Foreign tourists came to Shanghai to play, and after seeing the "financial center", DRAM: This design is strange

The old man Qiu continued to send, and Shanghai will welcome the most popular starting day! We all know that Shanghai is a very prosperous city. There are also many beautiful scenery in Shanghai. When the holiday is here, many people will go to Shanghai.

In addition to domestic tourists, Shanghai also ushered in many foreign tourists. Some foreign tourists arrive in Shanghai to play and see ShanghaiAfter the financial center, I was surprised. The design of this building is really strange.

This building surprises many foreign tourists in Shanghai Global Financial Center. I know this name knows that the building is higher. Shanghai’s global financial center is very high. Looking at many places in Shanghai, you can see the figures of this structure.

This building is high492.Instrument, all104.The floor has three floors underground. The location of this building is Pudong Century Avenue. The reason why this building surprised everyone is mainly because of its shape, especially, the roof part looks like a bottle cap with a beer.

If the distance is far away, the Shanghai Global Financial Center seems to be relatively small. At that time, I felt that I was a bottle of beer.

Because this building looks different, it is easy to notice this, so this building has also become a local iconic building. Although some people seem to understand, the building has also received various awards. It can also be seen that although the building looks a bit incredible. But there are their own unique.

This building looks like a beer bottle bottle. This design is surprised and will feel bright. This building is very good. Around the prosperity of the business, there are still many people who stand through the windows through the window. You can see that the Huangpu River is not far away. Some people think that this building is novel and shows us the charm of the building. Some people think that if the building can repair our common commercial buildings, the building area is more.

The strange shape of this architecture left a deep impression of many people. Maybe people will take photos of the Shanghai Global Financial Center after Shanghai Global Financial Center. Because this is nearby500.The rice high building is really easy to find. When you look up, I can see it. Now this building is very famous, so there are many people taking pictures as the background.

Shanghai is a very good tourist city. It is more suitable for bad tourism. This strange architectural style is only one of the many beautiful landscapes in Shanghai. The reason why Shanghai is suitable for poor tourism is because there are many attractions here that can be released to everyone freely. The quality of the scenic area is very good.


Look at the returning player? Brazilian fans dislike Gaunt: Don’t come back if you join the Chinese nationality

As a naturalized player in Chinese football, Garatt has dismissed the contract with the Guangzhou team and returned to his hometown of Brazil to find a new playing opportunity. There is no exact news about whether Gaunt will retain Chinese nationality in the future. However, for the return of the former Brazilian international, many Brazilian fans have unexpectedly "interest".

Earlier, it was reported that Gaunt attracted the attention of the Brazilian Furniture, including Barona, Flaglo, and Palmeras. But in the Corinthian forum, most fans oppose the team’s introduction of Gaunt.

Some fans said: "Gaurat used to be a good player before, but now his knee cartilage has been removed. It is difficult for this player to play high -level football in the future. When I left, Parmeras was like a pig who hit the Universiade because they got rid of this high salary burden. "

There are also fans believe that since Gaunt has joined Chinese, it seems a bit awkward to play in Barn: "He used to be absent for more than five months due to injuries. And he has joined the Chinese nationality. He is equivalent to wasting a place for foreign aid. "" I don’t know what he is now. I mean, don’t he already have a Chinese state? In Brazil, he is a foreign aid, so what does it mean to come back? "

In addition to doubts about the problem of Gaurart’s nationality, more fans are not optimistic about Gaunt’s competitive status today. "Even from an optimistic perspective, Gaunt is mostly similar to the current Dordinho, and it will even be even worse. When he returned from China, his performance had begun to decline. And say. "" God bless you not sign Gaunt, he can no longer play in Brazil. Now he is no longer three years ago. "

Remember the sound of the 70 -year -old Shanghai aunt’s square cabin? Look at her latest voice

"Hello everyone, I am Wu Yinping, and I am also familiar with the second aunt who are familiar with through WeChat voice." Recently, at the scene of the spiritual civilization construction work conference in Pudong New District in 2022, Xiao Bu met with Aunt Wu for the first time. She still spoke Shanghai dialect, and her tone was still kind.

During this epidemic, Aunt Wu told his relatives and friends about his experience from infection with new crown pneumonia to recovery. It is this voice that shows the spiritual character of an old party member, community grass -roots workers and Shanghai citizens, and has gained the public’s praise. Listening to the experience of her memories can still be infected by her positive energy.

