Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories "Love Story in Late Spring" was published: becoming Han Songluo who wrote novels.

Reporter Qu Peng
Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories in late spring, Love Story in Late Spring, was recently published by People’s Literature Publishing House. With the unique brushwork of the northwest land, it coldly observed and meticulously recorded its own stories of the times.
The six short stories in Love Story in Late Spring all revolve around "running away". Without exception, they all run away, looking for themselves or the future, or a running-away ceremony that has no purpose, no end and no answer, but must be completed.
In The Fish Tank and the Sunlight, the novel takes Li Zhiliang’s "running away" as the anchor point, and begins to exert its strength and spread outward: the low-frequency noise of the fish tank, the boredom of adolescence, and the conversation of psychologists … Finally, the ultimate fate of all people is running away, and the destination of running away is not going to prosperity or the city, but to the wilderness, madness and a long road with no return.
"Love Song for Remy Young" describes the musical memory of a generation in the 1990s. Teenagers who dream of Guangdong and small towns shrouded in prosperity, people who want to be famous and fearless. He focused on the fate of the little people. After several years, the music ensemble, can everything be the same?
In the Golden Age of Remy Young, the hero Remy Young is trapped in a dirty, chaotic and crowded family, and he is eager to break out of the shackles and build a beautiful new world. As a teacher, he entered the space of the other, which is also true and false, and also ushered in his golden age, because he investigated the students who impersonated the college entrance examination. However, after leaving the wilderness again and again, he was shocked that everyone was telling and confessing, spreading dark rumors to the world. Finally, with a sigh, return to his real world.
My Father’s House of Fantasies is a inner senses connected with the real world, which is constructed in fantastic imagination. The sudden disappearance of my father when I was young made the building he designed a fantastic space for me. With the mystery of my father’s disappearance, "I" kept searching until the appearance of "Xu Lihu", which made me find some clues …
The opening of Love Story in Late Spring is the return of Pu Yilin. Lin, who has been abducted for more than 20 years, "went home", and the joy he recovered, familiar and unfamiliar relatives and friends, guilt and hatred hung over the Pu family for an instant. After the ups and downs, mother Fengtai fell into endless assumptions: if he was shown the "White Pagoda" near his home, could he get it-his son never left home, so he didn’t have to accept everything in front of him in a hurry and panic?
"Lonely Hunter" is the twilight, when "she" dials the phone number randomly generated in her mind, her unstable mood and whispers with no fixed destination. Don’t cross the line, don’t trespass, just simply vent everything. When the "beep" sounds, I return to the scene and look around as if nothing had happened …
Han Songluo
Han Songluo was born in Xinjiang and lived in Gansu. His life for more than forty years has been based on the northwest land. He added new content to northwest writing by his own way of not sticking to traditional writing techniques and narrative skills. According to Zhang Yiwei, a writer, Han Songluo’s novels are "westerns" of China’s contemporary literature. Zhang Li, a professor at the College of Literature of Beijing Normal University, also said that Han Songluo’s writing is full of fantasy and deep sense of reality, with a distant, wild and chilly wind. He is an unforgettable writer who brings new temperament. Perhaps it is precisely because of his delicate and never lazy perception of the changes of the four seasons in the northwest and everything around him, spying, thinking and writing that his words and works were cast. "Not everyone has to sing the same song, he has his own movement", which is perhaps the best annotation for him. He lived and wrote as a shadow, dancing in the county town, Shan Ye and fantasy.
It has been nearly 20 years since Han Songluo began to write prose at the age of thirteen or fourteen and published his works in 1995. He is Han Songluo who writes columns, film reviews, music reviews and even lyrics, but he is always Han Songluo who writes prose. Han Songluo, who has written a column for eighteen years, returned to the road of novel creation after he had finished supporting his family, buying a house and obtaining financial resources. First came Night in Spring Mountain, then Love Story in Late Spring. He began to write for himself, not for anything else.
Writers Li Xiuwen and Han Songluo have been close friends for many years. He has been recommending Han Songluo’s novels to people. Those brilliant and gloomy, running away and returning, those "serial" traditions and wilderness characteristics, those mysterious pursuits and teachings under the stars have been constantly experimented and refined by Han Songluo, and finally formed a fascinating novel world. "Now, as a novelist, he has finally been seen by more people. As his friend and colleague, I am deeply proud.
Readers who are familiar with Han Songluo know that many of his works contain the word "spring". For him, "spring" is like a self-evident code word between him and words and readers. Han Songluo said that when he was young, it took great courage to say that he liked flowers. However, it is hard for people who have really lived in the northwest not to fall in love after truly feeling the spring. In the northwest, spring is the beginning of everything, and flowers are so important. Now he can finally speak out his longing for spring and his love for flowers, which is a great freedom and unspeakable happiness. Therefore, the main element of the cover design of Love Story in Late Spring is a hazy, gorgeous and blooming flower, which comes from the famous Spanish photographer Paula Codo?er.

