Hard-core SUV travelers and other Jietu Shanghai Auto Show lineup announced

[Cheyou Headline-CheyouNo.-New Car Release] Recently, Jietu officially announced the participation lineup of Shanghai Auto Show. At this auto show, Jietu will bring the Kunlun platform empowered by Mars architecture, the brand-new off-road concept car T-3, and the professional off-road technology iteration "Travel+"; First-time Jietu Traveler (parameter | inquiry) interior and detailed product information; Jietu JMK official modified brand release, etc., will be unveiled at the Jietu booth 7B09 in Hall 7.2.

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The "Travel+"strategy is accelerating. In the future, Jietu will build a 4+3+N product matrix, which will enable Jietu’s products to cover many markets such as traditional SUVs, hardcore SUVs, pickup trucks and MPVs. 4 stands for four urban SUVs, including X70, X90, X-1, X-2, etc. 3 stands for cross-border vehicles, including hard-core off-road T1, T2 and T3, hard-core pickup P2 and P3, MPV V2 and V3; N stands for hybrid model, and all products will be mixed synchronously, which will be fully realized in 2024. Among them, the cross-border models will be divided into light off-road series headed by Jietu travelers and hard-core off-road series products.

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Jietu Traveler was designed by Hakan Saracoglu, former Porsche design director, and the whole car adopted a square and tough design style. Among them, the net is equipped with the "JETOUR" brand logo and connected with the headlights. The distinctive headlight group style is impressive. The posture of the whole vehicle is vigorous, with sharp lines and full profile coexisting. On the side of the car body, the wheel eyebrows of the real car protrude outward, and it is equipped with large-size tires. The window frame shows a hard-core style and adopts a suspended roof design. The tail of the vehicle is a classic small schoolbag assembly, and the vertical taillights are wrapped in a black frame, showing off-road temperament.

Home of the car

The interior of the new car adopts T-shaped flat layout, with sharp edges and corners, simple and powerful, exquisite interior materials and large-size suspended central control screen. Jietu travelers will have more outstanding performance in "travel+"ecological services, intelligent driving, healthy cockpit and so on. Below the central control panel is the main control button area. At the same time, the gearbox gear looks very powerful, and the design of the door also shows unique and chic. Jetway travelers will also be equipped with 8155 chips, high-bandwidth 5G communication and OTA iterative software and hardware separation architecture.

The Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government held a press conference on "Re-promotion of Power Business Environment" of State Grid Mengdong Power.

On March 16th, the Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government was held.State Grid Mengdong Electric Power "Power Business Environment Upgrade Again"press conference.Luo Yongzhi, spokesperson, deputy chief engineer and director of development planning department of State Grid Mengdong Power,Zhang Chengsong, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of State Grid Mengdong Power, delivered a keynote address. Du Ping, Deputy Chief Engineer and Director of Power Dispatching and Control Center of State Grid Mengdong Power, and Li Shufeng, Director of Power Marketing Department of State Grid Mengdong Power, attended the conference.

Speech at the Press Conference of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power "Power Business Environment Upgrading Again"

Luo Yongzhi, spokesperson, deputy chief engineer and director of development planning department of State Grid Mengdong Power Company.

Optimizing the business environment is a soft power to promote high-quality economic and social development, and the party Committee and government of the autonomous region attach great importance to it. State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Research issued a three-year work plan of "Re-improving the business environment of electric power", put forward 10 commitments and arranged 20 measures to help the autonomous region to continuously and comprehensively optimize the business environment.

First, stick to the initial heart of the people and add color to the economic and social development and the people’s better life.

State Grid Mengdong Electric Power has always adhered to the initial mission of "People’s Electric Industry for the People", resolutely implemented the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and Government of the Autonomous Region and the Party Group of State Grid Corporation of China, and always adhered to customer-centered and market-oriented, systematically built a modern power supply service system and consolidated the organizational foundation of power supply services. Streamline customer application materials, deepen online electricity service, promote the interconnection of government and enterprise information, and make customers worry more about electricity. Change the internal service process, strengthen professional collaboration, and save time for customers to run electricity. We will launch the "three zero" electricity service for small and micro enterprises with zero door-to-door, zero approval and zero investment, so that customers can save more money by running electricity. We will fully implement the phased electricity price reduction policy, and during the epidemic, we will implement intimate services such as non-stop power outages due to arrears and slow payment of electricity bills by small and medium-sized enterprises, benefiting 628,000 enterprises and reducing electricity bills by 440 million yuan. Innovate and implement the fund package of industrial expansion project, saving investment of 29.6 million yuan for small and micro enterprise customers.

Two, announced ten commitments, take the initiative to fulfill the mission responsibility.

