Upgraded and refreshed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade is on the market

  On January 8th, the Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade was officially launched, with a total of 4 models priced at 30-390,000 yuan. The Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade has been upgraded in terms of intelligent driving and configuration, bringing consumers a better intelligent travel experience.

Upgraded and renewed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgraded _fororder_image001

Upgraded and renewed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgraded _fororder_image002

  The Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade continues the previous styling design, featuring a sports kit including 22-inch wheels and yellow Brembo all-aluminum four-piston calipers. The new model comes standard with NAPPA leather seats and leather steering wheel, and is upgraded to 256-color ambient lights (OTA upgrade for old owners), with a maximum battery life of 730km, and an 800V high-voltage electrical platform. Huawei DriveONE high-voltage motor can achieve 0-100km/h acceleration of 3.98 seconds.

Upgraded and renewed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgraded _fororder_image003

  The core of the upgrade of the new car in terms of intelligent driving is that it no longer relies on high-precision maps and can be driven across the country. In the future, map-free intelligent driving will be pushed. After no longer relying on high-precision maps, the number of cities covered by the intelligent driving system will increase in geometric levels, which is more convenient to use. At the same time, the system can learn by itself and continuously optimize the algorithm to make up for the problem of road construction and road closure environment changes. In addition, it can be used even without the network, as long as the user selects the destination and does it with one click. Integrate the GOD network to build road information in real time, integrate real-time information of road conditions, and select road sections with higher traffic efficiency according to road

Upgraded and renewed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgraded _fororder_image004

Upgraded and renewed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgraded _fororder_image005

  The second is the upgrade of the chassis. The Huawei iTRACK dynamic torque distribution system is introduced, which uses microsecond-level ultra-fine real-time road condition sensing technology to scan the road environment. When encountering complex road conditions such as speed bumps and low-attachment roads, millisecond-level torque fine-tuning can be realized to improve the ride comfort and safety of the whole vehicle. In terms of vertical turbulence suppression performance, Huawei iTRACK further reduces the sense of impact, and maximizes the bumps through wheel-end torque control to achieve speed reduction belt coasting feedback. The wheel-end speed fluctuation is reduced by 30%, which can realize that drinks are not spilled at the center console, passenger rest is not affected, co-pilot makeup is not shaken, and driving is not bumpy. Huawei iTRACK can be adapted to two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive models. After the intervention of Huawei iTRACK in different configuration versions, the measured data of the speed bump has been significantly improved, and the road conditions such as bumps have been leisurely weathered. It provides low-attached road coasting feedback, reducing the speed difference between the front and rear wheels by 25%, and driving smoother. It also provides low-attached road driving, reducing the speed difference between the front and rear wheels by 40%. High-speed driving in extreme weather does not skid. The driving in scenarios such as basement parking and low-speed driving at water beaches is also smooth and worry-free, and the kinetic energy recovery is more economical.

Upgraded and renewed, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy Upgraded _fororder_image006

  The seat has been redeveloped from the skeleton, sponge, foam, and face cover. The optimized seat improves the leg support of the seat cushion, the stress relief of the back waist, the back fit support, and the softness of the seat. higher on the priority list of optimization Shoulder support, back immersion optimization, or top pressure point optimization, support the waist suspension point: to ensure that the sedentary waist is not tired, and the curved support is full. In terms of seat filling optimization, multi-layer support, soft and hard combination: Based on ergonomic and pressure distribution analysis, different soft and hard foam materials and precision mechanical spring layers form multi-layer buffers to achieve a balance between soft sitting and support force. The seat cushion has multiple layers of comfortable interlayers, maximizing the contact area of the human body to eliminate the concentration point, homogenizing the pressure surface, the backrest and flanks, and the double hardness foam design. The support is in place without clamping the back. The seat cushion grid spring is mechanically adjusted to balance the left and right sitting postures. (Source: Avita Technology)

Full high energy! The measured results in the urban area of the M5 Smart Driving Edition: silky as an old driver.

