Yanzhiwu "Lu Yu has an appointment for a day trip" | Tell the story behind the movie with "rookie director" Deng Chao

Recently, Deng Chao brought the latest film "Chinese Ping Pong: The Jedi Counterattack" (hereinafter referred to as "Chinese Ping Pong") to the 11th season of Southeast Satellite TV "Lu Yu has an appointment for a day trip" specially sponsored by Yanzhiya. Together with Lu Yu, he walked into Lu Yu’s alma mater, Tsinghua High School, and started a fun ball with the school’s women’s basketball team. He also shared the behind-the-scenes stories after many twists and turns, recalling the desperate moment when he took quick-acting heart-saving pills for the first time in his life.

An actor’s career is on the rise, and in the face of criticism, he learns to reflect and make up for his shortcomings

The mention of Deng Chao in different fields may lead to polarized evaluations. As an actor, most people’s first impression of Deng Chao is the handsome young man whose acting skills broke out in the TV series "Young Son of Heaven". Secondly, his participation in the military-themed TV series "Happiness is Like a Flower" made him an instant hit, and from then on, he began to play the professional "high-ranking son". At the same time, Deng Chao also began to dabble in movies. In "Assembly Number" and "Li Mi’s Conjecture", Deng Chao’s delicate interpretation of the role was recognized by the industry and audiences. Since then, his acting career has been on the way.

In contrast to the identity of the director, Deng Chao’s works have often been unfavorable. In 2014 and 2015, the "Breaking Up Master" and "Villain Angel" directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei were mocked by netizens, and criticism on the Internet came one after another. Deng Chao, who seemed to be Lotte, confessed in the program that "the’elephant ‘is in the living room, and he cannot turn a blind eye, and the previous criticism has always stayed in his heart." Faced with the pain in his heart, Deng Chao admitted his past shortcomings, believing that the audience’s criticism was actually loyal to the ear. He learned to reflect in the voice of criticism, and also tried his best to make up for his shortcomings through learning at the director level. "China Ping Pong" is a new work presented after reflection.

During the roadshow journey, I continued to gain inspiration and embraced audiences who understood themselves with tears

"This is the best film he has ever made, and I have seen the progress of his films." This is one of the countless affirmations that Deng Chao has gained during his roadshow in Beijing. On February 15, the post-screening exchange of "Chinese Ping Pong" at Renmin University of China was attended by more than 800 spectators. After the screening, Deng Chao asked the young audience three times, "Do you like the movie? Do you really like it? Do you really like it?" After receiving affirmative responses to the inquiries, Deng Chao was relieved. This scene also moved all the creators present. Everyone hoped that sincere efforts could be rewarded with real feedback. Amid the criticism that once came like a tide, the audience’s recognition and encouragement were particularly important at this moment.

On the same day, Deng Chao and the creative team of "China Ping Pong" came to Peking University to hold a post-screening exchange meeting. During the speech, a female student from Peking University shared her story, which made Deng Chao cry. The female student from Peking University said that she had a similar low point as in the movie before: going to surgery alone, missing the place of her dreams, but gaining strength in this movie. The line in the movie "It’s still just the beginning" gave her great strength. At this point, she couldn’t help but cry, and Deng Chao’s tears also burst into her eyes. When recalling this moment with Lu Yu, Deng Chao said: "At that moment, as a filmmaker, the poems written in the movie, or what we want to express, were read and understood."

Redefine "Chinese Ping Pong: The Jedi Strike Back" and learn to examine yourself in three years

Based on the true story, "Chinese Table Tennis" tells the story of the Chinese men’s table tennis regaining its strength after five years of slump and finally reaching a new peak. The unyielding national table tennis spirit has inspired countless people to forge ahead and move forward bravely, and also called on more ordinary people to fall in love with table tennis, the Olympic Games, and sports. Yanzhiwu has been focusing on high-quality bird’s nest for 25 years, and has been deeply involved in the health nourishment industry. It also pays attention to sports and Olympic events. In 2021, Yanzhiwu has become the designated bird’s nest product of the Chinese National Fencing Team with its safe, healthy and scientific bird’s nest products, and has passed many inspections. It has become the "new teammate" of the athletes, and has effectively helped the training and preparation of the national team. In the same year, the Tokyo Olympic Games were approaching. In order to help Chinese Olympic athletes compete in Tokyo, Yanzhiwu joined hands with the Chinese National Fencing Team to launch the "Fencing Team Wins the Championship, Yanzhiwu Free of Charge" activity during the Tokyo Olympic Games, calling on the whole people to fight together in the midsummer to cheer for the Chinese National Fencing Team to win the championship.

As a highly popular national table tennis, it is warm and bloody, and it involves a lot of professional knowledge. Once there is a flaw, it is difficult to let the audience into the play. Against this background, the "Chinese Table Tennis" directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei has achieved a good score of 7.0, with more than 13,000 people participating in the score, higher than 79% of sports films. When Lu Yu asked the question, "Did the experience experienced in the three years of directing this film help you?" Deng Chao expressed his heart and said that the past three years have been the most difficult three years for Chinese films and the most difficult three years in the world. Every day of the work in these three years has been full of resistance. " Helplessness, helplessness, powerlessness, or feelings about death, these are all put into the movie. "But it was after these feelings that Deng Chao re-examined the problems in life." These three years have taught me to examine myself and respect every profession, every encounter, every morning. "Deng Chao hopes that" Chinese Ping Pong "will be a work that can be left behind after the baptism of time.

The Jedi counterattacked, Deng Chao led "Chinese Ping Pong", reproduced the glory of the national ball, and looked forward to a big box office sale; not afraid of the wind and rain, Yanzhiwu will continue to adhere to the original intention of "a bowl of good bird’s nest, moisturizing the world", and continue to rise in the field of bird’s nest, so that the Chinese nourishing culture can continue to be passed down in innovation.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted from our website to provide readers with more news information. The content involved does not constitute investment or consumption advice and is for readers’ reference only.

[Editor in charge: Zhong Jingwen]