In order to comprehensively improve the service capacity and service level, and effectively meet the needs of economic and social development and people’s energy consumption for a better life, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power officially announced to the public ten commitments to optimize the power business environment, and took the initiative to accept supervision from all walks of life. First, the power supply is more reliable, with the average power supply reliability of urban power grids reaching 99.9% and that of rural power grids reaching 99.8%. Second, it is more economical to obtain electricity, and actively extend the investment interface of power grid, so that customers can run electricity at the lowest cost. Third, it is more time-saving for customers to run electricity. The time for small and micro enterprise customers to run electricity will be reduced to less than 20 and 15 working days in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Fourth, inform customers in time of power failure and power limitation, inform customers or make an announcement 7 days in advance of planned maintenance and power failure, notify important customers in advance of temporary maintenance and power failure, and release information in time of failure and power failure. Fifth, quick repair and timely power reply, 45 minutes in urban areas, 90 minutes in rural areas and 2 hours in special remote areas. Sixth, the price and fee policy is standardized and open, and customers are informed of the occurrence and balance changes of electricity charges in time through various channels, and electronic invoices and bills are provided to ensure transparent consumption of customers. Seventh, the meter responds abnormally quickly. After accepting the customer’s application for checking the billing watt-hour meter, the test result will be issued within 5 working days. After the customer proposes that the meter data is abnormal, verify and reply within 5 working days. Eighth, the channel service is rich and convenient. Through the power supply business premises, 95598 hotline, online State Grid App and other channels, it provides consulting, electricity, payment, repair, energy saving, electric vehicles and other services.Ninth, the new energy service is transparent and efficient, and the new energy cloud platform is applied to provide one-stop services such as power grid service, electricity price subsidy and technical consultation for new energy projects. The tenth is to deal with service complaints quickly. After accepting customer complaints, contact customers within 24 hours and reply to handling opinions within 5 working days.

Three, the implementation of twenty measures to promote the power business environment.

It is more convenient for customers to do electricity:

1. Implement full-line service for power supply, handle business online and sign contracts online, so that customers can do power supply without leaving home.

2. Promote the government to share license information such as business license and property right certificate, streamline the types of customer application materials, and realize "one license to run electricity" for enterprise customers.

3. Promote the government to implement the "real estate+electricity meter" joint transfer mode, so that customers do not need to go through the electricity meter transfer procedures separately after the real estate transfer.

4. The office window is fully stationed in the government service hall, realizing "one window for acceptance and one chain for handling" of administrative examination and approval.

5. Strengthen the service capacity of the business hall, realize "one cabinet for all" and "one-stop service", and improve the convenience of customers in handling electricity.

Customers can save money by running electricity;

6. Resident customers, small and micro enterprises of 160 kW and below in urban areas, and small and micro enterprises of 100 kW and below in rural areas will have "zero investment" in electricity supply, and the power supply enterprises will bear the purchase and construction costs of meter boxes and above. In 2022, small and micro enterprises of 160 kW and below will have "zero investment" in urban and rural areas.

7. Optimize the power grid access mode, give priority to public line power supply, and reduce customer investment from the source.

8. Guide customers to standardize the construction of self-built projects, improve the versatility of equipment, help customers reduce the project cost and reduce the subsequent operation and maintenance costs.

Customers run electricity more efficiently:

9. Promote the government to connect with information channels, so that power supply enterprises can obtain project information in advance and connect with customers in advance to realize "electricity and other projects".

10. Simplify the process of power supply for customers, implement logistics display of power supply progress, and enhance customers’ sense of power acquisition.

11. Deepen the on-site operation of portable equipment and reduce the response time of power supply scheme.

12. Optimize the internal management process, implement the contract system for construction projects, and ensure that customers use electricity in time.

13. Promote the government to simplify the examination and approval procedures for road occupation and excavation, so that the project can start one day earlier and customers can use electricity one day earlier.

It is more intimate for customers to do electricity:

14. Dig deep into the value of power big data and provide free value-added services such as energy efficiency bills and energy consultation.

15. Publicize information such as service processes, charging items and standards to protect customers’ right to know.

16. Actively accept social supervision, strengthen internal service control, and ensure that customer demands are resolved in the first time.

Customers use electricity more reliably:

17. Increase investment, resolutely control the problem of low voltage and frequent power outages, and continuously improve the quality of power supply.

18. Strengthen lean management of equipment, realize active operation and maintenance, active maintenance and active repair of distribution network, and reduce the failure rate of power grid.

19. Reasonably arrange the power outage plan, and comprehensively promote non-power outage operation, zero-point operation and joint operation to ensure the minimum power outage range, the shortest power outage time and the least number of power outages.

