BYD Han EV network about the car, 70,000 km earned a net profit of 150,000! Master: 90% of my peers have bought Chinese books for two years.

> a Shenzhen BYD Han EV network car, 70,000 kilometers of net profit of 150,000 RMB! He runs in two classes, one class runs 200 kilometers, and the total runs 400 kilometers a day. This is also the similar use intensity of the old fuel taxi. It is easy to drive 70,000 kilometers a year for this "high-end car" of Han EV.

The 30-year-old online car driver in Shenzhen said that he had already suffered from lumbar disc herniation and scapulohumeral periarthritis at a young age, and driving 70,000 kilometers a year was simply to exchange his life for money.

After deducting all the electricity, maintenance, insurance, depreciation and daily expenses for 70,000 kilometers, the net income of Fu, an online car contract engineer, reached 150,000 yuan a year, which is already a very high income in today’s big environment. If we exchange our lives for money, we can at least maintain the livelihood of a family of four.

The master of BYD Han EV 600km also revealed that about 90% of his peers in the network buy BYD Han EV, and will not consider other pure electric car brands, because this car has few faults, is durable to drive, and the battery has the smallest attenuation among other cars of the same class. The 600 km standard can actually run more than 500 kilometers easily, which means that it is completely possible to charge in the middle of the night, use the cheapest peak-valley electricity price, and be hard-working and natural.

The master of BYD Hanwang’s car is most concerned about this pure electricity, which can earn 2 yuan a kilometer after deducting electricity and other expenses! If you drive 70 thousand kilometers a year, you will be able to return to your capital in two years, and you will start to make a pure profit in the third year, which is equivalent to picking up a BYD Han EV quasi-new car in vain.

Moreover, trams are different from oil trucks. For ordinary traditional oil trucks, driving more than 100,000 kilometers in two years is a "great effort", and the engine is bound to have various problems: carbon burning oil, oil leakage from the gearbox, loose chassis, aging rubber bushings, and shock absorption problems will all occur with great probability.

Oil trucks are most afraid of driving very long kilometers in a short time, and the maintenance fees and maintenance fees are also very expensive. However, the tram is completely different. The maintenance of Han EV only needs a few hundred yuan or even less, so there is no need to change the gearbox oil. Without the engine, more than half of the fault sources of the oil truck are simply saved! There is no need to worry about the strike caused by the long-term intense driving of the engine. The famous car critic has no money here: Wang Yin, in his double-car durability test of 100,000 kilometers, a 1.5T model of Honda’s pure oil car is less than 100,000 kilometers, and the CVT stepless gearbox has a "stall problem". The flagship car of Honda, a famous Japanese brand, is so reliable and durable, not to mention other turbocharged oil cars.

Beware of AI black industry chain "making yellow rumors" in batches

  P-robot has many functions. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Criminals peddle AI atlas on the Internet. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Many victims were p-pictured by criminals. Photo courtesy of respondents

  On June 27th, the Central Network Information Office issued the Notice on Launching the Special Action of "Qinglang 2023 Summer Minors’ Network Environment Renovation", and launched the two-month special action of "Qinglang 2023 Summer Minors’ Network Environment Renovation" (hereinafter referred to as "Special Action"). In particular, it is pointed out that we should pay attention to the risks of new technologies and new applications, such as the generation of vulgar pornographic pictures and videos involving minors by technologies such as "AI face changing", and we should focus on rectification.

  — — — — — — — — — —

  Today, "AI undressing" technology has generated a black industrial chain. Upstream criminals generate pictures through AI technology, integrate these pictures, package them into an atlas, and sell them to downstream buyers through complete sets of sales. Some people set up a "paid membership group" for this purpose, which makes some innocent people and even minors fall into the whirlpool of "yellow rumors". The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network conducted an investigation and interview.

  The picture of "AI undressing" was publicly sold.

  "It’s really my face in the picture, but here I am … … Why are you naked? "

  In May this year, Li Yi (pseudonym), who was still in college, received a picture sent to her by a netizen. After reading it, she was angry and scared.

  Li is also a Cosplay blogger, who often shares photos of himself playing various anime roles on social media. Later, she and netizens found Luo Fan (net name) who made nude photos. Luo Fen admitted that he put the photos into an AI (Artificial Intelligence) software and could "take off" Li Yi’s clothes in less than a few minutes. On the Internet, Luo Fen publicly peddles pictures at the price of one in 5 yuan, claiming that 60 yuan can package and buy "nude photos" of more than 60 bloggers, including photos of minors.

  "I have never taken such a photo!" Angry Li also began to collect evidence of the other party’s illegal behavior using AI, with the intention of investigating its legal responsibility, so she added friends with Luo Fan as a buyer.

  Luo fen does not directly solicit business with the word "AI undress", but implicitly expresses that she is "changing the picture". "Little sister, here comes Cosplay ‘ Change the map ’ , 5 yuan. " When Li further asked him how to "change the picture", Luo said vaguely that he used AI technology to generate various Cosplay pictures.

  Li also found a clue from a group chat formed by Luofen. Here, Luofen not only continues to provide the service of "changing pictures", but also publishes a large number of suggestive and provocative pictures, which are publicly sold in the form of atlas, saying that 60 yuan can buy 65 pictures, and "it is estimated that a total of 300 pictures will be updated slowly through group chat".

