Nonsensical interpretation of Sichuan humor, Wu Mengda starring in the comedy "Big Shot"

Chinese official poster

Wu Mengda’s career as Uncle De in the film has hit rock bottom

    Movie Network News(Text/Li Jiakun) The upcoming nonsensical comedy film, which will be released nationwide, held its first media viewing event in Beijing on March 9. As Wu Mengda’s first starring film in more than 20 years of filmmaking, "Big Shot" has attracted media attention before it was released. In addition to Wu Mengda, the film also features Lin Zicong, Yang Lele, Du Haitao, Li Boqing, Liao Jian, Jinsha, Jijie and other stars. In addition to incorporating a series of Sichuan-style elements with unique Bashu characteristics such as Sichuan kimchi, fire dragon performance, and face-changing, the audience can also enjoy the scenery of Shunan Bamboo Sea, where water and sky are the same and light boats sing late. It is a Sichuan-style comedy film.

Wu Mengda took the lead for the first time, and because he was moved to accept the film, he confessed that "Uncle De" was Uncle Da

    "Big Shot" is a small-to-medium-cost investment film. With Wu Mengda’s worth, it should be difficult to invite him as the lead actor of the film. However, Wu Mengda said in an interview with reporters at the previous press conference that he took the role without hesitation, just "out of emotion."

    In the play, Wu Mengda’s De Shu has this sentence: "As soon as I debuted, I worked in Hong Kong TV station. I started as a general manager, and later I was fortunate enough to be a host. After 30 years, I retired to the mainland to develop. I thought I could find a second spring, but I didn’t expect to meet Waterloo. It stands to reason that at my age, I shouldn’t be defeated by life, but after I lost my sense of taste, I really felt that I couldn’t hold on. But you’re right, if you want to live, there is hope!" This sentence is actually a portrayal of Wu Mengda’s own life. The plot of "Big Shot" mainly tells the inspirational story of the famous talk show host De Shu (Wu Mengda) after his life fell to the bottom, he met a group of small people who pursued big ideas. From the stars holding the moon to no one cares, Wu Mengda also experienced the darkest period of his life. The film seems to tell Wu Mengda’s own story.


Zhou Xingchi’s new and old royal supporting actors play on the same stage, Hong Kong-style nonsense and spicy Bashu humor stew

    Wu Mengda and Lin Zicong are both "golden partners" in Zhou Xingchi’s movies. This time, the two starred in "Big Shots", playing the roles of one good and one evil respectively. Their nonsensical performances in the film are perfect. There are also media reporters at the scene who said that after leaving the bottle of "golden oil" of Xingye, Wu Mengda and Lin Zicong want to become real "big shots" or lack some heat.

    Wu Mengda is very hard to show the audience in Cantonese, Mandarin, Beijing and Sichuan dialects in this film. Although it is not "multi-lingual", it is not easy for an old Hong Kong actor like Wu Mengda. Wu Mengda also said in an interview that he had a lot of fun filming the play in Sichuan. And Lin Zicong plays a villain in this film, but this hypocritical evil faction looks a little cute. This evil faction with "skin peeling" has the mantra: "Be reasonable." It is reminiscent of the lines of Xingye movies.

Bashu comedian monk Li Boqing sees the problem through and joins forces with his apprentice to laugh

    Li Boqing, once known as the "Top Ten Comedian in Bashu", also plays a role in the film. In the film, Li Boqing plays a monk in an ancient town, and his apprentice Liao Jian plays a young man who was raised by him and grew up eating a hundred families. As a Buddhist disciple who has officially become a monk in 2007, Li Boqing’s most spoken line in the film is "random fate". And when it comes to his return to the mountain this time, he will continue to make movies. Li Boqing once said before participating in the film that although he became a monk, as long as it is related to his disciples, "I would rather suffer a little loss and do it, and I will never refuse."

Du Haitao guest stars as "professional director" in the film

Mango Taiwan mobilized the happy family to support, and the ending song can be called the finishing touch of the "Divine Comedy"

    As Wang Han’s daughter-in-law, Yang Lele, is the producer of a movie. Cameos and advertisements from various people in Mangotai are inevitable in the film. Yang Lele, Du Haitao, Jijie and Wang Han all have starring or cameo roles in the film. Among them, Du Haitao plays a professional director who is even more reminiscent of the outfit of Happy Family, which once made people think they were watching a special version of Happy Family.

