How to tell an "ideal" story in 30 minutes is a coup for the brothers.

Source | film and television monologue

Author | Pomegranate

In the picture, an ordinary old man and an ox are guarding the tomb, and they go to Qiu Lai in spring, where flowers bloom and fall.

He is Zhang Jueqian, the father of Zhang Renya, the guardian of the first party constitution. In order to entrust his son, he made up a story of "the son died outside" and hid the communist party Declaration in his son’s cenotaph, and guarded it for more than twenty years.

People guess whether he guards the treasure, but few people know that he guards his son and his faith.

In the unit "Guarding" of TV series "Ideal Shines on China", Zhang Jueqian’s ordinary and great life reappears in front of the audience.

Ideal Shines on China is an important theme creation to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Unlike many TV series with grand propositions, the topic selection of Ideal Shines on China avoids familiar high-profile figures and is mostly unfamiliar faces of the audience.

This is the case with Guardian, and so is the fifty-fifth letter.

Recently, the film and television monologue interviewed two directors, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi, and reviewed this wonderful experience with them and looked forward to the new direction in the future.

Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi are with the general director Dongyu Fu.

Of the 40 stories in Ideal Shines on China, Guardian and Fifty-fifth Letter are two units with slow rhythm and few conflicts.

The former is aimed at Zhang Renya and Zhang Jueqian, the father and son’s lifelong waiting and guarding, while the latter starts with the letters of Chen Yian and Li Zhiqiang, the husband and wife, showing the feelings of people who are dedicated to the revolution. Both stories are told, hitting the hearts of the audience in the spring breeze and rain.

In fact, this is also the effect pursued by the two directors.

On the topic selection, Dongyu Fu, the general director, gave the director great autonomy. After watching the whole prototype story, each director can submit five target topics, and finally pick out two of the five topics that are the most sparking and touching.

In this respect, the goals of Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi are clear from beginning to end: text first, theme second, emotion first.

In Xiaoou Zhao’s view, theme creation is not a shackle for them, but a positive theme orientation. He hopes that there will be a breakthrough in the form of expression. "When a director shoots a work, the first thing he needs to look at is the perspective. From different angles, the story will show different styles. After reading 40 topics, we set a standard, that is, we hope that this story is good-looking and worthy of refinement. Because only by looking good can the audience understand what the story wants to express. "

Zhao Xiaoxi on the left and Xiaoou Zhao on the right chat with actor Lin Yongjian.

On this premise, Guardian and Fifty-fifth Letter came into the sight of Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi.

Without a strong narrative style, these two topics are more in line with the China population’s "great voices are heard, elephants are invisible" and "like a cup of tea, it can make the audience taste slowly, and the taste will have stamina in the end. You will know the weight of the phrase’ Red China will definitely appear’ that the people in the play have been saying. " This is the goal that Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi are eager to achieve.

But after the choice, the problem really came.

If the audience watched TV dramas like reading novels before, the impression of Ideal Shines on China is like a poem. Each episode is about 30 minutes long, with concise length and light weight, and tells a long or short story of the times.

Although the form is novel, it also brings a big problem to the two directors: how to tell a person’s decades in half an hour? How to make every minute of the play have enough information to output? How to make the plain story firmly grasp the audience’s sight?

"I think that the most important thing to tell a story that spans several decades is to firmly grasp the motives, motivations and goals of the characters, and try not to talk about the side details." In Zhao Xiaoxi’s view, the shorter the space, the stricter the requirements for narrative structure and logic.

Therefore, although there are regrets, trade-offs are essential.

In the first edition of the script, whether it is Guardian or Fifty-fifth Letter, the writers Chen Xuan and Hu Yating are full and true in the details of their lives. For example, the separation of Zhang Jueqian and his second son in Guarding, the villagers’ comments on Zhang Jueqian’s behavior, and the fifty-fifth letter in which Li Zhiqiang made a cot and clothes for his children, as well as the sacrificial Zhang, are all described in detail.

However, after comprehensive consideration, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi decided to reluctantly give up what one favours and delete some "branches and leaves". "Because" Ideal Shines on China "is not like a TV series, many relationships can be discussed, so we just need to tell a character or a story thoroughly."

The story can flow smoothly, but in terms of details, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi hope to give the audience enough detailed and thorough feelings.

"We chose the story before the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In fact, the shooting process is more complicated than modern drama." In Zhao Xiaoxi’s view, although there was more room to play before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, all kinds of historical details had higher requirements than modern dramas. "If the props and details of the era are wrong, it will be difficult for the audience to have a sense of substitution in that era."

Therefore, even a 25-minute short play, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi did no less research, data collection and on-the-spot investigation than a long TV play.

"When filming Guardian, I went to Zhang Renya Memorial Hall. It is not only to understand his life experience, but also to examine some details of that era. Including what kind of leaflets Zhang Jueqian saw at that time, I went to the historical materials museum to check a lot of samples for reference. What version of the communist party Declaration is buried under the tombstone, what kind of blood has just been obtained, and what it is like to dig out from the tomb, we must verify it. "

If the preparatory work for Guardian is a primary edition, then the preparatory work for Fifty-fifth Letter is an advanced edition.