Fast Technology reported on April 15 that the M5 series Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition will be released on April 17, making travel more comfortable, secure and worry-free!

It is understood that the biggest highlight of the car is that it is equipped with Huawei’s latest ADS high-order intelligent driving system, which can realize high-order assisted driving without relying on high-precision maps.

Today, the online video of the M5 version of the intelligent driving in the urban area was exposed. In the case of unmanned operation,The driving of the M5 version of Zhijie is very silky at intersections, tunnels, elevated roads, night roads and other scenes, comparable to that of an old driver.

As you can see in the video, with the blessing of lidar and visual perception,M5 Intelligent Driving Edition not only successfully realized unprotected left turn, automatically identified the next obstacle/construction area and bypassed it, but also did not have a big lane change or sudden acceleration/braking in the whole process.

The M5 version can also enter the left turn waiting area and identify the countdown of traffic lights, at the same time, it can safely cross the opposite lane, and perform high-order operations such as comity for pedestrians in zebra crossings and non-motor vehicles in bicycle lanes.

Full high energy! The measured results in the urban area of the M5 Smart Driving Edition: silky as an old driver.

Tencent Music -SW rose more than 5%, continuously refreshed high profitability, steadily increased online music revenue and accelerated growth.

  Tencent Music -SW(01698) rose more than 5%, reaching a new high of HK$ 47.2. As of press time, it rose by 5.74% to HK$ 46.95, with a turnover of HK$ 6.6897 million.

  In the news, Tencent Music recently released its annual results for 2023, and the group achieved a total revenue of 27.75 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) during the period. The profit attributable to equity holders of the company was 4.92 billion yuan, up 33.8% year-on-year. Among them, online music service revenue increased strongly by 38.8% year-on-year, reaching 17.33 billion yuan (US$ 2.44 billion). Bank of America Securities pointed out that Tencent Music’s performance in the last quarter was stable, exceeding market expectations, driven by the increase in the number of music paying users and the promotion of ARPU. It is expected that the growth of its core music business will remain strong this year.

  Goldman Sachs said that Tencent Music has been one of the best performing companies in the China market in the past six months, and predicted that the company will continue to perform well in 2024. Mainly because of the operating leverage generated by the high incremental profits of the company’s music subscription and advertising, it further promotes the upward adjustment of the company’s profit forecast; After the New Year promotion, the average income per paying user (ARPPU) recovered, which led to the further growth of the company’s music service income; At the same time, the structural improvement of music payment tendency is driven by the continuous improvement of monetization strategy of Tencent Music.

Let the culture and history be vivid.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Wang Chonglv Guo Hongsong painted.

Compared with Zeng Guofan, I admire Zhang Jian more. As an extremely complicated individual, Zeng Guofan can be said to be a "big book" with rich contents. After living in Beijing for ten years, he was a scholar, awarded Hanlin, and served as assistant minister of various ministries. After being released to the outside world, he set up the Xiang Army, created Westernization, and served as the governor of several provinces, ranking among the three. He became the person with the greatest meritorious service, the heaviest power and the highest status since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, and achieved the "three immortals" of virtue, meritorious service and self-examination. Moreover, through introspection, he became a sage, a saint inside and a king outside, and "worthy of the perfection of heaven and earth".

However, I vaguely feel that he has lost his id and the starting point of life. He not only wants to build extraordinary achievements, but also wants to be a perfect man between heaven and earth, so as to achieve all-round transcendence inside and outside. His pain also comes from both inside and outside: on the one hand, the court is afraid and suspicious of him, and at the same time, in order to establish a perfect image, he is cautious in his words and deeds, treading on thin ice and pursuing perfection in everything, which inevitably leads to melodramatic and pretentious. As he wrote in his diary: "I have been too anxious recently, and every day I swim in an open day, it is always because I am too eager for fame and popular opinion."

