State financial supervision and management bureau: screen and determine the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support and push it to financial institutions within their respecti

Every AI news, on January 26th, the State Financial Supervision and Administration held a meeting to deploy and implement the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. The meeting held that the coordination mechanism should give full play to the leading role of local governments, strengthen overall planning of work, refine policies and measures, and promote the accurate docking of real estate development enterprises and financial institutions. According to the principle of fairness and justice, the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support should be screened and pushed to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. It is necessary to strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation, pre-sale fund supervision and so on in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.

Four couples of police doctors on the front line of epidemic prevention: postponed wedding, son alone at home and reunion dinner that can’t be made up.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, an epidemic prevention and control war broke out nationwide. In the face of the pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, the police and medical staff stood in the front line of epidemic prevention. Many "police doctors and couples" gave up their families for everyone. Some of them were born after 70, 80 and 90, and they silently built an important epidemic prevention line with their persistence and dedication. What we are going to tell below is the story of four police and medical couples who are sticking to the front line of fighting the epidemic this Spring Festival …
The wedding dress that was too late to try was postponed after 90 years.
Write Xiao Wei couple chat record.
Xiao Wei, a policeman from Jinhua Police Station of Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, and Xiaoxiao, a nurse from People’s Hospital, both born in 1990s, originally planned to hold a banquet in the near future, but the wedding was postponed due to the sudden epidemic. In Jinhua Town, which is dozens of kilometers away from the city, there are only three police officers in the police station. As the youngest policeman, Xiao Wei took the initiative to provoke the responsibility of daily patrol and quarantine. The small separation made them unable to meet each other for several weeks, and they could only express their thoughts on each other through WeChat.
"I want to see you. I don’t want to be alone at home."
"Why did you come to me? I don’t have a car. I didn’t eat anything here. I ate instant noodles."
"You should pay attention to safety when checking, put on the mask and tighten the strip above your nose!"
"There are a lot of things today. You should cover yourself in the evening, eat more, and don’t put your son hungry!
Nurse Xiao Xiao introduced that she had planned to let her husband accompany her to try on the wedding dress after the New Year, but now the epidemic is current, she is busy, and her husband is busy, and the wedding will be held after defeating the epidemic. Because I learned that I was pregnant with a baby, I was afraid that the dress style I had been optimistic about had to be changed. No girl wanted to be the most beautiful at the wedding, but in the face of this epidemic prevention and blocking war, only understanding and strength were the greatest encouragement for herself and the greatest support for her husband.
Incorrect reunion dinner, stick to your post and have direct contact with patients.
↑ Yang Yang is taking blood tests for patients.
Yang Yang, a post-80s police sister-in-law, is a tester in the respiratory department of Mianzhu Hospital. She and her colleagues completed the blood drawing work for all patients. She had direct contact with the first pneumonia patient infected by novel coronavirus in Mianzhu. During the epidemic prevention, she can’t go home or dare to go home. She said that although she has done a good job in protection, she will still worry unconsciously, not because she is afraid of being infected, or because she doesn’t want to get involved with her family.
