How a 40-year-old woman can wear a sense of fashion, master four points of wearing, and copy it is beautiful.

With the growth of age, women must accurately control their own style of dressing to ensure that their styling is dignified and decent at all times. After women are over 40 years old, they often find it difficult to dress and match. They should wear dignified clothes without being too old-fashioned, and they should wear a sense of youth without being too act young. If they want to have both, they can learn from the following blogger’s experience and master four key points of matching. It is beautiful for ordinary people to copy and copy.

1, the rational use of bright color system

Many women start to wear very conservative clothes after they are 40 years old, especially in the dark black and gray color matching. In fact, many women still keep their figure in their twenties even when they are 40 years old. If you have such a figure advantage, you can try to start with color matching, and don’t completely refuse colored clothes. Sometimes, if you try colors boldly, your mood will be much better.

2. Different ways of dressing

The second starting point can start from the way of dressing. Starting from the way of dressing, we can break the traditional concept of wearing, and also let the conventional clothing wear more points of view, especially when wearing some basic clothing. Breaking the traditional collocation barriers can make people shine.

For example, when we wear a shirt, we don’t need to tie the buttons all over the body, so the feeling presented by the whole way of fastening will be very rigid. When we untie the two buttons at the position of the hem or the neckline, the whole collocation will be different in an instant. When we wear a shirt, we can also carry it on our hands, or tie it on our shoulders or waist, and open another collocation way of the shirt.

3. Pay attention to matching.

Third, effective wearing also needs to pay attention to the harmony of the overall combination. For example, the skirt and the headband on the head are of the same color, and the matching method of the same color and the same paragraph is used to wear the overall sense of harmony, or the color of the hat on the head is consistent with the color of the shorts on the lower body, so as to wear a visual echo in the overall matching.

In summer, hats, sunglasses, belts, bags, etc. are all accessories with very high upper body rate. You can choose one or two of these accessories, and don’t stack all kinds of accessories together. Too many accessories will often appear cumbersome.

4, the finishing touch accessories use

The last point is to learn to play the important role of accessories. Only by matching accessories with the finishing touch can we give full play to the effective role of accessories. For example, when we wear a simple solid color coat, we can decorate it with a long chain necklace, especially with a round neck coat. The lines of the neck can be made more slender by matching long chain necklaces.

Although this fashion blogger is 40 years old, she can’t see her real age at all. A simple black T-shirt with a long white dress is refreshing and natural, with a earth tone fisherman’s hat on her head, full of holiday style, and a taro purple shirt with basic white wide-leg shorts, which is fashionable and foreign.

The blogger’s figure is very good. Although he is over middle age, he has no difficulty in controlling this expansive color. A clean white dress with a woven straw hat is very suitable for taking pictures when he is on vacation at the seaside. The basic white shirt with denim shorts and flat-bottomed white shoes on his feet are clean and playful, and he can wear the effect of age reduction without bright colors.

Summary:After women are over 40 years old, they should not only wear clean and simple clothes, but also wear a decent feeling. If you can’t find a way to wear them, you might as well learn from the fashion blogger above, which is simple and easy to use, both feminine and playful.

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Summer wear # # Summer life punch season #

What is education? You will understand after reading these five points!

First, education is to squat down and talk to children. Education is to turn yourself into a child and turn the child into yourself.

In the journey of education, we often ignore an important detail, that is, the importance of equal dialogue with children. Squatting down to talk to children means that we should put down our posture and communicate with them in an equal manner. Only in this way can we truly understand their inner world and establish a close and trusting relationship.

Second, education is to listen to children’s voices.

Listening is an art and a kind of respect. In education, we should give children ample space to express themselves, listen to their voices and pay attention to their needs and ideas. Only by listening can we better understand children’s puzzles and problems and give them correct guidance and support.

Third, education is to let children become protagonists.

Every child is a unique individual, and they have their own interests, dreams and specialties. In education, we should respect children’s personality and make them the protagonists of learning. By stimulating their learning interest and potential, we can help them find their own advantages and values, thus cultivating confident, independent and creative individuals.

Fourth, education is companionship, not companionship.

Companionship is the most precious gift in education. In the process of children’s growth, we need to give them enough time and attention to share their happiness and difficulties with them. However, companionship is not only physical companionship, but also spiritual companionship. We should feel the emotional needs of children with our heart, give them warmth and support, and let them feel our love and care.

Fifth, education is to give children enough time to "think".

Children’s imagination is infinite, and their thinking often exceeds our imagination. In education, we should give children enough time to think and explore freely. Children can cultivate innovative thinking and problem-solving ability through "thinking in a whimsical way", thus laying a solid foundation for future development.

Education is a great cause, which concerns the growth and future of every child. It is necessary to create a loving and caring learning environment for children, so that they can thrive on the road of growth. Let’s work together to pave a bright road for the children’s future!