What are the 55 letters of Chen Yian and Li Zhiqiang in the play? Has the handwriting changed? What were Chen Yian’s clothes like in different wars? How did it change before and after joining communist party? Although these shots are all a flash, the weight of history is on them, and Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi dare not be careless.

In addition to verifying props, before filming "The Fifty-fifth Letter", Xiaoou Zhao and screenwriter Hu Yating also visited Chen Yian’s descendants in depth to learn about his life. "What kind of house does the mother live in, how did her mother bring him up, and what is the father in her mother’s mouth?"

Even the drama of Chen Huangming, the son of the opening credits, looking for the restorer Lao Yuan with old photos is a true story that he and the screenwriter learned in the investigation of collecting wind. Later, at the suggestion of Liang Zhenhua, the chief screenwriter, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi took this scene as a breakthrough point to connect the past with the present and look back on the past from the perspective of modern people.

This has also become a design widely praised by the audience. Compared with the story of Gao Dan, I just want to take a look at the story of my father’s son, which is ordinary but very substitutive.

In fact, this kind of treatment also contains some selfishness of Zhao Xiaoxi. For a long time in the past, he was partial to Yu Hua’s Living. The narrative that tells the story of an ordinary person’s life has touched him greatly. Therefore, he also hopes that through this opportunity, he will tell the sufferings and joys of ordinary people in that era.

This point is also shown in "Guardian". For example, when entrusted by his son, Zhang Jueqian’s first reaction was to care whether he was injured. Before sending my son away, I want to put four eggs on him; In the long wait year after year, the ox who accompanied him was only left with a bell …


"In fact, these two units are all about concretizing beliefs into emotions. Zhang Jueqian chose to guard the communist party Declaration because of the affection between father and son. Because of love, Li Zhiqiang and Chen Yian chose revolution and waiting in turbulent times. They all have human feelings before they can rely on their beliefs. "

Draw nutrients from the most solid soil, so that Guardian and Fifty-fifth Letter can stand firmly on the balance pole of documentary and drama. In this regard, Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi feel gratified, but also very grateful for the support and help of the team behind them.

"It is a very happy thing that everyone can agree with a goal and then continue to contribute to it." Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi always believe that the production of a good drama needs all the trust on the professional basis.

"Our screenwriters are very supportive of our changes, and they have also given us great help. For example, Hu Yating, the screenwriter of "The Fifty-fifth Letter". Her brushwork is exquisite, and her desk work is fully done. She has written many small details that have not been photographed in the play. We have held many creative meetings together and solved the problem bit by bit, and finally we presented such a work. "

Such a creative concept is also what Xiaoou Zhao and Zhao Xiaoxi long for. Therefore, they chose to reach a strategic cooperation with Hello Youth Media led by Liang Zhenhua, the chief screenwriter of Ideal Shines on China.

"After the cooperation of" Ideal Shines on China ",I am very happy to cooperate with companies with original ability and production ability, hoping to combine our advantages and create better works for everyone in the future."

This will be a win-win cooperation. Based on creation, all things can be born.


How to pay for the insurance when the car is flooded in a rainstorm? Don’t do it!

BEIJING, Beijing, August 2 (Reporter Zuo Yukun, Zhang Ni) Recently, under the influence of Typhoon Du Surui, extreme rainfall occurred in many areas. Under the heavy rain, many vehicles were trapped in the water, flooded or even washed away directly.

  According to the Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, as of 8: 00 a.m. on July 31, the property insurance industry in Beijing had received 978 related insurance reports and rescued 65 vehicles and personnel in distress, and the follow-up insurance reporting and handling work was still in progress.

  For car owners, can their vehicles be compensated if they are flooded? How to protect personal and property safety to the greatest extent?

  If the vehicle is soaked in water, will the insurance pay?

  Regarding the question of whether the flooded car can get compensation, the owner who bought the car damage insurance can rest assured.

  According to the relevant provisions of motor vehicle loss insurance (hereinafter referred to as motor vehicle damage insurance), if the direct loss of motor vehicles caused by natural disasters and accidents is not within the scope of compensation exemption, compensation can be made in accordance with the agreement. Among them, in terms of natural disasters, the scope of compensation includes hail, lightning strikes, storms, rainstorms, floods and many other common natural disasters.

  Many old drivers may claim "water-related insurance" when their cars are flooded. Wang Guojun, a professor at university of international business and economics Institute of Insurance, told the reporter of Sino-Singapore Finance and Economics: "Now there is no water-related insurance, and it is all in the car damage insurance. Whether the engine of a traditional car is flooded or the battery of a new energy vehicle is damaged, it is counted in the car damage insurance. "

  Specifically, the Guiding Opinions on Implementing Comprehensive Auto Insurance Reform, which was officially implemented on September 19, 2020, has carried out major reforms in China’s auto insurance. As long as the new insurance users and renewal insurance users after the above time point have included additional risks such as water-related insurance in the car damage insurance, they do not need to be insured separately. Insurance can pay for vehicles wading and soaking in water.

