"Ip Man" premiere Li Wantong appeared in praise of Donnie Yen Hong Jinbao

Li Wantong

  China Broadcasting News on December 9, 2008, the end of the year kung fu blockbuster, reflecting a generation of martial arts guru, Bruce Lee master Ip Man’s legendary life story of the film "Ip Man" held a grand premiere in Beijing, in addition to starring Donnie Yen, Xiong Dailin, Ren Dahua and martial arts director Hong Jinbao, producer Huang Baiming and other main creators, just in the movie version of "Dream of Red Mansions" successfully played "spicy housekeeper Wang Xifeng" beautiful woman star Li Wantou and many other film and television stars were also invited to cheer for the film said to be the best-looking action movie in 2008, and claimed that it was worthwhile.

  Li Wantong, who is about to star in the kung fu blockbuster "King" with Hong Jinbao in 2009, has been working hard to practice kung fu recently. Although the film director has always emphasized that as long as there is enough, she still refuses to relax at all, saying that it is a very rare opportunity to work with such a kung fu superstar, and she must be prepared.

  In the espionage drama "The Final Contest", which is about to hit the national TV screen at the end of the year, Li Wantong plays the heroine Qin Muyao, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, who has already had a good time playing stars, but she said that those action scenes should not be comparable to the action scenes in real kung fu movies. Although the filming is also very clean, there is no very beautiful routine or very exciting action scenes in the end. She also hopes to take this opportunity to challenge herself and learn from Kung Fu kings like Hong Jinbao and Liang Xiaolong.

  For the movie "Ip Man", Li Wantong said that he had been looking forward to it for a long time, and now he finally saw it, and he was really shocked and moved. Donnie Yen, Hung Jinbao and Fan Shaohuang are all action actors he likes very much, and Ren Dahua is also an actor he admires very much. Ye Weixin and Huang Baiming are all Hong Kong directors he hopes to cooperate with very much. Their strength no longer needs to be described in words. The action movie they jointly produced will not disappoint fans. For the heroine of the film "Sister Cheng" Xiong Dailin, Wan Tong expressed his envy that she could act with Donnie Yen, and hoped that he could have such an opportunity in the future.

Li Wan Tong and Ip Man martial arts instructor Hung Jin Bao

Editor in charge: Liu Li

Qin L DM-i, a brand-new mid-level car of BYD Dynasty, appeared at Beijing Auto Show.

DM-I, a brand-new mid-size car of BYD Dynasty, made its world debut in auto china in 2024, leading the new trend of mid-size cars in an all-round way with its beauty, leading technology, brand-new platform and excellent intelligence.


Sword and finger intermediate: the layout of large and small Qin cars completes the map of dynasty cars

The length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm/1900mm/1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. It is a standard mid-level car. In the car matrix of the current dynasty, the Qin family is a compact crown and has the right to speak in the family car; The Han family is a medium-sized and large-scale sales champion, ranking first in the mainstream mid-to high-end market, and the Qin L sword refers to the intermediate level, which just fills the matrix gap between the two cars. Upward, attack the joint venture intermediate car headed by Han; Downward, with the formation of a large and small Qin double-car pattern, radiating the A+ market, improving the product layout of Wangchao. com in the mainstream car market.


Design guidance: dynasty is the tide of the country, showing cultural self-confidenceAs a brand-new mid-level sedan of the dynasty, Qin L was built based on the brand-new orientation of "mainstream, quality and new national tide", drawing strength from Chinese excellent traditional culture, and embodying the perfect integration of national tide culture and future technology. Qin L adopts "the aesthetics of new national tide and dragon face", which melts the dragon and dragon face into the car body, and the dragon face evolves to show the weather of Daqin. The "Dragon’s front face" is majestic, with slender and elegant sides, and the ultra-wide rear shoulder design at the tail, which makes the whole car show a "wide body and low squat" posture, domineering and dynamic.


The garage is between mountains and seas, and people are in Traveling in a pictorial world. Qin l’s interior is inspired by Chinese painting, creating a "landscape painting cockpit" with high style. The integrated center console slowly unfolds around the rotating big screen, like a long scroll of the East floating on the instrument panel of the sapphire case, creating a strong sense of encirclement. With luxurious space, exquisite materials, ergonomic spacious and comfortable seats, and front McPherson rear multi-link independent suspension, Qin L is beautiful, spacious, comfortable and stable, making driving enjoyable.


