The chill is getting heavier! Beginning of winter’s temperature drops sharply. The national winter map shows where to enter winter.

"The north wind is cold and cold, and the sparse wood is half green and yellow." Today (November 8th), China entered the beginning of winter solar term. beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means the beginning of cold winter. After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, and the winter process accelerated. China Weather Network launched the national winter map during beginning of winter all the year round to see where the cold wind is starting and winter is coming.
[National Winter Map] Most of northern beginning of winter enters winter.
At the beginning of the solar term in beginning of winter all the year round, many places in the north have entered winter, and the front of winter has reached the central part of North China, Qinling Mountains and western Sichuan Plateau. During the solar term in beginning of winter, the process of winter accelerated, and winter continued to cross south, and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, most of Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, and northwestern Hubei all entered the threshold of winter. Like Shijiazhuang (November 7), Xi ‘an (November 11), Jinan (November 10), Zhengzhou (November 13), Hefei (November 18), Nanjing (November 19) and other provincial capital cities, the average winter season is concentrated in beginning of winter season.
Most of the south is still in autumn at this time, such as Hunan and Hubei, where the coolness is full and the autumn is full. In summer, only Hainan and the southern coastal areas of Guangdong are left, and the summer heat is still there.
[Weather in beginning of winter] The temperature plummeted and the chill became heavier.
At the time of beginning of winter, everything was finally done. Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has also changed from dry autumn to rainy and cold winter, with a sudden drop in temperature and a growing chill.
"One day in beginning of winter, water cooling is three points." Beginning of winter is the solar term with the fiercest cooling in the whole year, especially in the north. At this time, it has entered the cold season of "singing winter with the wind". China Weather Network took stock of the national temperature changes in the twenty-four solar terms, and found that the national average temperature began to decline since beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter had the largest decline, with the temperature in first frost dropping by 3.77℃ compared with the previous solar term.
The forms of precipitation after beginning of winter are more diverse, such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. The first snow often appears in North China, and it is already a scene of heavy snow in Northeast and Northwest China.
During the cold air intermission, the temperature difference between day and night in North China, Huanghuai and other places is large, and the humidity increases, which is prone to fog and haze weather, especially the visibility is low in the morning and evening, which will have a great impact on people’s life and travel.
Beginning of winter is not equal to winter. After beginning of winter, the cold air is stronger and the activities are more frequent. The front of winter begins to cross the Qinling Huaihe River, and most of the north has entered winter, while most of the south is still in autumn.
[beginning of winter Phenology] Water begins to freeze when it is frozen.
Beginning of winter is divided into three stages: the first stage is when the water begins to freeze, the second stage is when the ground begins to freeze, and the third stage is when the pheasant enters the flood. It is said that this solar term, water can already form ice; The land also began to freeze; After beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but giant clams with similar lines and colors can be seen on the seashore.
"beginning of winter is sunny and has a good harvest." In beginning of winter season, the land in Northeast China is frozen, and agricultural and forestry crops enter the wintering period; Jiangnan and South China should make full use of fine weather to harvest, sun and air late rice.
[beginning of winter custom] It is necessary to make up for the winter and avoid making up for the cold.
As the saying goes, "beginning of winter fills the winter and fills the mouth". In order to resist the cold, people have the custom of "beginning of winter supplements food". In the north, jiaozi is eaten, while in the south, radish stewed mutton, ginger duck, crucian bean curd soup and other tonic dishes are usually eaten, but it is forbidden to blindly "make up".
The weather is getting colder after beginning of winter, so friends should prepare down jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment in advance, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.
When the north wind rises, everything hides, and beginning of winter is brushing away the restlessness of the season with the most peaceful attitude, so that everything can be calm. We might as well enjoy the warm sunshine in winter and feel the good time on earth quietly after our daily busyness.
(Source: China Weather Network WeChat)

"After 00" became the main consumer of nightlife. Netizen: It turns out that I am poor and old.

