Henan province introduces 19 measures to support major new infrastructure buildings

  Shanghai Securities Daily China Securities Network News, according to the Henan Provincial People’s Government on August 4, the General Office of the Henan Provincial People’s Government issued the "Several Policies for Supporting Major New Infrastructure buildings in Henan Province", proposing a total of 19 measures in six aspects, including consolidating and upgrading the status of information and communication hubs, accelerating the construction of central computing power highlands, and promoting the deep empowerment of integrated infrastructure.

  Specifically, the "Several Policies" propose to establish a computing power platform operation and settlement sharing mechanism with "computing power coupons" as the core, and issue "computing power coupons" with a total scale of not more than 50 million yuan each year. Support enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to use the national supercomputing Zhengzhou Center, artificial intelligence computing centers with a computing power scale of 100P FLOPS (floating point operations per second) or more, and data centers with more than 1,000 standard racks. Reward 20% of the cost of using computing power resources, and each user unit will enjoy an annual reward of not more than 1 million yuan "computing power coupons". The required funds will be shared by the provincial and municipal finances in a ratio of 1:1.

  In terms of increasing the intensity of intelligent charging infrastructure building, the "Several Policies" propose that the land for charging infrastructure be included in the scope of land for urban public facilities business outlets, and support the construction of public charging stations by means of reconstruction and expansion of existing refueling (gas) stations; in accordance with the land supply mode of refueling (gas) stations, priority is given to the construction land for charging stations along national and provincial highways; in addition to supplying land in accordance with the way of transfer, all localities are encouraged to provide land in the form of state-owned construction land use rights as capital or shares, and cooperate with social capital to build charging infrastructure.

  The full text is as follows:

  Henan province supports several policies for major new infrastructure buildings

  In order to accelerate the construction of a high-level new infrastructure system and effectively support the high-quality economic and social development of the province, the following policies are formulated.

  First, consolidate and enhance the status of information and communication hubs

  1. Continuously promote network infrastructure building. Support basic telecommunications enterprises to continue to expand Zhengzhou’s national-level Internet backbone direct connection point transmission network, improve inter-provincial special lines, optical cables and other network facilities, and improve the quality of network interconnection with provinces and cities where the national hub node of the national integrated computing power network is located. Zhengzhou’s national-level Internet backbone direct connection point has an annual expansion of more than 300G of interconnection bandwidth, and each interconnection unit will be given a one-time reward of 2 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Provincial Communications Administration, Department of Finance)

  2. Strive to create a national-level new Internet exchange center. Support Zhengzhou City to establish a national-level new Internet exchange center, and provide guarantees in terms of capital subsidies, staffing, office space, etc. In accordance with relevant national construction review requirements and regulations, provide corresponding policy support. (Responsible units: Zhengzhou Municipal Government, Provincial Communications Administration, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Party Committee Organization, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

  Second, accelerate the construction of the central computing power highlands

  3. Support computing power applications. Establish a computing power platform operation and settlement sharing mechanism with "computing power vouchers" as the core, and issue "computing power vouchers" with a total scale of not more than 50 million yuan per year. Support enterprises, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to use the national supercomputing Zhengzhou Center, artificial intelligence computing centers with a computing power scale of 100P FLOPS (floating point operations per second) or more, and data centers with more than 1,000 standard racks. Reward 20% of the cost of computing power resources. Each user unit enjoys an annual reward of not more than 1 million yuan "computing power vouchers". The required funds are shared by the provincial and municipal finances in a ratio of 1:1. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department)

  4. Promote the construction of green data centers. For new data centers with a PUE (power usage efficiency) of less than 1.3, or existing data centers with an annual PUE reduction of more than 0.01 (or equivalent power savings of more than 1.50 million kWh), each TCE-metal rack in use will be given no more than 1,000 yuan per year. Among them, the park-level data center PUE is calculated in units of single machine rooms in the park, and the required funds will be shared by the provincial and municipal finance in a ratio of 1:1. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration, Finance Department, Power Company)

  5. Support the construction of industrial data centers. For new national or regional data centers in transportation, industry, water conservancy and other fields recognized by the state, a one-time reward of no more than 5 million yuan will be given. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance)