Her husband, Li Hong, is a police officer investigating a case in Chengnan Police Station. In an extraordinary period, he has to do his job correctly in epidemic prevention, and he takes turns to visit the homes of isolated people in his jurisdiction every day. Find and help injured elderly people living alone to seek medical treatment; Go to the mahjong room where people gather to persuade them to disperse; Handle public security cases of rumors and rumors and criminal cases of telecom fraud. During the Spring Festival, many people are tired of staying at home, but for Li Hong, they can’t go home.
"When the epidemic is over, let’s have a good reunion dinner!" On the phone with Li Hong, Yang Yang’s voice choked. "You went to other provinces to catch fugitives during the Spring Festival when our eldest son was born. Our youngest son was just born this Spring Festival, and we were both too busy to go home. Since New Year’s Eve, we haven’t had a bite of the reunion dinner. When we are finished, we will pick up our parents and have a good reunion!"
"Drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
↑ Zhang Chun went to the duty station to ensure the supply of materials.
"Wife, have a drink!" "Husband, you also drink quickly!" After 80s, Zhang Chunhe Shen Li, a police doctor and wife, handed each other a bottle full of mineral water, and they both smiled at each other and gulped it down.
Zhang Chun is doing police security work in Mianzhu Public Security Bureau, not only considering the epidemic prevention and protection of front-line police officers in society, but also taking into account the daily epidemic prevention and quarantine in the unit. "The first-line masks are missing again, so we need to buy them quickly … three meals for the 24-hour police should be guaranteed. Disinfectant should be sprayed every day. Goggles, yes, give the first line goggles! " Zhang Chun carefully handled all the materials procurement, transportation and guarantee. However, he was surrounded by pieces of mineral water, and he was completely unconscious to take a sip.
Shen Li is "armed to the teeth" in the fever clinic of the hospital, taking the temperature of patients in long queues and cooperating with the screening test of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus. This "equipment" has to be worn for a long time every day, and it is difficult to take it off. In order not to delay the patient’s medical treatment, she wears it for one day. When she came home at night, she had a break to drink water.
A day without drinking water, drinking a can of water, "drink water quickly" has become the sweetest love story of the couple.
"Pay attention to safety" is the only thing he can tell his grown-up son.
Shu Shizheng visited the returnees.
"Child: In the face of the epidemic, the two busiest people are your father and me. Don’t blame us!" In Tsui Hua Chen’s WeChat circle of friends, police sister-in-law said to her son with guilt.
As a medical worker sent to the community by Mianzhu People’s Hospital, from the beginning of the New Year’s Day, she went to the door every day to take the temperature of the isolated people at home, publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention, and do her best to monitor the epidemic. The child’s father Shu Shizheng, as the director of the police station in the city, has not finished the security duty on New Year’s Eve, and has received the task of epidemic prevention and control. In recent days, he led a team to assist the streets and communities to shut down 266 related places in the area in time, and concentrated police force to investigate and prevent 61 returnees from Hubei one by one, and cooperated with the government’s prevention and control working group to track down and isolate people, taking the lead in severely investigating 4 cases involving the epidemic, and cracking down on 14 related owners and illegal personnel who secretly operated mahjong halls.
The couple have been away for a long time, and only their son takes care of himself at home. Shu Shizheng said with deep feelings that the post-70s love memories. When the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake was used for earthquake relief, their son was only 4 years old, and the couple didn’t take care of it. Now his son is 15 years old. These days, he is allowed to cook and do housework at home alone. Seeing his son’s maturity and independence, he is more gratified and more sour. In the face of this sudden situation,
Wang Shuli Red Star Journalist Wang Mingping According to Mianzhu Public Security Editor Zhang Wei