  "Who is this?" Li also found his own "nude photos" and went to ask Luo powder to understand. "This is clotho (the character name) wearing no clothes, and the blogger himself let it be filmed like this." Luo powder replied, and hinted in a secret way, "Don’t mess around, because more than 60 bloggers involved in the set of pictures don’t agree."

  "He said it like we bloggers took large-scale photos ourselves!" Li is also very angry, revealing his identity and confronting Luo Fen.

  "I’m sorry, sister!" Luo Fen admitted that she "re-created" Li Yi’s picture. Li also said that this is not the normal scope of "secondary creation", but an infringement of her personality right.

  Luo Fen argued that these series of pictures were not made by him, "they were made by others". Luo Fen didn’t realize the seriousness of this matter and discussed with Li Yi, "My card balance is only 1200 yuan. Can you compensate you for 650 yuan’s personal settlement?"

  "It’s not about money. You have broken the law." Li Yi and other bloggers chose to call the police.

  Black industrial chain harms minors.

  Li Yi’s experience is not a case. AI technology has been abused and a black industrial chain is taking shape.

  On the internet, as long as you enter keywords, you can easily find businesses that provide "AI undressing" related technologies or services. They solicit business on social media under the banner of "AI painting" and "AI changing pictures", and guide customers to add their contact information. After one-on-one communication or private group chat, they will come up with suggestive pictures to induce netizens to buy.

  There are many victims of "AI undressing", even harming minors. A seller claimed that he was "rich in resources" and sent a complete set of price lists, which divided the atlas into such categories as "stars", "online celebrity", "models" and "cartoons" in detail. In the sample pictures he sent, there were even high school students in school uniforms. He claimed that if there is no favorite type, customers can send photos of "single picture customization" for two yuan each, and "all pictures on the Internet can be used as material".

  Another seller also invited customers to join the group by membership, saying that at present, "there are already two or three hundred atlases in the group", and as long as you spend 30 yuan to join the group, you can enjoy free continuous updates. When the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network further questioned the source of his atlas, he faltered that his resources were downloaded from a website, "I didn’t do it myself".

  "In fact, as long as you master the relevant technology, people can use AI to make these pictures." Algorithm engineer Lantian, a senior reporter, told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Net that the "AI undressing" algorithm is called "DeepNude" and has been removed from the shelves in the United States because of ethical problems, but it is not excluded that some people train machines through other AI algorithms to achieve the same effect.

  In a communication software, an AI robot has gained many users. It doesn’t need the user to master the complicated algorithm knowledge, but only needs to follow its prompts to complete the operations of "changing face" and "undressing" for photos. This robot also has detailed fine settings, which can adjust the parameters of the picture like a beauty camera.

  This robot needs to be used for a fee. After clicking the "recharge" button, the user will be guided to a card recharge website for online payment. However, users do not pay merchants, but individuals, so it is difficult to track the operating subject of the robot. According to its price list, a strip photo can be generated at a minimum of two yuan.

  "The machine is neutral, just give it ‘ Hello ’ With enough human body structure maps, the machine can redraw the whole map by recognizing features such as face and body, and generate a ‘ Stripping photos ’ 。” Blue sky said that the machine "only cares about the generation of photos" and will not take into account the wishes of the people in the photos and ethical and legal issues such as whether they are adults.

  "According to the perspective of technology instrumentalism, technology is neutral and harmless, but this understanding ignores the moral relevance that technology should have." Xie Ling, an associate professor at the School of Criminal Investigation, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and a tutor for master students, believes that there are differences between technologies, and the consequences of the abuse of some new technologies, such as deep forgery technology, are hard to predict, and their ethical and legal issues are more complicated.

  Constructing network security rules from the principle of "most beneficial to minors"

  Lawyer Yao Zhidou, a partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, has been exposed to many cases of infringement of minors’ rights and interests due to the abuse of new technologies. In a case, a criminal used the "AI Face Change" software to replace the facial information of a large number of underage students collected from Internet channels, made a false face-changing obscene video, and then sold the video for a fee. "This not only infringes on the portrait rights and mental health of underage students, but also is suspected of spreading obscene articles for profit."

  "To cope with the risks of new technologies and new applications, we need to learn from ‘ Most beneficial to minors ’ Principles and ‘ Children’s rights ’ To build security rules from the perspective of. " Guo Kaiyuan, an expert in juvenile legal research at China Youth Research Center, believes that in view of the risks brought by new technologies and new applications, it is necessary to grasp the dynamic balance between the special protection of minors and the application of new technologies. Relevant departments should set up rules to protect children, respect privacy and set up special protection as soon as possible, especially the rules of grading management according to age standards and the rules of informed consent of guardians.

  Xie Ling called for the classification and evaluation of the application risks of new technologies, the establishment of an institutional barrier for the regulation of new technologies, and the definition of the boundaries of rational use of technologies. If there is no barrier against technology abuse, the networking application of this kind of high-risk new technology should be strictly regulated, because "new technology is very likely to lead to new illegal behaviors in the future".

  Yao Zhidou said that it is difficult to supervise cybercrime. The evidence of cyber crime is mainly stored in the network server, and it is difficult to obtain evidence in the face of complex and diverse electronic data. In addition, it is difficult to determine the identity of the offenders, and some criminals are abroad, which brings challenges to the jurisdiction of the case.

  In fact, in view of the risks brought by new technologies and applications on the Internet, relevant departments have stepped up efforts to rectify them.