Technology Leading: "Big and Economical" has become the new trend of mid-size cars.

The most anticipated is the technical parameters of Qin L. Previously, Qin L will have a major breakthrough in fuel consumption and battery life. Although the official did not "hammer" at this auto show, it said that Qin L will subvert the stereotype of "fuel consumption" of mid-level cars and lead the breakthrough through technology, making "big and economical" a new trend of mid-level cars.


Platform leading: the new mainstream of the definition of the strength of a new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platforms

With the acceleration of electrification, the vehicle platform is accelerating innovation. Qin L is based on BYD’s new generation of plug-in and hybrid vehicle platform, and integrates a number of forward-looking technologies, which is designed for plug-in, more efficient, safer and more interesting, and promotes the new energy platform to become the mainstream!


Leading by intelligence: enjoy the convenience of car life and create a sensory experience of taste

In the era of intelligence, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving assistance are indispensable. Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit, which is equipped with 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspension Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key, full-scene intelligent voice, etc. It is smart and easy to control. DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions, comprehensively improves driving safety. With the spacious and luxurious cockpit, quiet space and immersive concert hall, the car life is full of wisdom and taste.


The arrival of Qin L will lead the new trend of mid-level cars in an all-round way, provide the mainstream families with the choice of upgrading the quality of cars, and provide young people with the one-stop choice of buying cars. It is reported that Qin L will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to start selling at 120,000 yuan, which is worth looking forward to!

Tencent Music -SW rose more than 5%, continuously refreshed high profitability, steadily increased online music revenue and accelerated growth.

  Tencent Music -SW(01698) rose more than 5%, reaching a new high of HK$ 47.2. As of press time, it rose by 5.74% to HK$ 46.95, with a turnover of HK$ 6.6897 million.

  In the news, Tencent Music recently released its annual results for 2023, and the group achieved a total revenue of 27.75 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) during the period. The profit attributable to equity holders of the company was 4.92 billion yuan, up 33.8% year-on-year. Among them, online music service revenue increased strongly by 38.8% year-on-year, reaching 17.33 billion yuan (US$ 2.44 billion). Bank of America Securities pointed out that Tencent Music’s performance in the last quarter was stable, exceeding market expectations, driven by the increase in the number of music paying users and the promotion of ARPU. It is expected that the growth of its core music business will remain strong this year.

  Goldman Sachs said that Tencent Music has been one of the best performing companies in the China market in the past six months, and predicted that the company will continue to perform well in 2024. Mainly because of the operating leverage generated by the high incremental profits of the company’s music subscription and advertising, it further promotes the upward adjustment of the company’s profit forecast; After the New Year promotion, the average income per paying user (ARPPU) recovered, which led to the further growth of the company’s music service income; At the same time, the structural improvement of music payment tendency is driven by the continuous improvement of monetization strategy of Tencent Music.

"China Vitality" in the data | The export of new energy vehicles reached a new high, with a year-on-year increase of 97.4%.

CCTV News:"China Vitality in Data" series reports that today (September 30th) we will pay attention to the export data of new energy vehicles. According to the data from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first eight months of this year, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, up 97.4% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles are becoming a new business card of China Intelligent Manufacturing.

According to the data released by China Automobile Manufacturers Association recently, this year’s 1-mdash; In August, China exported 1.817 million vehicles, up 52.8% year-on-year. Among them, 340,000 new energy vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%, and the contribution rate to the growth of automobile exports reached 26.7%. In 2021, China’s automobile exports reached 2.138 million, surpassing 2 million for the first time, making it the third largest automobile exporter in the world after Japan and Germany.

Some experts in the industry said that in terms of structure, the export of automobile industry is shifting from commercial vehicles to passenger cars represented by new energy vehicles. In addition, in the export area, China’s automobile exports also focus on new energy vehicles, which are mainly from Asia, Africa and Latin America in the past, and are expanding to mainstream markets such as Europe.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:Our current export of new energy vehicles is mainly in the European market. Last year, 49% of our new energy vehicle exports were exported to the European market, and our automobile export situation is very gratifying.

