Q & A responded to the online query: Huawei has invested more than 1,000 people in the R & D team, and the load-bearing capacity of the new M7 model exceeds 630kg.

On September 22nd, AITO asked the car to respond to a series of previous online inquiries, mainly focusing on space performance, chassis suspension, and safety.

IT Home with a summary: According to the "Electric Planet" report, a Li Auto staff member recommended his own L7 model and asked the world for a series of "popular science" for "friendly products".Questioned the performance of the development of the M7 non-new platform, the "oil-to-electricity" model, the suspension chassis, shock absorbers, and ultimate load-bearing

The response from the interrogator is as follows:

Congratulations to the Super League! The two giants confirmed their continued investment and shattered the rumors of dissolution! The Football Association can rest assured.

The financial difficulties of China Football Super League have always been a topic of great concern. In recent years, the Super League has been hit by a serious economic crisis, which has led to the situation that some clubs have to be dissolved. This situation once triggered people’s concerns about the future development of the Super League.

However, in the latest news, two established clubs, Shanghai Harbour and Beijing Guoan, gave a positive reply, saying that they will continue to invest money for the team and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition. This is undoubtedly an exciting news, but also let the China Football Association breathe a sigh of relief.

As China football clubs with a long history and great reputation, Shanghai Port and Guoan have been reported to be unstable in operation and possibly even dissolved in the past few years. This series of rumors has further weakened people’s problems about the sustainable development of the Chinese Super League.

However, it seems that Shanghai and Guoan have not given up their responsibilities. According to relevant reports, the parent companies behind the two clubs have made it clear that they will continue to invest and support the team’s operation. This decision not only shows the courage and confidence of the two giant clubs, but also adds a touch of bright color to the future of the Chinese Super League.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Zhonghe, the parent company of Beijing Guoan Club. Although the company faces a huge deficit, it has no intention of quitting the club. This shows that China and China have a deep understanding of football and its influence, and are willing to shoulder their responsibilities in it. Similarly, no organization has proposed the intention of transferring Guoan Club.

Of course, in today’s economic situation, many enterprises are under pressure and challenges, and the football industry is no exception. Compared with the past, Shanghai and Zhonghe may invest less in the club. However, this can’t hide their contributions in supporting the development of strong teams and ensuring the treatment of players.

In fact, with the joint efforts of China Football Association and other relevant stakeholders, in recent years, Super League has taken a series of measures to solve the financial difficulties and gradually promote the professional development. For example, increase marketing efforts and introduce more business partners. These measures have provided more development opportunities for the Super League and injected new vitality into the club.

Generally speaking, although the Chinese Super League has experienced some financial difficulties and dissolution rumors in recent years, the decisions of Shanghai and Guoan once again prove that the giant clubs have deep feelings and responsibilities for China football. They will continue to invest and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition, which brings infinite expectations to people. Similarly, with the joint efforts of all parties, I believe that the Chinese Super League can overcome difficulties, develop continuously and make greater achievements.

Extended topic: In addition to the economic problems faced by the Super League, there are a series of issues related to football in China that deserve our attention. The first is the construction of youth training system. How to cultivate more outstanding young players is one of the long-standing problems in China football. Only through a sound and efficient youth training system can we ensure the future worship strength of China football.

Secondly, the adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy. In recent years, it has played an important role in introducing overseas top stars to improve the level of domestic professional leagues. But equally, whether the restrictions on the amount and salary of foreign aid are reasonable has always been a controversial topic. What kind of policies should be adopted to balance the competitive relationship between domestic players and foreign aid, which can not only improve the level of the league, but also do no harm to the development of local players.

To sum up, there is still great potential to be tapped in the development of China football market. In recent years, top European clubs have marched into China, and made active attempts in business operation and brand promotion. How to further expand the scale of the football industry and increase the profit model has also become an important proposition.