  The Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau also issued a reminder on July 31: After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance started, the coverage of vehicle loss insurance has covered the losses caused by natural disasters such as rainstorm and typhoon. If the vehicle suffers related losses, please call the insurance company to report the case in time to confirm whether the relevant insurance is insured, and go through the follow-up claim settlement procedures under the guidance of the staff.

  Will the claim be affected if the car is washed away?

  Heavy rains lead to flooding, and sometimes the vehicles are directly washed away. If the car search is unsuccessful, can I pay for it?

  Wang Guojun believes that there is no need to worry at all: "First of all, where the car was rushed can basically be judged by positioning; If it is true that the vehicle is completely washed away and cannot be recovered, the insurance company will generally presume a total loss to make a claim. "

  From the specific operation point of view, the settlement of claims for lost vehicles requires the intervention and assistance of public security organs. After the car can’t be recovered eventually, the owner of the motor vehicle needs to issue a certificate of loss to the local public security organ, then go to the vehicle management office to cancel the vehicle, and finally go to the insurance company to make claims.

  However, it should be noted that the engine is turned off after the vehicle is flooded, and the engine must not be started again, otherwise it will cause engine damage. If the engine is damaged by "secondary ignition" in the water, the insurance company generally thinks that it belongs to the "loss expansion" exemption situation and will not claim compensation.

  What should I do after the vehicle is flooded?

  What should the owner do if the vehicle is flooded? Zhongxin Finance consulted the customer service staff of several property insurance companies.

  The customer service staff of PICC P&C said: If the vehicle is flooded, you should apply for compensation as soon as possible, but the specific amount of compensation is subject to the opinions of the adjuster, and it should be accounted according to the actual value of the vehicle and relevant circumstances.

  Sunshine Insurance staff said: If the vehicle is soaked, it is necessary to contact the insurance company as soon as possible, and the staff should investigate the site, otherwise the site will be difficult to identify after the water recedes.

  It is worth noting that in principle, insurance companies have a time limit for reporting claims. However, Wang Guojun pointed out that in the face of special circumstances such as rainstorm, insurance companies will also handle it as appropriate. The staff of the insurance company also said that the actual situation does not necessarily have to be applied on the same day, but it should be applied as soon as possible.

  "In case of special circumstances, the owner and the personnel on board must first ensure personal safety, and the car should be abandoned; In the case of purchasing car damage insurance, report the case to the insurance company in time, and then handle it according to the insurance company’s process. " Wang Guojun emphasized that insurance companies may now release reminders such as moving cars to customers according to big data before risks, and pay attention to this.

  Will it trigger the overall premium increase?

  Property losses caused by extreme weather will naturally bring some pressure to insurance companies’ claims. According to the data previously disclosed by the government, in 2021, the rainstorm disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, it is estimated that the final amount of auto insurance claims in the entire insurance industry may reach 7 billion yuan.

  Recently, some people in the insurance industry said that the recent heavy rain has caused the claims rate of various insurance companies to rise linearly, and the subsequent insurance prices are likely to increase. After the rainstorm, can cars that are not out of danger also usher in an increase in premiums?

  A senior insurance practitioner told Zhongxin Finance: Usually, the increase in claim rate will lead to an increase in premium, but this should have been taken into account when designing insurance products.

  "In recent years, several rainstorm disasters have also reported the loss of many vehicles. It is impossible for insurance companies to issue existing blister vehicles this year to apply for claims due to meteorological disasters. When designing products, these car damages will be taken into account in the calculation model. The premium of general auto insurance is comprehensively calculated based on factors such as the service life of the vehicle, the number of accidents, and the age of the insured. " The above practitioners believe that.

  In addition, the reporter consulted a number of insurance company staff and got a reply saying that if the vehicle is really out of danger, the subsequent premium increase is normal; For vehicles that are not in danger, we have not received the notice of adjusting the premium yet. However, some insurance company sales staff said that if the flood is serious, the premium may be fine-tuned, but there is no precedent for a big increase before.

  Wang Guojun also said that there is indeed the possibility of premium increase in the future. "This rainstorm has increased the overall risk, and insurance companies will increase the proportion of catastrophe risk in actuarial terms in the future, otherwise they may lose money when they encounter the same disaster in the future." However, he believes that the overall premium should not rise too much.

  Wang Guojun also reminded that because the car damage insurance is purchased voluntarily by the owner, some people will feel that their daily car damage is not big, instead of buying car damage insurance, they only take three liability insurance. "Considering the special circumstances such as wading and spontaneous combustion, car damage insurance is still necessary, especially for relatively new and high-value cars."

Eating fruit indiscriminately can lead to unconsciousness? !