20. Strengthen equipment condition monitoring, hidden danger diagnosis and prevention, and fault traceability evaluation, so as to achieve "four in place" of inspection, notification, filing and service, and continuously improve the health level of the power grid.

"The business environment is not the best, but only better". State Grid Mengdong Electric Power will adhere to demand orientation and problem orientation, actively plan and make steady progress, resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region and State Grid Corporation of China, promote the reform measures of the power business environment, and strive for the further improvement of the power business environment.

Speech at the Press Conference of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power "Power Business Environment Upgrading Again"

Zhang Chengsong, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company

Good morning everyone! First of all, please allow me, on behalf of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power, to express my heartfelt thanks to all the guests and friends in the press conference!

On February 18th, the autonomous region held a conference on optimizing the business environment, proposing that we should resolutely fight hard to optimize the business environment, and provide strong guidance and strong guarantee for unswervingly taking a new path of high-quality development oriented to ecological priority and green development. Just now, we issued "Ten Commitments" and "Twenty Measures" to optimize the power business environment. This is the solemn commitment of State Grid Mengdong Power to serve the local economy and the people’s livelihood, and it is the concrete practice of sticking to the initial intention of serving the people and practicing the power grid mission. ?

1. Looking back on the road we have traveled, we have taken the initiative to show the responsibility of central enterprises and earnestly practice the corporate purpose of "people’s electricity industry for the people"

Since the establishment of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company, under the strong leadership of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region and the party group of State Grid Corporation of China, it has worked hard and played an important role in safeguarding national economic development, promoting social progress and improving people’s living standards.

First, vigorously optimize the power business environment and enhance the people’s sense of power acquisition. Adhere to customer-centered and market-oriented, and strive to improve the response speed and convenience of power supply services and reduce the cost of running electricity. Improve the convenience of "access to electricity", carry out "sunshine industry expansion" in depth, promote "three zero" and "three provinces" services, and save investment of 29.6 million yuan for small and micro enterprise customers. Change the internal service process, and the average time for small and micro enterprises to receive electricity is no more than 10 days. Take the initiative to visit local governments and power consumption enterprises, and coordinate and promote a number of large customers such as Bishi Group, Qilu Pharmaceutical, Ningbao Metallurgy and Wulan Chemical to receive electricity and reach production. The quality of power supply service has been greatly improved, and the modernization of power supply service system has been promoted by strengthening the front line, connecting the middle station and the big backstage. Actively integrate into government services, vigorously promote online electricity, and "online office, online office, fingertip office" has become the new normal. Special rectification ignored the problem of infringing on the interests of the masses and introduced differentiated service measures for elderly customers. The anti-epidemic situation ensured strong power supply support, adhered to people-oriented and life-oriented, and organized 1,490 people in party member to fight for the front line of "joint prevention and control" in the community. During the critical period of epidemic prevention, an average of 1,700 power conservation personnel, 356 emergency vehicles, 30 emergency power generation vehicles and 78 generators were put into the front line of epidemic prevention and control, ensuring the safe and reliable use of electricity by 54 designated hospitals, 118 fever clinics and 167 important users. We will implement the preferential electricity tariff policy of 15% discount, and reduce the electricity consumption cost for users by 365 million yuan. During the epidemic period, we will implement intimate services such as arrears and uninterrupted power supply, and small and medium-sized enterprises will delay the payment of electricity tariffs.Benefiting 628,000 enterprises and reducing electricity charges by 440 million yuan.

The second is to speed up the construction of UHV power grid and help the development of energy bases in the autonomous region. The UHV project of "four connections and three direct connections" (Ximeng-Shandong, Mengxi-Tianjinnan, Ximeng-Shengli, Mengxi-Jinzhong exchange, Ximeng-Taizhou, Shanghai Temple-Shandong, Zhalute-Qingzhou DC) has been completed, with an UHV delivery capacity of 46 million kilowatts, an UHV supporting power supply connected to the grid of 15.24 million kilowatts, and a cumulative delivery capacity of 129.8 billion kWh.

The third is to speed up the construction of platform power grid and promote the fair and open power market. The accumulated investment is more than 110 billion yuan, the main grid has been upgraded from 220 kV to 500 kV, and the line length and substation capacity of 66 kV and above have been increased to 3.6 times and 5.6 times respectively. Key projects such as 500 kV Yimin-Xing ‘an-Wulanhaote-Zalut will be completed, and a 500 kV unified power grid will be formed in Hulunbeier, Xing ‘an and Tongliao areas, which will greatly improve the power grid’s ability to optimize the allocation of resources, and the platform power grid will be initially completed. With an open mind, we will promote the transformation of the company-based shareholding system and the platform transformation of the power market trading institutions. The unit price of large industrial catalogues was completely abolished, and the inverted ladder transmission and distribution price was implemented. All large industrial users entered the market to conduct transactions, and the degree of market openness was greatly improved. Through market transactions, the electricity cost of users was reduced by 3.559 billion yuan.