Aim for the first phalanx in the country! The future of Hebei rugby can be expected.

On September 24th, China team player Liao Jiuli (second from right) was in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Zhenglai photo
On October 3rd, Liao Jiuli rushed to the China Women’s Rugby Team to report for duty, and began a new stage of training to prepare for the women’s rugby qualifying tournament for the Paris Olympic Games at the end of this year. This young rugby player trained in our province won the women’s rugby sevens gold medal with his teammates at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
Nevertheless, according to Tang Yu, director of the Small Ball Sports Center of the Provincial Sports Bureau, rugby is still in its infancy in our province. As a new sport, the popularity of rugby in our province is not high at present, and there is still much room for development.
It is understood that the provincial men’s rugby team was established in 2011, and this team entered the finals of the National Games for the first time in 2017. In 2015, the provincial women’s football team was established, and the results came from behind. After winning the fifth place in the National Games in 2021, it won the championship in the national rugby sevens championship in 2022.
The formation of provincial teams and their successive achievements have promoted the continuous development of rugby in our province. Especially after the annual provincial rugby championship and provincial rugby championship were held in 2015, some districts and cities in our province, such as Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao and Cangzhou, have also set up municipal rugby teams. Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Qinhuangdao and Tangshan teamed up to participate in all four events in the youth football competition held in the 16th provincial sports meeting this year.
Teenagers are the new force in football. In recent years, some schools in our province have also begun to actively promote the popularization of rugby. At present, more than 10 schools, including Baoding No.7 Middle School, Shijiazhuang No.13 Middle School, Handan Weixian No.1 Middle School, Tangshan Luannan No.4 Middle School, Qinhuangdao Funing No.4 Middle School, Xingtai Shahe No.2 Middle School and Langfang Xianghe No.1 Middle School, carry out rugby training all the year round, and have made their mark in some provincial and national competitions.
"But overall, there are still not many football reserve talents in our province." Tang Yu introduced that at present, there are only more than 800 registered rugby players in our province. Due to the lack of reserve talents and coaches, the provincial women’s football team has only 18 players, which has not yet reached the normal number of players in the same level of football teams in China. Moreover, the provincial football team has not yet established an echelon, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the sport.
How to accelerate the development of rugby in our province?
"Without Bole, there will be no swift horse. How can you choose a good seedling without a good coach?" Tang Yu introduced that even the provincial teams have long faced the problem of lack of coaches because of the small number of domestic football coaches. At present, most grass-roots football coaches in our province are "half-way monks". In addition, the selection of rugby sports is not wide and the requirements for athletes’ various qualities are high, so grass-roots coaches are easy to miss good seeds when selecting materials. In addition, the number of colleges and universities recruiting rugby special students in China is relatively small, which also discourages many students who intend to engage in this sport.
"The development of rugby in China is relatively late, and there are currently less than 10 provinces that carry out rugby all the year round, which has somewhat affected the development of rugby in our province, but it is also an opportunity." Tang Yu said.
Rugby was confirmed to return to the Olympic stage in 2009, and China established the national rugby team in 2013. In 2021, the China women’s rugby team won the seventh place at the Tokyo Olympic Games, which was the first time that the China rugby team made its debut at the Olympic Games.
In order to make a difference in this Olympic project, our province has made efforts to break the bottleneck of development in recent years.
Committed to solving the problem of "who will teach", our province has vigorously carried out coach training and introduced a foreign teacher for the provincial women’s football team. "An important purpose of inviting foreign teachers is to hope that provincial athletes can learn better coaching experience, and it is fundamental to build our own team of coaches." Tang Yu said that at present, several old players in the provincial team have begun to transform into coaches. After the National Games in 2025, the provincial team will also have a group of old players retired, which is expected to become the coaches of the provincial team and the municipal team.
Focusing on strengthening the leadership of the event, our province has continuously improved the rugby tournament system. At present, the Provincial Games, the Provincial Rugby Championship and the Provincial Rugby Championship have two groups, A and B, which are aimed at high school and junior high school athletes respectively. Starting from next year, a group C under the age of 12 will be added to the provincial competitions, so that primary school students can also participate.
The China Women’s Rugby Team won the gold medal in the Hangzhou Asian Games, which will also become a booster for the development of rugby in our province. "Liao Jiuli participated in the Asian Games, and many media came to interview and report, which will greatly enhance the influence of rugby in our province." Tang Yu believes that after the Asian Games, more teenagers in our province will like rugby.
It is reported that our province has set short-term goals and long-term goals in rugby. The short-term goal is that the men’s team will strive to enter the top six in the 2025 National Games, and the women’s team will strive to win medals. The long-term goal is to popularize and lay a solid foundation, and at the same time build a team of athletes, coaches and referees, and strive to make Hebei rugby enter the first phalanx in the country as soon as possible.
(Hebei Daily, Hebei Daily client reporter Wang Weihong)
Pay attention to Hebei Daily for more authoritative information.

Seventy years of age Simpson was released on parole after serving his sentence and was picked up by an unidentified person.

  CCTV News:In 1990s, American football star O·J· Simpson’s "suspected wife murder case" caused a sensation, which was also called "trial of the century". Although Simpson was acquitted in that year, in 2008, the famous American black sports star was jailed for "kidnapping and armed robbery". On the 1st, after serving nine years in prison, seventy years of age Simpson was released on parole.

  The Nevada Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation confirmed that Simpson left Lovelock prison in northern Nevada at 0: 08 am local time on the 1st after signing the release papers.

  Although the American media generally predicted that Simpson would be released on parole at the beginning of this month, the Nevada Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation released Simpson in the early hours of Sunday, which was somewhat unexpected. This also enabled Simpson to avoid the media when he was released from prison. After he got out of prison, he was picked up by an unidentified friend.

  Former football star Simpson was jailed for robbery.

  In 2007, Simpson and others clashed with two sports souvenir sellers in a hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, trying to snatch thousands of dollars worth of souvenirs with guns — — Simpson claimed that the photos, badges and football souvenirs were his own belongings. After the incident, Simpson was arrested by the police and charged with 12 counts including kidnapping and armed robbery.

  In 2008, the court sentenced Simpson to 33 years in prison, but he could be released on parole after nine years.

  In July this year, four members of the Nevada Parole Adjudication Board voted unanimously that Simpson was "unlikely to commit another crime" and agreed to grant him parole.