In terms of models, the export models represented by new energy vehicles are more advanced. In the past, they were mostly low-end models, and now many enterprises have begun to cut into the market with high-end cars. In addition, in terms of export strategy, from passive in the past to active now, in addition to local factory building and cross-border brand cooperation, we have also adopted self-built sales channels and customized development of new models through shared technology to open up the international market.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:Different from the past, car companies have built their own marketing channels abroad and continued to build brands, and new energy vehicles have initially achieved a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation.

The export of new energy vehicles has maintained a good momentum in the first eight months of this year. In September, the export momentum has not diminished, which will drive China’s automobile exports to a new high this year.

On September 13th, in Shanghai, the largest batch of pure electric vehicles in China was shipped at Haitong Wharf and exported to the European market. This time, 10,000 pure electric vehicles of SAIC were exported to the European market.

On September 26th, in Wuhan, the first batch of new energy vehicles of Dongfeng Group went to sea in Norway. At the export ceremony, Norwegian dealers were full of confidence in this new energy vehicle made in China.

Norwegian distributor Sven Arid yangsi Gard:At first glance, the market response (in Norway) is very positive, and consumers are very satisfied with the products.

In Beijing, near the "Eleventh", workers in this bus factory are stepping up production. By the end of October, this factory will have produced a total of 1022 pure electric buses for export to Chile.

Han Dong, Executive Vice President of New Energy Bus Company:This list is a record for the export of pure electric vehicles (buses) in China. The single order is more than 1000 units, which is a high-quality order in the domestic bus industry.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, since 2020, despite the impact of the epidemic, China’s automobile exports have generally shown a rapid growth momentum. In 2021, China exported 2.138 million vehicles, which doubled year-on-year, achieving a historic breakthrough. Among them, the export of new energy vehicles exceeded 400,000, a year-on-year increase of nearly three times.

Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this process of transformation, China’s innovation, industrial chain construction and market cultivation have reached the forefront of the world. The rapid growth of new energy vehicles (sales volume) in China has also led to a historic breakthrough in China’s automobile export, ending the situation that it has been hovering around 1 million vehicles (export volume) for more than ten years.

       The head of China Automobile Industry Association said that this year, driven by the strong export momentum of new energy vehicles, China’s automobile exports will reach 3 million, reaching a new high, and it is expected to become the second largest automobile exporter in the world.

In the interview, the reporter also noticed that after years of development, the technical level of China’s new energy vehicles has been significantly improved, and the core technologies of key components have reached a higher level. It is the innovation of the whole industry chain that has helped new energy vehicles become a new business card for intelligent manufacturing in China.

The reporter walked into this new energy automobile enterprise in Anhui, and the production line was busy, and the order had been placed for three months. The person in charge of the enterprise told the reporter that the secret of the rapid growth of the sales of new energy vehicles in enterprises lies in persisting in innovation.

Xu Youzhong, Vice President of Automotive Engineering Technology R&D Institute of Automobile Enterprises:Taking research and development as the top priority, we have established 38 technical committees, including a set of forward development process systems with 38 systems and 22 performance dimensions.

In the past 10 years, this company has invested more than 7% of its sales revenue in R&D every year, mastered a number of key core technologies such as the fifth-generation engine with the maximum effective thermal power of 44% and the world’s first gearbox with nine modes of switching, and applied for 18,500 patents. At present, there are nearly 10,000 R&D personnel.

Not only insist on innovation, China new energy automobile enterprises are generally enhancing their product adaptability and building a "global car". The reporter noted that these new energy vehicles exported to Norway have generally developed the trailer hook function to adapt to the cold and snowy scenes in northern Europe. Another batch of vehicles exported to the British market, including the work of changing the left steering wheel to the right steering wheel, invested more than 100 million yuan in adaptive development.

Wang Du, Deputy Secretary General of china automobile dealers association:New energy vehicle is a new business card of intelligent manufacturing in China. We must grasp this window period well. We must be able to form a standard pool with Europe or America, and we can recognize each other’s standards together and compete under the same standard platform.