Fourth, actively serve the development of new energy and promote green and low-carbon energy production. We implemented 32 measures to serve the development and consumption of new energy, and implemented one-stop grid-connected access service, with a cumulative access to new energy installed capacity of 21.09 million kilowatts, accounting for more than 40% of new energy installed capacity. Actively promote the delivery of new energy through UHV channels, and promote the deep integration of the peak shaving auxiliary service market and the spot power market. In 2020, the power generation of new energy will exceed 31 billion kWh, up by more than 11 percentage points year-on-year, and the utilization rate of new energy will reach 97.9%, up by 1.47 percentage points year-on-year, achieving both power generation and utilization rate.

The fifth is to focus on national key tasks and fully serve poverty alleviation. All the poverty-stricken areas were electrified, and 5.409 billion yuan was invested to transform and upgrade the power grid in poverty-stricken areas to solve the problems of unpowered electricity and low voltage in poor villages. Invested 505 million yuan to complete the task of "two flags and one district" power grid transformation and upgrading, and served the three ethnic groups to get rid of poverty. Invested 13.4 million yuan to complete the power supply to 13 poor villages. Helping the ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation, investing 26.43 million yuan to serve the construction of supporting power grids for ex situ relocation, benefiting 8,300 poor people relocated by immigrants. Vigorously carry out consumption poverty alleviation, and purchase more than 1.75 million yuan of agricultural products from poverty alleviation points at all levels through online and offline channels to ensure the stable income generation of more than 5,000 poor households. The assistance in the village has achieved remarkable results. A total of 78 poverty alleviation cadres have been sent to help 5932 poor households get rid of poverty. Comrade Yu Zhibao, resident secretary of State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company, was named as an advanced individual in poverty alleviation in China.

2. Looking ahead, we should cultivate new opportunities, promote green transformation and help the autonomous region to "give priority to ecology and develop green".

This year’s two sessions, "peak carbon dioxide emissions, carbon neutrality" was written into the government work report for the first time, and the clean and low-carbon transformation of energy development became inevitable. The new pattern, new stage and new concept have given the power grid company a new mission and task. State Grid Mengdong Power will resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region and the party group of the State Grid Corporation, and make good use of electricity, energy, services and responsibilities to ensure a good start in the 14 th Five-Year Plan.

First, accelerate the construction of green power double cycle in Inner Mongolia. Deeply understanding the spirit of "Three Innovations" of the Central Committee, and actively responding to the expectation of high-quality development in Inner Mongolia, this paper puts forward to build a double cycle of green power in Inner Mongolia, which is mainly based on the advantages of energy resources in Inner Mongolia, facing the two markets inside and outside the region, strengthening the two industrial chains of transmission service and power supply service outside the region, so that the energy resources in Inner Mongolia can be integrated into the two economic cycles inside and outside the region, and "the wind in Inner Mongolia should not only light up the lights in Beijing, but also heat the kang in Inner Mongolia" to realize the two cycles.

The second is to help rural and pastoral areas revitalize and build agricultural and livestock products bases. We will continue to increase investment in power grids in agricultural and pastoral areas, implement power grid upgrading projects in agricultural and pastoral areas, and comprehensively enhance the power grid support capacity in agricultural and pastoral areas. Promote rural electrification projects with high quality, improve the electrification level of agriculture and animal husbandry production, rural industries and rural life, and help the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and the construction of agricultural and livestock products bases. Accelerate the filling of shortcomings in power supply services in agricultural and pastoral areas and promote the equalization of power supply services in urban and rural pastoral areas. Reduce the cost of electricity connection for customers in agricultural and pastoral areas, and realize "zero investment" in electricity connection for small and micro enterprises in agricultural and pastoral areas of 160 kW and below in 2022.

The third is to promote the business environment of electricity. We will fully implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee and government of the autonomous region on optimizing the business environment, immediately put forward a three-year work plan of "Re-improving the business environment of electric power", continue to build a service brand of "Sunshine Industry Expansion", and strictly implement ten commitments and twenty measures. Further deepen the "three zero" and "three provinces" power services, gradually expand the scope of "three zero" services, further simplify business processes, promote the integration and sharing of government and enterprise information, expand online intelligent services, minimize links, reduce time and reduce costs. Further deepen information disclosure, announce service processes, charging items and standards, and information inquiry on power outage through online and offline channels, and effectively protect customers’ right to know. We will further maintain fair and open markets, focus on the three key points of "marketization, transparency and high efficiency", and resolutely put an end to the "three designations". Seriously punish issues such as relying on electricity to eat electricity and eating cards. Further improve the quality of power supply, build a modern urban and rural distribution network, carry out a three-year action plan to solve distribution network problems, focus on solving hot issues of concern to the masses, such as frequent power outages, low voltage, and insufficient power supply capacity, strengthen equipment operation and maintenance management, and implement active fault repair to ensure that customers use electricity more reliably, economically and safely.