  □ Tadpole Jun

  From spring to summer, fruits from all walks of life come as scheduled. If someone says at this time, you may not eat fruit. Do you believe it? However, some people really get sick because they can’t eat fruit, and some even have symptoms of unconsciousness and nonsense. What’s going on here?

  Maybe you should know how to eat fruit.

  "Eating litchi will get angry" is common sense?

  Recently, litchi has been on the market. Many people love litchi and know the saying: "One litchi has three fires." Because eating too much litchi will really make you feel thirsty, and in severe cases, there will be oral ulcers, so people usually think that "eating litchi will really get angry."

  In fact, eating too much litchi will cause dry mouth or oral ulcer, not because of excessive internal heat. The main reason is that litchi is a high-sugar fruit. High sugar will make your mouth in a hypertonic state, which will make you feel thirsty. At the same time, because litchi pulp is easy to plug in the teeth, high-sugar residues will also bring nutrients to bacteria in the mouth, leading to a large number of bacteria proliferation, causing oral ulcers, and even accompanied by symptoms such as gingival inflammation and swelling and pain.

  In addition, excessive consumption of litchi can also lead to "litchi disease".

  The main clinical manifestations of "litchi disease" are hypoglycemia, accompanied by symptoms such as pallor, dizziness, palpitation, hunger, sweating and fatigue. This is because litchi contains a lot of fructose, and it takes some time for fructose to enter the body and be converted into glucose. Insulin starts to consume glucose in the blood after eating litchi, and eating too much litchi increases satiety and affects the intake of other foods, resulting in hypoglycemia.

  If you have mild symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue and sweating after eating a lot of litchi in a short time, you can take glucose water or white sugar water first, and then go to the hospital in time.

  Therefore, doctors will suggest that adults should not consume more than 10 lychees a day, and 5-6 lychees are enough for children. Don’t eat too much.

  Eating sugar cane without drinking water, almost insane?

  During the Spring Festival last year, it suddenly became popular to eat sugar oranges. It was reported that a short video anchor showed off a basket of sugar oranges bought by her mother and ate them all, but he was delirious and was taken directly to the hospital.

  Not long ago, another news about mental disorder caused by eating oranges and sugar cane was hotly searched: a 40-year-old long-distance truck driver in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, ate a lot of sugar cane every day for a week to quench his thirst. As a result, he was delirious and had symptoms of gibberish. His family rushed to the hospital for treatment. Fortunately, due to timely treatment, the man was fine.

  According to the doctor’s description, the man suffered from the above symptoms due to eating a lot of high-sugar fruits, insufficient drinking water during long-distance running, and excessive loss of water in his body, which led to his body being in a state of high sugar and hyperosmotic.

  The so-called hyperglycemic hyperosmotic state refers to the syndrome that the blood sugar is greater than 33.3mmol/L, accompanied by high plasma osmotic pressure and severe dehydration without obvious ketosis tendency. Hyperglycemia and hyperosmotic state is also called nonketotic hyperosmotic diabetic coma in clinic. It refers to the patient’s body is under stress, and the insulin secretion in the body is relatively insufficient. At this time, the insulin anti-regulation hormone secretion is greatly increased, and the liver sugar is released rapidly, resulting in severe hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia leads to hypertonic hyperglycemia, which will lead to mental abnormality, which is also one of the serious acute complications of diabetes, and even has the risk of death.

  This kind of emergency usually requires a lot of fluid replacement, intravenous application of insulin and sedatives and other rescue and treatment measures. Therefore, doctors remind "sugar friends" that the daily intake of fruits and types should be strictly cautious. Once symptoms such as dry mouth, excessive drinking and emaciation appear, blood sugar changes should be monitored in time.

  Distinguish between "high sugar" and "low sugar"

  Fruit is obviously beneficial to the human body, but why does it hurt the body?

  Based on the problem of sugar content, let’s first get a general understanding of the classification of fruits and how we should "eat fruits scientifically".

  Fruits can be divided into low-sugar fruits and high-sugar fruits. Low-sugar fruit refers to the fruit with less than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit. Including lemon, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, peach, plum, apricot, loquat, pineapple, strawberry, cherry, cucumber, tomato, etc., the lowest sugar content is lemon; High-sugar fruits refer to fruits with a sugar content of more than 10 grams per 100 grams of fruits, and can be divided into the following two categories: fruits with a sugar content of 11-20 grams per 100 grams of fruits, including bananas, pomegranates, melons, oranges, apples, pears, grapes, lychees, mangoes, etc. Fruits with sugar content higher than 20g per 100g of fruit include persimmon, cantaloupe, winter jujube and hawthorn.

  Research shows that the sugar content in sugar orange is about 10%-11%, that is to say, every 100 grams of sugar orange contains about 10-11 grams of sugar. The sugar content of sugarcane is even higher, which is 17%-18%. Therefore, both of them are high-sugar fruits.

  How to eat fruit scientifically?

  In fact, the sugar mentioned here is mostly sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc. This kind of sugar is easily digested and absorbed by the body, so people’s blood sugar will increase significantly in a short time after eating. Therefore, how to grasp the amount, time, types of fruits and ways of eating is very knowledgeable.

