Running away from Baidu, he became a scientist and entrepreneur! Zeng said that scientists should start their business from the future.

From scientist to entrepreneur, Yu Kai is not the first person to "run away" in the field of artificial intelligence.

Despite the previous achievements in scientific research, joining in entrepreneurship means facing the reality of bone feeling.

In March 2015, Yu Kai said in an interview: "If a business can get the resources it deserves to do what it wants, then choose to start a business; If you join a big platform and have more resources to do one thing, then join a big platform. " Sure enough, three months after that, he left Baidu and founded Horizon.

Yu Kai

From the initial "no one pays the bill" to October this year, Horizon successfully won the investment of 2.4 billion euros from Volkswagen, setting the largest single investment record for Volkswagen in the past 40 years, and establishing a joint venture company with audi ag’s software company. The transformation of Yu Kai’s identity can be described as unsuccessful.

Before becoming the founder of Horizon, Yu Kai’s label was the top international scholar in the field of machine learning and the main promoter of deep learning technology in China. His published papers were cited more than 20,000 times, and he won the silver award for the best paper in ICML-2013 International Machine Learning Conference. He himself also served as the domain chairman of ICML and NIPS, two major conferences of machine learning.

Yu Kai’s achievements in the academic field go far beyond this.

NEC Research Institute of the United States was once one of the major centers of international machine learning research. During his tenure, Yu Kai established a highly prestigious technology research and development team in Silicon Valley. This team is one of the earliest and most active teams in the field of deep learning in the world. A series of technologies led and developed by him have pushed image object recognition to a new level worldwide, and won many international famous awards.

After joining Baidu in 2012, the voice technology team, deep learning technology team and image technology team led by Yu Kai won the "Baidu’s highest award" three times in succession, creating records of various technical and business teams within Baidu.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yu Kai at that time, both academically and professionally, was smooth sailing.

But at this time, he chose to start a business.

Yu Kai’s reason is straightforward: "In the past three years, what I have done at Baidu is to promote artificial intelligence in the cloud. But I think there will be a bigger trend in the next few years that I have to do: from artificial intelligence in the cloud to artificial intelligence around everyone. "

Therefore, Yu Kai, who has always believed in "doing things is the most important thing", founded Beijing Horizon Information Technology Co., Ltd. in July 2015, focusing on edge computing in the field of artificial intelligence.

From the moment the company was founded, in his own words: First of all, I will forget that I am a scientist more and more.

To be a scientist, you can put the mainexperienceDo research and write papers, but as an entrepreneur, you should focus more on business and customer needs.

Yu Kai has always wanted to grasp some "truth" things in this process, for example, things that can really create long-term value. With this idea in mind, at the beginning of Horizon’s establishment, he played the slogan of "making brains for machines", and avoided the edge of the field giants, took the edge computing route, and insisted on making AI chips.

It was really hard at first.

When recalling the initial stage of starting a business and determining the development direction, Yu Kai mentioned: At that time, we were predicting a far future, a future that might take 20 years as its dimension. From computers to smart phones, and beyond, what is a bigger computing platform than these? At that time, they were sure,beRobot computing platform. AI chip is the indispensable key to realize this calculation.

Now that we hear about AI chips, it’s needless to say its importance. But when Horizon was founded, not every investor could understand the "blueprint" in Yu Kai’s eyes. As a direct result, the horizon was once unsustainable. Until smart cars become "robots"calculate"The first and biggest landing scene at present, everyone began to understand that Yu Kai had bet on it.

In 2020, smart cars ushered in an outbreak period. As a result, there is a global "lack of core" in the automotive industry.question.

A chip with excellent computing power, like a smart brain, can accurately control the behavior of the vehicle. A series of functions, such as environmental awareness, route planning, driving assistance and so on, advertised by smart cars all need to rely on chips to be realized.

This is also consistent with what Yu Kai has always wanted to do. He has always believed that the real significance of artificial intelligence is not to survive and develop as the opposite of human life, but to support people’s decision-making and enhance their ability. Once the smart car scene is broken down, this ability will definitely spill over to others.floatApplication scenario of robot.

In August 2019, Horizon announced the mass production of China’s first car-class AI chip "Journey 2";

In September 2020, Horizon officially launched the AI chip "Journey 3";

In July, 2021, Horizon released "Journey 5", a high-performance and large-computing, full-scene intelligent central computing chip for the whole vehicle.


Yu Kai once said, "The course of a scientist’s entrepreneurship is not based on business opportunities,FromStart in the future. "

This cooperation between Horizon and Volkswagen may be the next future in Yu Kai’s plan.

New NBA season East team record ranking forecast: 76 people topped the list, and Pacers continued to rot.

1,76 people (one of the favourites to win the championship. If Harris performs better, he will still have the strength to win the first place)

2. Bucks (every year is not bad, Brother Alphabet has evolved again, and his performance is still excellent, but the first three problems are not serious)

3, Cavaliers (Garland is excellent, Mitchell’s joining is worth looking forward to)

4, Celtics (last season’s runner-up, Rex Rabbit Brown just needs to be steady)

5. Eagle (Blowing Yang Murray cappella, the combination of the new Big Three, is quite optimistic about this young man Okongwu)

6, Bulls (Azan’s middle distance is steady, Raven’s play is the factor that determines the team’s upper limit, and there is definitely no problem in the playoffs)

7. Nets (Durant Owen is full of strength and appreciation, but the Nets defense is slightly poor, and there is no good chemical reaction. Simmons’ shooting is really worrying. I hope the Nets can fight for some gas this season)

8. The Heat (Rebahiro is steady every game, and there are the star Butler and veteran Lori. Although they don’t like Butler’s way, the Heat can’t be underestimated)

9, Raptors (maybe many people think that Raptors are given a low price, but this is the position of Raptors in my heart. I don’t think Raptors are fierce and will definitely play the play-offs)

10, Knicks (Barrett is gradually growing up, Miro’s inside line is also playing well, and flattening is also full of impact)

11. Wizards (the contract is a bit bigger than the boss’s, and if Poseidon is in good condition, he can enter the play-offs)

12. Hornets (it shouldn’t have been this position, and at worst, it would have played a play-off. Unfortunately, bridges can’t play, and three goals have just been injured. It’s estimated that this season is a waste)

13. Magic (Banchero has great potential, and Cole Anthony and Wagner are playing more and more mature, but they are still too young to compete with most teams, but they may play a few good games by the impact of youth)

14. Pacers (On the 6th show, Marceline did play OK, and Turner’s ability value showed a downward trend. Let’s compete for zebra this season)

15. Pistons (bagley is injured, Sadikbe is OK but unstable. Personally, I think Cunningham has a little water, which is far from Hanako’s, and it is not like the second place in the current session)

What do you think of the ranking in the East in the new season? Welcome to discuss in the comment area.