Beijing, like many northern cities, was once ridiculed for having no nightlife.
In the circle of friends, friends from Guangzhou went out at 12 o’clock in the evening to meet for a snack, friends from Changsha were dancing at night on Jiefang West Road at 2 o’clock in the morning, and friends from Chengdu were still waiting in line at the hot pot restaurant at 3 o’clock in the morning. ……
And many people have only seen Beijing working overtime late at night. ……
Is that really the case?
Beijing "Night Consumption" Report Released
On the 17 th, the report on the night consumption survey in Beijing in 2019 was released. The report shows thatMore than 70% of the respondents have night consumption activities.Beijing Olympic Park is the most popular "Night Capital" business district.
"After 00" becomes the main force of night consumption
According to the results of this survey, the main force of nightlife in Beijing is not the post-90s generation, nor the post-80s generation who already have stable jobs and incomes, but the oldest group of post-00s who just turned 18, spending an average of 239.3 yuan each time.
Netizen: I feel old and poor.
Nightlife is still the favorite to eat!
Unsurprisingly, the most popular night consumption activity among consumers is gourmet catering, accounting for more than 70%.
Movies and cultural performances, visiting tourist attractions or parks, shopping and fitness all account for about 50%.
Night owls love to go here.
According to the survey, the Olympic Park has become the most popular night consumption business circle in Beijing, followed by Guijie, Huiju, Blue Harbor, Wukesong, Sanlitun, World Trade day order, Qianmen and Dashilan and Guomao.
Beijing nightlife, arrangement!
At the beginning of this year, at the two sessions in Beijing, "Prospering Night Economy" was written into the work report of the Beijing government.
On July 12th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, together with 14 departments including the Municipal Transportation Commission, issued "Measures for Further Prospering Night Economy and Promoting Consumption Growth in Beijing". Thirteen measures plan to prosper the "night economy" in Beijing in three years.
How to "wave" after work is clearly arranged for you!
As night falls, the lights are on.Guijie midnight snack, arrange!
According to the measures, Beijing has launched 10 catering blocks with Midnight Food Store characteristics. In Guijie, Heshenghui, Shibao Street and other areas, "Midnight Food Store" is being upgraded.
△ Guijie | vision china
Have a full meal, Sanlitun, arrange!
Sanlitun is no longer an all-in-one bar. Immersive digital art exhibition and 24-hour bookstore add a bit of cultural color to the place that was originally labeled as "Bar Street".
△ Sanlitun | vision china
In order to create a night economic consumption atmosphere with the integration and development of "business travel style". Beijing has also planned the Blue Harbor, World Trade Center day order, COFCO Xiangyun Town and Olympic Park to become "Night Capital" business districts.
△ Blue Harbor | vision china
In addition, there are Shangdi, Wudaokou, Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan as the "night capital" living circles, which will meet the night consumption of residents in various districts of Beijing.
With the implementation of the "Thirteen Articles" of the prosperous night economy, the night economy has swept the capital like a wave.
Is there a nightlife in your city?
What do you do after work?
Everyone is searching.
What is the difference between consumption after 00 and consumption after 90? Are there many singles after 00?


Bauhinia in Lushan Mountain

Pay after 70, and pay after 00.





Why do you take your children to extracurricular classes at night? …




Longjiang Xiaochen

As a post-90 s generation who worked for one year and had only four digits in savings, it should be a bird.




Blue poem

Don’t sleep at night? Do it all! This is how all kinds of diseases are made! Then it’s time to reflect and regret!





After 90, it means that moving bricks during the day is tiring to death and going home at night is sleepy to death. I really envy after 00.




Run little Sao cbt2333

Isn’t my big gym the top night consumer?




King tramples on it

Exactly. Exactly.




Kill a pawn

I have to work overtime after 90, so I will go back and wait for the next day to work overtime.




Qing Qiong yin 4Q

I don’t know what to spend after 00, the main force that encourages nightlife consumption. Is it still necessary to gnaw at old age?




The account has been cancelled.

The reason why the post-70s have the lowest consumption is because all their money has been consumed by their children after 00.




Be reset in violation of regulations

00, I don’t know how hard it is to make money. It will be fine when you grow up.




Large migrant workers

Because there are flowers.

I don’t know how difficult it is to make money when I am young, as long as I have flowers in my pocket, it is always so casual. .




It’s sparse, hehe

Working overtime late every day, I want to go home and sleep.





996 gave birth to the economy.




Xiao b douzi


Awesome. A generation of new people for old people





How can I put it? When I was young, I would be smart with the hard-earned money earned by my parents, and I felt that my life was very moist. When you make money, you know that it is not easy to make money.




King tramples on it

Exactly. Exactly.


Run Xiao Sao cbt2333

Isn’t my big gym the top night consumer?




Huyetian 8i

Before the age of 30, people seek medical treatment, and after the age of 30, people seek medical treatment.




Heavy fantasy and small spirit T_T

I am poor and poor, and I can only make an appointment with the operation bureau during the day. . .





Sanlitun is a good place.




There is no more.

Donghu comment: Building a "15-minute medical circle" to give people "medical care"

On December 5th, tongji hospital Junshan Campus was officially opened, which indicated that Chegu in China had taken another important step in promoting the development of health care, and the residents of Junshan New Town had another "home-front" hospital. It is a great concern of the people to get medical treatment, and it is also an important embodiment of improving social security, and it is also an urgent requirement to comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China. Taking the construction of a close medical community as a breakthrough, accelerating the expansion and balanced distribution of regional high-quality medical and health resources, continuously pushing down the center of gravity and sinking resources, building a high-quality and efficient medical and health service system, and creating a "15-minute medical circle" are important measures to open up the "last mile" of primary medical services and improve people’s sense of access and satisfaction.

