The poster of China Aerospace Day in 2023 was officially released.

  On April 18th, the National Space Administration organized a press conference for China Aerospace Day in 2023, and officially released the poster and list of outstanding works for China Aerospace Day in 2023. After four stages of social solicitation, expert selection, online publicity and approval, 12 outstanding works were finally selected. Among them, the poster designed by Fan Zhiming of Fujian Business School was finally determined as the poster for China Aerospace Day in 2023.

  The design of the poster includes four levels: "learning from things", "asking questions about the sky", "continuing" and "honoring Anhui". In the picture, there is not only the image of "bouncing pipa" flying in the sky, but also the images of Houyi and Dragon Car in the Han Dynasty, the star chart of the Song Dynasty and Xiangyun, which represent the yearning of ancient China for the vast universe. There are astronaut, Dongfanghong satellite, Long March rockets, Tiangong Space Station, Zhu Rong, Chang ‘e, xi he and other typical symbols of China’s space industry, which highlights the vigorous process of China’s space industry and depicts the space dream of building a space power. In addition, the silhouette of a group of teenagers who yearn for science and rush to the future expresses the vision of continuing China’s aerospace blood and continuously promoting the aerospace industry; The Huizhou architecture and welcoming pine interspersed in the picture also highlight the local characteristics of Anhui, the host city.

  The other 11 poster authors (in order of strokes of surnames) who finally won the outstanding works award were Wang Ke, Fang Xijie, marketing planner of Anqing Zhengqi Yuanhang, Tian Xiaoming of Sichuan Aerospace Vocational and Technical College, Li Jie of tongjitang (Guizhou) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Sinopharm Group, Chen Jie of Fujian Minjiang College, Hu Yun, Liu Huimin, Zhao Long, Guo Chunlin of Hanmo (Shenzhen) Cultural Development Co., Ltd. and Beijing Aerospace.

  From February 16th, when the notice of activities was posted on the website of the National Space Administration and "China’s Aerospace" WeChat WeChat official account, to March 24th, the submission collection ended, a total of 1,058 poster works were received, which was 54% higher than the number of posters collected for "China Aerospace Day" in 2022. The authors of the participating works come from 27 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. Among them, Beijing, Shandong and Fujian provinces ranked in the top three, and Anhui Province contributed 34 pieces. The authors cover a wide range, including front-line aerospace workers, students, art professionals and aerospace enthusiasts. There are many colorful and imaginative works of primary and secondary school students. This solicitation activity has effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of young people to participate in the space industry.

  After the collection, an expert review team composed of representatives from relevant government departments, aerospace enterprises and experts in the fields of art design and news media will review the submitted works and make a comprehensive evaluation according to the standards of theme fit, aerospace characteristics, artistry and creativity. The top 12 outstanding works were selected by secret ballot by the expert review group, and the final poster for "China Aerospace Day" in 2023 was approved.

BYD Han EV network about the car, 70,000 km earned a net profit of 150,000! Master: 90% of my peers have bought Chinese books for two years.

> a Shenzhen BYD Han EV network car, 70,000 kilometers of net profit of 150,000 RMB! He runs in two classes, one class runs 200 kilometers, and the total runs 400 kilometers a day. This is also the similar use intensity of the old fuel taxi. It is easy to drive 70,000 kilometers a year for this "high-end car" of Han EV.

The 30-year-old online car driver in Shenzhen said that he had already suffered from lumbar disc herniation and scapulohumeral periarthritis at a young age, and driving 70,000 kilometers a year was simply to exchange his life for money.

After deducting all the electricity, maintenance, insurance, depreciation and daily expenses for 70,000 kilometers, the net income of Fu, an online car contract engineer, reached 150,000 yuan a year, which is already a very high income in today’s big environment. If we exchange our lives for money, we can at least maintain the livelihood of a family of four.

The master of BYD Han EV 600km also revealed that about 90% of his peers in the network buy BYD Han EV, and will not consider other pure electric car brands, because this car has few faults, is durable to drive, and the battery has the smallest attenuation among other cars of the same class. The 600 km standard can actually run more than 500 kilometers easily, which means that it is completely possible to charge in the middle of the night, use the cheapest peak-valley electricity price, and be hard-working and natural.