Generative AI stands on the cusp: Silicon Valley bets that future technology giants will shuffle?

Generative AI is getting more and more popular. Is this really a good business?

Recently, AI painting is on fire.

By inputting some words, AI can generate an image that matches the words in a few seconds. These images are wild, and some are even bizarre. For example, people have extra fingers on their hands, and their fingers bend unnaturally. Even, AI can generate some meaningless billboards and alphabets that humans have never seen before.

Although AI painting is outrageous, it has set off a wave of science and technology: the spring of generative AI has come.

David Beisel, a venture capitalist at NextView Ventures, said that in the past three months, the word "generative AI" once became a hot word. Moreover, the generative AI technology has developed rapidly and the market enthusiasm is so high that many people even quit their jobs to start a business in this field.

There is no doubt that AI has been in a prosperous stage in the past five years or so, but most of these past advances have to do with understanding the existing data-for example, the AI model has been able to quickly and efficiently identify whether there are only cats in your mobile phone photos. However, the generative AI model generates something completely new that has never been seen before. In other words, generative AI is not just about analyzing existing data, but creating.

Boris Dayma, founder of Craiyon generative AI, believes that "generative AI is not only creating old images, but also creating many new things, which are completely different from what we have seen before."

Sequoia Capital also said in a blog post on its website: "Generative AI has the potential to create trillions of dollars in economic value." Sequoia Capital predicts that generative AI may change all industries that require human beings to create original works, from games to advertising to the legal profession. It is worth mentioning that Sequoia Capital also pointed out in its blog post that this message was partly written by GPT-3 (GPT-3 is a generative AI capable of generating text).

Working principle of generative AI

In the past, deep learning technology was widely used to train the model on large data sets. When the program understands the relationships in these data, the model can be applied to actual scenes, such as identifying whether there is a dog in a picture or translating text, and so on.

The working principle of the image generator is to reverse this process. For example, instead of translating English into French, it translates English phrases into images. Specifically, it usually has two main parts, one is to process initial phrases, and the other is to convert data into images.

At first, generative AI was based on a method called GAN, that is, the generative adversarial network. In essence, this method is to make two artificial intelligence models compete with each other to better create images that meet the target.

At present, generative AI is usually based on Transformer, such as image generator DALL-E and so on. DALL-E was first created by OpenAI in 2021, and in 2022, OpenAI released DALL-E 2.

Christian Cantrell, a developer who focuses on generative AI, said: "With DALL-E 2, we can really cross uncanny valley." (The Valley of Terror theory is a hypothesis about human perception of robots and non-human objects. It was put forward by Japanese robot expert Masahiro Mori in 1970. )

Another commonly used AI-based image generator is Craiyon (formerly known as DALL-E Mini), where users can enter phrases in the browser and see the illustrations it generates within a few minutes.

According to Dayma, since its launch in July 2021, Craiyon has produced about 10 million unprecedented pictures every day, which adds up to 1 billion. Earlier this year, the use of Crayon soared, and Dayma also took Crayon as its full-time job. In addition, Dayma has created a Twitter account to post the weirdest and most creative pictures generated by Craiyon. For example, ketchup comes out of the tap on the Italian sink.

In addition, Stable Diffusion has also received wide attention. The project was released in August this year and has been open source on GitHub. Developers can run the project on computers, not just in the cloud or through programming interfaces. For example, Stable Diffusion can be integrated into Adobe Photoshop by plug-in, allowing users to generate backgrounds and other parts of images, and use layers and other Photoshop tools to operate in applications.

Cantrell, the developer of the plug-in, said, "I want to meet these creative professionals, so that they can introduce artificial intelligence into their creative work, instead of destroying their work."

It is understood that Cantrell has worked for Adobe for 20 years. After leaving in 2022, Cantrell focused on the direction of generative AI. Cantrell said that Stable Diffusion has been downloaded tens of thousands of times, and artists told him that they used this plug-in in many unexpected places, such as making Godzilla animation or creating pictures of Spider-Man.