  So how do you eat fruit?

  The first is to grasp the time of delicious fruit. Generally speaking, it is better to eat fruit between two meals (such as 10 am or 3 pm), so as to avoid overloading the pancreas with too much carbohydrates at one time. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to eat fruit immediately before or after meals.

  The type of fruit you eat should also be selected according to your physical condition. For example, if people with sugar control needs (diabetics), they should choose fruits with relatively low sugar content and slow blood sugar increase; If you are hypoglycemic, you can eat more high-sugar fruits to supplement your body’s sugar. For details, please refer to the above fruit classification.

  The second is the amount of fruit eaten. No matter how delicious the fruit is, it should be controlled. Don’t stop eating it. According to the Dietary Guidelines for China Residents published in 2021, the specific values of fruit intake of each age group are as follows: the intake of children aged 1-3 is 100-150g/day; The intake of children aged 4-6 is 150g/day; The intake of children aged 7-10 is 150-200g/day; The intake of children and adolescents aged 11-14 is 200-300g/day; The intake of teenagers aged 14-17 is 300-350g/day; The intake of adults over 18 years old is 200-350g/day; The intake of the elderly over 65 years old is 200-300g/day. Eating properly according to this amount should be relatively healthy.

  Finally, the way to eat fruit is suggested not to juice as much as possible, and it is better to eat fresh fruit directly. After the fruit is squeezed into juice, on the one hand, many nutrients will be lost during the juicing process, for example, vitamin C will be destroyed by oxidation, and on the other hand, a lot of dietary fiber and minerals will be wasted if the pomace is lost. So drinking juice looks healthy, but it’s not.

  Of course, the most important thing to remind everyone is that everything should adhere to the principle of moderation. This should be the secret of staying healthy forever.

  (Source Tadpole Staff)

China Huarong officially announced that the liquidity crisis of Sunshine City, the parent company of Sunshine City, is expected to ease.

Our reporter Li Beibei reports from Shanghai.

With the support of policies, AMC (Asset Management Company) is accelerating its involvement in the real estate industry and becoming an important force to speed up the clearing of risks.

On August 5, China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (02799.HK, hereinafter referred to as "China Huarong") published a message on its WeChat account, revealing that recently, China Huarong and Sunshine Longjing Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sunshine Group") signed the Framework Agreement on Bailout Restructuring and held a meeting on strategic cooperation in bail-out.

Gao Gan, assistant to the president of China Huarong, said: "China Huarong will give full play to its rich experience in the field of problem enterprise bail-out and non-performing assets revitalization, and help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger and be reborn."

"Help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger"

On August 5th, China Huarong posted a message on WeChat, revealing that in order to implement the relevant requirements of the state on stabilizing the real estate market, ensuring the property and stabilizing people’s livelihood, and further promoting the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry, China Huarong has comprehensively promoted the bail-out cooperation with relevant market entities. Recently, it has signed the Framework Agreement on Bailout Restructuring with Sunshine Longjing Group Co., Ltd. and held a bail-out strategic cooperation meeting. However, as for the specific content of the framework agreement and the scale of bail-out, the article did not disclose it, and the telephone number announced by China Huarong official website also showed an empty number.

"China Huarong will give full play to its rich experience in the field of problem enterprise bail-out and non-performing assets revitalization business, and help Sunshine Group to bail out the danger and be reborn." On the same day’s strategic cooperation meeting, Gao Gan, assistant to the president of China Huarong, introduced that the rescue of Sunshine Longjing Group was a concrete measure to implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and relevant departments on resolving risks in the real estate market.

Lin Tengjiao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sunshine Group, said that in the face of liquidity difficulties and debt risks caused by economic downturn and COVID-19 epidemic, Sunshine Group actively carried out self-help, and this cooperation will add more powerful motivation and confidence to the future development of Sunshine Group.

According to public information, Sunshine Longjing Group is a family business jointly held by Lin Tengjiao and his brother Lin Weimin’s wife Wu Jie, among which Lin Tengjiao holds 98% of the shares of Sunshine Longjing Group. Through Sunshine Longjing Group, Lin Tengjiao and Wu Jie have invested in 12 enterprises, among which Wu Jie enjoys about 14.03% of the ultimate beneficial shares of the listed company Sunshine City (000671.SZ) and is the actual controller of Sunshine City; Lin Tengjiao’s ultimate beneficial share is about 13.18%.

In the second half of 2021, Sunshine City began to have a liquidity crisis, and then the company began to actively resolve it.

In order to solve the company’s debt problem, Lin Tengjiao raised funds everywhere, resigned from the director of Industrial Bank, moved nearly 4 billion yuan to subsidize Sunshine City, and cashed in the equity of Wanwuyun worth 3.052 billion yuan. In May this year, he also sold about 15% of his other listed company Longjing Environmental Protection (600388.SH, Fujian Longjing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.) for 1.734 billion yuan.