    It must be mentioned that, as the "wake-up" link at the end of the film, the ending song has always been the soft underbelly of domestic films. But this time, the ending song "Dang’er Dang" of "Big Shot" can be called the "Sichuan version of the Divine Comedy". It is a masterpiece in Sichuan flavor Mandarin with popular arrangement, and it will also be one of the driving forces for the audience to insist on seeing the end of the film.

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Comments | Hometown Zodiac … are all reasons for rejection! How to break the discrimination in job hunting?

  CCTV News:Entering the graduation season, many fresh college students are on the road to job hunting, but the road to job hunting is not easy. Recently, China University Media Alliance conducted a questionnaire survey for 605 fresh graduates from more than 100 universities. The results showed that,75.7% of the respondents said that they had been treated unfairly when looking for a job.

  Girls encounter relatively serious employment discrimination.

  Chen Ning is a fresh graduate majoring in English in a university in Zhejiang. She had a dream of being a teacher since she was a child. She set her ideal unit in a middle school early, but when applying for the job, she found that many schools treated male and female candidates differently. Some indicate "male priority", while others require in disguise that "female graduates should be in the top 10% of the whole department, while male graduates should only be in the top 30%".

  According to the survey results of China University Media Alliance, 33.06% of the respondents said that they had encountered gender discrimination in employers, and most of this phenomenon happened to female graduates.

  985, 211 into a fixed label

  In addition, whether it comes from a prestigious school or not has also caused some graduates to express their helpless feelings of "losing at the starting line of employment".

  Chen Weihao, a student from a university in Fujian, said, "I participated in a campus recruitment activity held in Fuzhou University, and many different companies came to recruit. At that time, I thought a Shenzhen enterprise was not bad, but before I sat down, the interviewer asked, ‘ Are you a student in 985 and 211 universities? ’” Such a direct question made Chen Weihao eat a bowl of "closed doors" that was caught off guard. He said frankly: "I didn’t even have time to hand in my resume, so I was ruthlessly rejected."

  According to the survey results of China University Media Alliance, 42.15% of the respondents were hindered by the lack of school grades.

  Hometown, animal sign, constellation, etc. also become rejection factors.

  Lin Chengqi is a recent graduate of a university in Zhejiang, and his household registration is in Hebei. Having participated in major job fairs in Zhejiang Province, he concluded: "Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other places have strict restrictions on household registration." He also found that many recruitment posters of enterprises and institutions with good reputation read "local household registration is preferred", and some even emphasized that "only graduates with local household registration or nearby areas are recruited".

  The survey results of China University Media Alliance show that recent graduates not only face unfair employment treatment in the above aspects, but also some people say that their "face value" is not high enough, which makes it difficult to find a job, and 4.3% of the respondents have encountered discrimination such as horoscope and zodiac. These uncontrollable factors have actually become obstacles in the employment process of some fresh graduates.

  The Ministry of Education clearly and resolutely opposes any form of employment discrimination in the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Graduates of National Colleges and Universities in 2017", and it is strictly forbidden to publish discriminatory information including limited institutions, gender and nationality in all campus recruitment activities. Nevertheless, enterprises still regard whether they graduate from a prestigious school as an implicit condition, and examples of employment discrimination abound. All kinds of survey results are enough to show that employment discrimination has not been improved on the whole, but there is still a long way to go to achieve employment equity. Can this social ills be solved?

  CCTV comment: Anti-employment discrimination, find a more effective system outlet.

  Anti-employment discrimination needs the thrust of society.

  Society is always comparing, screening and discriminating, which may be the nature of human society; Discrimination as a screening in the economic sense is also doomed to exist. But the existence may not be reasonable. Advocating equality and opposing discrimination are also connected with the process of human civilization. As the saying goes, "there has never been real equality in human history, which does not hinder our pursuit of equality", and opposing employment discrimination constitutes an important level to promote equality for all. And like all efforts against discrimination,The relationship between anti-employment discrimination and employment discrimination is also like a pressure spring. The greater the social force, the discrimination will shrink back. If society is indifferent or lets go, discrimination will rebound.