  6. Support the construction of energy storage facilities for computing power infrastructure. Encourage supercomputing centers, smart computing centers, new data centers, etc. to configure energy storage facilities according to local conditions to improve power self-balancing capabilities; for the construction of energy storage facilities with a scale of more than 1,000 kWh, the provincial finance will give a one-time reward. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration, Finance Department)

  III. Deeply empowering integrated infrastructure

  7. Support the construction of smart transportation. Combined with provincial financial resources, appropriate subsidies will be given to new smart transportation projects such as smart high-speed, smart ports and shipping, and multimodal transportation. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Transportation)

  8. Increase the intensity of intelligent charging infrastructure building. Include charging infrastructure land into the scope of urban public utility business outlets, support existing refueling (gas) stations to build public charging stations through reconstruction, expansion, etc.; in accordance with the land supply model of refueling (gas) stations, give priority to the construction land of charging stations along national and provincial highways; in addition to supplying land in accordance with the transfer method, encourage all localities to provide land in the form of state-owned construction land use rights or shares, and cooperate with social capital to build charging infrastructure. For newly built special charging facilities in public service fields such as public transportation, sanitation, logistics, and commuting, and new public charging facilities along expressway service areas, national (provincial) roads, and intercity expressways, provincial financial awards will be given according to 30% or 40% of the total investment in main charging equipment. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Transportation, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Electric Power Company)

  9. Speed up the construction of secondary nodes for industrial Internet identification analysis. For the construction units of new nodes, post-subsidies of no more than 1 million yuan will be given according to a certain proportion of the actual investment in software and hardware. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Communications Administration, Finance Department)

  IV. Breakthrough development of major innovation infrastructure

  10. Support major science and technology infrastructure building. For projects included in the annual plan of major science and technology infrastructure building in the province, investment subsidies will be given according to the actual construction situation according to the principle of "one matter, one discussion, shared responsibility among provinces and cities". (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission)

  11. Strengthen the pre-research of major scientific and technological infrastructure. Coordinate funds to support forward-looking leading, strategic-oriented, application-supporting and other major scientific and technological infrastructure to carry out key technology research, and provide sufficient technical and engineering reserves for project construction. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department)

  12. Promote the sharing and sharing of provincial major scientific and technological infrastructure. Support provincial major scientific and technological infrastructure to open up innovative resources such as device platforms, instruments and equipment, scientific data to the society, use provincial innovation ecological support special project funds, and provide subsidies to management units with excellent performance appraisal and eligible users according to the amount of shared and open services. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance)

  13. Promote the transformation of major scientific and technological infrastructure achievements. Use the provincial innovation ecology to support special project funds to promote the transformation of technological achievements formed by major scientific and technological infrastructure in the province; encourage relying on universities and scientific research institutes in the province to build major scientific and technological infrastructure, and implement technology transfer and transformation in Henan. A maximum of 10% of the post-subsidy will be given according to the turnover of the previous year’s technology contract, and each unit will not exceed 1 million yuan per year. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance)

  14. Support the construction of laboratories, "smart islands" and other facilities. For provincial laboratories laid out at the provincial level, according to actual needs, support for start-up fees and R & D funds during the construction period; for provincial laboratories established under the leadership of local governments, a certain amount of R & D subsidies will be given according to the investment of local governments; if the operating company issues corporate bonds for financing, a discount subsidy of up to 30% will be given, and the provincial and municipal finances will share it in a ratio of 1:1. For "smart islands" that pass the assessment after the construction period, a post-subsidy of not more than 50 million yuan will be given. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Department of Science and Technology, Development and Reform Commission)

  Establish and improve the incentive mechanism for new infrastructure building

  15. Strengthen incentives for new infrastructure buildings. Study and formulate evaluation standards for new infrastructure buildings and carry out evaluation work. The top 3 provincial municipalities (including Jiyuan demonstration area and airport area) with comprehensive development level will be rewarded with 5 million yuan respectively, and the top 5 counties (cities, districts) with comprehensive development level will be rewarded with 2 million yuan respectively. The evaluation results will be used as a reference for prioritizing policy funds in other digital economy fields. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission)

  Strengthen the guarantee of major project elements of new infrastructure buildings