  "Trial of the Century" — — Simpson’s "Suspected Wife Killing Case"

  Simpson was once a star of the National Football League. In June 1994, Simpson’s white ex-wife and boyfriend were found dead in their residence in Los Angeles, and all the evidence showed that Simpson was the biggest suspect — — The case was a sensation, but after a tortuous trial, Simpson was acquitted by a jury in October 1995. This case, known as the "trial of the century", has caused public controversy about the fairness of the American judicial system, highlighting the differences of opinion among different ethnic groups in American society.

The National Rugby Sevens Championship kicked off.

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, June 2 (Reporter Cao Yibo) On the 2nd, the "Charm Hangzhou" 2023 National Rugby Sevens Championship kicked off at the Cangqian Campus Stadium of Hangzhou Normal University.
The tournament lasted for three days, and was co-sponsored by the National Olympic Sports Center and the Chinese Rugby Association, hosted by Hangzhou Normal University and co-organized by Yuhang District People’s Government. A total of 19 teams (10 men’s teams and 9 women’s teams) participated in the tournament.
During the 50 games, as the rugby venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, all the events of the stadium in Cangqian Campus of Hangzhou Normal University will be deployed at the level close to the Asian Games in accordance with the Asian Games process to test the progress of the Asian Games preparations and the level of the venue operation team.
Rugby events in the Olympic Games and the Asian Games all adopt the sevens system. Seven people from each side play in the rugby sevens game. The game is divided into the first half and the second half, with 7 minutes in each half and no more than 2 minutes in the intermission. After the start of the game, all players can touch the ball with any part of their bodies, such as catching the ball with their hands or feet, passing the ball, kicking the ball, saving the ball, running with the ball, catching it, shouldering it, and hugging the opposing players with the ball, participating in the group competition for the ball, pressing the ball to touch the ground, etc., but in the game, players can only pass the ball backwards or sideways in parallel, but can’t pass the ball forward, and can’t fall forward when catching the ball.
The China Women’s Rugby Team won the silver medal at the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and the seventh place at the Tokyo Olympic Games, which made the national team the best Olympic result in this event. The best achievement of China men’s rugby team in the Asian Games was the bronze medal in the Doha Asian Games in 2006.
Hangzhou Asian Games rugby sevens will produce two gold medals. (End)

You will never think of these ways to open the reunion dinner!

Blown away from us is the old year by the crackling fireworks

In every corner of the city

Such a respectable group of people

Provides us with

The hidden opening way of new year’s dinner

Let’s have a look.


Jiang tan gang ting sui nian fan

The year is approaching.

There is still a group of people busy in Jiangtan.

Clean the platform and wipe the street furniture.

Maintain holiday order

Ensure the safe operation of the river beach ……

Jiangtan security guards eat a different kind of "annual meal" together at the sentry box.

At the moment when the whole family is happy and sharing reunion.

Every household began to make a fuss.

Eat the New Year’s Eve dinner.

The staff of Jiangtan are still sticking to their posts.

Dedicated silently to welcome the Spring Festival.

The staff are eating New Year’s Eve in the central control room.

There is no big fish and big meat, and there is no overlapping.

Today, they are in their posts.

Eat the exclusive "annual meal" of Jiangtan people.

Or eat in front of the monitoring screen in the central control room.

Or stand in the booth and eat.

Or eat in the lounge.

The cleaning staff have dinner in the lounge.

These respectable and lovely people

Hastily finish this hot "new year’s meal"

And quickly return to their jobs.

Go on with your work.

Use your persistence in the river beach

In exchange for citizens and friends.

A civilized, peaceful, clean and healthy Spring Festival.

Jiangtan office staff together in the canteen package jiaozi "Year of the League".

At the same time, in Zongguan Waterworks

Operators strictly carry out 24-hour duty.

Dispatch the water quality, production and operation of the whole plant

Carry out comprehensive monitoring

The operators of Zongguan Waterworks stick to their posts.

Dispatcher Lunjie said

"In order to ensure the safety of water supply during the Spring Festival,

All dispatchers of Zongguan Waterworks are ready for battle.

Stick to your post even during meal time.

We are responsible for every drop of water that citizens drink!"

a slap in the face

The bus carriage eats jiaozi

On New Year’s Eve, the city is brightly lit.

Wenwu, the driver of the last bus of No.261 bus

The work has come to an end temporarily.

In the city, waves of returning people at night.

