Ministry of Finance: In 2023, the national sales of sports lottery tickets totaled 385.255 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39.3%.

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance announced the national lottery sales in December 2023.

  In December, the national lottery sales totaled 53.284 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.565 billion yuan or 13.8%. Among them, the sales of sports lottery institutions was 35.808 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.211 billion yuan or 28.4%. Mainly due to the high base of the pulling factors of the football World Cup in the same period last year.

  Compared with the same period in 2022, in December 2023, the lottery sales in different provinces in China were mixed, among which Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Xinjiang increased more, while Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Sichuan decreased more.

  From January to December, the national lottery sales totaled 579.696 billion yuan, an increase of 155.044 billion yuan or 36.5%. Among them, the sales of sports lottery institutions was 385.255 billion yuan, an increase of 108.733 billion yuan or 39.3%. Compared with the same period in 2022, lottery sales in all provinces in China have increased, with Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong increasing more.

State financial supervision and management bureau: screen and determine the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support and push it to financial institutions within their respecti

Every AI news, on January 26th, the State Financial Supervision and Administration held a meeting to deploy and implement the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. The meeting held that the coordination mechanism should give full play to the leading role of local governments, strengthen overall planning of work, refine policies and measures, and promote the accurate docking of real estate development enterprises and financial institutions. According to the principle of fairness and justice, the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support should be screened and pushed to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. It is necessary to strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation, pre-sale fund supervision and so on in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.

The Italian-born Beijing Winter Olympics Thailand team player wants to go skiing in Xinjiang!

  [Global Times-Global Network Reporter Xing Xiaotong Wan Lin] "I want to go skiing in Xinjiang!" On the 2nd, Mark Chanloung, a skier representing Thailand in the Beijing Winter Olympics, said in a video interview with the Global Times reporter: "I usually train in Europe, and skiing in Xinjiang can personally feel the difference with Europe. This will be a great experience!"

  Altay, Xinjiang, the birthplace of human skiing, has become a skiing paradise by virtue of its unique advantages such as long snow season, high snow quality, sufficient snow volume and wide snow area. Mark Zhanlong told the Global Times reporter that he was glad that China had such excellent skiing conditions, and he would like to go to Xinjiang for a slide if he had the chance.

  The picture shows Thai skier Mark Zhanlong. The picture comes from the network.

  It is reported that the Thai delegation, including four athletes, stayed in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on January 29th. The four athletes are male cross-country skier Mark Chanloung, female cross-country skier Karen Chanloung, male alpine skier Nicola Zanon and female alpine skier Mida Jaiman.

  It is worth mentioning that Karen Zhanlong, a female cross-country skier, is the younger sister of Mark Zhanlong. She will be the flag bearer of the Thai delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Mark Zhan Long will be the first player of the Thai delegation in this Winter Olympics, and plans to participate in the cross-country skiing men’s double chase (15 km traditional technology +15 km free technology) held on the 6 th. The two brothers and sisters also participated in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 2018 on behalf of the Thai team, and their parents have been accompanying their brothers and sisters to participate in the competition.

  "I feel good. I think I can make a good start for the Thai team in the game on the 6 th." Mark Zhanlong said in an interview with the Global Times reporter, "I am very happy to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. The accommodation and food conditions here are also good." Mark’s excitement was beyond words. On the day he stayed in the Winter Olympics Village, he couldn’t wait to try out his equipment at the cross-country ski resort, and posted photos on the "Instagram" with the caption "Let’s start the Olympic adventure" (as shown below).

  Mark told the Global Times reporter that he had participated in competitions in Tianjin and Hangzhou before the outbreak in December 2019, and it was the first time to come to Beijing. Up to now, his experience in Beijing is good, and entering the closed loop has not affected his daily training. Although he is not so free, safety is more important now.

  Mark and his sister Karen are Thai-Italian hybrids. They were born in a small village in northwest Italy. They started skiing at an early age and were selected for the Italian national team. "When it comes to ice and snow sports, people usually don’t think of Thailand. Thailand is neither snowy nor cold, and it is indeed difficult to develop winter sports. " Mark told the Global Times that despite this, the level of ice and snow sports in Thailand has improved. In 2016, in order to help Thailand develop ice and snow sports and for better personal development, Mark and his brother officially joined the Thai national team, and in 2018, they represented the Thai team in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

  Mark recalled that there were only two years left before the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, and their brother and sister changed coaches and everything had to be readjusted. This time, in order to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, he and his sister prepared for four years. "I am fully prepared and confident to get good results in the competition." Mark expressed his expectation for the Beijing Winter Olympics to the Global Times reporter. He also said that the Beijing Winter Olympics also provided opportunities for skiers all over the world to communicate.