Aunt Wu is a resident of the north community in the streets of Xincun Village, Hudong, and a 28 -year -old party member. Since 1998, she has been a civil affairs cadre in the community for 10 years. After retiring in 2007, she returned to the North Community where she lived.

"Our community is very large, with 95 gate buildings, and more than 5,000 residents. In March, the Shanghai epidemic broke out. I think I was a party member and should stand up and guard everyone’s safety." In this round of epidemic The earliest became one of the areas of the central risk area. Aunt Wu felt that she was responsible and rushed to the front line of resistance. At the beginning, she cooperated with the residential committee to do the population statistics of the community, and the number of people came to the family. Reporting to the neighborhood committee at 6 am, sometimes cooperating with doctors for nucleic acid sampling, and always busy until 11 pm.

In early April, Aunt Wu began to feel uncomfortable and a little fever, and he stopped volunteer service. "Later, two bars were measured by the antigen. In fact, I was a little scared at that time. It’s uncomfortable, headache, muscle soreness, especially the dry throat, and the feeling of the pills can’t swallow. "Aunt Wu recalled that at about 12 noon on April 16, she received a call from the illness and control department and was notified to be diagnosed with positive. "Since the policy is regulated, I am a party member, so I will take the lead in obeying the policy and pack the wash products and prepare for transfer."

In the voice of Aunt Wu, who was circulating on the Internet, she revealed what she had seen and heard in the square cabin, especially the living conditions, medical volunteer services, etc. "In the square cabin," big white ‘, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers. They are all very good. They often encourage me to eat good meals and take a walk. These words sound very warm. Although people are in the square cabin, medical supplies are guaranteed, and they have egg milk every day. . "Aunt Wu felt that he had the responsibility to tell the real situation, and hoped that everyone would not panic.

At the stage where the epidemic prevention and control are the most vigorous, Aunt Wu’s remarks convey an optimistic and positive attitude, giving everyone the courage and strength to face difficulties. In the square cabin, she was not idle. "Although I can’t do heavy work, I can do some relaxed work and serve everyone." During that time, Aunt Wu got up to clean the floor where he lived. When they met some older patients, they helped them burn water. When you take the meal, you also take the handle and send the box lunch to the eighty -year -old man.

On April 22, Aunt Wu went home and was warmly welcomed by community cadres and residents. "After I came back, I found that everyone lived in an orderly manner, and my heart was much easier." After home health monitoring, Aunt Wu returned to the community volunteer post on May 1st. " Help and care, I want to pass them out and let more people feel it. "

In the next day, Aunt Wu will help the corridor spray disinfection water every day, and shares the positive energy to the WeChat group of the corridor. As the situation of epidemic prevention continues to improve, the demand for epidemic prevention in the community is turned on to conduct regular antigen detection. Aunt Wu is busy helping residents who have been old and without mobile phones upload test results … After more than two months of hard work, life returns to the right track. Everyone laughed.

On June 1st, Aunt Wu went out early in the morning. She first turned around in her community, and then went to the place where she often went to the surrounding herself. "It’s the same, there is nothing special." Aunt Wu regained his familiar feeling, and he returned as usual.

Aunt Wu said that under her square cabin, many people left a message saying that she was greatly moved by her optimism. She believes that, in fact, the hard work of ordinary people’s hard work and watching is the background and bright color of the civilization of the city in Shanghai. "This epidemic, Shanghai has been survived. I believe that our Shanghai will get better and better!"

Text: Huang Jing

Photography: Huang Riyue

Edit: Zhu Shengxia

The People’s Daily praised the national table tennis, but Sun Yingsha, who named the crown, did not mention Wang Manyu, see who is MVP

On November 30th, Beijing time, the World Table Tennis Championships had officially concluded. The final record of the National Table Tennis was to gain 4 gold medals and lost the men’s doubles championship.

Although there were no 5 gold medals, the results of Guoping are still very good, and it has also received praise from the official social media of the People’s Daily. However, Wang Manyu and Fan Zhendong, who played the best winner this time, did not be named. The only one who was named was Sun Yingsha who had lost the women’s singles championship. It turned out that she was the MVP of this year’s national table tennis, although she Did not win the most gold -content award.

