implies, people who never play football or rarely play football, who are skilled or unskilled in various professional terms in the field of football, and who like to play football games instead of actual football experience, are in a sense hidden football population.

(4) fake fans. On weekdays, they don’t pay attention to football news at all. They like to follow the tide of public opinion and firmly grasp the most critical core information. They have a keen eye and insight into the basic quality of human nature, and they can pretend to be top experts in the industry most of the time.

Four kinds of fans are four kinds of people’s attitudes towards football, so I want to extend this topic: On the first day of last year, the national football team was defeated by the Vietnamese team in the top 12 competition with a score of one to three.

The national football team lost to Vietnam 1-3 on the first day of the New Year’s Day.

An embarrassing result. Losing to such powerful teams as Japan and Saudi Arabia can only be said to be reasonable and lacking. However, the Vietnamese team had suffered a seven-game losing streak before meeting the national football team in the second round. People gave it the nickname 007. Is it unreasonable to be defeated by such a team? I don’t think the strength of the national football team will degenerate to be crushed by the Vietnamese team. I mean, the off-site factors account for a greater proportion of this loss, and a series of performances on the field are only results rather than reasons.

Is it really that important for a team with such a level of national football not to enter the World Cup? I don’t think it matters. For three reasons:

(1) Chinese people are not keen on football. Does anyone around you often play football? Will you support your children to play football instead of taking the entrance examination? Where does your child want to find a coach to play football? Is there enough football field near your home? It seems that there are many fans in China who care about the development of football. In fact, most of them are fake fans and fans who only watch football. There are not many fans who are really keen on football. So the level of the national team will not be much higher. With such a mass base, what kind of good seeds do you expect its national team to have?

(2) Lack of respect for the rules of football and sportsmanship. As we all know, in order to achieve the goal of marching into FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, the Chinese Football Association of zhong spared no expense in planning a group of foreign players. Trying to use the planning players to drive the overall strength of the whole team, but on the other hand ignoring the development of basic youth training, the domestic league stopped. Reality slapped them hard, and the national football team defeated Vietnam in advance. It is unwise to get quick success and instant benefit. The foundation is not firmly built, and everything else is just castles in the air.

One of the important reasons why Chinese people are not suitable for playing football is that they are not United enough.

(3) Chinese people’s thinking and physical conditions are not suitable for football. Chinese people pay attention to being unprofitable and can’t afford to get up early, but football happens to be a team sport, which needs cooperation to play the best effect, and being willing to be a green leaf means losing money, which is obviously not in the interest of individuals. In fact, we may find that China’s good sports, such as table tennis, badminton, gymnastics and diving, are often played by one or two people, and it is rare for more than three people to work together. Have you ever seen six people playing table tennis on a case in a formal competition? Even in table tennis, players may feel that another person is in the way. No way, this is a kind of thinking concept, and it is difficult for Chinese people to play team projects well. Then someone will ask why women’s volleyball and women’s football are better than men’s volleyball and men’s football. In fact, I don’t understand this either. Maybe it’s the difference between men’s and women’s thinking. It’s really strange that our female compatriots are more United than their male compatriots. As for the physical condition of Chinese people, it is enough to compare Koreans instead of whites and blacks.

To sum up, football is not the best choice for Chinese people, so it is not particularly strange to lose to a national team like Vietnam, which attaches importance to following the rules of football. But I saw the chilling side after this game. Wu Xi, the captain of the national football team, inadvertently dodged the ball and was associated with abalone advertisements. For more than ten years, he worked hard for the national team and set an example for players on and off the court. Because he was guided by public opinion, he was nailed to their so-called shame column, which was not only absurd, but also evil.

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes. Perhaps these players have a sacred love for football since childhood, or they have chosen to enter the field of professional football with the dream of making a fortune, and have a young meal. (Many people complain that football players have high salaries and low ability, but who will notice their life after retirement? Football is a young meal. If you don’t earn enough money when you are young, will you continue to play football to support your family when you are old? ) Crush competitors, step by step to the top of the pyramid of top clubs, and become a leader in the domestic field. Then, if you lose to a stronger opponent in international competitions, you will be scolded as having no fighting spirit. Are they really not spelling? Lei Wu got a leg cramp in the match against the Australian team. How many people really care?

The national football team in the top 12 relied on Lei Wu’s penalty to draw the Australian team.