  One of the seven focuses of the special action of the Central Network Information Office is the risk of new technologies and applications, including the use of technologies such as "AI face changing", "AI drawing" and "AI one-button undressing" to generate vulgar pornographic pictures and videos involving minors; Use the so-called "burn after reading" secret chat software to trick minors into providing personal information and induce illegal activities; Using generative artificial intelligence technology to produce and publish harmful information about minors.

  "This has released the signal that the state has stepped up efforts to rectify the network environment and effectively strengthen the network protection for minors." Xie Ling pointed out that this special action is aimed at the vulnerable characteristics of minors’ body and mind, aiming at preventing minors from using the Internet badly, and preventing them from becoming "tools" of new network illegal and criminal activities. It is also a concrete manifestation of implementing the law on the protection of minors and the relevant legal protection measures of the law on the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

  Now, Li has also stepped out of the psychological shadow. She said, "I can’t stop loving life because of these things."

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang Trainee Reporter Liu Yiheng Reporter Xian Jiejie

A large truck in Guangxi rushed to primary school students, causing 3 deaths and 2 injuries. The accident vehicle was suspected of being overloaded.

  Cctv newsOn March 26, the reporter learned from the traffic police detachment of Guigang Public Security Bureau that on March 24, a large truck collided with students crossing the road after school in Guangren Village, Mule Town, Guiping City, causing one girl to die on the spot, two girls died after being rescued, and two others were injured. After the accident, governments at all levels in Guigang and Guiping, public security traffic police and other departments carried out follow-up investigation and handling work, and it has been determined that the truck involved was suspected of being overloaded. 

  The truck was suspected of being overloaded.

  According to the investigation by the Traffic Police Brigade of Guiping Public Security Bureau, the driver Liang was from Luchuan County, Guangxi. At 11 o’clock on the morning of March 23, Liang drove a heavy van of Gui K brand to carry sugar from a sugar factory in Longan, Baise to Guangzhou, stopping for three times, and stopping for dinner in Shizui Town, Guiping City before the incident. After the accident, the traffic police department checked the vehicle situation and found that the approved load mass of the truck was 40 tons, while the sugar loaded on the truck was 58 tons. At present, the public security organs have criminally detained Liang, and the traffic police department has also sent the accident vehicle to the judicial technical appraisal department for various performance tests.

  The traffic facilities in the accident section are perfect.

  After on-the-spot investigation by the accident handling police, the road section is 304 provincial highway, and the whole line is equipped with large-scale car speed limit signs. There is a crosswalk (zebra crossing) at the accident site, with clear markings, a speed bump 230 meters away from the zebra crossing, and a warning sign to avoid children and students 77 meters away.

  Carry out investigation and rectification to prevent problems before they happen

  After the accident, Huang Weijing, vice chairman of the government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, gave instructions to attach great importance to it and quickly organize forces to deal with it. On March 25th, the joint meeting on road traffic safety in Guigang issued a notice to the offices of the joint meeting on road traffic safety in counties, cities and districts, as well as to all member units, to deploy and carry out the major investigation and rectification of traffic safety hidden dangers around the campus.

  The traffic police department of Guigang City quickly investigated and rectified the hidden dangers around the campus for all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in its jurisdiction, focusing on the establishment and integrity of signs and markings such as traffic warning signs, zebra crossings and speed limit signs along the national and provincial roads around the campus. Understand the daily work style of the school when organizing students to go to school and cross the road, and urge the school to learn the lessons of the 3.24 traffic accident in Guiping and attach importance to the safety guidance of students to go to school and cross the road.

  Enter the passenger and freight enterprises in the jurisdiction, urge the person in charge of the enterprise to strengthen management, investigate the hidden performance hazards of trucks and vehicles and traffic violations, organize freight drivers to carry out traffic safety publicity and education activities, improve drivers’ awareness of civilized and safe driving, and prevent traffic accidents from the source. Intensify efforts to rectify road traffic violations of key vehicles such as trucks, buses and dangerous goods transport vehicles, and strictly investigate serious traffic violations such as overloading, overcrowding, illegal modification, illegal overloading and transportation, license-related, drunk driving, and fatigue driving.

  It is reported that the traffic police department of Guigang City will also convene relevant departments to hold a road traffic safety contact meeting in the near future to study the traffic safety management around the campus and explore the establishment of a long-term management mechanism for traffic safety around the campus. (CCTV reporter Fu Qien Ryson Ho)

Cool weekend "summer" Fengxian Bihai Jinsha and Jinshan city beach play strategy is coming.

Hot summer day

Go barefoot to the seaside to blow the sea breeze and step on the sea water.

It is the best way to cool off in summer.


Fengxian Bihai Jinsha and Jinshan City Beach

Has been opened to the outside world

Small body has prepared a play strategy for you.

Help you cool down for a summer!

Bihai Jinsha

No.6 Haihan Road, Fengxian District

I. Opening hours

From July 2nd to September 12th, 8: 30-21: 00 (admission will be closed at 19: 30).

From September 13th to October 7th, 8: 30-17: 00 (admission will be closed at 16: 00).

From October 8th to December 31st, 8: 30-16: 30 (admission will be closed at 15: 30).

Note: The swimming period is from July 2nd to September 12th, and the non-swimming period is from September 13th to December 31st. The operation time of the scenic spot will be adjusted due to uncertain factors such as weather and renovation. The above information is for reference only, which is subject to the actual publicity information of the scenic spot on that day.

Second, the way to purchase tickets

Tickets can be booked through WeChat WeChat official account "Bihai Jinsha" and major online platforms (Meituan, Ctrip, Mama Donkey, etc.).


