2,700 layoffs, losses 6 billion, NIO has no future?

By the end of 2022, NIO had a total of 26,763 employees. On November 3, NIO Chairperson and CEO Li Bin said in a letter to all NIO employees that about 10% of positions would be reduced, meaning that about 2,700 people would be laid off.

On August 29, 2023, NIO announced the second quarter financial report. The financial report shows that the revenue decreased by 14.8% year-on-year to 8.7717 billion yuan, the gross profit decreased by 93.5% year-on-year to 87 million yuan, the net loss 6.0558 billion yuan increased by 119.6% year-on-year, and the adjusted net loss was 5.4457 billion yuan, an increase of 140.2% year-on-year. (Normally, NIO will release the third quarter financial report of 2023 around November 9, but as of the date of publication, it has not been seen for a long time, and the estimated data is not optimistic.)

As of October this year, NIO’s total sales were 126,067 vehicles, ahead of XPeng Motors’ 101,445 vehicles, but far below Li Auto’s 284,647 vehicles.

The level of sales is the bedrock of a car company’s economy, and a series of data suggest that NIO’s life in 2023 will indeed be difficult.

Although NIO’s sales and profits are average, it is also quietly doing big things.

As of November 1, NIO has built 2,079 power stations and 19,579 charging piles around the world, including more than 2,000 power stations in China and more than 600 high-speed stations. At the same time, NIO’s overseas and domestic stores are also increasing, with 25 new stores added in October.

The layout of NIO’s charging and swapping network and stores has undoubtedly improved the car experience of NIO owners and expanded the influence of NIO, but many people believe that the construction and operation costs of NIO swapping stations are too high, and the global rollout takes up a lot of money.

If the cost of a power station 3 million (including land, personnel, battery loss, etc.), the NIO 2000 power stations need at least 6 billion to support. More importantly, NIO power stations only serve NIO owners, and NIO promises to owners that there will be free power changes every year, so the profitability of NIO power stations is about equal to none compared with 6 billion.

In addition, with the rapid development of overcharging technology and battery technology, the charging time has been greatly shortened, the battery life of pure electric vehicles has also been greatly improved, and the advantage of fast power station replacement has been gradually weakened.

Writing here, the author wants to apologize for the NIO power station replacement.

The author has personally experienced the second and third generation of NIO power station, and the average power change time is only 3-5 minutes. No matter how fast the overcharge speed is, it is impossible for them to fully charge a 75KW/h and 100KW/h battery within 3 minutes at this stage, and the charging time will even be extended due to the instability of the charging pile voltage. If there is no revolutionary breakthrough in power battery technology, the charging speed of the power station cannot be shaken.

The power station takes up most of NIO’s resources, but it also brings a lot of convenience to users, and at this stage, the power station and the overcharge complement each other, and it is far from the day when the winner will be decided.

NIO’s predicament today is mainly caused by high prices and low sales.

At present, NIO’s product system has covered many aspects such as cars, SUVs, coupe SUVs, station wagons, etc. It is the car company with the most models and the widest layout among the three car companies of "Wei Xiaoli". Friends who are familiar with NIO know that the price of its models is generally high. If it were not for the price reduction of NIO ES6 and NIO ET5 and ET5T, NIO’s cars would not be lower than 300,000 at all, especially NIO ES8 high-end models. Correction is approaching 600,000.

The advantage of many models and high prices is that it has cut into a more subdivided market, stabilized NIO’s high-end brand perception, but also entered the sphere of influence of traditional luxury brands and emerging brands such as Tesla.

NIO ET5 and ET5T priced at 29.8-356,000 yuan have no advantage over Tesla Model 3 and BMW 3 Series in price, and belong to the level of half a catty to eight taels in control and comfort. The biggest advantage is that ET5T has design advantages in order to stabilize the monthly average of 5000 vehicles (ET5 and ET5T), which can be compared with BMW 3 Series and Tesla Model 3 with an average of 1-20,000 units.

In fact, NIO has tasted the sweetness brought by the price reduction, in June NIO all models down 30,000 yuan, although the cancellation of free power exchange and other parts of the rights and interests, but NIO new ES6, ET5T, ET5, ES8 and other models sales or a significant increase, its July sales is the first time in the year to break through the 20,000, especially the new ES6 of 11118 vehicles, become the absolute main force of NIO.

At this stage, many car companies are deliberately setting the price of new cars for sales, such as Zhiji LS6, Xiaopeng G6, Xiaopeng G9, etc., and the effect is quite positive. Xiaopeng G6’s October sales are 8,741 units, Xiaopeng G9 is listed for 15 days, and Zhiji LS6 is 28,000 units.