  How to oppose implicit discrimination isMore important proposition

  However, discrimination is not necessarily blatant and blatant.With "not discriminating on the table" becoming a new political correctness, a more important proposition is how to oppose implicit discrimination.One of the most common concerns is that even if there is no corresponding discrimination clause in the recruitment notice, will the personal likes and dislikes of the recruiter not be reflected in the real recruitment process? Another example is that the Ministry of Education issued a ban as early as four years ago, "It is strictly forbidden to publish recruitment information containing the words" 985 colleges and universities, 211 colleges and universities ",but the ban did not really prevent 985 and 211 from becoming the screening conditions for recruitment.

  Anti-employment discrimination: we can’t stop at advocating ideas and need more institutional supply.

  This also reminds us that today’s opposition to employment discrimination can no longer simply stay in concept advocacy, but needs more effective institutional supply. For example, why the Ministry of Education’s ban on 985 and 211 can’t really stop the "universal atmosphere" lies in the formal ban without substantive review. The lack of substantive review is precisely because there is no rigid system. "Even if I discriminate, what can you do with me?" Therefore, some experts believe that the scope of application of today’s anti-employment discrimination legislation is too narrow, and "a basic law against employment discrimination is needed".

  Of course, "the life of law lies not in logic but in experience", and opposing employment discrimination is doomed to be a long process. For example, in the 1960s, the United States Congress passed the Fair Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act to regulate the issue of equal pay for equal work between men and women. However, after more than 50 years of implementation of the law, the annual salary of female employees in the United States has increased from 59% to 79% of that of men, but it is still far from equal pay for equal work. Even some studies have shown that if the law enforcement is too rigid in a short time, forcing equal pay for equal work may hurt women’s employment. Today, China is more or less facing the same situation, and the protection of women has fallen into a paradox: the longer maternity leave is extended and breastfeeding leave is advocated, the more likely women are to face the risk of "no interview opportunities".

  It is better to explore the way of enterprise cost socialization than to simply criticize it.

  Therefore, it is not enough to build a truly effective anti-discrimination system framework with ideas, but also to dig deep into effective systems.Specifically, discrimination is always accompanied by issues of economic rationality and cost sharing. For example, "985, 211" is used as a condition to screen resumes. Indeed, there is an advantage for famous school students, and it is understandable that human resources management departments want to recruit graduates from famous schools, but they cannot reject the choice rights of non-key university graduates across the board. For example, discrimination against women in employment, from the employer’s point of view, it is not unreasonable to worry that women will leave their jobs too soon because of childbirth, thus raising the cost of employing people.

  Instead of simply criticizing, it is better to explore a way to truly socialize the cost of enterprises. Can we further expand the scope and time of maternity insurance? Can the government subsidize enterprises to run their own kindergartens? Can the husband’s maternity leave be improved, so as to share the reproductive cost of women? In a word, it is more important to establish an effective cost sharing mechanism than just shouting.

   Equality, as a great idea, is that it transcends the simple jungle law of the jungle. In this era, more and more people believe in "everyone can succeed" and pay more and more attention to equality of opportunity, so it is possible to achieve real employment equity than in any era. It is the direction that the whole society should make constant efforts to ensure every worker’s equal employment rights and help everyone grow into a successful person.

  Wen Yi, the Mountain of Special Contributions for CCTV Comments

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  How to protect rights when encountering employment discrimination?

  Anti-employment discrimination is an international action. China’s Employment Promotion Law, which was formally implemented in 2007, also clearly stipulates the opposition to employment discrimination. If you are looking for a job again, how should you protect your rights?

  First of all, after encountering gender discrimination, job seekers should pay attention to collecting evidence and demanding rights protection. Including recruitment brochures, articles in advertisements, or other relevant emails and information that are not hired on the grounds of gender, can be retained as evidence.

  At the same time, Article 62 of the Employment Promotion Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that workers who violate the provisions of this law and commit employment discrimination may bring a lawsuit to the people’s court.

Andy Lau, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige lead 11 blockbusters! Which one do you want to watch on Mid-Autumn National Day? What listed companies are behind the movie?

Click on the picture to get the book for free.

