Is the cloud chariot worth looking up to?

  Along with the take-off of Yunqi, in addition to exclamations and praises, there are also full of questioning and disdain.

  On April 10th, 2023, when the short video of looking up at U9 "jumping in place" began to spread exponentially, the "busybodies" brushed aside and questioned one after another-such as copying the magic control system of Mercedes-Benz and the idea of "low rider" in the United States half a century ago, and so on, and some friends stood in front of the stage and declared that we had released similar technologies a few years ago …

  As the saying goes, people are afraid of famous pigs and strong ones. The topic of Yunqi is wrapped in the waterfall of attention and the marketing window. The original desire to share the flow cake is understandable, but the tide will eventually fade, naked swimmers will soon be made public, and the core of the problem will return to the original point-where is the innovation of Yunqi? What is the meaning of existence? Is there any deep value for the overall development of the automobile industry? In the final analysis, is Yunqi worth looking up to?

  All doubts and disdain, after waiting for the hustle and bustle to disappear, Yunqi answers with truth and strength.

  Innovation or tribute?

  As big asTVComputers, as small as mobile phone accessories, online public opinion has become more and more entangled in the originality of design. "Innovation is proud, plagiarism is ashamed", and the proper concept of honor and disgrace forces the progress of industrial design of manufacturers. Have you noticed that in the German Red Dot Design Awards, China products won numerous awards, and even foreign experts who are used to the Mona Lisa did not hesitate to praise them.

  However, the shape design is only an intuitive contrast between beauty and ugliness, but the engineering design similar to Yunqi involves more original latitudes-many machines that look similar in function and appearance, with the metal skin uncovered, are intricate and varied inside. For example, BYD’s DM-i and Toyota’s THS hybrid architecture both achieve fuel saving and high efficiency, but how much do they have in common on the mechanical level? Patent barriers are blocked layer by layer, trying to copy? Friends will sue you to bankruptcy first.

  In addition, when the engineering design develops to 2023, the space for innovation is limited after all-just like the integrated circuit, the process can only progress one nanometer at a time. As we all know, it has been 138 years since the appearance of automobiles, such as front-drive layout, air suspension, non-load-bearing body and so on. For the future development of automobiles, the modern public should recognize and attach importance to every "micro-innovation"-to make further progress, and this spirit deserves recognition. In fact, looking up at the cloud chariot -P on U8 is just like this.

  What’s the difference between Yunxiao -P?

  At first glance, the functions are similar, and the appearance can’t see much details. What is the difference between Yunqi -P?

  If you have been to Tibet, you must have seen the amazing LC80 (old land cruiser). Its suspension is a representative of primitive durability-the front and rear hard bridges are designed with a simple structure, which greatly avoids the possibility of failure, but the bumps are really bumps … The technical limitations of the times have caused comfortable regrets, and from today’s perspective, it is outdated.

  The progress of Yunqi -P has just solved this great regret-modern suspension is no longer just a matter of four shock absorbers and four springs. In Yunqi -P system equipped with U8, the suspension body, sensing technology and intelligent computing center are connected into a whole, and the shock absorbers and other actions have gone through perception-decision-execution, just like putting a brain on the chassis of a car, including turning, avoiding and calculating.

  The difference between Yunpi -P does not stop there. As far as its sensing system is concerned, Yunqi -P deeply integrates multiple road sensing elements such as camera and laser radar, which can identify the road features 5-150m ahead and output the elevation curve, and adjust the suspension damping in advance in a targeted manner, greatly optimizing the impact of road bumps on comfort. In addition, looking up at U8 can realize three independent adjustments of height+stiffness+damping, and has the ability of independent adjustment of four-wheel height, which can achieve front and rear leveling, left and right leveling and single-wheel leveling of the whole vehicle, and creatively realize the unique one-button leveling function in mainstream off-road vehicles, and almost achieve full adaptability of the whole scene.

  Such a balanced all-terrain capability is not groundbreaking.

  What’s the significance of Yunqi -P?

  After the press conference, many netizens questioned that the whole Yunqi family was a "fancy whistle", but little did they know that there were similar speech attacks when the iPhone was released. Ironically, smart phones eventually unified the rivers and lakes, and almost completely put Nokia and others into the cold palace.

  The superficial value of Yunqi -P is nothing more than making the car more comfortable, more flexible to handle and more adaptable to the road surface. But only from this perspective, Land Rover, BMW and Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicles can also do well. Why should we spend millions on U8 to own this Yunqi -P?