Now NIO really don’t have to hold it for high-end brand perception. It is the most practical to cancel part of the rights and interests to give consumers real money discounts in order to sell sales. What about the future of NIO? Layoffs and losses are just a small episode in its growth process. Even if Li Jiebin picks it up, with the scale of NIO charging stations and stores, as well as the annual sales of 150,000 vehicles, capital and major car companies will not give up easily. (Text/Youshi Auto, forward)

Note: The pictures are from the Internet, and the rights belong to the original author. Thank you together! This article only represents the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Youshi Auto.

Geely officials have announced that it will become a trend for traditional IPO car companies in the United States to "create a second generation" listing.

K diagram 00175_0

  A piece of paperIt opened the curtain of its high-end smart electric brand’s independent IPO.

  On December 13th, (00175.HK) announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that Krypton had submitted a draft registration statement for possible initial public offering to the SEC on December 7th, 2022 on a confidential basis.

  According to the announcement, the proposed spin-off content currently includes two items, namely, the sale of krypton shares in the United States and the physical way toDistribute American Depositary Shares. On the date of this announcement, the number and amount of American Depositary Shares proposed for sale and sale in the IPO have not been determined.

  The day before, it was reported that Krypton sought to raise more than 1 billion US dollars (about 6.9 billion yuan) in the United States, with a valuation of more than 10 billion US dollars (about 69 billion yuan), which was higher than the 9 billion US dollars when it raised funds for the first time last year.

  Krypton independent spin-off listing

  It is believed that the proposed spin-off is in the overall interests of shareholders, which will enable investors to better evaluate the Group and focus on retaining business, and at the same time provide Krypton with continuous direct and independent access to the equity and debt capital markets when necessary. In view of the industry trend and based on the evaluation of the business and operation of the Group and Krypton, it is suggested that the spin-off will enhance the value of Krypton, enable Krypton to develop independently and fully release its potential, thus benefiting shareholders.

  In fact, the news that Krypton will be listed independently has a long history.

  Krypton was established in March 2021, and was jointly invested by Geely Automobile and Geely Holding Group. As early as last August, when we completed the $500 million Pre-A round of financing, Yuan Jing, CFO of Extreme Intelligence Technology, said that there is no clear IPO plan at present, but it does not rule out participating in the capital market in various forms in the future.

  After more than a year of development, on October 31st this year, Geely Automobile announced that it proposed to split Krypton and list it independently, and the Stock Exchange has confirmed that the company can carry out the proposed spin-off, but the terms of the proposed spin-off (including listing location, sale scale, price range and the company’s shareholders can get Krypton)The guaranteed quota of) has not yet been determined.

  As the "second growth curve" of Geely’s electrification, Krypton is becoming the high-end of Geely.As a new force in the market, the sales volume of Geely Automobile increased from 3.5% in the first half of 2021 to 17.9% in the first half of this year.

  At present, the main model of extremely krypton is extremely krypton 001. In November this year, extremely krypton delivered 11,000 vehicles. After the first delivery in October, it broke through 10,000 vehicles again, and achieved a month-on-month growth for five consecutive months. In the first 11 months of this year, the cumulative delivery of krypton has reached 66,600 vehicles, and there is almost no suspense in achieving the goal of selling 70,000 vehicles annually.

  In addition, in November this year, Extreme Krypton launched its second product, Extreme Krypton 009, aiming at pure electricity.MPV is expected to be delivered in January next year.

  An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, said that in the first half of this year, it was extremely gross.It will reach about 5%, and the gross profit level will be further improved on the basis of delivering 50,000 vehicles in the second half of the year.

  It is worth mentioning that Krypton is not the first brand listed independently by Geely. In October 2021, Volvo Cars announced that it wasInitial public offering of Stockholm Stock Exchange; In June this year,(Polestar) merged with SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) Gores Guggenheim and landed in the United States; The application statement for Geely’s Yikatong Technology to use the listing plan of SPAC company CovaAcquisitionCorp in the United States has been announced by the US regulatory authorities. It is expected that the listing of SPAC will be completed by the end of this year, with a valuation of about 3.8 billion US dollars.

  It is becoming a trend for traditional car companies to "create the second generation" to go public.

  In fact, as a business with huge initial investment and long payback period, car-making has to go through mass production-sales climbing-scale effect highlighting-gross.Turn positive-The long process of becoming a full member-returning to the original position.

  Even "Wei Xiaoli", whose sales volume has risen and gross profit margin has turned positive, has not yet achieved profitability under the continuous R&D investment and market layout. Although in the eyes of many people, the new brand born out of traditional car companies is not bad, but the cruel fact is that at present, exceptandIn addition, basically all brands have not yet formed a certain hematopoietic capacity.

  Chairman Ceng Qinghong hit the nail on the head-"At present, all new energy automakers are losing money and have no money to earn. This is a consensus."

