199,000 is there a play? Xiaomi SU7 configuration exposure: rear-drive version 400V, 73-degree Ferrous lithium phosphate

Fast Technology reported on December 28th that Lei Jun held the first technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile today, announced the latest progress of Xiaomi’s car making, and pre-explained the first model SU7, but did not announce the price of the car.

At the press conference, Lei Jun said that the price of SU7 could not be 99,000, nor would it be 149,000.For the 199,000 cases with the highest voice from the masses,Lei Jun didn’t give a response, so is it possible?

199,000 is there a play? Xiaomi SU7 configuration exposure: rear-drive version 400V, 73-degree Ferrous lithium phosphate

Then, the SKU of the car was exposed on the network, which was divided into two parts: rear motor and dual motor, which were different in power, battery life and configuration.

The rear drive version is equipped with a motor with a maximum output of 299 HP, with a peak torque of 400 Nm, an acceleration of 5.28 seconds at zero speed, a maximum speed of 210km/h and a braking distance of 35.5m at 100-0km/h..

thatEquipped with 73.6 kWh lithium iron phosphate battery, CLTC has a battery life of 668 kilometers.However, the charging speed of the rear-drive version is 400V, and the charging speed is 330 kilometers in 15 minutes.

In terms of configuration, the car is equipped with NVIDIA Drive Orin but driver assistance chip, and the cockpit chip is Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295. It also has built-in Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, which supports Xiaomi Pilot intelligent driving.

The four-wheel drive version, named Max, is equipped with front and rear dual motors, with a maximum output of 673 horsepower and a peak torque of 838 Nm.The acceleration of zero hundred is as fast as 2.78 seconds, the maximum speed is 265 km/h, and the braking distance of 100 km is only 33.3 meters..

It is equipped with 101 kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium Kirin battery, which has a battery life of 800 kilometers under CLTC condition, supports 800V ultra-fast charging and can last 510 kilometers in 15 minutes.

Configuration is very top, suspension +CDC electromagnetic vibration reduction, Brembo four-piston brake calipers, electric suction door for the whole vehicle, 12-way electric adjustable sports seat with active wing support, in addition, it also provides 56-inch HUD head-up display, 25-speaker audio system, active noise reduction, dual NVIDIA driving chip and so on.

199,000 is there a play? Xiaomi SU7 configuration exposure: rear-drive version 400V, 73-degree Ferrous lithium phosphate

In this way,The price of the four-wheel drive Max version is bound to exceed 300,000, and it is also possible to reach 350,000.As for the entry-level version, the starting price of 199,000 seems to have a certain possibility. After all, the Extreme Krypton 007, which was listed yesterday, is 800V, and the starting price is as low as 209,900. Although it is slightly smaller than SU7, its comprehensive strength is still strong.

The Italian-born Beijing Winter Olympics Thailand team player wants to go skiing in Xinjiang!

  [Global Times-Global Network Reporter Xing Xiaotong Wan Lin] "I want to go skiing in Xinjiang!" On the 2nd, Mark Chanloung, a skier representing Thailand in the Beijing Winter Olympics, said in a video interview with the Global Times reporter: "I usually train in Europe, and skiing in Xinjiang can personally feel the difference with Europe. This will be a great experience!"

  Altay, Xinjiang, the birthplace of human skiing, has become a skiing paradise by virtue of its unique advantages such as long snow season, high snow quality, sufficient snow volume and wide snow area. Mark Zhanlong told the Global Times reporter that he was glad that China had such excellent skiing conditions, and he would like to go to Xinjiang for a slide if he had the chance.

  The picture shows Thai skier Mark Zhanlong. The picture comes from the network.

  It is reported that the Thai delegation, including four athletes, stayed in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on January 29th. The four athletes are male cross-country skier Mark Chanloung, female cross-country skier Karen Chanloung, male alpine skier Nicola Zanon and female alpine skier Mida Jaiman.

  It is worth mentioning that Karen Zhanlong, a female cross-country skier, is the younger sister of Mark Zhanlong. She will be the flag bearer of the Thai delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Mark Zhan Long will be the first player of the Thai delegation in this Winter Olympics, and plans to participate in the cross-country skiing men’s double chase (15 km traditional technology +15 km free technology) held on the 6 th. The two brothers and sisters also participated in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 2018 on behalf of the Thai team, and their parents have been accompanying their brothers and sisters to participate in the competition.