The long holiday begins today, which relaxes the mood, except for the stock lifeThere are more important things. You might as well make an appointment with your family and friends and go to the cinema to enjoy your time.
After experiencing the hot summer file with a new box office record of 20.619 billion yuan, what surprises will the audience get from the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day file?
Eleven films, such as Rock-Solid, Moscow Action, It’s not as if I’m so excited, Ex-4: Early Marriage, Volunteers: Attack by Soldiers, were assembled! It’s the rhythm of "living" in the cinema again. So many movies, which one do you want to see?
Release date: September 28th.
Among the Mid-Autumn National Day movies, Zhang Yimou, 73, is undoubtedly the brand-new masterpiece "Rock Solid".
"Rock-solid", which lasted for four years and finally met with you, was his first challenge to the theme of urban crime. Before that, he revealed in an interview: "This is an urban, modern and cold style that I have never tried."
Source: The movie "Rock Solid" official Weibo
According to Zhongxin. com, director Zhang Yimou said at the film conference that he didn’t have many realistic works, but Rock Solid was sharp and powerful, and the shooting process was very special. "From visual style to completion to final filming, it was a rare experience and attempt."
In addition, Zhang Yimou joked in the interview, "If Rock-Solid is released before The Knockout, Yu Hewei will be the first and Zhang Songwen will be the second". When this statement comes out, it will make everyone’s expectations full.
Volunteer Army: Attack by Soldiers
Release time: September 28th.
As the first part of the trilogy "Volunteers", Volunteer Army: Attack with Brave Soldiers tells the story from how to decide to send troops to the first and second battles of Chinese people’s Volunteer Army’s entry into the DPRK. The film will be released nationwide on September 28th, 2023.
The biggest difference between the trilogy of Volunteers and the previous films on the theme of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea is that it shows this "war of founding the country" in a panoramic and multi-dimensional way.
The story spans three years and completely presents the historical context of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. There are more than 200 key figures, including leaders, generals and unknown soldiers. The individual destiny and the times complement each other, showing the audience a magnificent war group image.
International Train Robbery’ 93: Operation Moscow
Release date: September 29th.
Source: The film "Moscow Action" official Weibo
The film "93 International Train Robbery: Moscow Action", co-produced by Han Sanping and Andy Lau and directed by Qiu Litao, reproduces the extremely brutal transnational case and the high-energy hard-core pursuit!
The film gathers Andy Lau, Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xuan, Janice Man and other luxury lineups, presenting the audience with the only violent crime action blockbuster in the National Day file, which will be released on September 29th!
As the only criminal action blockbuster in the National Day of 2023, the movie "Moscow Action" is strictly made with top-level industrialization standards, with fast and accurate fighting and gun battles, hard-burning and explosive car racing, intense and thrilling firepower, and the audience subverts their imagination, giving them an extremely enjoyable audio-visual feast!
Ex-4: Early Marriage
Release date: September 28th.
In 2017, a "Ex-3: Goodbye to Ex-3" detonated the "ex-emotion" about breaking up and gained 1.9 billion box office. After a lapse of six years, Ex-4: Early Marriage is back again, and the question of "what is love" is carried through to the end. This time, Meng Yun and Yu Fei, the "former" old friends, will face new marriage problems.
The film tells the story of Meng Yun, who is caught in the "sequela of breakup", while looking for his destiny, thinking about "why do people get married"; On the other hand, Yu Fei started the "marriage cooling-off period", from the involution of couples to frequent problems, and ushered in a new round of love challenges.
It doesn’t seem so hot.
Release date: September 28th.
The only comedy on Mid-Autumn National Day, It’s not as if I have a boiling passion, was written and supervised by Xing Wenxiong, directed by Gao Hu and starring Wei Xiang, Wang Zhi and Yue Liang.
The film tells the story of Wei Guozheng, a conceited coach who pursues "playing to win". He meets a group of players who love basketball but have a negative ability value, and forms a nameless "Benevolence House" basketball team.
pictureIn the daily training that chickens talk to ducks every day, how can coach Wei, who is on the verge of collapse, turn decay into magic and save the basketball team that is on the verge of bankruptcy? Whether they can be together "negative and positive" and achieve a real counterattack will be seen on the field.
I am the Return of the Hero of Nezha 2.
Release date: September 29th.
Every holiday is indispensable for children to watch animated films. Among the four animated films to be released this year, I am the Return of the Hero of Nezha 2, Beckon Bear: mission to mars, The Legend of the Little Mermaid’s Sea Monster and Kung Fu King’s Tiger Climbing the Mountain, I am the Return of the Hero of Nezha 2 has received the highest attention.
The film tells the story of Nezha and the Three Dragons mutually assured destruction after the Chentangguan War. Taiyi real person brought Nezha’s immortal body back to Qianyuan Mountain, waiting for the opportunity to regenerate Nezha to help Jiang Ziya to worship the gods.
At the critical moment of rebirth, Nezha fell into a huge conspiracy carefully arranged by Shen Gongbao and the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Can Nezha break the spell of Shen Gongbao? Can you be a real hero? Nezha’s difficult road to rebirth is about to open, and the battle for the hero’s return is imminent.
Which listed companies are behind the National Day file?
Movies are introduced here. As a financial blogger who spends every day in the stock market, I still want to analyze the listed companies behind these movies.
This year’s National Day, Light, Huayi and Bona will not be absent. Bona produced Chen Kaige’s Volunteer Army: Attack by Soldiers, while Light prepared Zhang Yimou’s Rock-solid. The release dates of the two films are only two days, which is the first time that the two directors have confronted each other in the commercial market. In Huayi’s hand, it is Tian Yusheng’s "Former" series "Former 4: Early Marriage" at the end of the decade.
At present, a total of 7 films have been scheduled for the National Day Mid-Autumn Festival. According to the data of Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, the upper limit of box office predicted by "Rock Solid" and "Previous 4" is 1.78 billion yuan and 2.5 billion yuan respectively, and the box office predicted by "Volunteers" is 1.28 billion yuan to 1.5 billion yuan. At present, the predicted box office of no films exceeds 3 billion yuan, and the total predicted box office of announced films is about 4.4 billion to 6.4 billion yuan.
Looking at the performance in the first half of the year, the light media can be described as steady development.
In the first half of the year, Light Media achieved revenue of 605 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.78%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 203 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.12%.The films mainly invested by Light Media include Deep Sea in the Spring Festival and So Many Years in May 1st. In addition to Deep Sea, Light Media also participated in Manjianghong and Exchange of Life in the Spring Festival of 2023.
However, although "Man Jiang Hong" has a high box office. However, the investment proportion of light is not high, and the income is not as good as the main slide with lower box office. The revenue range of the mainland box office of Light Media, which originated from "Man Jiang Hong", is expected to reach about 100 million, which is lower than the revenue brought by "Deep Sea".
By contrast,Bona Film, which just landed on the A-share market last year, had a hard time.
According to the financial report, the company’s operating income was about 850 million yuan, down 42.31% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about-265 million yuan, down 212.22% year-on-year. Bona explained in the financial report that the main reason was that during the reporting period, compared with last year, the company invested in films with different orders of magnitude, and its performance was not as good as that of the same period last year.