  The cumulative loss of GAC Ai ‘an in 2019-2021 was nearly 2.7 billion yuan; Lantu Automobile, a subsidiary of Dongfeng, has been in a state of loss since its establishment in June last year. By June 30 this year, the accumulated net loss was 1.443 billion yuan, and the average monthly net loss exceeded 100 million yuan.

  According to the financial report data released by Geely Automobile, the revenue in 2021 was 2.868 billion yuan, and the net loss in the same period reached 1.01 billion yuan; In the first half of this year, Krypton’s revenue was 8.828 billion yuan, and the net loss during the period was 759 million yuan. Since the establishment of the brand, the accumulated net loss of Krypton is nearly 1.8 billion yuan.

  In An Conghui’s view, "smart electric vehicles don’t make money at first, but with the growth of sales and the formation of branding and scale, enterprises can gradually make profits."

  Therefore, for the new car-making enterprises that are generally in a state of burning money crazily and have not yet achieved balance of payments or even profits, they are facing the domestic market.The fierce competition in the city needs more funds for production investment, technology research and development, brand building, digital marketing, channel expansion, etc. Financing and listing have become one of the means for many new car manufacturers to get more funds. Since this year, many traditional car companies have released listing plans.

  Insiders of GAC Ai ‘an revealed to 21st century business herald that GAC Ai ‘an, which has completed the A round of financing, plans to make an IPO next year and strive to become the first new energy vehicle in science and technology innovation board; Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, has repeatedly publicly stated that the company’s public financing is already under planning, and there will be A-round, B-round and C-round financing plans, as well as very clear listing plans; In addition, it is reported that Feifan Automobile, a subsidiary of SAIC, also has an independent IPO plan.

  In November this year, Lantu Automobile completed a round of financing of 5 billion yuan, and the valuation of Lantu Automobile after financing was about 30 billion yuan. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu Automobile, said that Lantu Automobile will continue to carry out subsequent rounds of financing according to actual development needs and market conditions. At the same time, it will also consider the follow-up IPO plan based on the market and regulatory policies.

  It is worth mentioning that if the company, which was established less than two years ago, successfully goes public in the United States, it will become the fastest listed new car-making enterprise. beforeIdeal, Tucki took about four to five years from its establishment to landing in the US stock market, and successfully went public in Hong Kong in September this year.It took nearly seven years.

  In the eyes of the industry, the current capital market is becoming more and more rational for intelligent electric tracks. In order to obtain financing, simple storytelling is difficult to maintain, and it needs to be matched with actual products and technologies. "In contrast, the new energy brands hatched by traditional car companies do not have too many historical burdens. They are good at absorbing new management models and focusing on new energy, autonomous driving and other tracks, which has certain appeal to industrial capital."

Great Wall Motor released the semi-annual performance forecast for 2023.

  [car home Information] On July 14th, Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. released the semi-annual performance forecast for 2023. In the first half of 2023, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1.15 billion yuan to 1.55 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was 600 million yuan to 850 million yuan. Comprehensively deepen the strategic layout of intelligent new energy, and the hot single product helped the business performance to continue to improve. From January to June, it sold 519,000 vehicles, and both new energy sales and overseas sales reached new highs.

Home of the car

  In 2023, Great Wall Motor accelerated the advancement of intelligent new energy in an all-round way, and the company’s operation continued to improve. In the first quarter, it sold 220,000 vehicles with a net profit of 174 million yuan. With the development of (|) series, Wei Lanshan DHT-PHEV and other new energy products, it sold 299,000 vehicles in the second quarter, with a net profit of 976 million yuan to 1.376 billion yuan, and a net profit of 817 million yuan after deducting it from the mother.

Great wall motor haval Xiaolong MAX 2023 1.5L Hi4 105 four-wheel drive intelligent ultimate edition

  In the first half of the year, Great Wall Motor comprehensively deepened the strategic layout of intelligent new energy, with a cumulative sales of 519,226 vehicles from January to June; The intelligent new energy strategy has achieved remarkable results, with the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reaching 93,225, up 46.60% year-on-year. Haval Xiaolong MAX first took the brand-new intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology Hi4. After 45 days of listing, the Haval Xiaolong series ushered in the 10,000 th vehicle off the assembly line. Haval’s second-generation big dog quickly occupied the blue ocean of new energy light off-road market.