1. Amusement items in the scenic spot are all second-generation items, which need to be purchased separately.

2. Please reasonably participate in high-risk tourism projects such as high altitude, high speed, water, diving and exploration according to your own conditions, so that the safety of happy travel comes first.

Once the ticket is sold, it is not transferable.

Iii. preferential policies for tickets

1. Free of charge

Children: under 1.3m (inclusive).

Old people: 70 years old or above, with an old age card or ID card, need to be accompanied by family members to enter the park.

Disabled people: they need to be accompanied by their families to enter the park with their valid certificates (disability certificates).

Servicemen and disabled soldiers: Hold my valid Military Officer’s Card or Soldier’s Card.

Fire rescue personnel: with valid certificates.

2. Half-price ticket

Children: children over 1.3 meters tall buy discount tickets.

Students: Minors aged 6 to 18, students with full-time undergraduate education or below can buy discount tickets with their student ID cards.

Old people: 60 years old (including 60 years old) to 70 years old (excluding 70 years old) buy discount tickets with ID cards.

Soldiers: Ex-servicemen buy discount tickets with their retirement certificates, families of active servicemen, survivors of martyrs, survivors of soldiers who died in the line of duty, and survivors of deceased soldiers with valid certificates.

Fourth, the admission notice

1. Before entering the park, visitors must hold a negative nucleic acid certificate within 72 hours; When entering the park, you must show your health code and cooperate with the staff to take temperature measurement. Visitors whose temperature exceeds 37.3℃ are refused to enter the park.

2. After entering the park, visitors must wear masks all the time. Specific requirements and precautions for prevention and control have been set up at the eye-catching position of the main entrance of the park, so visitors are requested to cooperate and abide by them.

3. All the items in the scenic spot except those included in the big ticket are self-funded items, and the specific items are subject to the on-site presentation of the scenic spot (for example, due to force majeure factors such as weather, electricity, equipment, epidemic situation, etc., for safety reasons, the merchants may change, delay or cancel the opening of some play items without prior notice, and no change or refund measures will be implemented. Please forgive me! )

Jinshan City Beach

No.7555, Huhang Highway, Jinshan District

I. Opening hours of swimming period

July 2 to September 10, 8:30-21:30

Second, the ticket price

1. Swimming period: ticket to 30 yuan on weekdays and 50 yuan on holidays and weekends.

2. Non-swimming period: ticket to 10 yuan on weekdays and 20 yuan on holidays and weekends.

Iii. preferential policies for tickets

1. Free tickets

Officers (for servicemen with valid certificates, disabled soldiers, survivors of martyrs, survivors of servicemen who died in the line of duty, survivors of deceased servicemen and families of servicemen).

On-the-job, retired, disabled firefighters (including full-time government firefighters) and fire rescue college students (with their valid certificates).

Disabled persons shall hold the "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card" issued by the Disabled Persons’ Federation.

Any elderly person over 65 years of age (with my valid certificate).

Children under 1.3 meters in height.

Visitors who enjoy free tickets (except children) must first go to the ticket office to exchange tickets for scenic spots with valid certificates. When entering the scenic spots, they should also show their tickets and their valid certificates to check in.

Children under 1.3 meters (inclusive) will be issued admission tickets after their height is confirmed by the ticket office.

2. Half-price ticket

Students in full-time schools (with student ID cards).

Every elderly person aged 60 (inclusive) -64 (inclusive) is limited to one (with an old-age card or ID card). When entering the scenic spot, he must present a half-price ticket and his valid certificate at the same time, and check the ticket to enter the park.

Children 1.3m-1.5m in height.

Fourth, the admission notice

The scenic spot will strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as "peak shifting, reservation and flow restriction" and place code, application code, travel card and "four codes" of nucleic acid detection information, and strictly implement quota reservation management according to the carrying capacity and actual situation of the scenic spot.

1. You must wear a mask regularly, consciously accept the temperature test, provide the application code, travel card, negative proof of nucleic acid test within 72 hours, take the initiative to be verified by digital sentry or scanning place code, and the staff can confirm before entering the park.

2. Visitors can purchase tickets online through "Jinshan City Beach" WeChat, WeChat official account, Meituan and other online platforms, or they can purchase tickets at the artificial window.

3 tourists consciously keep a safe distance of more than 2 meters, do not gather, do not stay in crowded areas for a long time, and do not engage in group activities.

4. Tourist attractions that do not wear masks, do not listen to dissuasion, and do not meet the requirements for entering the park will be persuaded to return.

Visitors are requested to strictly follow the epidemic prevention requirements, abide by the epidemic prevention regulations in the scenic spot and follow the guidance of the staff in the scenic spot to ensure a pleasant play. For more details of opening, please pay attention to the official WeChat official account of the scenic spot. The actual opening situation is subject to the notice of the scenic spot.

Small body warm reminder, in recent hot days, please do a good job in heatstroke prevention and sun protection when going out, and try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods. If you have symptoms of heatstroke, you should quickly enter a cool and ventilated place and seek medical advice in time.

Source: Bihai Jinsha, Jinshan City Beach official WeChat official account


Comments | Hometown Zodiac … are all reasons for rejection! How to break the discrimination in job hunting?

  CCTV News:Entering the graduation season, many fresh college students are on the road to job hunting, but the road to job hunting is not easy. Recently, China University Media Alliance conducted a questionnaire survey for 605 fresh graduates from more than 100 universities. The results showed that,75.7% of the respondents said that they had been treated unfairly when looking for a job.