  16. Attract social capital to increase investment. Guide government investment funds to support new infrastructure building, and encourage localities to explore the establishment of new infrastructure building funds. Support policy banks, development Financial Institution Groups and commercial banks to issue special project loans with preferential interest rates, and actively form syndicates. Improve the government-bank-enterprise docking mechanism, establish a high-quality project list, regularly carry out policy publicity and project docking activities, and support social capital to increase investment in new infrastructure building. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Zhengzhou Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

  17. Strengthen the service guarantee of land use and energy use. Incorporate communication base stations and other related facilities into land and space planning at all levels, and make overall arrangements to ensure the indicators of new construction land. Party and government organs, enterprises, institutions and public institutions at all levels and other public facilities, as well as municipal, green space, highways, railways, airports, subways and other public facilities, should be open to 5G base station construction and settle electricity bills according to direct power supply prices, reserve base station sites, communication machine rooms, pipelines and other construction space, and provide convenient passage. Support telecommunications enterprises to jointly build and share communication pipelines (pipe holes). Encourage new infrastructure building operators to participate in electricity market transactions and improve cost control capabilities. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Natural Resources, Development and Reform Commission, Communications Administration)

  18. Strengthen the talent team for the operation of new infrastructure buildings. Relying on talent projects such as the "Central Plains Talent Program", increase the introduction and training of high-level talents and teams in the field of new infrastructure, and provide support in the areas of talent settlement, housing security, children’s education, medical security, and spouse employment. (Responsible unit: Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

  19. Strengthen the guarantee of capital elements. Coordinate provincial finance-related special project funds to support the construction and operation of new infrastructure projects. Actively support qualified new infrastructure building projects to apply for special project bonds, and give full play to the investment-pulling role of bond funds. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department, Development and Reform Commission)

  If the policies issued by Henan Province are inconsistent with the above policies, they will be implemented in accordance with the principle of "no duplication on the high". They have enjoyed the non-repetition support of other support policies. The above policies will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2025.

The survival picture of dense scenery, a reflection on the hometown in Mo ‘erdaoga.

"Mo ‘erdaoga" is an Ewenki language, which means "a place with birch trees". It is located at the northwest foot of Daxing ‘anling Mountains, bordering hulun buir grassland in the south and the Ergun River between China and Russia in the north. The mountains are rolling, the ancient trees are towering, the vegetation is rich, and the streams are densely covered, showing the secluded, wild, beautiful and new style everywhere. However, "Mo ‘erdaoga" is not a film with only magnificent scenery, directed by Cao Jinling.

This is a film that reflects on the lost people and the lost environment. The director tells the story about the creative occurrence-the "Mo ‘erdaoga" she witnessed as a child will never be seen again. She wants more people to know what kind of Mo ‘erdaoga it is.

The first thing that brings the audience is endless beauty. In winter, heavy snow falls, the mountains are covered with yarn and covered with flocs, and the fog is full of branches, crystal clear. In spring and summer, the cold snow melts, and in autumn, the leaves are red with frost, and the wind around the forest surges, and the clouds are clear and the mountains are gorgeous … The film was filmed for two years, and it has traveled through the four seasons, and also witnessed the changes of the scenery here.

In another winter, a grand ceremony about life and death, the mother died with the bear under the shotgun to save her young child. Nevertheless, the bear was respected by the hunter and held a solemn ceremony. At this time, everyone, the forest, the trees and the animals, remained in awe.

However, with the rapid leap of the times, more and more people have forgotten their awe. Even the most basic rituals are slowly disappearing, and animals are hunted at will. Tu Tu pointed to her fur coat and said that she hunted it herself in order to win the favor of Chun. If she likes it, she can also get one for her.


The wanton felling of trees has caused extreme damage to the ecology here. Those who cut trees no longer worry that killing a "mother tree" will lead to the death of surrounding trees and the loss of land … In the process of this transformation, the director on the one hand let the audience see the beautiful scenery of this dense area of Mordaoga, and also let the audience witness the living picture there.

The most surprising thing is the ceremony of the old tree sitting in the temple-when a tree is cut off, but it doesn’t fall down under the support of the poles, at this time, any sound will trigger the punishment of the tree, and the tree will hit the person who made the sound … mysterious and full of unexplained "animism", and the way of survival in which man and nature are balanced.