《人民日报》亲自开口谈到了国乒这次的情况,并且晒出了九宫格图片,九宫格当中也是有国乒本次出征的大部分主力选手,包括孙颖莎,王曼昱,樊振东,梁靖崑,以及王楚钦和Lin Gaoyuan, Chen Meng and Wang Yidi and others.

They also accompanied: "The Houston World Table Tennis Championships ended in 2021, and the Chinese team ended with four gold results." Then he specifically designed Sun Yingsha: "Sun Yingsha World Table Tennis Championship harvested 2 gold and 1 silver. Each point is every point. Not easy, every player is good, hard, Chinese table tennis, pride for you! "

They recognized Sun Yingsha’s series of contributions, so they mentioned that Sun Yingsha’s two gold and one silver alone, which shows that Sun Yingsha is the real MVP. Wang Manyu did win, and completed the double championship and won the championship of the women’s singles and women’s doubles, but her performance was not as good as Sun Yingsha. Although Sun Yingsha said that the women’s singles won the runner -up, she was in the mixed doubles and her All the women’s double -line operations won the gold medal, and even Sun Yingsha was a third -line operation.

One day before the start of the final, Sun Yingsha even played 4 games in one day, a mixed doubles semi -final and a mixed doubles final, and there were two semi -finals of women’s singles and women’s doubles. Playing 4 games a day and remained full of victory. More importantly, Sun Yingsha defeated the Japanese team’s five giants Zhang Benzhi, Ito Makoto, Hayawa Miyu, Ishikawa Jiachun.

She defeated Hirano Miyu and Ishikawa Jiachun in the 1/4 finals of the Women’s Doubles, and defeated Ito Makoto and Haya Hina in the women’s doubles finals. Facing the Japanese five giants, people played 9 wins and 2 losses. The third -tier operations were better than Wang Manyu. She was the real MVP. Sun Yingsha.

What’s more?

Wang Manyu has only two gold medals, and the mixed doubles competition will go out early, but Sun Yingsha is 2 gold and 1 silver, so the "People’s Daily" will specifically recognize her. She is the real MVP. Only she has received such treatment. Liu Guoliang recognizes her. Normally, this is the treatment of the next Grand Slam and the National Table Tennis Demon King.

This may also be why Liu Guoliang and Li Yan will personally serve as Sun Yingsha’s coaches during this World Table Tennis Championships, find a problem for her, and give her a guest to feed her the ball. On the one hand, it is indeed because Sun Yingsha has no supervisor in charge, and on the other hand, it may be because Sun Yingsha has always been Liu Guoliang’s favorite first love general.

List of Shanghai Chongming New House in 2022

[Selected Real Estate 1] Chongming Sanxiang Forest Sea Shang

Real estate review

After smoking this cigarette

Let me briefly outline the advantages of the Sanxiang Forest Haishang: dual -track, Dong Community’s commercial facilities, the entire East community environment, and the quality of Sanxiang. And Sanxiang’s construction site is the most satisfied with what I currently see.

There are buses around for easy travel.

Old driver driving school

I have been to Chongming many times, not many corners, it is still a bit far from the future subway, but it can still be accepted

[Selected Real Estate 2] Blue Lake Bay

Real estate review


There are comprehensive shopping malls nearby. Lenovo Computer Stores, Lianhua Supermarket, Jinye Supermarket, Wenfeng Supermarket, Xiufang Supermarket, eating and buying vegetables are very convenient. There are 8 units, with 66.0-118.0 square meters in different areas of different areas of different areas. Choose, take what you need.


The greening rate of the community is good, the environment is beautiful, the eyes are full of green, and the living comfort is high.

Chongming is now more and more houses. To be honest, there are a few who work in Shanghai to buy that goes.

[Selected Real Estate II

Real estate review


1. The kitchen is L -shaped and has a large space area, which is convenient for cooking food and kitchen supplies. 2. The kitchen and toilet have windows, which are convenient for oil fume and odor, and the ventilation is better. 3. The master bedroom is the suite design. In addition to the independent bathroom, there is also a test room, which is convenient for the owner’s life. The privacy is better and the living comfort is high. ; 1. The depth is unreasonable, which will cause the part to be dim and need to turn on the light during the day.

The property fee is 2.5 yuan/square meter and month, and the price is acceptable. It depends on the quality of the service. The average price is about 26647 yuan/㎡.

Little Snail Nica

It is already the existing house. It is close to the Changxing Town Government, and the surrounding foundation is OK.