Luo Guofu, the planning player with the lowest score in the audience, was boasted as a national hero by public opinion because he flew to block a cross ball. Is it absurd? Luo Guofu’s nickname is Yue Fei, and Li Tie’s nickname is Qin Gui … It’s a slippery record. Such a public opinion environment is really invisible. After that, foreign players in poor condition appeared in the team, so there was no starting position. I work hard in the team, but it is better for foreigners who have not come to the joint training for several months to have a high status. Whose mind will be balanced, and the players who plan on the court are in poor condition, shouldn’t local players follow suit? Anyway, there has been an unfair phenomenon. Let’s just lose to the Vietnamese team, and no one can think about it … Sadly, China Football.

We shouldn’t expect any good news from China football in a short time, because it is totally divorced from reality. In fact, the greatest charm of football is not the skills and tactics on the court, but the fighting spirit of people and the complicated world outside the court. Football is a sport, more like a war. In the final analysis, it is a complete summary of human struggle, including tactics, art, strategy, strategy, diplomacy, humanities, geography, chemistry, socialization and humanity. It is the biggest insult to football if you only pay attention to the goals on the court and don’t care about the culture and beliefs inside and outside the court.

Four couples of police doctors on the front line of epidemic prevention: postponed wedding, son alone at home and reunion dinner that can’t be made up.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, an epidemic prevention and control war broke out nationwide. In the face of the pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, the police and medical staff stood in the front line of epidemic prevention. Many "police doctors and couples" gave up their families for everyone. Some of them were born after 70, 80 and 90, and they silently built an important epidemic prevention line with their persistence and dedication. What we are going to tell below is the story of four police and medical couples who are sticking to the front line of fighting the epidemic this Spring Festival …
The wedding dress that was too late to try was postponed after 90 years.
Write Xiao Wei couple chat record.
Xiao Wei, a policeman from Jinhua Police Station of Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, and Xiaoxiao, a nurse from People’s Hospital, both born in 1990s, originally planned to hold a banquet in the near future, but the wedding was postponed due to the sudden epidemic. In Jinhua Town, which is dozens of kilometers away from the city, there are only three police officers in the police station. As the youngest policeman, Xiao Wei took the initiative to provoke the responsibility of daily patrol and quarantine. The small separation made them unable to meet each other for several weeks, and they could only express their thoughts on each other through WeChat.
"I want to see you. I don’t want to be alone at home."
"Why did you come to me? I don’t have a car. I didn’t eat anything here. I ate instant noodles."
"You should pay attention to safety when checking, put on the mask and tighten the strip above your nose!"
"There are a lot of things today. You should cover yourself in the evening, eat more, and don’t put your son hungry!
Nurse Xiao Xiao introduced that she had planned to let her husband accompany her to try on the wedding dress after the New Year, but now the epidemic is current, she is busy, and her husband is busy, and the wedding will be held after defeating the epidemic. Because I learned that I was pregnant with a baby, I was afraid that the dress style I had been optimistic about had to be changed. No girl wanted to be the most beautiful at the wedding, but in the face of this epidemic prevention and blocking war, only understanding and strength were the greatest encouragement for herself and the greatest support for her husband.
Incorrect reunion dinner, stick to your post and have direct contact with patients.
↑ Yang Yang is taking blood tests for patients.
Yang Yang, a post-80s police sister-in-law, is a tester in the respiratory department of Mianzhu Hospital. She and her colleagues completed the blood drawing work for all patients. She had direct contact with the first pneumonia patient infected by novel coronavirus in Mianzhu. During the epidemic prevention, she can’t go home or dare to go home. She said that although she has done a good job in protection, she will still worry unconsciously, not because she is afraid of being infected, or because she doesn’t want to get involved with her family.
Her husband, Li Hong, is a police officer investigating a case in Chengnan Police Station. In an extraordinary period, he has to do his job correctly in epidemic prevention, and he takes turns to visit the homes of isolated people in his jurisdiction every day. Find and help injured elderly people living alone to seek medical treatment; Go to the mahjong room where people gather to persuade them to disperse; Handle public security cases of rumors and rumors and criminal cases of telecom fraud. During the Spring Festival, many people are tired of staying at home, but for Li Hong, they can’t go home.
"When the epidemic is over, let’s have a good reunion dinner!" On the phone with Li Hong, Yang Yang’s voice choked. "You went to other provinces to catch fugitives during the Spring Festival when our eldest son was born. Our youngest son was just born this Spring Festival, and we were both too busy to go home. Since New Year’s Eve, we haven’t had a bite of the reunion dinner. When we are finished, we will pick up our parents and have a good reunion!"
"Drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
↑ Zhang Chun went to the duty station to ensure the supply of materials.
"Wife, have a drink!" "Husband, you also drink quickly!" After 80s, Zhang Chunhe Shen Li, a police doctor and wife, handed each other a bottle full of mineral water, and they both smiled at each other and gulped it down.
Zhang Chun is doing police security work in Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, not only considering the epidemic prevention and protection of front-line police officers in society, but also taking into account the daily epidemic prevention and quarantine in the unit. "The first-line masks are missing again, so we need to buy them quickly … three meals for the 24-hour police should be guaranteed. Disinfectant should be sprayed every day. Goggles, yes, give the first line goggles! " Zhang Chun carefully handled all the materials procurement, transportation and guarantee. However, he was surrounded by pieces of mineral water, and he was completely unconscious to take a sip.
Shen Li is "armed to the teeth" in the fever clinic of the hospital, taking the temperature of patients in long queues and cooperating with the screening test of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus. This "equipment" has to be worn for a long time every day, and it is difficult to take it off. In order not to delay the patient’s medical treatment, she wears it for one day. When she came home at night, she had a break to drink water.
A day without drinking water, drinking a can of water, "drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
"Pay attention to safety" is the only thing he can tell his grown-up son.
Shu Shizheng visited the returnees.
"Child: In the face of the epidemic, the two busiest people are your father and me. Don’t blame us!" In Tsui Hua Chen’s WeChat circle of friends, police sister-in-law said to her son with guilt.
As a medical worker sent to the community by Mianzhu People’s Hospital, from the beginning of the New Year’s Day, she went to the door every day to take the temperature of the isolated people at home, publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention, and do her best to monitor the epidemic. The child’s father Shu Shizheng, as the director of the police station in the city, has not finished the security duty on New Year’s Eve, and has received the task of epidemic prevention and control. In recent days, he led a team to assist the streets and communities to shut down 266 related places in the area in time, and concentrated police force to investigate and prevent 61 returnees from Hubei one by one, and cooperated with the government’s prevention and control working group to track down and isolate people, taking the lead in severely investigating 4 cases involving the epidemic, and cracking down on 14 related owners and illegal personnel who secretly operated mahjong halls.
The couple have been away for a long time, and only their son takes care of himself at home. Shu Shizheng said with deep feelings that the post-70s love memories. When the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake was used for earthquake relief, their son was only 4 years old, and the couple didn’t take care of it. Now his son is 15 years old. These days, he is allowed to cook and do housework at home alone. Seeing his son’s maturity and independence, he is more gratified and more sour. In the face of this sudden situation,
Wang Shuli Red Star Journalist Wang Mingping According to Mianzhu Public Security Editor Zhang Wei