Zhang Chengsong:The goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Neutralization" has released a strong signal to accelerate the clean and low-carbon energy transformation. State Grid Mengdong Power’s proposal of green power dual cycle is an inevitable choice to implement the central spirit and actively participate in "four revolutions and one cooperation", a strategic measure to help Inner Mongolia’s "ecological priority and green development", a characteristic practice of State Grid Corporation’s development strategy in Inner Mongolia, and a realistic need for the high-quality development of State Grid Mengdong Power. Internal circulation is the optimal allocation of energy and electricity in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which makes the current energy and electricity industry longer, stronger and greener. External circulation is to optimize the allocation of energy and electricity in Inner Mongolia nationwide and participate in the national energy economy cycle. To build a green power double cycle in Inner Mongolia, it is necessary to rely on the energy bases in Mengdong and Mengxi (Inner Mongolia is the largest new energy, coal-fired power base and the largest power guarantee base in China) and use two kinds of resources (renewable resources such as coal resources and scenery). Based on two power grid platforms (Inner Mongolia UHV transmission power grid and Mengdong power grid), it faces two power markets (inter-regional and inter-provincial, Mengdong region). Smooth, extend and strengthen two industrial chains, namely, transmission service outside the region and power supply service inside the region, and two types of energy and power flows, so as to create two types of value flows, help peak carbon dioxide emissions outside the region to be carbon neutral, and promote the clean and low-carbon industrial transformation in Inner Mongolia.

First, promote the transformation and upgrading of the power grid and accelerate the construction of the energy Internet. Relying on the rich advantages of clean energy resources in Inner Mongolia, based on UHV, building a large power grid, developing a large base and integrating into the big market, we will accelerate the transformation of traditional power grid into an energy internet platform centered on electricity, and smooth the great cycle of energy cooperation with large power grids. Build a "two vertical and eight horizontal" interconnected platform power grid as soon as possible, and use three years to focus on solving the problems of power supply "stuck neck" and low voltage.

The second is to promote the optimization of power supply structure and clean energy supply. Firmly implement the clean, low-carbon, green and efficient transformation of energy and electricity, and fully promote "cleanliness" on the power generation side of the energy and electricity supply side. By 2025, the installed capacity of new energy in Mengdong area will be 37.5 million kilowatts, accounting for no less than 53%, and the power generation of new energy will be 82 billion kWh, accounting for no less than 40%. The installed capacity of new energy collected by UHV transmission terminal is 18 million kilowatts, accounting for not less than 40%, and the power generation of new energy is 43 billion kWh, accounting for not less than 30%.

Third, vigorously implement electric energy substitution and promote electrification of energy consumption. On the demand side and consumption side of energy and electricity, we will fully promote the electrification of energy consumption, replace coal with electricity, replace oil with electricity, and replace gas with electricity, greatly increasing the proportion of electric energy in terminal energy consumption and the proportion of green electricity consumed locally. By 2025, the proportion of electric energy in Mengdong area will not be less than 30%, and the proportion of new energy consumption in Mengdong power supply business area will reach more than 50%.

The fourth is to actively promote the transmission of Mongolian electricity and integrate into the national energy market. Based on the national important energy and strategic resource base and the new energy base of 10 million kilowatts, we will give full play to the price advantage and location advantage of Mongolian power transmission, expand the scale of transmission, consolidate the receiving market, and provide safe, clean and reliable power supply for load centers in North China, East China and Northeast China.

The fifth is to develop a smart energy system to digitally support energy transformation and upgrading. Accelerate the construction of a new energy industry platform based on hub business, promote the deep integration of advanced information technology and traditional business, and develop a new smart energy model with wide information perception, wide service coverage and wide participation of users. By 2025, the digital development index will reach 75%.

Inner Mongolia DailyReporter:At the two sessions this year, Premier Li Keqiang proposed that what measures will be taken by State Grid Mengdong Power to continue to promote the reduction of general industrial and commercial electricity prices?