Construct a medical and health service system linked up and down. With the rapid progress in the construction of medical and health service facilities in China, how to maximize the efficiency of medical resource allocation has become a new topic. It is necessary to take large public hospitals as the "leader" and the construction of "medical association" as the core, build a specialist alliance, realize the interstitial evaluation of laboratory rooms in the medical association, mutual recognition of results, and the teaching of experts’ clinical rounds, so as to improve the allocation and utilization efficiency of medical resources. Accelerate the integration of family doctor team services into various community grids, and gradually realize the medical treatment mode of "seeking family doctors for minor illnesses and referring seriously ill patients to higher-level hospitals", so that data can run more, patients can run less, and a "15-minute medical circle" can be created to provide integrated and continuous health services for the masses.

Promote high-quality medical resources to benefit the grassroots. Looking forward to better medical conditions is an important part of people’s yearning for a better life. It is necessary to accelerate the orderly expansion and balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources, continue to push down the center of gravity and sink resources, and continuously improve the fairness and accessibility of basic medical and health services. Improve the grading diagnosis and treatment system, take online, offline and telemedicine as the carrier, train and guide local medical staff to improve the level and efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, provide assistance and agency services for people in need, improve the ability of diagnosis and treatment at the grassroots level, improve the patient’s medical experience, and enhance the attractiveness of primary medical and health institutions to patients, so as to achieve the goal of leaving the diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases, chronic diseases and common diseases at the grassroots level and gradually realize the full coverage of primary health services.

Strengthen the training of medical and health personnel. The key to further improve the quality of primary health services lies in attracting and retaining talents. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, the Communist Party of China, proposed to develop and strengthen the medical and health team, with the focus on rural areas and communities. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of grassroots medical and health teams and strengthen the training and equipment of grassroots medical and health personnel with general practitioners as the focus. Constantly improve the career development mechanism of medical and health personnel, improve the incentive mechanism, implement the corresponding social security benefits, improve the medical environment and conditions, so that more talents can stay and stay, change "blood transfusion" into "hematopoiesis", stimulate the vitality of primary medical and health institutions, and let residents enjoy quality and convenient health services at their doorstep.

Source: Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)

Author: Ren Yang (Wuhan Economic Development Zone)

Editor: Wang Shuxian

The Shanghai Scenic Area became popular due to the "heart black", and the ordinary bottle of water was sold for 20 yuan, and the tyrants dare not go.

The Shanghai Scenic Area became popular due to the "heart black", and the ordinary bottle of water was sold for 20 yuan, and the tyrants dare not go.

Shanghai is a modern city with a high popularity in my country. Many young people who pursue their dreams have gathered here, and many financial leaders have gathered. Therefore, it has also become a place where many people yearn for.

Therefore, many people do not work hard here, but also want to come here to see the feeling of big cities, so this year attracted countless people to travel here, but among many tourist scenic spots, there is a special one specially The existence, it became popular because of the "black heart" of the scenic area. Ordinary bottle of water was sold for 20 yuan, and local tyrants did not dare to go.

And this is the Shanghai Disneyland, which falls in Pudong New District. It officially opened on June 16, 2016. It is the first and largest amusement park in Mainland China. Fantasy park. Therefore, because of its popularity here and carrying many people’s childhood, it has always been where everyone dreams of going to.

But in such a place, not everyone can afford it. Among them, because it covers an area of ??1.16 square kilometers, it contains 7 theme plates. If tourists are playing, at least at least two days of time budget.

In addition, the problem that makes tourists feel difficult is that the price of each of each of the play projects here is particularly high, and the hotels in the scenic area are high. It is said that the off -season also requires 1,000 yuan to base for one night. Moreover, it is even more. Not to mention that during the peak season, it is difficult to find a room, so it has become a place where many people are expected.

And there are many disgusting unwritten rules, such as not to bring food and drinks, so tourists have to consume inside, but the price is high. For example Simple food also requires hundreds of budgets, coupled with hotels, tickets, fares, and other miscellaneous fees. This trip, there is no tens of thousands of budgets, I am afraid it is difficult to play happily.

However, the "black heart" place is still maintaining a scene where people come and go, and many people should be surprised! However, it is not difficult to guess that many people are actually willing to accept such a price, but the positioning of Disneyland is very high -end. In addition, the amusement facilities in it are really good, so they can attract everyone to play inside and willingly Consumption.

It’s just that ordinary people are more heartbroken! After all, I am not willing to spend so much funds on it. In the end, I did not get anything except for memories and happiness.