  Mouth guns can’t promote the progress of technology, and a simple cloud experience may just be a blind man touching an elephant. The far-reaching significance of Yunqi -P is that it realizes the intelligent linkage between the key parts system of the lower body and the whole vehicle for the first time, which indicates another electrical revolution of the automobile after the canbus bus is introduced into the vehicle control. The parts related to driving are controlled by the intelligent system in a centralized way, just like the human brain controls walking, and the automobile can take every road in a predictable, active and coordinated way, which means that the intelligent wave will sweep up and down every muscle of the automobile, and the automobile will have independent thinking and judgment in the future. What’s more, it has been predicted that Yunqi -P also supports OTA upgrade, which proves that it still has the potential for growth!

  More than that. From the technical point of view, we should also pay attention to its social value-the birth and application of Yunnian -P, which proves that China automobile has quietly passed the embarrassing stage of parodying Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, found a way out through deliberation and explored innovation through mediocrity. The domestic automobile industry is no longer a follower, but has changed from a chaser to a leader, grasping the baton of development and starting a new era in which the Chinese automobile industry affects the world industrial structure! Great country craftsmen shouted for this! National self-confidence does it one brace up!

  So, if anyone still asks: Is the cloud chariot worth looking up to? I will ask and answer questions, it’s worth it!

What do you think of the random inspection of papers written in ChatGPT?

  Recently, Gu Jun, director of the Supervision and Evaluation Department of the Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu Province, said when he was a guest on a media program that he would organize self-examination and active spot check of published papers by scientific and technological personnel, and conduct ethical review of science and technology to guide scientific and technological personnel to improve their integrity awareness. Gu Jun said that ChatGPT can generate coherent and logical articles, which provides convenience, but it may also be used to avoid the problem of duplicate papers, or even list fictitious reference lists, leading to academic misconduct.

  This is not a new problem. Almost since the birth of ChatGPT, the controversy has never stopped around its possible impact on education and science and technology. Compared with those who advocate "no ChatGPT intrusion" and those who advocate "actively embracing new technologies",An increasingly accepted consensus is that it is necessary to clarify the application scenarios and boundaries of ChatGPT, draw the bottom line and clarify the rules, so as to maximize ChatGPT’s positive role and limit its negative impact.Take the papers published by scientific and technological personnel as an example. Although this is not the only yardstick to evaluate the academic research level of scientific and technological workers, it is still one of the important standards to test academic achievements and evaluate the quality of scientific research. It is still an insurmountable red line to ensure the originality, innovation and writing independence of the papers.

  Through self-examination and irregular spot checks, the procedures and standards for handling academic misconduct can be updated, which can strengthen the "physical examination" of published papers from technical means, judge the authenticity and originality of papers, and make scientific and technological personnel dare not and cannot take a slant; Carrying out ethical review of science and technology and guiding scientific and technological personnel to improve their sense of integrity will seize the core element of personnel using new technology, strengthen education from ideological consciousness, and make them truly stay away from academic misconduct from the heart.In the current context, strengthening the integrity education of the core population and improving the supervision mechanism by technical means are two important aspects to prevent scientific and technological personnel from using ChatGPT to write papers.

  At present, many universities at home and abroad have opened related courses such as ChatGPT, and students are encouraged to use it to complete some homework. However, it is forbidden to use ChatGPT to write papers without exception. Jinan University’s Journal of Jinan (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) and Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Basic Education Edition) clearly stated that articles signed separately or jointly by any large language model tools such as ChatGPT will not be accepted for the time being. The same is true of many top academic journals. For example, Nature magazine stipulates that any large language model tools such as ChatGPT are prohibited from becoming paper authors, and it is suggested that researchers who use these tools should specify the use of AI in their manuscripts; "Science" magazine clearly stated that it does not accept the papers generated by ChatGPT and does not allow ChatGPT to be the author of the papers. The papers generated by ChatGPT are equivalent to plagiarism.

  It can be seen that from universities to top authoritative journals, from teaching staff to all scientific and technological personnel, their governance logic is consistent:Carefully accept and strictly limit the use.No matter from the perspective of ensuring the innovative value of papers, maintaining the fair competition of scientific researchers, or ensuring that scientific research results truly serve social progress, this strict and standardized management is of due significance.

  Although China has not officially introduced measures to deal with the problems caused by ChatGPT, it does not mean that there is no relevant management. For example, in March last year, the Central Office and the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Ethical Governance of Science and Technology, taking artificial intelligence as one of the key areas that need to be strengthened. In April this year, the National Internet Information Office issued the "Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (Draft for Comment)", which intends to stipulate that intellectual property rights and business ethics should be respected when providing generative artificial intelligence products or services; Pre-training and optimized training data used for generative artificial intelligence products should not contain any content that infringes intellectual property rights.

  In particular, on August 28th, the draft law on academic degrees was submitted to the 14th the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) for deliberation. Among them, the corresponding legal responsibilities are clarified for the acts of degree winners using artificial intelligence to write dissertations: the degree-granting unit decided to revoke the degree certificate after deliberation by academic degree evaluation committee. The signal conveyed by this is obvious:With the majesty of law, resolutely defend the dissertation from being "invaded" by artificial intelligence.