罗永志:In implementing the national price reduction policy. In order to promote the development of the real economy and effectively reduce the energy cost of enterprises, in 2018 and 2019, the state reduced the general industrial and commercial electricity price by 10% twice, and the average per kWh of users in Mengdong Power Grid decreased by 7.87 points and 8 points respectively; In 2020, in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic and support enterprises to resume work and production, the state successively issued supportive policies of two-part electricity price, non-stop payment of arrears and phased reduction of enterprise electricity cost. At the same time, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power issued ten measures to fully resume construction and help enterprises resume work and production, and used WeChat, Weibo and mobile phone clients to carry out online and offline extensive publicity to help power customers understand the electricity tariff policy in time and adjust production plans in time. Receive all kinds of consultation 24 hours a day, and solve all kinds of questions and suggestions in the process of policy implementation in time. Through the above measures, from 2018 to 2020, the electricity consumption cost of industrial and commercial users has been reduced by 2.548 billion yuan, including 2.31 billion yuan for general industrial and commercial users.

In terms of implementing the policy of the same network and the same price. In order to speed up the economic and social development and the improvement of people’s livelihood in Mengdong, in 2017, in accordance with the unified deployment of the autonomous regional government, the electricity price of general industrial and commercial electricity to households decreased by 5.31 points on average per kWh compared with that before the same price in 2016. By the end of 2020, the average industrial and commercial enterprises have reduced the electricity cost of users by 1.144 billion yuan at the same price on the same network.

In this year’s two sessions of the National People’s Congress, Premier Li Keqiang proposed in the government work report that "we should continue to promote the reduction of general industrial and commercial electricity prices". State Grid Mengdong Electric Power will pay close attention to the adjustment of the national general industrial and commercial electricity price policy, strictly follow the national unified work deployment, do a good job in policy adjustment and implementation, and support the development of the real economy. Expand the scope of industrial and commercial users to participate in market transactions, and all industrial and commercial users who meet the trading conditions will be included in the power market to participate in transactions. Cooperate with the price supervisor and market supervision department to carry out special investigations, clean up and standardize the transfer of power supply to increase prices. We will intensify the transformation of "one household, one meter", and realize direct power supply, metering and service to households as soon as possible for those who meet the transformation and reception conditions, and effectively transmit the price reduction dividend to end users.

China News Service reporter:The quality of power supply is related to the production and life of the masses. With the development of economy and society, customers’ expectations for power supply quality are getting higher and higher. What measures will State Grid Mengdong Power take to improve the quality of power supply?

Du Ping:The quality of power supply has always been one of the priorities of State Grid Mengdong Power. In the future, we will continue to attach great importance to it and take various measures to strictly control the scope of power outage, shorten the power outage time and reduce the number of power outages.

First, with the strong support of State Grid Corporation of China and the government of the autonomous region, State Grid Mengdong Power has continuously increased its investment in power grid and continuously improved its power grid structure under the condition of long-term serious losses. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the accumulated investment in power grid was 35.3 billion yuan, up 34% compared with the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", and 10,338.4 kilometers of lines with 35 kV and above were put into operation, with a substation capacity of 14,474,300 KVA, and 500 kV substation (converter) was completed. At present, the power grid of 220kV and above in Mengdong has basically met the "N-1" requirement, and the single component fault will not affect the stable operation and normal power supply of the power grid. In the future, State Grid Mengdong Power will continue to strengthen power grid construction and eliminate the weak links of power supply at all voltage levels.

Second, continue to deepen maintenance management, optimize and adjust the operation and maintenance system, and improve the operation and maintenance capacity of power grids at all levels. In March, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power started the spring inspection, and conducted a large-scale, full-coverage and no dead angle patrol inspection of all power grid equipment, promptly found equipment and operation problems, promptly eliminated defects and improved the stable operation capacity of equipment. We fixed such large-scale maintenance five times a year. Before the arrival of such bad weather as the severe sandstorm in the past two days, we will closely contact the meteorological department, carry out special inspections in advance, make emergency reserves, and make every effort to ensure the safety of power supply. Hulunbeier genhe city is known as the "cold pole of China", and the maintenance staff often have to "fully armed" to carry out line inspections in the low temperature of MINUS 30 degrees. In the next step, we will further improve the overall optimization of annual and monthly maintenance plans, arrange maintenance operations lean, and achieve "one stop and multiple uses" to prevent repeated power outages and large-scale and long-term power outages; Deeply optimize the power outage operation scheme, and try to adopt the working methods of subsection construction, day stop and night delivery, etc., to further reduce the power outage time and continuously improve the power supply quality.

"Northern New Newspaper" reporter:Document No.1 of the Central Committee makes it clear that the power supply area in Mengdong area will reach 470,000 square kilometers by comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization. What measures will State Grid Mengdong Power take to serve the last mile and help rural revitalization?