Generally speaking, in the context of solving the financial difficulties, the continued investment of super league giants has brought hope to people. However, in addition, China football still needs to be reformed and innovated from many levels. Only by developing and expanding in all aspects can we realize the historical mission that the "green field" should shoulder in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

Youth training system construction: China football has been seeking to improve its international competitiveness, and a sound youth training system is indispensable. China football needs to invest more resources to train young players and provide them with high-quality training and competition opportunities to ensure that more local stars will emerge in the future. This may require improving infrastructure, hiring more professional coaches, and cooperating with schools to train football teenagers.

Adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy: foreign aid has played a key role in improving the level of the league, but it has also caused some controversy. China Football Association needs to carefully weigh the amount and salary of foreign aid to ensure that domestic players have enough opportunities to participate in the competition and promote the growth of local players. This may require more attractive policies to attract international stars to play in China and encourage clubs to train more local young players.

Football market development: China football market has great potential, but it needs further development. More and more international football clubs have realized the value of China market, but China football can also expand the scale of football industry in various ways, including developing football tourism, promoting football education and providing more entertainment activities. This will help to improve the popularity and attractiveness of the Super League.

Cooperation and win-win: The problem of football in China needs the cooperation of all parties. Government, Football Association, clubs, fans and enterprises can all play a role in promoting the development of football in China. Partnership, investment and common vision will help solve financial problems and other challenges.

To sum up, China football faces a series of challenges, but it also has great opportunities. The commitment of the super league clubs has brought a glimmer of light to China football, but to achieve sustained success, we need to carry out reforms and innovations in many aspects, including youth training, foreign aid policies, market development and the establishment of cooperative partnerships. Only through all-round efforts can China football realize its ambition and realize the historical mission of football in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

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Bama Tea won the first place in paying taxes for Wuyi Rock Tea and Anxi Tieguanyin origin tea enterprises for four consecutive years.

Recently, according to the tax payment certificates provided by Wuyishan Municipal Government and Anxi County Government of Fujian Province, in 2023, Bama Tea Industry became the first tax payer of tea enterprises in the two places respectively. This means that Bama Tea has won the first place in the tax payment of tea enterprises from Tieguanyin, Anxi for 11 consecutive years, and the second place in the tax payment of Wuyi Rock Tea and Tieguanyin, two oolong tea enterprises from Anxi for 4 consecutive years.

△ Bama Tea won the first place in the tax payment of Wuyi Rock Tea and Anxi Tieguanyin origin tea enterprises for four consecutive years.

Wang Wenli, chairman of Bama Tea Industry, once said that using "double taxation crown" as a signboard is actually using integrity as a signboard. From the perspective of double taxation, it is not difficult to see that Bama Tea insists on feeding back the origin with honest management and promoting the long-term healthy development of China tea industry.

The mission of China tea benchmarking enterprise with double first tax payment for four consecutive years.

In 2023, "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy" was issued, which mentioned that it is necessary to guide private enterprises to continuously improve the quality of development and promote the private economy to become bigger, better and stronger.

As a leader of private enterprises, Bama Tea Industry pays taxes according to law, which is one of the manifestations of its practice of honest management and its active commitment to the feelings of home and country and social responsibility of head tea enterprises.

Walking into more than 3,200 stores in Bama tea industry all over the country, you can see the golden sign of "double taxation first". Taking honesty and paying taxes as the letter in business is a concrete action for enterprises to serve the country, which just embodies the "positive" values of Bama tea industry. On the road of industrial revitalization, paying taxes will feed back the origin, continuously inject vitality and upgrading into the tea industry, and empower China tea to develop with high quality.

On the other hand, it has been able to achieve the double first place in tax payment for the two major oolong tea enterprises for four consecutive years, which also reflects the high industry recognition and core market position of Bama tea industry.

Empowering rural revitalization with "enterprise", building a new development path based on good tea of origin

The Bama tea industry, which has always been deeply involved in the development of the producing areas, actively responded to the national major policies, just conforming to the wave of the times. In fact, on the road of implementing the overall development of "three teas", Bama tea industry’s efforts go far beyond paying taxes in good faith according to law, and more importantly, it explores multi-dimensional solutions for the tea industry to empower rural revitalization through initiatives such as opening competitions, building industrial parks, building platforms, and opening channels.