  "I feel good. I think I can make a good start for the Thai team in the game on the 6 th." Mark Zhanlong said in an interview with the Global Times reporter, "I am very happy to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. The accommodation and food conditions here are also good." Mark’s excitement was beyond words. On the day he stayed in the Winter Olympics Village, he couldn’t wait to try out his equipment at the cross-country ski resort, and posted photos on the "Instagram" with the caption "Let’s start the Olympic adventure" (as shown below).

  Mark told the Global Times reporter that he had participated in competitions in Tianjin and Hangzhou before the outbreak in December 2019, and it was the first time to come to Beijing. Up to now, his experience in Beijing is good, and entering the closed loop has not affected his daily training. Although he is not so free, safety is more important now.

  Mark and his sister Karen are Thai-Italian hybrids. They were born in a small village in northwest Italy. They started skiing at an early age and were selected for the Italian national team. "When it comes to ice and snow sports, people usually don’t think of Thailand. Thailand is neither snowy nor cold, and it is indeed difficult to develop winter sports. " Mark told the Global Times that despite this, the level of ice and snow sports in Thailand has improved. In 2016, in order to help Thailand develop ice and snow sports and for better personal development, Mark and his brother officially joined the Thai national team, and in 2018, they represented the Thai team in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

  Mark recalled that there were only two years left before the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, and their brother and sister changed coaches and everything had to be readjusted. This time, in order to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, he and his sister prepared for four years. "I am fully prepared and confident to get good results in the competition." Mark expressed his expectation for the Beijing Winter Olympics to the Global Times reporter. He also said that the Beijing Winter Olympics also provided opportunities for skiers all over the world to communicate.

  The Beijing Winter Olympics has promoted the further development of ice and snow sports in China. Mark once met a team from China in New Zealand, and the two sides trained together for some time. He said, "I have seen the growth of many athletes in China, and I am very happy to see more countries joining the ranks of ice and snow sports.". In Mark’s view, China has excellent conditions and opportunities to develop ice and snow sports.

  The picture shows Mark Zhanlong being interviewed by the Global Times reporter.

  For young people who are keen on ice and snow sports, Mark said that it is inevitable to encounter some difficulties when they are beginners, and it will become easier and easier as long as they persist. Moreover, once you master this sport, you will enjoy it, so "don’t give up"!

  Usually, while training, Mark is also studying physical education in a university in Milan. He told the Global Times reporter that after the Beijing Olympics, he would go back to school to participate in the defense before graduation and prepare for the next competition. In addition, Rimak Zhan Long will celebrate his 27th birthday in Beijing Winter Olympic Village on February 9th. He said that there will be competitions around his birthday, and he may only celebrate with his family.

Nine -ball, Pan Xiaoting is more than 1 billion, now 39 years old is still single or yellow flower girl

"Nine -ball Queen" Pan Xiaoting, the value of more than 1 billion is conservative. Today, the age of 39 is still single and is still a big daughter of Huanghua.

She once announced her own spouse selection criteria:

1. The face value is high, and the height cannot be lower than 1 meter 76;
2. Mature and stable, you must have your own career;
3. To pursue her actively, if you don’t take the initiative, you would like to miss it;
4. Don’t have filial piety.

Netizens shouted directly: It’s too difficult to take off the order!

There is a saying in the billiard industry called "Men have Ding Junhui, and women have Pan Xiaoting."

Pan Xiaoting is the first player to win the World Championship in my country’s billiard industry. He is the holder of the 9 -ball World Championship, which is therefore called the "Nine Ball Hou".

Pan Xiaoting was born in Jining, Shandong in 1982. His father was a billiard enthusiast and opened a bill for a bill. Due to the excellent ball skills, it is called "Pan Yi".

In Pan Xiaoting’s childhood, he did not show any interest in billiards, but was interested in painting.

She drew perseverance, and one painting has been for several years. Art has also become her dream.