During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power will continue to intensify the construction and transformation of rural power grids, plan to invest 14.6 billion yuan, implement rural power grid consolidation and upgrading projects, make up shortcomings and strong and weak items, consolidate the achievements of tackling poverty, promote rural electrification, give full play to the responsibility and mission of central enterprises and big countries, be a good power pioneer, and fully serve the economic and social development and rural revitalization of the autonomous region.

Inner Mongolia Radio and Television reporter:To optimize the business environment, electricity is the key factor. What measures will State Grid Mengdong Power take to help corporate customers and residential users use electricity early and well in their production and life?

Li Shufeng:Let customers "use electricity early" mainly in two aspects: "early" and "fast". In the aspect of "early", we should optimize business processes, cooperate with relevant government departments, open up information interconnection channels, obtain project information in advance, connect with customers in advance, master information such as energy consumption planning and production arrangement, and start the preliminary work of supporting power grid projects in advance to realize "electricity and other projects". In the aspect of "fast", relying on information technology to realize the online operation of electricity business, "online application of business, online circulation of information, online inquiry of progress and online evaluation of service", which is convenient for customers to "do it at their fingertips" and realize "don’t run once" for simple business and "run once at most" for complex business. In terms of internal links, it mainly changes the internal management process, strengthens professional collaboration, and realizes the shortest time for customers to run electricity through measures such as limited time system for engineering construction and contract system for customers’ power transmission time.

Making customers "use electricity well" is mainly reflected in two aspects: "less power outage" and "high quality". In terms of less power outage, it is mainly through strengthening the operation and maintenance of the power grid, rationally arranging the power outage plan, and comprehensively promoting non-power outage operation, zero-point operation and joint operation to ensure the smallest power outage range, the shortest power outage time and the least number of power outages. In terms of high-quality power supply, Mr. Du has just elaborated. Mainly through technical means and management means, the reliability of power supply is further improved, the problem of low voltage is solved quickly, and customers are ensured to use electricity well. At present, we are building a distribution network awareness system. Through this system, we can accurately control the power supply situation of power supply terminals and clients, quickly diagnose and accurately locate all kinds of power supply problems, and effectively improve the reliability and quality of power supply.

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New Hainan client, Nanhai net February 18 news (reporter Wang Chengxian) strong confrontation! On the afternoon of February 18th, 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Competition (hereinafter referred to as Lingao Volleyball Competition) was held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. Four strong volleyball teams from Ding ‘an, Haikou, Lingao and Chengmai will compete fiercely for three days, which will blow the battle to win the championship. As one of the great volleyball events in the opening year of Lingao, Lingao Volleyball Championship has attracted many excellent players from the island, and it is also another important event in western Hainan after the "Village BA" in the East. In 2023, in the first men’s nine-player volleyball classic in China, Hainan team won the championship with a 3:1 victory over Guangdong Taishan team, which made Hainan volleyball quickly become popular on the Internet. The competition system also adopts the rules of men’s volleyball nine-a-side, with three wins in five games in each game, and the top four teams finally decide the ranking according to the total score.

No.2 player of Haikou team struggled to smash. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

On the afternoon of February 18th, 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Championship was held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lin ‘gao Volleyball Championship Competition Site. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lin ‘gao Volleyball Championship Competition Site. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

The referee enters. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

The referee’s representative swore an oath. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship started with blood, and the leading guests present kicked off. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Haikou team (red) played against Ding ‘an team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team serves. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Chengmai team (blue) played against Lingao team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship attracted many citizens to watch. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship Live Wonderful Program Performance. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

Lingao Volleyball Championship Live Wonderful Program Performance. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo (Wang Chengxian)

These living habits are not changed, and more Tai Chi is not enough to make up for your self -harm

What we do every day has made us, and then you will find that excellence is not a behavior, but a habit. —— Aristotle

Everyone found that although there are many longevity old people who practice Tai Chi, some people do not live long. Why?

First of all, the real Taijiquan should be both internal and external, and many people do not practice outside the outside. We only see a stinky skin. We often see that many people are very skilled and can be insisted every day. Seriously, seemingly seriousness is nervous; some people grit their teeth and swipe their teeth, swing their feet, and do not relax at all; some people have practiced for many years and still have a lot of temper to get angry. Bone bones.

Everyone knows that the biggest feature of longevity elderly people is that the personality is optimistic and cheerful, and the influence of emotions from the internal body is far greater than the external environment. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the cold, cold, heat and irritability. The harm of these six prostitutes to human health, that is, external evil injury, is usually from the surface and inside. When it was passed to my heart, I pulled the diarrhea, and then passed the cold to the five internal organs.