  Today, as a powerful and widely used new technology, ChatGPT should not be rejected and avoided blindly, but in the final analysis, it is still a tool created by human beings and serves human beings, and it is neutral in itself. How to use it depends on ourselves. It is believed that with the passage of time, the relevant institutional measures of management and governance will become more and more perfect, and finally ChatGPT will give full play to its advantages and serve the development and progress of human beings and society on the basis of following the rules of various fields and industries such as science and technology ethics, intellectual property rights and serious academic authority.

Wild fishing, you can’t catch big fish, do you make the same mistake?

Wild fishing, you can’t catch big fish, do you make the same mistake?

Everyone basically knows what wild fishing is. The simple understanding is that in addition to artificial cultivation ponds, we can fish in the water in the natural environment. We collectively referred to as wild fishing.

Although wild fishing is better in environmental and quality than artificial breeding. Perhaps it tastes much better in taste.

However, because of the wide area, the density of the fish is relatively poor, and the hook rate is far less than that of the pond.

Therefore, wild fishing wants to catch big fish in the rare environment of its own fish, so we must pay attention to the following points:

Share with everyone here, I hope to help fishermen.

The fish in the wild is more vigilant than the home -raising fish. After all, the alert fish with low vigilance has been fishing.

With a little movement around, the fish will be scared away, and the courage is particularly small.

So, if we want to catch big fish, we must stay away from the crowd, traffic, and find a place with less noise or no noise.

Set your phone to mute, and speak softly to speak, maintain a certain silence, and use tools when making nests, such as the nesting device.

Some fishermen are in the mood of being eager to catch fish in order to miss any wind and grass, and adjust their sensitivity high.

But knowing that you ca n’t eat hot tofu, in fact, this is a do not lose money. It is because it is too sensitive. If you just move, you will mistake you to think that there is a fish hook, which will cause frequent rods. This will definitely affect fishing. It will definitely affect fishing. Caused fish to be counterproductive, so sometimes it cannot be tuned too sensitive.

In order to make the effect of the fish attracting the fish, most fishermen will add some atomized materials to the bait.

Make the atomization more three -dimensional and highlight. In fact, there is no problem with fishing fish in this way. If it is used to catch big fish, it will have some effects.

Because the effect of atomization has increased, there are more small miscellaneous fish, and the bait is eaten by the small fish, and the big fish will not come over.

When the fish speaks, it is difficult to know. Some people with acute children will constantly change bait and want the fish to eat.

There is a problem. If you keep changing the bait, it will cause the fish to be vigilant. The fish is not stupid. If you change it, it will cause the fish to not speak, and the big fish will not be available. Try to avoid using this type. The bait.

In order to avoid this situation, we can spray a few times when we bait.

Because Qi Muyu is very rich in lure fish.

Especially in freshwater fish, many hormones, fish steroids, and multiple vitamins are added with freshwater fish. After the fish smells the taste, it will appetite and increase appetite.

Even when the fish itself is not hungry, the fish will have the desire to eat.

There is also a very good role in leaving fish. This taste will be kept in the water for a long time, and it will not disperse.

It can effectively attract big fish and improve the hit rate.

No matter what bait you use, it is more taboo to change frequently, raising the pole.

However, in terms of cost -effectiveness or quality, Qi Mu high -carbon pole fishing. Will reduce a certain loss for you.

Qi Mu’s high carbon pole is really friendly to fishing friends. Material is made of high -tonnage carbon cloth. It holds lighter in hand, has a good waist strength, and is not easy to break.

I don’t lose the brand in my hand, even if it is fishing for a day, it won’t be tired. Whether the big fish or the small fish can catch it in seconds.

Qi Mu’s high carbon pole belongs to a comprehensive rod of 28, which can adapt to a variety of venues, light texture, easy to carry, fashionable appearance, and basically cannot run after the fish hooks. It is a good fishing rod.

The above -mentioned precautions must be clearly understood. These issues will have more chances of making mistakes in novices. As for some fishermen who live in fishing ground for a long time, they can be used as a reference. After all, everyone’s habits are different. Make copy, randomly strain according to the actual situation.

Also, as a fellow fishing fellow, we should remember mistakes and change flexibly. We should do fishing for fishing.

After we get a big harvest, we can release some, instead of taking away all the brains. This will not only destroy the ecological environment, but also affect the harvest of fishing in the future.

Everyone can be able to release appropriately, so I think every harvest can be rich.

The most important point is that we must take away the garbage when we fish, because everyone is responsible for the environment.

During fishing, garbage everywhere will also affect our mood and the harvest of fishing.

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