Start-up companies get together

Some investors regard generative AI as a potentially transformative change, just like the early development of smart phones or the Internet. This kind of transformation has greatly expanded the potential market of this technology.

"Before that, artificial intelligence was not unprecedented. Before 2007, we were not without mobile devices, "said Beisel, a seed investor." But at this moment, everything came together. The final consumer can experience and see something different from before. "

Cantrell believes that machine learning is similar to a more basic technology: database. "Machine learning is a bit like a database, which opens up a whole new world for network applications. All the applications we have used in our life are built on the database. But no one cares about how the database works. People only know how to use it. "

Michael Dempsey, managing partner of Compound VC, said that in the past, it was "very rare" for laboratory technology to enter the mainstream, but at present, generative AI has attracted wide attention of venture capitalists. Nevertheless, he warned that the current generative AI may be in the "curious stage" near the peak of the hype cycle, and the companies established at this stage may fail because they don’t focus on the specific uses that enterprises or consumers are willing to pay for.

Others in the industry believe that startups that can apply new technologies such as generative AI today may challenge technology giants such as Google, Meta and Microsoft in the future.

At present, many companies applying generative AI technology have already received large amount of financing, and their valuations have also risen. For example, earlier this year, Hugging Face was valued at $2 billion after receiving investments including Lux Capital and Sequoia Capital; OpenAI has also received more than $1 billion from Microsoft and Khosla Ventures.

In addition, according to Forbes, Stability AI, the developer of Stable Diffusion, is negotiating with investment institutions to raise up to $1 billion in venture capital.

Cloud vendors and chip vendors will benefit.

Besides start-ups, cloud service providers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google can also benefit from it, because generative AI may require a huge amount of computation.

Meta and Google have also taken action and started recruiting talents. In September of this year, Meta released an artificial intelligence application called "Make-A-Video", which can generate videos, which makes the generative AI technology a step further.

"This is a great progress," Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, posted on his Facebook page. "It is much more difficult to generate videos than photos, because besides correctly generating each pixel, the system must also predict how they will change over time."

Recently, Google matched with Meta and released a program code called Phenaki, which can also convert text into video and generate several minutes of footage.

This craze may also boost chip manufacturers such as Nvidia, AMD and Intel, because the advanced graphics processors produced by these companies are ideal for training and deploying artificial intelligence models.

At a recent meeting, Huang Renxun, CEO of Nvidia, emphasized that generative AI is the key use of the company’s latest chip, and he said that this kind of program may "revolutionize communication" soon.

At present, there are not many uses of generative AI that can generate commercial benefits. Many exciting breakthroughs today come from free or low-cost experiments. For example, some writers have tried to use image generator to generate images for articles. An example of Nvidia is to use a model to generate new 3D images, including people, animals, vehicles or furniture, which can be filled into the virtual game world.

Ethical issues can not be ignored.

While generating AI excites the industry, the ethical issues it brings are also worthy of attention.

The first is employment. Compared with professional illustrators, generative AI is obviously cheaper. Therefore, generative AI is likely to rob artists, video producers and other people engaged in creative work of their "rice bowls".

In addition, there are complex problems in originality and ownership of the content created by generative AI.

Generated AI is trained on a large number of images. Therefore, it is still controversial whether the creator of the original image has copyright requirements for the generated new image.

Some time ago, an artist won an art competition in Colorado, and his winning image was created by a generative AI named MidJourney. After winning, the artist said in an interview that he selected one image from hundreds of images generated by himself and post-processed it in Photoshop.

It is worth mentioning that some images generated by Stable Diffusion are watermarked, which indicates that some of the original data sets are copyrighted. Previously, Getty Images (a picture trading company based in Seattle, USA) announced that it was forbidden for users to upload generated AI pictures to its picture library, because the company was worried that there might be some copyright problems in such pictures. .

With the improvement of image generation software, generative AI may also deceive users, make them believe false information, or display images or videos of events that never happened.

In addition, developers must also deal with the possibility that models trained on a large amount of data may have biases related to gender, race or culture contained in the data, which may cause the models to show such biases in their outputs.

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Source: AI Frontline, author: Kif Leswing. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.

Burst! 7 steals! Ding Yanyuhang hit the top! I waited for the CBA for 4 years …

Shanghai team is really surprising this season, spending the most money and getting the most vicious beating.

It’s understandable to say that you can’t beat the Xinjiang team, which is stronger than Ma Zhuang. Can face the CBA new army Ningbo team, once behind nearly 20 points, you have to grab the keyboard and start spraying.