Great Wall Motor Tank 500 New Energy 2023 Hi4-T

  Wei brand Blue Mountain DHT-PHEV and Mocha DHT-PHEV empower brands to advance to high-end intelligent new energy. Since its listing on April 13th, the cumulative sales volume of Blue Mountain DHT-PHEV has reached 11,692 vehicles. In 2023, Tank 500 and Tank 500 Hi4-T went on the market, among which Tank 500 Hi4-T relied on the off-road super hybrid architecture Hi4-T, and built the off-road new energy technology benchmark with hard-core strength.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Since the establishment of the Euler brand, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 380,000 vehicles. The 2023 Euler Good Cat, the 2023 Euler Good Cat GT Mulan Edition and the 2023 Euler Ballet Cat have been listed, which continues to deepen the needs of users. In the first half of the year, the domestic terminal market share of Great Wall pickup truck exceeded 50%. New products such as 2023 Great Wall Cannon, King Kong Cannon AT model, fire bomb and dragon bomb were listed, and Shanhai Cannon was delivered one after another.

Home of the car

  In the first half of the year, Great Wall Motor further promoted new energy products to go to sea, and from January to June, it sold 123,930 vehicles overseas, up 97.27% year-on-year. Intelligent new energy products quickly landed overseas. In the first half of the year, Haval H6 HEV, Euler Good Cat, Tank 300, Tank 500 and other models were listed in overseas markets such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Chile, Australia and Madagascar.

Home of the car

  The first accessory center in the Middle East operates in UAE. Brazilian Vice President visited the Brazilian factory to witness the launch of Brazil’s first hybrid flexible fuel pickup truck project. The overseas dealer system has been continuously improved, and strategic partnerships have been established with dealers such as Yingzhijie Group, Vietnam Cheng ‘an Group and Singapore Cycle & Carriage Group to accelerate the expansion and landing of the global sales network.

Home of the car

  In the second half of the year, the product matrix will continue to be refreshed, and new products such as Haval H5, Gaoshan DHT-PHEV and Tank 400 will empower a new round of growth potential, boosting sales and performance. (Compile/car home zhang xiaodan)

China in Spring: In early spring and February, cherry blossoms dance and rape are dyed all over the ground.

  Cctv news: Spring returns to the earth, and everything is renewed. At this time of year, peach blossoms and willow greens, singing and dancing, and spring steps from south to north. Cherry blossoms are flying on the Songjiang mine site in Shanghai, Luoping in Yunnan is golden everywhere, bougainvillea in Haikou, Hainan is dazzling, and Shili cherry blossoms in Zhangping, Fujian are blooming all over the mountain. Come and enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

  Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden: In early spring and February, the cherry blossom dance pit site became a garden.

  In Chenshan Botanical Garden in Songjiang, Shanghai, it is warm and cold in early spring and February, and the grass is not yet green. Cherry blossoms take the lead in bringing spring. Thousands of Hejin cherry blossoms have blossomed one after another, and the cherry blossom avenue with a length of more than 600 meters has reached the most romantic season of the year. Pink cherry blossoms are covered with branches, like clouds, and walking among them is like walking into a pink dream tunnel.

  Chenshan was a quarry 20 years ago, and half of the stones on the hill have been cut off. It was once a mine site with serious soil erosion and serious vegetation degradation, and now it has turned into a beautiful urban garden. As a mega-city with a population of 24 million, Shanghai, with an inch of land, eliminated more than 500 backward enterprises through planning and land consolidation last year, took out 400 square kilometers of land and built 21 country parks. These country parks can not only purify the air, conserve water and prevent land loss, but also provide more choices for citizens to go hiking.

  Rapeseed Flower Sea in Luoping, Yunnan: Rapeseed is dyed all over the ground like a dream and a poetic spring breeze.

  In Luoping County, Yunnan Province, which is famous for its rape flower sea, 800,000 mu of rape flower fields are endless. Since the spring, there has been plenty of rain here, and rape has grown well. Even today, it is a rainy day, but although we can’t see the bright spring, we can appreciate the unique flavor of the sea of rape flowers in the fog.

  It is located in the mountainous area, and the fields are reclaimed by the mountains and stepped up, forming a unique terraced rape flower sea. The golden rape blossoms and unique geographical environment attract many tourists at this time of year, which also brings a lot of changes to the local area.

  Ao Liqiong, a villager in Shaodai Village, Luoping County, used to work in other places. Two years ago, she returned to the village to plant rapeseed. At the same time, she opened a farmhouse to entertain tourists who came to watch rapeseed. Now she doesn’t have to travel far, but her income is higher than before. In the village, more than 10 people have returned to their hometowns to start businesses like him. Rape series industry has also become a local pillar industry, taking the villagers on the road to becoming rich. Look at this golden land, this year is another bumper harvest year.

  Haikou Binhai Park, Hainan: a city with red clover and red pistil.

  In the Binhai Park in Haikou, Hainan, clusters of colorful bougainvillea bloomed in the spring, and citizens and tourists strolled in the sea of flowers, letting the sea breeze brush their faces and feel the warm spring in the south. There are nearly 90 thousand bougainvillea plants and more than 110 varieties here. During the holidays, it receives tens of thousands of citizens and tourists every day.