Until college, Pan Xiaoting rarely played billiards. Occasionally, Pan Xiaoting was in a bad mood because of conflicts with his classmates.

As soon as home, she picked up the club of the table to vent her emotions.

What she and her father did not expect was that although Pan Xiaoting had not practiced, she scored several balls at hand.

This is obviously a talented player.

However, at the time, Pan Xiaoting didn’t think too much, and his father only hoped that his daughter could grow up happily and did not deliberately train billiards, but occasionally played.

During the college entrance examination, Pan Xiaoting, who has always liked painting, applied for art colleges. Unexpectedly, it was fell on the list.

For a while, Pan Xiaoting lost his direction in the future and doubted himself.

Fortunately, after repeated consideration, Pan Xiaoting decided to learn billiards with his father.

For her daughter’s future, her father began to train her strictly.

Regardless of the winter or cool summer, Pan Xiaoting play billiards for more than seven hours a day. For a month, it can only take a break, sometimes only half a day.

What makes Pan Xiaoting feel more hard is that in the summer, even the hottest weather, the fans are not opened during training. Pan Xiaoting often sweats hotly and has to continue training.

In winter, even if your fingers are frostbite, you still have to practice.

For her, occasionally wanting to be lazy, she is not allowed.

A boy is even difficult to endure this training intensity, and it is a flower girl.

During that time, Pan Xiaoting thought more than once that her father didn’t love her, so she had a hard time to eat her so much.

Fortunately, Huang Tian lived up to the painstaking people, and Pan Xiaoting’s dedication got the return.

In 1998, Pan Xiaoting’s father, Pan Jian, took Pan Xiaoting to Beijing to participate in the first nine -ball women’s opening game.

In Beijing for a month, in order to save money, the father and daughter lived in a 15 -dollar air -raid hole, eating 10 yuan of fish flavor shredded, and life was very difficult.

Fortunately, the two were not very bad. Pan Xiaoting won the championship in one fell swoop and won 4,000 bonuses.

My father was proud of his daughter, and asked what his daughter wanted to eat?

Pan Xiaoting said excitedly:

"Dad, I want to eat Beijing roast duck!"

Pan Jian Shuang agreed quickly and immediately took her to Quan Jide.

As a result, the father and daughter opened the menu and looked at them immediately!

A roast duck, it costs 156 yuan!

Although the fragrance of roast ducks made Pan Xiaoting sorrowful, she still felt very distressed and pulled her father’s corner and said: "

"Dad, let’s forget, let’s take a look elsewhere."

Pan Jian said to his daughter:

"Girl, eat it when you come, let’s order half!"

So Pan Xiaoting ate it quickly. At that moment, Pan Xiaoting felt her father loved her again.

In order to make parents live a better life, Pan Xiaoting worked harder to train. And on the road of billiards, she also opened all the way.

In 2000, Pan Xiaoting won the championship again in the national sports competition. In the same year, she won 6 national championships.

Since then, Pan Xiaoting has opened a journey to win.

In 2007, Pan Xiaoting won the world championship in the World Championship final and became China’s first billiards world champion.

In addition to getting bonuses, Pan Xiaoting also made a lot of advertisements and received a lot of endorsements. It is estimated that the value is conservative!

There is no doubt that Pan Xiaoting is already the pride of his parents in his career. However, on personal problems, Pan Xiaoting made his parents very concerned.

At the age of 39, she is still single and is still a yellow flower girl.

During the period, although he had a scandal with Ding Junhui, Pan Xiaoting showed that he was just a good friend!

Today, Ding Junhui’s children will make soy sauce, and Pan Xiaoting is still alone.

For the other half, Pan Xiaoting also announced her request:

It seems that it is not high, but it is not found. It is also impressive. Is it really not good for a boyfriend?

In addition to the "Nine Balls" Pan Xiaoting, there is also a particularly excellent woman, which is nearly 40 years old, worth 10 billion yuan, and is still single.

She is a woman who refuses Ma Yun three times, currently the director of Yunfeng Fund, Li Ying.

Li Ying graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Because of his high IQ, he was too good, and was appreciated by Ma Yun.

However, Ma Yun invited the other party to join his company three times, but he was rejected.