thisNational day file,Bona bet on "Volunteers: Attack by Soldiers". By the end of June, the accounts receivable of Bona Film reached 830 million yuan, accounting for 97.65% of the revenue, and the net cash flow generated by operating activities in the same period was only-120 million yuan.

Huayi BrothersAbsentthis yearSummer file.
In the first half of 2023, five films were released by Huayi Brothers: Wandering Earth 2, Rock Tibetan Mastiff: Riding the Wind and Waves, Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department, Love is Beautiful, and Slam Dunk Master. The main films: Rock Tibetan Mastiff: Riding the Wind and Waves and Love is Beautiful were 39.624 million and 14.551 million respectively. At present, the upcoming "Former 4" in the National Day file may become the "life-saving straw" of Huayi Brothers.
According to the financial report, Huayi achieved an operating income of 339 million yuan in the first half of 2023, a year-on-year increase of 59.93%; The net profit loss of returning to the mother was 143 million yuan, which was 192 million yuan in the same period of last year, and the loss was narrowed compared with the same period of last year.

Mid-Autumn Festival should be complete.
I wish you all a high monthly salary and a long income.
Leave this long vacation in the comments section, what do you like best?A movie, and explain the reasons.. The three users who have the highest praise in the comment area will receive a surprise gift carefully prepared by Snowball. (Deadline for activities: Until October 7th.picture)

The female figure is humiliating, and this stalk sucks.

"S is thin, M is beautiful, L is rotten, XL is rotten, and XXL is rotten." There is also a small line on the size table, "Only for girls aged 18-35, please consult customer service first according to your figure". Recently, a suggested size table for women’s wear in RT Mart shopping malls caused controversy. In response, its official Weibo statement said that improper wording in publicity materials would strengthen internal management to ensure that such incidents would not happen again.