△ In 2023, Bama Tea Industry Wuyi Rock Tea Wang Sai received more than 6,000 samples, far ahead of similar local events.

Up to now, Bama Tea Industry has been deeply involved in the "Double Crown and Double Tea Wang Sai" for four consecutive years, and has invested over 30 million yuan to hold the Tea King Competition, rewarding tea farmers and tea enterprises to make good tea. It has become a phenomenal event that leads tea farmers to improve their tea-making skills and the trend of tea consumption market.

Relying on the competition to empower the tea producing areas, Bama tea industry further sank its origin, and opened factories in Anxi and Wuyishan, two core oolong tea producing areas, to explore the upgrading path of modern smart tea gardens. Among them, Bama Wuyishan Intelligent Ecological Industrial Park, which was just put into operation not long ago, is a large-scale tea industry complex integrating Wuyi tea production and processing, experience sightseeing, scientific research and training, which not only promotes the high-quality development of local tea industry, but also provides a strong boost for rural revitalization in Wuyishan area.

△ Seventh Generation Intelligent Production Line of Bama Wuyishan Intelligent Ecological Industrial Park

As a representative of the national tea brand, Bama Tea Industry has also practiced the concept of "helping farmers with tea" nationwide, built a direct bridge between tea farmers in producing areas and market consumers, and built a value-creating open platform for the participation of tea farmers and tea enterprises. Continue to "hematopoietic" for tea-producing areas and continue to contribute "eight horses" to rural revitalization.

High-quality exploration of developing national tea brands by resonance in the same frequency era

With the prosperity of tea in the country, along with the trend of industrial extension driven by the spirit of "the belt and road initiative", the layout of China tea has already extended to the whole world. The Bama tea industry, which actively conforms to the general trend of the times and develops resonantly, is at the forefront of the layout of tea in China.

Since the beginning of 2023, on the one hand, Bama Tea has appeared in international events at home and abroad several times, actively practicing the spirit of building a "the belt and road initiative" and helping great countries to have tea talks; On the other hand, he was invited to appear at the United Nations Headquarters, the China Embassy in the United States, and the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and held the global tasting of high-end China tea in South Africa, the Republic of San Marino, Italy, Switzerland and other countries. At the same time, Bama Tea Industry has built an Italian-Italian tea wine culture promotion center, entered the North American market strongly … and expanded the market breadth of China tea in multiple dimensions. Pass the power of China tea brand to the world again and again, and set off the China tea craze sweeping the world.

△ During the International Tea Day in 2023, Bama Tea was invited to represent China Tea at FAO, and Bama Tea was praised by guests from many countries.

In the new stage of "the belt and road initiative" entering high-quality co-construction, from China tea to world tea, Bama tea industry has been constantly exploring the development of tea brands, practicing the path of breaking the national tea brand upgrade and construction. Its implementation of honest management and tax payment, its cultivation of the development of energy-producing areas, and its strategy of promoting China tea to go abroad have all merged into an excellent example of the high-quality development of tea brands in China today.






The female figure is humiliating, and this stalk sucks.

"S is thin, M is beautiful, L is rotten, XL is rotten, and XXL is rotten." There is also a small line on the size table, "Only for girls aged 18-35, please consult customer service first according to your figure". Recently, a suggested size table for women’s wear in RT Mart shopping malls caused controversy. In response, its official Weibo statement said that improper wording in publicity materials would strengthen internal management to ensure that such incidents would not happen again.

To be honest, I thought it was a spoof at first. I can’t figure out how a publicity board full of malice towards women got green light all the way to the wall. Wen Wenjun, who thinks that playing homophonic terrier is very humorous, used just two lines to account for all the discrimination against women’s age, gender and figure, and there is really no one.

According to the clothing size, the female compatriots, who account for three fifths of all women, are all in the queue of "worse than bad". Also coincides with the "Double Eleven" period, so the IQ and EQ are not online, offending the gold owners and sisters who are the main force of "buy buy Buy". I’m afraid this business will really be "broken up".