The person in charge of China Automobile Industry Association said that the high export growth of new energy vehicles in China is the inevitable result of years of industrial accumulation. In the past 10 years, China government’s support policy for the new energy automobile industry has been continuously strengthened, and China automobile enterprises have actively responded to the policy call, and the overall strength of the new energy automobile industry has been continuously improved, which can meet the global diversified market demand in terms of product appearance, quality, R&D and production capacity.

       Fu Bingfeng, Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:In this round of global automobile transformation to electrification and new energy, we have occupied a commanding height and led the global automobile industry to transform to new energy and electrification.

These days, "Chao Wen Tian Xia" has continuously broadcast "China Vitality in Data", and a series of data are dizzying. There is a digital economy in these data, which has greatly liberated and developed productive forces and changed the underlying logic of industrial production. There are also key points in the data. An "excavator index" allows us to see how many points to focus on when stabilizing the economy.

There are market players in the data, and their vitality comes to the fore through vivid data. There are services in the data, and the vitality of market players comes from their own efforts, as well as from intimate public policies and targeted services. There are transformations in the data, new technologies, new products, new formats, and how many old trees are blooming. There is also a future in the data, and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc. are releasing amazing potential.

The data is like a rigorous brush, which gives us a picture of China’s economic development. These data are not easy to get, and there are gratifying achievements in the data, and there is a process of tackling difficulties. China’s vitality in the data is, in the final analysis, created by hundreds of millions of resilient, creative and enterprising people. The vitality of China in the data actually tells the story of China people’s innovation in the data.

A civil servant in Zhengzhou: I also want to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high.