After safely reaching their respective destinations,

He is in the bus compartment.

Picked up a steaming bowl of jiaozi.

I ate the "annual meal" with relish.

Wenwu, the driver of the last bus of No.261 bus, is eating "New Year’s dinner".

The jiaozi is wrapped.

The lofty spirit of dedication and dedication

Wenwu took one bite after another.

Savoring the happiness of serving the citizens.

Wenwu ate with relish.

Stick to your post like him

Celebrate the auspicious year for citizens and friends.

There are still many dedicated staff members.

Their special reunion dinner.

So lonely

And so brilliant

Warm heart

Happy reunion in western restaurant

On January 26, in the Pizza Hut restaurant in Xu Dong during the Lunar New Year.

It’s an orange sea.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee,

At 11 o’clock that morning.

City Management Department United Love Enterprise

Send it to representatives of sanitation workers.

Good shop, Zhou Heiya and other new year gift packages.

City Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee gives gift packages to sanitation workers.

Xu Dong Xiaopinmao Pizza Hut

Representatives of sanitation workers are also invited

Enjoy the warm heart package

Changjiang Daily reporter knows about the city.

30 front-line sanitation workers who came to eat.

Are on nearby roads all the year round.

Sanitation worker who cleans and cleans

Most of them are older.

"Old Sanitation" with white hair on his head

Sanitation workers eat western food in Pizza Hut for the New Year.

The city treats us so well.

We should try our best to do our duty.

Do cleaning work

Give the citizens a clean and beautiful environment."

Wuhan Guang Mei cleaning company

Sanitation worker Jin Benjian said

Everyone usually works in two shifts.

Get together for the first time

I am very happy to have a reunion dinner.

Sanitation workers respect each other.

The person in charge of Pizza Hut restaurant said

They have a tradition of engaging in public welfare activities.

Sanitation workers come and go in the wind and rain.

the work is hard

It is worthwhile to give love to sanitation workers."

Little friends

Come to the comment area to bask in your family’s reunion dinner.

I wish you all a prosperous and prosperous life.

(Produced by Changjiang Daily Metro Media Research Institute)


The Italian-born Beijing Winter Olympics Thailand team player wants to go skiing in Xinjiang!

  [Global Times-Global Network Reporter Xing Xiaotong Wan Lin] "I want to go skiing in Xinjiang!" On the 2nd, Mark Chanloung, a skier representing Thailand in the Beijing Winter Olympics, said in a video interview with the Global Times reporter: "I usually train in Europe, and skiing in Xinjiang can personally feel the difference with Europe. This will be a great experience!"

  Altay, Xinjiang, the birthplace of human skiing, has become a skiing paradise by virtue of its unique advantages such as long snow season, high snow quality, sufficient snow volume and wide snow area. Mark Zhanlong told the Global Times reporter that he was glad that China had such excellent skiing conditions, and he would like to go to Xinjiang for a slide if he had the chance.

  The picture shows Thai skier Mark Zhanlong. The picture comes from the network.

  It is reported that the Thai delegation, including four athletes, stayed in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on January 29th. The four athletes are male cross-country skier Mark Chanloung, female cross-country skier Karen Chanloung, male alpine skier Nicola Zanon and female alpine skier Mida Jaiman.

  It is worth mentioning that Karen Zhanlong, a female cross-country skier, is the younger sister of Mark Zhanlong. She will be the flag bearer of the Thai delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Mark Zhan Long will be the first player of the Thai delegation in this Winter Olympics, and plans to participate in the cross-country skiing men’s double chase (15 km traditional technology +15 km free technology) held on the 6 th. The two brothers and sisters also participated in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 2018 on behalf of the Thai team, and their parents have been accompanying their brothers and sisters to participate in the competition.

  "I feel good. I think I can make a good start for the Thai team in the game on the 6 th." Mark Zhanlong said in an interview with the Global Times reporter, "I am very happy to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. The accommodation and food conditions here are also good." Mark’s excitement was beyond words. On the day he stayed in the Winter Olympics Village, he couldn’t wait to try out his equipment at the cross-country ski resort, and posted photos on the "Instagram" with the caption "Let’s start the Olympic adventure" (as shown below).

  Mark told the Global Times reporter that he had participated in competitions in Tianjin and Hangzhou before the outbreak in December 2019, and it was the first time to come to Beijing. Up to now, his experience in Beijing is good, and entering the closed loop has not affected his daily training. Although he is not so free, safety is more important now.