  Girls encounter relatively serious employment discrimination.

  Chen Ning is a fresh graduate majoring in English in a university in Zhejiang. She had a dream of being a teacher since she was a child. She set her ideal unit in a middle school early, but when applying for the job, she found that many schools treated male and female candidates differently. Some indicate "male priority", while others require in disguise that "female graduates should be in the top 10% of the whole department, while male graduates should only be in the top 30%".

  According to the survey results of China University Media Alliance, 33.06% of the respondents said that they had encountered gender discrimination in employers, and most of this phenomenon happened to female graduates.

  985, 211 into a fixed label

  In addition, whether it comes from a prestigious school or not has also caused some graduates to express their helpless feelings of "losing at the starting line of employment".

  Chen Weihao, a student from a university in Fujian, said, "I participated in a campus recruitment activity held in Fuzhou University, and many different companies came to recruit. At that time, I thought a Shenzhen enterprise was not bad, but before I sat down, the interviewer asked, ‘ Are you a student in 985 and 211 universities? ’” Such a direct question made Chen Weihao eat a bowl of "closed doors" that was caught off guard. He said frankly: "I didn’t even have time to hand in my resume, so I was ruthlessly rejected."

  According to the survey results of China University Media Alliance, 42.15% of the respondents were hindered by the lack of school grades.

  Hometown, animal sign, constellation, etc. also become rejection factors.

  Lin Chengqi is a recent graduate of a university in Zhejiang, and his household registration is in Hebei. Having participated in major job fairs in Zhejiang Province, he concluded: "Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other places have strict restrictions on household registration." He also found that many recruitment posters of enterprises and institutions with good reputation read "local household registration is preferred", and some even emphasized that "only graduates with local household registration or nearby areas are recruited".

  The survey results of China University Media Alliance show that recent graduates not only face unfair employment treatment in the above aspects, but also some people say that their "face value" is not high enough, which makes it difficult to find a job, and 4.3% of the respondents have encountered discrimination such as horoscope and zodiac. These uncontrollable factors have actually become obstacles in the employment process of some fresh graduates.

  The Ministry of Education clearly and resolutely opposes any form of employment discrimination in the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Graduates of National Colleges and Universities in 2017", and it is strictly forbidden to publish discriminatory information including limited institutions, gender and nationality in all campus recruitment activities. Nevertheless, enterprises still regard whether they graduate from a prestigious school as an implicit condition, and examples of employment discrimination abound. All kinds of survey results are enough to show that employment discrimination has not been improved on the whole, but there is still a long way to go to achieve employment equity. Can this social ills be solved?

  CCTV comment: Anti-employment discrimination, find a more effective system outlet.

  Anti-employment discrimination needs the thrust of society.

  Society is always comparing, screening and discriminating, which may be the nature of human society; Discrimination as a screening in the economic sense is also doomed to exist. But the existence may not be reasonable. Advocating equality and opposing discrimination are also connected with the process of human civilization. As the saying goes, "there has never been real equality in human history, which does not hinder our pursuit of equality", and opposing employment discrimination constitutes an important level to promote equality for all. And like all efforts against discrimination,The relationship between anti-employment discrimination and employment discrimination is also like a pressure spring. The greater the social force, the discrimination will shrink back. If society is indifferent or lets go, discrimination will rebound.

  How to oppose implicit discrimination isMore important proposition

  However, discrimination is not necessarily blatant and blatant.With "not discriminating on the table" becoming a new political correctness, a more important proposition is how to oppose implicit discrimination.One of the most common concerns is that even if there is no corresponding discrimination clause in the recruitment notice, will the personal likes and dislikes of the recruiter not be reflected in the real recruitment process? Another example is that the Ministry of Education issued a ban as early as four years ago, "It is strictly forbidden to publish recruitment information containing the words" 985 colleges and universities, 211 colleges and universities ",but the ban did not really prevent 985 and 211 from becoming the screening conditions for recruitment.

  Anti-employment discrimination: we can’t stop at advocating ideas and need more institutional supply.

  This also reminds us that today’s opposition to employment discrimination can no longer simply stay in concept advocacy, but needs more effective institutional supply. For example, why the Ministry of Education’s ban on 985 and 211 can’t really stop the "universal atmosphere" lies in the formal ban without substantive review. The lack of substantive review is precisely because there is no rigid system. "Even if I discriminate, what can you do with me?" Therefore, some experts believe that the scope of application of today’s anti-employment discrimination legislation is too narrow, and "a basic law against employment discrimination is needed".

  Of course, "the life of law lies not in logic but in experience", and opposing employment discrimination is doomed to be a long process. For example, in the 1960s, the United States Congress passed the Fair Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act to regulate the issue of equal pay for equal work between men and women. However, after more than 50 years of implementation of the law, the annual salary of female employees in the United States has increased from 59% to 79% of that of men, but it is still far from equal pay for equal work. Even some studies have shown that if the law enforcement is too rigid in a short time, forcing equal pay for equal work may hurt women’s employment. Today, China is more or less facing the same situation, and the protection of women has fallen into a paradox: the longer maternity leave is extended and breastfeeding leave is advocated, the more likely women are to face the risk of "no interview opportunities".

  It is better to explore the way of enterprise cost socialization than to simply criticize it.