Third and fourth -tier personnel return, "rich people areas" housing prices rose against the trend, and three changes in the property market appeared

Because of the impact of epidemic and economic transformation, the population of third- and fourth -tier cities is flowing. Many of these migrant workers who returned from Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places are highly educated groups. In the golden area of ??third- and fourth -tier cities, they purchased houses in the "rich area", not only high -quality school district houses, but also supporting and greening are comparable to high -end houses in large cities. The houses in these high -end communities have risen first. Compared with other communities, the "hot island" effect appears, which is a lot higher than the surrounding house prices.

First, return home to snap up high -end houses

Many people who return home sell houses in big cities and buy a high -end house in their hometown. They can take their parents to live together. If you go back to the outside, you will have a place to settle in your hometown. Someone was affected by the mortgage of large cities. A loan of millions of dollars in a house made their lives and work suffer a lot of pressure. Buy a house in his hometown, and there are still funds in your hand to start a business or use it for daily life.

Second, the family replacement school house of the provident fund loan

Most families with provident fund loans are groups with stable income. Now many cities have increased the amount of provident fund loans and reduced down payment. They can buy a high -end house with a small amount of down payment. People who lived in the old town or high -rise houses were currently replacing high -quality school district houses. Therefore, high -end communities in third- and fourth -tier cities have recovered and rose against the trend, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding second -hand housing.

Third, the scarcity of resources and the superiority of the location

Most of the "rich people areas" in third- and fourth -tier cities are mature communities built by large -scale housing companies that have been stationed before. From design style to supporting facilities are first -class. Now, many large real estate companies are far from the third and fourth -tier property market. It is difficult for local small development companies to have such a large handwriting, so it is particularly popular. The "rich area" is not only high in house prices, but also the local group is also rich or expensive in the local area. Therefore, house prices do not worry about selling the road.

From the trend of the property market this year, it can be seen that the rise and fall of the same city is blurred. So many favorable introduction, most of the property market is still not shocked. There are three changes:

01, the population continues to flow, but the house price is very strong

The phenomenon of the population of third- and fourth -tier cities is very common, and most of them are going out to make a living. If you say that Anjia Real Estate, you will choose to return to his hometown to buy a building. After all, house prices in large cities are high, living costs and housing costs are also high, and they can’t afford it. Therefore, many people will come to buy a neighborhood with good money outside. After all, Ye Luo will be rooted in the future, and now he will be filial to pick up his parents to life in the city.

02, interest rates have been reduced sharply, but most people do not buy a house anymore

Recently, with the introduction of the measures and interest rates, although the property market has stabilized and selling the building without panic, the transaction is still unconventional. Many third- and fourth -tier cities have no imagination scenes, and buyers are silent. Many families already have plans to buy a house, and the down payment can be available, but they are still watching and waiting. High -end communities are relatively hot, many people can’t afford it, housing prices in other areas are also falling, and few people buy it.

03, the vacancy rate increases, but the speculators do not throw the house

At present, the vacancy rate of third- and fourth -tier cities has increased by up to 30%. Many families have unstable income because of the high cost of housing. Therefore, when they return to the countryside, the house cannot be sold. There are also couples who work in the field. The speculators and groups of real estate have good housing in their hands, do not rent nor sold, and have no throwing house. Perhaps there are fantasies about the future property market.

The old lady of Shanghai takes pensions to constitute a crime of fraud, proving that the pension white eater is a criminal act

#270,000 elderly golden cases open##

The truth of this fact is that from 2009 to 2015, the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, would abandon the husband who lost his ability to take care of his self -care in the hospital after paying some medical expenses during the hospitalization treatment, until the husband died alone. After the death of her husband, Qian still refused to go through the relevant procedures, and at the same time, he took the husband’s pension and accounted for himself.

On June 9, 2021, a case of fraud and abandonment of Qian, a public prosecution of the People’s Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai, was held in the Minhang District People’s Court.

The truth of the case is very clear.

Some people think that pensions are in the country, and the national Tang monk meat, all Chinese citizens can eat, all of which are desirable. Therefore, it is not believed that the old lady of Shanghai Qian Mou is a criminal act. This view is particularly popular in the small and fresh meat little beauties. Because the little fresh meat and the little beauty thinks that farmers are reasonable to eat white food, everyone can not pay a penny social security, and they can be sits to share the social security provers for decades.

However, the understanding of farmers is extreme errors.

In the basic composition of pensions, all pensions of social insurance forms should belong to the private property of citizens who pay social security, and they are not owned by the whole society. In the basic pension of the national welfare form, [also known as the pension subsidy], that is, the country’s money from the city taxpayer to the farmer, the other social benefits that belong to the country to the farmers to the elderly.

Compared with the former, although it is also called pension, it is actually very different in nature. That is to say, the essence of social maintenance money is the private property of citizens who pay social security. They use their labor income to take out a part of their salary every month to invest in their future pensions, like bank savings. But more advanced than banks, these social property from citizens is managed by the state and has absolute security and insurance stability. The basic pension [also known as the pension subsidy for white hair to the farmers], the source of funds is not the citizen of the social security, but from the city’s hundreds of millions of taxpayers. Do not bear the tax responsibilities and obligations that every citizen should have, and the one billion farmers have no longer contributed a penny to the national fiscal tax for seventeen years. Therefore, these money -sweats from urban taxpayers have been distributed to farmers through the hands of the country. The money does not have the nature of private property, but has a social welfare nature.