Original title: Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory recruits workers in the first-line production and operation posts, and 30% of them are masters and highly educated talents. Why do they get together in the assembly line?
Source: Dahe Daily
Tian Yuchen Li Xiaoling Feng Lin
In the past few days, Henan China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Henan China Tobacco") released a public list of candidates to be recruited by college students in 2021, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens.
Among them, the company recruited a total of 149 people. Among the 135 people admitted to the "first-line production operation post", in addition to the "985" "211" or "double-class" universities such as China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University and Henan University, it also attracted master students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
According to statistics, among the 135 students, 41 have master’s degrees, accounting for 30% of the total enrollment. Do assembly line workers in front-line production and operation posts need such a high degree?
Tucao assembly line admits workers, and 30% of them are graduate students. Is it "overqualified"?
In late April this year, Henan Zhongyan published the "List of College Students to be Recruited in 2021" on the official website, which attracted the attention of netizens with the arrival of graduation season.
The reporter found that in 2021, Henan Zhongyan plans to hire a total of 149 people. Among them, 14 people are employed in professional management positions, technology research and development positions and marketing positions, all of whom have master’s degrees, and nearly half of them are from foreign universities, such as Glasgow University, Sydney University, Nottingham University and Durham University.
The remaining 135 people were admitted to the "first-line production and operation positions" of seven cigarette factories, including Jinye Manufacturing Center, Xuchang, Anyang, Nanyang, Zhumadian, Luohe and Luoyang under the jurisdiction of Henan Zhongyan. Among them, in addition to China Renmin University, Wuhan University, Zhengzhou University, Henan University and other "985", "211" or "double-class" universities, it has also attracted graduate students from universities and research institutes at home and abroad such as Britain, the United States and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. According to the statistics of the reporters, among the 135 people, 41 have a master’s degree, accounting for 30.37%.
"A graduate student or even a’ returnee’ master goes to a cigarette factory as an assembly line worker. Is this’ overqualified’? To do this kind of work, you don’t need a high degree at all. " A netizen said. The reporter noticed that the focus of netizens’ attention mainly focused on the strong contrast between the graduation school, academic qualifications and the "first-line production and operation positions" of the candidates on the list.
According to the unified requirements of Henan Zhongyan, the candidates for technical research and development, marketing and professional management posts must practice in the Golden Leaf Manufacturing Center for one year after being hired. After being hired, the candidates for the first-line production and operation positions in each cigarette factory must work in the first-line production and operation positions in the workshop for more than 3 years. Even if the relevant functional departments and offices and workshop management posts of each cigarette factory are short of posts, those who have worked in front-line production and operation posts for less than 3 years cannot be transferred to management posts.
It is understood that according to the introduction of official website, Henan Zhongyan, the company has seven cigarette factories under its jurisdiction, with more than 8,700 employees in its main business, producing and selling more than 3 million boxes of cigarettes annually, ranking fourth in the national tobacco industry, with total assets of nearly 40 billion yuan. Official website shows that in 2020, it is estimated that the sales revenue will reach 51 billion yuan and the total tax and profit will reach 35.7 billion yuan.
Explain that the requirement is bachelor degree or above, but the master’s degree is too much, so you can only choose the best one.
A front-line staff member of Henan Zhongyan introduced that the first-line production operations of cigarette factories mainly include "silk making" and "wrapping", both of which are done by operators. Generally speaking, no matter which position, as long as you enter the cigarette factory, you must first start from the front-line workers and understand the tobacco-making process. The main job is to make tobacco leaves into cigarettes for foreign sales.
Generally speaking, cigarette production is also divided into low peak seasons. Because of the particularity of tobacco products, it belongs to planned production. Every tobacco factory and each cigarette category are produced according to the planned and allocated quota. Once the task is completed, there will be no work to do. But sometimes in order to catch up with production tasks, overtime will also occur. "Now, the weather is hot. Take our factory as an example. The production task has also been completed, and the factory has begun to have a holiday."
The staff member said that in the past, most of the front-line workers were junior college and undergraduate, but in recent years, the education of workers has indeed been greatly improved. And this change has a lot to do with the good wages and benefits of cigarette factories. Due to the quota production system of cigarette factories and good welfare benefits, many famous universities and even highly educated people compete for each other. Generally speaking, the recruitment ratio is about 1: 60, and some positions are even higher.
An 8-year-old staff member of Xuchang Cigarette Factory told reporters that not all cigarette factories have good wages. Generally speaking, local cigarette factories that produce tobacco leaves have sufficient raw materials, large cigarette quotas, large production tasks, good benefits and high wages for workers. For example, cigarette factories in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xuchang and other places have relatively good benefits and workers’ income will naturally be high. In these profitable cigarette factories, the wages of workers in front-line production positions are often higher than those of relevant functional departments and offices of the company. "The main reason is that workers have more work and higher wages." Take Xuchang Cigarette Factory as an example. Soon after entering the factory, the wages of front-line workers can get 100,000 yuan a year.
On July 14 and 15, the reporter called the human resources department of Henan Zhongyan many times, but no one was connected. However,
Another staff member of Henan Zhongyan, who asked not to be named, revealed that in addition to individual positions such as technology research and development, marketing and professional management posts, their company requires a master’s degree or above, and the recruitment requirements for first-line production and operation positions are all undergraduate or above. When recruiting, it is required to be an undergraduate, but many graduate students have also signed up. Of course, they are selected on the basis of merit. " According to him, some jobs in the tobacco industry are even more difficult to test than civil servants because of their high wages and good treatment.
Take a cigarette manufacturer in Zhengzhou as an example, the wages of front-line production workers can get more than 10,000 yuan per month, and the welfare benefits are better. Therefore, it is welcomed by many college students. "Although it is a front-line worker, the equipment has been automated, and it is basically an assembly line operation. Unlike the previous need for big bags and small bags of tobacco leaves, the work is relatively easy. As long as the production task is completed, you can rest. "
The result of expert market selection reflects the change of talent market structure.
On July 15th, the reporter contacted a graduate student of Henan University, who was admitted to the "first-line production operation post" of a cigarette factory in the province this year. He introduced that he just reported for 2 days, and the company is training them in a unified way, and the time schedule is particularly tight. When asked why he wanted to sign up as a "factory assembly line worker", he said that he signed up after hearing from his family that the salary of the cigarette factory was good and he didn’t think much. When asked about "future plans", he said: "The cost of living is too high now. As long as you can earn money, let’s talk about it first, and then see what promotion channels are available."
"If there is an opportunity, I also want to go to work in a cigarette factory. The assembly line is brainless and the salary is high. It must be very comfortable." A civil servant in Zhengzhou said that due to the particularity of the tobacco industry, cigarette factories have always been regarded as an ideal "iron rice bowl", especially in a populous province like Henan, where the pressure of employment competition is great, making it one of the first choice units for college students to find jobs.
A sociologist of Zhengzhou University also believes that the first-line production and operation positions of Henan Zhongyan Cigarette Factory are favored by highly educated talents, which is also very normal and the result of market choice. At present, the enrollment of graduate students is relatively large, and there is even a surplus of highly educated talents, which also leads to the depreciation of academic qualifications. Take Zhengzhou University as an example. Every year, there are more than 10,000 undergraduate graduates and about 7,000 graduate students, accounting for 41% of the total number of graduates. The proportion of graduate students who graduated from other schools is also increasing. Therefore, it is normal that 30% of the frontline workers admitted by cigarette factories are graduate students. The reason why this information is concerned by netizens is that it is considered as "overqualified". This also reflects the change of talent structure in China, and the number of highly educated talents is increasing. Some people think that this is a waste of human resources, but others think that regardless of the level of work, it is best to suit yourself.
At the same time, the expert also reminded that when choosing a job, college students should consider personal hobbies, future career planning and life planning in addition to salary, and should not only focus on the immediate future, but also ignore the long term.