  Bougainvillea bougainvillea was called bougainvillea in ancient times. It can blossom all year round. The poet Shu Ting once wrote: As long as there is sunshine all the year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter are your flowering periods. Bougainvillea symbolizes the spirit of enthusiasm, perseverance and indomitable spirit. In 2013, it was designated as the flower of Hainan Province, and the colorful bougainvillea also made the enthusiasm of the tourist island more intense. With the increasing market demand for bougainvillea, the bougainvillea economy has also taken shape. In 2016, the number of bougainvillea planting enterprises in Hainan increased from 27 to 56, and the number doubled.

  Taiwan Province Farmers Pioneer Park, Zhangping, Fujian: Shili Cherry Blossom Mountain is full of tea, green cherry blossoms are red and spring is strong.

  Ten thousand mu of tea garden is full of cherry blossoms. In the Taiwan Province Farmers Pioneer Park in Yongfu Town, zhangping city, Fujian Province, more than 100,000 early spring cherry blossoms are blooming along the winding path on the lush tea mountain. From the air, they look like ribbons wrapped around the green tea mountain.

  Yongfu Town’s geographical and climatic conditions of high cold, high humidity and high altitude are very similar to those of Alishan Mountain in Taiwan Province. It belongs to a high-quality tea producing area, especially suitable for planting alpine tea in Taiwan. As early as 1996, Taiwan compatriots took root in this kind of tea, so it has the reputation of "Alishan Mountain in the Mainland". At present, Yongfu Town has more than 500 resident Taiwanese businessmen, planting more than 55,000 mu of Taiwanese alpine tea and 20,000 mu of Tieguanyin, with an annual output value of more than 600 million yuan, making it the most concentrated and largest alpine tea production base for Taiwan Province tea farmers to invest in the mainland. Since the beginning of spring, after several spring rains, the tea tree is growing vigorously, and this year’s spring tea will usher in a bumper harvest.

  In addition to planting tea, since 2006, Taiwan compatriots have also interplanted cherry blossoms in tea gardens. Today, there are more than 150,000 cherry blossoms planted here, with as many as 42 varieties. Yongfu Town from January to March every year is a magnificent scene of "ten miles of cherry blossoms blooming all over the mountain". Only during the Spring Festival holiday this year, more than 270,000 tourists came here to enjoy the flowers.

After the age of 30, there are five differences between runners and non-runners. What kind are you?

A few days ago, I talked with my friends about the changes over the years. Many people talked about the reunion after graduation, and the most amazing ones were the old classmates.Changes in figure.

When I was studying, I was full of energy, including physical education class, sports fields and various ball games. When I was young, my basic metabolism was also strong. Even if I had enough food every meal, I would still worry about my thin figure. Girls still have collagen all over their faces even without expensive skin care products.

After the age of 30, whether it is career or health, it will be a turning point in life.It may not take three or five years for people to pull out an insurmountable gap.

Running and not running are two completely different lives. What’s the difference in five years?

First of all,The body will be very different.

After the age of 30, the metabolism slowly decreases.About 5% to 10% every ten years.This means that even if you eat as much as you used to, you will gradually get fat. Some people say that drinking water will make you fat, and many factors are due to the decline of basal metabolism.

If you don’t exercise, with eating, drinking and having fun, many middle-aged people will unconsciously gain weight, and soon you will find that the middle-aged image is possessed, which will naturally look greasy.

On the contrary,If you can keep your exercise habits and run regularly, you can make up for the decreased basal metabolism.At least you won’t get fat so soon. You can still maintain your youthful image at the reunion 10 years after graduation. Even some friends who like fitness can practice mermaid line, vest line, peach hip and unicorn arm. This figure is really enviable.

Second, the obvious advantages of physical fitness.

After the age of 30, the secretion of growth hormone decreases. If we lack a certain intensity of exercise in our lives, our skeletal muscle will decrease by 1% to 2% every year.

The best medicine to fight aging is to keep exercising.People who run regularly have good cardiopulmonary function, tight muscles and well-proportioned figure.

Many people feel that after running for a period of time, they become less tired. In fact, this is the performance of improving their physical fitness.

The body is the capital of the revolution. The better the physical fitness, the less likely it is to get tired.When we are tired, our brain will be deprived of oxygen, and we will yawn uncontrollably. This is that our body is helping you to increase your oxygen intake.

And running can improve people’s aerobic capacity, so that the body will never lack oxygen and be full of vitality.

Under the heavy study burden and work pressure, running is the best choice if you want to keep your body full and your brain awake.