As a recognized favorite to win the championship, but even a team of fish gizzards can’t beat it. Who can stand it? It is estimated that the management of the team is already swearing.

However, Li Yuanyu suddenly sprained his ankle, which became the turning point of the game, allowing the Shanghai team to seize the opportunity to launch a counterattack. In the second half, he recovered his defensive strength and finally successfully reversed, beating Ningbo team 108-99 to win the first win of the season.

There’s really nothing to say. Despite winning, it can’t hide the fact that the Shanghai team played very ugly. It’s completely unlike the top four teams last season.

In the offseason this summer, three foreign AIDS and two domestic AIDS were signed, and several talented young people were promoted to the first team, which should have killed all sides, and turned into a headwind.

Let’s talk about personal performance. Xiaoding can be said to be one of the few highlights of the Shanghai team since the start of the game. His physical condition is obviously several grades better than that of last season, and his offensive and defensive ends are very aggressive, which is quite the shadow of the peak of the 16-18 season.

In the first game against Xinjiang, he won as many as 31 minutes of substitute playing time, scored 10 points, 2 assists and 5 breaks, and won the starting position in the second game, which played a key role in chasing points. In 26 minutes, he contributed 8 points, 6 boards and 2 breaks with a 50% shooting rate.

There were a total of 7 steals in two games.Four-word foreign aid doesn’t want to add a DPOY trophy to the personal honor room, does it? This thing doesn’t even have his best gay king.

Just kidding, it is a good illustration of Xiaoding’s positive attitude and willingness to defend as an example, so he successfully won the trust of Li Chunjiang’s guidance, and the status of the team was blind and gradually improved. Now it can be said that the importance of domestic players is second only to the king.

Those who can win MVP are not only top-notch in terms of technical and physical conditions, but also have high morale, so they are naturally not afraid to compete with others.

Therefore, it’s not unusual for Xiaoding to gain a firm foothold in the Shanghai team, but he will never be satisfied with the status quo, and will continue to enhance his influence on the game to help the team get back on track as soon as possible.

Is it possible for Li Chunjiang to instruct him to give Xiaoding a core position one day and let him play like MVP?

If the Shanghai team is mired in the quagmire and foreign aid continues to fail, maybe it is really possible.

Ding+King’s inner and outer core, I didn’t dare to think before!

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Disclaimer: The content of the article is comprehensive from the Internet, sharing only, and the copyright belongs to the original author! Intersection If there is any infringement, please contact us, we will deal with it as soon as possible!

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 Buy a house in Shanghai. First of all, you must choose the right location, especially just need! It is especially important to buy more valuable sectors at the same price. This not only affects the quality of life and living, but also the decisive factor in the value of real estate in the future.

From the perspective of policy -oriented, the preferred choice of Shanghai is undoubtedly five new cities. These five areas are defined as an important growth pole in Shanghai in the future.

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334

The most worth mentioning is that it was announced at the just -concluded "" Cloud Investment Promotion "and" Cloud Signing "Conference in Fengxian District, Shanghai in 2022." Line 15 of Shanghai is about to start. According to the planning diagram, it can be determined. There are two stations in the core area of ??Duan Oriental Miyu, and Fengxian travels will be more convenient.

In addition, there are 9 universities in Line 15, with a total of 10 campuses and 3 national science and technology parks. This line is really full of talents. Not only that, Line 15 is also a proper transfer king.

This means,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 is located in Fengxian South Bridge. The strongly built international medical and healthy life service complex, with a total price of 900,000, is under hot sales …

Nanqiao City

About 130,000 square meters of international health community

Platinum service -type apartment

Launched the building about 45-100㎡ apartment houses

Unlimited purchase, the total price is 900,000 from 900,000

"Greenland · Kangmei Valley" renderings

1 international health life service complex

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 occupies the core of Nanqiao, with a single set of about 45-110 square meters. At the same time, relying on the big brand effect of Greenland Group, after purchasing, you can also directly entrust the brand of platinum hotels to uniformly manage and operate, one -stop hosting services, can be transferred and can be transferred.

Real view of business clubs

Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 is a giant system for Greenland Group, with about 130,000 square meters of international health life service complex. The project covers a variety of formats such as international medical rehabilitation centers, commercial centers, clubs, hotels, platinum service apartments and other diversified formats. It will create new landmarks in the South and Shanghai portals, new kinetic energy and green physical and mental habitats in the regional beautiful health industry.