To be honest, I thought it was a spoof at first. I can’t figure out how a publicity board full of malice towards women got green light all the way to the wall. Wen Wenjun, who thinks that playing homophonic terrier is very humorous, used just two lines to account for all the discrimination against women’s age, gender and figure, and there is really no one.

According to the clothing size, the female compatriots, who account for three fifths of all women, are all in the queue of "worse than bad". Also coincides with the "Double Eleven" period, so the IQ and EQ are not online, offending the gold owners and sisters who are the main force of "buy buy Buy". I’m afraid this business will really be "broken up".

It’s 2020, but the mainstream aesthetic of women still stays on the long legs with black silk. Every once in a while, there are female stars who are hung up on hot search because of their "expansion". It seems that women can only be equated with self-discipline if they are white, young and thin, chopsticks legs, A4 waist and paper people.

Even actress Gong Li, who was named "Gong Huang" by the domestic entertainment circle, was not spared. In August this year, a street photo of Gong Li and her husband caused a heated discussion among netizens. In the photo, Gong Huang wore a pink floral dress, and the whole person looked natural and graceful. However, in the netizen’s message, the words "the waist of the bucket is full of fat, and the unicorn arm is raised" are still very heartfelt.

Top female artists who are over 50 years old and internationally renowned have to be humiliated by their bodies. It also makes female compatriots realize that in the world ruled by deformed aesthetics, women never seem to escape the fate of being examined, evaluated and humiliated by their bodies.

A female star in the spotlight should take a scale with her when eating a meal. If you eat a little fat, you will be ridiculed by the whole network. Some people argue that the harshness of actresses’ figure has industry particularity, because they belong to the representatives of traffic and attention. You can think about it carefully. Is being fat or thin the only criterion to judge an artist’s quality? Don’t you see, how many red flowers are there, and there is a good skin, but I don’t know where the face value is higher than acting. After many years of debut, acting will only be silly and sweet.

Not only stars, but also ordinary women are kidnapped by the abnormal aesthetic of "one fat destroys everything", which is both a victim and a perpetrator. Under the single aesthetic effect of being thin and young, the standard of beauty becomes thin and thin again.

The popular "BM style" this summer, the once popular "A4 waist", "keeping goldfish on the clavicle" and "touching the navel with the backhand" all made the "fat girl" feel ashamed. In order to become beautiful, some girls go to great lengths to soak in Chili water, induce vomiting, and even shrink their stomachs to lose weight. Others are addicted to plastic surgery, leaving serious sequelae.

It’s easy to get rid of the brand of "XXL corresponding to’ broken’" in shopping malls, but it’s difficult to break the hidden rules of female body humiliation.

The beauty of women should not be confined to the standards defined by others. Beauty is a lot of money. Only by establishing healthier and diversified aesthetic standards can women have more self-confidence, not be shackled by the standard of "white and thin", accept the traces left by years and love their bodies, live high.

At this year’s "Talk Show Conference", a remark made by star agent Yang Naizhen is worth reflecting-"Girls should not be defined by standards, there is no standardized beauty and ugliness, just like yourself."

Let more women stop criticizing themselves for the eyes of strangers, have the right to health and beauty, and break the shackles of stereotypes and concepts. There is still a lot that the whole society needs to do. Let’s start with something like "XXL corresponds to’ breaking up’".

Source: The Paper.

Do you have all seven skills of badminton?

Killing the ball is the most direct and effective way to score points, but it is also one of the most difficult techniques in badminton, especially the jump killing of both feet. This action requires your body to leave the ground and complete the whole killing action in the air. Good jumping and killing requires good physical coordination, super air-staying ability and abnormal explosive force, and combined with the accurate grasp of the landing point, you can basically kill with one blow.

Key words:Square ball

"Four rooms in hand, I have everything in the world", from which we can see the importance of seeking the four directions. Amateurs, who can play well in all directions without strong killing, can become the best amateurs.

Key words:Front net ball

The basic ball in front of the net includes "hook, rub, pick and rub", which uses the flexibility of the wrist to show the good feel in front of the net. Mastering the ball in front of the net when you are young will be more useful in the future as you get older.

Key words:High ball

The skill of high-distance ball is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the strength when hitting the ball. A person may have great strength, but his high-distance ball may not be in place; A person’s strength may be relatively small, but his high ball may be very backward. Therefore, it is important to master the high ball or to master the power.