Third, the difference between face value and temperament

After the age of 30, with the growth of age, the skin gradually relaxes, and the face value will also drop greatly. I have been working in front of the computer for a long time, hunched unconsciously, keyboard player, and temperament gradually declined.

For people who insist on running for a long time, due to sweating every day and expelling toxins from the body, the skin will become tight, smooth and elastic, and people who lose their facial features will become more stereoscopic.

If you don’t exercise, you can’t enjoy the benefits of exercise. With the growth of age, the aging speed of the body will also accelerate, and the function will also decline rapidly.

Running may not have an immediate effect on your appearance, but if you keep running, you will feel happy and confident. Every time you finish running, you will sweat profusely and take a cold bath, feeling as if you have become lighter and better.

In the long run,Running regularly helps to shape your body.And a good figure is the embodiment of self-discipline. I think you will become more and more confident because of your appearance, and self-confidence will bring you a unique temperament.

Fourth, the difference of state

Runners tend to be more self-disciplined, such as going to bed early and getting up early, eating properly and exercising regularly. Because you want better exercise effect, besides the necessary running training, you need to adjust your daily diet, exercise habits and work and rest habits.

On the contrary, people who don’t exercise are not necessarily wasting their time, but they often show indulgence and laziness in their diet and living habits: playing mobile phones, indulging in games, staying up late and so on.

After a few years, the pressure of life and work will make people bow their heads. If you feel mental stress for a long time, your state will become low and your eyes will gradually dim. People who insist on running can release pressure and collect positive energy during exercise, and their mood is still full, their eyes are still transparent and their vitality is still the same.

After all, there is a big difference between running and not running, whether it is health index or mental outlook. So what kind of person would you choose to be?If you want to change yourself, you might as well start now!

After running, what do you think is different from your peers?

Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories "Love Story in Late Spring" was published: becoming Han Songluo who wrote novels.

Reporter Qu Peng
Han Songluo’s brand-new collection of short stories in late spring, Love Story in Late Spring, was recently published by People’s Literature Publishing House. With the unique brushwork of the northwest land, it coldly observed and meticulously recorded its own stories of the times.
The six short stories in Love Story in Late Spring all revolve around "running away". Without exception, they all run away, looking for themselves or the future, or a running-away ceremony that has no purpose, no end and no answer, but must be completed.
In The Fish Tank and the Sunlight, the novel takes Li Zhiliang’s "running away" as the anchor point, and begins to exert its strength and spread outward: the low-frequency noise of the fish tank, the boredom of adolescence, and the conversation of psychologists … Finally, the ultimate fate of all people is running away, and the destination of running away is not going to prosperity or the city, but to the wilderness, madness and a long road with no return.
"Love Song for Remy Young" describes the musical memory of a generation in the 1990s. Teenagers who dream of Guangdong and small towns shrouded in prosperity, people who want to be famous and fearless. He focused on the fate of the little people. After several years, the music ensemble, can everything be the same?
In the Golden Age of Remy Young, the hero Remy Young is trapped in a dirty, chaotic and crowded family, and he is eager to break out of the shackles and build a beautiful new world. As a teacher, he entered the space of the other, which is also true and false, and also ushered in his golden age, because he investigated the students who impersonated the college entrance examination. However, after leaving the wilderness again and again, he was shocked that everyone was telling and confessing, spreading dark rumors to the world. Finally, with a sigh, return to his real world.
My Father’s House of Fantasies is a inner senses connected with the real world, which is constructed in fantastic imagination. The sudden disappearance of my father when I was young made the building he designed a fantastic space for me. With the mystery of my father’s disappearance, "I" kept searching until the appearance of "Xu Lihu", which made me find some clues …
The opening of Love Story in Late Spring is the return of Pu Yilin. Lin, who has been abducted for more than 20 years, "went home", and the joy he recovered, familiar and unfamiliar relatives and friends, guilt and hatred hung over the Pu family for an instant. After the ups and downs, mother Fengtai fell into endless assumptions: if he was shown the "White Pagoda" near his home, could he get it-his son never left home, so he didn’t have to accept everything in front of him in a hurry and panic?
"Lonely Hunter" is the twilight, when "she" dials the phone number randomly generated in her mind, her unstable mood and whispers with no fixed destination. Don’t cross the line, don’t trespass, just simply vent everything. When the "beep" sounds, I return to the scene and look around as if nothing had happened …
Han Songluo
Han Songluo was born in Xinjiang and lived in Gansu. His life for more than forty years has been based on the northwest land. He added new content to northwest writing by his own way of not sticking to traditional writing techniques and narrative skills. According to Zhang Yiwei, a writer, Han Songluo’s novels are "westerns" of China’s contemporary literature. Zhang Li, a professor at the College of Literature of Beijing Normal University, also said that Han Songluo’s writing is full of fantasy and deep sense of reality, with a distant, wild and chilly wind. He is an unforgettable writer who brings new temperament. Perhaps it is precisely because of his delicate and never lazy perception of the changes of the four seasons in the northwest and everything around him, spying, thinking and writing that his words and works were cast. "Not everyone has to sing the same song, he has his own movement", which is perhaps the best annotation for him. He lived and wrote as a shadow, dancing in the county town, Shan Ye and fantasy.
It has been nearly 20 years since Han Songluo began to write prose at the age of thirteen or fourteen and published his works in 1995. He is Han Songluo who writes columns, film reviews, music reviews and even lyrics, but he is always Han Songluo who writes prose. Han Songluo, who has written a column for eighteen years, returned to the road of novel creation after he had finished supporting his family, buying a house and obtaining financial resources. First came Night in Spring Mountain, then Love Story in Late Spring. He began to write for himself, not for anything else.
Writers Li Xiuwen and Han Songluo have been close friends for many years. He has been recommending Han Songluo’s novels to people. Those brilliant and gloomy, running away and returning, those "serial" traditions and wilderness characteristics, those mysterious pursuits and teachings under the stars have been constantly experimented and refined by Han Songluo, and finally formed a fascinating novel world. "Now, as a novelist, he has finally been seen by more people. As his friend and colleague, I am deeply proud.
Readers who are familiar with Han Songluo know that many of his works contain the word "spring". For him, "spring" is like a self-evident code word between him and words and readers. Han Songluo said that when he was young, it took great courage to say that he liked flowers. However, it is hard for people who have really lived in the northwest not to fall in love after truly feeling the spring. In the northwest, spring is the beginning of everything, and flowers are so important. Now he can finally speak out his longing for spring and his love for flowers, which is a great freedom and unspeakable happiness. Therefore, the main element of the cover design of Love Story in Late Spring is a hazy, gorgeous and blooming flower, which comes from the famous Spanish photographer Paula Codo?er.