It’s 2020, but the mainstream aesthetic of women still stays on the long legs with black silk. Every once in a while, there are female stars who are hung up on hot search because of their "expansion". It seems that women can only be equated with self-discipline if they are white, young and thin, chopsticks legs, A4 waist and paper people.

Even actress Gong Li, who was named "Gong Huang" by the domestic entertainment circle, was not spared. In August this year, a street photo of Gong Li and her husband caused a heated discussion among netizens. In the photo, Gong Huang wore a pink floral dress, and the whole person looked natural and graceful. However, in the netizen’s message, the words "the waist of the bucket is full of fat, and the unicorn arm is raised" are still very heartfelt.

Top female artists who are over 50 years old and internationally renowned have to be humiliated by their bodies. It also makes female compatriots realize that in the world ruled by deformed aesthetics, women never seem to escape the fate of being examined, evaluated and humiliated by their bodies.

A female star in the spotlight should take a scale with her when eating a meal. If you eat a little fat, you will be ridiculed by the whole network. Some people argue that the harshness of actresses’ figure has industry particularity, because they belong to the representatives of traffic and attention. You can think about it carefully. Is being fat or thin the only criterion to judge an artist’s quality? Don’t you see, how many red flowers are there, and there is a good skin, but I don’t know where the face value is higher than acting. After many years of debut, acting will only be silly and sweet.

Not only stars, but also ordinary women are kidnapped by the abnormal aesthetic of "one fat destroys everything", which is both a victim and a perpetrator. Under the single aesthetic effect of being thin and young, the standard of beauty becomes thin and thin again.

The popular "BM style" this summer, the once popular "A4 waist", "keeping goldfish on the clavicle" and "touching the navel with the backhand" all made the "fat girl" feel ashamed. In order to become beautiful, some girls go to great lengths to soak in Chili water, induce vomiting, and even shrink their stomachs to lose weight. Others are addicted to plastic surgery, leaving serious sequelae.

It’s easy to get rid of the brand of "XXL corresponding to’ broken’" in shopping malls, but it’s difficult to break the hidden rules of female body humiliation.

The beauty of women should not be confined to the standards defined by others. Beauty is a lot of money. Only by establishing healthier and diversified aesthetic standards can women have more self-confidence, not be shackled by the standard of "white and thin", accept the traces left by years and love their bodies, live high.

At this year’s "Talk Show Conference", a remark made by star agent Yang Naizhen is worth reflecting-"Girls should not be defined by standards, there is no standardized beauty and ugliness, just like yourself."

Let more women stop criticizing themselves for the eyes of strangers, have the right to health and beauty, and break the shackles of stereotypes and concepts. There is still a lot that the whole society needs to do. Let’s start with something like "XXL corresponds to’ breaking up’".

Source: The Paper.

Scientific movement, protect your heart.

According to the latest China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2021 released by the National Cardiovascular Center,Two out of every five deaths due to illness in China died of cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiac rehabilitation is an important means to treat stable cardiovascular diseases and prevent recurrent cardiovascular events. Therefore, it is imperative to fully understand the role of scientific exercise in promoting cardiovascular health and actively carry out cardiac rehabilitation.

A simple analogy:The heart is as important to the human body as the engine is to all kinds of machines and needs regular maintenance.Cardiac rehabilitation is like guiding everyone to use and maintain this engine of human body, ensuring the vitality of the engine, thus improving the quality of life.

Who needs cardiac rehabilitation?

A large number of studies have shown that exercise is beneficial to cardiovascular health.Healthy people and sub-healthy people can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events by developing active and scientific exercise habits.

Exercise mode:You can choose moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, that is, a rhythmic exercise type that uses large muscle groups of the whole body.Such as swimming, cycling, running and skipping rope.

Tip 1:Everyone’s basal heart rate and peak heart rate vary greatly. For women over 50 years old, men over 40 years old and patients with weak health, an in-depth heart examination should be done before starting exercise rehabilitation."Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test"It can measure everyone’s anaerobic threshold heart rate and peak heart rate, and at the same time, it can more accurately determine the "warning line" of the maximum heart rate during exercise, and judge the heart rate interval corresponding to different exercise intensities.