  Mark and his sister Karen are Thai-Italian hybrids. They were born in a small village in northwest Italy. They started skiing at an early age and were selected for the Italian national team. "When it comes to ice and snow sports, people usually don’t think of Thailand. Thailand is neither snowy nor cold, and it is indeed difficult to develop winter sports. " Mark told the Global Times that despite this, the level of ice and snow sports in Thailand has improved. In 2016, in order to help Thailand develop ice and snow sports and for better personal development, Mark and his brother officially joined the Thai national team, and in 2018, they represented the Thai team in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

  Mark recalled that there were only two years left before the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, and their brother and sister changed coaches and everything had to be readjusted. This time, in order to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, he and his sister prepared for four years. "I am fully prepared and confident to get good results in the competition." Mark expressed his expectation for the Beijing Winter Olympics to the Global Times reporter. He also said that the Beijing Winter Olympics also provided opportunities for skiers all over the world to communicate.

  The Beijing Winter Olympics has promoted the further development of ice and snow sports in China. Mark once met a team from China in New Zealand, and the two sides trained together for some time. He said, "I have seen the growth of many athletes in China, and I am very happy to see more countries joining the ranks of ice and snow sports.". In Mark’s view, China has excellent conditions and opportunities to develop ice and snow sports.

  The picture shows Mark Zhanlong being interviewed by the Global Times reporter.

  For young people who are keen on ice and snow sports, Mark said that it is inevitable to encounter some difficulties when they are beginners, and it will become easier and easier as long as they persist. Moreover, once you master this sport, you will enjoy it, so "don’t give up"!

  Usually, while training, Mark is also studying physical education in a university in Milan. He told the Global Times reporter that after the Beijing Olympics, he would go back to school to participate in the defense before graduation and prepare for the next competition. In addition, Rimak Zhan Long will celebrate his 27th birthday in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on February 9th. He said that there will be competitions around his birthday, and he may only celebrate with his family.

Visiting relatives from prison during the Spring Festival and seeing off his father-in-law and father, he has no regrets in life/figure

  Li Linping (a pseudonym), a prisoner, never imagined that he had the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival this year. Having a reunion dinner, seeing off my elderly father-in-law and looking after my seriously ill father … Li Linping said that the experience of visiting relatives made him very excited. "I just want to make a good transformation, get out of prison as soon as possible and live a good life again." It is understood that this year’s Spring Festival, 42 prisons in the province organized a total of 274 prisoners to leave prison to visit relatives. Recently, all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives returned to prison on time.


  Leave prison: to leave prison freely.

  Li Linping, who is over 40 years old, is visiting relatives for the second time. Compared with the previous experience of visiting relatives, he felt very deeply that he was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption and abuse of power: "This time it is a reward, which is different from visiting relatives outside the prison. There is no full monitoring, and his psychology is very relaxed, and at the same time he has a sense of responsibility."

  In 2004, Li Linping’s mother-in-law died of illness, and he was granted a special leave from prison to visit relatives. From 3 pm to 6 pm that day, Li Linping, led by two policemen, returned to his hometown Qingbaijiang. After knocking on the head several times in front of her mother-in-law’s spirit and hastily comforting her wife and family, Li Linping reluctantly embarked on the way back to prison.

  At the beginning of February this year, Li Linping was pleasantly informed by Jintang Prison that he was on the list of people who left prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival! It turned out that because of his good performance after he was imprisoned, Li Linping was given the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives. At 9: 00 a.m. on February 5, Li Linping dressed up completely and excitedly appeared in front of his wife, sister, brother and other relatives. Accompanied by them, he confidently stepped up and walked out of the prison gate for the first time.

  Home: My father-in-law finally waited for him.

  In the morning, Li Linping went to his father-in-law’s house first. The 82-year-old father-in-law was seriously ill in bed. Li Linping came to the old man’s bed and took his hand tightly: "Dad, I came back to see you. Who am I?" After several calls, the old man raised his hand excitedly and said in a trembling voice, "Are you a son-in-law …" "He has been waiting for me, and now he finally sees me." Li Linping said that at noon the next day, the old man finished his life peacefully.