  Therefore, it is not enough to build a truly effective anti-discrimination system framework with ideas, but also to dig deep into effective systems.Specifically, discrimination is always accompanied by issues of economic rationality and cost sharing. For example, "985, 211" is used as a condition to screen resumes. Indeed, there is an advantage for famous school students, and it is understandable that human resources management departments want to recruit graduates from famous schools, but they cannot reject the choice rights of non-key university graduates across the board. For example, discrimination against women in employment, from the employer’s point of view, it is not unreasonable to worry that women will leave their jobs too soon because of childbirth, thus raising the cost of employing people.

  Instead of simply criticizing, it is better to explore a way to truly socialize the cost of enterprises. Can we further expand the scope and time of maternity insurance? Can the government subsidize enterprises to run their own kindergartens? Can the husband’s maternity leave be improved, so as to share the reproductive cost of women? In a word, it is more important to establish an effective cost sharing mechanism than just shouting.

   Equality, as a great idea, is that it transcends the simple jungle law of the jungle. In this era, more and more people believe in "everyone can succeed" and pay more and more attention to equality of opportunity, so it is possible to achieve real employment equity than in any era. It is the direction that the whole society should make constant efforts to ensure every worker’s equal employment rights and help everyone grow into a successful person.

  Wen Yi, the Mountain of Special Contributions for CCTV Comments

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  How to protect rights when encountering employment discrimination?

  Anti-employment discrimination is an international action. China’s Employment Promotion Law, which was formally implemented in 2007, also clearly stipulates the opposition to employment discrimination. If you are looking for a job again, how should you protect your rights?

  First of all, after encountering gender discrimination, job seekers should pay attention to collecting evidence and demanding rights protection. Including recruitment brochures, articles in advertisements, or other relevant emails and information that are not hired on the grounds of gender, can be retained as evidence.

  At the same time, Article 62 of the Employment Promotion Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that workers who violate the provisions of this law and commit employment discrimination may bring a lawsuit to the people’s court.

You will never think of these ways to open the reunion dinner!

Blown away from us is the old year by the crackling fireworks

In every corner of the city

Such a respectable group of people

Provides us with

The hidden opening way of new year’s dinner

Let’s have a look.


Jiang tan gang ting sui nian fan

The year is approaching.

There is still a group of people busy in Jiangtan.

Clean the platform and wipe the street furniture.

Maintain holiday order

Ensure the safe operation of the river beach ……

Jiangtan security guards eat a different kind of "annual meal" together at the sentry box.

At the moment when the whole family is happy and sharing reunion.

Every household began to make a fuss.

Eat the New Year’s Eve dinner.

The staff of Jiangtan are still sticking to their posts.

Dedicated silently to welcome the Spring Festival.

The staff are eating New Year’s Eve in the central control room.

There is no big fish and big meat, and there is no overlapping.

Today, they are in their posts.

Eat the exclusive "annual meal" of Jiangtan people.

Or eat in front of the monitoring screen in the central control room.

Or stand in the booth and eat.

Or eat in the lounge.

The cleaning staff have dinner in the lounge.

These respectable and lovely people

Hastily finish this hot "new year’s meal"

And quickly return to their jobs.

Go on with your work.

Use your persistence in the river beach

In exchange for citizens and friends.

A civilized, peaceful, clean and healthy Spring Festival.

Jiangtan office staff together in the canteen package jiaozi "Year of the League".

At the same time, in Zongguan Waterworks

Operators strictly carry out 24-hour duty.

Dispatch the water quality, production and operation of the whole plant

Carry out comprehensive monitoring

The operators of Zongguan Waterworks stick to their posts.

Dispatcher Lunjie said

"In order to ensure the safety of water supply during the Spring Festival,

All dispatchers of Zongguan Waterworks are ready for battle.

Stick to your post even during meal time.

We are responsible for every drop of water that citizens drink!"

a slap in the face

The bus carriage eats jiaozi

On New Year’s Eve, the city is brightly lit.

Wenwu, the driver of the last bus of No.261 bus

The work has come to an end temporarily.

In the city, waves of returning people at night.

After safely reaching their respective destinations,

He is in the bus compartment.

Picked up a steaming bowl of jiaozi.

I ate the "annual meal" with relish.

Wenwu, the driver of the last bus of No.261 bus, is eating "New Year’s dinner".

The jiaozi is wrapped.

The lofty spirit of dedication and dedication

Wenwu took one bite after another.

Savoring the happiness of serving the citizens.

Wenwu ate with relish.

Stick to your post like him

Celebrate the auspicious year for citizens and friends.

There are still many dedicated staff members.

Their special reunion dinner.

So lonely

And so brilliant

Warm heart

Happy reunion in western restaurant

On January 26, in the Pizza Hut restaurant in Xu Dong during the Lunar New Year.

It’s an orange sea.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee,

At 11 o’clock that morning.

City Management Department United Love Enterprise

Send it to representatives of sanitation workers.

Good shop, Zhou Heiya and other new year gift packages.

City Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee gives gift packages to sanitation workers.

Xu Dong Xiaopinmao Pizza Hut

Representatives of sanitation workers are also invited

Enjoy the warm heart package

Changjiang Daily reporter knows about the city.

30 front-line sanitation workers who came to eat.

Are on nearby roads all the year round.

Sanitation worker who cleans and cleans

Most of them are older.

"Old Sanitation" with white hair on his head

Sanitation workers eat western food in Pizza Hut for the New Year.

The city treats us so well.

We should try our best to do our duty.