In the director’s shot, the survival picture goes hand in hand with a charming love. My younger brother Lin Zi (Eric Wang) and his older brother Tu Tu (Ligeng Si) fall in love with Chun (Qi Xi) at the same time. Tu Tu tells his younger brother that he can’t conquer that woman, and only he deserves it … But after being forced to leave the logging team, Chun finally chooses his seemingly weaker brother. Just like man and nature, man can’t conquer nature, but he can live with it.

Instead of going to the city, the two returned to the forest, where they stuck to their beliefs about this forest-in other words, everyone has a forest to protect in their hearts, and protecting that forest from infringement is the protection of their hearts and cultural hometown.

Visiting relatives from prison during the Spring Festival and seeing off his father-in-law and father, he has no regrets in life/figure

  Li Linping (a pseudonym), a prisoner, never imagined that he had the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival this year. Having a reunion dinner, seeing off my elderly father-in-law and looking after my seriously ill father … Li Linping said that the experience of visiting relatives made him very excited. "I just want to make a good transformation, get out of prison as soon as possible and live a good life again." It is understood that this year’s Spring Festival, 42 prisons in the province organized a total of 274 prisoners to leave prison to visit relatives. Recently, all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives returned to prison on time.


  Leave prison: to leave prison freely.

  Li Linping, who is over 40 years old, is visiting relatives for the second time. Compared with the previous experience of visiting relatives, he felt very deeply that he was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption and abuse of power: "This time it is a reward, which is different from visiting relatives outside the prison. There is no full monitoring, and his psychology is very relaxed, and at the same time he has a sense of responsibility."

  In 2004, Li Linping’s mother-in-law died of illness, and he was granted a special leave from prison to visit relatives. From 3 pm to 6 pm that day, Li Linping, led by two policemen, returned to his hometown Qingbaijiang. After knocking on the head several times in front of her mother-in-law’s spirit and hastily comforting her wife and family, Li Linping reluctantly embarked on the way back to prison.

  At the beginning of February this year, Li Linping was pleasantly informed by Jintang Prison that he was on the list of people who left prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival! It turned out that because of his good performance after he was imprisoned, Li Linping was given the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives. At 9: 00 a.m. on February 5, Li Linping dressed up completely and excitedly appeared in front of his wife, sister, brother and other relatives. Accompanied by them, he confidently stepped up and walked out of the prison gate for the first time.

  Home: My father-in-law finally waited for him.

  In the morning, Li Linping went to his father-in-law’s house first. The 82-year-old father-in-law was seriously ill in bed. Li Linping came to the old man’s bed and took his hand tightly: "Dad, I came back to see you. Who am I?" After several calls, the old man raised his hand excitedly and said in a trembling voice, "Are you a son-in-law …" "He has been waiting for me, and now he finally sees me." Li Linping said that at noon the next day, the old man finished his life peacefully.

  Youth League Year: For the first time in many years

  At noon on the first day of returning home, a large family had a reunion dinner at their wife’s home. The family kept raising their glasses to bless the New Year and Li Linping. "For so many years, I went home for a reunion dinner for the first time. I am so happy to see a family in harmony. " Li Linping enjoyed this meal so much that he drank a little wine happily, even though he didn’t drink much at ordinary times.

  Filial piety: taking care of father before bed

  Li Linping, accompanied by his family, rushed to the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region to visit his 84-year-old father almost every day. Because of his careless fall, his father wearing a ventilator could not speak. "Dad, I’m coming to see you. If you know, blink your eyes." Father moved and really blinked a few times slowly.

  "I finally saw the old man for the last time, but I also regretted that I could not be filial." Li Linping said that just after he returned to prison for half a month, his father quietly stopped breathing. He is very grateful to the prison for giving him the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives, so that he can see the two old people for the last time.

  Significance: Carrying out humanized management.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Provincial Prison Administration that all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives had returned to prison within the specified time, and there was no incident of supervision safety accident and criminals who left prison to visit relatives disturbing social order. Among them, Liu, a criminal in Chengdu Juvenile Delinquency Center, took the initiative to participate in local rescue and relief activities during his visit from prison, and the local town government sent a special letter of commendation.

  "Under the premise of strict standards,’ sunshine’ approval and ensuring safety, visiting relatives outside prison is an important means to improve the quality of criminal reform, which is the embodiment of the criminal policy of’ tempering justice with mercy’ and also conforms to the current advanced execution concept." Li Xinmin, Party Secretary of the Provincial Prison Administration, said.