Until the fourth time, Li Ying promised to serve as a director of Yunfeng Fund.

Today, this strong woman is nearly 40 years old, with tens of billions of dollars, but still single.

In this regard, some netizens said:

Such a woman is not good at climbing, and it is a kind of sadness to be stronger than no one.

Some netizens said:

If you have money, why do you have to get married? Single is cool for a while, and he has been single.

How do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message. The picture comes from the Internet, invading and deleting.

The function on the mobile phone is finally returned, we have been waiting for 7 years.

This thing, everyone is not strange?

Yes, it is a breathing light.

It is used to remind the user to have a prompt lamp for notview information. With it, we only need to look at it, you can know if there is any information just now.

As a function of your mobile phone, the most touching function. But when it’s, it’s hard to be eaten.

At least in my impression, there is a suggestion on the Nokia function.

(Nokia E5)

In more than ten years, we don’t know, witnessed the classic cases of a lot of tips.

Like Samsung, under the on-screen panel, a secluded tips can be said to be the most traditional design.

Meizu ring breathing lights, integrating with Home, elegant and exquisite.

When there is information, the entire ring is slowly released, and slowly extinguish, like a nuclear reactor of the Iron Man chest.

In addition to the headless brand mobile phone, even hundreds of dollars of functional machines, there are also running horse breathing lights.

This, the iPhone user next door does not agree.

Some people open the iPhone, actions, and change the back LOGO to the breathing lamp.

It can be seen that people have a manner that the breathing lamp is not limited to its own function.

However, the good view is not long, with the arrival of the full screen, the border of the mobile phone is getting narrower and narrower, and the living space of the breathing lamp is squeezed.

(IPhone X Liu Haiping)

Of course, this is half a pseudo-proposition, because we can still see that there is a breath lamp in the side of the mobile phone.

At least, this tests the industrial design, and cost of the manufacturer.

(Red rice 10x breathing light built into the border)

Secondly, the presentation of the information big bombings, mobile phones have not received incoming calls and text messages, but also have to receive various app notifications.

People have also begun to change the usage habits of mobile phones. If there is something, there is nothing to illuminate, and the mobile phone almost "long" in the hands of people, the probability of missed the information is getting lower and lower.

Of course, the most deadly or the popularity of the OLED screen, let the "interest screen are always bright" into mainstream functions. Call or information will have a corresponding icon display.

This can be more intuitive than the breathing light.

This, the rice bowl of breathing lights directly.

With the function of smartphones, design homogenization, "interest screen display" is nothing, replacing the breathing lamp, has become a breakthrough in the manufacturer to show the brand identity.

With many factors, in recent years, we are more and more difficult to see, there is a breather’s mobile phone.

But many old users are unknown until they have changed new mobile phones, they found no breathing lights. Many people call online to let the manufacturers add the breathing lamp back.

However, the breathing lamp does not completely disappear, it is equipped with another form on the phone.

For example, Huawei P50 PRO is used, an electrochromic material is used. As the name suggests, it is a material that will discharmatically.

When the phone is called, the p50 Pro rear cover will energize, and the effect of breathing light is flashing.

There is also a fascinating, at this year’s Flyme9 conference, the MX2 classic circular breath lamp, and the vocal screen displayed.

But these are not real breathing lights, I want to say who play lights, or I have to read OPPO.

To say that OPPO, there is a lot of classic breathing lights. 7 years ago OPPO Find 7 skyline breathing lights, so far is the design of Find loyalty.

(OPPO Find 7 breathing light)

As well as the N3 star cyclic breathing lamp, you can get a classic breathing lamp.

(OPPO N3 breathing lamp)

This time, OPPO has brought new designs, Reno7 Pro "Star Ring" breathing lights.

This time, OPPO took the breathing lamp to the edge of the rear module.

The star cyclic ventilation light has a variety of setting options, such as charging, and the call is flashing, or even as a game atmosphere.

And, we can also specify the app to turn on light efficiency.

In different modes, Reno7 breathing lights have different colors.

Corresponding to the star cyclic breathing lamp, it is like a meteor shower. This back cover uses the space-grade star rain, and is precisely engraved on the star diamond glass.

Will a Dow Meteor, eternal engraved on the back cover.