As of June 23, the debt situation announced by Sunshine City shows that as of the date of announcement, the total principal amount of the company’s overdue debts (including loans from financial institutions, partners’ money, open market-related products, etc.) is 37.688 billion yuan, of which: in the open market, the unpaid principal and interest of overseas open market bonds totaled 165 million US dollars, and the unpaid principal and interest of domestic open market bonds totaled 13.391 billion yuan. In April this year, the central bank called a number of banks and five national asset management institutions (AMC) to hold a meeting to discuss the rescue of real estate enterprises in danger. Sunshine City was among the 12 real estate enterprises that were rescued at that time.

As of press time, the reporter of China Times failed to obtain detailed information about the above agreement from Sunshine Longjing Group (Sunshine Holdings) and Sunshine City Group. However, before that, on July 19th, Sunshine City Group emphasized to the reporter of China Times that Sunshine City is actively promoting the resumption of production of projects in various places. In 2022, the company will no longer aim at sales, but establish "ensuring delivery and production" as the most important task of the year.

At present, Sunshine City has set up a "10W+ Delivery Special Working Group" to implement a "one plan, one policy" for projects with risky delivery, and make overall arrangements for funds to ensure the payment of important and difficult projects with fast progress, great risks and wide influence; At the same time, communicate with suppliers, creditors and project partners to avoid passive shutdown of the project; For major and difficult projects that have fallen into passive shutdown, we will mobilize superior resources to support them and strive for the resumption of work and production.

Stimulated by the good news of China Huarong’s official bail-out, on August 5, Sunshine City closed at HK$ 2.05 per share, up 3.02%.

AMC stepped up admission

Official website showed that China Huarong was established on November 1, 1999. It is one of the four state-owned financial asset management companies established in response to the Asian financial crisis, defusing financial risks, and promoting the reform of state-owned banks and extricating state-owned enterprises from difficulties. It was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of October 2015. The company’s main businesses include non-performing assets management, financial services business, and asset management and investment business, among which non-performing assets management is the core business of China Huarong.

According to public information, China Huarong has given a lot of support to real estate enterprises in danger during the year: before reaching a strategic cooperation with Sunshine City, China Huarong participated in the debt restructuring of Fantasia, and its Jiangsu branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zhongnan Construction (000961.SZ) in May this year to support the company’s transformation and development; On August 2, China Huarong Beijing Branch reached a settlement with Xinhualian (000620.SZ) and its subsidiaries on two restructuring debts totaling 1.274 billion yuan.

In fact, since the end of 2021, regulators including China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Central Bank, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have voiced their support and encouraged AMC to resolve real estate financial risks by directly purchasing bank claims of housing enterprises in difficulty. In January 2022, the financial management department convened a meeting of several financial AMCs to study AMC’s participation in asset disposal, project mergers and acquisitions and related financial intermediary services of venture real estate enterprises in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law.

Encouraged by the policy, AMC, including China Huarong, is accelerating its entry into the ranks of housing enterprises.

According to the statistics of Kerry Real Estate Research Center, under the guidance of policies, China Cinda, China Huarong and Great Wall Assets have participated in the rescue of housing enterprises. "As a professional non-performing asset disposal institution, AMC’s entry is obviously beneficial to asset revitalization, liquidity improvement and debt risk resolution in the real estate industry. At the same time, the increase in the demand for disposal of non-performing assets has also brought more business opportunities to AMC. " Kerry Real Estate Research Center pointed out.

For example, on March 14 this year, Great Wall Assets, one of the four national AMCs, issued 10 billion yuan of financial bonds for real estate financial risk resolution; In April, Great Wall Assets signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Communications Group. The two sides will cooperate in the fields of state-owned enterprise reform and restructuring, real estate industry risk resolution, "two non-two-capital" divestiture and disposal, and non-performing assets revitalization.

Kerry Real Estate Research Center emphasizes that in addition to national AMC, local AMCs will also accelerate their entry. For example, on July 19th, Zhengzhou Real Estate Group and Henan Assets jointly established Zhengzhou Real Estate Relief Fund, which participated in the relief work such as revitalizing the problem real estate and rescuing the housing enterprises in difficulty through asset disposal, resource integration and restructuring of consultants.

However, it is worth noting that some insiders pointed out that because many of their businesses are related to real estate, some AMC’s real estate risk exposure is not small. For example, in the 2021 annual report, China Huarong revealed that "the Group mainly conducts special opportunity investment business based on non-performing assets through subsidiaries such as Huarong Rongde. In 2021, Huarong Rongde’s net loss was RMB 661.6 million, mainly due to the deterioration of the operation and financial situation of some real estate enterprises’ customers and the decline of their performance ability. Huarong Rongde confirmed a large credit impairment loss in the current period. "

In the research report, Kerui Real Estate Research Center also pointed out that the cooperation process with AMC is still slow due to the uneven assets of real estate enterprises in danger and the complicated debt and creditor’s rights problems, and most of them remain in the agreement stage: "On the whole, the effect of the ‘AMC+ real estate enterprises in danger’ model remains to be further seen. In the period of exploring the way out, the industry still has to give priority to self-help, and survive the difficult period by means of debt extension, asset sale and other conventional means. "

Bai Wen Xi, chief economist of IPG China, bluntly told the reporter of China Times that the premise for AMC to give full play to the advantage of "disposing and sorting out non-performing assets" is to obtain the asset management right of the real estate enterprises in danger. "AMC can only become a supporting role and resource provider for these real estate enterprises to save themselves, but can’t become the leader of asset disposal, which naturally extends the actual effective period after AMC’s appearance." Bai Wenxi said.