However, human emotions are directly harmful to people. The so -called "seven emotions hurt people, direct internal organs", and they can vomit blood immediately. Chinese medicine says that anger hurts the liver, joy and sadness, hurt the spleen, terrify the kidneys, sadness, sadness, sadness, and sadness Sad lung. Lin Daiyu was sad and coughing. She was a typical symptom of "sad lung".

Your fist for a month is not enough for you to be angry. While we practice Tai Chi, while relaxing the body, our mentality must also be relaxed. The relaxing and peaceful mentality in turn is more favorable to the relaxation of the body. Only when the heart is quiet can Tai Chi reach the high realm.

Secondly, Tai Chi is based on Taoism’s "inaction and disappointment". Lao Tzu said, "The husband is not fighting, and the world can not fight with it." Many people who practice Tai Chi have forgotten this. Throughout the day, they think about how to be refined, anxious, and never satisfied. Or can’t stand the provocation of others saying that Tai Chi can’t fight, and gets up and fights angrily.

It is said that "killing 10,000 self -damage for three thousand". In the legendary history, there are indeed some masters of people who have suffered internal injuries because of some tongues. The high -level strength of Tai Chi Boxing Law has cleverly fascinated and excited, and often unconsciously mistakenly entered the courage.

Because of this, in the "Tai Chi Boxing theory", which was regarded as a must -read classic by Tai Chi, Wang Zongyue specifically emphasized the words of the ancestor of Sanfeng after explaining the essence of Tai Chi. Do not do the final dispute. "

With the end of the cold weapon era, today we should not practice boxing for the victory. It is impossible to bear a small bullet in the practice of Diamond. In most cases, things will only make things worse.

We should treat boxing as a kind of fun, because there is something to study, so that the process of fitness exercise has become more fun, culture and charm, pushing the strength to test the strength, winning the win -win smile, and we will never care about it.

In fact, the real Taijiquan high -level kung fu, sometimes the more Hou deliberately pursued, the less you get it. One teacher said good: "When you want to fight with others, the heart is dead, and the heart is already froze. How can I relax? How can I reach a higher level of loose air? "

In the end, I have to say that most of the non -long -lived boxers have bad habits. Some people rely on childhood training from a young age, drinking and smoking, indulgence, and the harm of the nightlife of modern people far exceeding the body. People imagine that in the past, there was no TV in the agricultural society. The oil lamps were sleeping for a while, and there were very few diseases that came out of staying up late.

And modern people are facing a lot of temptations, and there are many people who sleep at a time or two, which is very harmful to the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Ziye Yiyang is born, and this time for people to hand over yin and yang should be sleeping in the state of sleep. The so -called natural law nature, the nature of our earth changes once every 24 hours of yin and yang. Human beings are the creation of nature. It can be found that those who go to work all the night shifts have almost no longer longevity.

Dr. Yu Juan, a younger return from Fudan University, told people not to stay up late with a 32 -year -old life. She has never slept before 12 o’clock in the past 10 years. What to stay up late? Yu Juan wrote: "Chat, Internet chat, 885 irrigation, jumping, meals, X songs, bowling, personal daze (known as thinking), fill every night without reason."

Staying up late is chronic suicide! Getting up early every day to practice Tai Chi is not only to allow our body to exercise, but also changes to our lifestyle. In order to get up early, you must go to bed early. You have more time to practice boxing. If you do not change the poor lifestyle, it is limited to the body by doing some simple physical exercise, which is not enough to make up for your self -harm.

Seventh Avenue (00797) Affiliated to Shanghai Ling Su Establish Financial Leasing Agreement

Zhitong Finance APP News, Seventh Avenue (00797) issued an announcement that on March 15, 2022, the company indirectly wholly wholly -owned subsidiary Shanghai Ling Su and the lessor Shanghai Yuncheng Financial Leasing shall establish a financial leasing agreement. RMB 150 million sells rental assets to the lessor, and the lessor must rent the lease asset from Shanghai Ling Su at 48 months.

It is reported that rental assets include 2790 hosts, 9,800 graphics cards and 150 servers.

According to the announcement, since the cloud computing business began in April 2021, the Group has purchased various models of graphics cards, computer hosts, servers and other cloud computing accessories, so that the group can provide cloud computing services and create value for its shareholders.

The company believes that the financial leasing arrangement is the group’s additional liquidity, and the financing cost is fair and reasonable. The group can continue to use leased assets for existing cloud business, which is beneficial to the company and complies with the overall interests of its shareholders. Due to the international financial reporting standards, the transfer of financial leasing arrangements that have not actual asset value will not generate any income or losses in its comprehensive financial statements. The expected transfer agreement will be used to supplement liquidity for the group’s operations, including but not limited to the development and operation of the game business and the expansion of cloud computing business.