  The Beijing Winter Olympics has promoted the further development of ice and snow sports in China. Mark once met a team from China in New Zealand, and the two sides trained together for some time. He said, "I have seen the growth of many athletes in China, and I am very happy to see more countries joining the ranks of ice and snow sports.". In Mark’s view, China has excellent conditions and opportunities to develop ice and snow sports.

  The picture shows Mark Zhanlong being interviewed by the Global Times reporter.

  For young people who are keen on ice and snow sports, Mark said that it is inevitable to encounter some difficulties when they are beginners, and it will become easier and easier as long as they persist. Moreover, once you master this sport, you will enjoy it, so "don’t give up"!

  Usually, while training, Mark is also studying physical education in a university in Milan. He told the Global Times reporter that after the Beijing Olympics, he would go back to school to participate in the defense before graduation and prepare for the next competition. In addition, Rimak Zhan Long will celebrate his 27th birthday in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on February 9th. He said that there will be competitions around his birthday, and he may only celebrate with his family.

Looking at the history of China from the perspective of "Forbidden City"

Author: Guo Mei Jin Xiahui

The historical documentary "Forbidden City" takes the Forbidden City as the clue and the change as the breakthrough point. Through 12 chapters, it tells the important historical events in the 600-year history of Ming and Qing Dynasties, summarizes the gains and losses in historical development, and presents the valuable wisdom of the Chinese nation. It not only emphasizes the integrity of the Chinese nation, but also shows the characteristics of the Chinese nation different from other civilizations, leading the audience to inquire about the vicissitudes of history and pursue the cultural roots.

The documentary "Forbidden City" stands in the perspective of great history, jumping out of the red wall and green tiles to tell the historical situation related to the "Forbidden City". For example, through the comparison of Chinese and foreign civilizations, the characteristics of the Chinese nation can be expressed. The eighth episode of "The Prosperous Age" tells the story of the British envoy Magalny’s visit to China, emphasizing the mutual gifts from China and Britain-Jade Ruyi and Mauser Gun, and pointing out that "Gun and Ruyi represent their respective cultural positions" to illustrate the potential strength and etiquette civilization of the Chinese nation. For example, through the comparison of Chinese and foreign civilizations in the changing situation, we can sum up the historical lessons of the Chinese nation. The sixth episode "Afterglow" introduces the change of silver shortage caused by the exhaustion of silver mines in various countries, and points out that European countries established a rudimentary modern monetary system and financial system due to silver shortage, while the Ming Dynasty experienced economic recession due to silver shortage. This proves the serious harm of arrogance and conservative thinking and summarizes the painful historical lessons.

"As a historical documentary, how to guide the audience to fully, deeply and clearly understand history, respect history, form a sense of history, and drive contemporary people to pursue and inquire about history is a crucial creative proposition." The Forbidden City adopts a popular way to express the charm of Chinese culture. Among them, the most representative is the ingenious combination of cultural relics and history, and the wonderful contrast between historical stories and theme songs. The film is good at seeing the big from the small and showing the macro history through the details of cultural relics. For example, the second episode "Inheritance" uses the horses in Li Gonglin’s "Pasturing in Wei Yan", a cultural relic of the Palace Museum, to show the characteristics of martial arts in the early Ming Dynasty. At the same time, the film also makes the characters in the picture scroll move through modern technology. For example, the first episode of "The King" makes the ancients in "The Emperor Accumulates Victory" walk, and with passionate music and simulated street noise, it shows the bustling street scene in history. This artistic treatment obviously touched the audience, and some netizens pointed out the details of men wearing pink clothes in the picture scroll in the barrage, indicating that the expression of the dynamic picture scroll aroused the audience’s interest and concern about the living customs of the Ming Dynasty. As Wu Zhiyong, the general director of the film, said, "Cultural relics are evidence, not for display". The previous documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City mentioned cultural relics, which seemed to show the manufacturing process or artistic value of cultural relics themselves, rather than introducing related historical stories. For example, the seventh episode of the Forbidden City, Painting and Calligraphy in the Forbidden City, introduces the creation and preservation of paintings and calligraphy.Instead of focusing on the objective world revealed by the contents of calligraphy and painting. It can be seen that the Forbidden City shows the Chinese civilization more vividly and strengthens the audience’s perceptual knowledge of the Chinese nation through the historical information carried by cultural relics.

In recent years, the number of documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City is quite large, which can be roughly divided into three categories: grand theme category, micro theme category and specific characters category. Among them, The Forbidden City (2005) is narrated based on several grand themes, from the macro perspectives of architectural art, use function, collection of cultural relics and the evolution process from the palace to the museum, showing all aspects of palace architecture, precious cultural relics, fate of characters and palace life, and emphasizing the value of the Forbidden City as a common historical and cultural heritage of mankind. Since then, When the Louvre meets the Forbidden City (2010) and The Forbidden City 100 (2012) have been narrated around micro-themes: the former deduces the art history of the East and the West in different time and space backgrounds, and emphasizes the valuable value of the exchange between Chinese and Western civilizations; The latter, based on the practical value of the Forbidden City building, expresses the aesthetic value and cultural connotation of the palace building with creative commentary and images in the form of micro-documentary. I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City (2016), New Things in the Forbidden City (2017) and I am in the Forbidden City for 600 years (2020) record the daily work of cultural relics workers in the Forbidden City. They all focus on the stories of cultural relics protectors, which not only show the spirit of craftsmen, but also show the understanding of cultural relics by cultural relics restorers-the spirit of utensils that carry the Tao with things.