In contrast, Zhang Jian is like a pioneer in the long night.

Zhang Jian’s imperial examination road was very uneven. Seeing the defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, and thinking about 26 years of wasted time, 120 days and nights curled up and rested in a narrow test shed during the day, and the destruction of talents by stereotyped writing, the champion and he resolutely decided to abandon his official career and take the road of rejuvenating the country through industry and education.

After establishing the development idea of "father’s education and mother’s industry", he has founded more than 20 enterprises, involving textiles, printing and dyeing, printing, paper making, matches, soap, electricity, salt industry, animal husbandry, silkworm, oil, flour, telephone, shipping, docks, banks, real estate, hotels and other industries. Among the more than 370 schools he founded, apart from primary and secondary schools, the focus was on normal education and vocational education in agriculture, medical care, textiles, railways, merchant ships and river and sea engineering. He founded the University of Engineering and Nanyang University, supported his colleagues to establish Fudan College, merged the three colleges of medicine, textile and agriculture into the future Nantong University, and also contacted celebrities in the education field to brew the transformation of normal universities into universities, thus establishing Southeast University and creating a complete modern education system.

The "Big Student Model" he explored promoted the joint-stock system of modern enterprises in China. In terms of education and culture, his museums, normal schools, new theaters and meteorological stations are the first in the country. In addition to establishing a library, a society of performers, a more vulgar theater, parks and stadiums, he also set up charitable undertakings such as nursing homes, nursery schools, disabled homes, poor factories, shelters and welfare homes, with a view to transforming society and improving the quality of the people.

In terms of ideological and theoretical achievements, there has always been a difference in the evaluation between "following" and "going on" in academic circles. The former embodies inheritance, just like adding bricks and tiles to the inherent balcony; The latter pays more attention to innovation and is committed to re-building. As a pioneering practitioner, Zhang Jian belongs to the latter category. From a historical point of view, future generations admire a person, not only by examining what he has done to benefit the society and the people, but also by valuing what new things he has provided to the predecessors. In this sense, I said, "Fool is more approachable, and I am quite convinced by Zhang Jian."

No matter Zeng Guofan or Zhang Jian, or even thinkers, writers and politicians in China, what they said and did in their time reflected the influence of Chinese traditional culture and enriched this culture with their own practice. This is also the angle I chose to write "Context-History of Our Mind".

Culture is the root, blood and lifeline of a nation, and Chinese studies are an important carrier of Chinese spiritual culture. Throughout the history of human civilization, Chinese culture has unique ideas, wisdom, tolerance and charm, which has added a high degree of self-confidence and incomparable pride to the Chinese nation.

Many people equate Sinology with China’s traditional culture, which is unscientific and imprecise. They are two different concepts. The connotation of traditional culture is much broader, including material culture (such as utensils, clothing, food, architecture, etc.), institutional ritual culture and spiritual culture (knowledge, belief, art, religion, philosophy, law, morality, etc.); Traditional Chinese studies, however, is only a part of China’s traditional culture, and its scope is relatively narrow.

The so-called "national studies" are relative to western learning and new learning. At the end of Qing Dynasty, when European and American academics entered China, people called China’s inherent knowledge "Sinology", which generally refers to Chinese traditional culture and academics with Confucianism as the main body. Liang Qichao said that sinology is a knowledge about moral character, that is, a knowledge to sharpen one’s own character and virtue. In terms of disciplines, Chinese studies include today’s philosophy, history, religion, literature, manners and customs, textual research, ethics, edition, etc. In terms of ideology, there are three schools of thought, namely, pre-Qin hundred schools of thought, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. For a long time, Confucianism has run through and dominated the history of China’s thoughts, while others are subordinate.