Understanding the above principles, I understand that the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, led her died of more than 270,000 yuan. The violent object was the private property of all social security citizens.

Similarly, those who do not pay a penny for social security, and those who have to pay the social security persons for decades of social security people are divided by farmers, which are those who eat white food selfish little fresh meat and little beauty. In fact Criminal behavior, they are public robbery, because their violations are the private property of the whole society who has paid social security for decades. But it is terrible that some people have committed guilty and do not know sin. Zhen Zhen has words that he is the savior of the peasant. He has called for robbery and plundering under the banner of speaking for farmers. As criminals, they have gone far enough on the road of illegal.

These pension articles videos are full of headlines. This fully shows that a large number of cyber criminals are active on the media network. They attempted to learn ancient bandits and live on the wealth of others by robbing others.

The opening of the old lady in Shanghai should let the small and fresh meat and little beauties who advocated robbery to calm the rational and rational girls. Please do not go further and further on the road of crime.

Wild fishing, you can’t catch big fish, do you make the same mistake?

Wild fishing, you can’t catch big fish, do you make the same mistake?

Everyone basically knows what wild fishing is. The simple understanding is that in addition to artificial cultivation ponds, we can fish in the water in the natural environment. We collectively referred to as wild fishing.

Although wild fishing is better in environmental and quality than artificial breeding. Perhaps it tastes much better in taste.

However, because of the wide area, the density of the fish is relatively poor, and the hook rate is far less than that of the pond.

Therefore, wild fishing wants to catch big fish in the rare environment of its own fish, so we must pay attention to the following points:

Share with everyone here, I hope to help fishermen.

The fish in the wild is more vigilant than the home -raising fish. After all, the alert fish with low vigilance has been fishing.

With a little movement around, the fish will be scared away, and the courage is particularly small.

So, if we want to catch big fish, we must stay away from the crowd, traffic, and find a place with less noise or no noise.

Set your phone to mute, and speak softly to speak, maintain a certain silence, and use tools when making nests, such as the nesting device.

Some fishermen are in the mood of being eager to catch fish in order to miss any wind and grass, and adjust their sensitivity high.

But knowing that you ca n’t eat hot tofu, in fact, this is a do not lose money. It is because it is too sensitive. If you just move, you will mistake you to think that there is a fish hook, which will cause frequent rods. This will definitely affect fishing. It will definitely affect fishing. Caused fish to be counterproductive, so sometimes it cannot be tuned too sensitive.

In order to make the effect of the fish attracting the fish, most fishermen will add some atomized materials to the bait.

Make the atomization more three -dimensional and highlight. In fact, there is no problem with fishing fish in this way. If it is used to catch big fish, it will have some effects.

Because the effect of atomization has increased, there are more small miscellaneous fish, and the bait is eaten by the small fish, and the big fish will not come over.

When the fish speaks, it is difficult to know. Some people with acute children will constantly change bait and want the fish to eat.

There is a problem. If you keep changing the bait, it will cause the fish to be vigilant. The fish is not stupid. If you change it, it will cause the fish to not speak, and the big fish will not be available. Try to avoid using this type. The bait.

In order to avoid this situation, we can spray a few times when we bait.

Because Qi Muyu is very rich in lure fish.

Especially in freshwater fish, many hormones, fish steroids, and multiple vitamins are added with freshwater fish. After the fish smells the taste, it will appetite and increase appetite.

Even when the fish itself is not hungry, the fish will have the desire to eat.

There is also a very good role in leaving fish. This taste will be kept in the water for a long time, and it will not disperse.

It can effectively attract big fish and improve the hit rate.

No matter what bait you use, it is more taboo to change frequently, raising the pole.

However, in terms of cost -effectiveness or quality, Qi Mu high -carbon pole fishing. Will reduce a certain loss for you.

Qi Mu’s high carbon pole is really friendly to fishing friends. Material is made of high -tonnage carbon cloth. It holds lighter in hand, has a good waist strength, and is not easy to break.

I don’t lose the brand in my hand, even if it is fishing for a day, it won’t be tired. Whether the big fish or the small fish can catch it in seconds.

Qi Mu’s high carbon pole belongs to a comprehensive rod of 28, which can adapt to a variety of venues, light texture, easy to carry, fashionable appearance, and basically cannot run after the fish hooks. It is a good fishing rod.

The above -mentioned precautions must be clearly understood. These issues will have more chances of making mistakes in novices. As for some fishermen who live in fishing ground for a long time, they can be used as a reference. After all, everyone’s habits are different. Make copy, randomly strain according to the actual situation.

Also, as a fellow fishing fellow, we should remember mistakes and change flexibly. We should do fishing for fishing.

After we get a big harvest, we can release some, instead of taking away all the brains. This will not only destroy the ecological environment, but also affect the harvest of fishing in the future.

Everyone can be able to release appropriately, so I think every harvest can be rich.

The most important point is that we must take away the garbage when we fish, because everyone is responsible for the environment.

During fishing, garbage everywhere will also affect our mood and the harvest of fishing.

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