Editor in Charge: Zhang Bei Editor in Chief: Zhang Yuning


Sanya takes Hainan Island International Film Festival as an opportunity to inject new vitality into the cultural tourism industry.

  Hainan Daily reporter Li Yanmei

  Walking into the cinema to watch movies is not a new thing; But watching movies on the top of the mountain is a novel experience for many people. On the evening of November 17th, in the Luhuitou Scenic Area in Sanya, tourists from all over the country, together with local residents in Sanya, "unlocked" this new experience: facing the sea, facing the breeze and feeling the fun of watching movies at the top of the mountain.

On the evening of December 17th, in the Luhuitou Scenic Area of Sanya City, citizens watched an open-air movie in a romantic night. Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  It is reported that the 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival has set up a "Golden Coconut Carnival" unit to carry out a variety of film-themed activities in scenic spots, hotels and communities in Sanya, including film screening, film fairs, film and television golden melody concerts, punching in and taking pictures of film installations, etc., integrating film and music culture with natural elements such as the sea and coconut wind, so that citizens and tourists can enjoy the light and shadow feast of Qiongdao in a multi-point, multi-dimensional and immersive way.

  Hainan Island International Film Festival is an important window to show Sanya’s urban scenery and cultural connotation, and it is also an important opportunity to enrich the supply of products and promote the consumption of cultural tourism. The tourism departments and tourism enterprises in Sanya seize the opportunity of the film festival, and through a series of cultural tourism activities with urban characteristics, let the film empower tourism development, let tourism plug in the "wings" of the film, and open a new two-way journey of culture and tourism on Lucheng land.

In Luhuitou Scenic Area of Sanya City, tourists brought their children to participate in the "Golden Coconut Carnival". Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  Outdoor screening allows fans to "fancy" the movie.

  "There are only a handful of cities in China that can watch movies outdoors in December. This is the romance of Sanya." On the evening of December 17th, Chen Wei, a Harbin tourist, met a light and shadow date in Luhuitou Scenic Area. We originally planned to play for 1 hour, and finally we had a good time for 3 hours before ending the trip.

  As one of the characteristics of Hainan Island International Film Festival, outdoor screening has always been concerned and loved by fans. The outdoor screening of this year’s film festival was upgraded to the "Golden Coconut Carnival", and a four-day "Light, Shadow, Cultural Tourism and Benefiting the People" special activity was held at the top of Luhuitou Scenic Area, Anaya Community Lawn, the theater of St. Regis Yalong Bay and Wanning Riyuewan, so that citizens and tourists could share a movie feast.

  At 18: 30 every day from December 17th to 20th, Luhuitou Scenic Area will show films such as Forgive him 77 times, Nobody and New never to lose. The big screen is set below the sculpture of Luhuitou, and the audience can sit along the stairs, not only enjoying the film, but also enjoying the graceful night view of Sanya.

  Since July 1st last year, Luhuitou Scenic Area has been open to citizens and tourists free of charge, which has attracted a large number of local residents to return. Wei Wu, a citizen of Sanya, is one of them. He will visit the scenic area from time to time. This time, when he learned that Hainan Island International Film Festival was holding activities in Luhuitou, he came to experience it with his wife and son. "After watching the sunset, you can not only enjoy the night scene, but also watch many movies for free. This trip is worth it." Wei Wu said.

  Diversified activities let the host and guest share the beauty.

  The activity site of Luhuitou Scenic Area integrates film market, film and television golden melody concert and interactive games, so that visitors can experience the "cultural atmosphere" of the market, "fireworks atmosphere" of film and television food and "life atmosphere" of interactive games while camping and watching movies.

Citizen tourists participate in the Golden Coconut Carnival film and television golden melody concert. Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  On the basis of covering market, interaction and music performance, the Anaya community activity site combines light and shadow art with camping form to meet the audience’s visual feast and leisure and entertainment needs.


  Hainan Daily reporter learned that the activities of the 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival "Golden Coconut Carnival" are rich in content. In addition to film screening, there are also activities such as film theme market, film and television golden melody concert, and film atmosphere group photo punching, creating a "playable, audible, viewable and enjoyable" cultural tour that integrates new formats, new consumption and new hotspots, and continuously releases new kinetic energy for the integration and development of cultural tours in Sanya.