Beiqing: Li Tie verbally apologize for the Football Association "I don’t want to add trouble anymore"

Live broadcast November 30th. According to Beiqing report, Li Tie himself recently found Chen Yiyuan, chairman of the Chinese Football Association, profoundly self -review and sincere apology.mean.

For Li Tie’s future, the Chinese Football Association will submit a report to the superior management department. After approval, it will announce the final result through official channels in December.

Li Tie brought the country’s feet this afternoon to the last outdoor training of this closed training at the Taihu Taihu Football Base in Suzhou.Subsequently, the team will take one day on December 1 and be collectively transferred to Shanghai on December 2 to receive "independent observation".Because some Chinese Super League teams have recently come to Shanghai to prepare for the Chinese Super League, some of the national football will directly meet with the club troops, and the national football coaching team will not arrange any collective training in Shanghai.

Seventh Avenue (00797) Affiliated to Shanghai Ling Su Establish Financial Leasing Agreement

Zhitong Finance APP News, Seventh Avenue (00797) issued an announcement that on March 15, 2022, the company indirectly wholly wholly -owned subsidiary Shanghai Ling Su and the lessor Shanghai Yuncheng Financial Leasing shall establish a financial leasing agreement. RMB 150 million sells rental assets to the lessor, and the lessor must rent the lease asset from Shanghai Ling Su at 48 months.

It is reported that rental assets include 2790 hosts, 9,800 graphics cards and 150 servers.

According to the announcement, since the cloud computing business began in April 2021, the Group has purchased various models of graphics cards, computer hosts, servers and other cloud computing accessories, so that the group can provide cloud computing services and create value for its shareholders.

The company believes that the financial leasing arrangement is the group’s additional liquidity, and the financing cost is fair and reasonable. The group can continue to use leased assets for existing cloud business, which is beneficial to the company and complies with the overall interests of its shareholders. Due to the international financial reporting standards, the transfer of financial leasing arrangements that have not actual asset value will not generate any income or losses in its comprehensive financial statements. The expected transfer agreement will be used to supplement liquidity for the group’s operations, including but not limited to the development and operation of the game business and the expansion of cloud computing business.