Reno7 Pro uses a right angle design, only 7.45 mm thickness, the weight is controlled by 180g, which can be said to be kneaded.

OPPO is in such a thin body, it is stuffed a 4500mAh battery, and those who say that the light is not long, it can be said to be faced.

What’s more, Reno7 also supports 65W flash, and battery anxiety can be said to be worship.

The screen is a 6.55-inch OLED screen that supports 90Hz refresh rate. Due to the use of the straight screen, the screen accounts for 92.8%, and the border is only 1.55mm.

As a direct screen of the game, it is said that it is taken.

In photography, OPPO is directly to the Reno7 series, and the title of "Portrait Video Master" is not difficult to guess. The direction of this special attack is photography.

The front lens is 32 million pixels, which uses a new, sensor IMX709 customized with Sony depth.

This sensor integrates, OPPO self-developed RGBW image fusion units can have better photosensitive ability and color reducing capabilities.

Not only in the absence of light, take a gratifying self-timer, even if the backlight shooting, it can be very clear.

(Shooting shot)

Reno7 Pro is equipped with 50 million pixel main photos, and the sensor uses a new IMX766, and the effect of larger sensors is obvious.

From the main photographing photos, it can be seen that both the details or the overall brightness, Reno7 Pro has been controlled very good, and the picture color is very good.

(Main shooting)

Reno7’s super wide angle view range, reached 118.9 °, and there is still a bit worried about edge distortion at the beginning.

But actually shooting, I have more considerable consideration, Reno7 is still very good to correct the distortion.

And under the tuning of OPPO, the picture, color is consistent with the main experience.

(Super wide angle shooting)

In terms of performance, the processor of Reno7 PRO is Tianzhu 1200-Max, as well as UFS3.1 memory, LPDDR5 storage blessings.

Machine brother also tested the game of "King", after opening the ultra-high frame rate mode, half an hour’s average frame rate 88.4 fps, can be said to be very stable.

On this basis, OPPO is equipped with "Super Lightning Start 2.0", combined with "game pre-update 2.0", can directly skip the game update, one button is black.

Can’t help but say, mainly the return of the breathing light, let people live "Lan Qing back".

But as for the future, the breathing lamp will not completely disappear, I also can’t say it.

Before, there was a netizen to say why it is not invented to remove the mobile phone battery so that the mobile phone is not electricity to change the battery, saving more time.

Many old netizens, including the opportunity to see, the heart is both bitter, but also helpless.

For so many years, do you have to go far from our headphones and detachable batteries?

If the child later, I suddenly asked me: "Why light the screen can you know if there is any information. Directly install a message tips, isn’t it good?"

I may really don’t know how to return him, it is possible, this is the Renaissance …

I went to Shanghai to play, and I found three interesting phenomena!

1. There are many women in Shanghai.
After you go to Shanghai, you will find that Shanghai is actually a man and many women. In fact, this is normal. Because Shanghai is an international metropolis, many people strive for this field. Many of them did not expect Shanghai’s marriage, and most of them would eventually choose to go home. Many women in Shanghai are successful. This means that the eyes are also very high. Naturally, it is difficult for boys to go to their eyes. Drag it will become a woman.

2. Shanghai is not a monthly salary
In Shanghai, you will find it in fact, and almost other cities. Most young people also have two lines a day. For despair, in fact, most people are 170,000 people. This is not as good as those who want to pay. In the face of Shanghai’s house prices, prices, and life pressure, in fact, not only Shanghai, as long as it is a large city, no one is thinking about wages, and the pressure is not low.

3. Shanghai people are very interested
I will find it after going to Shanghai. People in Shanghai are really involved, not only business, but also in life. What they do is plan. Will you try this? What should this matter be? This is the same as businessmen who are underway or roadside health workers. This is the case, the case, the recent popular Shanghai Darphy on the Internet is. Because of Shanghai mosquitoes, she specially observed the habit of mosquito and engaged in the "mosquito net". According to the mosquito, the work of mosquitoes is carried out. When talking about this, she also smiled and said, "I played in the RT-MART supermarket for 13 years. Everyone called me." I have to say that the Shanghai people are really thoughtful.