Rush to the hot search! 219 million yuan in the men’s two-color ball, and 5 million yuan in donation!

  What, someone won the lottery and donated 5 million?

  # 219 million in the men’s two-color ball donated 5 million #

  Chong chong re sou

  As we all know, under normal circumstances, the lottery prize is capped at 5 million, and just recently, someone actually donated a "first prize" for public welfare! Such a big deal is Mr. Li, a lucky man in Guangxi who just took away "two small goals" on the morning of October 24.

  Things should start with the lottery of China Welfare Lottery No.2022120 on the evening of October 20th. In the current period, there were 43 first prizes in the country, with a single prize of more than 5.48 million yuan, of which Guangxi won 40 bets! Moreover, the first prizes of these 40 bets are from betting station No.45010316 and betting station No.45016072 in Litang Town, Binyang County, Guangxi Province, with 20 bets in each station, and the betting method is single bet and 20 times bet! In other words, the 40-note prize belongs to two lottery tickets, and each lottery ticket only costs 40 yuan, winning 109.7 million yuan respectively! Both betting stations are located in Litang Town Department Store, Binyang County.

  According to past experience, the same betting method, betting station in the same place and winning the grand prize in the same period will often be won by the same person. For example, the 565 million double-color ball that we won in Xinchang, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province was bought by the lucky ones at two betting stations. This prize, which ranks second in the lottery history of China, was awarded in the No.11086 issue of the two-color ball on the evening of July 26th, 2011. The prize of 5.14 million with 110 bets was won in Zhejiang, which came from three lottery tickets sold by two betting sites in Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province. Two of the lottery tickets selected two bets with the same number and made 25 times bets respectively. The ticketing time was about 1: 50 pm on the day of the lottery, only 34 seconds apart, and the serial numbers were connected. In addition, there are 10 first prizes from another Fucai betting station about 1 km away. The winning lottery will bet 10 times on the number of one note, and the ticketing time will be 5: 30 pm on the same day. Finally, the grand prize winner appeared to redeem the prize, confirming that all three tickets were from one person, and won a total of 565 million grand prizes for the two-color ball!

  As expected, the first prize of Guangxi’s 40 notes was also won by one person. On the morning of October 24th, Mr. Li received a pre-tax cash check of 219 million yuan from Lan Ting, secretary and director of the General Party Branch of Guangxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center, and donated 5 million yuan on the spot to entrust Guangxi Welfare Lottery Center for public welfare.

  Mr. Li is a big fan of welfare lottery. More than ten years ago, he began to buy Fucai two-color ball lottery tickets. After four or five years, he didn’t win the grand prize. So Mr. Li considered changing a betting method and selected a group of numbers that were pleasing to the eye to start chasing the number. However, "most of them didn’t win, and occasionally they won dozens of pieces." Because of his hobbies and family members’ no objection, Mr. Li also had a normal heart about not winning the prize. "The money invested is acceptable, mainly to buy a hope."