In addition, in this complex, there is also a platinum service apartment provided by Greenland Hotel Tourism Group with a four -star hotel -type exclusive service.

Greenland Platinum Hotel, this is a very well -known luxury four -star hotel in the industry. To enjoy one night of services, they often need to pay thousands of yuan.

Even so, there are still many home buyers. When they need to resolve the pressure of life and need to restart their work inspiration, they will firmly punch the platinum and the luxury hotel. Because the services here can instantly heal your body and mind that you are tired of life.

Let the owners start at about 900,000 ultra -low total price,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 can enjoy a four-star hotel-style service every day. Coupled with the comprehensive diversified and large health facilities in the composite body, such products choose a choice for the vibrant elderly people to choose a career for the new young people in the city.

The apartment facilities are configured in accordance with the four -star standard, including shared kitchen, full -time restaurants, business clubs, gym, exquisite books, etc., which brings a full range of star life enjoyment to the residents.

Gym renderings

"Greenland Kangmei Valley" club renderings

Club effect chart

From ritual service, room cleaning to intimate private assistant, etc.,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334Provide residents with meticulous care, so that every residents can enjoy a private, comfortable and exquisite star life.

2 Greenland Creation

New landmark of South Shanghai Portal

Greenland Group is the first Fortune 500 company in China with real estate as its main business.Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 has formed a diversified business pattern of "the main business of real estate, large infrastructure, large consumption, large finance, health & science and technology industry" The business spreads more than 50 countries around the world, and in 2021, the Fortune Global Enterprise 500 is 142nd.

"Greenland · Kangmei Valley" real -life picture

The most worth mentioning is the characteristics of "Greenland Kangmei Valley".Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334The riverside growth blended with the river and green space next to the Pu South Canal, and extended infinitely in the landscape space.

Through the "urban rain forest" and "cross green gallery" landscape concept, the project creates a new business card and a new style of the "three lives" in the South and Shanghai regions. At the same time, combined with the characteristics of the project’s "medical and health care", to create a "five -sensory garden" of a panoramic and open healthy life.

Especially under the design of the "urban rain forest", through the concept of "small units, large operations", it is more refined, modern, and more international.

In order to organize the community and the city organically, Greenland Kangmei Valley implanted the ecology and art into the community, and through the "social+vitality" three -dimensional dynamic line, the creation method of the "two axis and multiple groups" creates a step -by -step and blending scene. Leisure life scenes make emotions release.

The overall space structure of the apartment is square, and the superior lighting and ventilation,Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334The layout of each functional area is reasonable and clear, taking into account social and private needs, and at the same time, through some superposition designs to maximize the use of spatial use, to carefully create extraordinary home lives for residents.

"Greenland Kangmei Valley"

Unit Figure Reference

Model stem effect map

Model stem effect map

Model stem effect map

3 The bustling life circle at reach

The development of each dimension of Fengxian New Town is very complete.Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334 There is the 100 billion-level industry, the bustling facilities comparable to the urban area, and the planned national green ecological demonstration with the planned country as the core of Shanghai fish as the core. City area. Just waiting for all planning to land, the area will usher in the outbreak of value.

Especially the "Shanghai Fish" environment,Let people enjoy the beauty of the four seasons, the trails of water and mountains, and forest sports fields, and natural river channels that can be boiled, will become your natural back garden, pocket park, sports venue, let you go out to see the scenery, enter the garden step by step, show all the way, show all the way to show up. The beauty of square inch.

Shanghai fish

In addition, there are about 47,800 square Nanqiao Central Park (planned)Greenland · Kangmei Valley Sales Center Hotline: 400-8558-334After completion, it will become the largest ecological green space park in Shanghai, a natural ecological oxygen bar, and infiltrate fresh oxygen at 365 days. Living here, enjoy health and gain beauty.

In terms of transportation, Line 5 Wangyuan Road Station and the south extension section of Line 15 (in China); there are many S4 Shanghai -Gold Expressway, Hongmean Road Tunnel, Daye Highway, Puxing Highway, G15 Ring Expressway, etc. Urban aortic ring.

Medical aspect,Adjacent to the Sanjia Women’s and Infant Fengxian Hospital (expected to be opened in August 2022), the Fudan Fudan Children’s Fengxian Hospital (to be launched), and Xinhua Hospital’s Fengxian Hospital District (expected to be completed in 2024) and other improved medical facilities to escort health.

Shanghai Fengxian "Greenland · Kangmei Valley"