  Youth League Year: For the first time in many years

  At noon on the first day of returning home, a large family had a reunion dinner at their wife’s home. The family kept raising their glasses to bless the New Year and Li Linping. "For so many years, I went home for a reunion dinner for the first time. I am so happy to see a family in harmony. " Li Linping enjoyed this meal so much that he drank a little wine happily, even though he didn’t drink much at ordinary times.

  Filial piety: taking care of father before bed

  Li Linping, accompanied by his family, rushed to the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region to visit his 84-year-old father almost every day. Because of his careless fall, his father wearing a ventilator could not speak. "Dad, I’m coming to see you. If you know, blink your eyes." Father moved and really blinked a few times slowly.

  "I finally saw the old man for the last time, but I also regretted that I could not be filial." Li Linping said that just after he returned to prison for half a month, his father quietly stopped breathing. He is very grateful to the prison for giving him the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives, so that he can see the two old people for the last time.

  Significance: Carrying out humanized management.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Provincial Prison Administration that all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives had returned to prison within the specified time, and there was no incident of supervision safety accident and criminals who left prison to visit relatives disturbing social order. Among them, Liu, a criminal in Chengdu Juvenile Delinquency Center, took the initiative to participate in local rescue and relief activities during his visit from prison, and the local town government sent a special letter of commendation.

  "Under the premise of strict standards,’ sunshine’ approval and ensuring safety, visiting relatives outside prison is an important means to improve the quality of criminal reform, which is the embodiment of the criminal policy of’ tempering justice with mercy’ and also conforms to the current advanced execution concept." Li Xinmin, Party Secretary of the Provincial Prison Administration, said.

  Liu Zhicheng, director of the Provincial Prison Administration, said: "Visiting relatives after leaving prison is an important measure to implement humanized management in prisons and an important embodiment of the prison policy of’ reforming people’. We will strengthen the summary, strive to improve and constantly advance." (Reporter Yang Qin)

Editor: Jufu

Multi-level financial service system of Bohai Bank helps the construction and development of Tiankai Garden.

  In 2023, the Central Financial Work Conference clearly put forward "five major articles on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance". Among them, technology and finance, as the first of five great articles, was entrusted with an important mission. China Bohai Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bohai Bank") closely follows the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, puts financial empowerment technology enterprises in a prominent position, and makes steady progress on the road of helping high-quality development.

  As one of the "Ten Actions" important measures related to the long-term development of Tianjin in the next five years, Tianjin Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park (hereinafter referred to as "Tiankai Park"), which plays a key role in promoting independent innovation, officially opened in May this year. Bohai Bank insists on basing itself on and serving Tianjin, deeply investigates the financial service needs of science and technology enterprises in the park, tries every means to enrich science and technology financial products, improve service quality and build a multi-level financial service system. Up to now, it has granted Tiankai Park a credit of more than 110 million yuan, providing financial services to more than 10 science and technology enterprises and more than 50 science and technology talents, highlighting the political responsibility of Tianjin local financial state-owned enterprises and the effectiveness of efficient and agile science and technology services.

  Multi-level service system nourishes science and technology "seedlings" with "living water"

  Relying on Nankai University, Tianjin University and other more than 50 colleges and universities in Tianjin, Tianjin Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park has continuously improved the transformation and industrialization level of scientific and technological achievements with the innovative development model of "discipline+talent+industry". At present, more and more innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights and core competitiveness have gathered here.

  Faced with the differentiated needs of different types of scientific and technological enterprises at different stages of development, Bohai Bank gives full play to the advantages of local legal entities and national financial institutions, and leads local branches to provide wide-channel, multi-level, full coverage and sustainable financial services for science and technology enterprises with the life-cycle service model.

  In order to vigorously support the innovation and entrepreneurship of science and technology enterprises, Bohai Bank, with Tianjin as the key fulcrum, strengthened investment and loan linkage with many fund companies, increased financial support for science and technology enterprises in Tiankaiyuan, and aimed at the investment and cultivation of key areas, key industrial chains, key projects, seed stage and initial stage enterprises, provided entrepreneurial guidance services in equity financing, consulting, market positioning, team management and resource integration, and hatched a series of star projects and products, thus realizing "fertile soil". Up to now, the bank has approved more than 80 million yuan of credit funds for Tiankai Group and enterprises in the park, and provided financial services for more than 10 science and technology enterprises.