  Liu Zhicheng, director of the Provincial Prison Administration, said: "Visiting relatives after leaving prison is an important measure to implement humanized management in prisons and an important embodiment of the prison policy of’ reforming people’. We will strengthen the summary, strive to improve and constantly advance." (Reporter Yang Qin)

Editor: Jufu

Early project

Wen | Yao Lan

Clean Beauty is becoming a new fashion trend.

NPD, a well-known American market research organization, announced the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the beauty industry. The data showed that the sales of beauty products dropped by 14%, but the sales of pure beauty products rose by 11% against the trend. According to Tmall data, during the period of June 18 this year, the sub-categories such as essence, mask, cleansing and makeup remover under Tmall International Pure Beauty category all increased by more than 100% year-on-year.

What is "pure beauty"? In August this year, Tmall International Beauty and COSMOHits, the beauty media, made a clear definition of the concept of "pure beauty" for the first time, including four aspects: harmless addition of ingredients, environmental friendliness and zero harm, animal friendliness and cruelty, and sustainable environmental protection and zero waste.

Since 2020, foreign big beauty groups have invested in adding more pure beauty tracks (for example, Shiseido Group acquired Drunk Elephant, a brand of pure beauty and skin care, for US$ 845 million, and Unilever acquired Tatcha for US$ 500 million), and domestic pure beauty brands also came into being.

36Kr recently came into contact with China pure beauty brand "Dewy Lab Yiyi", which was founded in 2020, aimed at the core consumer groups such as sensitive muscles, pregnant women, medical beauty crowd and new white-collar workers, focusing on cosmetic products with both "pure ingredients" and "excellent makeup effect" and advocating a romantic feeling of "self-satisfaction". It is understood that "Dewy Lab" won the "Blogger’s Choice" Award in Little Red Book 2021WILL Future Brand Award.

The picture is provided by the enterprise.

Dewy Lab launched its first new product "Morning" series in January this year, including three single products: morning dew foundation cream, morning mist powder and morning glow blush cream. After launching the brand Tmall flagship store and the official applet, the monthly sales of single products have exceeded 10,000 at present.

Amber, the founder of Dewy Lab, told 36Kr that most cosmetic formulations on the market now are mainly designed with the basic goal of "beauty", focusing on makeup effect and skin feeling, regardless of whether the ingredients are harmful to the skin. "Dewy Lab Love" started from the first series, and its products focused on makeup, trying to give consumers peace of mind protection from the part closest to the skin.

The picture is provided by the enterprise.

The standard of pure make-up advocated by "Dewy Lab" includes three aspects:

First,user friendlyThat is, it does not contain harmful and controversial chemical components such as talcum powder, plastic beads, mineral oil, nipagin ester, etc. In order to provide unique pure beauty products, the brand will not only bring the research and discovery of raw materials and formulas by Chinese scientists in universities such as Cambridge University and University of Pennsylvania back to China, so as to speed up the product iteration, but also become a strategic partner with China Inspection Department to strictly control the formula of each product.

Second,Friendly life, that is, no animal experiments, and pet-friendly, playing licking is non-toxic. At this point, "Dewy Lab" hopes to help the development of front-end toxicology testing in the future.

Third,Environment friendlyAdvocate the recyclability and degradability of product packaging materials, take carbon neutrality as the ultimate goal, and constantly optimize production methods.

It is reported that the core team of Dewy Lab is from Cambridge University, University of Pennsylvania and Nanyang Technological University, and their main research directions are pharmacology, biochemistry and chemistry, which are closely related to the makeup formula and raw materials. On the basis of referring to the European and American brand purity standards, according to the front-end research results and credible academic journals, they have formulated and constantly updated the scientific, rigorous and systematic "Dewy Lab" brand purity standards.

At present, the brand has explored the triangular structure of product research and development: 1) the team of brand scientists strictly controls the use of raw materials to ensure the safety of ingredients; 2) Joint research and development with the formula laboratory to jointly break through the bottleneck of pure formula and ensure the exclusive use of formula; 3) Each product must be tried by top makeup artists in the industry to ensure excellent makeup effect and skin feel.

Amber said that at this stage, "Dewy Lab Love" mainly relies on social media to strengthen the spread of brand value proposition. In the future, we will continue to focus on the research and development of new products, bringing consumers more product choices and a more pleasant experience.