The master of BYD Hanwang’s car is most concerned about this pure electricity, which can earn 2 yuan a kilometer after deducting electricity and other expenses! If you drive 70 thousand kilometers a year, you will be able to return to your capital in two years, and you will start to make a pure profit in the third year, which is equivalent to picking up a BYD Han EV quasi-new car in vain.

Moreover, trams are different from oil trucks. For ordinary traditional oil trucks, driving more than 100,000 kilometers in two years is a "great effort", and the engine is bound to have various problems: carbon burning oil, oil leakage from the gearbox, loose chassis, aging rubber bushings, and shock absorption problems will all occur with great probability.

Oil trucks are most afraid of driving very long kilometers in a short time, and the maintenance fees and maintenance fees are also very expensive. However, the tram is completely different. The maintenance of Han EV only needs a few hundred yuan or even less, so there is no need to change the gearbox oil. Without the engine, more than half of the fault sources of the oil truck are simply saved! There is no need to worry about the strike caused by the long-term intense driving of the engine. The famous car critic has no money here: Wang Yin, in his double-car durability test of 100,000 kilometers, a 1.5T model of Honda’s pure oil car is less than 100,000 kilometers, and the CVT stepless gearbox has a "stall problem". The flagship car of Honda, a famous Japanese brand, is so reliable and durable, not to mention other turbocharged oil cars.

Guangdong announced that the minimum admission score for the spring college entrance examination is 150 for ordinary higher vocational colleges.

  On March 3rd, the Guangdong Provincial Admissions Committee announced the minimum admission scores for the spring college entrance examination of ordinary colleges and universities in our province in 2022 (unified examination for graduates of secondary vocational schools in ordinary colleges and universities, and admission for higher vocational colleges according to the results of ordinary high school level examinations). Among them, the total score of undergraduate colleges recruiting secondary vocational graduates is 260 points, and the total score of general vocational education is 150 points.

  Specifically, in view of the unified examination for recruiting secondary vocational school graduates in ordinary colleges and universities, undergraduate colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 260, higher vocational colleges recruit secondary vocational school graduates with a total score of 100, higher vocational colleges recruit retired soldiers with a total score of 85, and higher vocational colleges recruit mainland Tibet Xinjiang secondary vocational school candidates with a total score of 90.

  Candidates enrolled in higher vocational colleges according to the results of the ordinary high school academic level examination have a total score of 150 for general culture, 130 for sports, 170 for sports, 130 for music (including musicology, music performance-vocal music, music performance-instrumental music), 155 for music, 130 for art, 155 for art and dance.

"After 00" became the main consumer of nightlife. Netizen: It turns out that I am poor and old.