Seventy years of age Simpson was released on parole after serving his sentence and was picked up by an unidentified person.

  CCTV News:In 1990s, American football star O·J· Simpson’s "suspected wife murder case" caused a sensation, which was also called "trial of the century". Although Simpson was acquitted in that year, in 2008, the famous American black sports star was jailed for "kidnapping and armed robbery". On the 1st, after serving nine years in prison, seventy years of age Simpson was released on parole.

  The Nevada Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation confirmed that Simpson left Lovelock prison in northern Nevada at 0: 08 am local time on the 1st after signing the release papers.

  Although the American media generally predicted that Simpson would be released on parole at the beginning of this month, the Nevada Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation released Simpson in the early hours of Sunday, which was somewhat unexpected. This also enabled Simpson to avoid the media when he was released from prison. After he got out of prison, he was picked up by an unidentified friend.

  Former football star Simpson was jailed for robbery.

  In 2007, Simpson and others clashed with two sports souvenir sellers in a hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, trying to snatch thousands of dollars worth of souvenirs with guns — — Simpson claimed that the photos, badges and football souvenirs were his own belongings. After the incident, Simpson was arrested by the police and charged with 12 counts including kidnapping and armed robbery.

  In 2008, the court sentenced Simpson to 33 years in prison, but he could be released on parole after nine years.

  In July this year, four members of the Nevada Parole Adjudication Board voted unanimously that Simpson was "unlikely to commit another crime" and agreed to grant him parole.

  "Trial of the Century" — — Simpson’s "Suspected Wife Killing Case"

  Simpson was once a star of the National Football League. In June 1994, Simpson’s white ex-wife and boyfriend were found dead in their residence in Los Angeles, and all the evidence showed that Simpson was the biggest suspect — — The case was a sensation, but after a tortuous trial, Simpson was acquitted by a jury in October 1995. This case, known as the "trial of the century", has caused public controversy about the fairness of the American judicial system, highlighting the differences of opinion among different ethnic groups in American society.

"After 00" became the main consumer of nightlife. Netizen: It turns out that I am poor and old.