After the help of the Shanghai people went to Guizhou, Chen Zhi, Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee wrote a letter!

In May of this year, a Shanghai elderly tourism group consisted of 30 people to Guizhou travel. In five days, they visited the Scenic Area of ??Xijiang Miao Village, LIBO size, Huangguoshu Waterfall.

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Hu Guangdan, a member of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group

In the Guizhou tour guide, the driver’s enthusiastic service, the employees of the scenic area are responsible for them to travel and satisfied. After returning to Shanghai, Huang Fan wrote a letter to the party secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee in the Tourism Group, Sun Zhigang:

The beautiful scenery of the mountains and the hearts of Guizhou people

-The public letter from the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

Comrade Sun Zhigang, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee:

Since May 22, 26, Shanghai tourists participated in the Chunqiu Tourism Company to visit Guizhou. Our 30 tourist teams swimming in Xijiang has thousands of houses. LIBO’s natural bridge, big seven holes, small seven holes, and yellow fruit trees. Due to time, we only swim in Guizhou’s beautiful scenery. It can be a spectacular scenery, a beautiful environment and good air not only injected the health of our middle -aged and elderly people. It also makes us unforgettable memories.

More memorable services to the people of Guizhou Scenic Area. They want tourists to think, help tourists need, and let most tourists come to the hall for satisfaction. For example, the service of the patio travels, Master Li, who has set up a coach is a representative. Master Li served us for a few days. Not only is the car stable, but the service attitude is also very enthusiastic, reducing your luggage for us. Carry all the way to train seat training. be careful. Miss Wu Tong always laughed and introduced the mountain scenes, historical events, and clear people in Guizhou. It is also an introduction to the source, the formation and development of multi -ethnic culture in Guizhou. Guizhou special products, Guizhou’s special products, political history, economy, culture, and Guizhou’s social development is now in the future. Her emotional interpretation is like a vivid and interesting Guizhou multicultural course.

According to the travel itinerary, she also took us to the museum and related shopping malls. Guests can buy more, completely voluntarily, no slightest, forced meaning, still as always, full of enthusiasm for everyone. 30 tourists have a common feeling: Tian Gui’s service is different from the so -called service exposed black guidelines.

When our itinerary entered the golden scenic area, let us come to the sightseeing car of the next attraction. It is not long. It is attracted to the beauty along the way. Many people excitedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Tourists also want to take a mobile phone, but the mobile phone is gone. If you lose your phone, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that the memory is gone. The tourist is very frustrated and has no interest in watching views. A partner accompanied by the lost mobile phone. I didn’t think anyone answered. This is an unexpected surprise. Tell the tour guide. Tian Weiyu contacted the phone and confirmed that Wang Zhirong received a mobile phone in the car from the car to the tourist car company. Treatment of all confirmation, tourism and tourism returned to the previous excitement and happiness. When the tour of the day was over, when Tian Gui took away his mobile phone, he could defend the owner of the phone. Cao Yuanyuan, a dispatcher, was very serious. He requested calling the mobile phone number. When the dispatcher confirmed, he was rude to the owner and reminded it with goodwill: "Pay attention to keep your own items. There is no similar situation."

Comrade Zhizhi: The author travels at home and abroad. But to Guizhou or the first time. But this is the first time. Let us feel that Guizhou is not only beautiful and beautiful, but at the same time, let us experience the beauty of Guizhou people. Guizhou tourism service.

In this regard, let’s take a look at the actual impact of the provincial government and the provincial government in the 19th national spirit and socialist thought with Chinese characteristics. You are also developing tourist attractions and also create a good tourism atmosphere. This is the past, and the vast and vast landscape of this country will reach the arrival of national or even global tourists. We will also actively promote some scope, and the public letter of the Provincial Party Committee will be widely released among our friends’ friends. Try to mobilize friends, family, classmates, comrades, colleagues and familiar urban and rural residents to Guizhou. Let them share the happiness of traveling to Guizhou.

Guizhou’s vast tourist attraction, its beautiful mountains and mountains, beautiful, beautiful scenery, the hearts of the people of Guizhou, and beautiful tourism services. Comprehensive, we can call this Feng Shuibao’s rich country, which is rich and expensive.