Do cleaning work

Give the citizens a clean and beautiful environment."

Wuhan Guang Mei cleaning company

Sanitation worker Jin Benjian said

Everyone usually works in two shifts.

Get together for the first time

I am very happy to have a reunion dinner.

Sanitation workers respect each other.

The person in charge of Pizza Hut restaurant said

They have a tradition of engaging in public welfare activities.

Sanitation workers come and go in the wind and rain.

the work is hard

It is worthwhile to give love to sanitation workers."

Little friends

Come to the comment area to bask in your family’s reunion dinner.

I wish you all a prosperous and prosperous life.

(Produced by Changjiang Daily Metro Media Research Institute)


Scientific movement, protect your heart.

According to the latest China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2021 released by the National Cardiovascular Center,Two out of every five deaths due to illness in China died of cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiac rehabilitation is an important means to treat stable cardiovascular diseases and prevent recurrent cardiovascular events. Therefore, it is imperative to fully understand the role of scientific exercise in promoting cardiovascular health and actively carry out cardiac rehabilitation.

A simple analogy:The heart is as important to the human body as the engine is to all kinds of machines and needs regular maintenance.Cardiac rehabilitation is like guiding everyone to use and maintain this engine of human body, ensuring the vitality of the engine, thus improving the quality of life.

Who needs cardiac rehabilitation?

A large number of studies have shown that exercise is beneficial to cardiovascular health.Healthy people and sub-healthy people can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events by developing active and scientific exercise habits.

Exercise mode:You can choose moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, that is, a rhythmic exercise type that uses large muscle groups of the whole body.Such as swimming, cycling, running and skipping rope.

Tip 1:Everyone’s basal heart rate and peak heart rate vary greatly. For women over 50 years old, men over 40 years old and patients with weak health, an in-depth heart examination should be done before starting exercise rehabilitation."Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test"It can measure everyone’s anaerobic threshold heart rate and peak heart rate, and at the same time, it can more accurately determine the "warning line" of the maximum heart rate during exercise, and judge the heart rate interval corresponding to different exercise intensities.

Tip 2:People who don’t exercise for a long time should followstep by stepThe principle, let the heart and blood vessels gradually adapt, beware of excessive fatigue to increase the risk of cardiovascular events, but also avoid joint muscle damage.

Tip 3:Overweight people should adopt a combination of nutrition and exercise.Controlling energy intake is a necessary means to lose weight, but excessive control of energy will reduce lean body weight (fat-free body weight, the weight of other body components except fat). It is suggested that overweight people lose 5% ~ 10% weight within 6 ~ 12 months. Overweight people need longer aerobic exercise to consume fat, and the recommended aerobic exercise time is 45 ~ 60 minutes. Resistance training can consume more energy. It is better to combine aerobic exercise with resistance exercise.

After the winter, some sports-related sudden deaths have attracted people’s attention, especially the sudden death of young employees of a company in Shanghai outside the gym, which makes people feel awkward. Studies have confirmed that lack of exercise or unreasonable exercise are important factors leading to cardiovascular events. Here are some special precautions about "protecting the heart" in the scientific movement:

oneIf you have chest pain, dizziness, overwork, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting and irregular pulse during exercise,Exercise should be stopped immediately.The above symptoms still persist after stopping exercise, especially after stopping exercise for 5 ~ 6 minutes, the heart rate still increases, so you should seek medical advice in time.

2The elderly should choose moderate and low intensity exercise and appropriately increase daily physical activity; You can also carry out traditional rehabilitation training such as Tai Ji Chuan and Baduanjin.The exercise time is relatively shortened or prolonged according to the degree of fatigue,The general exercise duration is 30 ~ 60 minutes/day.

threePatients who are weak in the early stage after cardiac surgery can start with breathing training. Respiratory training can prevent pulmonary complications, promote sputum discharge, effectively increase vital capacity and improve lung function. Adopt abdominal breathing mode, that is, the abdomen bulges after inhaling the nose and adducts after exhaling.When exercising, you can inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, take a deep breath and try to prolong the breathing time.The practice of lip-shrinking and exhaling is also an important part of breathing training. It emphasizes that when inhaling, breathe in slowly through the nose, and breathe out after holding your breath a little (similar to blowing candles). The ratio of inhalation time to exhalation time is 1: 2. 10 times per group, 5 groups per day. Some low-intensity exercises, such as walking and limb training, start with 10 minutes/time, 2 ~ 3 times a day, and then gradually increase to the target amount of exercise.

fourNo matter what kind of exercise,The intensity of exercise needs to start from a low intensity,When the individual gradually adapts, he will gradually increase to the target exercise intensity for exercise.

Source: Popular Health magazine

Author: Fan Denghuang, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Audit: Expert of National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Wang Fang, chief physician, Department of Cardiology, Beijing Hospital

Planning: Wu Weihong Tan Jia

Editor: Yu Yunxi

Shanghai Pudong’s "Investment Promotion · Bright City" — Don’t read it wrong -don’t look at it -come in and see

Line 9 Gu Tang Road Metro Station is pure new. Pudong Caolu Merchants Bright City Exhibition Hall has been opened. It is located in the northeast corner of the intersection of Jinzhao Road, Gu Tang Road. It is expected to enter the market in the second quarter.

The project first launched 348 suite land

The main push construction surface is about 105-135 square meters 3-4 room

Hardcover, rough delivery

The linked price of the house is 45,000/㎡!

In the capital verification, the first set of 2 million, two 4 million.