Theoretically speaking, Chinese traditional culture has three pillars: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Confucianism and Taoism are indigenous and first produced in China. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Chinese classics, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, the introduction and spread of Buddhism, and Confucianism and Taoism formed a three-legged situation. As the traditional wisdom of Chinese life, they interacted and complemented each other. Confucianism stresses the enterprising spirit of joining the WTO, emphasizes vigorous and promising, and aims to cultivate self-cultivation, rule the country, and take the world as its own responsibility; Taoism pays attention to spiritual detachment, natural Taoism, calm and smooth, inaction, soft and rigid, and static braking. Buddhism pays attention to being born, emphasizing that everything is empty, eliminating interference, turning troubles into bodhi, indifferent to fame and fortune, and "putting down is the best." Once upon a time, there was a saying: "Treat the mind with Buddhism, the body with Taoism, and the world with Confucianism." (filial piety in Southern Song Dynasty)

History is a process of inheritance and accumulation, and the present and future of a nation are extensions of history. Some historical and cultural essays, with the help of the accumulation of historical materials, treat the exhaustion of the soul and make up for the absence of the spirit, obliterate the characteristics of prose expressing individuality and revealing oneself, regard the historical materials that should be the background as the main body of the article, and fail to see the dimension of spiritual display. In my writing, I pay special attention to strengthening the subjective consciousness, focusing on the pertinence of reality, and strive to infuse new insights, new discoveries, true temperament and sense of reality into historical materials.

Historical and cultural prose should be a mixture of literature and history, and it is an organic integration of philosophy, poetry and historical writing. They should rely on historical events, seek the source of passion from poetic nature, and obtain the ladder of sublimation on the philosophical level. Through the marriage of literature and history, the youthful smile of literature brings vitality and beauty, vitality and passion to the cold and solemn historical old man; After reading the vicissitudes of history, the literary beauty gets the enlightenment like the morning bell and the evening drum, adding a huge spiritual impact on the aesthetic value.

When writing the book "Context", on the premise of accurately understanding ancient books, I used prose forms and literary techniques to explain the facts and show the spiritual outlook of the characters; Try to set up some tension fields, information sources and shock waves, so that vivid images, vivid interesting things and thought-provoking inquiries can be danced from time to time, and strive to avoid the stagnation and rigidity of pure political theory, and reasoning will become a proper wake-up call or a necessary adjustment to lyric and narrative. This kind of "reason" comes from the perception of life and has a strong personality color. In this way, history has also become smart and full of fresh vitality.

The Chinese context is vast. We have entered the profound China culture, the complicated and changeable real world and the surging spiritual world.

Wang Bo is desperate! After Hu Jinqiu+Sun Minghui was completely injured, Cummings was reimbursed in the first stage. How can I fight?

Cummings’ injury involved Guo Ailun? Sunspots are everywhere. We often say that it never rains but it pours. This sentence is really appropriate when applied to Guangsha. Wang Bo’s despair is also normal. Any coach would not be in a good mood. Last season’s playoffs, Hu Jinqiu and Zhao Yanhao were injured one after another. This season, Hu Jinqiu had already suffered a fracture before taking part in the official game. In the first game, Cummings, a foreign aid, also suffered a palm fracture, which was really too difficult for Guangsha team!

Liaoning played against Guangsha in CBA, and finally the Liaoning men’s basketball team won. Cummings, a new foreign aid from Zhejiang Dongyangguang, also performed very well. He played for 35 minutes, made 8 of 17 shots, made 4 of 7 3-pointers, and scored 23 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steal from four free throws. The data is still good. Because it’s only the first game of CBA, the MVP of this European league is still not used to it. I believe that after adjustment, it will definitely play its due level.

Two yuan generals were reimbursed at the beginning of the season, which was a big loss for Zhejiang Dongyangguang and head coach Wang Bo. One is the main inside center, and the other is the newly-joined defender’s foreign aid. The two lines have been hit hard, and I’m afraid the record of the first stage will be greatly affected.