  On October 20th, he passed a lottery betting station in Litang Department Store, Binyang County, Guangxi, and bought three lottery tickets in 160 yuan. At that time, Mr. Li played a 20-fold lottery ticket on a betting machine in the betting station. Before long, he felt that this group of numbers was very "heart-warming". When he went forward to play the ticket, the salesman was busy helping another lottery buyer to redeem the instant lottery prize, so another salesman helped him to play the same group of 20-fold lottery tickets on another betting machine in the station. Unexpectedly, these two lottery tickets actually won 109.7 million yuan each! Mr. Li said that this group of numbers, that is, the multiples bought in the last three periods, were more than expected to be so lucky. In addition, he also chose a "6+2" small double-color ball lottery, and won the 100 yuan Prize.

  On the evening of October 20, Mr. Li went to sleep before the current two-color ball lottery. It was not until the morning of the 21st that he brushed his mobile phone that he realized that Litang Town had won the first prize of 40 times the two-color ball. At first glance, it was the group number that he had kept for many years! I stayed up all night that day. On the morning of the 22nd, Mr. Li took a bus to Nanning and found a hotel to stay. "They are all sleeping in the hotel, afraid to go out and lose the lottery." He said.

  Unlike most grand prize winners, Mr. Li was very calm after winning the prize. "I didn’t tell my wife and children that they were too bloated and wouldn’t work or work hard in the future." At present, Mr. Li’s family and friends don’t know that he won the grand prize. As for the use of this bonus, Mr. Li said that he hasn’t thought about it yet, and he will slowly plan how to use it. After visiting Guangxi Welfare Lottery Culture Exhibition Hall, Mr. Li deeply realized that part of the funds for purchasing lottery tickets were used for public welfare undertakings such as "helping the elderly, helping the disabled, saving the orphans and helping the poor", so he decided to donate 5 million yuan from the prize money and entrust Guangxi Welfare Lottery Center for public welfare undertakings.

  Comprehensive: Guangxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center website, Zhejiang Fucai

Source: Guizhou Radio and Television Station

Shanghai Nanjing Road Tourism

There is a tourist attraction around Shanghai, however, this is Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street. Because my friends can’t go to Shanghai Disneyland, Yuyuan can’t go, and cannot go to the temple, but no one does not go to Shanghai landmark -Oriental Pearl Tower. It is the Oriental Pearl Tower and Bund next to Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street. Watching the Oriental Pearl Nanjing Road generally visited the past.

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, the total length of 1033 meters, Shanghai is the first construction of Pedestrian Street, and China is called the first step in the bank street. In the streets, cars are not allowed to pass. Although there are pedestrians in the middle of the street, although there are pedestrians, street layouts and landscape TV series, it is worth visiting in the taste of old Shanghai.

Nanjing Road is a shopping paradise for people. On both sides of Nanjing Road, there are various shopping malls and experience stores, restaurants, and so on. Throughout Nanjing Road, there are more than 1,200 well -known brands. It has nearly 800 light in its international brand. At the same time, more than 90 top brands have opened flagship stores here. It is also called Nanjing Road. High -end consumer venues.

In addition to endless shopping malls, Nanjing Road is also covered with non -ferrous foods. Here is the more famous Shen Dacheng pastry, the real boss fresh meat moon cake. When I just visited Nanjing Road, I ordered a meal, and then ate noodle Harlem Ningbo Road. At that time, rice was just a little bit. The noodle restaurant was basically full. The customer immediately ordered the surface characteristics of the bullfrogs of Harlem. One fried pork chop and a bottle of milk. Bullfrogs are particularly fresh, soup is very rich, and there are more bullfrogs. It can be said that the feet seem to be delicious. It is highly recommended for this noodle shop. Without the use of bullfrogs to face it, Nanjing Road, food has many other characteristics, such as fried Xiao Yang, the delicious price is not expensive.

There is a century square in the middle of Nanjing Road. There is a large music fountain on the square, which reaches 4.5 tons of Eastern Baoding in the northwest. A huge display was built on the square. When I encountered a tourist festival, there would be a colorful show on the square.

Along Nanjing Road, you can directly reach Shanghai Bund. There is an iconic building at the Bund, and Shanghai has a landmark building -Oriental Pearl. I suggest everyone here, you can visit Nanjing Road during the day. In the evening, you can enjoy the bustling night view of Shanghai on the Bund. Because it was turned on and racing all the neon lights of all buildings. Along the Bund, through the Huangpu River Wharf, you can take the Huangpu River trip, and you will have a taste to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the ship.