The average residential price is expected to be 57,000/㎡

According to the plan, a total of 6 high-rise houses are built with a product of 105-135 square meters. Among them, 7#is self -sustaining for developers, 1#, 2#, 3#, 5#are all 105㎡ units (1#3#hardcover 2#5#blank), and 6#are all 135㎡ units.

A total of 416 suites, 204 units of 105㎡ units, 144 rough blank, and 68 units of 135㎡ apartment.

Open 1#, 2#, 3#, 5#105㎡ units.

Sales Hotline?: 400-8123-224

Empower the city upgrade, China Merchants Shekou’s bright new voice

As China’s leading cities and park operation service providers, China Merchants Shekou has deeply cultivated Shanghai, constantly helping urban development with high -quality works, and is committed to becoming a bearer of a better life.

In 2022, China Merchants Shekou Shanghai’s company was ingenious, and its strength layout was diversified, creating more good possibilities for cities. The new "6D" TOD work created by China Merchants Shekou United Midea at Gu Tang Road Station, Pudong Line 9-China Merchants · Bright CityEssence

Bright City as China Merchants Shekou new exploration TOD complex worksReterable to the relationship between people and cities, people and life, stand on the development of Pudong, and create a new model of TOD life for cities more convenient and comfortable.


The planning and renderings of the land are currently exposed!

The renderings are as follows: (for reference only, eventually the developer announced)

Sales Hotline?: 400-8123-224

According to the housing price linked hint, the Housing link price of the PDP0-0307 unit D1B-6 plot and the D1E-11 plot in Caolu Central Town, Pudong New District is 45,000/㎡, which is far lower than the average price of the surrounding second-hand housing.


PDP0-0307 unit D1B-6 plot in Caolu Central Town, Pudong New Area, D1E-11 plot is located in Caolu Town, Pudong New District, east to Huagu Road, south to Qinjiagang Road, west to Gu Tang Road, north to north to north to north. Jin Zhaolu.

"Bright City" is a comprehensive plot of commercial and residential office

The lower limit of the residential set is 476 sets

Line 9 Gu Tang Road Station

Residential & Complexing price is 45,000 yuan/㎡

People and cities

New demonstration zone in Pudong, meet the future

Pudong has never lack of miracles. Pudong itself is a miracle. From Lujiazui in the 1990s, to the front beach planned by the 12th Five -Year Plan, and then to the Golden Bridge City Sub -center and Zhangjiang City Sub -center, Pudong’s speed represents Shanghai speed.

In 2019, Pudong New Area was given municipal economic management authority. In 2021, the "Decision on the Formation of the Pudong New District Regulations of the Shanghai People’s Congress and its Standing Committee" was adopted in 2021. By 2035, the socialist modern international University with world influence will be basically established. Urban cities.

Bright cities, Luzi World Pudong, Tangzhen-Cao Lu-Heqing City Town Cross Town Cao Lu, in the south of Zhangjiang Gao Technology Park, Biyun International Community in the west, and Gaqiao Free Trade Zone in the north. Only one outer ring line is separated from the Pudong 2035 plan. The time of the two songs can reach 2.18 million square meters of Jinqiao’s "9 palace", which has superior geographical and traffic advantages.

Project area map

Bright cities, compound development of commercial, office buildings, residential and other formats, and integrate public travel, office, entertainment, shopping and other functions one stop. At the same time, the value of surrounding land is greatly increased, and the development of the entire sector will be driven, and the future will become the core business center of the "Cao Hetang" region.


People and life

"6D" tod, a new era of life mode

As the new generation of TOD products of China Merchants Shekou, the bright city comes with about 90,000 square meters of business -China Merchants Garden City, only 416 houses, 6 office buildings, etc., to create a three -dimensional lifestyle with the new "6D" TOD model.

At this point, home, shopping malls, office buildings, and subways have no underground pass within about 400 meters, and enjoy all supporting facilities. Easily realize the efficient and high -quality experience of work, life, social, and travel. With more comfortable travel standards, richer business scenarios, greener urban environments, more vibrant living forms, and more free living space, create a new urban model of "man -made".


The construction surface of the "China Merchants · Bright City" residential product is about 105-135㎡, with a total of 416 units. It is expected that the first phase of the residential house will be pushed 105㎡Essence The apartment diagram is as follows:

Peripheral facilities:

【Business Resources】

There are commercial facilities such as Shanghai Jinqin Square, Baolong City Plaza, Yue Tian Di and other commercial facilities around the plot.

Baolong City Plaza

【Ecological Resources】

There are also Jinhai Wetland Park in the ecology.

Jinhai Wetland Park

The "Bright City" is about 1 kilometer of Perma Hills (real estate transformed by the dormitory). The apartment is about 41-108 square meters of 1-4 rooms, with a total price of about 2.88 million.

Peima hill sand table

The west side of the plot is the riverside urban garden project. It was completed in 2006. The current average listing price of second -hand housing is 61,000/㎡.

Riverside city garden

Everyone who loves life has a better idea for the city! As a rare subway disk in Pudong, the project has attracted much attention from the start of the land. On the day of the release of the case, many customers have been looking forward to it.

Officially released by the project,China Merchants Shekou "6D" TOD -The bright city exhibition hall is grandly opened on January 27,,The exhibition hall is located in the northeast corner of the intersection of Jinzhao Road, Gu Tang Road, about 200 meters south of McDonald’sEssence Please enter the registration channel for consultation and appointment!