Beijing, like many northern cities, was once ridiculed for having no nightlife.
In the circle of friends, friends from Guangzhou went out at 12 o’clock in the evening to meet for a snack, friends from Changsha were dancing at night on Jiefang West Road at 2 o’clock in the morning, and friends from Chengdu were still waiting in line at the hot pot restaurant at 3 o’clock in the morning. ……
And many people have only seen Beijing working overtime late at night. ……
Is that really the case?
Beijing "Night Consumption" Report Released
On the 17 th, the report on the night consumption survey in Beijing in 2019 was released. The report shows thatMore than 70% of the respondents have night consumption activities.Beijing Olympic Park is the most popular "Night Capital" business district.
"After 00" becomes the main force of night consumption
According to the results of this survey, the main force of nightlife in Beijing is not the post-90s generation, nor the post-80s generation who already have stable jobs and incomes, but the oldest group of post-00s who just turned 18, spending an average of 239.3 yuan each time.
Netizen: I feel old and poor.
Nightlife is still the favorite to eat!
Unsurprisingly, the most popular night consumption activity among consumers is gourmet catering, accounting for more than 70%.
Movies and cultural performances, visiting tourist attractions or parks, shopping and fitness all account for about 50%.
Night owls love to go here.
According to the survey, the Olympic Park has become the most popular night consumption business circle in Beijing, followed by Guijie, Huiju, Blue Harbor, Wukesong, Sanlitun, World Trade day order, Qianmen and Dashilan and Guomao.
Beijing nightlife, arrangement!
At the beginning of this year, at the two sessions in Beijing, "Prospering Night Economy" was written into the work report of the Beijing government.
On July 12th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, together with 14 departments including the Municipal Transportation Commission, issued "Measures for Further Prospering Night Economy and Promoting Consumption Growth in Beijing". Thirteen measures plan to prosper the "night economy" in Beijing in three years.
How to "wave" after work is clearly arranged for you!
As night falls, the lights are on.Guijie midnight snack, arrange!
According to the measures, Beijing has launched 10 catering blocks with Midnight Food Store characteristics. In Guijie, Heshenghui, Shibao Street and other areas, "Midnight Food Store" is being upgraded.
△ Guijie | vision china
Have a full meal, Sanlitun, arrange!
Sanlitun is no longer an all-in-one bar. Immersive digital art exhibition and 24-hour bookstore add a bit of cultural color to the place that was originally labeled as "Bar Street".
△ Sanlitun | vision china
In order to create a night economic consumption atmosphere with the integration and development of "business travel style". Beijing has also planned the Blue Harbor, World Trade Center day order, COFCO Xiangyun Town and Olympic Park to become "Night Capital" business districts.
△ Blue Harbor | vision china
In addition, there are Shangdi, Wudaokou, Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan as the "night capital" living circles, which will meet the night consumption of residents in various districts of Beijing.
With the implementation of the "Thirteen Articles" of the prosperous night economy, the night economy has swept the capital like a wave.
Is there a nightlife in your city?
What do you do after work?
Everyone is searching.
What is the difference between consumption after 00 and consumption after 90? Are there many singles after 00?


Bauhinia in Lushan Mountain

Pay after 70, and pay after 00.





Why do you take your children to extracurricular classes at night? …




Longjiang Xiaochen

As a post-90 s generation who worked for one year and had only four digits in savings, it should be a bird.




Blue poem

Don’t sleep at night? Do it all! This is how all kinds of diseases are made! Then it’s time to reflect and regret!





After 90, it means that moving bricks during the day is tiring to death and going home at night is sleepy to death. I really envy after 00.




Run little Sao cbt2333

Isn’t my big gym the top night consumer?




King tramples on it

Exactly. Exactly.




Kill a pawn

I have to work overtime after 90, so I will go back and wait for the next day to work overtime.




Qing Qiong yin 4Q

I don’t know what to spend after 00, the main force that encourages nightlife consumption. Is it still necessary to gnaw at old age?




The account has been cancelled.

The reason why the post-70s have the lowest consumption is because all their money has been consumed by their children after 00.




Be reset in violation of regulations

00, I don’t know how hard it is to make money. It will be fine when you grow up.




Large migrant workers

Because there are flowers.

I don’t know how difficult it is to make money when I am young, as long as I have flowers in my pocket, it is always so casual. .




It’s sparse, hehe

Working overtime late every day, I want to go home and sleep.





996 gave birth to the economy.




Xiao b douzi


Awesome. A generation of new people for old people





How can I put it? When I was young, I would be smart with the hard-earned money earned by my parents, and I felt that my life was very moist. When you make money, you know that it is not easy to make money.




King tramples on it

Exactly. Exactly.


Run Xiao Sao cbt2333

Isn’t my big gym the top night consumer?




Huyetian 8i

Before the age of 30, people seek medical treatment, and after the age of 30, people seek medical treatment.




Heavy fantasy and small spirit T_T

I am poor and poor, and I can only make an appointment with the operation bureau during the day. . .