From May 22nd to 26th, the representative of Shanghai to Guizhou Tourism Group

Hu Guangdan

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Photo of Shanghai Elderly Tourism Group: Hu Guangdan

Today (July 26), a reporter from Guizhou interviewed Hu Guangdan. He said that the reason for Shen Zhigang, the secretary of the Guizhou Secretary’s Provincial Party Committee, was indeed because of a deep impression on Guizhou this time. The journey is short and wonderful. He wants to promote the external world and let tourists from all over the country go to Guizhou to feel the mountains of Guizhou, beautiful, beautiful scenery, and the soul of Guizhou people!

Reporter | Editor: Fifi is a quiet Guizhou


Small disasters, plums were punished for 880,000

"Strictly beating"

Recently, the beauty collection store Harmay Diaolia Corporate Company Shanghai Diaoli Lexiang Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. was fined 887,000 yuan, because the big -name small sample cosmetics label sold did not meet the regulations.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that the beauty collection store has planned to follow the sample, but the fine is innovative. This punishment signal is considered by the industry to be the beginning of strict samples, and the samples on the vent on the air’s mouth should also be reduced.

35 big -name small sample rollover, the plum was fined 887,000

According to the administrative penalty letter made by the Shanghai Municipal Supervision Bureau to the Shanghai Diaolu Enjoy Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai dialect Mei Lexiang), on April 16, 2021, the Municipal Supervision Bureau was on the "Harmay in Xingye Road, Huangpu District. The "Cosmetics Collection Store for the" Cosmetics Collection Store. It was found that the "Clarins Clarins" brand Huanyan Elastic Ridon (5ml), which was selling at the scene, had a missing item of 4 brands of 4 brands and 24 cosmetics. At the same time, the Shanghai Municipal Supervision Bureau stated that during the investigation of the above cases, some cosmetics sold in the above case still had Chinese labels that were missing.

According to the equity penetration information, the legal representative of Shanghai Dia spectrum is consistent with Beijing dialect Melalexiang Technology Co., Ltd. (that is, the parent company of Harmay dialect).

局 Intercept the Shanghai Municipal Supervision Bureau

According to Green Eye statistics, all the cosmetics of these Chinese labels are all small samples of international big names, including 11 brands such as Tiffany, Bobley, Da Ke, and Jiao Shiyun, with a total of 35 cosmetics. The problem of illegal labels is mainly concentrated in the three aspects of labelless cosmetics component tables, production batch numbers, and imported cosmetics filing numbers. Among them, the Dake series is the most, involving 17 sample products, which accounts for almost half of the total number of the above brands.

The penalty letter shows that the parties sell a total of 35 cosmetics without tax (13%tax rate) sales of 152,000 yuan, the value of the goods is 245,000 yuan, and a total of 1134 cosmetics are inventory.

According to the provisions of the "Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulations", "the minimum sales unit of cosmetics should have labels. Tags should comply with relevant laws, administrative regulations, and mandatory national standards, and the content is true, complete, and accurate." The behavior is suspected of violating the provisions of Article 35 of the Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulations, which constitutes the behavior of cosmetics that does not meet the requirements of the operating label.

In the end, the Shanghai Municipal Supervisory Bureau enjoys the Shanghai dialect, which enjoys a penalty of "confiscating illegal income RMB 152,000 and a fine of RMB 735,000".

In response to punishment, Qingyan contacted Harmay today, but the other party did not make a statement.

It is reported that Harmay said since 2008 on the online Taobao store, and opened the first offline store in Anfu Road, Shanghai in 2017. In 2019, the Beijing Sanlitun Store became popular on social platforms. Favorite.

Earlier this year, Harmay Mi Mei received about 200 million US dollars (about RMB 1.27 billion) D -round financing. At present, a total of 4 rounds of financing has been completed. Public news shows that currently Harmay’s big names and overseas niche brands have more than 400, SKU exceeds 9,000, and more than a hundred new Jinjin cooperative brands in 2021.


In the past two years, with the continuous refinement of consumers’ needs, small sample products are small, portable, and low -testing the characteristics of low -testing costs. They are sought after by consumers and brands. Brands such as Lancome and Keyan have placed "sample machines" in malls. Consumers use products by free delivery samples, so as to excavate customers.