Key words:Catch and kill

Catch-and-kill technique, especially doubles catch-and-kill, is very important, because there are many rounds of killing in doubles. In fact, I think catch-and-kill is the least technical, because all you have to do is block the ball.

Key words:Defensive ball

Instead of learning some offensive balls from the beginning, it is better to practice defense first. "Kung Fu is beaten first", and so is badminton beginners. Don’t always think about learning to kill the ball. First, your killing can’t kill the opponent. Second, you can’t learn without basic technical support; Third, because most of the people you have to face are battle-hardened old birds, the other side can only practice the offensive ball on you, but you can take the opportunity to practice your defensive ability.

Key words:interest

"Interest is the best teacher" can be used anywhere. Once you are interested, you are not afraid to play badly.

If you don’t play for two days, you will feel uncomfortable all over; If you don’t touch the racket several times a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over; I’m half tired after playing the ball, but I’m still excited and want to play … These are the charms of this sport!

Badminton tribe’s only official WeChat WeChat official account: Badminton Huiyou ID: (yqhy 365)

(Source: badminton fans)

The old lady of Shanghai takes pensions to constitute a crime of fraud, proving that the pension white eater is a criminal act

#270,000 elderly golden cases open##

The truth of this fact is that from 2009 to 2015, the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, would abandon the husband who lost his ability to take care of his self -care in the hospital after paying some medical expenses during the hospitalization treatment, until the husband died alone. After the death of her husband, Qian still refused to go through the relevant procedures, and at the same time, he took the husband’s pension and accounted for himself.

On June 9, 2021, a case of fraud and abandonment of Qian, a public prosecution of the People’s Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai, was held in the Minhang District People’s Court.

The truth of the case is very clear.

Some people think that pensions are in the country, and the national Tang monk meat, all Chinese citizens can eat, all of which are desirable. Therefore, it is not believed that the old lady of Shanghai Qian Mou is a criminal act. This view is particularly popular in the small and fresh meat little beauties. Because the little fresh meat and the little beauty thinks that farmers are reasonable to eat white food, everyone can not pay a penny social security, and they can be sits to share the social security provers for decades.

However, the understanding of farmers is extreme errors.

In the basic composition of pensions, all pensions of social insurance forms should belong to the private property of citizens who pay social security, and they are not owned by the whole society. In the basic pension of the national welfare form, [also known as the pension subsidy], that is, the country’s money from the city taxpayer to the farmer, the other social benefits that belong to the country to the farmers to the elderly.

Compared with the former, although it is also called pension, it is actually very different in nature. That is to say, the essence of social maintenance money is the private property of citizens who pay social security. They use their labor income to take out a part of their salary every month to invest in their future pensions, like bank savings. But more advanced than banks, these social property from citizens is managed by the state and has absolute security and insurance stability. The basic pension [also known as the pension subsidy for white hair to the farmers], the source of funds is not the citizen of the social security, but from the city’s hundreds of millions of taxpayers. Do not bear the tax responsibilities and obligations that every citizen should have, and the one billion farmers have no longer contributed a penny to the national fiscal tax for seventeen years. Therefore, these money -sweats from urban taxpayers have been distributed to farmers through the hands of the country. The money does not have the nature of private property, but has a social welfare nature.

Understanding the above principles, I understand that the old lady of Shanghai, Qian Mou, led her died of more than 270,000 yuan. The violent object was the private property of all social security citizens.

Similarly, those who do not pay a penny for social security, and those who have to pay the social security persons for decades of social security people are divided by farmers, which are those who eat white food selfish little fresh meat and little beauty. In fact Criminal behavior, they are public robbery, because their violations are the private property of the whole society who has paid social security for decades. But it is terrible that some people have committed guilty and do not know sin. Zhen Zhen has words that he is the savior of the peasant. He has called for robbery and plundering under the banner of speaking for farmers. As criminals, they have gone far enough on the road of illegal.

These pension articles videos are full of headlines. This fully shows that a large number of cyber criminals are active on the media network. They attempted to learn ancient bandits and live on the wealth of others by robbing others.

The opening of the old lady in Shanghai should let the small and fresh meat and little beauties who advocated robbery to calm the rational and rational girls. Please do not go further and further on the road of crime.