Beijing, like many northern cities, was once ridiculed for having no nightlife.
In the circle of friends, friends from Guangzhou went out at 12 o’clock in the evening to meet for a snack, friends from Changsha were dancing at night on Jiefang West Road at 2 o’clock in the morning, and friends from Chengdu were still waiting in line at the hot pot restaurant at 3 o’clock in the morning. ……
And many people have only seen Beijing working overtime late at night. ……
Is that really the case?
Beijing "Night Consumption" Report Released
On the 17 th, the report on the night consumption survey in Beijing in 2019 was released. The report shows thatMore than 70% of the respondents have night consumption activities.Beijing Olympic Park is the most popular "Night Capital" business district.
"After 00" becomes the main force of night consumption
According to the results of this survey, the main force of nightlife in Beijing is not the post-90s generation, nor the post-80s generation who already have stable jobs and incomes, but the oldest group of post-00s who just turned 18, spending an average of 239.3 yuan each time.
Netizen: I feel old and poor.
Nightlife is still the favorite to eat!
Unsurprisingly, the most popular night consumption activity among consumers is gourmet catering, accounting for more than 70%.
Movies and cultural performances, visiting tourist attractions or parks, shopping and fitness all account for about 50%.
Night owls love to go here.
According to the survey, the Olympic Park has become the most popular night consumption business circle in Beijing, followed by Guijie, Huiju, Blue Harbor, Wukesong, Sanlitun, World Trade day order, Qianmen and Dashilan and Guomao.
Beijing nightlife, arrangement!
At the beginning of this year, at the two sessions in Beijing, "Prospering Night Economy" was written into the work report of the Beijing government.
On July 12th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, together with 14 departments including the Municipal Transportation Commission, issued "Measures for Further Prospering Night Economy and Promoting Consumption Growth in Beijing". Thirteen measures plan to prosper the "night economy" in Beijing in three years.
How to "wave" after work is clearly arranged for you!
As night falls, the lights are on.Guijie midnight snack, arrange!
According to the measures, Beijing has launched 10 catering blocks with Midnight Food Store characteristics. In Guijie, Heshenghui, Shibao Street and other areas, "Midnight Food Store" is being upgraded.
△ Guijie | vision china
Have a full meal, Sanlitun, arrange!
Sanlitun is no longer an all-in-one bar. Immersive digital art exhibition and 24-hour bookstore add a bit of cultural color to the place that was originally labeled as "Bar Street".
△ Sanlitun | vision china
In order to create a night economic consumption atmosphere with the integration and development of "business travel style". Beijing has also planned the Blue Harbor, World Trade Center day order, COFCO Xiangyun Town and Olympic Park to become "Night Capital" business districts.
△ Blue Harbor | vision china
In addition, there are Shangdi, Wudaokou, Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan as the "night capital" living circles, which will meet the night consumption of residents in various districts of Beijing.
With the implementation of the "Thirteen Articles" of the prosperous night economy, the night economy has swept the capital like a wave.
Is there a nightlife in your city?
What do you do after work?
Everyone is searching.
What is the difference between consumption after 00 and consumption after 90? Are there many singles after 00?


Bauhinia in Lushan Mountain

Pay after 70, and pay after 00.





Why do you take your children to extracurricular classes at night? …




Longjiang Xiaochen

As a post-90 s generation who worked for one year and had only four digits in savings, it should be a bird.




Blue poem

Don’t sleep at night? Do it all! This is how all kinds of diseases are made! Then it’s time to reflect and regret!





After 90, it means that moving bricks during the day is tiring to death and going home at night is sleepy to death. I really envy after 00.




Run little Sao cbt2333

Isn’t my big gym the top night consumer?




King tramples on it

Exactly. Exactly.




Kill a pawn

I have to work overtime after 90, so I will go back and wait for the next day to work overtime.




Qing Qiong yin 4Q

I don’t know what to spend after 00, the main force that encourages nightlife consumption. Is it still necessary to gnaw at old age?




The account has been cancelled.

The reason why the post-70s have the lowest consumption is because all their money has been consumed by their children after 00.




Be reset in violation of regulations

00, I don’t know how hard it is to make money. It will be fine when you grow up.




Large migrant workers

Because there are flowers.

I don’t know how difficult it is to make money when I am young, as long as I have flowers in my pocket, it is always so casual. .




It’s sparse, hehe

Working overtime late every day, I want to go home and sleep.





996 gave birth to the economy.




Xiao b douzi


Awesome. A generation of new people for old people





How can I put it? When I was young, I would be smart with the hard-earned money earned by my parents, and I felt that my life was very moist. When you make money, you know that it is not easy to make money.




King tramples on it

Exactly. Exactly.


Run Xiao Sao cbt2333

Isn’t my big gym the top night consumer?




Huyetian 8i

Before the age of 30, people seek medical treatment, and after the age of 30, people seek medical treatment.




Heavy fantasy and small spirit T_T

I am poor and poor, and I can only make an appointment with the operation bureau during the day. . .





Sanlitun is a good place.




There is no more.

Party member cadres should be diligent and good at learning.

  "Industry is good at diligence, and it is barren in play." The improvement of quality and the growth of ability are based on diligent study. In this new era of development, the speed of knowledge change is getting faster and faster, and the requirements for people’s quality are getting higher and higher. In order to keep pace with the times, party member cadres must study hard and really hard.