Looking at the documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City since this century, we can find that its development vein presents the following two important characteristics, that is, not only its vision has undergone a "macro-micro-macro" evolution, but its expression mode is getting younger and younger. Among them, the change of vision is from the broad perspective at the beginning, to the interpretation of specific aesthetic values and cultural connotations, to the personal perspective of cultural relics protectors, and finally, to the grand perspective of the Chinese nation. The trend of younger expression is particularly obvious in the Forbidden City 100, I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City and the Forbidden City. "Forbidden City 100" is a micro-documentary with a single episode of no more than six minutes, which meets the viewing needs of young people in a fast-paced society; The dedicated spirit of the elderly restorer and the youthful vitality of his disciples in "I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City" have aroused the resonance of many young audiences; The theme song at the end of the Forbidden City has greatly expanded the audience by virtue of the singer’s social influence and the genre with both ancient meaning and popular elements.

The emergence of these two characteristics is related to the change of social environment. First of all, the rapid development of social economy has given birth to multiple values and the evolution of "macro-micro" vision. At present, the rapid development of world economy and technology requires us to re-examine and establish the spirit and identity of the Chinese nation, which has given birth to the transformation of "micro-macro" vision. Secondly, the ever-changing consumer society has also widened the differences in viewing habits between young people and middle-aged and elderly people. Documentary creators need to attract young audiences with younger expressions to further realize the social value of documentaries.

Looking back on the development of documentaries on the theme of the Forbidden City, we can see that people’s understanding of Chinese civilization is also deepening: from the overall grand impression to the specific artistic value, aesthetic value and cultural concept, to the craftsman spirit and utensils spirit of cultural relics protectors, to the survival wisdom of the Chinese nation shown in The Forbidden City. This cognitive process also reflects the mental outlook and value orientation of the Chinese nation in different historical stages. For example, "Forbidden City" no longer only shows the interior of the Chinese nation, but focuses on the history of the Chinese nation in a global perspective, and lets the audience see the vicissitudes and splendor of Chinese culture with the help of younger expressions.

Specially published by Shanghai Literature and Art Review Special Fund

Source: Jiefang Daily

Foreign tourists came to Shanghai to play, and after seeing the "financial center", DRAM: This design is strange

The old man Qiu continued to send, and Shanghai will welcome the most popular starting day! We all know that Shanghai is a very prosperous city. There are also many beautiful scenery in Shanghai. When the holiday is here, many people will go to Shanghai.

In addition to domestic tourists, Shanghai also ushered in many foreign tourists. Some foreign tourists arrive in Shanghai to play and see ShanghaiAfter the financial center, I was surprised. The design of this building is really strange.

This building surprises many foreign tourists in Shanghai Global Financial Center. I know this name knows that the building is higher. Shanghai’s global financial center is very high. Looking at many places in Shanghai, you can see the figures of this structure.

This building is high492.Instrument, all104.The floor has three floors underground. The location of this building is Pudong Century Avenue. The reason why this building surprised everyone is mainly because of its shape, especially, the roof part looks like a bottle cap with a beer.

If the distance is far away, the Shanghai Global Financial Center seems to be relatively small. At that time, I felt that I was a bottle of beer.

Because this building looks different, it is easy to notice this, so this building has also become a local iconic building. Although some people seem to understand, the building has also received various awards. It can also be seen that although the building looks a bit incredible. But there are their own unique.

This building looks like a beer bottle bottle. This design is surprised and will feel bright. This building is very good. Around the prosperity of the business, there are still many people who stand through the windows through the window. You can see that the Huangpu River is not far away. Some people think that this building is novel and shows us the charm of the building. Some people think that if the building can repair our common commercial buildings, the building area is more.

The strange shape of this architecture left a deep impression of many people. Maybe people will take photos of the Shanghai Global Financial Center after Shanghai Global Financial Center. Because this is nearby500.The rice high building is really easy to find. When you look up, I can see it. Now this building is very famous, so there are many people taking pictures as the background.

Shanghai is a very good tourist city. It is more suitable for bad tourism. This strange architectural style is only one of the many beautiful landscapes in Shanghai. The reason why Shanghai is suitable for poor tourism is because there are many attractions here that can be released to everyone freely. The quality of the scenic area is very good.