  In addition to colorful offline activities, this year’s "Golden Coconut Carnival" also highlights the characteristics of national participation. Sanya Tourism Development Bureau launched the "Travel with Movies" challenge on the online social platform, attracting nearly 100 fans to participate in the event, with a total online exposure of 5.3 million times. The continuous exposure of online topics has aroused the public’s expectation and concern for the "Golden Coconut Carnival", which has set off the upsurge of watching movies for the whole people and the enthusiasm for traveling to Sanya.

  "Holding the activities of Hainan Island International Film Festival in scenic spots, communities and hotels is also a concrete practice of Sanya’s continuous implementation of the concept of" host-guest sharing ",which not only allows tourists to discover the more interesting and fun side of Sanya, but also drives the popularity of tourism to soar, releasing more consumption potential, enriching the daily life of citizens and letting everyone rediscover the beauty of’ home front’." The relevant person in charge of Sanya Tourism Development Bureau said.

At the scene of the "Golden Coconut Carnival" in Luhuitou Scenic Area, Sanya City, citizens participated in the prize-winning quiz. Hainan Daily reporter Wang Chenglong photo

  The integration of cultural tourism makes Sanya’s vitality emerge

  In recent years, Sanya has frequently become the location of film and television works. These film and television works with different themes have further shaped Sanya’s diversified business cards and demonstrated Lucheng’s open and inclusive attitude. At the same time, on the occasion of Sanya’s tourist season, a Covenant of light and shadow not only enriches the cultural life of citizens and tourists, but also enhances the new enthusiasm of Sanya’s tourism and injects new vitality into the development of cultural tourism industry.

  "The holding of the Hainan Island International Film Festival has set up a new platform for cultural exchanges between Hainan and Sanya facing the world. Sanya will also actively use this platform to give full play to the policy advantages of Hainan Free Trade Port and Sanya’s unique natural resource endowment to promote the high-quality development of Sanya’s cultural tourism industry. " Zhou Chunhua, member of the Standing Committee of Sanya Municipal Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department and Deputy Secretary-General of Hainan Island International Film Festival Organizing Committee, said.

  Not only film festivals, this year, a number of trendy cultural tourism activities with strong interactivity and full of experience, such as music festivals, comedy performances and exhibitions, have been held in Sanya, which not only makes the city more interesting and fun, but also drives the soaring popularity of tourism, releasing more consumption potential and promoting the deep "marriage" between tourism industry and cultural industry.

  At present, the main force of travel is getting younger and younger. Young customers are not satisfied with a single sightseeing experience. They show their individuality and pursue trendy, personalized and novel travel experiences, hoping to play with their own characteristics and tricks. Sanya is also actively adapting to market changes, combining with the preferences of young customers, launching a number of activities with distinctive features and rich connotations, shaping a new image of Sanya as a young, fashionable and international city, and making Lucheng "swim" younger and younger.

  Next, Sanya will take advantage of the IP of film festivals and music festivals to continue to release its attraction, so that more young people will focus on Sanya, drive more young tourists to Sanya, and attract more brand activities to settle in Sanya, realizing "traffic" and "retention".

  (Hainan Daily, Sanya, December 18th)


Lintongwa won the first Golden Boy Award and the Best Child Actor Award at the Macau International Children’s Film Festival.

On December 13th, Du Xuguang, the actor of the local film "There is a Good Place in the Tree" in Lintong District, won the "Best Children’s Actor Award" at the award ceremony of the first "Golden Boy Award" Macau International Children’s Film Festival 2023.

This year’s film festival has received more than 280 films from 19 countries and regions, including France, Norway, Mexico and Peru. Du Xuguang, the star of "There is a good place in the tree", won the "Best Children’s Actor Award" at the first "Golden Boy Award" Macau International Children’s Film Festival. This is also Du Xuguang’s second "Best Actor" award after winning the "International Little Actor" at the 24th Schlinger International Children’s Film Festival in Germany. At the same time, director Zhang Zhonghua was nominated for the Best Director Award in this film festival.


Du Xuguang, the winner, said in an interview: "Thank you for your love and support for the film" There is a Good Place in the Tree ".This honor is the reward paid by all the crew and the testimony of the good life memories of the crew. I will continue to study hard and strive to present more good works to you."


It is understood that in recent years, Lintong District Party Committee and District Government have devoted themselves to the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and industries, paid attention to and encouraged the development and growth of local films from various aspects such as policy support, service support and base construction, and children’s theme films have achieved fruitful results. The Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and other relevant departments took the initiative to take the lead in docking, focused on building a platform for resource integration and sharing, focused on building a chess game development pattern of the cultural industry, fully coordinated the shooting venue, and provided security services to ensure that the film was released on schedule.

In addition, the children’s film "The Art Teacher’s Shepherd’s Class" directed by Zhang Zhonghua has been broadcasted solo on the whole network of iQiyi this year, and works such as "There is a Good Place by the River" directed by him and "Sparrow Ditch" directed by Wang Qiang, a native director of Lintong after 1990s, will soon meet the audience.

(correspondent Yan Yongchun)