  Learning is a renewal process. Due to the acceleration of economic development, the speed of knowledge replacement is getting faster and faster. As time goes by, if you don’t learn new knowledge, you will eventually be eliminated by the times. However, learning does not require hard work and rote memorization, but lies in mastering the thinking and methods. party member cadres should be able to master the learning skills, have divergent thinking, and "simplify the complicated and simplify the complicated", and always think well.

  Learning is a process of accumulation. "If you don’t accumulate a thousand miles, you can’t become a river without accumulating a small stream." Learning pays attention to perseverance, perseverance, and party member cadres must never dabble in the learning process and give up halfway. The "one exposure and ten cold" learning is only self-moving, and it is difficult to learn deeply and thoroughly. Don’t be impetuous in the process of learning. Only when you can be calm and calm can you put knowledge into your mind. Faced with the boring and complicated learning content, some cadres in party member have chosen piecemeal learning, and it is impossible to achieve learning results by patchwork. Cadres in party member should be able to sit still, pay attention to step by step, from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, dare to drill and squeeze, and pay attention to "slow fire and slow stew", so that they will be able to achieve self-breakthrough in the long run.

  Learning is a process of heart. "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." There is no shortcut to success, and learning needs hard work. In Learning Games, Mencius once said that learning must be absorbed and not half-hearted. No matter how hard a person studies, no matter how good a teacher teaches him, party member cadres should be able to combine learning with thinking, think deeply, analyze problems from time to time, grasp the key points and main contradictions, and master the essence of learning content.

  Learning is a practical process. Only practice can transform knowledge into ability, and learning without practice is empty. party member cadres should be able to learn by doing, learn by doing, and promote learning by doing, and integrate knowledge with practice. Contradictions in reality are much more complicated than imagined. party member cadres should be brave enough to face contradictions, solve practical problems with their own knowledge and theories, and master new theories and methods in the process of solving problems. Only by studying and practicing can they really improve their abilities.

  Learning is a hard and long process, and party member cadres should take learning as a habit and a kind of consciousness, realize little by little accumulation, and finally achieve great things. (Hu Zhuxin, Yancheng Street, Jingyan County, Sichuan Province)

Source: Zhongxin Net Jilin

[Looking for coaches] How is the proportion of the correct motivation? That’s it! -The table tennis national ball exchange

Find a coach+ask the Ma Kaixuan coach to guide it to see if there is any problem with the front and back action? thanks

Coach Ma Kaixuan Answers

Boys, right -handed horizontal board, single -line exercises on the front and backhand.

1. Positive hand. The plate shape is stable, the hitting time is reasonable, and the proportion of impact and friction is quite good. The first thing that needs to be adjusted is the shape, the big arm is started, and now it is too close to the body’s torso, causing the big arm tension, and the continuous shoulders are raised.

It is best to swing with bare hands to solve it. At the same time, the front arm is opened horizontally a little more. In this way, the focus of the exchange is adjusted together. My legs, but I estimate that the distance between my feet is close. That is to say, we comprehensively govern during waving,Open your feet properly, the knee is slightly bent, and the structure will be much more reasonable.It is best to use multi -ball to adjust the action with more effort. It is not impossible to use a single ball. The requirements for the sparrows are relatively high. Of course, you can do a single ball.

2. Affairs. This video is shot well, and there are angle changes, and it will be much more comprehensive.

The child is stable and the action structure is quite stable. The proportion of playing and rubbing in the ball is quite good. This coach is a bit level, at least, it is quite satisfactory. You can stand some properly at your feet, and the sense of stability will be much better.

In addition, there is a detail that he must stand in front of him with his left foot. Sometimes he comes out of his right foot. At the same time, the left foot heel is twisted on the ground. This is not possible. Can you remind him that when hitting the backhand, the left forearm of the left arm is placed near the left waist, and the height on the table is very helpful to the body balance.

At this age, the practice of training, and the number of training hours, the ball skills will rise very fast.

Do you want to ask too? Native

Ma Kaixuan, former Beijing team member. In 1990, he went to work in the United States and many students were selected as the U.S. National Team. Its table tennis resumes are colorful and unique and have rich teaching experience. He is currently a technical consultant of Ping Pong World Magazine and National Ball Exchange.

The most really likes is "watching" in the lower right corner