  Talent is an important traction and support for innovation and development, and it is the core element of series industrial chain and innovation chain. Bohai Bank plays the role of boosting financial resources, starting with talents, supports the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and carries out in-depth cooperation with Tiankai Park. According to the idea of "granting credit to the whole park, all grants should be made", Bohai Bank actively provides personalized and diversified financial support for professional high-end scientific and technological talents in the park by means of centralized time, white list access and rapid active credit granting, and establishes a comprehensive and comprehensive financial service system for high-end talents in Tiankai Park. Under this model, Bohai Bank has actively granted credit of more than 30 million yuan to 56 high-end talents such as project leaders, university professors and academicians of Tiankaiyuan enterprises.

  In order to provide enterprises with more diversified financial service products, accurately serve the development of enterprises in the park, and realize the "two-way empowerment" of diversified service levels between bank outlets and the park, Bohai Bank has also actively promoted the site selection and preparation of financial outlets in Tiankaiyuan. According to the relevant person in charge, Tiankaiyuan Sub-branch officially opened to the public on November 1, 2023, and has provided financial services such as account opening and settlement for 41 enterprises in the park. After the opening of Tiankaiyuan Sub-branch, it actively cooperated with Nankai District Government Affairs Office to hold the "Tiankaiyuan Enterprise Financial Service Activity" for enterprises in the park, and timely delivered comprehensive service policies such as fee reduction and profit reduction and credit financing to enterprises. The completion of Tiankaiyuan Sub-branch will further provide diversified and relay-style personal financial services for science and technology enterprises and the vast number of scientific and technological talents in the whole life cycle, continue to strengthen the "soft power" of service innovation enterprises, strengthen the driving and supporting role of financial assistance in the integration of production, education and science and education, and help the high-quality development of Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park.

  Covered by the multi-level financial services in the fields of enterprises, talents and outlets built by Bohai Bank, since the opening of Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park, the bank has granted more than 110 million yuan of credit to Tiankai Park, providing financial services to more than 10 science and technology enterprises and more than 50 science and technology talents, and has been continuously empowered in the process of helping to build Tianjin’s future "science and technology innovation source", "scientific research achievement incubator" and "science and technology service resource gathering area" and achieved initial results.

  Building a nest attracts a phoenix, and flowers and butterflies come. The development of Tiankai Garden is changing with each passing day, and it will also turn Tianjin’s rich science and technology resources "cornucopia" into a "power source" for innovation and development, and continue to promote the coordinated development of major national strategies in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Under the guidance of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Tianjin, Bohai Bank led the municipal financial institutions and Haihe Industrial Fund to successfully hold the first phase, and continued to participate in the follow-up series of activities on the theme of "100 enterprises enter Tiankai". High-growth science and technology enterprises from all over the country in the fields of information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection and biomedicine were invited to enter Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Park. Understand the determination and strength of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to build scientific research platform gathering area, business incubation demonstration area, innovation policy source leading area, reform and opening-up experimental area and innovation and entrepreneurship vitality area, know the development planning and support policies of Tiankai Garden, and understand the methods of banks, funds, securities, trusts and other financial institutions to serve science and technology enterprises, so as to help Tianjin develop with high quality.

  Adhering to the development strategy of "based in Tianjin, serving Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and radiating the whole country", Bohai Bank will take the lead in serving Tianjin’s development, truly integrate into Tianjin’s development, persist in being "specialized", "refined", "special" and "close", constantly innovate its financial service system, promote a virtuous circle of "science and technology-industry-finance" and build a business that meets the needs of enterprises.

The sexy calendar of "Coconut Tree" was exposed in 2024, and the bikini-printed beauty and macho man were accused of vulgarity. Coconut Tree responded: It is indeed available, not for sale, only for o

On January 4th, according to the report of "White Deer Video" of Shaanxi Net, recently, in Haikou, Hainan, netizens sent out pictures of coconut trees in 2024, which triggered discussion.

The video content shows that this calendar is printed with many bikini beauties and pictures of macho men.

Some netizens think that this kind of bikini beauty and macho man are vulgar and unacceptable. Some netizens think it is normal, and so do many old calendars. There is nothing wrong with a healthy and plump aesthetic, so I want to leave a message.

On the 4th, the staff of Coconut Tree responded that this calendar does exist. At present, there is no purchase channel, and local large-scale suppliers will have it. Calendars are not for sale, only for internal storage. "We do have this calendar. At present, there is no purchase channel, and some local large-volume suppliers will have it. This calendar is not for sale and is only used for our own internal preservation. "

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Shaanxi Network "White Deer Video"]

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