With the rise of beauty gathering stores such as Harmay and onlywrite, big samples have become the weapon for store drainage and marketing, and the size of the small sample economic market has grown rapidly.

However, behind the hot samples, many people in the industry are worried, "Non -selling products and money, (the market) where there are so many small and medium samples." Even a beauty retail channel practitioner told Qingyan that the small samples circulating on the market at present The scale has far exceeded the industry supply.

梅Harmay talk information map

So, outside the official channels, where did the samples sold by the beauty collection store come from? Harmay’s co -founder Ju Chunmao said in an interview with 36KR: "Under the current business environment of China, the license of big names is more difficult to get. Mainly from counters and traders. "

According to Qingyan survey, most of the small and medium samples in the market are from the following four channels: brand gifts; brand counters or internal personnel for resale; "reversing" supply; smuggling and fraud. But there are few small and medium samples produced in the first two channels.

The above -mentioned beauty retail channel practitioners told Qingyan that the samples sold in the beauty collection store have a cross -border trade in the cosmetics counters of department stores -a lot of small samples without Chinese labels come from this, that is, the goods purchased overseas Small sample.

"No import cosmetics filing number, of course, does not rule out smuggling and fake sale." Zhang Taijun, R & D director of Guangzhou Tsui Tsui Skin Skin Science and Technology Research Institute. According to the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics" and "Administrative Measures for Cosmetics Tags", cosmetics should have Chinese labels. Offline channel sales do not have Chinese label imported cosmetics, or products that do not meet the prescribed labels are obviously illegal.

It is worth noting that in January last year, ONLY WRITE, the beauty collection store of Hangzhou Kerry Center, was reported by consumers. The local market regulatory bureau contacted the customs department to assist in the investigation. Nearly 3,000 pieces of suspected smuggling cosmetics were detained, most of which were small cosmetics samples (for details, see "onlywrite! The source of cosmetics samples").

Strict sample

It is not difficult to see that the unqualified cosmetics label reflects product sources and product quality issues, which plays an important role in rectify the small sample market.

"Cosmetics supervision will become stricter and stricter. There are small and medium samples (gifts) in the management measures of cosmetics labeling. It has been implemented for a long time, but no one has paid special attention to it before. Many big brands have also issued official statements. The barcode is sold. "The above person said.

Among them, many people in the industry reported to Qingyan to strictly check the samples, which will be a punch of the beauty collection stores mainly sampled drainage. "As soon as this incident came out, it was understood that people had already been removed (non -compliant). The samples of formal channel sources were not problems. If informal channels, these beauty collection stores will definitely be affected later."

There is also a factory in the direction of Qingyan, "At present, the domestic brands and foreign -funded brands in domestic production and filing have basically unique and strict supervision. The management of imported products is actually gradually standardized. It’s the compliance of imported products. "

In fact, the tightening of small sample supervision has already begun last year. Earlier this year, the Shenzhen Municipal Supervision Bureau reported that since January last year, it destroyed 3 illegal denominations of cosmetics operations and seized 2,388 boxes of cosmetics with various types of imported brands without Chinese labels, with a minimum packaging cosmetics of more than 22,000 boxes. The estimated value of the goods exceeds 22 million yuan, and 3 cases are filed, of which the value of the counterfeit cosmetics involved in counterfeit infringement is 260,000 yuan, and it is transferred to another public security case.

On March 1 last year, Tmall also issued the "Notice on the Regulations on the release of new Tmall sample products". According to the new rules of Tmall, the pricing of sample products released by merchants shall not be higher than the price of the same proportion of the corresponding formal products. At the same time, the sample volume does not exceed 30%of the decoration products in principle. In addition, the merchants should express the attribute keywords such as "trial", "small samples", "samples", "trial outfit", "experience outfit" in the published sample title, and provide the purchase voucher for the sample for platform review.

"With the introduction of relevant national regulatory policies and the requirements of retail platform specifications, the beauty collection stores with small samples as selling points may adjust the procurement channels, and the continuous supply of products is certain." Some industry people said, "Now it is also very very very very very very very very very very very very It is difficult to say the specific impact on small sample business, but the problem of small sample compliance or the main strike object of strict supervision this year. "

At the same time, with the official implementation of the "Administrative Measures for Cosmetics Labels" on May 1 this year, the sample economy of small sample cosmetics will undoubtedly usher in an inflection point.

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