However, don’t be too depressed, Wang Bo. Injuries are also a part of the competition. The previous Liaoning men’s basketball team has experienced it, and other teams have similar situations. I believe that with the passage of time, players will recover and the team’s situation will improve. Guangsha’s fighting capacity is not weak at present, so they can lower their posture first, and spend the difficult time steadily, especially for players like Xu Zhonghao. They should pay attention to their movements in the game, and don’t be punished for malicious foul, or even expelled from the game, which will eventually lead to attrition in non-combat, which will be even more costly. Mentality is very important. I hope Wang Bo can survive.

Finally, I want to explain that Cummings’ injury has nothing to do with Caring for Aaron. Two people are fighting for each other normally, and they don’t have much physical contact. There are some regional sprays with rhythm, which is not good.

The People’s Daily praised the national table tennis, but Sun Yingsha, who named the crown, did not mention Wang Manyu, see who is MVP

On November 30th, Beijing time, the World Table Tennis Championships had officially concluded. The final record of the National Table Tennis was to gain 4 gold medals and lost the men’s doubles championship.

Although there were no 5 gold medals, the results of Guoping are still very good, and it has also received praise from the official social media of the People’s Daily. However, Wang Manyu and Fan Zhendong, who played the best winner this time, did not be named. The only one who was named was Sun Yingsha who had lost the women’s singles championship. It turned out that she was the MVP of this year’s national table tennis, although she Did not win the most gold -content award.

《人民日报》亲自开口谈到了国乒这次的情况,并且晒出了九宫格图片,九宫格当中也是有国乒本次出征的大部分主力选手,包括孙颖莎,王曼昱,樊振东,梁靖崑,以及王楚钦和Lin Gaoyuan, Chen Meng and Wang Yidi and others.

They also accompanied: "The Houston World Table Tennis Championships ended in 2021, and the Chinese team ended with four gold results." Then he specifically designed Sun Yingsha: "Sun Yingsha World Table Tennis Championship harvested 2 gold and 1 silver. Each point is every point. Not easy, every player is good, hard, Chinese table tennis, pride for you! "

They recognized Sun Yingsha’s series of contributions, so they mentioned that Sun Yingsha’s two gold and one silver alone, which shows that Sun Yingsha is the real MVP. Wang Manyu did win, and completed the double championship and won the championship of the women’s singles and women’s doubles, but her performance was not as good as Sun Yingsha. Although Sun Yingsha said that the women’s singles won the runner -up, she was in the mixed doubles and her All the women’s double -line operations won the gold medal, and even Sun Yingsha was a third -line operation.

One day before the start of the final, Sun Yingsha even played 4 games in one day, a mixed doubles semi -final and a mixed doubles final, and there were two semi -finals of women’s singles and women’s doubles. Playing 4 games a day and remained full of victory. More importantly, Sun Yingsha defeated the Japanese team’s five giants Zhang Benzhi, Ito Makoto, Hayawa Miyu, Ishikawa Jiachun.

She defeated Hirano Miyu and Ishikawa Jiachun in the 1/4 finals of the Women’s Doubles, and defeated Ito Makoto and Haya Hina in the women’s doubles finals. Facing the Japanese five giants, people played 9 wins and 2 losses. The third -tier operations were better than Wang Manyu. She was the real MVP. Sun Yingsha.

What’s more?

Wang Manyu has only two gold medals, and the mixed doubles competition will go out early, but Sun Yingsha is 2 gold and 1 silver, so the "People’s Daily" will specifically recognize her. She is the real MVP. Only she has received such treatment. Liu Guoliang recognizes her. Normally, this is the treatment of the next Grand Slam and the National Table Tennis Demon King.

This may also be why Liu Guoliang and Li Yan will personally serve as Sun Yingsha’s coaches during this World Table Tennis Championships, find a problem for her, and give her a guest to feed her the ball. On the one hand, it is indeed because Sun Yingsha has no supervisor in charge, and on the other hand, it may be because Sun Yingsha has always been Liu Guoliang’s favorite first love general.