Sanlitun is a good place.




There is no more.

Beiqing: Li Tie verbally apologize for the Football Association "I don’t want to add trouble anymore"

Live broadcast November 30th. According to Beiqing report, Li Tie himself recently found Chen Yiyuan, chairman of the Chinese Football Association, profoundly self -review and sincere apology.mean.

For Li Tie’s future, the Chinese Football Association will submit a report to the superior management department. After approval, it will announce the final result through official channels in December.

Li Tie brought the country’s feet this afternoon to the last outdoor training of this closed training at the Taihu Taihu Football Base in Suzhou.Subsequently, the team will take one day on December 1 and be collectively transferred to Shanghai on December 2 to receive "independent observation".Because some Chinese Super League teams have recently come to Shanghai to prepare for the Chinese Super League, some of the national football will directly meet with the club troops, and the national football coaching team will not arrange any collective training in Shanghai.

The People’s Daily praised the national table tennis, but Sun Yingsha, who named the crown, did not mention Wang Manyu, see who is MVP

On November 30th, Beijing time, the World Table Tennis Championships had officially concluded. The final record of the National Table Tennis was to gain 4 gold medals and lost the men’s doubles championship.

Although there were no 5 gold medals, the results of Guoping are still very good, and it has also received praise from the official social media of the People’s Daily. However, Wang Manyu and Fan Zhendong, who played the best winner this time, did not be named. The only one who was named was Sun Yingsha who had lost the women’s singles championship. It turned out that she was the MVP of this year’s national table tennis, although she Did not win the most gold -content award.

《人民日报》亲自开口谈到了国乒这次的情况,并且晒出了九宫格图片,九宫格当中也是有国乒本次出征的大部分主力选手,包括孙颖莎,王曼昱,樊振东,梁靖崑,以及王楚钦和Lin Gaoyuan, Chen Meng and Wang Yidi and others.

They also accompanied: "The Houston World Table Tennis Championships ended in 2021, and the Chinese team ended with four gold results." Then he specifically designed Sun Yingsha: "Sun Yingsha World Table Tennis Championship harvested 2 gold and 1 silver. Each point is every point. Not easy, every player is good, hard, Chinese table tennis, pride for you! "

They recognized Sun Yingsha’s series of contributions, so they mentioned that Sun Yingsha’s two gold and one silver alone, which shows that Sun Yingsha is the real MVP. Wang Manyu did win, and completed the double championship and won the championship of the women’s singles and women’s doubles, but her performance was not as good as Sun Yingsha. Although Sun Yingsha said that the women’s singles won the runner -up, she was in the mixed doubles and her All the women’s double -line operations won the gold medal, and even Sun Yingsha was a third -line operation.

One day before the start of the final, Sun Yingsha even played 4 games in one day, a mixed doubles semi -final and a mixed doubles final, and there were two semi -finals of women’s singles and women’s doubles. Playing 4 games a day and remained full of victory. More importantly, Sun Yingsha defeated the Japanese team’s five giants Zhang Benzhi, Ito Makoto, Hayawa Miyu, Ishikawa Jiachun.

She defeated Hirano Miyu and Ishikawa Jiachun in the 1/4 finals of the Women’s Doubles, and defeated Ito Makoto and Haya Hina in the women’s doubles finals. Facing the Japanese five giants, people played 9 wins and 2 losses. The third -tier operations were better than Wang Manyu. She was the real MVP. Sun Yingsha.

What’s more?

Wang Manyu has only two gold medals, and the mixed doubles competition will go out early, but Sun Yingsha is 2 gold and 1 silver, so the "People’s Daily" will specifically recognize her. She is the real MVP. Only she has received such treatment. Liu Guoliang recognizes her. Normally, this is the treatment of the next Grand Slam and the National Table Tennis Demon King.

This may also be why Liu Guoliang and Li Yan will personally serve as Sun Yingsha’s coaches during this World Table Tennis Championships, find a problem for her, and give her a guest to feed her the ball. On the one hand, it is indeed because Sun Yingsha has no supervisor in charge, and on the other hand, it may be because Sun Yingsha has always been Liu Guoliang’s favorite first love general.