Our country’s first billion-time computer "Galaxy" has been successfully developed

  Attachment: Research and development of high-performance computing machines in our country

  Our country’s high-performance computing machines have formed three series, namely Galaxy series, Dawning series and Shenwei series.

  Galaxy series

  In November 1983, our country’s first gigantic electronic computer named "Galaxy" was born at the National University of Defense Technology after five years. Its successful development announced to the world that China has become a country that can independently design and manufacture supercomputers after the United States, Japan and other countries.

  On November 19, 1992, the 1 billion supercomputer "Galaxy-II" developed by the National University of Defense Technology passed the national appraisal in Changsha, filling the gap of parallel supercomputers for large-scale scientific engineering computing and large-scale data processing in our country.

  On June 19, 1997, the "Galaxy-III" parallel supercomputer developed by the National University of Defense Technology passed the national appraisal in Beijing. The machine adopts a distributed shared storage structure for large-scale scientific and engineering computing and large-scale data processing. The basic word length is 64 bits, and the peak performance is 13 billion times. The machine has a number of technologies that are leading in China, and the comprehensive technology has reached the current international advanced level.

  Dawn series

  Dawning I In October 1993, Dawning successfully launched the first SMP structure computer – "Dawning I". It can be widely used in banking, insurance, accounting, taxation, post and telecommunications, transportation and government departments for large-scale transaction processing. Dawning I is a major achievement of our country’s "863 plan", which marks that our country has mastered the world’s advanced level of designing and manufacturing symmetrical tightly coupled parallel machines that support multi-threading mechanisms, and shortens the gap between our country and foreign countries in parallel processing technology.

  Dawning 1000 was developed in May 1995. It is the first set of large-scale parallel computer system independently developed in China, and its peak computing speed reaches 2.50 billion times per second. It used Mesh network for the first time and developed Wormhole routing chip for the first time. It is the first company to develop advanced parallel operating systems based on message passing, practical parallel optimization compilers and parallel file systems. All use parallel programming, debugging tools and environments, and the whole has reached the international advanced level in the early 1990s. Some technologies such as cavity communication chip design and parallel optimization compilation have reached the international leading level.

  Dawning 2000-I Super Server, a major project of the National 863 Program undertaken by the National Intelligent Computer Research and Development Center in the first half of 1998, was successfully developed and passed the national appraisal. Its peak computing speed is 20 billion floating-point operations per second, supports mainstream operating systems and parallel programming environments, and has the characteristics of a single image. It is oriented towards scientific engineering computing. Although this project is a high-end product, it has upward and downward scalability, so it is expected to develop into a high-performance computer product series. Dawning 2000-I meets part of the domestic demand for MPP systems, which in turn promotes the development of large-scale scientific engineering computers and large-scale transaction processing in our country.

  Shuguang 2000-ⅱ Super Server, developed by the National Intelligent Machine Research and Development Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has passed the expert appraisal organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Beijing. It has made a major breakthrough in the key technology and productization of super servers, reaching the advanced level of international congeneric products in the late 1990s, and has entered the international leading ranks in cluster operating systems. Its peak floating-point operation speed is 110 billion times per second, the total memory capacity reaches 50 gigabytes, which can be expanded to 80 gigabytes, and the total disk capacity exceeds 600 gigabytes, which can be expanded to several gigabytes. It has an advanced cluster architecture, consisting of 82 node computers, and the total number of processors reaches 164. Dawning 2000-II has a rich and complete software system. Our country has developed a powerful cluster operating system, equipped with a variety of popular high-level programming languages, mainstream parallel programming environments and tools. In order to support network information services, the machine is equipped with parallel network and email service software, and can support various popular database software. working processor. In addition, it must also have self-checking and repair functions, which will be a revolution in the field of computer design.

  Shenwei ⅰ computer system

  In August 2000, our country’s self-developed high-performance computing machine, Shenwei I, with a peak computing speed of 384 billion floating-point results per second, was put into business operations. After the United States and Japan, our country has become the third country with the ability to develop high-performance computing machines. The system ranks 48th among the top 500 high-performance computing machines in commercial operation in the world today.

  This scalable large-scale parallel computing system named Shenwei ⅰ computer system, the main technical indicators and performance have reached the international advanced level, is our country’s major scientific research achievements in the development and application field of giant computers, thus breaking the restrictions of some Western countries in the field of high-performance computing machines to our country.

  The application scope of Shenwei ⅰ computer system mainly involves meteorological and climate, aerospace, information security, oil exploration, life sciences and other fields. During the practice run, Beijing high-performance computing application center has successfully developed a number of practical large-scale application software based on Shenwei ⅰ computer system. Preliminary statistics show that the utilization rate of Shenwei ⅰ computer system has reached more than 60%, and it is playing an active role in the field of national economic construction. For example: the ensemble numerical weather forecast system developed in cooperation with our country’s meteorological bureau can complete 32 samples and 10-day global forecasts within 8 hours; the human gene cloning system developed in cooperation with the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has completed the cloning operation of human heart genes and achieved the results of reaching the international advanced level.

  According to reports, the first Shenwei I was put into use at the Beijing high-performance computing application center, and the second will be put into operation at the Shanghai Supercomputer Center.

  (People’s Daily Online Profile)

Editor in charge: Li Erqing