Tip 2:People who don’t exercise for a long time should followstep by stepThe principle, let the heart and blood vessels gradually adapt, beware of excessive fatigue to increase the risk of cardiovascular events, but also avoid joint muscle damage.

Tip 3:Overweight people should adopt a combination of nutrition and exercise.Controlling energy intake is a necessary means to lose weight, but excessive control of energy will reduce lean body weight (fat-free body weight, the weight of other body components except fat). It is suggested that overweight people lose 5% ~ 10% weight within 6 ~ 12 months. Overweight people need longer aerobic exercise to consume fat, and the recommended aerobic exercise time is 45 ~ 60 minutes. Resistance training can consume more energy. It is better to combine aerobic exercise with resistance exercise.

After the winter, some sports-related sudden deaths have attracted people’s attention, especially the sudden death of young employees of a company in Shanghai outside the gym, which makes people feel awkward. Studies have confirmed that lack of exercise or unreasonable exercise are important factors leading to cardiovascular events. Here are some special precautions about "protecting the heart" in the scientific movement:

oneIf you have chest pain, dizziness, overwork, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting and irregular pulse during exercise,Exercise should be stopped immediately.The above symptoms still persist after stopping exercise, especially after stopping exercise for 5 ~ 6 minutes, the heart rate still increases, so you should seek medical advice in time.

2The elderly should choose moderate and low intensity exercise and appropriately increase daily physical activity; You can also carry out traditional rehabilitation training such as Tai Ji Chuan and Baduanjin.The exercise time is relatively shortened or prolonged according to the degree of fatigue,The general exercise duration is 30 ~ 60 minutes/day.

threePatients who are weak in the early stage after cardiac surgery can start with breathing training. Respiratory training can prevent pulmonary complications, promote sputum discharge, effectively increase vital capacity and improve lung function. Adopt abdominal breathing mode, that is, the abdomen bulges after inhaling the nose and adducts after exhaling.When exercising, you can inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, take a deep breath and try to prolong the breathing time.The practice of lip-shrinking and exhaling is also an important part of breathing training. It emphasizes that when inhaling, breathe in slowly through the nose, and breathe out after holding your breath a little (similar to blowing candles). The ratio of inhalation time to exhalation time is 1: 2. 10 times per group, 5 groups per day. Some low-intensity exercises, such as walking and limb training, start with 10 minutes/time, 2 ~ 3 times a day, and then gradually increase to the target amount of exercise.

fourNo matter what kind of exercise,The intensity of exercise needs to start from a low intensity,When the individual gradually adapts, he will gradually increase to the target exercise intensity for exercise.

Source: Popular Health magazine

Author: Fan Denghuang, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Audit: Expert of National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Wang Fang, chief physician, Department of Cardiology, Beijing Hospital

Planning: Wu Weihong Tan Jia

Editor: Yu Yunxi

48 hours have passed, why haven’t the community unblocked yet?Shanghai Jinshan response

Recently, some netizens asked at the "I Jinshan" WeChat public account of "I Jinshan" in the Jinshan District Rong Media Center, Shanghai, and asked: "Xiaobian, Xiaobian, 48 hours have passed, why hasn’t the community notified notification?"

In this regard, "I Jinshan" replied: "The region management and control investigation is a dynamic adjustment process, and it is not said that it will be automatically unblocked in the community in 48 hours. Only when all personnel in the region control the community have been detected twice within 48 hours, and the resultIt is normal. After the comprehensive research and judgment of the previous epidemic prevention and control department can be issued, the unblocking instruction can be issued. Once the nucleic acid test results in the region are controlled abnormal, the control time will be extended accordingly. "

"I Jinshan" added: "The number of nucleic acid detection has soared in the near future, and the test report time is relatively prolonged, which affects the time and control time. The current situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated.The principle of less contact and less gathering "promotes home online office."